How to make perfume at home. What flowers are better to use for perfumes. Let's move from theory to practice

It would seem, why make perfumes on your own, because the production of high-quality perfume products has been established in France and Russia, in Italy, the United Arab Emirates, in Holland and other countries? However, many lovers of exclusivity try to create original, unexpected flavors on their own. One of the reasons is the desire to get a product from natural ingredients, completely without preservatives and chemical additives.

What can perfume be made from?

Before you start perfume experiments with smells, you need to acquire various necessary ingredients, devices and patience. How to make perfume with your own hands? You can use alcohol, wax, rose petals or other flowers, essential aromatic oils.

To obtain the final bouquet of several smells, strips of ordinary thin paper are taken and applied with a pipette to each with a drop of essential oil. How to make perfume at home? Probes (strips) must be signed beforehand. Sniffing 2 or 3 strips, changing their combinations, make up a composition of aromas. Then the resulting combination is fixed in the selected base:

  • liquid, light on alcohol;
  • hard wax;
  • resistant oil.

To get a rich aroma, the content of essential oils must be more than 30%. To obtain soft perfumes, volatile oils are added only in an amount of about 10%. How to make your own perfume? You need to follow the simple advice of experienced perfumers and follow simple rules.

Each aromatic bouquet affects the olfactory organs sequentially in three stages:

  • high, head note;
  • "heart" of future spirits;
  • the bottom note or base, which is the basis of the future fragrance.

In the very first few minutes after application, the light essential oils evaporate. Among them are citrus fruits, nutmeg oil, rosemary, lavender, basil, lemon, bergamot. This stage is called the "head".

The second exposure period (heart) can last from a few hours to a full day. Juniper and lily, oregano, rose and jasmine, iris, ylang-ylang, geranium and other persistent incense can serve as the heart, the main fragrance of the perfume.

The basis for perfumes are the smells of the most stable essential oils, among which are vanilla and patchouli, spicy and fruity aromas, smells of cedar and musk, sandalwood and cinnamon. Getting acquainted with how to make perfume with your own hands, it is important to remember the traditional proportions of the components. Aromas are traditionally combined in ratios of 1:2:3 (head: heart: base).

What to prepare

How to make homemade perfume? First of all, you need to prepare the necessary ingredients and fixtures in advance. What may be needed:

  • thin paper strips for samplers;
  • several essential oils with lighter and more intense aromas;
  • a little natural coffee (for inhalation) to improve the sensitivity to smells;
  • several ordinary pharmacy pipettes (separately for each oil);
  • stick - a stirrer made of glass or ceramics;
  • a notebook or notebook for recording the number (drops) of components;
  • alcohol and some distilled water for light perfumes;
  • wax for solid versions of the aromatic mixture;
  • bottles and mini-jars with tight lids;
  • ceramic or glass container for mixing ingredients.

The use of metal or plastic utensils is not recommended to prevent the essential oils from reacting with these materials.

perfume base

Grape seed oils, cocoa, almond and honey, clove and galbanum, benzoic and styrax can become the base for your own perfume. When creating unique fragrances of their own, many want to know exactly how to make a perfume. At home, it is very important to keep a record of every drop of oil or base substance added to a perfume bouquet.

The carrier substance for perfume can be made as oil, water, and alcohol. Oil-based fragrances last longer, have a more subdued aroma, alcohol-based fragrances are easier and more fully revealed on the surface of the skin, but have less persistence and stronger odors. An excellent base is almond oil. It perfectly dissolves any essential oils without changing their specific odors. If you dissolve 2-3 drops of the selected fragrance in one teaspoon of almond oil, you will get a wonderful oily persistent perfume that has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Is it necessary to take into account the intensity of odors

It is best when experimenting with the “how to make perfume at home” process, to choose ingredients that cause only pleasant sensations. Otherwise, these odors can adversely affect your overall well-being.

The base oils should have a lighter scent than the "heart" perfume so as not to override the idea of ​​the main composition.

To obtain incense according to the recipes “How to make perfume from oil”, two or three components are used in one composition. It is necessary to insist the resulting composition in an absolutely opaque and cool place.

