How can a woman in labor restore her body after childbirth? During pregnancy, a year after childbirth, the female body is exposed to a large load. Third pregnancy, a year after childbirth.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Many people know that my children have a rather small age difference - 2 years. Therefore, here I want to tell you how the second pregnancy goes a year after the birth. I'll tell you what a big and stupid mistake I made in preparing for the second birth. I hope you approach this issue more consciously!

How is the second pregnancy different from the first?

Each baby is individual. And each gestation is also individual. In the same woman, the first pregnancy can be accompanied by terrible toxicosis and endless complications, but not the second. Or vice versa. If everything went perfectly the first time, this does not mean that the second time you can not visit the doctor at all. Also, all the signs by which you learned about the birth of a new life may differ.

However, if you wanted to give birth to your little brother as soon as possible ... Then the second pregnancy will have some features. All 9 months you will run after the restless yearling. Sometimes, young mothers forget about their situation - these days are so active! Only in the evening, when you lie down in bed, do you begin to feel active tremors inside... And you remember that soon there will be two children... By the way, usually in the second pregnancy, the movements begin much earlier. Personally, I started feeling them somewhere around 14 weeks! Although for the first time she somehow fixed the movements of the crumbs only at 20 weeks. And the stomach for the second time is rounded early. Not always, of course... But in most cases.

Features of pregnancy one year after childbirth

What should be remembered?
1. Many women carry older children with them for the whole cherished 9 months. However, why take the risk again? If the child is 1-1.5 years old, it is quite possible with simple hugs. Do not refuse to caress the little one, but gradually accustom him to alternative options: let him sit on your lap, lie on the couch with him ... And if he fell and got upset - sit down next to him and hug freely. Of course, there will always be times when you have to raise an older child. Especially on the street. Do not worry. There is no catastrophe in this, absolutely all pregnant mothers face this. Carry the baby where you need to, and do not worry.
2. If the elder falls asleep only after intense motion sickness, this is bad. And it is better to solve this problem even before planning a second baby. First, long motion sickness is undesirable in your position. Secondly, when a new baby appears and settles in your arms, it will be almost impossible to rock the older one. Try rocking in a crib, on a fitball, or something else ... Ideally, make sure that by the time your sister or brother is born, your eldest child can fall asleep on his own. This is not always possible, but pay enough attention to this area.
3. Slow down. Three times. Especially if the beginning of pregnancy is accompanied by poor health. In the first and last trimester, it is very important to be more loyal to yourself - as little as possible household chores and other stresses. After all, the older child will not allow you to simply lie down at a critical moment and rest.
4. A short interval between pregnancies places special demands on your body. The body has not yet had time to properly recover after childbirth. I haven't had time to replenish all the vitamin reserves yet. So pay close attention to your diet. Pay special attention to your “weak” areas: these are chronic diseases and those organs that suffer personally in you in the first place.
5. Second births usually develop faster. And they start earlier. Get ready for it! If you are unhappy with your first birth, it makes sense to pre-register for pregnancy courses, think about what you want to fix ... If there is no way to get serious face-to-face training, study the course on the Internet. Preparing for the second birth, a woman understands better how she wants to give birth. And you can organize everything just the way you see fit!
6. You definitely need an assistant who can sit regularly with an older child. It can be a spouse, grandmother or girlfriend ... It is very inconvenient to go to the "antenatal clinic" with a one-year-old. This is especially true if you use free medicine with its wild queues (I always sat in queues to the gynecologist for 1-2 hours). My husband and my eldest daughter were sitting with me, I adjusted my visits to doctors according to his work schedule (my husband specially got a job with a shift schedule of 2 through 2). And remember: women stay in the maternity hospital for at least three days. Therefore, if you do not decide to give birth at home, teach your baby to be without you for quite a long time in advance.

Should I get pregnant a year after giving birth?

A small difference in the age of children has its pros and cons. Of great importance is your health and the health of the older toddler. If you and your child constantly travel to hospitals, then it is better to postpone the appearance of your sister. The hardest part is childhood illnesses. And if both are sick at the same time ... But you also can’t close your eyes to the age of your mother. At 25, you can still postpone the conception of the second. And at 37 ... Every year, bearing children is harder and harder. You must weigh everything and evaluate what difference in the age of the children will be most optimal for you.

In my circumstances, planning a second miracle a year after the first appeared was the right decision. I had enough strength and health for this. Life with two children does not seem difficult to me at all (“”) ... On the contrary, I really like this kind of life. At the same time, we don’t have nannies or grandmothers nearby (grandmothers come once a week for a couple of hours, I don’t consider this a serious help). We do not send our eldest daughter to kindergarten. And both of our children are quite demanding. At the time of this writing, the youngest is 7.5 months old. He crawls well, but still often sits on his hands and does not sleep well during the day. And the eldest daughter very rarely plays on her own. But everything can be successfully combined, and life with two small children is not some kind of hell, it is a very interesting and eventful time. I didn't even have to forget about my hobbies. It was difficult only in the first couple of weeks (because of the elder's jealousy). It took about a month to adapt ... And then it only got easier.

