Aphorisms about spirituality. Sayings and quotes about spirituality. Aphorisms and quotes about morality Statement on the topic of the spiritual world

Faith is something abstract for unbelievers, for ordinary people. But the one who works in the dimension of faith understands and realizes that it is real. Everyone has their own dimension of life. For example, the civilization of human society is beyond the understanding of an insect or a worm... Thanks to faith, we can live in a higher dimension and this is something concrete, although not easily understood.

Those who actually interact with this dimension, they find many confirmations of the reality of this. Yes, we receive news, news, information. Confirmations are possible. If representatives of the ordinary or ignorant masses do not find confirmation of a higher reality, this does not mean at all that it does not exist.

369 On the Nature of Goloka

Whatever satisfies Krishna is lila. And adorable, and pure, and absolutely perfect. We must view things in this light. Undesirable phenomena are also harmonized. Something so specific: the nature and position of the autocracy is so perfect. Nothing evil can enter, enter when it comes to communication with Him. Good or bad exists when it comes to the clash of different sides. But there are no different sides. There is only one side.

329 If you find yourself in the spirit world

There is a dimension where you don't have to take care of yourself. There is no need to try to find something to feel comfortable. Everything automatically and perfectly serves your true good. You do not need to calculate what is good and what is bad for you. The atmosphere will do it for you; will do whatever is necessary for you, and it will be something perfect.

301 Spiritual world - the land of Beauty

Land of beauty. “Where every word is a song, every step is a dance and the flute is the dearest companion…” (“Sri Brahma-samhita”, 5.56) Every word in the spiritual world is a song, not a material sound. He comes from another abode, where everything captivates the heart with beauty and charm. This is a world where virtue is most sweet and harmonious, where every word is a song (kath± ganam), every movement resembles a dance with its grace (nat±yaṁ gamanam api). This is how the world is described. Everything in it is filled with the most refined beauty. This is the land of beauty. Everything bears the imprint of the beauty of the divine, unearthly. The root cause of everything enchants, attracts the heart and soul, powerfully attracts to Himself.

300 Faith - a device for seeing the spiritual world

Without electromagnetic waves, we will not be able to communicate with the Moon and other planets. Our hands, eyes and other organs of perception cannot communicate with them. Faith, like the subtle force of electricity, connects us to a distant reality. Other methods are useless here.

Faith is a real power, it is not a figment of the imagination or an abstract mind game. The mind is the offspring of matter, the lower being, and cannot beget faith. She is of a different, non-material nature. The source of faith is the highest reality, the reality of the soul.

Without the help of special instruments, we are not even able to see what is happening in our own body. Faith, sraddha, is such an instrument through which the soul can turn to the higher world and see it. Our material abilities and technical devices are powerless here.

289 Our soul is a child of the spiritual world

We have come here, intoxicated by the spirit of enslavement, longing for the miserable enjoyment of the objects of the world of exploitation. We came to colonize the material world, but we failed. The world of materialistic aspirations has swallowed and enslaved us, chaining us into subtle and gross bodies. All these shells must be removed in order for our inner personality, our true self, to emerge. Beneath the gross false ego is the beautiful ego, the soul. And she is a child of that higher abode.

283 Spiritual world - the world of happiness

The land of Vrindavan is the happiest land that knows no boundaries. It includes everything. The material world is only an insignificant part of the boundless world, the boundless ocean of beauty. This is not suggestion or sentimentality. This is as real as our pursuit of happiness is real.

Materialists believe that money and women will bring them true happiness, but they are only disappointed. Worldly happiness is illusory. One way or another, these people deceive themselves all their lives.

277 The Spirit World Is Not a Place for Tourism

The spiritual world is a land of sacrifice, self-surrender. How can we enter the land of sacrifice and self-surrender without the spirit of sacrifice and self-surrender? We cannot go there as tourists just because we have read the Scriptures or heard some attractive descriptions of that World from the devotees. It is impossible for us to say, “Oh! And I would like to see what is there and how.” Even in this world, we know how people look at tourists. They usually say: “Oh, yes, these are some idiots, tourists. They have nothing to do, so they came here to see the sights. And what is really happening in our homeland - they have no idea.” What about the spiritual world?

