Frozen pregnancy fetus of irregular shape. What will a blood test for hCG show? Pain in the lower abdomen

The death of an unborn baby is one of the most terrible trials for a family. More often such grief happens on early dates, up to 18 weeks of pregnancy, but even after this time the risk is not completely excluded.

There are many reasons for the development of this pathology and almost no one is immune from fetal fading. And although it is impossible to completely prevent it, you can try to reduce the likelihood of its development.

Causes of missed pregnancy

The reasons why the fetus freezes are not fully understood. This is due to their huge number and the fact that often the death of the embryo is provoked by several factors at once. In addition, a lot of time often passes between the moment of freezing, the detection of pathology and the extraction of biomaterial, and researchers are unable to establish the exact cause of what happened.

Most often, severe chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus lead to freezing of the embryo and its subsequent expulsion from the uterus.

Thus, our body gets rid of a non-viable organism. And the death of a genetically normal embryo can be provoked by:

  • Hormonal disorders. Most often, such a deplorable result leads to a deficiency of progesterone, which occurs against the background of disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries. Deviation from the norms of hormone levels also negatively affects thyroid gland.
  • immunological factor. Since genetically the embryo is only half “native” to a woman, and the second part of its genes is from the father, the body of the expectant mother can count it foreign body and destroyed with specific antibodies.
  • Autoimmune disorders and antiphospholipid syndrome. This pathology causes fetal fading in almost 5% of cases. With each subsequent pregnancy, the risks increase.
  • Infectious diseases. , mycoplasmosis, chlamydia and other diseases that can exist asymptomatically for years in a woman's body are often activated during pregnancy due to a temporary decrease in immunity and negatively affect the development of the embryo. Also dangerous is the primary infection with rubella and any sexually transmitted diseases.

There are other reasons that can provoke fetal fading. But their Negative influence not fully proven and poorly understood. These risk factors include:

  • Severe stress;
  • Abuse of drugs, in particular antidepressants;
  • Smoking, alcohol and drug use;
  • Frequent flights;
  • Weight lifting;
  • Abuse of the beach and solarium.

It is difficult to determine the exact cause of fetal fading, as well as prevent it.

Usually, the risk group for this pathology includes women over 35 years old, with a large number of births or numerous miscarriages in history, with congenital anomalies uterus.

But absolutely healthy young women without chronic diseases and other problems are not immune from the loss of a future baby.

Symptoms of fetal freezing

It is not easy to recognize fetal fading on your own, as the symptoms are usually mild. In addition, they differ greatly depending on the gestational age. But knowing the main signs is necessary to increase the chances of timely diagnosis of pathology.

Symptoms of a missed pregnancy in the early stages

Only those women who are very closely monitoring their well-being can notice the first signs of the death of the embryo. They may note:

  • The disappearance of breast swelling and pain;
  • Cessation of morning sickness;
  • Rapid fatigue and weakness;
  • decline basal body temperature.

After the baby in the womb begins to move, it is necessary to monitor its activity. Its decrease or termination is a dangerous signal.

This is one of the signs of fading pregnancy. Also, a woman may notice that:

  • The mammary glands become softer;
  • Feeling worse, weakness and asthenia appear;
  • The feeling of heaviness increases in the lower abdomen.
  • Appetite changes.

For any dangerous signs you must immediately consult a doctor. For long periods, it will be enough for him to listen to the baby's heartbeat in order to suspect problems. But in the first weeks of pregnancy, when the heart is not yet audible, it is more difficult to diagnose fading. To do this, they conduct an examination and prescribe a urine or blood test for hCG.

It should be noted that after the death of the embryo, the level of hCG in the urine may remain within the normal range for several more weeks. That's why this indicator it is necessary to observe in dynamics, tracking its growth or decrease.

The most accurate data is provided by an ultrasound examination. The main ultrasound signs of an impending abortion:

  • Deceleration of the fetal heart rate (measured from 7 weeks);
  • Size Mismatch fetal sac and embryo;
  • Enlargement and deformation yolk sac;
  • The presence of hemorrhages at the site of embryo implantation.

Even ultrasound data does not provide one hundred percent accurate information about the viability of the fetus. Usually, a second study is prescribed after 3-7 days to track the dynamics.

How to prevent freezing?

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely prevent the pacification of pregnancy, since not all of its causes have been studied and not everything is still within the power of doctors. However, there are some steps you can take:

  • Monitor the health of the genital area and regularly visit a gynecologist;
  • At the planning stage, conduct surveys for genetic abnormalities(both parents)
  • Do everything in advance necessary vaccinations, especially from rubella;
  • During pregnancy, try to have less contact with sources of infection;
  • Eliminate bad habits;
  • Take medicines only under the supervision of a doctor in case of emergency.
  • Limit exposure to the sun and tanning beds, visits to saunas and air travel;
  • Try to keep calm.

If the trouble has not passed you and the fetus still froze, you should not despair. The probability of repeated fading of pregnancy is low. As soon as the body recovers, you can start planning again.

Fetal fading can occur in a woman at any age. This pathology means the death of the fetus and develops with a combination of several factors.

Before planning a pregnancy, every woman should know possible risks, as well as be able to recognize the signs of any pathology and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Frozen pregnancy is quite rare, among doctors given state was called a failed miscarriage, since the death of the embryo passes without obvious signs of termination of pregnancy. The fetus can die at any time, regardless of the age of the woman, although most often the pathology develops among women in labor over 40 years old. Pregnancy fading in most cases occurs for up to 13 weeks, the causes of the pathology are a variety of factors: chronic diseases, infections, genetic disorders, etc. However, the fetus may die without obvious reasons, but in any case, fetal fading poses a threat to a woman’s health, in particular, it can lead to infertility.