How was my second pregnancy

Especially for this article, I recorded a short video:

Even before the appearance of the second strip on the pregnancy test, I gently stopped carrying my daughter in my arms, taught me to fall asleep, lying next to me. We fell asleep in an embrace ... And then we gradually learned to fall asleep, lying back to back. This was done with the expectation of breastfeeding a newborn. I could feed calmly, and my daughter pressed against my back and fell asleep. However, the newborn did not live up to our expectations, he did not like to suckle for a long time. He needed to be constantly rocked, and I could not lie next to my daughter. I had to urgently teach her to fall asleep in her crib. I went with a baby in a sling, and at the same time rocked the crib with my eldest daughter.

The pregnancy itself was easy. I did not feel any negative symptoms until 32 weeks. Then it got a little harder. After 36 weeks - even harder, there was always a strong tone. But at 38 I had already given birth.

The biggest mistake, I think, is insufficient accustoming my daughter to the absence of a mother. We gradually prepared our daughter for my absence. They gave it to my grandmother for a day. A couple of times she spent the night with her grandmother ... But this was not enough. After all, they spend three whole days in the hospital! And these days were very hard for us. The baby lived quietly for the first day and a half, and then she sensed something was wrong. Tantrums began, the search for my mother ... What I was very afraid of. Therefore, I strongly recommend that everyone do a few “rehearsals” before giving birth. Let the child stay without you for a few days. Gradually increase the time you are away. So that your departure to the hospital goes almost unnoticed.

Here is another medical view on our issue:

I once wrote an article about . Screening is not just an ultrasound, it is an analysis to determine genetic diseases.

Read about children's jealousy, about positive motherhood with two little ones ("") in other articles. This article is quite long... I hope you found it useful! Share the link on social networks and subscribe to new blog articles. See you soon!

Do you want to listen to a new, modern fairy tale, only a very, very old one? Here she is.

Once upon a time, there were three beautiful girlfriends. And one of them finally became a mother. Everyone was in seventh heaven: the young mother is happy that the long-awaited dream has come true, the girls are happy for their friend. But when the girlfriends (young, fragrant with perfume, spring and carelessness), for the first time came to visit their mother and take a look at the baby with one eye, then to their ingenuous question: “Well, how are you?”, She answered in an unexpectedly dull and devoid of intonation voice, answered: “ Tired. TIRED. Words cannot describe."

Every woman dreams of a child, and how could it be otherwise? One "but": human strength is limited. And the most difficult in this sense is the period of infancy and early childhood of the baby: from birth to three years. The world of a small child is his mother, and the baby is happy when his mother is happy. For a mother, one of the main tests on this path is to be able to give the baby all her love and care, while at the same time always remaining herself.

Very small

Your baby is three months old: you have not been getting enough sleep for three months and constantly feel overwhelmed. The baby is six months old: there is nowhere to step - toys are scattered everywhere, he calls you to him every 15 minutes, and you do not have time to sterilize the bottles. The peanut is already 8 months old, but for some reason it has not become easier: now he sleeps less, besides, he refuses new complementary foods, the benefits of which the doctor has been spreading for so long. Or - his teeth are cut, his intestines are upset, and nothing pleases him.

Or maybe it doesn't make you happy anymore? Moreover, it seems that the son (or daughter) loves his grandmother more: after all, she comes to him rested, smiles radiantly and sings “aha-aha” melodicly, and does not at all try to clean her nose or put a gas outlet.

Surprising and ... a little insulting. Even more surprising if I say that everything goes according to plan, that in life this is usually how it happens. And the Madonna with a baby in her arms - tender and mysteriously smiling - can be seen, if desired, in a museum or on reproductions of old masters of the Renaissance.

Psychologists know that the appearance of a new child is a great test of strength for all household members and the family as a whole. No matter how many books about child care are read by the expectant mother, she will still never be able to imagine how her whole life will change. The so-called postpartum depression, in addition to purely physiological causes (hormonal storm after delivery) is due to the fact that the young mother is face to face with a host of new difficulties. This is a lack of sleep, and anxiety for the newborn, the cause of which is inexperience, and a change in the entire rhythm of life.

No matter how much you wish, no matter how much you wait for your baby, you will definitely find yourself discouraged, realizing that you are now at the complete disposal of this new little man. And the little man, it seems, does not want to reckon with anything. Gradually, you notice that you are being treated like a free servant, that the love of a child is selfish, and having received his own, the child simply discards you for a while, like the skin of an orange.

