How to get ballpoint pen ink stains out of various surfaces. How to remove an ink stain from white or colored clothes

Ballpoint and helium pens can cause ink stains in the most unexpected places. However, do not be upset when you find such pollution. There are many simple and effective ways to remove ink. They allow you to cope with this problem at home, taking into account the characteristics of the surface on which the ink mark has formed.

How and how to remove ink from a ballpoint or gel pen at home

The first time you see an ink stain, you need to act immediately. Your main task, in this case, will be to prevent the spread of ink on the fabric surface if the clothes are damaged.

  1. Dust the ink stain with starch or talcum powder.
  2. After 3 minutes, gently blot the dirt with a tissue. Thanks to these actions, a fresh stain will not be able to penetrate deep into the fibers of the fabric.

With the help of talc and starch, the spreading of the ink stain can be prevented.

Express methods to quickly remove a fresh trace

As an express method, you can use a stain remover or industrial laundry detergents.

  1. Apply to the pollution, the composition of your choice.
  2. After 15 minutes, immerse the product in cold water.
  3. And after 20 minutes, wash the thing with laundry detergent.

If a fresh ink stain is found, it is advisable to use a stain remover


A universal tool that allows you to remove ink from any surface is ammonia or ethyl alcohol.

  1. With a cotton swab soaked in this substance, carefully treat the mark without rubbing it over the surface. Just touch it for 2 minutes.
  2. Then change the tampon and repeat the above steps again.
  3. Then do a normal wash.

With this tool, you can remove ink stains from a leather sofa and from the surface of a table, from a mobile phone case. However, alcohol will only help get rid of fresh stains.

Alcohol can effectively dissolve ink of any color

Milk with lemon

Lemon and milk will also help to correct the situation.

  1. Warm up some milk.
  2. Carefully pour it over the stain left by the pen.
  3. Sprinkle lemon juice on top of the stain.
  4. After 15 minutes, wash the product.

When removing such contaminants, certain nuances should be taken into account.

  • To safely remove ink stains from a fabric surface, when using acidic formulations, try to minimize the time forty-minute contact of these things with the fabric. This will prevent the occurrence of scuff marks and holes.
  • Before using bleach, test it on the wrong side of the product.
  • Do not wash clothes in too hot water, as it can cause the dye to penetrate deep into the fibers of the fabric.
  • Before the washing procedure, soak the laundry in warm water, adding a little washing powder to it.
  • If none of the home remedies you have used has provided the desired result, do not despair. You can save your favorite item by contacting dry cleaning specialists for help.

How to choose the best wash cycle for different fabrics when using a washing machine

Since in most cases, when removing ink from fabric, you cannot do without the help of a washing machine, when choosing the optimal washing program, pay attention to the labels on the clothes. On them you will find a number of conditional images that describe the optimal parameters for washing, taking into account the characteristics of the fabric.

By carefully studying the conditional images on the label, you will be able to provide optimal conditions for washing things.

But if the label has been cut off, be guided by the following rules.

  • When washing synthetic products, the set temperature should not exceed 50 degrees, and the optimal spin speed will be 800–900 revolutions.
  • Light linen and cotton can be washed at a temperature of 95 degrees, while the spin speed can be maximum.
  • Multi-colored cotton is best washed at a temperature of 60 degrees, while you can also use the highest possible spin speed.
  • Products that can shed should be washed in water, the temperature of which does not exceed 30 degrees.
  • Things made of delicate materials, as well as woolen products, it is advisable to wash at a water temperature of no higher than 40 degrees, wringing at low speeds. No more than 600 per minute.

Ways to remove marks from a ballpoint or gel pen manually

If things made of light cotton have suffered from ink, you can use hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. This composition should only be used when cleaning light and white fabrics.

  1. Mix these two ingredients in equal amounts. To carry out the procedure, you will need no more than one tablespoon of the composition.
  2. Then pour into the composition in 200 ml of warm water.
  3. Apply liquid to stain.
  4. After 10 minutes, wash off the ink using laundry soap.

Using peroxide and ammonia, you can remove ink stains from light-colored fabrics.

For cotton fabrics

Use alcohol to remove ink from cotton. However, if the stain does not disappear immediately, the procedure can be repeated again and again. This method is suitable for colored and light materials.

for denim

If ink appears on jeans, you should act like this.

  1. Taking laundry soap, try to beat a very thick foam.
  2. Using a brush, apply it to the stain and wash the fabric thoroughly.
  3. So, you can remove minor ink stains, but if the ink stain is large, try wiping it with alcohol before washing.

You can wipe the ink stain from denim with laundry soap

For silk and wool

Products made of silk and woolen fabrics are recommended to be soaked in an acidic milky environment. For this purpose, you can use kefir, yogurt and sour milk. Or use the composition of milk and lemon juice.

Liquid fermented milk products will help rid things of their wool and silk from difficult stains.

For all light fabrics, leather and leatherette

  1. Add a little water to a small amount of soda until a thick paste forms. Apply the paste to the stain.
  2. After 20 minutes, wash off the paste with cold water.
  3. Then spot treat the remaining contamination with turpentine.
  4. Wash the item. When cleaning the sofa, wipe the surface with soapy water.

Baking soda will remove fresh ink stains

For suede and leather

If suede or leather is damaged by ink, sprinkle more salt on the stain. After 2 days, wipe off the salt using a sponge soaked in turpentine. This will allow you to polish the product, but it is advisable to act slowly and carefully.

Turpentine effectively removes most difficult contaminants

For colored fabrics

If you need to remove an old ink stain from colored fabrics, you can use the following recipe.

  1. Mix turpentine and ammonia in equal amounts.
  2. Measure out 5 parts of the resulting composition.
  3. Add two parts of glycerin to them and mix well.
  4. Dot the composition on the ink spots.
  5. After 5 hours, wash the product in the machine.
    Using these methods, you can remove ink of any color without causing harm to products.