Causes of fetal fading

Fetal fading is provoked by many factors, and a combination of several circumstances is often observed. It is not always possible to establish the exact cause of such a pathology, since after the death of the fetus tissue necrosis occurs, which makes the study quite difficult.

Among the causes of fetal death are hormonal disruptions, chromosomal abnormalities, infections, etc. The most common cause of pregnancy fading is alcohol and cigarettes. Herpes, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, etc. can also lead to the death of the fetus, so doctors recommend that you undergo an examination before planning a pregnancy and cure all existing diseases.

The reasons why the fetus stops developing and dies are not well understood, but experts identify several main factors:

  • hormonal imbalances can lead to a deficiency of progesterone, due to which the fetus does not receive the necessary nutrients, which ultimately provokes a halt in development and death of the fetus. Usually such a reason provokes fading in the first trimester. In addition, thyroid disease, polycystic disease and other ovarian dysfunctions can cause fading.
  • immunological factor, which Lately viewed more and more often. female body the fetal egg is perceived as a foreign body, since it contains about half of the genetic information of the future father, in connection with this, the body begins to produce antibodies that prevent the development of the fetus. In other words, the immune system women are killed by an embryo.
  • autoimmune disorders associated with a large number of antibodies to plasma phospholipids - antiphospholipid syndrome. This pathology leads to fetal fading in almost 5% of cases. The risk of fading in a second pregnancy increases to 42%. The cause of antiphospholipid syndrome is mainly heredity, this pathology leads to the formation of blood clots and over the course of pregnancy, the risk of complications may increase, in addition, antiphospholipid syndrome can affect childbirth and the postpartum period.
  • infectious diseases, both chronic and acute form. The most common diseases that can lead to fading are herpes, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, etc., which may be present before pregnancy, however, with a decrease in immunity, the disease begins to manifest itself more aggressively.

Cytomegalovirus can provoke pregnancy fading in the first trimester, if infection occurs at a later date, this can lead to serious defects development. Syphilis, gonorrhea also pose a danger to the health and life of the child.

  • chromosomal disorders. During the development of the embryo, various developmental disorders may occur, for example, pathology of the zygote, misdevelopment placenta.
  • stress, drug abuse, especially antidepressants.
  • bad habits (drugs, alcohol, cigarettes)
  • external influence(air travel, gravity, exposure, excessive sun exposure)
  • causes of an unknown nature. The fading of pregnancy has not yet been sufficiently studied, and in some cases it is impossible to determine why the development of the fetus has stopped.

Why does fetal fading occur?

It is quite difficult to single out the main reasons why the fetus freezes, since several factors can lead to this pathology at the same time. For example, hormonal disruptions and chromosomal changes in the embryo or infection.

Also, the use of drugs, alcohol, smoking during pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases can cause intrauterine death of the fetus.

How to provoke fetal fading?

Fetal fading in some cases can be provoked by the woman herself. Smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs, drug abuse can cause the development of the embryo to stop. In addition, frequent nerve strain or stress, coffee, a sedentary lifestyle disrupt the normal development of the fetus, lead to insufficient oxygen supply and nutrients to him.

Signs of fetal freezing

Fetal freezing has several symptoms that a woman can determine on her own. Most often, fading occurs in the first trimester, often this pathology is detected during a routine examination or ultrasound. In this case, fading can be detected several weeks later than the death of the embryo occurred.

In the early stages, an abrupt cessation of toxicosis, a decrease in basal temperature, and soreness of the chest can indicate the death of the embryo.

In some cases, these signs are ignored or are perceived as a natural manifestation of pregnancy.

For more later dates it is possible to determine that fetal death has occurred by the fact that the child has stopped moving, also severe pain in the abdomen or open bleeding may indicate a pathology.

The first signs of fetal fading

It is rather difficult to determine the fading of the fetus in the early stages on its own, since in each case the pregnancy proceeds individually. For example, some women do not have toxicosis or other manifestations of pregnancy (dizziness, weakness, cravings for salt, etc.). In the first trimester, an abrupt cessation of signs of pregnancy (provided that they were) can indicate the death of the embryo. If a woman initially felt well, then it is possible to detect fading when visiting a doctor or on an ultrasound scan.

At a later date, pathology may be indicated by the fact that the child stops moving. In most cases, when fetal death occurs, the woman begins miscarriage. But in some cases, a woman can walk with an already dead fetus inside her for several days and even weeks. The fact that the fetus is dead and the decomposition process has begun can be indicated by pulling or severe pain in the abdomen, spotting.

Fetal freeze at 8 weeks

The eighth week of pregnancy is a rather early period at which the umbilical cord and placenta have not yet formed, the main purpose of which is to protect the fetus from external negative factors. At this time, the embryo is extremely vulnerable, and an infection or hormonal disorder can provoke malformations that are incompatible with life. Fetal fading at such an early stage is quite common and in most cases ends in spontaneous miscarriage.

Fetal freeze at 16 weeks

Fetal fading most often occurs for up to 13 weeks, however, it happens that the fetus dies in the second trimester. At the 16th week of pregnancy, the risk of pregnancy fading is extremely high and several factors can contribute to this.

Intrauterine fetal death can occur due to infection, chromosomal developmental disorders, conflict between the Rh factors of the child and mother, and abortions in the past.