Feeling has a name

So, the baby does not leave mommy a single chance for independence. He will dictate to the parent a new daily routine, and she will sleep exactly as much as he sees fit to allow her. If she feeds, then the menu will include only those products that are useful to the baby, and the nursing mother will drink not as much as she wants, but four times more. She can't respond to friends' invitations to "unwind" because even attending a one-act play at the theater will cause her to miss feedings. Yes, and there is nothing to go: your favorite clothes are no longer suitable in size.

And who said that all this is fun and enjoyable?

The worst thing in this post is not “bad”, but just good and responsible mothers. Idealistic and clever, they do not allow themselves to relax for a second, because it seems to them that every desire of the baby should be immediately satisfied. They are afraid to leave the baby even for an hour, so there is no talk of a nanny. And even a beloved husband will be instructed for half an hour before mom decides to leave the house for the first time for 15 minutes.

What will happen next? Fatigue makes itself felt: you feel that a child’s cry no longer arouses in you a desire to come closer, but an impulse to hide in anguish in the farthest corner of the apartment, covering your ears with your hands. And - yes. You feel irritated. However, not for long. A fraction of a second - and anger is replaced by horror. How can you feel anything other than love for your own child, right? And after that, you will hear someone invisible say: "You are a bad mother."

The feeling that has now settled in your soul has a name. This is a feeling of guilt. In addition, now we also have a vicious circle: guilt greatly depletes the psyche. And how fatigue (through irritation and an internal prohibition on it) leads to an increase in guilt, we have already seen.

The myth that the mother of a small child is an all-forgiving, meek creature with unlimited patience does not stand up to scrutiny. Mom is not even a clockwork marathon bunny with replaceable batteries. She is a living person like any other, and therefore has the right to be tired. Its resources are not unlimited. And irritation in this case is a completely natural, normal and healthy thing. If you enjoy new problems, you could be suspected of masochism.

First of all: don't paint yourself into a corner. Tell yourself honestly: yes, I'm bored of sitting at home for a year. Yes, I want to walk the streets without pushing a stroller in front of me. Yes, I'm tired of thinking about formula milk and fruit puree. Yes, I'm tired of perceiving food as a source of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and trace elements, I finally want to eat what I want to eat, without thinking about how it will affect the quality of breast milk.

Guilt is one of the most destructive and destructive things to the psyche. The best remedy for him in this situation is such an “internal rebellion”. Be sure: to feel angry in such a position is completely natural. Only now the baby has nothing to do with it, so there is no reason to be executed. Baby is a long-awaited gift of fate, and it is not his fault that you are tired. He has no choice, just like you.

From words to deeds

I assure you, the child feels much better next to a rested, cheerful and bored mother (even if she left for a while), than next to a tired and boring mother, who has not left him for a minute over the past six months. You simply have to rest, and every day, including outside the house: guests, a walk, a theater or a beauty salon - choose for yourself. How to arrange this is already the second question, but one thing is clear: if grandmothers cannot help, you cannot do without a nanny. By the way, forget another ancient myth that a nursing mother cannot miss a single feeding, otherwise the little one will refuse to breastfeed. It's not true, you can always leave the baby with expressed milk.

big babies

Every mother of a baby has heard at least once: be patient, after a year it will become easier. How not to remember the playful saying that the scale of worries is directly proportional to the size (age) of children? And for sure: little ones from one to two years old are a completely different story.

A growing person is actively mastering "human" speech. A one-year-old baby may not speak at all, but he understands simple phrases addressed to him. A two-year-old already famously manages about five dozen words. And in six months, the active vocabulary of the child will increase by an order of magnitude and the sentences with which he is wielding will be doubled. In addition, children at this time are already able to appreciate simple humor and even a simple word game like “cool hat”.

All this is fine, but nevertheless, sometimes it is still completely unrealistic to agree with a two-year-old baby. Although he hears you, he prefers to act in his own way, and, of course, he does not bear any answer for his own words. He is self-centered: his desires must be fulfilled immediately, the little one does not intend to wait a second. He is still unfamiliar with a sense of responsibility, so it is pointless to appeal to reason, shame and conscience if a carton of milk for some reason turned over on the floor. One joy: there was no malicious intent here. It's just that the child did not expect that the package would be full and outweigh, that's all. He still greatly lacks knowledge of the "physics of things", and impulsiveness does not leave the opportunity to remember parental instructions in time.

