How does a miscarriage occur? Is there an incomplete spontaneous miscarriage? Causes of spontaneous abortion

How does a miscarriage occur, in what weeks does it become possible and why? This important questions that disturb the heads of expectant mothers. After all, any slight tingling in the abdomen or vaginal discharge, they may be perceived as symptoms of an early miscarriage. Let's figure it out.

The most worrying time, according to doctors, is the first trimester. Immediately after conception and up to 12 weeks. During this period of time, the laying and formation of all organs and systems takes place, while the embryo itself is very susceptible to any negative influences and changes. So, spontaneous miscarriage can occur due to taking Nurofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that doctors so often prescribe to relieve pain and fever. That is why it is so important to know right away that pregnancy has occurred, and not to take medicinal, and even folk, drugs for treatment at your own discretion. And during the consultation, it is imperative for the doctor to say that you are “in a position”, so that he takes this into account when prescribing treatment. Many medications toxic to the fetus, their intake can lead to the formation of numerous malformations in it.

And yet, at what time can a miscarriage occur most often? Some doctors refer to weeks 4, 8, 12 as when a new menstrual cycle was supposed to begin. But scientists deny this. They say that the most dangerous are 6-8 and 10-12 weeks. Moreover, in the first case, most often the embryo dies first, that is, the pregnancy becomes frozen, and then, after a while, a miscarriage begins. But in the second case, at the end of the first trimester, expulsion occurs more often gestational sac.

How a miscarriage occurs in the early stages depends largely on the week in which everything happens. For example, abortions often occur literally in the second week of delayed menstruation, when many women are not at all aware of their situation. Toxicosis may not yet begin. Well, the delay ... It happens to everyone. There may be uterine spasms, bleeding. In general, almost everything is like with normal menstruation. Doctors even say that such unidentified miscarriages happen at least once in a lifetime for all women. And the reasons why a miscarriage occurs in these cases is almost always - random deviations in the chromosome set in the unborn child.

But the longer the period, the harder the miscarriage proceeds. The woman already knows about her position, and can adequately respond to pathological symptoms. As we wrote above, up to 10 weeks, miscarriages often occur with an embryo that has already stopped developing. That is, the pregnancy first “freezes”, and then, after a few days, the uterus gets rid of the “contents”. A woman finds out a miscarriage, what is it on own experience. If doctors diagnose a missed pregnancy in a woman, they are often immediately sent for a “cleansing”. It is possible to diagnose a frozen pregnancy only by passing an ultrasound examination.

at 10 weeks and late pregnancy in many cases is interrupted very quickly. The fertilized egg flakes off and leaves the uterus.

What to do if a miscarriage occurs early term pregnancy, and at the same time you know for sure that you were pregnant? For example, if there was positive test for pregnancy, or you took a blood test for hCG. First of all, you need to do an ultrasound. If you have stopped bleeding, nothing hurts, and according to the ultrasound everything is normal, there is nothing left of the fetal egg in the uterus, you do not need to do curettage of the uterus. Moreover, if the miscarriage was for the first time, even additional examinations are not required. The exception is the desire to have a baby soon and the failure to undergo a standard examination when planning a pregnancy earlier (before a miscarriage).

According to statistics, early miscarriage occurs in 20% of women. Moreover, most of them do not even have time to understand that something irreparable has happened. Spontaneous abortion, as doctors also call the rejection of the fetus by the female body, occurs for up to 12 weeks after birth. various reasons. The main thing that needs to be done in this case is not to miss the symptoms and consult a doctor in time.

Read in this article

Causes of spontaneous abortion

What causes early miscarriages? Such a question should be of interest even before conception. But the information will be useful to those who have already experienced trouble, and to those who just saw two strips on the test. So, the causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy can be as follows:

  • hormonal disruptions (higher risk in women with high testosterone);
  • nervous tension, stress;
  • constant ;
  • previous ;
  • genetic abnormalities of the fetus caused by mutations at the gene level;
  • immunological abnormalities, the main one among which is;
  • , taking narcotic drugs, drinking energy drinks;
  • infectious diseases transmitted from a partner;
  • careless, rough sexual intercourse;
  • falls, injuries;
  • weight lifting;
  • mother's age of 35 years and older;
  • taking drugs prohibited during pregnancy.