Basic instructions for making exclusive perfumes

Someone loves the smell of roses, someone prefers citrus or coniferous fragrances. Fresh or sharp, sweet or bitter, perfumes are chosen in accordance with the image and appearance, with the age and inner worldview of a woman. The creation of perfumes is a slow, thorough creative process that requires patience, imagination and accuracy.

Adding drop by drop, the components are slowly mixed for several minutes until the oil is completely dissolved in alcohol. Be sure to record all composition ratios. Then a small amount is applied to the paper strip and the aroma is slowly, deeply inhaled. If everything in the bouquet suits, prepare a larger amount of the mixture. If one of the smells interrupts the others, you need to carefully add the desired component and re-test the entire composition. To simplify the process, each probe is signed.

In the most persistent perfumes, the content of oils reaches 20-25%, alcohol - about 75% and about 5% water. It is not recommended to use cognac or brandy, as the own smells of these drinks can change the state of the main aromatic composition of oils. Alcohol should be used only of the highest quality, preferably with an alcohol content of 57%. The higher the concentration of oils in relation to alcohol and water, the more intense and persistent perfume can be obtained. For color, vegetable natural dyes are sometimes added.

Floral fragrances

How to make perfume from flowers? To obtain delicate aromas, essential oils with the smells of jasmine and rosewood, iris and geranium, ylang-ylang and lily, lavender, oregano and others are used. For a wonderful perfume with the name "Starfall" you need to combine 5 drops of chamomile, valerian and lavender oils. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of vodka in 2 glasses of purified water. Add oil aromas there and pour it all into a dark glass bottle. Close the well-mixed composition tightly. After insisting in a dark place for 12 hours, the perfume can be used.

Pink water

How to make perfume from roses? The simplest recipe for this composition is as follows:

  1. Take petals from several opened rosebuds.
  2. Pour any mineral water into a cup.
  3. Put the petals in water and insist for several hours.
  4. Strain through cheesecloth or sieve. Pour into a dark glass bottle.

The resulting rose water can be successfully used as the lightest aromatic agent instead of perfume. The only disadvantage of such perfumes is a short shelf life.

How to make perfume from flowers, from roses? If the petals collected and mashed in a mortar are poured with olive oil and insisted in a warm place, you will get real rose oil. To increase its concentration, you can replace the infused old petals with new ones several times. The remnants of flowers taken out of the container, having given up their wonderful aroma, are squeezed out. And fresh, mashed flowers are poured with the same oil. Petals necessarily take a bright red or dark pink color. They must be dry, without dew and water.

Firm and aromatic

It is very convenient to use spirits on a solid basis. They can be worn in a locket or small jar with a screw cap. A solid odorous substance can be used to create a special atmosphere in the room, simply by rubbing them with your fingers. How to make solid perfume, and what is needed for this?

  1. Previously, as for other perfumes, a mixture of essential oils is prepared.
  2. Wax is melted in a water bath in a separate bowl.
  3. Coconut or almond oil is added to the melted wax, gently mixing until smooth.
  4. A ready-made aromatic composition of essential oils is added to the mixture removed from the heat.
  5. The created spirits are very quickly poured into small containers for solidification.

In the preparation of solid perfumes, you need to act very quickly, but carefully, since the mixture has a high temperature.

For 2 parts of wax, 1 part of the base oil and about 45 drops of the essential mixture are taken. The usual measure is a tablespoon.

How to apply exclusive perfume

Perfumes made independently, like ordinary ones, are applied by applying to various parts of the body. The aromas last the longest if you “touch” the wrists, the fossa behind the ears with a fragrant mixture. Since it is only possible to make perfume at home using aromatic oils, you should not apply them to clothes in order to avoid stains.

You can make solid versions of perfume to use only at home. A mixture with the smell of lavender, placed in the bedroom, will make the sleep of the inhabitants of the home calm.

The aromas of citrus fruits, fixed in solid perfumes, perfectly invigorate and maintain the overall energy state, improve performance.

Men are perfectly affected by the faint smells of pine needles, bergamot and orange emanating from some parts of the body of the opposite sex.

Famous perfumers choose the optimal formula for their creations for a long time. Perhaps that is why high-quality perfumes are very rare. Modern stores offer us many options, but it is very difficult to find "your" fragrance. A good solution may be self-preparation of perfumes.