On the other hand, he is terribly observant and continuously monkeying around: turn your back a little - he turns the handles of the electric stove, and in the bathroom he tries to open a hot tap; having taken possession of a cotton swab, he is looking for where to shove it to himself, and most importantly, he is not indifferent to plugs and sockets. He is full of energy. When you put your jewelry away, he will move the stool to climb on it and get it anyway. When the stools are removed, it turns out that now you have nothing to sit on, and the fighter of the invisible front, meanwhile, has already deftly out of the situation. While you were washing the dishes, he piled up his soft toys and is already climbing to the intended goal - higher and higher.

So, you did not feel better, on the contrary, the tension increased. Every minute you need one hundred percent concentration of attention to keep in mind a thousand little things. For example: remove all small items out of sight, remembering where you put them, and at the same time - do not forget to lock the first aid kit, the bedside table under the sink and barricade the refrigerator. And despite all the efforts, there are days when the baby still has time to stuff a bump on his forehead, pinch his finger and break a new teapot.

The growing talkativeness of the little bully is of no use to you yet. You can still explain to him far from everything, but in response to your indignant “No”, you will immediately hear no less sonorous: “Zya! Zya! Zya! There is only one plus on your face - now you are no longer bored: instead of the monotonous rocking of the stroller, you have a miniature circus every day right at home. And every day - a new program, with clowns, magicians and equilibrium.

In general, you have already guessed: it is not easier to cope with a child of 1-2 years old, but more difficult than with a baby.

Young Mom Survival School
Little nothings of life

Accept for yourself that a certain number of things, contrary to your desire, will still be spoiled. Humble yourself and tell yourself, for example, that tearing off large shreds from the wallpaper, the baby helps you mentally prepare for repairs, which are still inevitable. And most importantly: You have to admit that during the first three years of a child's life, you basically belong only to him, and only then - to yourself, your own husband and society. Based on this knowledge, you will be able to more calmly both give yourself to a child and take yourself away for a while - for entertainment, relaxation and recuperation.

What to do with anger?

Feel and express it. Anger is as natural an emotional reaction as any other. Besides, if you are annoyed, you will never deceive a child. Children are amazingly perspicacious and read our emotional states instantly. They never make mistakes because they are guided by facial expressions and intonations, and not by words. The kid is a child of nature, and insincerity repels and frightens him much more than a natural angry outburst. You only have to take care of how to express this very anger. If you are angry, try not to shout loudly or harshly, although, of course, your voice will sound angry. Evaluate the act, not the child himself. So, you can’t throw a peanut in the face: “What have you done, shameless impudent ?!”. Say directly: “You know, I was so angry that I just have no words. Why did you break the book? Don't ever do that again!" And remember: in those families where the mother "does not know how to be angry", but only turns to stone in her face and voice, children grow up nervous and emotionally intense. This is explained very simply. Tomboys can’t help but be naughty, but they are sensitive and intuitively guess: mother’s patience is still not rubber. So, the longer she endures, the more powerful the explosion will be.

No senseless victims

Never try to "live for the sake of the child." Live with him. If you constantly sacrifice yourself (rest, communication, favorite thing) for the sake of the child, then instead of the mother, the child has a victim next to him. Isn't it too heavy for the little man? Maybe it's better to pay attention to yourself once again? If, for example, you have tickets for the premiere of a play that you really wanted to see, and the child has an acute respiratory disease and a slight temperature, and dad is ready to stay with him, I would advise you to go to the play. Just remember to bring your cell phone with you.

From 2 to 3: From partisanship to negotiations

Your child will soon be three years old: now you no longer have a simple-minded fidget, but a person with your own opinion. If you have forbidden something important for him, and he is offended, then before a walk he may refuse to dress himself, or you will have the pleasure of watching him slowly put everything on backwards, demonstratively examining the patterns on the wallpaper. Admire: this is no longer a wonderful flower, like 5 minutes ago, but an evil Pinocchio: he speaks well enough to “play the fool”, argue and bicker. Maybe he is even a bit of a demagogue, and every time he tries to “persuade” you.

You get tired not only from the fuss and stubbornness, but also from the fact that plans are constantly falling apart. You do an ordinary manicure for 2 days because you have to be distracted all the time. And you would never think of taking an interesting book from the shelf before the child fell asleep: any most amazing novel will only cause disgust if you read it line by line an hour. You feel that you do not understand what world you are in, as if a puzzle has been made of your life (and of yourself).

The kid, however, already perfectly understands your instructions and even requests, and most importantly, he begins to “appropriate” your prohibitions. If earlier, when leaving the room, you took all the “no” and “no” with you, and the child instantly went rogue, now he already leaves some of what you said for his personal use.

However, it was during this period that many mothers complain that they often began to get annoyed with the child. This is explained by the fact that if a child speaks well, cleanly and smartly, we tend to overestimate his intelligence. Mothers of three-year-olds should “let go of the reins” gradually - it is not yet time to shift responsibility for their behavior to the child.