How to remove ink from clothes - video

How to remove ink stains from various surfaces

If a rubber doll or rubber surface is damaged by ink, you can remove the ink as follows.

  1. Take vinegar and any whiteness in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Soak a cloth in the resulting solution, and wrap it around the affected area of ​​the toy.
  3. Wrap the top of the rag with a plastic bag.
  4. Put the doll in a warm place.
  5. After 30 minutes, remove the compress. A fresh stain will disappear without a trace. To remove older stains, it is recommended to increase the time of use of the compress.

Wipe the handle from the rubber surfaces and the dolls will allow vinegar and whiteness

Attention! When working with these compounds, you should remember about personal safety measures, using protective gloves, a mask or a respirator. After finishing work, do not forget to ventilate the room.

If the ink gets on the skin of the hands, you can get rid of them with a cream or milk to remove makeup.

  1. Apply cream or milk to the contaminated area of ​​​​skin.
  2. After 3 minutes, wipe it off with the ink with a cotton swab.

You can get rid of fresh ink stains with ordinary soap.

Ink on plastic and polyethylene

If the ink stains the refrigerator or any other plastic surface, use hairspray.

  1. Apply generously to the stain from a distance of 4 cm.
  2. After a minute, wipe off the remaining varnish with a cotton swab, and then wipe off the stain. Or use alcohol.

Alcohol or hairspray will help wipe ink from the refrigerator.

You can remove traces of the handle from the oilcloth using matches.

  1. Wet the match head.
  2. Actively pressing it to the surface, wipe off the dirt.
  3. Rinse the oilcloth with soapy water.

Ink on linoleum

  • Fresh ink stains can be wiped off with nail polish remover, which will also help remove ink from linoleum.
  • For linoleum, you can also use a cleaning compound containing chlorine, applying it to a damp surface.

Ink on wallpaper

If pen marks appear on the wallpaper, there are several ways to remove them. If the wallpaper is light, you can wipe the pen with hydrogen peroxide and whiteness. To remove dirt from colored wallpaper, it is better to use turpentine.

How to remove ink from wallpaper - video

Ink on gel polish

The ink that got on the gel polish is well rubbed with acetone. However, the procedure should be carried out very quickly, only lightly wiping the surface, otherwise the varnish coating will also dissolve.

ink on paper

  • If you need to remove ink from paper, alcohol and cotton swabs will come to the rescue, with which you should gently wipe the stain.
  • A good result will also provide whiteness, which should also be applied to the ink trace using a cotton swab, and then wipe the treated area of ​​the paper with a damp cotton pad.
  • A solution of vinegar and potassium permanganate will help to cope with traces of a ballpoint pen.

You can remove ink from paper with alcohol and whiteness.

How to remove ink from paper with vinegar and potassium permanganate - video

Using products that can be found in every home, you can easily get rid of ink stains that have fallen on clothes, interior items, toys and surfaces made of various materials. If old ink stains cannot be removed, you can always seek help from professional dry cleaners. When using certain means, take into account the characteristics of the surface on which such contamination has formed, and when working with aggressive chemicals, do not forget about personal safety measures.

Updated: 12/17/2018

Anyone can accidentally stain clothes with ink. But do not get too upset, it is quite possible to remove ink from clothes without the help of dry cleaning.

There are different ways to remove ink blots from clothes. You can use ready-made industrial stain removers or home remedies. But in any case, you need to have on hand:

  • paper towels or napkins, well absorbing liquid;
  • cotton pads for applying the product to the area of ​​​​contamination;
  • a piece of plastic wrap to cover a table or other surface on which a soiled thing is being processed;
  • water and laundry detergent, because after removing the blot, the item needs to be washed.

The choice of stain remover depends on several factors:

  • ink type;
  • spot age;
  • fabric type.

At home, most often used:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • alcohol-containing liquids;
  • glycerol;
  • Polish for hair;
  • acetone (or nail polish remover);
  • milk;
  • lemon juice.

Advice! Before using one or another method of removing stains, test in an inconspicuous place to see if the color and structure of the fabric changes under the influence of the selected solvent.

A fresh stain from a ballpoint pen

It's easiest to remove a ballpoint pen ink stain while it's still fresh. Necessary:

  • remove the thing immediately;
  • apply paper towels from the front side and from the inside, trying to get the blot wet. The more paste is absorbed into the towel, the easier it will be to wash the fabric;
  • in no case do not try to wipe off the ink, as you will only smear it on the fabric;
  • after wetting the ink paste, you should immediately wash the thing with warm water and soap or powder. It is advisable to use Antipyatin soap, it helps to get rid of dirt better than universal detergents.

If such a simple way to clean the pollution did not work, use the following methods:

  • Tooth paste. Apply ordinary toothpaste (without colored stripes) to the stain, wash after 15 minutes. Suitable for white fabrics.
  • Kefir or curdled milk. Pour the fermented milk product on the soiled area, wash after 20 minutes. The tool is universal, suitable for any fabrics.
  • Lemon. Squeeze the lemon juice onto the pen mark, then sprinkle the stain with fine salt. Wash the item after 10 minutes. This method is suitable for both colored and white fabrics.
  • Mustard. This tool helps to remove traces of red and black gel pens, but blue gel is removed worse. Mix mustard powder with a little water to make a paste, apply on the stain for a day. Shake off the dried mustard and wash the thing.

