Integrated lesson in the senior group “Design of a group room through the eyes of children. Children's design, its features, types and types

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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« Children's design» is defined by experts as socially useful artistically - decorative art contributing to the enrichment of specifically children's forms of activity and communication. Children's design is a new artistic and productive activity, which is understood as design thinking of the widest range. In design, not only the development of the idea is important, but also the planning of the result, which contributes to common development child.

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Children's design can have a subject-decorative character - this is the creation and decoration of objects (toys, souvenirs, clothing items, arrangements). spatial-decorative character is an activity in space, taking into account its features (area, lighting, pattern of windows, doors, niches, landscape, etc.).

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The first direction - "arrangements" - involves the development of the traditions of children's needlework with a focus on decorating clothes and decorating the interior. These can be: phyto-design compositions, bouquets, herbarium paintings, jewelry made of artificial and natural materials, stained-glass windows and mosaics made of colored plastic, game details and elements of plot-thematic, fabulously magical and ornamental compositions. Directions of design activity

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The second direction - "clothing design" - involves familiarizing children with the culture of clothing and some of the ways preschoolers can create drawings - sketches, styles and decorative finishes dresses. At leisure, children draw sketches of costumes for characters in literary works, cartoons, performances, as well as for themselves - everyday and festive clothes.

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The third direction - decorative and spatial design - focuses the attention of children on decorative design the appearance of buildings and landscapes, the aestheticization of the puppet-play space, the interiors of group rooms, rooms for holiday matinees kindergarten. Children gain design experience when creating layouts of rooms, houses, using improvised materials.

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The main stages of introducing children to design: 1. Acquaintance with the basic concepts of design (idea, harmony, composition) and composition (space, line, spot, shape, color, texture). Acquaintance with the main professions of the design industry (fashion designer, stylist, architect) Studying the technology of performing various creative works. Using Design Rules finished product. Introduction to design technologies. Create your own products. Assessing the results of your work.

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Forms of organizing joint design activities of preschoolers: combining into a common composition (exhibition) individual works of children made on the same topic on frontal exercises; 2) the work of a group of children “on one sheet”: a frieze, a panel, etc., where each child completes his part of the sheet, coordinating it with the work of his peers; 3) the phased nature of work such as "relay", "conveyor".

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The teacher - the head of the children and the direct participant in the design activity organizes the implementation of: tasks with the setting “finish”, “finish”, “complete”, where the child manifests himself “fragmentally”, imitating the master; 2) tasks with a focus on the result of co-creation, where it is more independent; 3) tasks that require the complete independence of the child in a creative search, where he himself plans his actions. In this case, the teacher's direct guidance changes to indirect, indirectly and tactfully coordinating the child's activities.

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to make excessive demands on children, overloading them with tasks of considerable complexity and volume, it is impossible to “improve” children's work without the knowledge and consent of the author. (Oral recommendations for improvement are readily carried out by the child himself). It is impossible to stop his work by offering another task, to prevent him from fulfilling his plans to the end. Do not praise or emphasize the shortcomings of the child. (The teacher maintains an atmosphere of goodwill by encouraging children and the group as a whole for successful work, for example, a large toy, a picture, a decorative panel, game complex in the interior, a "sweet" gift, etc.) The teacher must remember that it is impossible:

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Acquaintance of older children preschool age design elements is effective, subject to the following requirements: - to build the OOD cycle consistently and include different types of design activities; - convey to children the meaning and significance of design activities, its practical orientation; - practical use of children's design products - activities in kindergarten; - organization of children's perception of samples of design art; - organization interactions with a family; - the availability of the necessary material equipment for children's design.

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art material paper and cardboard junk material fabric and other fibrous materials natural material decor material visual aids by design.

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Artistic material 1. Paper and cardboard Napkins, corrugated paper and cardboard, colored paper, disposable cardboard plates, colored cardboard, etc. 2. Waste material Cups, plastic disposable spoons and forks, buttons, discs, ice cream sticks, etc. 3. Natural material Seeds, pits, twigs, shells, etc. 4. Fabric and other fibrous materials Foam rubber, cotton wool, cotton pads, napkins different texture etc.. 5. Decor material Sequins, beads, pebbles, bows, ribbons, braid, etc.

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Planar (applicative-graphic) design Activities Artistic arrangement Modeling of clothes Decorative and spatial design paper plastic. natural and artificial material. Montage, ISO, photo. Excursions, viewing of fine arts and video materials. Drawings in coloring books. Arrangement drawings. Drawings, printing. Application of souvenirs-gifts: bookmarks for books, business cards, invitation cards, congratulations, candy wrappers. Decorative napkins. Split pictures. Sets of letters, signs, numbers. Mosaics. Logos, symbols. Lotto, dominoes. Weaving, weaving, macrame. Painting, aqua ink. Poster, wall newspaper. Photomontage. Panel, frieze. Phytocompositions. Clothing decoration elements. Application. Nature calendar. Puppet. Children's. Theatrical and festive. Excursions, visits to the theater, exhibitions, museums. Drawings: clothes yesterday, today, tomorrow. Drawings: fabric for clothes. Drawings: clothes are creative. Drawings of accessories and adornments of clothes. Application: styles and patterns of clothing, its details. Application: a mannequin dress a doll. Silhouettes of puppets for the shadow theater. Pictures cut. Drawing up collections: albums "fashionable clothes". selection and creation of jewelry. Panel, frieze "fashion ball", "children's carnival", "dance of dolls". Interior design and children's environment. Entertainment and holidays. Excursions, walks around the city. Pictures: doll room, play corner. Drawings in folding books. Drawings "my corner of the house", " holiday decoration hall”, “holiday in the city”, “my favorite performance”, “I am an architect”. Split pictures "Architectural ensembles", "Know your city". Thematic lotto, dominoes. Application "I am an architect", "I am a theater artist". Compilation of albums: "Architecture", "Interior", "Landscape". Participation in the creation of decorative decoration of the hall for the holiday.