Troubles usually happen like this: a child who, it would seem, “listens to the Russian language,” “suddenly” commits terrible hooliganism. His outrages are now not as primitive as before: the offspring may well take a tiny screwdriver and take apart the wall clock from the living room to the screw, or rip open the duvet and roll in it, after smearing it with honey, just like they did in the movies. Of course, you were touched by the fact that the baby has such a bizarre fantasy and creative outlook on life, but ... you yelled at him terribly. And it is possible that he even received a good slap from you.

I sincerely believe that it is better not to spank children. But I also believe that if a child could consciously choose a mother for himself, he would choose not a talking automaton, always on the alert, and therefore not letting pranks happen, but a living person who is naturally emotional and reacts "according to the situation." If you spanked a child, your guilt this time is quite adequate. But here, too, I think the child would prefer to choose a mother who is able to perceive her actions critically, and not one that can easily attribute everything to magnetic solar storms or a full moon. If you feel that you have gone too far with the punishment, apologize to the child.

Mothers of babies and mothers of three-year-olds love to arrange debates on the topic “Who is it easy to live?”. Those and others (as well as all mothers whose children are in this age range between the indicated points), of course, find a lot of differences and advantages in the position of their opponents. In fact, the only thing that is different is the age of the children. Everything else is similar. Therefore, they can safely share these tips among themselves.

  1. Organize help that satisfies you. There is nothing wrong if three times a week you invite a nanny for a few hours, grandparents pick up the child on one of the weekends, and your husband helps you in the evenings. Agree with him that two hours a day (let's say - from 19-00 to 21-00) he pays attention to his child. Hint that you will certainly spend part of the freed time preparing a family dinner. When no one bothers you, this activity can be safely considered a pleasure. If you are staying at home while the nanny is helping you, clearly define her responsibilities. Otherwise, you simply won't be able to resist "helping" her. Do not confuse - it is she who came to help you.
  2. Do you lack the opportunity to analyze your life yourself, are you “killed” by your complete dependence on the worries and schedule of your child’s life? The mother of the baby is very tired of the chaos and lack of certainty in life. On the one hand, every day is the same, on the other hand, everything changes every minute. There is a simple but great thing that will save you, and that thing is your own schedule that you really make and put up in a prominent place. This is not only the organization of life time and space, but a psychotherapeutic event. Try to spend the free time you now have “wisely”. By allocating as much of your time to your loved ones as is convenient and pleasant for you, you thereby get the opportunity to manage it. Feel free to ask your husband to coordinate with you the visits of friends and relatives. Do not forget that your position in the family is special. The schedule also helps in a situation where there is no one to replace you. At one glance at the "cherished leaf" you can easily find out how much time is left before rest - this will warm your soul.
  3. Do not avoid communication, even if you are tired and you seem to "do not care about anything." Call your friends, invite them over, talk. By the way, a friend who is in the same position as you can also help you. She can not only walk with the kids in line with you, but - and just come to visit you with her little one. A new situation always somewhat smoothes out everyday children's problems. Children will take care of each other, and you can chat. In addition, in practice, you will learn a lot of useful things from each other regarding child care, which in a telephone conversation would not even occur to you because of their fleeting nature. For two, you can cook something delicious, and it will turn out twice as fast. In addition, a friend will unload you in terms of concentration, and you can have time to do something else. If it’s hard at heart, you can speak out not only to a friend, but also to a psychologist. That's what they basically exist for.
  4. Make outings with your child. Put the baby in a backpack, a two-year-old may well use his two. Go to a big store and buy something for yourself, a child, or for the home. Do not forget that big and good shops are always equipped with children's mini-parks. (If the child is not quite small, a special worker will ensure the safety of the child and hand it back only to you, and no one else.) The baby may even like it very much in the store: looking around, he will provide you with the same opportunity. Go visit with your child. Subdued in a new environment, the little one will let you talk, and the owners of the house, subdued by his charm, will surely be happy to tinker with him. By the way, another two-year-old is already quite ready to visit the theater of animals named after Durov. Can you imagine how many impressions both of you will have? Postpone a joint visit to the circus for about a year.
  5. If you feel like you "want nothing," help your desires take shape. When relaxing at home, organize yourself a place where no one touches you. Any woman, like a cat, has a need for her own territory.

Sometimes you just need to shake things up. If you feel like you haven't been laughing lately, do something completely unexpected for yourself. It's not a fact that you need to visit a friend at her house, even if you think so. Better go to the zoo, where you have not been for 15 years! Or - to the skating rink, if you have friends who will keep you company, even if you have not been skating for 20 years. Do not think that the charming Elena Berezhnaya is constantly rotating a triple somersault there! There are a huge number of novice “skaters” on the skating rinks who just came to spend time with friends carelessly, and you will fit in wonderfully with their motley society, mixing with the crowd. It's great if you know how to ride, if not - you are just provided with the laughter that is lacking. If my project seemed too bold to you, just go to the circus. Be sure to buy cotton candy and false pink ears with springs there. It's fun!