As you work, write down each step in detail so that you can reproduce the scent later. To get started, choose your favorite essential oils. The fragrance should contain base notes, heart notes and top notes. The base note is called a train - it should be the most persistent. Recommended fragrances for her are cinnamon, vanilla, cedar, patchouli, sandalwood, ginger, musk, moss, vetiver, fruit. The heart note is the main note. It is she who will give the composition a characteristic shade. For her, fragrances such as rose, jasmine, ylang-ylang or nutmeg for men are suitable. The top note quickly evaporates, but it is this that gives the first impression of the composition. Oil of lemon, orange, mandarin, bergamot, basil, thyme, verbena, lavender, rosemary is suitable for her. Stop your choice of three flavors and get inexpensive options.

When you have experience in creating perfumes, you can create on the basis of expensive high-quality oils and select two or three fragrances for each note. Cut the paper into thin strips and apply one drop of essential oil to each of them. In this way, you can better understand which flavor is suitable for the composition. In order not to get confused, write down the name of the fragrance on the strip with a pencil. Then bring all three selected fragrances to your nose to feel the final result.

Find a glass bottle in which you will store perfume. It is preferable that the glass be dark. Old medicine bottles work well. You can also wrap the bottle with light glass in foil. First, add a heart note to the bubble, then a base note and a top note. Experts say that the ideal ratio of heart, base and top notes is 3:2:1. In total, you should get 15-20 drops.

For each new oil, use a new pipette or wipe it with alcohol each time. For the base, olive or almond oil is suitable. You can also use jojoba or grape seed oil. Add 10 ml of any oil of your choice. If you want to create an alcohol-based perfume, you should end up with 10-15 drops of oils in total. Add 2 tsp to them. pure alcohol and 2 tsp. distilled water. Alcohol-based perfumes will be more intense, but will run out quickly.

You can apply them on clothes and hair. Before using the composition, let it brew well for about three to four weeks. Shake the bottle every two or three days. Oil-based perfumes are more intense but last less. Let them sit for about a week.

You can make solid or dry perfumes. For 1 tbsp. melted wax requires 1 tbsp. base oils and 15-17 drops of a mixture of essential oils. Heat the oil mixture, the base and melt the wax in a water bath. Then combine wax and base oil in one container and mix well. After that, add the composition of essential oils to the mass. Mix the ingredients again and, if necessary, pour them into the prepared mold. Do everything very quickly, because the mixture quickly hardens.

Self-creation of perfume will cost you much less. You will only have to spend your time. It may not be possible to get the desired aroma the first time, but after several trials, you will be able to feel the notes better and combine them correctly.

Make perfume probably everyone wanted their own dream with their own hands, because the magical, sensual and alluring world of aromas cannot but attract a person. Sweet notes of vanilla, passionate smell of roses, tart patchouli ether - everyone has their own preferences, commitment to certain smells has been inherent in human nature since ancient times. Even ancient people chose a mate for themselves, guided by a specific amber coming from the opposite sex. At the level of instincts, they read information about this person, learned everything about him, as they say, without words. It was at that time that the idea arose to use various fragrant gifts of nature to aromatize one's own body. And in our time, the perfume industry is developed unusually widely, and in stores the range of perfumes can amaze with the number of aromas and compositions from them.

But, most likely, many are faced with a familiar situation when, when visiting a perfume shop, we cannot decide whether to choose exactly the right shade, exactly those notes that must play into the favor of a difficult-to-chosen image. In addition, it is rather difficult to find out in the store how exactly this or that brand of perfume will play in interaction with the customer's own smell, and how it will be felt, for example, in an hour.

Why, then, guided by the experience of our ancestors, not create for yourself a fragrance that ideally reflects the individual inner world and your own passions.

What is needed to make homemade perfume?

In order to make perfume with your own hands, you should learn a little to understand the material. The basis of any perfume will be essential oils, which in various combinations will create your unique aroma.