To identify the fading of pregnancy at week 16 allows monitoring the growth of the uterus and ultrasound. Signs of a missed pregnancy (moving the baby, pain in the lower abdomen, spotting, etc.) do not always indicate the death of the fetus, confirm this diagnosis Can only specialist and ultrasound.

After confirming the death of the fetus in the womb, the doctor prescribes an emergency operation (cleaning) to remove the fetus from the uterus, otherwise it can lead to inflammation, infection, severe bleeding.

After cleaning, the woman is observed for several days and spent full examination to determine the causes of fetal fading.

After the pregnancy fades, it is advisable to plan the next one at least six months later.

Fading of one fetus with twins

During a twin pregnancy, the death of one of the embryos occurs once in a thousand pregnancies. Fetal freezing can occur different reasons, often one fetus dies due to developmental anomalies, improper blood circulation, developmental disorders of the placenta, umbilical cord. Also, the death of one of the embryos in twins can be facilitated by a mechanical factor, for example, an acute lack of oxygen in a single placenta and one fetal sac.

The death of one of the embryos leads to serious violations health of the second, as well as death. According to statistics, in the event of the death of one of the embryos in the first trimester, the probability normal development and the birth of the second reaches 90%. If one fetus stops developing for up to three weeks, then the embryo completely resorbs or softens and dries out (“paper fruit”).

If the death of one fetus with twins occurred at a later date, then the second may develop a severe lesion of the central nervous system, internal organs or death.

If one of the embryos dies, the woman may not feel any symptoms. Usually, the pathology is detected on ultrasound (lack of heartbeat, movement). One dead fetus with twins in the second and third trimester can lead to a large loss of blood in a living child. Through the connecting vessels, blood from a living fetus enters a dead one, and since the heart does not work, a dead body is able to absorb quite a lot of blood. Due to large blood loss in a living fetus, severe anemia can begin, which will lead to damage to the central nervous system and oxygen starvation.

The actions of the doctor directly depend on the period at which the death of one of the children occurred. On recent months pregnancy, the doctor may decide on an emergency delivery, despite the unavailability of a live fetus for birth. In this case, for a living child premature birth pose less of a risk than continuing to stay with dead organism and the less time passes from the moment of fetal death to artificial delivery, the better for the second child. With the timely detection of a missed pregnancy, the probability of a successful outcome for a living child is approximately 55%.

For the treatment of pathology in the second trimester, the termination of any relationship between the two organisms and the transfusion of blood to a live fetus are used if there is no possibility of delivery.

In the third trimester, only artificial childbirth is used, since a dead organism poses a strong threat not only to a living child, but also to the mother, since coagulation disorders (blood clotting) are possible.

How to determine the fading of the fetus?

Fetal freezing can occur without pronounced symptoms. Identification of pathology occurs after a visit to the doctor. If there is a suspicion of pregnancy fading (the uterus is not large enough, there are no movements of the child), then an ultrasound examination is always prescribed for a more accurate diagnosis.

You can also determine the fading of the fetus by analyzing urine and blood, which show deviations from the norm.

Fading of the fetus in the early stages

Often, the fading of the fetus in the first weeks of pregnancy is difficult for a woman to identify herself, since often the symptoms are hidden.

In most cases, the fading of pregnancy in the first trimester accompanies the disappearance of toxicosis, rapid fatigue, a decrease in basal temperature, the cessation of swelling and soreness of the mammary glands.

In most cases, these signs are ignored or attributed by the woman to her new condition. It is possible to identify the fading of pregnancy after some examinations.

The doctor prescribes an analysis for hCG, if the level of this hormone has dropped sharply or stops increasing, then the pregnancy is expected to fade.

In some cases, an ultrasound examination may show that there is no embryo in the ovum.

Fetal fading in the second trimester

Fetal fading occurs most often in the first weeks of pregnancy. The death of an embryo before 18 weeks is usually due to various genetic disorders, and it is impossible to maintain such a pregnancy. Less often, pregnancy fades in the second trimester, as a rule, the reason for this is the flu, exacerbation infectious disease, hormonal disorders and so on. Only a specialist after an additional examination can determine the cause of pregnancy fading. In some cases, the cause of the fading remains unclear.

In the second trimester, the main sign of a violation of the course of pregnancy is the lack of fetal movement. At about 18-20 weeks (in those who give birth earlier), the fetus begins to move, if a woman notes that the child has not moved for more than a day, then this is a good reason for an urgent visit to the doctor.

During the examination, the doctor will determine the size of the abdomen, the ultrasound will listen to the fetal heartbeat, and placental abruption can also be diagnosed. In addition, pain or bleeding may indicate an abnormal development of pregnancy.

The fading of pregnancy in the second trimester is quite rare, the main cause of the pathology is serious illnesses maternal or genetic disorders. Also, intrauterine fetal death can occur as a result of trauma.

Fading of the fetus in the later stages

Fetal fading in the later stages can be determined by more pronounced signs. The main symptom of pathology is the lack of movement.

In addition, there are a number of signs that may indicate a fading pregnancy:

  • the breast becomes softer, not swollen
  • great weakness
  • appetite changes (if it was absent before, it appears and vice versa)
  • The main examination of a woman is to pass ultrasound pelvic organs, swabs to detect diseases, urinalysis, blood tests, infection tests, thyroid tests, hormone levels.

    Also possible additional methods studies that a doctor can prescribe based on the woman's medical history and individual characteristics of the body.

