Corner traffic rules middle group. Do-it-yourself game layout according to traffic rules for kindergarten

Even if they are explained to children at home, then repetition is the mother of learning, therefore it is necessary already in preschool age to teach children, for example, by filling out a corner of traffic rules in kindergarten.

Elements of a corner dedicated to the rules of the road

What elements should be used to design this composition? Some of the details included in the traffic rules corner in kindergarten are easy to arrange with your own hands. For example, colorful posters with various situations on the road, which should not be many so as not to overload the attention of the children. As heroes of such sketches, cartoon or animals are quite suitable. After the children have already learned something, you can give them the opportunity to draw such drawings themselves.

A list of the main elements that it is desirable to include in the corner of traffic rules in kindergarten:

  1. Along with situational images, a separate section of the wall, stand or other suitable surface should contain illustrations showing the location of pedestrian and transport roads on the street, in particular at the intersection, traffic lights and close-up zebra markings, types of transport, types of cars from different sides.
  2. Cards with road signs, dolls in the form of traffic police inspectors, toy models of cars, traffic lights, roadbeds. Special attention should also be given to safe routes from kindergarten to the house.
  3. Colored paper and everything you need to work with it will allow educators and children to create applications of varying complexity, from traffic lights with green and red circles to layouts of the roadway and railway.

Traffic training should be in the form of a game

Children's interest in traffic rules training- the key to their safety on the roadway in the future. Therefore, to maintain attention and remember information well, a game approach is needed, especially in preschool period. The traffic rules corner in kindergarten will help create an entertaining and educational environment at the same time. Its function is to explain in game form rules of conduct on the carriageway, pedestrian part and railway tracks.

How to arrange a corner of traffic rules in kindergarten in game plan? There are two main ways to act out situations on the road:

  1. Costumed performance with the participation of the children themselves. To do this, it is enough to have some attributes of a traffic police inspector (baton, cap and whistle), a steering wheel is suitable as a designation for the car, a zebra can be created from white strips of paper, and let one of the guys deal with the regulation of the traffic light layout.
  2. Board games using roads, signs, figurines and/or building blocks. Some elements can be made with your own hands, but it is better to purchase the simplest large-sized model of a street with a pedestrian road, a crossing and a roadway. work out correct behavior children on the railway tracks will be allowed to play using a toy railway with signs, bridges, crossings or even a train station, station, platform.

You can also sew or purchase vests for children with the image various types transport. Entertaining game is a question and answer option. Such a test of knowledge in children is sold in ready-made or conducted in an oral informal survey, for example, on the topic "What is this sign."

Modern games for teaching children traffic rules

More interesting process teaching children behavior on the pedestrian and carriageway of the street make it possible to modern technologies: animated slides, short snippets, computer games on a similar theme, electrified stands or with a switch to highlight certain sign.

for children

The traffic rules corner in kindergarten should have several features depending on the age of the children. IN junior group children should be conveyed knowledge about the most common signs and modes of transport using tangible objects, pictures and role-playing games. Do not immediately offer advanced electronic ways learning, which can make it uninteresting for a child to cut out objects from colored paper, sculpt from plasticine, and so on. At older preschool age, the number of multimedia teaching methods can be increased.

Children should also be shown information about difficult road crossings, types of specialized police cars), more wide range signs (children, crossing or bicycles are prohibited, as well as an underpass and a pedestrian crossing, marking of a setting point, etc.).

Master class for making a game layout "City Street"

Norkina Oksana Sergeevna
Teacher MADOU kindergarten No. 21 "Rosinka" of the combined type of the urban district of the city of Kumertau of the Republic of Bashkortostan
The master class is designed for educators, but parents can also come in handy.
Purpose: training in game modeling, the formation of safe behavior on the roadway.
Target: making a model for game modeling in work with children of senior preschool age.
- to acquaint children with the rules of the road, the purpose and signals of traffic lights, with road signs, to expand knowledge about the rules for the safe behavior of children on the street;
- energize children independent activity in the corner of traffic rules,
game layout can be used for development fine motor skills, visual perception, social orientation, orientation in space.

Stage I - the basis for the layout To make the basis of the “City Street” game layout, we need: 2 pieces from an MDF panel (I have them 53 cm each), a piano hinge, screws and nuts for fastening.

We drill holes in the MDF panels with a drill in the selected places, fasten the piano hinge with screws and nuts.

In order for our layout to stand at an angle of 90 degrees and not fall back, on one side we fasten the corner limiter (I have this part of the attachment from the old curtain), paint over lower part our layout in black paint.

Now we will draw up the upper vertical part of the layout. To design it, we take 2 pictures with the image of houses (I arranged these for myself).