So spend one day memorizing the aromas of natural essential oils. Ordinary photographic paper, which should be cut into thin strips, can help you with this. Label each strip with the exact oil you are using. Then apply one drop per strip and give yourself a mini-exam. With your eyes closed, inhale the aroma of the oil, and then read the name. Bring your knowledge to automatism, you should only guess by one smell, without opening your eyes, which oil you will bring right now.

After that, prepare the necessary inventory:

  • cut clean strips of photo paper;
  • one glass container for mixing;
  • a set of essential oils;
  • glass pipette;
  • pure ethyl alcohol as a base for liquid perfumes;
  • odorless jojoba oil as a base for oil perfumes;
  • beeswax as a basis for dry perfume;
  • glass bottles for finished perfumes.

The perfume making process

Any perfume consists of three phases in action. Each phase is made up of fragrances, depending on the persistence of the essential oils:

  • The first phase is the initial note. It is these smells that we hear in the first 15-20 minutes after application to the body. As a rule, these are citrus aromas, mimosa, basil, mint, anise, rosewood, lavender, lavandin and many others.
  • The second phase is the main note. The heart of the perfume opens after half an hour. They use floral aromas, essential oils, musk, fennel, pine, cinnamon, tobacco, thyme, nutmeg, cloves and others to create the main note.
  • The third phase is the base note. "Aftertaste" of the fragrance. They leave a light, slightly noticeable aroma, which is also called a plume. These include essential oils of myrrh, frankincense, and most woody fragrances such as frankincense, patchouli, vetiver, and tree moss.

Some flavors can also be used to create other phases, the main thing is to maintain a single composition, the overall character of the product.

How to make homemade perfume by creating your own scent? Simple enough. First of all, it is always necessary to compose the composition of the “heart of spirits”. Apply a drop of essential oils belonging to this group to signed strips of photographic paper. After that, bring various combinations of these smells to your nose, choose exactly the combination that you like.

After that, add one flavor of the main note. Do not rush to combine several flavors at once, as you will not be able to catch the necessary combination, and you may get confused which combination you might like.

Lastly, add the oils of the initial note in exactly the same way. After you prepare the desired composition, apply it on a cotton scarf and leave for 1-2 hours. If after this time you will like the fragrance, then you have made the right choice.

Do not immediately chase complex compositions. Make a simple perfume for yourself for the first time, where two or three oils will be present in each note.

The proportion of oils used should be as follows - (1/2/3), depending on what smell should play in the first, second or third phase. But this rule is not strict, everyone determines for himself the intensity of this or that ingredient, depending on his own preferences.

After that, in a glass container with a pipette, mix the oils of your choice in the proposed or your own proportion. Now you can proceed, directly, to the manufacture of perfume.

Decide what kind you would like to make. If the perfume is alcohol-based, then the concentration of the oil composition in alcohol can be 20-30%. If oil perfumes, then essential oils in the base oil are 10%, and dry perfumes can be prepared on the basis of beeswax in a 50/50 ratio. Pour the prepared perfume into a sterile glass bottle. Remember that alcohol perfumes after mixing should "ripen" for at least three weeks in a dark, dry place, sometimes gently stir them, but do not shake. For oil perfumes, the ripening period is much shorter - no more than a week, and dry ones can be used immediately after preparation.

Thus, you can prepare yourself the necessary composition for each occasion. In addition, perfumes, composed individually for a certain person, can be a wonderful gift for him.

How can perfumes made from essential oils affect a person?

Each fragrance carries a symbolism, and can play a certain role in a person's life, change his character or give vent to feelings previously hidden deep in the subconscious. So, in the table that follows, we propose to deal with the main aromas!