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Volumetric (subject-spatial) design Activities Artistic arrangement Clothing modeling Decorative-spatial design Walking, watching art, video. Making collages. Patchwork mosaic. Design, geometric, shaped forms. Compositions: garlands, sultans, Christmas decorations. Phytocompositions, homemade toys. Serving samples (braids, vases). Creation jewelry(jewellery, stones, flap, bark). Help games, folding books (“Dress the Doll”, “My House”). Panels, friezes, photomontages. Excursions in the fashion studio. Games in "disguise". Modeling with painting. Painting design. Games-allowances "studio haute couture", "I am a fashion designer." Creation of mannequins. Modeling clothes on mannequins. Creation of props for games, performances, masquerades, carnivals. Doll wardrobe. Creation of costume compositions. City tours. Board games "Doll's House". Construction games "I am an architect", "I am a builder", "Teremok", "fairy tales". Selection and design of small boxes. Creation of table decorations for the performance with painting, appliqué. Desktop design game layouts. Design of game layouts (painting, appliqué). Create art collages. Creation of architectural and sculptural compositions on the site (from snow, rock garden). Design decoration of premises for holidays and entertainment.

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Three-dimensional (subject-spatial) design Activities Artistic arrangement Clothing modeling Decorative-spatial design Excursions to nature, exhibitions, museums. Creation of compositions of "kinetic design" (free rotation) when decorating rooms for the holidays (garlands, balls, lanterns, stars, snowflakes, etc.). Selection of props for dramatization games, performances at a holiday (ribbons, sultans, toys, flags). Selection of scenery for the performance and entertainment. Selection of arrangements for the design of puppet and children's interior. A complete set of arrangements for the design of a festive interior and site. Creation of phytocompositions for landscaping, decoration of premises, plots, buildings. Creation of landscape arrangements (rock garden, "alpine club", "Moorish carpet", "hill with a waterfall", "brook", "reservoirs") Excursions "Fashion Exhibition" (studio, showcase, museum). Participation in the creation of a soft (interior) toy and its wardrobe. Demonstration of new clothing samples (on the podium, in front of a mirror), comparison, selection. Participation in the organization of "costume" for dolls and children's clothing. Participation in the organization and equipment of the "studio haute couture", mini-museum. Participation in the selection and organization of clothing exhibitions. Participation in costume events in clothes (its elements) performed by children (in kindergarten and family). Excursions around the city, parks, estates. Aesthetic organization of puppet-play space (in kindergarten and family). Participation in aesthetic organization play space for children, areas of employment, work, artistic leisure (in kindergarten and family). Participation in the installation and dismantling of scenery (stage, screen, podium) for the performance. Participation in the aesthetic transformation of the kindergarten premises. Participation in the organization and design of the design studio. Selection of works and participation in the preparation of the exhibition children's creativity and art masters. Creation of compositions from large-block material (boxes, constructors) of play buildings (indoors and on the site). Using the effect of color and light design (stained glass, lighting).

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Prikhodko Marianna Sergeevna, teacher

What is child design? And can a child be a designer in full sense this word? In order to understand this, let's remember that the very word "design" implies "intention", "idea", "composition". And you can think, make a plan, design anything you want.

When we talk about a designer child, we often mean an artist child. In fact, design is an unusual take on ordinary things. Design is beauty plus convenience. For example, a designer chair is not only unusual and beautiful in shape, it is also comfortable to sit on. The design of the door handle suggests that, on the one hand, it attracts attention with its originality, on the other hand, it is easy and convenient to open the door with its help.

This means that the main thing for a designer is non-standard thinking, fantasy, imagination, the ability to combine color and shape. It follows from this that in order for a child to become a designer, first of all, it is necessary to develop his spatial imagination, to encourage a non-standard vision of the world around him.

We often do not support the child's fantasies, and if he draws a pink elephant, then we correct it and say: this does not happen, the elephant should be gray. At first, the child objects: “He is fabulous, magical.” But if an adult constantly gives the "correct" sample, the baby fantasizes less and less.

Classes in children's design develop in children intelligence, culture of speech and communication, the ability to analyze and generalize, Creative skills, spatial imagination, design-figurative thinking. Children begin to realize their co-authorship, authorial competence, participating in the creation of objects of beauty, they learn to improve their life, using the experience of design in kindergarten. To more effectively introduce a child to design, you need to visit exhibitions, museums and festivals with him. On walks around the city, children should be shown the unique design of shop windows and advertising, interiors and squares, pay attention to the appearance of people, their wardrobe.

With children, you can engage in different types of design. This is book design (design, applications, decorative drawing, font, theatrical design (papier-mâché, decorative and design activities, design from soft materials, design of games and toys (framed papier-mâché, construction from household material, construction from paper, puppet design (making textile doll, from birch bark, straw sculpture, fashion design (drawing according to plan, decorative painting of fabric in various techniques (“batik”, “decoupage”) and much more.

Today I want to offer a summary of a lesson on decorative appliqué for children in a group preparatory to school. Previously, we, of course, got acquainted with a new type of decoupage art. In this lesson, children decorate an object. There is such a decoration technology as decoupage. This is a fairly affordable, easy and effective way to apply an image to a surface. Decoupage is a decorative technique for working on fabric, dishes, furniture, etc., which consists in cutting out images from various materials (wood, fabric, paper, etc.), which are then glued or otherwise attached to various surfaces for decoration. Decoupage allows you to decorate furniture, boxes, caskets, fabric, buckets, watering cans and much more. Decoupage can be done flower pots, vases, disposable and plastic plates, glasses, cutting boards. The main thing is that things will turn out beautiful and handmade.