We print the pictures in duplicate, laminate, if there is no laminator, then you can simply paste over with tape. The picture becomes brighter and it is easier to take care of the layout - to wipe the dust, for example.
We paste one copy of our laminated pictures, joining to the layout, that's what we should get.

Now we will give the card volume. To do this, we cut out the buildings at our discretion from the second copies, and paste them on pre-prepared blanks from the ceiling tiles - single background and double foreground, in my work I used the adhesive for ceiling tiles "Master"

Cut out buildings with a utility knife

We stick (I use the same “Master”) on the layout, our street has “depth”.

We turn to the design of the roadway. We take construction tape, highlight the pedestrian crossing, the dividing strip, that is, what we will paint over with white, close everything else.

In my work I use ordinary aerosol paints in a spray can, they are sold at any hardware store, they dry quickly, they are easy to use. Highlighted all the lines in white - remove the adhesive tape. The roadway and the crossing are ready.

Stage II - Paper machines. Now prints templates paper machines, there are a lot of them on the Internet, for example, let's take these.

The image is scaled down. Click to see original.

We laminate the printed templates (1 sheet of laminated film - 2 sheets of templates with cars), fold the sheets with the white sides inward. We laminate in order to make the cars more rigid, bright and make it possible to wipe them. When the sheet is laminated, we cut it along the contour and we get 2 sheets laminated along the colored side, the second side remains unlaminated (paper) - the paper sticks together better, and the laminated cars shine. This is what a laminated sheet with templates cut from 3 sides looks like.

Cut out car templates, glue.

Stage III - road signs. Now we turn to the manufacture of road signs.
Materials: it took me 2 sheets of ordinary white office paper, ceiling tiles (better washable), stationery knife, toothpicks, glue master, mosaic of 3 colors (red, yellow, green), laminated sheet with sign blanks, I used this one.

The image is scaled down. Click to see original.

We cut and paste 1 copy on the tile, cut it out with a clerical knife along the contour, on the other hand we paste 2 copies (if you wish, you can not stick the second part of the sign. We make a stand for our signs. Birch a sheet of white paper and cut strips of 4-5 mm along the long side sheet For one character, you need 5 strips .. We take one strip and wind it on a toothpick forming a tight “roll” - this top part stands. We glue in long strip 4 strips, twist into a roll. We put a small one on top of a large roll, glue it together. We dip the edge of the toothpick in glue, pierce our "rolls", pierce the blank with the road sign with the other edge of the toothpick. All our sign is ready.

To make the traffic light more voluminous, add a small mosaic of the corresponding colors to the lights, pierce the holes with an awl, insert the mosaic.

Our fleet

Our signs

Thank you all for your attention!

The world is fraught with many dangers: traffic accidents, fires, natural disasters, which often have a tragic ending. Of course, a person is not able to foresee and influence many situations.

For example, natural disasters are completely beyond the control of society, and ordinary car accidents sometimes happen due to an unfortunate combination of circumstances. But this does not relieve us of responsibility for our own lives, and even more so for the lives of our children. Adults and kids must strictly follow the rules of the road, fire safety, as well as be able to behave correctly in difficult life situations.

Only in this way, we can avoid trouble, and even if it happened, save our lives and the lives of our loved ones.

In particular, from the very young years the child must know how and when to cross the road, how to behave near the roadway and what the consequences of his disobedience may be.

While the task of parents and teachers is to tell and clearly explain to the child the basic rules of behavior for pedestrians and drivers.

To do this, moms and dads hold conversations with their children, and most importantly, they set a worthy example. And the educators in each group draw up a special corner dedicated to traffic rules, arrange role-playinggames . In general, they do everything possible so that preschoolers master the alphabet of a pedestrian from A to Z.

Making a corner according to traffic rules for children in kindergarten.

Design options traffic rules corner in preschool, in fact, there are a lot, it all depends on the imagination and age of the kids. These can be bright and colorful posters showing how to behave at a pedestrian crossing or traffic light. You can make a street layout with toy road signs, cars, traffic light, pedestrians, and with their help to beat several situations. For the smallest corner, traffic rules are presented in the form of pictures in which the rules of the road are set out in poetic form.

In older groups, kids can be involved in creating a corner, they can do themed crafts and drawings. Thus, the crumbs will not only help the teacher, but also better consolidate the knowledge gained. Moreover, the older the children, the more useful material necessary for registration of the corner of traffic rules. For example, the youngest begin their acquaintance with traffic rules by studying the colors of a traffic light and elementary concepts, and the kids in the older and preparatory group they learn road signs, learn to bypass trams, buses, get acquainted with such concepts as underground and surface crossings, and much more. But in any case, the DPP corner should be colorful and eye-catching, and the material presented should be accessible to every kid.