To say exactly why a miscarriage occurs in the early stages of a particular couple can only be done by a doctor after a comprehensive examination.

Signs and symptoms of early fetal rejection

Signs of a miscarriage in the early stages in any case should alert future mother. These include aching pain in the lower abdomen. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is far from always clear whether regular menstruation has begun or whether there really is a threat of a breakdown. Especially if the woman herself does not know if she is pregnant. If the conception is planned, then the expectant mother should be alerted by strange in consistency or unusual periods. Usually they are brown, with an admixture of bloody spots.

Don't be afraid to see a doctor! In the event that this is indeed a pregnancy, on initial stage everything can be stopped and the pregnancy can be saved. Of course, when profuse bleeding there is no chance to save the fetus.

It is very important to know the indirect first signs of a miscarriage in the early stages in order to at least maintain your health. The following changes will indicate spontaneous abortion:

  • weight loss;
  • persistent pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, accompanied by spasms;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (, nausea);
  • the appearance of secretions of a strange shade.

The symptoms of a miscarriage in early pregnancy are similar to and with other, no less dangerous pathologies. Therefore, it is impossible to postpone a visit to a specialist.

There is an opinion that a couple may have a spontaneous abortion more than once during the entire planning period. This is partly true. Young people can change the situation on their own, simply by being examined and undergoing a course of treatment. Spontaneous early miscarriage, the symptoms of which in the first month are very similar to menstruation, often go unnoticed by a woman. If she already knew about her new position and was expecting a baby, then after cleaning it is recommended to go to rest, change the situation and gain strength. And after that, it will be possible to start planning the conception again and believe that this time everything will definitely be fine!

Pregnancy is not easy milestone in the life of every woman. This is a new step, a new test. But not always pregnancy has a happy outcome. In some cases, a miscarriage occurs. This is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy. Most often, this happens in the early stages. There are many factors that cause this phenomenon. How to recognize the signs of a threatened miscarriage in the early stages?

Some statistics

Statistics show that every fifth pregnancy ends in a miscarriage. Many women may not notice this. Most often this happens 7-14 days after conception. This happens for many reasons. At the same time, there are practically no signs of a miscarriage at 2 weeks.

In some situations, spontaneous termination of pregnancy occurs when a woman guesses about her interesting position. In order to avoid a repetition of the tragedy in the future, it is necessary to know which diseases, external factors can provoke a miscarriage, and how to avoid it.

Genetic disorders

Experts in the field of genetics believe that 75% of all miscarriages happen precisely because of genetic disorders of the fetus. Don't be afraid. In many cases, such deviations are random. At the same time, viral diseases can lead to spontaneous abortion, negative impact environment, radiation, etc. In most cases, there are no signs of miscarriage. The photo confirms that in this way nature is trying to save humanity from unviable or unhealthy offspring.

It's almost impossible to avoid this. The risk of developing genetic abnormalities increases every year.

Hormonal disruptions

From the moment of conception, a global restructuring begins in the female body. This also affects the hormonal background. A sign of a threatened miscarriage in the early stages can be low level progesterone. Deficiency of this hormone can be caused by many reasons. However, with the timely detection of deviations, spontaneous termination of the current pregnancy can be prevented. For this, the expectant mother is assigned hormonal preparations.

There is another pathology that can lead to disastrous consequences. Some women experience increased levels of male hormones after conception. These substances inhibit the synthesis of progesterone and estrogen. These hormones support female body and allow pregnancy to proceed without deviations.

Often, adrenal and thyroid hormones can affect the outcome. Therefore, at the planning stage, it is recommended to check the status of these organs.

Immunological problem

Probably, many have heard about such a phenomenon as Rhesus conflict. What does it mean? A similar phenomenon occurs when a child has inherited a negative Rh factor from his father. As a result, the female body perceives the fetus as a foreign organism and begins to reject it.

In this case, it is possible to prevent abortion if the woman is prescribed drugs with progesterone in a timely manner. After all, this hormone plays the role of an immunomodulator.

Infections in a woman

On this moment Many diseases are known to be transmitted through sexual contact. Many of them are able to provoke a miscarriage in early pregnancy. Signs of some diseases may not appear. This is worth remembering when planning a pregnancy. TO dangerous pathologies includes cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, herpes, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, etc.