Trite, but fatigue prevents us from seeing the forest for the trees. Of course, you are still at the post of "eternal vigilance", but fortunately - "eternal vigilance" is not eternal. I assure you, the hardest part is almost over. After all, the little one will soon be four, and this, according to the recognition of so many mothers, is the beginning of the most wonderful age. All the best is just beginning.

A serious and responsible approach to pregnancy planning is characteristic of most modern women, an accidental pregnancy becomes an exceptional case. But when you want to give birth to a second baby a year after giving birth, you should consider not only your desires, but also how ready your body is for this.

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Weather children: what are the advantages

For many young mothers, the birth of children of the same age is an undoubted advantage: they explain their desire to give birth to a second baby as soon as possible by the fact that they can immediately complete their “minimum program” and then devote themselves to a career. An educational moment is also mentioned as an argument “for” - the first child will not yet have time to taste all the charms of being the only one loved and will quite naturally perceive the appearance of a brother or sister. In economic terms, this also has its benefits: you no longer have to buy part of the “dowry”. In addition, children can go to school almost at the same time, and parents will have to “study” less in it. But be that as it may, all mothers understand that after previous births, the body must both recover and rest.

Postpartum period, when involutional processes occur in a woman's body - the reverse restructuring of all internal organs, except for the function of the mammary glands, lasts about 2 months. During this time, the uterus shrinks in volume and weight from 1 kg to 50–70 g, the vagina also decreases in size, and the birth canal and the inner surface of the uterus, which are a bleeding wound immediately after childbirth, heal.

It is for this reason that sexual activity should begin only 8-10 weeks after the birth of a child.

In a woman who does not breastfeed, menstruation is restored after 4 weeks, and the normal monthly cycle is after 2-3 months, theoretically by this time her body is already ready for the next pregnancy. For breastfeeding mothers, menstruation occurs at 7-8 weeks, but since lactation is regulated by the ovulation-suppressing hormone prolactin, contraception is provided naturally. However, only under certain conditions: if you do not have menstruation yet, the child is not six months old and you feed him on demand, including at night. When you start to give complementary foods, skipping breastfeeding, re-pregnancy becomes quite possible.

Usually, ovulation and a normal monthly cycle are restored in nursing mothers after six months

But the fact is that even if you are physically and psychologically ready to give birth, many internal organs and systems still need postpartum rehabilitation and strengthening. When you do not experience severe fatigue, insomnia, lack of appetite and weakness, your body is in good condition, but for full recovery, you still need to be protected for at least another year after giving birth. In cases where the listed signs are observed in you, you should postpone the next pregnancy for 1.5–2 years.

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What is the danger of re-pregnancy immediately after childbirth

If you want to maintain your own health and give birth to a healthy baby, at least a year must pass between the last birth and the next pregnancy. This is due to the fact that a quick second pregnancy can significantly undermine the strength of an organism that has just come to its senses after such a serious physical and psychological stress as bearing a child, childbirth and the first months of his life. After such stress, new loads can cause complications - provoke varicose veins, problems with the cardiovascular system, cause anemia and, ultimately, the threat of abortion.

Risk factors include inflammatory diseases that developed in the postpartum period: endometritis, metroendometritis, parametritis, etc.

You are thinking about a second pregnancy, because only two can be better than one baby. It is better to plan a second pregnancy no earlier than two years after the first birth. And although now everything will be simpler and clearer, there are a number of differences and features that you should be aware of.

You already know that you need to plan a second child at least two years after the birth of your first child. During this time, the body will just have time to rest, you will have time to finish, put the hormonal background in order, and the scar from the caesarean section is just healing.

Doctors say that women who give birth to children with an interval of less than two years are more likely to suffer from pregnancy complications (toxicosis, anemia, late preeclampsia), they have a higher risk of miscarriage. By the way, in this case, the child will also have a hard time: he may not have enough vitamins and nutrition, and a baby with a low weight or weak will be born.

The difference between the second pregnancy and the first

It is more difficult to hide the second pregnancy than the first: the tummy is visible almost from, and already at the end of the first trimester it becomes very noticeable. Muscles and ligaments, once stretched, lose their elasticity, and it is more difficult for them to support a growing uterus. That's why bandage is recommended to wear already from the fourth month of pregnancy.

The second pregnancy is not necessarily worse than the first.

The course of pregnancy depends on many factors. In particular, from the sex of the child: the manifestation of toxicosis is different for mothers of girls and mothers of boys. If the second baby is from another man, then he can also “behave” in a completely different way than the firstborn.