How to remove an old stain from a ballpoint pen

If the contamination was not immediately noticed, then it will be more difficult to remove the ballpoint pen from the clothes. Gentle methods are unlikely to help here. At home, you can try to remove blots from clothes with the following means:

  • Mix medical alcohol and turpentine in equal parts, pour this liquid on the stain for 1 hour, then wash.
  • Acetic essence, medical alcohol and water are mixed in equal amounts. Pour the liquid into the place of contamination, stand for an hour, then wash the item.
  • Ammonia (10%), medical alcohol and water are mixed in equal volumes, used as above.
  • "Expert" by Dr. Beckmann. Under this brand, several varieties of stain removers are produced, designed to combat various types of stubborn stains. By choosing the “Pen and ink” option, you can remove ink, felt-tip pen and marker marks from clothes. The composition should be applied to the stain for 2 hours, making sure that the fabric does not have time to dry. Then wash the soiled area and wash the whole thing.
  • Frosch Stain Pretreatment. The bottle with the composition has a special sponge, with which it is convenient to apply the gel-like agent to the fabric. After applying, you need to wait half an hour, after which the thing can be washed.

fountain pen ink

Fountain pens leave blots on clothes even more often than ballpoint pens. To remove stains, you can use the following tools:

  • Hair fixation spray . This tool dissolves ink well, especially fresh. Spray the stain with varnish so that the fabric is well saturated with the product. Wait 10 minutes, gently blot the stain with a paper towel (do not rub!), then wash.
  • Refined gasoline. Moisten a cotton pad with gasoline and wipe the stain, moving from the edges of the stain to the center. Place a few paper towels under the wrong side of the product so that the ink dissolved in gasoline does not spread over the fabric. The cotton pads should be changed frequently to avoid smearing the stain. After treatment with gasoline, the fabrics must be allowed to dry and washed.
  • To remove old stains, it is recommended to use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ethyl alcohol. Pour the mixture on the stain, leave for an hour, then wash the item.
  • A mixture of glycerin and alcohol will help remove stains from clothes. in a ratio of 2 to 5. Moisten the stain with plenty of solution, hold for 2 hours, then rinse and wash clothes.

Removing ink from the printer

Often, a printer cartridge becomes a source of contamination. Removing a fresh stain is quite easy. You should immediately take off your clothes, put them in the sink and turn on cold water so that the jet hits the stain. Do not use hot water, it will only fix the stain on the fabric.

After the stain becomes lighter, rub the item with soap (use Antipyatin or household soap) and wash it. If after that there are stains, then remove them from the fabric with ammonia. Then wash the item completely as usual.

Another way to remove a fresh stain:

  • blot fresh blot with paper towels or sprinkle with talcum powder;
  • soak a white cloth or cotton pad in medical alcohol;
  • wipe dirt in the direction from the edges to the center;
  • wash the item with soap.

Features of working with different types of fabric

When choosing a method for removing an ink stain from a fabric, consider the composition of the fabric. It is clear that delicate fabrics need to be handled more carefully and carefully than rough denim.

Cotton and linen

A cotton shirt or linen dress stained with ink can be cleaned with alcohol-based liquids, and also with citric or oxalic acid. But the use of hydrochloric or phosphoric acid will destroy the tissue.

  • Dilute 1 teaspoon of oxalic acid or 2 teaspoons of citric acid in a glass of water. Pour the stain with this composition, soak for 2 hours, then rinse and wash.
  • Mix acetone and alcohol in equal volumes. Soak a white cloth or cotton wool in the solution and gently wipe the stain from the fabric. Wash the product.
  • Soak the item entirely in a solution of ammonia (2 tablespoons per liter of water).
  • White items can be saved using Whiteness bleach; this method is absolutely not suitable for colored clothes.

Silk, synthetics, wool

A silk blouse or woolen jacket must not be treated with aggressive liquids. Carefully choose stain removers for polyester and other synthetic fabrics. Acetone or gasoline can dissolve not the stain, but the fabric itself. It is forbidden to use caustic alkalis and acids for processing delicate fabrics.

  • Woolen and silk items are cleaned using purified turpentine.
  • Synthetic fabrics are treated with baking soda. Soda is diluted with water until a paste is obtained and applied to the stain for half an hour.
  • You can use mustard powder and fermented milk products to remove stains.

Leather and leatherette

An ink blot was found on a leather jacket or trousers? To remove, use the following methods:

  • A mixture of glycerin and denatured alcohol. In this solution, moisten a cotton swab and wipe off traces of ink from the skin.
  • Things made of leatherette are rubbed with lemon juice or a weak solution of vinegar. The remaining stains are washed off with purified turpentine.
  • Blots from suede are removed mechanically by grinding the material with a special brush or nail file. Then wipe the stain with alcohol or vinegar.


When removing ink stains from your favorite jeans, it is important not to dissolve the dye with which they are dyed. Safe removal methods:

  • Soak the item in a solution of ammonia (1 tablespoon per liter of water). After the blot becomes lighter, it is rubbed with laundry soap and left for a day.
  • A fresh stain will help remove the dish soap. They moisten the stain, leave it for several hours, then wash it.
  • Old ink stains are cleaned with a mixture of acetone and alcohol.

Down jackets and jackets

You can remove ink from a down jacket or jacket with alcohol or soda. These products are quite gentle and do not spoil fabrics such as raincoat fabrics.

If the spot is planted on a bolognese jacket, rub it with a swab moistened with a small amount of white spirit. After removing the dirt, the thing is washed in a typewriter or by hand.

In order not to be disappointed with the result, follow these tips:

  • Do not attempt to wash the item until the stain is removed. Otherwise, the chances of removing a blot from clothes will drop to zero.
  • Treat dirt from the wrong side of the fabric by lining the other side with a white cloth or paper towels. This lining will absorb the dissolved ink paste, preventing it from spreading across the fabric.
  • To prevent the appearance of streaks, moisten the fabric around the blot with water and sprinkle with talc or starch.
  • When using caustic substances to remove contaminants, do not forget about the need to protect your skin with gloves.

— Ink spots have the color of ink. Old spots are darker. Dry ink spots have a matte tint and clear outlines.

- Stains from the skin of the hands can be removed with lemon juice.

- When removing ink stains, it is recommended to use a protective paraffin circle so that the stain does not spread. This is done as follows: paraffin and petroleum jelly are melted in equal parts, then a cotton wool is wound around a match and, having dipped it in a hot alloy, a protective paraffin circle is circled so that the alloy soaks the fabric through and through. When the alloy has cooled, they begin to remove the stain, after which the material is sprinkled with baking soda and rinsed in water. Then the protective paraffin circle is ironed with a hot iron through blotting paper, which is changed several times until the paraffin is completely removed.