fragrance name Characteristic
Orange A fragrance that gives impudence, fun. Increases optimism and self-confidence, creating an aura of trust and serenity around the wearer.
Bergamot Able to neutralize the aggressive and evil energy of the crowd, protect your aura from external stimuli. It can stimulate a person to creative exploits, revealing the artistic essence of a person and suppressing isolation.
Basil The smell of basil is able to relieve a person from complexes, increasing his self-esteem.
Vanilla Pushes to create a family, creating an aura of trust, warmth. It harmonizes already established relationships, helping to hear what the interlocutor is talking about, to take his place.
Verbena Perfume based on vervain is essential for everyone who wants to win the lottery, increasing a person's luck. It also helps in solving complex issues. In ancient times, it was the fragrance of sensual courtesans, protecting their femininity and erotic appeal.
Heather Aroma of the goddess of love Aphrodite. Enhances the flow of erotic sensuality, sweeping infantilism and impotence out of the way.
Carnation Protects the wearer from excessive emotionality. It can also be a powerful protection against energy vampirism and surrounding malice.
Geranium It will help to cope with the consequences of negative situations or a small loss. It is also able to reveal the sensuality of a woman, giving her erotic relationship a touch of sentimentality and dreaminess.
Grapefruit It reveals the talents inherent in nature, helping to achieve success in work.
Jasmine Oil of the feminine, wise and refined beginning. It liberates, reveals bashful nature, eliminating all complexes.
Ylang Ylang The aroma of erotic games, which allows you to understand a partner from a half-word, enhances intuition, increases the sensuality of a woman and the potency of a man.
Ginger It will add decisiveness and firmness to character. It can help a weakened body in the fight against disease.
Cinnamon It will add comfort and warmth to your aura. To a person whose aroma contains a note of cinnamon, people will always reach out in search of advice and solace.
Lavender Meditation motifs of lavender will help you to completely relax and realize yourself.
Lemon The aroma of a traveler, helping to feel comfortable and at ease in any environment.
Mandarin Helps to find calmness and peace in the soul, restoring the aura damaged by someone else's anger. Gives a little naivety and childlike spontaneity to the wearer.
Muscat It will help to increase tolerance in family life, achieving career goals. It is also often used to develop intuition in teenagers, helping them cope with the problems of the transition period.
Mint It enhances mutual understanding between people, removes the expectation of trouble, the feeling of tension in relationships.
Patchouli Strengthens intuition, helps to feel a good beginning. Helps you deal with any situation.
Rose Transforms the energy of anger and sadness into an objective assessment of the resulting situation. The aroma of shy and young natures, giving the character lightness, freshness and sophistication.
Pine A healer among oils that allows you to restore and heal strength after a heavy emotional blow.
Tea tree Protects from the aggressive effects of the surrounding world, creating a protective shell around a person.
Eucalyptus Restores strength after an illness or an evil look, is able to give longevity to the wearer.

DIY perfume recipes

For the first time, we suggest using ready-made recipes for already proven combinations. Do not worry about the fact that the aroma will not be individual, such a composition will play on each person in its own way, besides, you will not be able to recreate the recipe to the milligram and use the same brands of oils that were in the original. In addition, it is possible to replace one or two ingredients with your favorite ones.

fresh summer perfume

Required Ingredients:

  • 20 ml of ethyl alcohol;
  • 5 drops of lemon oil;
  • 3 drops of lemon balm oil;
  • 2 drops of neroli oil;
  • 2 drops of bergamot oil.

clove perfume

Required Ingredients:

  • 20 ml. ethyl alcohol;
  • 4 drops of clove oil;
  • 3 drops of violet oil;
  • 2 drops of rose oil;
  • 2 drops of bergamot oil;
  • 2 drops of lavender oil.

And here is a slightly more complex perfume recipe. But bright tropical motifs in its composition will not allow you to be disappointed in the efforts spent!

Required Ingredients:

  • 50 ml of ethyl alcohol;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • 1 tbsp clove stars;
  • 3 tbsp orange peel;
  • 2 tbsp Roma;
  • 4 bay leaves.

Mix all the ingredients and put in a dark place. Shake contents lightly daily. After a week, strain and add:

  • 30 drops of orange oil;
  • 4 drops of lavender oil;
  • 3 drops of neroli oil

Then let the fragrance ripen in a dark place for three weeks.

Making perfume is real magic!

While creating your dream fragrance, enjoy the process. Only in this way can you become like a fairy-tale sorceress who creates a magic potion, adding a drop of temptation, passion and love to it. Modern witches work wonders, armed with glass bottles and fragrant oils. But enchantments remain enchantments for all ages, and by giving others pleasure from your enchanting aura, you yourself reveal your femininity and sexuality.

The aroma of perfume can emphasize femininity and individuality, reveal the image, or maybe vice versa.