    Fetal fading is not a sentence for a couple who dream of having a baby. In the early stages, the death of the embryo most often occurs due to a developmental anomaly that is incompatible with life. In the case of repeated pregnancy, the probability of fading is practically eliminated. Compliance with a healthy lifestyle by future parents, following the doctor's recommendations, a complete examination before planning a pregnancy and treating all existing diseases will prevent the development of this pathology.

A frozen or developed pregnancy is an intrauterine death of the fetus that does not manifest itself. clear signs termination of pregnancy. Pathological condition occurs up to 28 weeks of gestation. Most often, the fading of pregnancy occurs in the early stages in the first trimester before the 16th week of the child's development. The period before is especially dangerous, when the organs and systems of the embryo are being laid, and the placenta has not yet been formed. After diagnosing a missed pregnancy, the embryo is removed from the woman's uterus. In some cases, spontaneous abortion occurs.

Symptoms of a missed pregnancy in the early stages

The danger of an undeveloped pregnancy in the early stages of development is that the pathology can proceed without clinical manifestations. The delay of a dead embryo in the uterus leads to the gradual decomposition of its tissues. Toxic decomposition products are absorbed into the blood of a woman, causing poisoning of the body and the development of severe complications.

Explicit Clinical signs can occur 6-7 weeks after the death of the fetus, which indicate a violation in the work of the woman's body. A late pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is detected faster - the fetal movement stops, which should alert the woman. Doctors warn that a planned visit to the gynecologist can eliminate not only the development of intoxication and other undesirable consequences in a pregnant woman, but also in some cases to prevent fetal death.

Clinical signs are not developing pregnancy, if they do, they are rather weak. A woman may not attach any importance to this. It is necessary to know the symptoms of intrauterine fetal death in the early stages in order to respond in a timely manner and visit a doctor antenatal clinic where the pregnant woman is registered with the dispensary.

Symptoms of a missed pregnancy:

In the event of complications associated with poisoning of the body with toxic decomposition products of fetal tissues, obvious clinical signs occur.

  1. Fever up to 40 degrees.
  2. Chills, increased sweating.
  3. Headache.
  4. Intensive pain syndrome in the lower abdomen.
  5. Constant nausea, repeated.
  6. Uterine, epistaxis, internal bleeding.

Prolonged intoxication can lead to the development of sepsis (bacteremia, general infection of the body) and DIC (impaired blood clotting, massive bleeding).

Signs of a missed pregnancy in the early stages

A gynecologist can diagnose a non-developing pregnancy by specific features which are characteristic of intrauterine fetal death. The specialist also prescribes additional examination methods that confirm the disappointing verdict. Only after contacting the antenatal clinic will it be possible to say with certainty that the embryo died, and the pregnancy stopped development. Before visiting a specialist, one should not draw premature conclusions.

You can suspect a frozen pregnancy at home by changing. To do this, you need to measure the temperature in the rectum with a thermometer in the morning after sleep, without getting out of bed. The female sex hormone is responsible for maintaining pregnancy, which causes an increase of 0.3-0.5 degrees.

The normal course of intrauterine life corresponds to the temperature in the rectum at the level of 37.2-37.5 degrees. A decrease in this indicator indicates a violation of the course of pregnancy and possible death of the fetus. It must be remembered that low rate- is not an absolute sign of a missed pregnancy. If a basal symptom is detected, it is necessary to seek advice from a gynecologist.

At the appointment, the doctor collects the woman's complaints, conducts an examination, including on the gynecological chair, prescribes laboratory and instrumental methods of examination. In the early stages of gestation, the most informative is ultrasound diagnostics of the embryo and laboratory analysis to detect concentration ( chorionic gonadotropin human) in peripheral blood.

Causes of missed pregnancy

In most cases, it is possible to identify the cause of a non-developing pregnancy and, with further planning of conception, take a course preventive treatment. Sometimes doctors cannot determine the cause of intrauterine fetal death. This does not cause concern in the case when such a pathology occurs once. Repeated miscarriage indicates a severe pathology in the body of a woman, which requires a thorough examination and adequate therapy. According to statistics, intrauterine fetal death is rare and does not have a habitual character - for 200 normally occurring pregnancies, there is one case of embryo death in the womb.

Causes of missed pregnancy.

Habitual miscarriage often causes a combination of several adverse factors. Identification of the cause of the pathology is an important link in planning pregnancy and birth healthy child.

What diagnosis of a missed pregnancy will be the most accurate?

Non-developing pregnancy in the early stages is detected using laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods. Before the examination is scheduled gynecological examination pregnant.

  1. Examination on a gynecological chair - allows you to determine the condition of the cervix, the compliance of the size of the uterus with the gestational age. If a discrepancy is found or pathological changes appoint ultrasound diagnostics.
  2. Ultrasound examination of the uterus and fetus exact method detection of intrauterine fetal death in the early stages of development. Signs of a missed pregnancy: uneven contours and deformation gestational sac, localization of the embryo in the lower parts of the uterine cavity. In case of a doubtful result, a second ultrasound examination is performed after 5-7 days. Stopping the growth of the fetal egg or poor visualization of the embryo is evidence in favor of a non-developing pregnancy.
  3. Blood test for content - effective method diagnosis of intrauterine fetal death at the earliest stages of pregnancy (up to 8-10 weeks), when ultrasound examination is not informative. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the level of the hormone doubles every 24-48 hours. The absence of an increase in the blood or a decrease to 5 mIU / ml (typical for non-pregnant women and men) speaks in favor of intrauterine fetal death. In some cases, the membranes of the fetal egg are formed and synthesized, and the embryo does not develop - hormone indicators will give false negative result and diagnosis becomes ineffective.