Children's design is focused on fulfilling tasks in the field of artistic and aesthetic education of a preschooler. The child's need for practical activity helps the teacher to direct his efforts to useful activities children's design. Children model jewelry and souvenirs, make clothes for dolls, costumes and scenery for their performances and matinees, equip game rooms and houses. My pupils have become active participants in competitions and exhibitions of children's art.

Thus, society's need for a new type of personality - creatively active and free-thinking - is constantly increasing as the socio-economic and cultural conditions of our life improve. This need can be realized through design classes at preschool age.

Therefore, in my work, I turned to this new activity today -

children's design. The introduction of this activity into the life of preschool children contributes to the development of all aspects of the child's personality, including the development of artistic creativity.

In the 21st, artistic design is aesthetic and functional, in modern world. Until recently, it seemed that high technology had won over the individual, unique creation artist. Scraps of paper, a few feathers, a skein of wool, fabric and nothing less attractive at first glance, you can create a real masterpiece, a conceptual, elite design. Education according to the proposed program develops the artistic perception and creative abilities of children, increases the desire for independent creativity, the ability to analyze and generalize. By landscaping their puppet-play corner, and later, as they grow older, the space around them, children of older preschool age develop spatial imagination, imaginative thinking, and aesthetic taste. By participating in the creation of inclusive products, they learn to improve everyday life, applying design experience in kindergarten and family. Such training makes classes practically significant, necessary. Today important role plays: computer, television, photo-, poly-, and holography, internet. And design is a versatile way of knowing the world. And there is a pedagogical and psychological problem– adaptation of children in the world around? What can preschoolers do by joining the design activity? What do they gain by designing? The program contributes to the solution of the questions raised.

The novelty of the proposed program is its content, types of classes, the use of new techniques and materials. By studying artistic and constructive design, the program contributes to the formation of new knowledge, skills and abilities in preschoolers in the manufacture of unique children's works, using products in the life of a child, kindergarten and family.

Purpose: creation of conditions for disclosure and development creativity preschooler by means of artistic and constructive design.

Learning tasks:

The development of cryogenic thinking of preschoolers, through familiarization with the methods and techniques used in artistic and constructive design.

Create conditions for the formation of knowledge, skills to achieve certain results.

To form an evaluative attitude to the world around, aesthetic taste, a culture of behavior.

Develop an interest in design creativity.

Educational tasks:

To form the ability to consistently implement their plan, skillfully

handle materials and tools.

To form the ability to analyze, self-assessment in the performance of work.

Formation of attention and respect for people, tolerance for other people's opinions.

Encourage co-creation with peers and adults in design activities using

result creative activity in everyday life, games, room decor in kindergarten, at home.

Development tasks:

Develop an interest in design - creativity.

develop cognitive activity communication, independence.

Development of artistic and creative potential.

Development figurative thinking, imagination, steady attention, observation,


As a result of the first year of study, children should know:

Distinguish and name the basic concepts of design and composition (design, harmony, composition).

Distinguish and name the elements of the composition (space, line, spot, shape, color, texture).

The technology of making applications from various materials.

Rules for the design of the finished product.

Arrange the drawing on a sheet of paper.

Mastering various brush painting techniques on various materials.

Compose a composition.

Apply a pattern to the fabric using various stamps.

Decorate the item.

Control product quality.

Cut out objects of complex shape along the counter.

As a result of the second year of study, children should know:

Explain the basic concepts of design and composition.

Name the elements of the composition.

Rules for the implementation of the technique "Decoupage".

Rules for performing the Patchwork technique.

Rules for performing simple elements in the Quilling technique

Independently choose technical and visual techniques.

From waste material to make a composite structure various shapes using rhythm, symmetry.

Create your own product.

Evaluate the results of your work.

Main areas of activity content

This program is designed for 2 years of study. Classes in the group of 1 year of study (5-6 years) are held once a week, for 1 hour. Classes of the 2nd year of study (6-7 years) are held once a week, 1 hour for children who have completed the course of the first year. The work involves classes with gifted children. great attention given individual work and creative developments.

1) Visual

A) Illustration, demonstration; B) Comparison

2) Verbal

A) Explanation; B) Discussion; C) story, fairy tale; D) Instruction; D) Analysis of finished works.


A) Demonstration of methods, techniques, drawing techniques; B) Help of the educator; C) Independent and team work.

In the process of training, I identified the following methods of work:

A) the game B) Conversation; B) excursion; D) exhibition.

When organizing classes, a game situation, which increases interest in classes. Well-known and beloved heroes come to visit preschoolers. In order to check the assimilation of terms, concepts and as a psychological relief, games are played, specially compiled crosswords are offered, word games. At the same time, the most intensive assimilation of the material takes place. Separate parts of the lesson are interconnected, various types and forms of work are used, which contributes to an even distribution mental load. This directs the child's attention to solving specific problems. At each lesson, educational and creative tasks are clearly defined, in which the child can show choice, independence. Samples are used at the stage of general acquaintance. Getting to know preschoolers various methods and the techniques used in the design, allows them to further transfer a similar method of work to everyday life. Works that combine different types and techniques look spectacular. Created visual aids, handouts, which serve to explain the new material, and to control the understanding of all topics, all this develops imagination, creativity, independence, forms an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality. Using a flannelgraph to teach composition, the location of the pattern, drawing techniques are demonstrated. Much attention in the classroom is paid to the formation of the child's ability to plan the content and progress of tasks. Children first mentally think about the task, and then complete it. I teach children to explain, reason, compare, give complete answers. Preschoolers should be able to tell what they did, how they did it, and what happened as a result. At the first signs of overwork, physical education sessions are carried out, they have a positive effect on the development of the child's speech, his performance, attention and mental activity. At the end of each session, analyze finished work Collective discussion or self-analysis allows you to compare works, find advantages and disadvantages, adequately respond to comments, find ways to correct errors, try to reach a higher quality level of work. At the end of each theme, an exhibition of children's work is organized. Arranged for parents parent corners where they, together with the child, can perform a creative task. Observing the result at home, they begin to realize the importance and necessity of artistic and constructive design. Excursions have great importance For aesthetic development child. Therefore, visiting the museum of children join the beautiful. In turn, this creates emotional response, the joy of perception, pride in their people.