- When removing an ink stain, you can pour potato flour under it, which will absorb excess liquid and prevent the stain from spreading.

- Ink stains from all types of strongly dyed fabrics, except for acetate, are removed by a mixture of table vinegar, denatured alcohol and glycerin (10:4:1).

- To remove stains from white fabrics, you can use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia (1 teaspoon per glass of warm water). A cotton swab dipped in the solution should be applied to the stain, after which the fabric should be washed with warm water.

- Old ink stains on colored fabrics should be filled with a mixture of turpentine and ammonia (1: 1), and after the stains disappear, wash and rinse the entire product.

- Violet ink on white fabrics can be removed with citric or tartaric acid.

- Violet ink stains from pure wool and natural silk products are well removed with denatured alcohol with the addition of hydrochloric acid (2-3 drops per tablespoon). After cleaning, thoroughly rinse the cleaned area with water.

- To remove fresh ink stains, you can use diluted ammonia and baking soda.

- Fresh stains from blue and black ink can be easily removed from any kind of material by washing it in warm water and then putting it in warm milk for 2 hours. Milk, after it begins to darken, needs to be changed. After the stains have disappeared, the material should be rinsed in cool water, and then washed in a mild soapy solution.

- Fresh stains from blue and black ink can also be removed by rinsing the material several times with water and treating the stains with freshly squeezed lemon juice or 10% citric acid solution (5-6 crystals per 100 ml of water). After 10-15 minutes, the treated areas should be rinsed several times in water.

- Old stains from blue and black ink should be soaked for 4-5 hours in warm milk until they disappear completely. After processing, the material must be rinsed immediately and washed in a mild soapy solution.

- Fresh stains from blue and black ink from white cotton and linen materials can be removed by treating them with a solution of whiteness (125g per 10l of water). After that, the product is rinsed in water, adding a little acetone. Then - in clean water.

- Stains from colored woolen or silk materials are removed as follows: you need to prepare 4 glass glasses:

- the first with 30% acetic acid,

- the second with 60% acetic acid,

- the third with clean cool water,

- the fourth with a 2% ammonia solution heated to a temperature of 30 ° C.

- Contaminated places should be rolled into a ball, tied with a thread and immersed in the first glass. Then squeeze and rinse several times in warm water. This operation must be repeated several times. If there are traces of stains on the material, you need to remove it in the same way in the second glass. After the traces of stains are completely erased, the material must be untied and rinsed first in the third and then in the fourth glass.

- Spots from blue and black ink on colored materials are treated with a solution: 20 ml of alcohol, 20 ml of a 10% ammonia solution and 20 ml of distilled water. First you need to test the strength of dyes to the action of ammonia.

- Silk fabrics stained with black or red ink are cleaned as follows: mustard gruel is applied to the stains and left for a day, then the gruel is scraped off and the item is rinsed in cold water.

- Fresh stains of red ink can be removed with a solution of ammonia, then rinsed in clean cold water.

- Spots from red and green ink from white materials can be removed by dripping 2-3 drops of glycerin onto the stain, which are lightly rubbed with a finger. So process until the substrate stops staining. After that, the spot should be wiped with a swab dipped in soapy water with the addition of a few drops of ammonia solution. Continue processing until the substrate stops staining. After that, rinse the spot with water and, if traces remain, moisten them with 1-5% ammonia solutions, and then with 1-3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Clean material must be rinsed in clean water.

- On colored materials, stains from red and green ink can be removed as follows: the stain must first be rubbed with a brush moistened with gasoline soap (a solution of 1-2 g of colorless soap in 10 g of gasoline). After that, the corresponding place must be wiped with a swab moistened with light gasoline. After the gasoline has evaporated, moisten the stain with a sponge moistened with warm water, then rub in a few shavings of dry laundry soap and treat with a soft brush. You need to rub until the substrate stops staining. Then rinse the treated areas with water, pat dry with a dry cloth, soak with a 1-3% hydrogen peroxide solution, then rinse and dry in a ventilated area.

- A dried ink stain on woolen fabrics should be moistened with kerosene, after a while rinsed in pure kerosene and washed in clean water. Dry the thing in clean air so that the smell of kerosene disappears.

- Ink stains on silk and woolen fabrics can be wiped with a cotton swab moistened with purified turpentine, changing the cotton wool several times as it gets dirty. Then rinse the item with warm water.

- For colored products with ink stains, a mixture of glycerin and denatured alcohol (2: 5) is suitable.

- It is best to remove an ink stain from the skin by rubbing warm glycerin or a mixture of glycerin with denatured alcohol into it. The discolored area needs to be touched up.

- There is also such a way: cover the ink spot with a thick layer of wet salt and leave for two days. Then shake off the salt, wipe with a sponge moistened with turpentine and polish to a shine.

The problem of stains and traces of ballpoint pen ink is familiar to everyone. Either they forgot to put on a cap and the pen flowed right in the bag, or they didn’t hide the writing instruments from small children and they painted the wallpaper in the living room. Then they soiled the entire desktop, and even accidentally left a message on the sleeve of a snow-white shirt. As with all stains, it's best to stick to the golden rule: remove stains as soon as possible or as soon as possible.

Express methods for removing fresh stains from ballpoint and gel pens

If there are alcohol wipes in the first aid kit, feel free to use them, as alcohol dissolves the paste. Also useful ammonia, lemon, vodka, perfume, nail polish remover, household products and stain removers.

Use of alcohol and vodka

So you can clean the table, bags and clothes made of natural and artificial leather, various plastic surfaces.

  1. Moisten the cotton with the remedy.
  2. Wipe the stain until it is completely gone.
  3. Change cotton as it gets dirty.
  4. Re-wet as needed.
  5. Wipe off the remaining alcohol and dissolved ink with clean cotton.