It is important in this matter to independently study all the little things or trust a professional perfumer.

We will tell you how to make perfume at home.

It turns out that creating a perfume composition is very easy. The most important component of this magical action are oils - sources of originality. Oils are selected strictly of the best quality from good proven companies. It is better to buy from the manufacturer. It is on this that a large part of the success in this perfumery work depends.

What is needed for this

Aromatic essences are inherently volatile. If a fragrant liquid is applied to the body, then over time the smell emitted changes. Knowing all the rules for the composition of compositions described below, it is easy to understand how to make perfume at home. Perfumers combine components with different aromas to form a “base”. It is divided into several "notes":

Base note (loop);

Heart note;

Top note (head).

From the time of application, their period of active action begins: they evaporate and exude aroma in turn - from top to bottom.

The base note is considered the most persistent in the composition.. The fragrance lasts from twelve to 24 hours after application. The duration of action is directly related to the particular essential oils chosen by the perfumer.

heart note- This is the first element of the composition. By interacting with other essential oils, it reveals their shades and opens up new sensations.

top note- fast evaporating essential oils. You can call them citrus fruits.

All fragrant liquids contain one of the listed additional elements: distilled water, alcohol, coconut oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil. It is believed that every woman should have her own special (genetic) fragrance, the composition of which is possible only by a delicately sensitive master.

Step by step instructions

In the beginning, you need to put the following things on your desktop:

Distilled water, real spring;

The existence of a long aroma is provided by glycerin in a small proportion;

Fresh coffee (used to refresh the sense of smell);

The essential oils themselves;

Necessarily: a notebook, a pen, from 5 to 15 clean pharmacy pipettes, paper strips 0.4 by 10 cm, bottles for future aromatic essence.

If you make perfume at home with a sharp aroma, the combined liquid should contain 70% essential oils. For a gentle smell - 20 percent.

To obtain a perfume with a “long-lasting” aroma, the resulting liquid must be infused: first 48 hours in a dark and cold place (not in refrigeration) and after adding water (if the base is 80 milliliters - a couple of tablespoons) and glycerin (a few drops) - another 48 hours. There are recommendations for infusion (before adding water and glycerin) for one month. Experts assure that spirits, like good wine, need time to mature.

One drop of oil is applied to paper testers and brought to the nose, the best flavors you like are selected. Preferences are indicated in the notebook.

It is believed that the best composition ratio is 1:2:3 (head:heart:base).

After the composition of essential oils is ready, the work ends with the addition of alcohol or jojoba oil, or olive oil, or distilled water, or pure spring water. In the case of preparing dry perfumes, a combination of fatty oil and wax is added.

Odor blending options

Recipe #1

How to make perfume at home for an evening romantic mood:

The first note is rose (1 cap.), sandalwood (6 cap.);

Recipe #2

Scent of lightness and summer:

The first note is a rose (1 cap.);

The second note is melissa (2 drops);

The third note is bergamot (2 drops), lemon (4 drops).

Recipe #3

Male fragrance:

The first note is sandalwood (2 drops);

The second note is lavender (2 drops), juniper (2 drops);

The third note is lemon (1 cap.), Bergamot (4 cap.).

Recipe #4

Exciting fragrance:

The first note is rose (1 cap.), Sandalwood (8 cap.), Patchouli (3 cap.), Jasmine (3 cap.);

The second note is ylang-ylang (3 drops);

The third note is verbena (3 drops).

Recipe number 5

Night gentle aroma (infused for at least 15 hours):

The first note is sandalwood (5 caps), musk (5 caps), incense (3 caps);

The third note (the second one is not) is jojoba (3 drops).

The best fragrances at home are obtained by mixing rose, lavender, chamomile, ylang-ylang, jasmine and iris. The smell of peppermint is softened by either lavender or rosemary. Citrus blends beautifully with juniper. Never mix rosemary and lavender.

To keep for a long time

In case of inattentive storage, the resulting composition may become cloudy, lose its exquisite aroma, and even disappear. However, even the highest quality perfumes have a shelf life of no more than 3 years.

First, perfumes are best stored in a dark place. It is better to keep the bottle in a box and not expose to direct sunlight.