Accounting age features students

For older preschool children, the main activities are playing, designing, displaying what is seen in the drawing. Games at this age acquire more advanced forms, become developing and significantly affect the development of children. An important motive in the development of creativity in preschoolers is the conscious setting of a goal to achieve success and the volitional regulation of behavior that allows the child to achieve this goal. In parallel with the motivation to achieve success and under its influence, two other personal qualities: diligence and independence. Industriousness, on the other hand, arises as a consequence of repeatedly repeating success with the application of sufficient effort and receiving encouragement for this. The independence of younger schoolchildren is combined with their dependence on adults. When teaching, I should pay attention to the fact that the upbringing of independence and, for the time being, dependence on adults were mutually balanced.

Preschool children are very emotional, easily distracted from work that is not interesting for them. They have a fairly good memory, and this, first of all, concerns mechanical memory. Therefore, I create tasks in such a way that they are understandable for perception, entertaining and have a final result already in the lesson itself. Gradually complicating tasks, I try to create a desire to move forward without fear of failure. After all, every job requires sustained attention and work.

Curriculum of the first year of study No. p / p Name of the topic Technique

1 Autumn leaf fall Watercolor crayons by wet paper

2 little people Drawing with sand and glue

3 Autumn leaf fall Blotography, application

5 Postcard Waste material

6 Paper carnival Collage of different paper

7 Rug Collage from different fabric

8 Falling leaves Application natural material

9 Animals Painting with sunflower oil

10 Unusual pattern Drawing on fabric on top of stencils

11 Texture Table Table Decor

12 Memories of Summer Styrofoam Print

13 Hello, it's me Yarn Picture

14 First snow Drawing on fabric

15 Tabby cat Drawing with glue

16 Inkblot Prints in various materials

17 Garland Application with glue

18 Tsvetik semitsvetik Scotch tape and chalk

19 Fairy bunny Wet cloth and chalk

20 Goby tar tank Drawing on eggshell

21 Living puppets Finger puppets

22 Space Choose from (wood, newspaper, etc.)

23 Creative task Glitter paint

24 Beads for princess Testoplasty

25 Soft pendants Yarn with glue

26 Gnome Application from pine needles

27 Fireworks Application from foil, confetti

28 Magic tree Blotography and application

29 Straw House Volume application, collage

30 Pasta country Macaroni on cardboard

31 Lilac Leaf Engraving

32 Night Sky Window Decoration

33 Black and white scratching Primed fox + decoupage

34 Fabulous flowers Blotography with a straw

35 Wonderful shawls Inkblot with thread

36 Magic pictures Spatter + patchwork

Curriculum of the second year of study No. p / p Name of the topic Technique

1 Postcard Patchwork

2 Sailor cat Collage of magazine pictures

3 Children's room decoration Styrofoam + glue

4 Unusual tree Decor yarn branch

5 Unusual construction Paper strip construction

6 Fantastic tree Decor branches with waste material

7 Screen gnome Screen decor

8 Festive tablecloth Candle, pastel crayons

9 Thread pendant Colored yarn + different shapes balloons

10 Volumetric photography Photo in 3 copies

11 Baby book Illustrations of favorite fairy tales

12 Unusual cobweb Engraving

13 Kalyaka - a little one Drawing with a swinging brush

14 We blinded him from what was Gypsum + waste material

16 Stylish flowers Newspaper flowers

17 Cheerful clown Collage (Muline, polyfoam)

18 Little Prince Applique (junk material)

19 Web Decoupage (yarn, cardboard)

20 Plasticine fairy tale Picture from plasticine

21 Panel Volume foil

22 Collective work "Yablonka" Waste material

23 Marine inhabitants Waste material

24 Night sky Monotype + quilling

25 Kitenok Clay + waste material

26 Padalka from unnecessary things Waste material

27 Chest for a doll Decor made of plastic tubes

28 Far Away Kingdom Button Picture

29 Whale fish Crumpled paper + cloth

30 Kitty Dry brush painting + collage

31 Magic forest Paper rolling + decoupage

32 La - la Waste material

33 Assorted sand Drawing with colored sand + natural material

34 Necklace Dough + beads

35 Collective work "Planet Earth" Waste material

36 Album for works Decoupage

The result of teaching children is a certain amount of knowledge, skills, which are evaluated in the following forms:

Have independent skills creative work;

Performing teamwork;

The use of various materials in the work;

Happiness is multifaceted, but it is not possible to be happy if you lose your sense of color, the desire to create, the desire to create beauty. Preschool childhood is a fertile time for cultivating the tree of goodness and beauty.

Children enthusiastically sing and dance, sculpt and draw, compose music and fairy tales, and engage in folk crafts. Creativity helps a child learn to see the beauty and goodness in the world around him, makes the child's life richer, fuller, more joyful. But how to teach preschoolers kindness, patience, the desire to help others? How to convey to him the intellectual wealth of his ancestors? How not to lose that ability - the ability to speak with your child in the same language - the language of art?