Alcohol wipes can be used to remove small stains from the handle

If there is ammonia in the first aid kit, feel free to use it. Work near an open window, as the vapors of the substance irritate the respiratory tract. It is not recommended to use it on wooden surfaces as they may discolour.

How to remove ink with nail polish remover

It will help to get rid of large stains and if the pen has flowed onto the table.

  1. Blot wet ink with a tissue or cotton wool, being careful not to rub the stain further.
  2. Pour a sufficient amount of cleaner.
  3. Wait a few minutes.
  4. Remove the ink little by little, being careful not to smear it on a clean surface.
  5. Moisten a napkin or cotton wool with the same product and wipe the remaining traces until they disappear completely.
  6. Wipe the clean surface with a normal damp cloth.
  7. Ventilate the room.

Remove ballpoint pen stains with nail polish remover

Removing stains with lemon juice

This method is quite effective for fresh pen marks.

  1. Cut a lemon in half and squeeze some of the juice onto the stained surface.
  2. Wait a few minutes for the acid to begin to dissolve the ink.
  3. Wipe the surface with a clean cloth or cotton.
  4. Repeat the procedure as needed.

Removing stains with laundry soap and a brush

Soap removes stains from fabric surfaces and clothing.

  1. Moisten the surface with water and rub with laundry soap.
  2. Leave the product for half an hour.
  3. Scrub the stain with a brush or wash.
  4. Repeat the procedure if the stain has not completely disappeared.
  5. Rinse in cold water or machine wash.

Laundry soap and a brush can remove fresh ink stains from fabrics

Cleansing pen marks with valerian tincture

This drug can be found in many medicine cabinets. It can handle fresh pen stains from almost any surface thanks to its alcohol content. Another plus of the remedy is the magical effect of valerian on the nervous system. At the same time, calm down while you remove blue stains from the white panel of your iPhone or an expensive leather bag. Instead of this tincture, you can use other alcohol-based medications.

Alcohol tincture of valerian officinalis is not only a sedative, but also an excellent cleaner for fresh pen marks from different surfaces

Cleaning ink marks with stain remover in the form of pencils or napkins

Such products effectively cope with stains on different surfaces, but they are mainly used for fabric.

  1. Moisten the stained area with cold water.
  2. Rub with a pencil or napkin until foam forms.
  3. Leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Wash off with water.

Remove ink stains from jeans with a special pencil

How to remove stains from a pen in a typewriter

Removing stains from the paste, you have to make a lot of effort. If you don't feel like messing around with stains by hand, you can try washing them in a typewriter. Of course, this only applies to fabric and leatherette products that can be washed.

To prevent the stain from “floating” during washing, it is advised to apply a mixture of petroleum jelly and molten paraffin around it. But after petroleum jelly, greasy spots may remain, and it is unlikely that paraffin can be completely removed from the fibers, even by ironing the place with contamination with a hot iron through paper.

You will need professional stain removers.

  1. Apply the product to the moistened stain and wait 5-10 minutes (according to the instructions).
  2. Send the product to the washing machine.
  3. Add stain remover to powder.
  4. Wash the product at the maximum temperature allowed for the fabric from which the product is sewn.
  5. Use the soak function.

If you decide to wash a product with traces of a pen in a typewriter, do not forget to add a stain remover in addition to the powder

How to manually remove pen marks from different types of surfaces

There are many ways to remove ballpoint and gel pen stains. In this difficult task, improvised means that can be found in the kitchen and in the refrigerator, as well as folk methods, will help.

Eco-friendly products for removing pen marks

First, let's look at ways using tools that you can probably find in the kitchen.

Baking Soda, Vinegar, and Lemon Are Your Helpers for Pen Stains


  1. Sprinkle the stained surface with baking soda.
  2. Add a little water and mix until a slurry is formed.
  3. Leave for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Rub the stain with a sponge until the traces disappear completely.
  5. Wash the surface.

You can prepare a cleaning paste in advance from a quarter cup of baking soda and 2 tbsp. l. water. With its help, it will be possible to process even vertical surfaces.

Lemon acid

  1. Moisten the surface and pour acid on the places with traces of the pen.
  2. Leave on for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Rub the surface with a sponge until the paste is completely cleansed and wash.

Also feel free to use a solution of citric acid and water (1:1).

With the help of citric acid, you can remove stains from various surfaces.

Salt and lemon juice

This method is best used on leather or leatherette surfaces, including furniture. Effective on fresh dirt. Its action is as follows: the juice corrodes the ink, and the salt prevents them from spreading beyond the stain, absorbing the liquid.

  1. Sprinkle salt on the stained surface.
  2. Squeeze lemon juice over salt.
  3. Wait 5-10 minutes.
  4. To clean a surface, to remove the remains of means from it and to wash up.


Dampen a rag, cotton swab or sponge with vinegar and treat the soiled surface as in the previous method. To enhance the effect of vinegar, it must be heated to 50 ° C. You can use it with soda:

  1. Pour soda on the stain in a small slide.
  2. Pour a little vinegar to start the reaction.
  3. Leave for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Rub the surface with a sponge until the stain disappears completely.


With the help of mustard, it is easier to remove stains from a gel pen, since they eat less into the surface. Also, small particles of powder help to remove marks with the help of friction.

  1. Pour dry mustard into place with traces of a pen.
  2. Moisten a kitchen sponge and rub the mustard into the surface.
  3. Leave overnight.
  4. Clean up the stain.
  5. Remove the product and wash the surface.

Mustard powder removes ink from fabrics and hard surfaces


Sour milk and whey are also suitable. Use on soft surfaces that can then be washed or wiped (clothes, leather and leatherette).

  1. Pour milk into a small bowl.
  2. Soak the stained area for a few minutes.
  3. Wash with detergent or clean with a sponge.
  4. Rinse in clean water.