Usually the second pregnancy is easier: You already know what to prepare for and do not feel as stressed as the first time. But this does not mean that the small troubles of the first pregnancy will not accompany you again (hair loss, swelling, hemorrhoids, toxicosis, etc.).

The second pregnancy is not always faster than the first

There is an opinion that the second pregnancy may be shorter by a couple of weeks than the first. Statistics refute this idea, proving that the timing of all births is the same.

At least, there are no physical prerequisites for reducing the terms. But psychologically, the second pregnancy actually proceeds faster . There is already one fidget in the house who does not let mom get bored, and she does not have time and desire to be distracted by worries and anxieties for her unborn baby.

Mom-member of the forum Lika told the story:“The second pregnancy is not always happy for a woman. But I have one friend who got married right after school and gave birth to four children with a difference of 2-3 years. She wore every pregnancy like a jewel. Her bliss was not violated by any family, world or political cataclysms. She did not constantly go to the gynecologist, did not do a bunch of mandatory vaccinations, she just enjoyed her sensations. During perestroika, poverty awaited her, she never went to the sea, and her husband is more at work than at home. But this family is so happy! I have never seen such happiness!

The second baby is always bigger than the first

At least, classical obstetrics insists on this. Doctors say that each subsequent child weighs a little more than his older brother or sister. But, starting from the fifth pregnancy, the children are put more “small”: supposedly the woman is already tired and can no longer give birth to heroes.

After the first birth, the cervix shortens

After the birth of the first baby, the cervix becomes shorter. Its closure must be complete. If your cervix was injured during your first birth, tell your doctor about this problem to prevent a threatened miscarriage.

Toxicosis may not be at all

You will definitely be pleased with the fact that you can retreat. But the second pregnancy is so unpredictable that it can, on the contrary, upset you with more pronounced symptoms of nausea. Everything depends on the organism. If while waiting for your first baby you had health problems, edema, protein was found in your urine - monitor your health more carefully, follow a diet and water regime.

The risk of Rhesus conflict still exists

If during the first pregnancy you had, antibodies remained in the blood after childbirth, which can lead to hemolytic disease of the second baby. Therefore, when planning another pregnancy, go through a complete examination, carrying a baby, take a blood test for antibodies every month, do it regularly, monitor the condition of the placenta and amniotic fluid.

The second birth is faster than the first

During the first birth, the body needs 10-12 hours of contractions to open the cervix. The second time the neck opens in 6-8 hours. Accordingly, more efficient work of the uterus is accompanied by more intense sensations, pain. By the way, not the second, but the third childbirth is recognized as the most painful.

Svetlana Ponomarenko, psychologist: “In the East, they believe that life is given to a person as a lesson in what will be useful to him in future incarnations. Therefore, if some problem could not be solved, a person will again and again find himself in the same conditions, again and again trying to cope with this task. Therefore, if the first pregnancy was not a very pleasant surprise for you, treat the second attempt with full dedication. After all, we are talking about the most important thing in your life - a child. Let the second pregnancy be conscious, dissolve in this happiness!

Even if we managed to scare you a little, there is no need to worry. Each organism is individual, and the way the second pregnancy went for someone does not mean at all that the same course of events will repeat for you. After all, this is not the main thing: you will become the owner of double happiness, and no minor troubles can compare with this.

Have a calm pregnancy and easy childbirth!

After childbirth, the uterus of the woman in labor begins to contract very actively, becoming much smaller. During this period, she begins to appear discharge.

Uterine discharge

This means that the uterus is recovering. This process will take place within 2 weeks. The color of the discharge has a "bloody" hue. If your selection ends too early, then you should pay attention to this and contact a specialist. This is due to the fact that the cervix has closed and does not release the discharge from the uterus.

After three days in the hospital, you may be told that your uterus has not yet completely cleared, so they will suggest that you do a cleansing. It is recommended to refuse this procedure, because it is dangerous and can harm the uterus. It is worth agreeing only if there are really some harmful indications.

Your uterus will be cleansed within 10 days, so there is no need to carry out a cleaning on the third day, which is also so harmful.

On day 15 discharge becomes smaller. Their hue becomes yellowish.

The entire cleansing process takes place within 6-8 weeks.

During the discharge, you can not play sports, download the press and somehow load yourself. Try this time to just relax, lead a calm lifestyle and breastfeed the baby as often as possible so that there is enough and the body recovers.

If there is an unpleasant odor during discharge, then consult a doctor. The presence of an unpleasant odor may be due to some kind of inflammation.

If the discharge has a bloody tint for 3 weeks, then you should also consult a doctor.

Since during pregnancy the load was most on the intimate muscles, it is worth starting with them. They need to be restored one and a half months after childbirth. Squats work well as exercises.