L.S. Vygotsky said: “Creativity is not the lot of only geniuses who have created great works of art. Creativity exists wherever a person imagines, combines, creates something new. Based on the statements of L.S. Vygotsky,

Children's design represents a huge potential and great opportunities for the development of creativity, fantasy and imagination.

Children's design is aimed at revealing the child's personality, his individuality, developing his creative potential, free, without pressure from an adult, based on the child's self-expression, his self-development, on cooperation and co-creation, using only humane methods and techniques, without prohibitions and categorical appeals . Our kindergarten No. 40 - Child Development Center works in this direction, which aims at nurturing an emotional and conscious attitude to art. Education of color and emotional perception, study of the laws and rules of visual literacy, development of observation and analytical thinking, familiarization with the basics of design activities, education of an inquisitive person, not indifferent to the world around him, who knows how to creatively, constructively approach solving life problems - we solve these problems in our kindergarten.

The first steps in the art of design are so simple that they do not require much effort from the child. He enjoys discovering the world of matter. Gradually, experience will come, skills will be formed, and he will easily complete a large, complex work on his own. In addition, today, more than ever before, there is a need to form a harmonious developed personality. A person who will study, protect and develop the spiritual heritage of our people. All this is of lasting importance: a person who sees and knows how to appreciate beauty will preserve and increase it, such people are not capable of immoral acts. That is why design classes are so relevant in our kindergarten - the activities of older preschoolers.

Our garden has been working on the problem of developing children's creative abilities through familiarization with design for five years. Looking for non-traditional methods and technologies, we use the programs: I. Lykova “Colored palms”, “Sources”, manuals by Davydova G.N., Panteleeva G., I. Lykova, practical journal “Colored World”. We open new approaches in work on acquaintance with design activity. They are aimed at amplifying the development of the child. We build the initial process of introducing preschoolers to design activities on a good emotional basis. Surprise, admiration, joy from being introduced to art are feelings that need to be evoked in children.

The main goal that we set when working with children is to introduce children to the observation of reality, to develop the most important skills for artistic creativity, to see the world through the eyes of an artist, to form observation and attentiveness, to provide freedom in reflection - accessible to the child. artistic means- his vision of the world.

We visit museums, get acquainted with the presented exhibits, travel to the forest, park, city tours, visit the theater, exhibitions, observe the world around us, the child discovers all its multicolors, receives joy from this discovery and realizes his possibilities in the embodiment of his vision.

Design - activity is a special kind of artistic activity that combines various types of creativity: drawing, modeling, application, design, artistic work.

In childhood, artistic ideas are stable and the child is able to take on any role of "artist", "sculptor", "designer". He is able to motivate the choice of material to convey mood, emotional attitude to the world around.

Famous and beloved heroes come to visit preschoolers, children get acquainted with the life and work of artists, sculptors, conduct conversations, stories, fantastic stories, use musical and poetic images in our work.

In order to test the assimilation of terms, concepts and as a psychological relief, we conduct games: “Young Designer”, “Decorate a Costume”, “Think of an Interior”, “Replace Items”, “Cheerful Color”, “Art Salon”, etc. We introduce preschoolers to various new methods and technologies used in design:

"Scrapebooking", "Remake", "Decoupage", "Sandography". We teach the ability to model clothes, while the formation of aesthetic taste, artistic outlook, understanding of clothing design, as creative process, the acquisition of knowledge and skills in creating clothing models. Children acquire knowledge about theoretical foundations costume design; about regularities visual perception in costume.

We introduce to the architectural and artistic design and modeling of objects with arrangements-decorations from different materials.

We teach children to explain, reason, compare, give complete answers, our children are happy to tell what they did, how they did it, and what happened as a result.

The world of things around us is very diverse. There are items that serve us for a long time, and there are those that become unnecessary. They are called waste material. This and a variety of plastic bottles, caps, corks, cases from chocolate eggs, yogurt containers, buttons, beads, wire and much more, which we adults most often try to get rid of as soon as possible and throw them into the trash can. But, even unnecessary things acquire a second life, if you try to see something unusual in them. You just need to dream up, turn on your imagination, teach this to our children.

The variety of natural material (cones, acorns, branches, seeds, grass, etc.) and the ease of processing allow it to be widely used in working with preschoolers.

Watching children's creativity, one can see the importance the child attaches to his "riches" (pebbles, beads, scraps of fabric, buttons, etc.). In our opinion, these are unnecessary things - trash, garbage, but in children's hands they turn into real "jewels" - a bead is a pearl from a distant blue sea, patch - princess dress, wrapper - tropical butterfly. It is this ability to see the unusual in the ordinary that we use in children's design classes.

The garden has a beauty corner (crafts made by children on their own or together with teachers or parents), a permanent exhibition of children's works, creative corners, reproductions of paintings, books about art. We introduce children to various types activities, their characteristics and history.

The unification of educators, children and parents in joint work to familiarize them with the world of creativity makes it possible to improve the pedagogical readiness of parents in matters of raising their own children, and contributes to the expansion of forms of cooperation between the family and the kindergarten.

In our garden, "Master classes", "Parent-Designer" are held, they take part in the projects "Theatrical Mask", "Candy Season". costumes were made from waste material, the presentation “How beautiful this world is”, handicrafts, compositions from different materials, “Miss-2009” with the participation of children and parents, “Colorful flower garden” was a great success. Parents of pupils help us a lot in mastering new technologies. They themselves are interested in this and come to the group in their free time and help us. Parents prepare different materials. Included in creative projects held in our garden. They go with children to the forest and the park, watch natural phenomena. They consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills in the image of objects at home. They work out "difficult" techniques with the child. Without the help of parents, we would not have achieved results.