Folk chemicals

Some of them can be found at home or in the medicine cabinet.

How to use dishwashing gel

With this tool you can clean any surface. Just be careful with light ones, because the paint from the sponge after rubbing can transfer to them. For hard surfaces, you can also use pot cleaner.

  1. Moisten the sponge, apply the product on its hard side, lather.
  2. Apply to problem area and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash it until it is completely cleansed of traces of paste.

Dishwashing liquid works great on fresh pen marks.

Ways to remove ink with ethyl alcohol

Alcohol can be replaced with perfumes and any alcohol-containing products. It can be directly poured onto the stain or applied to a piece of cotton. During the treatmentencotton wool is often changed.

  1. Pour a little alcohol on the dirt and leave for 5 minutes.
  2. Blot the stain with the dissolved ink.
  3. Wipe it with clean cotton wool until it disappears completely.
  4. Rinse the surface with a clean cloth.

You can use alcohol with vinegar in equal amounts. If you use a sponge for cleaning, then do not forget to periodically wash it under the tap. Also, do not leave the alcohol on for too long, as it tends to evaporate, after which the stain will eat into the surface with renewed vigor. With the help of hydrogen peroxide, the stains that have arisen during the treatment of the stain with alcohol are removed. Peroxide can lighten painted surfaces and fabrics, so it is first applied to an inconspicuous area.

  1. Treat the contaminated area with alcohol.
  2. Apply peroxide to the stain.
  3. Treat additionally with a sponge.
  4. Wash the product or wash the surface.

Removal of ink from the fabric is possible with the help of an alcohol-containing product.


It can be used to effectively remove pen marks from painted surfaces.

  1. Soak a piece of cotton wool in glycerin.
  2. Rub the stained area and leave for an hour.
  3. Wipe off the remnants of the product with clean cotton.
  4. Wipe with a damp cloth.

Car wash

  1. Pour the product onto a sponge or cloth.
  2. Rub the surface for 1-2 minutes.
  3. Leave for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Then continue processing until complete cleansing of traces.

Hair fixation spray

It contains solvents that can remove some types of stains, including marks from a ballpoint pen.

  1. Spray the varnish onto the surface to be treated.
  2. Wait a few minutes.
  3. Rub with a rag or napkin, if it is a fabric, then with your hands or a brush;
  4. Wipe clean or launder.

Remove ballpoint pen stains with hairspray

Chlorine products and solvents

Domestos, Whiteness and other chlorine bleaches will do. It is advisable to use only on white surfaces and fabrics. Apply to the stain and rub with a cotton swab or cloth for 1-2 minutes, and after another 10-15 minutes rinse with water.

Scribbled surfaces and ink stains are wiped with a piece of cloth soaked in one of the solvents - acetone, nail polish remover, white spirit, turpentine. Before processing, it is worth trying the effect of the solvent on an inconspicuous area. After all traces have disappeared, the surface is washed or wiped with a clean, damp cloth.

How to wash your hands from ballpoint or gel pen paste

The situation when a ballpoint pen suddenly leaked in your hands is familiar to everyone. If there is a student in the house, then scribbled hands and face are far from uncommon. There are effective ways to clean ink from your hands, even if several hours have passed and the paste has managed to penetrate deep into the skin. Remove traces of ink immediately.

Remedies for removing pen marks from hands and skin

  1. Soap. If the stains are fresh, then wash your hands with ordinary soap and warm water. But if the skin is heavily soiled, then the ink will not go away immediately.
  2. Dishwashing liquid. Soiled hands with paste - run to wash the dishes! Or wash your hands as you would regular liquid soap.
  3. Alcohol. Pen marks can be wiped off with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, and then washed with soap and water.
  4. Nail polish remover. Proceed as in the previous paragraph.
  5. Tomato. Tomatoes contain not only many vitamins and nutrients, but also acids that can whiten the skin. You just need to cut the tomato in half and rub your hands until the traces of the paste disappear completely.
  6. Lemon. Use like a tomato.

Lemon can be safely used for young children. If a child decides to suddenly decorate his body with "tattoos", you can safely use this harmless remedy. Just be careful when rubbing the pen off your face: lemon juice, getting into your eyes, causes a burning sensation.

If pen marks are hard to clean off, you can use an old toothbrush, the hard side of a dishwashing sponge, and a pumice stone.

Lemon juice is able to remove the pen not only from the skin, but also from the nails.

How to remove the pen from various objects and surfaces

Despite the fact that there are many means and ways to remove traces of paste, not every one of them is effective and allowed for a particular type of surface.

How to clean paper

It is worth noting right away that cells and lines in notebooks will disappear along with the paste, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to correct what is written without a trace. You will need chlorine bleach, potassium permanganate, 70% acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide. With such means, you can even try to remove ink blots and inscriptions with red paste. Paper under the action of water is deformed, so after drying it must be ironed.

To remove stains with chlorine-based products, you will need cotton swabs.

  1. Pour some Whiteness into the bottle cap.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in the bleach.
  3. Wipe off unnecessary inscriptions until they disappear.

A recipe using potassium permanganate, acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide is also effective, but more costly and time consuming. You will need:

  • a pinch of potassium permanganate;
  • 1 st. l. acetic acid;
  • a vial of hydrogen peroxide;
  • ear sticks.

What to do:

  1. Mix potassium permanganate with acetic acid.
  2. Dip a cotton swab into the resulting solution.
  3. Apply the solution to the inscription and leave for 10 minutes.
  4. Dip a clean cotton swab into the peroxide.
  5. Treat the pink spot. The peroxide will bleach it.

You can remove unwanted inscriptions from paper using potassium permanganate, acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide

Video: how to remove inscriptions with a ballpoint pen from paper

How to wash a doll

Often children paint their toys, and then regret it. They especially like to do makeup on rubber dolls, so every mom should know several ways to clean the ink of a toy. Whiteness, vinegar, acne cream Baziron will come in handy.