The appointment of a method for diagnosing a missed pregnancy and the interpretation of the results of the examination is carried out by a gynecologist. The specialist will correctly assess the risk of pregnancy pathology and determine the tactics of treatment.

What to do if a missed pregnancy is detected?

After confirmation of a missed pregnancy, a dead embryo is removed from the uterine cavity. In some cases, the body independently rejects the fetus in the process spontaneous abortion. At miscarriage a pregnant woman is prescribed medical procedures and surgical interventions that are aimed at removing the embryo and its membranes.

Methods for terminating an undeveloped pregnancy.

  1. Medication - intravenous administration medicines, which increase the tone of the uterus and cause contractions. The embryo leaves the uterine cavity naturally through the cervix and vagina.
  2. Curettage - cleaning the uterine cavity with special surgical instruments. It is carried out under anesthesia. The cervix is ​​dilated, then instruments are inserted into the organ cavity. The embryo and the inner lining of the uterus are scraped out. The technique is dangerous for the development of complications: bleeding, inflammation, infertility. This method cannot be considered sparing in early pregnancy and is prescribed if other methods are contraindicated.
  3. Vacuum suction - gentle surgical intervention through vacuum suction. Used for abortion in early pregnancy. A tip is inserted into the cervix without the use of dilators vacuum apparatus and, under pressure, suck the contents of the organ, removing the embryo and mucous membrane.

After the termination of a frozen pregnancy, a woman should be under the supervision of a gynecologist. Carry out outpatient or inpatient treatment, depending on the type of permission from the burden, the general condition of the woman, the risk of complications. Treatment includes antibiotics a wide range actions, hemostatic agents, vitamins. It is recommended to refrain from planning conception for six months.

To identify the cause of intrauterine fetal death, the uterine mucosa (endometrium) and embryonic tissues are taken for histological examination. When identifying chromosomal abnormalities prescribe genetic counseling of parents to establish compatibility. It is obligatory to study the woman's blood for the state of the hormonal background, the analysis of the smear for the flora and the presence of genital infections. Identification of the cause of a missed pregnancy helps prevent intrauterine fetal death during further planning of motherhood.

A frozen pregnancy is a tragic event in a woman's life, but not a sentence. If the cause of the pathology is identified, it is possible to prevent the death of the embryo, preserve the vital activity of the fetus throughout the entire period of development, and give birth to a healthy child.

Frozen pregnancy - one of the most terrible pathologies of pregnancy - the death of the fetus in the womb.

For those who have been waiting for a long time and wanted to conceive a baby - this is great tragedy. However, the situation is far from hopeless, and the chances of conceiving and bearing a healthy child again are very high. In addition, this is also a significant reason to reconsider your lifestyle, undergo an examination and take a responsible attitude to pregnancy planning.

A missed pregnancy is a stop in the development of an embryo or fetus that occurs before 28 weeks of gestation. Another option is also possible: the egg was fertilized, but the embryo did not begin to form in it.

Most dangerous weeks, in which most often stops the development of pregnancy:

  • 3 to 4;
  • from 8 to 11;
  • from 16 to 18.

Deserves special attention 8 week. Since it is during this period that everything is “bookmarked” vital organs embryo, and it is most exposed to negative factors.

Frozen pregnancy: symptoms in the early stages

If the pregnancy freezes for up to 16 weeks, then it is characterized by the following symptoms.

Abrupt disappearance of symptoms of toxicosis: nausea and bouts of vomiting disappear, the mammary glands lose their soreness and return to normal volume, become soft.

Pain in the lower abdomen: often have a mild pulling character. However, pain during a missed pregnancy is not always present.

Also observed spotting, bloody or brownish.

Basal temperature during a frozen pregnancy drops to a level characteristic of the absence of pregnancy.

If a woman did not notice a frozen pregnancy on time, and the dead fetus is in the uterus for quite a long time, intoxication may begin, for her characters:

  • sharp pain in the groin and lumbar region;
  • temperature increase;
  • pale skin;
  • weakness.

All this is fraught with the development of blood and tissue infection - sepsis, since the decay products of a dead fetal egg enter the woman's bloodstream.

It is worth noting that the manifestation of symptoms is extremely individual, and in some cases a woman does not know that the pregnancy has stopped in development, until the next examination. If a woman observes them in herself, she needs to see a doctor, but do not immediately panic and do rash acts. It is advisable to get advice from several specialists, at least two.

Eat real cases when in one antenatal clinic a woman was diagnosed with a missed pregnancy, and in another they said that everything was in order, and as a result, this pregnancy was resolved by a successful birth.

Frozen pregnancy: symptoms in the later stages

It is possible to recognize a frozen pregnancy that has stopped in development in the second trimester (up to 28 weeks), first of all, by the lack of fetal activity - a child stops moving in a woman's stomach.

As you know, the first movements of the baby occur for a period of 17 to 20 weeks. Everything is individual here - there are children who are active and not very active, but if the child does not move for 4-6 hours, this is a reason to see a doctor. You should not wait any longer, at this time the fetus may suffer from hypoxia, which, in the end, can also lead to his death.