In the course of creative activity little master makes many discoveries, achieves personal achievements. Although objectively he does not create anything absolutely new, unknown, the result of his work is subjective, since this process itself contains its primacy for the child. The result obtained is the first and very important step in children's creativity. Do-it-yourself product creation is universal educational tool, capable of balancing the one-sided intellectual activity of a small person, so that he develops comprehensively. Classes in design activities are designed to influence the mind, will, feelings of children, encourage them to creative self-expression. They also solve a psychological problem - let our children have a state of emotional comfort, a sense of the joy of childhood. This topic is relevant today, so the motto of our work in kindergarten with children is to feel, learn, create!

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Design - artistic design various products with functional and aesthetic properties. In design, not only the development of the idea is important, but also the planning of the result, which contributes to the overall development of the child. Not a single product is created as an abstract design, especially if this product is considered as a work of design. Any a good thing inextricably combines two sides: convenience (function) and external expressiveness. The first is expressed through construction, the second through art form, but they are inseparable.

Design classes form in children: a reliable orientation in the objective world around them; learn to understand what is beautiful and what is not; where any thing would be appropriate, and where, on the contrary, unacceptable; help you figure out how to organize your object environment so that it is comfortable, pleasant and spiritual.

It is important that all design information (symmetry, asymmetry, color choice, etc.) should not be given in the form of an abstract rule or special information, but in the most direct connection with a practical task, the life meaning of which is absolutely clear to the child.

Children's design can have: Object-decorative character - this is the creation and decoration of objects (toys, souvenirs, clothing items, arrangements). Object-decorative nature is the creation and decoration of objects (toys, souvenirs, clothing items, arrangements). Spatial-decorative character - activity in space, taking into account its features (area, lighting, pattern of windows, doors, niches ...). Spatial-decorative character - activity in space, taking into account its features (area, lighting, pattern of windows, doors, niches ...).

For successful work with children, the teacher organizes: Aesthetically competent environment ( beautiful interior, art objects and aids, zoning and domestication of children's rooms). Aesthetically competent environment (beautiful interior, art objects and aids, zoning and domestication of children's rooms). Artistic and decorative activity of the child, using his knowledge and experience in art. Artistic and decorative activity of the child, using his knowledge and experience in art. Observations of natural objects, subject environment, the results of their own design activities and admiring them. Observations of natural objects, the subject environment, the results of their own design activities and admiring them.

The creativity of children in the course of making crafts is a purposeful work in which imagination plays a special role - it is it that generates new images. As L.S. Vygotsky argued, the desire of the imagination for incarnation is the true basis and driving principle of creativity.

Craft craft lessons different material not only equip the child with skills and abilities, but also provide an opportunity to look at the world around them through the eyes of a creator. They awaken the intellectual creative activity of the child, teach them to plan their activities, make changes to technology, product design, and implement their plans.

Since 2004, the design club "Magic Tassel" has been operating in our kindergarten. Develop fantasy imagination, imagination, idea of ​​the idea of ​​decoration and composition. Develop fantasy, imagination, imagination, idea of ​​decoration and composition. compositions. To develop spatial imagination, the ability to arrange the imagination, the ability to arrange objects in the interior. To form the skill of cooperation, cooperation, the ability to work in a team. To teach a child to aesthetically evaluate the surroundings, to aesthetically evaluate the surrounding objective world from the position of the objective world from the position of 2 principles: purpose and beauty. 2 beginnings: destination and beauty.

All work of the studio is built in stages. The work plan is presented in blocks. 1 UNIT Design. Secrets of the rainbow (color vision). Children consolidate knowledge of primary colors and their shades, clarify the concepts of primary and intermediate colors. Classes are based on the study of the color wheel of the German decorator Oswald.

BLOCK 2 "We will look into every house, we will see beauty in it." Preschoolers get acquainted with the object world, about who and what objects are made, who a designer is and what he does. There is an acquaintance and analysis of the surrounding reality: the artistic, aesthetic qualities of objects, premises, things (shape, color, proportions, rhythm, composition) are distinguished.

3 BLOCK Interior decoration (object-decorative design). 3 BLOCK Interior decoration (object-decorative design). 1 cycle "Flower miracle" (ikebana, arrangements and bouquets of fresh and dried flowers). 1 cycle "Flower miracle" (ikebana, arrangements and bouquets of fresh and dried flowers). 2 cycle "Journey to the Sea Kingdom" (products from pebbles, shells, sand). 2 cycle "Journey to the Sea Kingdom" (products from pebbles, shells, sand). 3 cycle "Stained glass". 3 cycle "Stained glass". Cycle 4 Different types of drawing Cycle 4 Different types of drawing (use of non-traditional types of drawing).

At this stage, children, under the guidance of a teacher, arrange things, objects for decorating a room, participating in creative exhibitions. This allows you to evaluate your work, its result. Attention is focused on what happened, a positive assessment of the activity is given, a favorable emotional background which contributes to the formation creative imagination and thinking.

Petrova Marina Sergeevna ,

teacher of the highest category,

teaching experience - 20 years,

Happiness is multifaceted, but it is not possible to be happy if you lose your sense of color, the desire to create, the desire to create beauty. Preschool childhood is a fertile time for cultivating the tree of goodness and beauty.

Children enthusiastically sing and dance, sculpt and draw, compose music and fairy tales, and engage in folk crafts. Creativity helps a child learn to see the beauty and goodness in the world around him, makes the child's life richer, fuller, more joyful. But how to teach preschoolers kindness, patience, the desire to help others? How to convey to him the intellectual wealth of his ancestors? How not to lose that ability - the ability to speak with your child in the same language - the language of art?

L.S. Vygotsky said: “Creativity is not the lot of only geniuses who have created great works of art. Creativity exists wherever a person imagines, combines, creates something new. Based on the statements of L.S. Vygotsky,

Children's design represents a huge potential and great opportunities for the development of creativity, fantasy and imagination.