Spontaneous interruption occurs when the embryo is infected, as well as when the fetal membranes are damaged. To reduce the impact of diseases on the child, treatment of the identified ailment should be started immediately.

Other reasons

Among other causes of miscarriage, experts distinguish:

  • viral diseases, such as influenza, chickenpox, rubella, tonsillitis, etc.;
  • violation of blood flow between the fetus and the mother's body;
  • bad habits: drugs, alcohol, smoking;
  • pathology internal organs fetus;
  • nervous shock, stress;
  • physical exercise, injury, lifting heavy objects;
  • scars on abdominal cavity and uterus, history of abortions;
  • taking medications that are contraindicated for pregnant women;
  • x-ray radiation.

Premature termination of pregnancy in the second and third trimester is most often provoked by an inflammatory process in the placenta or in the uterus.


What are the signs of an early miscarriage? For 2 weeks, a woman may not be aware of conception, and her spontaneous interruption may be mistaken for menstruation. And if the expectant mother already knows about her interesting situation? What signs of a threatened miscarriage in the early stages should she still pay attention to?

The most common symptoms include pain, localized in the lower abdomen, as well as bleeding. Unpleasant sensations can be given in the lower back. If you notice brown or red discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor. This will keep the pregnancy going. The chance is great if the discharge is scarce. If they are abundant, then the risk of spontaneous interruption increases. main feature miscarriage (after it) - bleeding with an admixture of pieces of soft tissue.

The symptoms of the threat of premature termination of pregnancy should also include the tone of the uterus. A few points should be clarified here. It is worth starting to worry only if the tone of the uterus causes discomfort, and is also accompanied by pain. If such phenomena do not occur, then the doctor will advise the expectant mother to avoid stress and reduce physical activity.

The signs of a miscarriage at any stage of pregnancy are the same. Their difference lies only in the intensity of pain and in the amount of discharge. Starting from the second trimester, damage to the bag with amniotic fluid. This is accompanied by vaginal discharge with blood clots during urination. This gives rise to strong pain in the stomach or shoulder area. This is one of the signs of internal bleeding.

Minor features

The first signs of a miscarriage in the early stages of a woman may be mistaken for the onset of menstruation. However, it is worth considering the existence of secondary symptoms spontaneous abortion. It is they who allow you to distinguish a miscarriage from menstruation:

  • It's a dull pain in the lower back;
  • bleeding with an admixture of mucus;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • frequent liquid stool;
  • vomit;
  • spasm-like pain.

If these signs of miscarriage occur, you should immediately seek help from a medical facility.

How does spontaneous abortion happen?

To understand what signs of a miscarriage exist, it is worth understanding the process itself. It doesn't happen overnight. This process lasts from 2 hours to several runs. There are several stages in this:

  1. There are signs of a threatened miscarriage. At the same time, there is a pulling pain localized in the lower abdomen. The increase in pain occurs gradually. As a result, they become paroxysmal. At this stage, bleeding from the vagina appears. You must immediately seek help from a medical institution. Timely help can save the pregnancy, as the cervix is ​​​​still closed.
  2. Detachment of the placenta. As a result of this phenomenon, the embryo begins to experience oxygen starvation. At this stage, it is impossible to stop the process of spontaneous termination of the current pregnancy. The fetus dies.
  3. At this stage, the placenta exfoliates completely. The dead embryo still remains in the uterine cavity. It is from this moment that the separation of the fetus begins.
  4. The final stage. The dead fetus leaves the uterine cavity along with the placenta.

After a miscarriage, the doctor should carefully examine the woman. If necessary, cleaning is carried out to remove the remnants of soft tissues.

Dangerous terms of pregnancy

Knowing the first signs of a miscarriage in early pregnancy, you can avoid many problems. However, you can protect yourself by contacting specialists at the planning stage.

Most often, miscarriages occur on the 2-3rd week after conception. At the same time, a woman may not know about pregnancy. Therefore, such miscarriages are often mistaken for menstruation, since the symptoms are similar: pain in the very bottom of the abdomen or in the lower back, discharge with blood.

Least of all miscarriages occur at a later date - up to 20 weeks. How this happens is described above. Spontaneous termination of pregnancy after the 20th week is called stillbirth.