After you understand that the intimate muscles are restored, then check yourself for diastasis.

Diastasis is the separation of muscle fibers in the abdomen.

How to check yourself for diastasis?

If you lie down and start to rise, you may see a bump in the navel area. On average, the size can be from 2 to 5 cm. If you find yourself with diastasis and it is of this size, then you can cure it with yoga in the future.

If the diastasis is 10 cm in size, then it can only be corrected with the help of an operation.

If you have diastasis, then you can’t pump the press, because because of this, the diastasis will become even stronger. Do not under any circumstances take on heavy loads.

If you do not have diastasis, then you can exercise.

After you have restored intimate muscles, healed diastasis, then it's time to move on to sports activities. It is better not to do heavy loads on the spine, because during pregnancy the center of gravity was shifted due to the abdomen. Because of this, your spine may be stooped.

In fact, a woman's health is restored 3 years after childbirth, even if the woman does not do anything for this restoration.

After your baby is born, you need to attach it to the breast immediately in the first hours after birth.

On the 3rd day after birth, there is a large rush of milk. When there is a lot of milk, then in no case do you need to express it. If you pump, the breast will receive a signal that the baby has already been fed, and the next day there will be the same flow of milk in the breast.

If you do not express, then the breast will receive a signal that the milk has not been finished and the next day there will be a smaller influx.

If you do not express milk, then within 3 weeks it will be normal and there will be no stagnation of milk.

Under what conditions should you express?

If the breast is very hard and full that the baby cannot even take it, then it is worth expressing some milk.

What should I do to avoid milk stagnation?

To avoid stagnation of milk, it is worth putting a cold wet rag or ice on the chest. Breast massaging also saves from milk stagnation. It is also recommended to give up hot tea. It will be best if you drink water.

Do not heat the breast, do not apply heat to it, do not apply a compress - this can cause milk stasis.

What to do if the baby refuses to breastfeed?

If the child refuses to breastfeed, then you should change your lifestyle a little. So that the child gets used to the breast and does not refuse it, try to apply it constantly.

No need to feed him in public. Do not look at the computer, do not sit on the phone, turn off the TV, do not communicate with people while breastfeeding. You must create the most comfortable atmosphere.

If the baby is distracted, spins around and does not take the breast, then just go to the bedroom with him, close the doors, curtains, create a calm environment so that nothing distracts the baby, and only after that start feeding him. After a few days, the baby will get used to the breast.

What to do if there is not enough milk?

Often, talking about not having enough milk is a delusion. In most cases, it is enough to apply the baby many times to the breast. You need to do this persistently, and then milk will appear over time. If a baby suckles at the breast, it will always supply milk in return.

How can you tell if you have enough milk?

To understand that there is enough milk, you need to monitor the child:

  • on the first day after birth, the child pees only 1 time;
  • on the second day - 3 times;
  • after ten days he pees 10-12 times a day.
  • If this happens, it means that he has enough nutrition and he does not have any dehydration.

    If he adds 500-750 grams per month, then this means that he also has enough milk.

    If the child does not gain weight, then this means that he has an incorrect attachment, he does not suck milk out of the breast well.

    The child is naughty for no reason

    Sometimes it happens that a child can act up a lot for no reason. So he can show his reaction to the behavior of his mother. If the mother is constantly worried, performs every action with fear and uncertainty, then the child, seeing this, begins to be afraid too. He ceases to trust his mother and the world around him.

    Try to always be confident with your child, caress, hug him often, reassure him if you see that he is afraid. The child must know that he is under reliable protection.

    When should complementary foods be introduced?

    You can introduce complementary foods under the following conditions:

    1. If the child has doubled his weight (was born with 3 kg and gained weight of 6 kg).
    2. The child has his first teeth.
    3. The child has a food interest, he began to reach for your food.
    4. The child does not have an ejection reflex (a reflex in which he tries to pull out the food that is given to him from his mouth).

    If at least 3 points match, then this means that complementary foods can be introduced.

    Until what age should you breastfeed?

    Up to a year and a half the baby can be breastfed. After a year and a half, you need to start negotiating with the child. You must make it clear to him that in some situations you will not breastfeed.

    For example, if you are in a supermarket and he reaches for his breast, then tell him that you will not feed him in this place. Say it confidently. If you hesitate to indulge the child with the words "Sasha, dear, well, maybe not now, maybe later?", then

    this will show the child your insecurity, and he will continue to demand the breast.

    No need to deprive the baby of the breast completely, no need to bandage it and tell him that he will no longer be fed with milk. Do not forcefully remove the baby from the breast.

    Do not forget that for him, breastfeeding is not only nutrition, but also emotional contact with mother in which he needs, feeling her care.

    If you negotiate with him, then over time he will begin to forget about the chest and begin to eat the same food as you.