Cleanse with Baziron cream

The product lightens the colored hair of the doll, so apply it only to the rubber part of the head. Try to avoid eyes, eyebrows and lips, but if the doll is of high quality, then Baziron will not affect the factory paint. The disadvantage of this method is that the procedure will take from one to several days.

  1. Apply the cream to the places covered with a pen.
  2. Leave the toy in the sun for at least 12 hours (you can put it under the included desk lamp).
  3. If the traces do not disappear, repeat the procedure.
  4. Remove any remaining cream.

With the help of Baziron cream, you can remove traces of a pen from any rubber toys.

Wash with Whiteness and Vinegar

The method will help with strong and old pollution. Sometimes factory makeup comes off the doll's face, but this does not happen with high-quality toys. First you need to check the effect of vinegar and bleach on the doll's hair. If they do not change color, then you can safely use the method.

  1. Mix vinegar with whiteness (1:1).
  2. Dip the doll's head into the resulting solution with the hair up and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Take it out and check for traces.
  4. Place the doll back into the solution if the traces have not disappeared. Repeat the procedure every half an hour until the spots completely disappear.
  5. Wash the doll with soap and water.

To remove the specific smell of vinegar and bleach, we advise you to soak the doll in a solution of warm water and fabric softener.

You can also use bleach and vinegar compresses.

  1. Prepare vinegar, bleach, a small container, cotton swabs or cosmetic pads, a clean rag and a plastic bag.
  2. Mix vinegar and whiteness in equal amounts.
  3. Dip a cotton swab into the resulting solution and treat the areas stained with the pen.
  4. Wrap the doll's head with a damp cloth, then a bag and leave for 1-2 hours.
  5. Take out the toy and wash it with soap.
  6. Repeat the procedure if stains remain.

From the head of the doll, fresh traces of the pen can be removed with nail polish remover

Video: how to remove pen marks from the doll's face

How to wash wallpaper

You will need:

  • gel Whiteness or Domestos;
  • shallow container;
  • several cotton pads or cotton swabs.

Operating procedure:

  1. Pour some gel into the container.
  2. Soak a cotton pad in bleach.
  3. Apply the product to the soiled areas and leave for half an hour.
  4. If the traces only brighten, apply the product again and leave for another hour.

The method does not harm most types of wallpaper, but should be used with caution on dark and bright ones.

Video: how to remove pen marks from wallpaper

How to remove the pen from other surfaces

  1. The table and other wooden surfaces are cleaned with baking soda, alcohol, perfume, or nail polish remover without acetone.
  2. From linoleum, fresh dirt is washed with dishwashing detergent. Old ones are removed with solvents.
  3. Products made of leather and leatherette are cleaned with nail polish remover, alcohol, citric acid solution, soap, a special pencil to remove various types of dirt from things made of such materials.
  4. Fresh dirt from patent leather products is removed with the white side of the eraser. It can also be washed with a cloth dipped in soapy water. It is almost impossible to remove old stains without damaging the lacquer, because over time the ink eats into the lacquer layer.
  5. Oilcloth is washed with dishwashing detergent. If it doesn’t work out, the spots are treated with a wet match head. After that, the oilcloth is not touched for at least half an hour, and then the paste is rubbed off with the hard side of the sponge.
  6. Ink stains from the phone, plastic case, household appliances, refrigerator are rubbed with a stationery eraser. Also use medical alcohol or nail polish remover without acetone.
  7. Stains from a fabric sofa and chair are removed with soda, vinegar, soapy water, gentle solvents, stain remover pencils, and wet wipes. Brushes and kitchen sponges are also used.
  8. Nails covered with gel polish are cleaned with eau de toilette or nail polish remover. They are applied to cotton wool and quickly wipe the pen. It is not recommended to hold longer than 30 seconds, as the gel polish may fade. After the procedure, hands must be washed with soap.

How to remove ballpoint and gel pen marks from clothes and fabrics

It is very difficult to remove ink stains from the fabric, because the paste quickly penetrates into the fibers, and when trying to remove the stain, it spreads, leaving stains. Do not soak the product in hot water: this will further penetrate the ink into the fibers of the fabric.

When treating a stain, place a piece of gauze folded in several layers under it. This prevents the ink from transferring to clean fabrics and other surfaces.

When processing an ink blot on a fabric, place gauze or paper napkins under it

Most of the above methods are applicable to clothing. But there are separate methods that are most often applied to fabric products.

  1. Lemon juice is suitable for cotton, linen and wool. More effective at removing fresh gel pen marks. Squeeze the juice on the stain or pour some citric acid solution and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then wash and rinse the product.
  2. Warm milk is suitable for all types of fabrics. If the traces are old, then the product is soaked for 2 hours. Fresh stains are removed as follows: dip the stained area in milk and leave for a few minutes, wash by hand, rinse the product first in cold water and then in warm. You can additionally wash in the machine.
  3. Toothpaste is suitable for white and colored things. Apply the paste on the stain in a thick layer and leave to dry completely, then wash with laundry soap and rinse in clean water.

    Toothpaste removes marks from a ballpoint pen from colored and plain fabrics

  4. Glycerin is suitable for fabrics that may shed. Apply the product to cotton wool, treat the stain and leave for an hour, and then wash the product by hand in warm water. You can enhance the effect of glycerin by diluting it with alcohol in equal amounts.
  5. Ethyl alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. Apply rubbing alcohol to a piece of cotton wool and wipe the pen marks with it. Then apply peroxide to a clean disc, remove the resulting stains and wash the product.

    Ethyl alcohol removes pen stains from fabric

  6. Soda. With its help, ink is removed from delicate fabrics, including silk. Mix soda with a little water and apply on the stained area, leave for 15 minutes. Wash and then wash by hand.
  7. Oxalic acid is suitable from cotton and linen. You will need 1 g of powdered acid and 100 ml of water: make a solution and treat the traces of the paste, and when they completely disappear, wash the product.
  8. The ammonia is suitable for different fabrics and knitwear. Remove old stains with clean ammonia, fresh stains diluted with water. For a glass of water, you will need 1 teaspoon of the product: moisten a piece of cotton wool in the solution, clean the traces until they disappear and remove stains with hydrogen peroxide or undiluted ammonia. Wash the product by hand, adding fabric softener (to remove a specific smell).