Secondly, the tightness of the bottle is of great importance in extending the shelf life. Spray perfumes are best kept.

Thirdly, when applying perfume to the body, do not use your fingers in this process. This is an unnecessary and unnecessary contact of the skin with perfume. You must use a disposable plastic stick or something similar.

And, in conclusion, nothing will stand the test of time, but the highest quality perfumes - oil-based - last the longest. Because natural perfumes are much more expensive than their competitors. Perfume made at home or bought in a store with an alcohol base, even from a sealed bottle, slowly evaporates under the influence of heat. They should only be stored in the refrigerator in a closed container.

Each woman should have her own unique fragrance, as it is a great addition to her image. Attractive power has been known since antiquity. Let's remember the wonderful work of the Russian writer A.I. Kuprin "Shulamith", in which the author tells about the love of King Solomon and a poor girl. There is an episode in the story confirming that aromas or, as they were called then, incense were valued on a par with precious jewelry: “... Shulamith sold ... to a jeweler ... her only treasure - festive earrings, silver, rings, each with a gold star. Then she went to the seller of incense ... He carefully counted out ... exactly as many drops of myrrh as there were denarii in all the money of Sulamith, and when he finished this business, he said ... - A dark-skinned girl, a beautiful girl! When today your sweetheart kisses you... and says: "How good your body smells, oh my beloved!" - you remember me at this moment. I gave you three extra drops."

Then each aroma was given special magical properties, they were used in religious rites, in everyday life and in medicine, believing that they have healing properties. But it really is. Aromas cure many diseases. It's called aromatherapy.

And now we will talk about how to make your own fragrances.
Already in the 17th century, perfumers began to enjoy great success. At that time, especially in Europe, regular ablutions were not yet so popular. Therefore, fragrances were used to drown out their own unpleasant odors.

new flavor - technology.
The word itself comes from the English word - "perfume" - fragrance and from the French - "fumer" - to evaporate. Perfumery is, one might say, an art, and why don't you take up this art. Each of your masterpieces will consist of several ingredients, you will experiment, enjoy one or another fragrance, so that among them you will definitely find one that will match your image and mood. To discover the secret of the magical world of aromas, you may have to work hard, but the result, I assure you, will be excellent. After all, perfumery is a mystery and does not reveal its secrets immediately. With the help of aromas, each of us can transform our appearance, improve our mood, emphasize our own individuality.
Perhaps you will achieve perfection in this art.

To create your own, unique, perfume, a little essential oils, alcohol (vodka) and inspiration are enough. The activity is very interesting and feasible. You will have to spend money on essential oils, but you will get great pleasure - you will create your own perfume ... And for this you need high-quality raw materials. In addition, you will need vegetable oil, it can be olive, grape, almond, coconut. Oil is chosen as the basis.

Maybe this activity will become your hobby, and you will do new flavors not only for yourself, but also for your friends. When you start making perfume, do not try to reassure yourself that you can repeat the scent of Chanel No. 5. This is impossible. Impossible because you don't have the special equipment, the right ingredients and, most importantly, the manufacturing formula. There are 80 ingredients in this perfume. Get ready for the fact that high-quality raw materials cannot be cheap. But gradually, accumulating your range of essential oils, which is interesting for you, you will have the opportunity to create more and more new fragrances. At the very beginning of production, do not forget about allergies, if you have already encountered one. Perfume that you make yourself, in any case, can be an exclusive gift.

Apart from essential oils, everything else that is needed for perfumes is available and inexpensive. These are tinted glass bottles, pipettes with division, multilayer napkins, paper, a funnel and of course a notebook in which you will write down all your experiments and recipes for your masterpieces.

Now let's take a look at what types of aromas are divided into.

Sweet -
vanilla, acacia, ...
bitter -
lemon, geranium, lilac, peony, orange, ...
Thin -
mimosa, gillyflower, rose, magnolia, iris, ...
Heavy and thick
scents of patchouli, incense, clove, lily,…
Greens -
Aromas of violet leaves, myrrh and narcissus,…
Warm -
peach, sandalwood, sweet pea, tuberose and acacia,…
Spicy -
jasmine, cyclamen, patchouli, cinnamon and cloves,…
There are smells of animal origin, but we have already talked about them, and now we will consider only vegetable oils.