Children's design is aimed at revealing the child's personality, his individuality, developing his creative potential, free, without pressure from an adult, based on the child's self-expression, his self-development, on cooperation and co-creation, using only humane methods and techniques, without prohibitions and categorical appeals .

The first steps in the art of design are so simple that they do not require much effort from the child. He enjoys discovering the world of matter. Gradually, experience will come, skills will be formed, and he will easily complete a large, complex work on his own. In addition, today, more than ever, there is a need to form a harmoniously developed personality. A person who will study, protect and develop the spiritual heritage of our people. All this is of lasting importance: a person who sees and knows how to appreciate beauty will preserve and increase it, such people are not capable of immoral acts. That is why design classes are so relevant in our kindergarten - the activities of older preschoolers.

Our garden has been working on the problem of developing children's creative abilities through familiarization with design for five years. In search of non-traditional methods and technologies, we use the programs: I. Lykova "Colored palms," Origins ", manuals by Davydova G.N., Panteleeva G., I. Lykova, the practical journal" Colored World ". We open new approaches in work on acquaintance with design activity. They are aimed at amplifying the development of the child. We build the initial process of introducing preschoolers to design activities on a good emotional basis. Surprise, admiration, joy from being introduced to art are feelings that need to be evoked in children.

The main goal that we set when working with children is to introduce children to the observation of reality, to develop the most important skills for artistic creativity, to see the world through the eyes of an artist, to form observation and attentiveness, to provide freedom in reflecting - with artistic means accessible to the child - his vision of the world.

We visit museums, get acquainted with the presented exhibits, travel to the forest, park, city tours, visit the theater, exhibitions, observe the world around us, the child discovers all its multicolors, receives joy from this discovery and realizes his possibilities in the embodiment of his vision.

Design - activity is a special kind of artistic activity that combines various types of creativity: drawing, modeling, application, design, artistic work.

In childhood, artistic ideas are stable and the child is able to take on any role of "artist", "sculptor", "designer". He is able to motivate the choice of material to convey mood, emotional attitude to the world around.

Famous and beloved heroes come to visit preschoolers, children get acquainted with the life and work of artists, sculptors, conduct conversations, stories, fantastic stories, use musical and poetic images in our work.

In order to test the assimilation of terms, concepts and as a psychological relief, we conduct games: “Young Designer”, “Decorate a Costume”, “Think of an Interior”, “Replace Items”, “Cheerful Color”, “Art Salon”, etc. We introduce preschoolers to various new methods and technologies used in design:

"Scrapebooking", "Remake", "Decoupage", "Sandography". We teach the ability to model clothes, while the formation of aesthetic taste, artistic outlook, understanding of clothing design as a creative process, the acquisition of knowledge and skills in creating clothing models. Children acquire knowledge about the theoretical foundations of costume design; about the laws of visual perception in a suit.

We introduce to the architectural and artistic design and modeling of objects with arrangements-decorations from different materials.

We teach children to explain, reason, compare, give complete answers, our children are happy to tell what they did, how they did it, and what happened as a result.

The world of things around us is very diverse. There are items that serve us for a long time, and there are those that become unnecessary. They are called waste material. These are various plastic bottles, caps, corks, chocolate egg cases, yogurt containers, buttons, beads, wire and much more, which we adults most often try to get rid of as soon as possible and throw them into the trash can. But, even unnecessary things acquire a second life, if you try to see something unusual in them. You just need to dream up, turn on your imagination, teach this to our children.

The variety of natural material (cones, acorns, branches, seeds, grass, etc.) and the ease of processing allow it to be widely used in working with preschoolers.

Watching children's creativity, one can see the importance the child attaches to his "riches" (pebbles, beads, scraps of fabric, buttons, etc.). In our opinion, these are unnecessary things - trash, garbage, but in children's hands they turn into real "jewels" - a bead is a pearl from a distant blue sea, a patch is a princess dress, a wrapper is a tropical butterfly. It is this ability to see the unusual in the ordinary that we use in children's design classes.

The garden has a beauty corner (crafts made by children on their own or together with teachers or parents), a permanent exhibition of children's works, creative corners, reproductions of paintings, books about art. We introduce children to various activities, their characteristics and history.

The unification of educators, children and parents in joint work to familiarize them with the world of creativity makes it possible to improve the pedagogical readiness of parents in matters of raising their own children, and contributes to the expansion of forms of cooperation between the family and the kindergarten.

In our garden, "Master classes", "Parent-Designer" are held, they take part in the projects "Theatrical Mask", "Candy Season". made costumes from waste material, with the presentation “How beautiful this world is”, crafts, compositions from different materials, “Miss 2009” with the participation of children and parents, “Colorful flower garden” decoration on the plots was a great success. The parents of the pupils help us a lot in mastering new technologies. They themselves are interested in this and come to the group in their free time and help us. Parents prepare different material. Included in creative projects carried out in our garden. They go with children to the forest and the park, observe natural phenomena. They consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills in the image of objects at home. They work out "difficult" techniques with the child. Without the help of parents, we would not have achieved results.

In the course of creative activity, the little master makes many discoveries, achieves personal achievements. Although objectively he does not create anything absolutely new, unknown, the result of his work is of a subjective nature, since in this very process lies his primacy for the child.

The result obtained is the first and very important step in children's creativity. Creating products with your own hands is a universal educational tool that can balance the one-sided intellectual activity of a small person so that he develops comprehensively. Classes in design activities are designed to influence the mind, will, feelings of children, encourage them to creative self-expression. They also solve a psychological problem - let our children have a state of emotional comfort, a sense of the joy of childhood. This topic is relevant today, so the motto of our work in kindergarten with children is to feel, learn, create!