219 Nature of the spirit world

"Golden Cup" is a special kind of cream. You can see how two fingers of sour cream is on top of this cream. And Srila Guru Maharaj says, “This world that we are so attached to is our permanent postal address, this world is like this cream. The world of our experience is just a surface shell. But it is followed by vast areas of being - and this is the world of consciousness. But there is an even wider area of ​​being - Sat, Chit and Anandam. And all-encompassing, vast and highly concentrated, condensed - such is the nature of the dimension of being anandam - bliss.

195 Access to the Spirit World

Faith is not something abstract and non-existent. Faith is much more real and concrete than the so-called real, concrete objects of this world. Just as there are different worlds of sensory perception: there is a world of sight, which is accessible to us through the eyes, there is a world of hearing, which is accessible to us through the ears, a world of smell, touch, and so on and so forth - there is a spiritual world, what is called Kingdom of God or the world of God, Spiritual Reality. And this world can be accessible to us, we can perceive the realities of this world through such a principle as faith.

125 Inhabitants of the Higher World

Those who live in that dimension, in that ideal world, they have... These are people with such a wonderful temperament, they do not complain about anyone, they do not complain about anyone. They see, they view the environment in the most ideal light. And they are alert, careful not to create any disturbance. It is a pure realm, a pure realm. And I should not create, bring darkness. They are very alert, very careful in this regard. Absolute purity. This kind of temperament allows you to enter that dimension, that realm, that realm where everything is good.

124 Reach the Highest Dimension

If we want to reach the higher dimension, then we must change ourselves, take the right attitude, we must cultivate the following thought, that "all this is good, all this is blissful." And where am I? The place where I am now? My present position is very low. This kind of attitude will bring us success very quickly. No complaints about anyone, no complaints about your past life. With a pure and open heart, we will strive for this ideal. And then very soon we will reach this ideal.

123 No risk no gain

The expression "No risk, no gain" refers to this dimension of life - the dimension where we are now. The Bhagavad Gita advises us: “Do not strive, do not be attached to either gain or loss, because in this dimension of being everything is false, both gain and gain and loss. And then there will be your inner awakening in the true place where there is risk, there is gain and there is loss, gain and loss. Loss is an insult, service is gain, gain." In this dimension of being, gains and losses are false, but in the Higher dimension of being, both loss and gain are present, true and real. And that is sadhana.

120 This world is not reliable

This world is not reliable, we are in a very dangerous position here. We can't, we have no ground under our feet here. I want to have real, real ground under my feet, otherwise I can't... I can't calm my mind. Where can I stand, where is the ground under my feet? She always leaves from under my feet, in this world. Drop by drop, drop by drop. If a drop, if water drips constantly, then it, this water corrodes the stone, makes a hole in the stone. This consciousness accumulated, merit accumulated, sukriti, good fortune. And in the end, we see, after all, as a result of this development, that in this world we have nowhere to stand, nothing to stand on. I am lost in this world, I have no solid ground under my feet. And there is a sincere desire, a desire for the land on which I can stand.

true happiness

Everyone's inner need is for rasa: sukham, anandam - happiness, ecstasy. And a person can rob and enjoy it, another enjoys what he donates, gives. Pleasure and there, and there, happiness. But there is a qualitative difference. Through devotion, through sacrifice, we survive, we get the maximum of anadam. By sacrificing ourselves, we acquire a higher quality rasa - the fullness of love. Through sacrifice we can find an atmosphere, a land of love.

Text Sayings, aphorisms and quotes of great and famous people":

The death of the soul is ungodliness and lawless life.
John Chrysostom

Man is the battlefield between God and the devil.
Fyodor M. Dostoevsky
Spirituality, Devil and Satan, Life, Man

Loneliness is an ally of sadness, it is also a companion of spiritual elevation.
Gibran Khalil D.
Spirituality, Wise Quotes, Loneliness, Sadness

It is not the appearance that needs to be decorated, but to be beautiful in spiritual undertakings.
Inner Peace, Spirituality, Beauty, Motivational Quotes, Habits

In this dark world, consider only spiritual wealth to be true, for it will never depreciate.
Omar Khayyam
Wealth, Spirituality, Motivational quotes, Values