    With the help of ammonia, you can remove traces of the pen from most fabrics.

  9. Dry mustard is suitable for clothes made of colored and dark fabrics. Mix the powder with water until a slurry is formed, apply to a damp cloth and leave overnight. Then wash in the usual way.
  10. Laundry soap is suitable for cotton fabrics, including denim. Soak the product first in cold water, and then wash it with soap.

Video: how to remove pen marks from clothes

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Everyone at least once in their life has dealt with ink contamination on clothes, many had a pen leak while writing, staining important documents. It is known that not only ink, but also ballpoint or helium pens can be a source of contamination.

Due to the fact that pens are an integral part of everyday life, there is a risk of various contaminations. Most ballpoint pens are made in China using cheap ink, and removing such a stain will not take much effort. The situation is worse with quality pens, for example, in fountain pens, they add better quality ink, which, if it fails, will be much more difficult to remove.

In order to quickly and completely get rid of such problems, you must adhere to certain rules. We are sure that our material will help you figure out how to remove ink from clothes.

How to remove ballpoint pen ink from paper?

There are two ways to get rid of such spots:

  1. using stain removers from a household chemical store. This method is much simpler and more efficient, but it also has its drawbacks. Firstly, this is the price - high-quality and safe stain removers are expensive, and cheap ones will not give a positive result. Secondly, such funds consist of chemical elements that are dangerous to human life and health. Therefore, they must be used strictly according to the instructions and use polyethylene gloves in order to avoid contact with the skin. Thirdly, such a tool is not always at hand; it must be purchased in specialized stores;
  2. having prepared a stain remover at home from improvised materials. In most cases, people resort to using the second method, since the cleaning agent can be made by hand from inexpensive, materials already available at home.

There are many ways to remove ink from clothes, but they should be chosen depending on what fabric the item is made of.

For example, you should not use solvent-based or alcohol-based products for colored clothes, as they can completely ruin wardrobe items. To be 100% sure that the selected product will not harm things, it must be checked on the inside.

How to remove ink from clothes?

Consider some of the most popular folk remedies for getting rid of ink from clothes:

  1. soda . The most popular tool that is in any kitchen, used to remove ink marks. To use, add a few drops of water to a tablespoon of soda to make a paste. After applying it to the contaminated part, rub in a circular motion and leave for 15-20 minutes. After you need to wash off the remnants of the solution and wash the thing. The use of soda is the most bladeless way to remove ink stains, which is suitable for all types of fabrics, both synthetic and natural;
  2. salt . Also one of the most affordable means that will tell you how to remove ink from the skin. If ink gets on your clothes, you should immediately sprinkle it with plenty of salt and leave it on the surface for 10-15 minutes. After it must be carefully removed so that the dirt does not get into a clean place. Before washing clothes, it is recommended to wet the contaminated area with lemon juice, if the clothes are not white. Salt perfectly removes such spots from genuine leather products;
  3. ammonia. In a glass of clean water, add 20 g of ammonia. Treat the stain with this solution, then iron it through gauze. If after that traces remain on the fabric, then the place must be covered with an ammonia solution. The method of cleaning with ammonia is more suitable for things made of linen and cotton;
  4. . Mix 50 g of ethyl alcohol with 50 g of glycerin. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting solution and gently wipe the stain. Repeat this procedure several times until the spot disappears completely, while using a new cotton pad each time. After that, wash the thing in warm water with the addition of powder;
  5. milk . Another natural remedy that will help to cope with ink specks. If the pollution is fresh and has not had time to dry, then it is enough to wash it with milk, otherwise it is necessary to soak it for half an hour, after which it can be washed. Good for cleaning velvet;
  6. mustard. Suitable for cleaning ballpoint pen ink stains. It is necessary to apply mustard to the desired area and leave it for 8 hours, then wash it in hot water. Mustard will clean things made of natural silk well;
  7. vinegar, peroxide solution, citric acid. All these tools will also help solve the problem of how to remove a stain from a ballpoint pen ink. There is only one limitation in their use - this is colored clothing. When applied at the site of contamination, the thing may change color, becoming paler;
  8. acetone. It is also a good solvent. You need to be careful with it, as it is toxic. It is recommended to apply it to clothes made of cotton and linen;
  9. turpentine. With a cotton swab dipped in turpentine, wipe the stain until it is completely removed. After washing in warm water with the addition of powder. Suitable for silk and wool garments.

How to get ink out of paper?

Consider a few simple ways that will help, if necessary, to carefully get rid of ink:

  1. vinegar . Add potassium permanganate at the tip of a knife to a tablespoon of vinegar, apply the resulting solution to the sheet and leave for 15 minutes. After removing the ink, a dark spot will remain on the paper. It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad with hydrogen peroxide and wipe it, then iron it;
  2. bleach . Any bleach for clothes will work to remove the ink. It must be applied for 10 minutes on paper. Then wet the ear stick and gently wipe the remaining bleach from the surface of the sheet. After it is necessary to iron the paper with an iron through a dry cloth. This method cannot be used to remove ink from colored paper, since the paper will lose color at the point of contact with bleach;
  3. alcohol with glycerin added. Mix 20 g of alcohol with the same amount of heated glycerin. Wipe the contaminated area with a cotton pad soaked in such a solution, and that's it. The task of how to remove ink from paper without traces has been solved;
  4. with a blade. A small blot is quickly removed with a regular blade or utility knife. To do this, you need to carefully clean the ink with a blade, and then wipe the place with an eraser.

Before using any of these methods, try it on an unwanted sheet of the same type.