Another symptom of a missed pregnancy in the second trimester is change in the state of the mammary glands. It is noteworthy that if the development of the fetus stops for up to 25 weeks, the breast also returns to the “pre-pregnancy” state, however, if the pathology develops after the 25th week, it is possible that the mammary glands will swell even more, colostrum will begin to be released from them.

Pain V inguinal region or lower back, general deterioration of well-being, nausea - are also symptoms of late pregnancy, and appear a few days after the death of the fetus.

Frozen early pregnancy: causes

  • chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, in particular, they can be caused by consanguinity of the mother and father;
  • Rhesus conflict in mother and child, and in most cases rhesus negative at mother;
  • teratogenic effect, i.e. the impact on the developing body of drugs that a pregnant woman takes for a period of 1 to 10 weeks. Later baby is already protected by the placenta, and earlier it was not yet sufficiently connected with the mother's body to perceive all factors. However, some drugs accumulate in the body and have their effect on it for a long time after use;
  • antiphospholipid syndrome; autoimmune disease, expressed in the production of antibodies by the body to its own phospholipids (components of cell walls). In pregnant women, the disease manifests itself in the form of blood clots in the vessels of the placental tissue, which prevent the normal supply of the fetus with nutrition and oxygen. It is noteworthy that almost half of the women suffering from this disease had 2 miscarriages in a row. However, this diagnosis is not a sentence, and with it it is quite possible to endure and give birth to a healthy child - with timely detection and treatment;
  • disturbed hormonal background usually a lack of progesterone. Women who have already had missed pregnancies, miscarriages, violations of menstrual cycle and other manifestations of hormonal imbalance;
  • serious psychological stress And physical exercise;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions and bad habits of one or both parents: smoking, drinking alcohol, drug addiction;
  • physiological features and anomalies in the structure of the uterus of a pregnant woman;

In addition, in some cases it is not possible to find out why a missed pregnancy occurs.

Frozen late pregnancy: causes

  • infectious diseases, including diseases transmitted through sexual contact (influenza, rubella, cytomegalovirus, mycoplasmosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • diseases of the kidneys and cardiovascular system of a pregnant woman;
  • genetic and other fetal anomalies incompatible with vital activity.

Diagnosis of missed pregnancy

by the most exact way determining a missed pregnancy both in the early stages and in the later stages is an ultrasound scan, during which the specialist will check:

  1. Inconsistency of the size of the uterus with the gestational age;
  2. Absence of heartbeat and respiratory movements;
  3. Incorrect position, deformation and contour around the body of the fetus in the later stages, indicating tissue decomposition;
  4. Lack of visualization and growth of the embryo in early pregnancy. It is very rare, but it also happens that the fetal egg grows for some time, and the embryo does not form in it or stops developing.

This is also the reason for the problems that sometimes arise with the definition of a missed pregnancy according to the results of an analysis for hCG - the second method for diagnosing pathology. It happens that an ultrasound stops the development of pregnancy, and the level of hCG in the blood continues to grow, as it is produced by the shell of the fetal egg, or it itself rests on high level several days after the death of the fetus.

As you can see and missed pregnancy test can show positive result, because and its action is based on detection of hCG in urine.

Although, as a rule, the level of hCG during a missed pregnancy drops sharply or is equal to zero.

Consequences and termination of a missed pregnancy

As a result of a frozen pregnancy, two scenarios are possible:

  1. Spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages, when the uterus rejects the dead embryo and removes it from the body;
  2. medical intervention. If it is not carried out on time, then in the later stages the decaying fetus will poison the mother's body with decay products, which will lead to serious consequences for her health.

So, if a frozen pregnancy is diagnosed, then its interruption at the moment is possible in several ways.

1. Medication. This is a way to terminate a missed pregnancy in the early stages. A woman is prescribed drugs that provoke uterine contractions, and, as a result, a miscarriage.

2. Curettage, or curettage (cleansing) during a frozen pregnancy. A fairly popular, though not the most desirable, procedure, since tissues are injured during it and the likelihood of complications is high.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and is mechanical cleaning uterine cavity, removal of its upper mucous layer, special tool, which is introduced into the cervical canal, having previously provided access there by installing dilators.

After the operation, bleeding or inflammation may develop, so the woman must stay in the hospital for several more days, where her well-being will be monitored.

3. Vacuum aspiration. The operation, performed under anesthesia or local anesthesia, consists in cleaning the uterine cavity for a woman using vacuum suction. It looks like this: the tip of the vacuum apparatus is inserted into the cervical canal (without expansion).

After the procedure, the woman should be under the supervision of a doctor for about two hours. Of course, this method of terminating a missed pregnancy is more gentle than scraping. In addition, the woman does not have to stay in the hospital for a long time.

4. Childbirth. In the later stages, the termination of a missed pregnancy is much harder, mainly with psychological point vision. The point is that non-developing pregnancy is a contraindication for caesarean section(the contents of the uterus can be infected), so there is only one way out - artificial induction of labor. That is, a woman cannot simply disconnect from the process, for example, under anesthesia, she must herself give birth to a dead fetus on an emergency basis.

It is also worth noting that in the early stages, doctors sometimes do not make any attempts to terminate a missed pregnancy, waiting for the uterus to reject the fetus itself.

Treatment and recovery after a frozen pregnancy

After a frozen pregnancy, an examination is prescribed to determine the cause of the pathology. If one can be established, it is recommended to undergo a course of appropriate treatment.

Usually tests after a missed pregnancy include:

  • blood test for hormone levels;
  • smear and examination of the microflora of the vagina for the presence of genital infections;
  • histology after a missed pregnancy- study of the epithelium of the uterus. For analysis, a thin section of the upper layer of the uterus or tube is taken, or the material obtained during curettage is used.