There is only one problem - the only one in the world - to return spiritual content to people, spiritual cares ...
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Spirituality, Life Quotes, Caring

The pattern of historical phenomena is inversely proportional to their spirituality.
Vasily O. Klyuchevsky

Oh, this is humanity! His spiritual development does not keep pace with his technical successes, far behind them.
Thomas Mann
Sad Quotes, Spirituality, Humanity

Love that wants to be only spiritual becomes a shadow; if it is devoid of a spiritual beginning, then it becomes meanness.
Henryk Sienkiewicz
Spirituality, Love, Meanness

Filling life with the temptation of bright days,
Filling the soul with the flame of passions,
The god of renunciation demands: here is the cup -
It is full: bend down - and do not spill!
Omar Khayyam
God, Spirituality, Life, Ironic Quotes, Temptation

... I come to the unconditional conclusion that right now we must give the most decisive and merciless battle to the Black Hundred clergy and crush their resistance with such cruelty that they will not forget this for several decades ... The more representatives of the reactionary clergy and the reactionary bourgeoisie we succeed in on this occasion to shoot, the better.
Vladimir I. Lenin
Spirituality, Cruelty, Religion

Desires are vicious those that bring harm in themselves - to others. Desires are also vicious - when they prevent a person from becoming better, when from the good of the Whole - they are taken back!
It is useful for us to be able to refrain from bad or untimely desires. That strengthens the will and gives the soul freedom from enslavement by desires. It is ridiculous and humiliating for a person to be a prisoner of the desire of anyone - be it the desire to eat, or sleep, or take out an insult on another!
Listen man! Your desires - be you master! Do not be a slave to the despicable base passions!
Pythagoras of Samos
Harm, Spirituality, Wisdom

Two things always fill the soul with new and stronger wonder and reverence, the more often and longer we think about them - this is the starry sky above me and the moral law in me.
Immanuel Kant

Morality is the mind of the heart.
Heinrich Heine

Ethics is the aesthetics of the soul.
Pierre Reverdy

Ethics is an attempt to give universal validity to some of our desires.
Bertrand Russell

Morality does not teach how to become happy, but how to become worthy of happiness.
Immanuel Kant

Ethics is the philosophy of good will, and not just good action.
Immanuel Kant

Ethics is either active, creative or passive, repentant, ethics of intolerance towards oneself and others, which can only delve into the so-called sins; and sometimes shameful to be right.
Karol Izhikovsky

A person must be moral freely, which means that he must also be given some freedom to be immoral.
Vladimir Solovyov

No one can be completely free until everyone is free. No one can be perfectly moral until everyone is still moral. No one can be perfectly happy until everyone is still happy.
Herbert Spencer

Act according to such a maxim, which at the same time may itself become a universal law.
Immanuel Kant

Preaching morality is easy, justifying it is difficult.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Morality is not a list of actions and not a collection of rules that can be used like pharmaceutical or culinary recipes.
John Dewey

True ethics begins where the use of words ceases.
Albert Schweitzer

Even death can be consent and therefore a moral act. The animal dies, the person must hand over his soul to its Creator.
Henri Amiel

Christian morality is tailored for growth. Unfortunately, people have stopped growing.
Felix Hwalibug

Do not forget that the Lord's Prayer begins with a request for daily bread. It is difficult to praise the Lord and love your neighbor on an empty stomach.
Woodrow Wilson

The morality of peoples depends on respect for women.
Wilhelm Humboldt

Morality must be a bitter fruit if we give it to wives and sisters.
Alexander Sventohovsky

Virtue is its own reward.

The best punishment for virtue is virtue itself.
Aneurin Bevin

An ascetic makes need out of virtue.
Friedrich Nietzsche

To be a patriot, one must hate all nations except one's own; to be a religious man - all sects except one's own; to be a moral person - all falsehood except his own.
Lionel Strachey

Morality has always been the last refuge of people who are indifferent to art.
Oscar Wilde

Immorality is the morality of those who have a better time than we do.
Henry Louis Mencken

True morality neglects morality.
B. Pascal

Morality grows stronger when the flesh grows decrepit.