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, YNAO and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally designed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Irina Noskova
Integrated lesson in senior group"Designing a group room through the eyes of children"

caregiver: Noskova I.V.

Program tasks:

1. Introduce children with the concept« designer» , « design» , « interior» .

2. Continue to deepen knowledge children how to make things interior.

3. Strengthen compositional skills and abilities children in the preparation of decorative threads and screens.

4. Develop from children's imagination, creativity, the ability to independently create new artistic patterns, using and combining various materials for this.

5. Develop aesthetic taste, figurative representation and perception.

6. Develop monologue speech children the ability to express one's attitude to the subject with one's voice.

7. To form the ability to work collectively.

preliminary work:

1. Participation children in the creation of decorations groups(hall) for the holidays.

2. Excursions around kindergarten, groups.

3. Visiting the theater, exhibitions, museums.

4. Watching TV shows by change apartment interiors, household plots, buildings ( « Housing problem» on NTV, "Fazenda", "While everyone is at home" according to ORT).

5. View books, albums on the topic « Design - premises» , manufacturing decorative crafts from straw, buttons, rings, balls, beads, etc.

6. Compilation of short stories about objects made by the hands of parents.

Material for classes:

1. Visual: exhibition of items interior:

Pillow embroidery;

Knitted napkins, vases, toys;

Wooden, painted boards, shelves;

Napkin holders, bread bins made of straw;

Charms for the home (horseshoes, brownies);

Beautiful unusual dishes;

2. Dispenser:

Nylon thread up to 1.5 m;

Rings of medium size from pyramids;

Balls with through holes;


large beads;


Tubes for a cocktail;

Chupa Chups tubes;

Plastic boxes, pre-made through hole from kinder surprises;

Crochet hooks;

Stencils of butterflies, flowers, birds from self-adhesive paper.

Children stand near tables with objects interior.

caregiver: Children, thanks to our parents in our group got a museum, exhibition of objects, things, souvenirs. Let's take a look and name them.

Children call, the teacher shows objects with a pointer.

caregiver: All these items are made by people or in enterprises on special machines (showing a regular plate). Everyone is used to seeing a plate like this flat, deep, large or small. And some man took and came up with a plate square shape or he took several plates and connected them with a metal pin, and it turned out to be a very unusual, roomy plate - a bookcase. And such items of utensils decorate the festive table very much.

(I invite the children to sit on the benches).

The teacher continues: Here is another item of our exhibition - a vase. Most often, the vases are even with the same walls. Again, once upon a time, a person thought up, imagined, and if the vase is bent, the walls are made with bends, with moldings, tilt the neck of the vase to the side. Invented and made. And the vase turned out, what? (I ask children) .

Answers: Unusual, unlike others, unique, original.

caregiver: Children, look what is unusual in this shelf? (children answer). Yes, her walls have holes in the form of leaves, flowers, twigs. Once upon a time, a person thought, how can I decorate my shelf? I thought about it and presented a pattern on my shelf, drew it, and then drank it. And it turned out to be a light, openwork, original shelf. And if there are several such shelves in the apartment, then the apartment will become beautifully elegant like this shelf.

caregiver: Children, who invented this beauty of things? (Human). So, the person who can see and imagine, and then make an ordinary object unusual, is called an original person - designer. People - designers come up with some new ideas, compositions, they can beautifully and unusually set the table, arrange furniture, objects. To make it all look beautiful and be easy to use.

caregiver: Who can say who is a person - designer?

caregiver: Children, there are original works in our exhibition, they were made by your parents and some children. Let's listen to the history of the origin and life of these wonderful things.

Children talk about subjects:

1. Katya Lapina - painting on silk;

2. Sidorov Denis - pillow, picture - embroidery;

3. Stetsyuk Veronika - toys - souvenirs.

caregiver: Hello, well done! From a story we heard children that all these items are needed for what? (children answer). Yes, to decorate the apartment, or maybe they (pillows, paintings) decorate our group, locker room, doctor's office. They can! They can decorate any room. Let's remember modern word, decorate the appearance of the room, which means they decorate ... « interior» any apartment, groups.

caregiver: Now I also offer you to become designer and create a screen for our group interior. And the screen in we need a group? For what? (for games for undressing the play area). Most often, what are screens made of? (from fabric, tulle, wood).

caregiver: But we, same with you designers and we want to make an ordinary screen unusual, unique, original.

calling children, they bring trays covered with a napkin. We open them one by one and name the material from which the screen will be.

caregiver: Children, sit down at the tables and see what else we need to make (on the tables in trays: scissors, nylon thread, tubules, buttons).

caregiver: Yes, there is a hole in each element, and we will string them one by one on a strong thread. You have to dress them up to be beautiful. And to fix some details, what can use:

1. Insert the thread into the hole several times;

2. You can tie a bow between the details on the thread; a picture from a self-adhesive film;

3. Put on a button;

4. Take a part with small holes.

caregiver: Today, for work, you can use such a tool - a crochet hook (show how to use).

Children independently make decorative threads for the screen, as they are made, hang them on their own on the screen.

Some children decorate the screen geometric shapes from self-adhesive film.

At the end classes children stand behind a decorative screen, facing the guests and pronounce:

1. Veronica R., Artem P.: “The best flower is the one that is grown as a gift to loved ones or simply made with your own hands. Such a flower will never wither, and will always remind you of golden hands and good feelings.”

2. Julia P .: “The most best toy the one made by hand. The best among the best is the one that can please and surprise. You can give them as gifts, you can decorate your home with them, you can play with them and show performances.”

3. "The most best house- one in which everyone is good and comfortable, and joyful.

caregiver: Now with such a wonderful screen in our the group will be comfortable and interesting to live!