As for the recovery of the uterus after surgical intervention, usually prescribe a course of antibiotics, hemostatic agents, as well as abstinence from subsequent pregnancy for a certain time (depending on concomitant factors).

In the case of identified genetic abnormalities of the fetus, after a missed pregnancy, a consultation with a geneticist will be required to determine the compatibility of partners.

Pregnancy after a missed pregnancy

How much time it is undesirable for a woman to become pregnant is determined by doctors in each case, at least it will be six months. Until that moment, a woman needs to use contraception and not worry that she will no longer be able to conceive a child. These fears are completely unfounded.

Frozen pregnancy is usually special case which in no way indicates a violation of the reproductive system women.

However, remember, in order not to experience this blow again - a woman must undergo a thorough examination, adhere to a healthy lifestyle and competently approach the planning of the next pregnancy. In addition, it is very important that not only the expectant mother takes care of her health, but also future father supported her in this. And the point here is not only moral support: it has been established that miscarriage in some cases is due to factors emanating from the man.

Of course, it is very difficult to survive a frozen pregnancy, and in the later stages, the depth of this tragedy simply cannot be put into words. But instead of falling into despair, a woman needs to switch all her attention to taking care of her health, and soon she will know the joy of motherhood.


Any woman in anticipation of a child is afraid of a missed pregnancy. Ultrasound and regular follow-up with a doctor help to monitor the development of the fetus. But the woman's personal feelings also matter - the signs that not everything is in order with the child are noticeable to her in the first place.

The fetus can become frozen already in the first weeks of the term, immediately after the egg has entered the uterus. Therefore, the most dangerous is the first trimester up to 12 weeks. There are cases when the development of the child stops in the second and third trimesters.

How to recognize a frozen pregnancy and live on after it? When you can plan your next pregnancy and what tests you need to take - read this article.

Causes of missed pregnancy

Many expectant mothers even know for sure how long a missed pregnancy can be in order to save the child and protect themselves from its consequences.

The eighth week of pregnancy is considered the most dangerous. During this period, the embryo is most susceptible to teratogenic effects, which can lead to fetal freezing. The first trimester carries more risks for the fetus, in particular at 3-4 and 8-11 weeks. In the second trimester, care should be taken at 16-18 weeks.

How to recognize a frozen pregnancy? It may not show itself at all for several weeks. Symptoms are also not an indicator - they vary from woman to woman.

Common features of pathology include:

  • abrupt cessation of toxicosis;
  • the presence of bleeding;
  • decrease in basal temperature;
  • increase in general body temperature;
  • cessation of breast enlargement;
  • cramping pain.

In case of any such manifestations, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. In the second and third trimesters, a missed pregnancy is determined by the cessation of fetal movement.

Frozen pregnancy has its own reasons:

  • medications;
  • alcohol and nicotine;
  • infectious diseases;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • diabetes;
  • negative reaction of maternal immunity;
  • frequent stress and harmful work;
  • sexual diseases;
  • antiphospholipid syndrome.

The risk group for fetal developmental failure includes the following categories women:

  • over 35 years of age;
  • having anomalies in the development of the uterus;
  • with a previously diagnosed intrauterine pregnancy;
  • who have had multiple abortions.

Causes of missed pregnancy in the first trimester (in the early stages)

Medicine known the following reasons missed pregnancy in the first trimester:

  • genetic in nature - they account for 70% of cases, these are genetic abnormalities of the embryo;
  • hormonal background - an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone, an increase in the amount of androgen;
  • autoimmune disorders - antiphospholipid syndrome, blocking the access of oxygen to the fetus;
  • intrauterine infections - sexually transmitted diseases and viral diseases, rubella is especially dangerous;
  • bad habits - alcohol, drugs, smoking;
  • nervous tension - regular stress, taking antidepressants.

It is very important for a pregnant woman to know how to determine a missed pregnancy in the early stages. The main clue will be her personal feelings and changes in her general health. But only a doctor can accurately diagnose pregnancy fading.

Like any disease, the cessation of fetal development has its own symptoms, so it is important to know exactly how a frozen pregnancy manifests itself in the early stages.

It can be installed according to the following features:

  • sudden disappearance of signs of immediate pregnancy - toxicosis stops and pain in the mammary glands disappears;
  • deterioration in general well-being - chills, elevated temperature body, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, bloody and bloody discharge from the uterus.

Can there be toxicosis with a frozen pregnancy

A woman cannot know for sure when the fetus stops developing in the womb. She may suspect this when the main signs of pregnancy are stopped, which were directly related to hormonal changes in her body.

A common question - is there toxicosis during a frozen pregnancy - has a very clear answer - no. If there was toxicosis and it was accompanied by general weakness and vomiting, a negative reaction to various odors - all these manifestations quickly disappear and general state improves within a couple of days. For this reason, toxicosis with fading of fetal development is impossible.

Can there be toxicosis with a frozen pregnancy , if vomiting progresses and the temperature rises? Also the answer is no. These are signs of infection in the body, which spreads rapidly and can lead to freezing of the embryo. In this case, immediate treatment is required.

Signs of intoxication during a frozen pregnancy

With a sharp cessation of toxicosis and an improvement in well-being, it is necessary to consult an observing gynecologist. A frozen pregnancy that does not turn into a miscarriage is dangerous by intoxication of the body.