Higher morality requires some freedom for immorality as well.
V. Solovyov

Sinlessness in its purest form is a husk,
I am single from the meaning of life,
After all, morality, which did not know sin, -
Just simple bad luck.
I. Huberman

People of higher morality do not consider themselves moral, therefore they have higher morality.
Lao Tzu

All publications and even books about morality, about how to behave in society, do not bring any benefit. Those who read them, that is, those who are educated, do not need them, moral freaks do not read them.
V. Zubkov

A sense of morality helps us understand the essence of morality and how to evade it.
Mark Twain

Moral people are the most vengeful people.
L. Shestov

With the help of a moral sense, a person distinguishes good from bad, and then decides how to act. What are the results of the choice? Nine times out of ten he chooses to do bad things.
Mark Twain

Own moral uncleanliness is a sign of contempt for oneself.

Only with strong, ideal aspirations can people fall morally low.
L. Tolstoy

For chaste people
Through mysterious currents
Sour in vain love juice
Goes to kefir moralizing.
I. Huberman

On this page you will find quotes about spirituality, you will definitely need this information for general development.

Collective spirituality - inevitably spiritual violence, submission. Thus, monastic brotherhoods define their spirituality very precisely - as obedience, patriotic - as devotion. Alexander Kruglov

The spiritual is that which is beyond the material. And petty-bourgeois spirituality is material in excess of the necessary. Alexander Kruglov

Possession is soulless spirituality. Alexander Kruglov

Spirituality gives filth a shade of harmonious completeness. Gennady Malkin

Aging beauty is depressing if it is not followed by spirituality and dignity. Wilhelm Schwöbel

Well, what kind of curse hangs over the people: if spirituality, then to the detriment of common sense, if freedom, then with pogrom and arson, if faith, then with the anger of a castrato ulcer, if it’s a celebration, then with a hangover for a week. Sergey Lukyanenko

Spirituality is the opposite of religion, since it is inherent in every person, while religion is only a ready thought, intended for those who are not able to find their own path of development.

To the question: "What have all your spiritual quests and practices taught you?", the writer Aldous Huxley replied: "I will limit myself to just four words: try to be a little kinder."

In this dark world, consider only spiritual wealth to be true, for it will never depreciate.

Love is primarily a spiritual feeling. Because of this, she does not need to be platonic, faded and incorporeal at all. Love is intoxication. But not the intoxication of the flesh, but the intoxication of souls.

Chess leads to spirituality, as it makes us understand that there is a struggle between two forces - white and black, which symbolize good and evil, positive and negative. They make it clear

that each of us has our own role, but different abilities: a pawn, a queen or a queen, but depending on our location, all of us, even simple pawns, can checkmate.

It is not the appearance that needs to be decorated, but to be beautiful in spiritual undertakings.

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a human experience.

Spiritual deeds are more terrible for tyrants than bodily ones. A thief will have mercy rather than a righteous man with a strong spirit.

Spiritual riches, they can be felt, but it is very difficult to describe in words.

Contact with the sea turns my heart to spirituality. What once seemed important is losing its meaning. Paying bills, a new car, a lifetime home loan - now I understand how many precious years of life the desire for all these material goods has taken from me. All I need to feel alive is a wave and a sunset, so why not go my own way in life?

Only such a fool as a man could think that spirituality elevates him above the animals. No animal in nature is spiritual, and do you know why? Because animals don't need crutches.

You need to steal less! ... Spirituality is important. When it is a shame to steal, to deceive. It is not in vain that the great ones, first of all, cared about morality - the basis of culture and science. And if moral criteria are lost - what is happening today - this leads to huge losses and even a threat to society.

I'm afraid women are not allowed to attend such events because most of the men are too stupid. They simply do not understand that women are capable of comprehending spiritual knowledge no less than they are.

She laughed. May the Lord grant them wisdom!

Sincere faith, if there is a lot of it and it lasts for so many centuries, tends not only to accumulate spiritual energy, but also to acquire materiality.

If you were doing spiritual practice, you would know that there is no such thing as "attention" at all. Like everything else in the human mind, it's just a witty play on words. We call the word “attention” the fact that a certain process is taking place in consciousness. Say, a certain object exists for a long time as a central segment of the field of perception. The medium first removes this segment from the minds of others. And then he does whatever he wants with it.