Fragrances gradually reveal their magical sound, creating a "symphony". This sound consists of three notes: top, middle and final.
Top or top notes include lavender, citrus, thyme, bergamot, rosemary, tarragon, coriander, and rosewood. They create the first impression of the fragrance and disappear after 20-30 minutes, as if preparing us for the main fragrance.

Middle or heart notes: rose, jasmine, cinnamon, apricot, orange blossom, geranium, verbena. This is the main aroma of the perfume, it is the heart notes that last for a long time (several hours). These smells determine the smell of perfume.

Base notes or end notes that are felt in the final stage of the evaporation of perfume: incense, myrrh, cedar, sandalwood, caramel, chocolate, sage, oak moss. They capture the entire composition. Here are the fixatives of plant origin. There are products of animal origin, as well as synthetic (artificial musk, vanillin, coumarin, salicylates, etc.). You will feel this smell after a longer period of time.

Now start building your formula. On a strip of paper, mix one top note, one middle note, and one base note. Listen to its sound. Keep experimenting until you find your scent.

“Choosing a fragrance is like choosing a lover. You should spend the night with him to see if you are a match."
Roger Dov, perfumer professor.

When selected, mix one part of the top notes, three heart notes, and two base notes. Then pour into a bottle and leave for 15 minutes. Apply to a tissue or handkerchief, and you will feel the depth and volume of the fragrance you have created...

Next, choose the base - alcohol with water or vegetable oil. The alcohol base will create a very persistent perfume, but it must be kept for almost a month. And on the basis of oil, the aroma will be softer, somewhat weaker and disappear faster. But oil-based perfumes can not be kept for a month, but used immediately.

When you have decided on the base, pour it into the bottle, and then use a pipette to add all the components in the proportion in which you made up your sampler. If you take oil as a basis, then the ratio of oil base to essential oils should be 1:1. If the alcohol base, then the ratio is as follows: alcohol-70%, water -5%. essential oils -25%.

You can use a slightly different proportion.
2-3 drops of essential oil composition per 1 teaspoon of oil base.
15 ml. alcohol and 20-30 drops of essential oils. Stir, let it brew for 3-4 weeks in a dark place.
As an experiment, try making this, one might say, classic cologne.

Essential Oil Blend:
Bergamot - 25 drops, lemon - 15 drops, rosemary -4, neroli - 4 drops, benzoin -1, thyme -1.
Base: 90 ml of vodka, 7 drops of water.

Perfume – Lily of the valley
Essential Oil Blend:
jasmine oil - 10 drops, rose oil -5, ylang-ylang - 5, marigold -3, chamomile - 10, styrax - 5, geranium -3.
Base: olive oil.
Since the base is oil, mix in a ratio of 1: 1.

winter freshness
Essential oils: sandalwood - 4 drops, jasmine - 1, cinnamon -1, vanilla - 1, ylang-ylang - 1.
Base: grapeseed oil.
The ratio of essential oils and oil base is 1:1
Other vegetable oils can also be used as an oil base.

Eau de Toilette.
100 ml. alcohol and 10-15 drops of essential oil or a mixture of various oils.
Shake and let it brew for 2-3 weeks in a dark place.

Oil can be made independently at home. True, the quality that you can buy in the store, you will not succeed. Therefore, choose yourself. For example, rose oil is very difficult to make at home, it takes time and patience, and the end results will not be excellent. But peppermint oil is somewhat simpler.

mint oil
Put the dry herb mint in a glass jar and fill it with any vegetable oil (in relation to the herb 5 parts). Stir, close tightly and put in a dark place for 3 weeks. Then strain. The oil is ready. This oil can be used for cosmetic purposes.

You can make orange oil.
Rinse fresh orange peels, finely chop and put in a glass jar. Fill with vegetable oil (the oil should be odorless). The oil level should be 1 cm above the orange peels. Close the lid and place in a dark place for 3 days.
Three days later, the oil is placed for 30 minutes in a water bath. After it cools, strain, squeeze out the crusts. The oil is ready.

Your new fragrance, perfume