Signs of intoxication during a missed pregnancy will be the same as the main symptoms of toxicosis. They will add the risk of infection, sepsis and suppuration. The main cause of intoxication will be the death of the fetus and its further stay in the mother's body.

What tests should be taken after a frozen pregnancy

Frozen pregnancy- not a reason to give up trying to get pregnant and have children again. Many women are interested in what tests should be taken after a frozen pregnancy. . They help determine the likelihood successful pregnancy repeatedly and identify inconsistencies in the body, if any.

The main analyzes include:

  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;
  • histological examination uterine tissue;
  • a blood test for hormones - the level of progesterone and estrogen in the body;
  • examination of a smear from the vagina for sexually transmitted diseases;
  • genetic testing for partner compatibility.

Cytogenetic analysis of the fetus after a missed pregnancy

Cytogenetic analysis fetus after a missed pregnancy is necessary to identify the reasons for the cessation of its development and miscarriage. It is carried out for up to 15 weeks. This analysis allows you to identify chromosomal abnormalities that could provoke a stop in the development of the embryo.

A cytogenetic study determines the presence of abnormalities in the chromosomes. For him, the genetic material of the embryo is taken. In some cases, the blood of the parents themselves may be required.

The analysis process lasts several days, it allows you to accurately determine whether chromosomal defects were the cause of a missed pregnancy or there were no violations in the chromosomes at all.

Analysis of hCG during a frozen pregnancy

HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin- a special hormone that is present only in the body of pregnant women. Thanks to him, pregnancy is determined using the well-known test. The reaction to its presence is manifested in the form of two strips. This is the most reliable and sure sign child development in the womb.

Chorionic gonadotropin is present only during a developing pregnancy, which is due to the growth of the child. The shell in which it is located and produces this hormone. Its amount in the body increases every two days. It is possible to detect hCG in the blood from the second week of the term, when it is excreted through the urine.

How does hCG drop during a frozen pregnancy? With a slow development of the fetus, the level of the hormone will be low enough that the test may show a negative result for pregnancy. The drop in hCG can be sharp or gradual in each individual case. But if during the analysis the doctor establishes a violation of the growth of this hormone, the pregnancy is considered pathological and the fetus is likely to die.

Urinalysis for missed pregnancy

Analysis of urine with a frozen pregnancy carries general character. By analogy with a blood test, it is necessary to make sure the general condition of the pregnant woman.

Also, a urine test can show the level of gonadotropin in the body.

This study can reveal detailed clinical picture missed pregnancy and show probable diseases of various organs.

Urine analysis during a frozen pregnancy reveals:

  • Availability inflammatory processes in organism;
  • a fall hCG levels, the general state of the hormonal background;
  • infectious diseases and the likelihood of intoxication of the female body.

When and how can you get pregnant after a missed pregnancy

Question about when you can get pregnant after a missed pregnancy , always resolved in individually for each specific case. It is influenced by the results of examinations and the general health of the woman. Psychological readiness becoming a mother also plays an important role here.

The recommendations of experts are reduced to minimum term, which must be waited, lasting half a year. During this period of time, the consequences of the pathology are reduced. But it should be borne in mind that one, and even more so two or more missed pregnancies have a strong negative effect on a woman's body. Therefore, a number of preventive measures are required to exclude the possibility of fetal fading in the future.

Preparing for pregnancy after a missed pregnancy

Preparation for pregnancy after a missed pregnancy begins immediately after the diagnosis of fading. The first stage is research on the subject of genetic abnormalities in an unborn child. Usually this is a histological examination of tissues under a microscope. But the mutation of the embryo may not be. Histology results can show a number of other causes - infection, hormonal disorders, chronic diseases. Then other tests are prescribed to confirm the causes of the missed pregnancy.

The second stage is the process of physical and psychological recovery. A woman needs certain time to rest after the tragedy.

  • Re-planning of pregnancy should be no earlier than 6 months.
  • It is imperative to protect yourself after a frozen pregnancy, especially in the first 3 months.
  • You should not plan a pregnancy under pressure from outside, with psychological unpreparedness or depression.
  • You should not become pregnant until the clear causes of a missed pregnancy are identified.

How to get pregnant after a missed pregnancy? The main thing here is not to rush, but to create a favorable situation, both psychologically and physically. Pregnancy planning should take place in calm atmosphere and with the exclusion of all adverse factors and causes that led to the freezing of the fetus for the first time.

How to avoid missed pregnancy

It is quite possible to get pregnant after the first missed pregnancy, as well as after the second one. To do this, it is necessary to undergo appropriate treatment, make the necessary vaccinations against infectious diseases and begin planning.

But, To How to avoid a frozen pregnancy, so as not to face its consequences later? Most The best way- lead healthy lifestyle life and avoid potential health risks. Sexual diseases should be excluded, a general strengthening vitamin course should be taken, immunity should be stimulated.

The first trimester is at the highest risk of miscarriage. During this period, laid internal organs and immunity of the unborn child.

How to avoid a missed pregnancy at such an early stage?

  • Timely undergo an ultrasound procedure and attend gynecological appointments.
  • Eliminate physical activity and the likelihood of stress, hard work.
  • Give up bad habits and unhealthy food.
  • Refuse to take medications containing chemical active ingredients.
  • Eliminate the possibility of infectious and sexual diseases.

To avoid the risk of miscarriage, it is not enough to follow medical prescriptions alone. It is necessary to create all conditions for the comfort and tranquility of the pregnant woman, which would contribute to the full development of the child in the womb.