In the first quarter of 2014, 17 road traffic accidents involving minors under the age of 18 were registered in the Kostroma Region, in which 1 child died, 16 children were injured of varying degrees. At the same time, there is an increase in road accidents caused by children.
The largest number victims are children aged 14-15 years (7 people), aged 11-13 years (5 people), aged 16-17 years (2 people), aged 7-10 years (2 people), aged up to 3 years - 1 person.
The most emergency period is from 18:00 to 22:00. During this time period, 5 accidents were registered, in which 5 children - pedestrians received injuries of varying severity. Wherein reflective elements there were no children on their clothes, which was a concomitant factor in road accidents.
Of the seventeen reported incidents involving children, 14 were pedestrian collisions and 3 were vehicle collisions in which minors were passengers. .
In 6 out of 14 such incidents, the fault of the child was established. The causes of the incidents were violations of the Rules of the Road: crossing the road in an unspecified place, crossing the road at a prohibiting traffic light.
In the presence of the driver’s fault in such accidents, the factors that influenced the commission of the accident by a minor pedestrian were: lack of knowledge about the sources of danger (road traps) and incorrect assessment of the traffic situation.​

IN Russian Federation There is a law that regulates traffic in the country.

The objectives of this federal law are: protection of life, health and property of citizens, protection of their rights and legitimate interests, as well as protection of the interests of society and the state by preventing traffic accidents, reducing the severity of their consequences.

All of us and our children are road users every day.

road user - a person who direct participation in the process of traffic as a driver of a vehicle, a pedestrian, a passenger of a vehicle…

The main principles for ensuring road safety are: priority of life and health of citizens participating in road traffic…​

In our kindergarten, educators introduce children to the rules of the road every day joint activities, V role play to educate a competent pedestrian. Target: security quality conditions to carry out activities to teach preschoolers the rules of safe behavior that help reduce the risk of traffic accidents and situations on the road involving children.​

In each age group of our kindergarten, work is underway to prevent traffic accidents. For this purpose, in groups, educators decorated the corners of the road. Forming in children knowledge and ideas about the rules of the road, teachers strive to constantly replenish the developing environment of the traffic rules group.

In the corners according to traffic rules are presented:

  • visual and illustrative material (illustrations: transport, traffic lights, road signs; plot pictures with problematic traffic situations);
  • board games ( split pictures, puzzles, games with rules - "walkers", lotto, dominoes, etc.);
  • desktop crossroads (small road signs, various toy modes of transport, toys - traffic lights, figures of people);
  • attributes for role-playing games with a road theme (baton, whistle, peaked caps, road signs, traffic light model);
  • children's fiction by topic;
  • methodological manuals for teaching children traffic rules;

In the group locker rooms there are corners for parents on road safety.

The parent's corner contains:

​ ​

The world is fraught with many dangers: traffic accidents, fires, natural disasters, which often have a tragic ending. Of course, a person is not able to foresee and influence many situations. For example, natural disasters are completely beyond the control of society, and ordinary car accidents sometimes happen due to an unfortunate combination of circumstances. But this does not relieve us of responsibility for our own lives, and even more so for the lives of our children. Adults and kids must strictly follow the rules of the road, fire safety, and also be able to behave correctly in difficult life situations. Only in this way, we can avoid trouble, and even if it happened, save our lives and the lives of our loved ones.

In particular, from a very young age, a child should know how and when to cross the road, how to behave near the roadway, and what the consequences of his disobedience can be. While the task of parents and teachers is to tell and clearly explain to the child the basic rules of behavior for pedestrians and drivers.

To do this, moms and dads hold conversations with their children, and most importantly, they set a worthy example. And the educators in each group draw up a special corner dedicated to traffic rules, arrange role-playing. In general, they do everything possible so that preschoolers master the alphabet of a pedestrian from A to Z.

Making a corner according to traffic rules for children in kindergarten or other preschool educational institutions

There are actually a lot of design options for the traffic rules corner in the preschool educational institution, it all depends on the imagination and age of the kids. These can be bright and colorful posters showing how to behave at a pedestrian crossing or traffic light. You can make a model of the street with toy road signs, cars, pedestrians, and use them to beat several situations. For the smallest corner, traffic rules are presented in the form of pictures in which the rules of the road are set out in poetic form.

In older groups, kids can be involved in creating a corner, they can make themed crafts and drawings. Thus, the crumbs will not only help the teacher, but also better consolidate the knowledge gained. Moreover, the older the children, the more useful material is needed to design the traffic rules corner. For example, the youngest begin their acquaintance with traffic rules by learning the colors of a traffic light and elementary concepts, while the kids in the senior and preparatory groups learn road signs, learn to bypass the tram, bus, get acquainted with concepts such as underground and ground crossing and much more. But in any case, the DPP corner should be colorful and eye-catching, and the material presented should be accessible to every kid.