Frozen pregnancy

In medicine, there is the concept of "frozen pregnancy". She is also called miscarriage. What it is? Enough long term(up to 28 weeks) observes the cessation of fetal development, and then his death. You can identify this condition by the following symptoms:

Varieties of miscarriages

Spontaneous abortions can be divided into several main varieties. Each of them is characterized by certain signs of a miscarriage. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Incomplete miscarriage. This condition is characterized by pain in the lumbar region and in the lower abdomen. This causes the cervix to open. As a result, the integrity of the fetal membrane is violated. At this stage, bleeding and pain does not stop.
  • Full. The embryo or fetus after death completely leaves the uterine cavity. At the same time, bleeding stops, and other signs of miscarriage in the early stages disappear.
  • Failed. The dead embryo or fetus remains in the uterine cavity. A doctor can detect a frozen pregnancy during the examination of the patient, while listening to the heartbeat. For diagnosis, an ultrasound is performed. With this pathology, all signs of pregnancy disappear.
  • Repeated. Often such a miscarriage occurs in those women who have had more than three spontaneous abortions in the early period.
  • Anembryony. With this pathology, the egg is fertilized, but the fetus is not formed. A woman may not have her period. In this case, all signs of pregnancy are noted.
  • Choriadenoma. Such a pathology is a genetic error that occurs during fertilization. At the same time, abnormal tissue grows in the uterine cavity instead of the fetus. A woman with this disease may show signs of pregnancy.

It is worth noting that all of the listed deviations from the norm end in abortion or mechanical cleaning of the uterine cavity.


Unfortunately, it is not always possible to diagnose a miscarriage only by signs. Therefore, women are recommended at the stage of pregnancy planning to undergo a thorough examination and pass all the necessary tests. If the conception occurred suddenly, the doctor can determine the threat. For this:

  • The state of the uterus is determined: whether the organ is in good shape or not.
  • The correspondence of the gestational age and the size of the organ is checked.
  • The cervix is ​​​​checked: closed or not.
  • Special attention given to vaginal discharge.

At a later date, transvaginal ultrasound is performed to detect the threat of abortion. This is the most reliable method diagnostics. During the procedure, the internal structure of the organ and the length of the neck are determined.

If spotting and other signs of miscarriage appear, a woman can be transferred to a day hospital to monitor her condition. If nothing threatens the child, then she can be discharged home.


We looked at the signs of miscarriage in early pregnancy. But within the framework of a given topic, it is worth mentioning the consequences of such a phenomenon. After a miscarriage, the doctor can give two days for the remnants of the soft tissues to come out of the uterine cavity on their own. In this case, a woman should monitor what kind of discharge she has. If the residues do not come out, then mechanical cleaning is prescribed. For this, scraping is carried out. After the procedure is required a long period body recovery.

The first menstruation after a spontaneous abortion may be accompanied by prolonged bleeding. It may be related to the remnants amniotic membranes in the uterine cavity. To diagnose this, an ultrasound is prescribed. If such shells are detected, repeated cleaning is performed. If the ultrasound showed that the uterine cavity is clean, the doctor prescribes drugs to stop the bleeding and speed up the process of contraction of the organ.

An inflammatory process may begin. This may indicate an increase in temperature. If you experience symptoms of inflammation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If there are no complications, then the body recovers after a spontaneous abortion in 30-60 days. However, do not forget about the psychological trauma. Therefore, experts recommend contacting a psychologist if depression occurs. Specialists explain to women how to cope with trauma, how not to dwell on the problem. The most important thing is not to experience loss alone. As practice shows, the best remedy in psychological therapy - a new pregnancy. However, before conception, it is worth preparing your body and eliminating the cause of the miscarriage.

Is it possible to prevent

As mentioned earlier, it is possible to prevent spontaneous termination of the current pregnancy if you seek help in a timely manner at the first sign of a threat. If symptoms of pathology are detected, the doctor prescribes bed rest. In some cases, a woman is forbidden even to get up. With the threat of miscarriage, all physical activity is minimized.

Do not forget that any excitement, as well as negative thoughts, negatively affects the state of the fetus. Therefore, a pregnant woman needs to avoid stress. To soothe nervous system, the doctor may prescribe an infusion of motherwort or valerian.

In some cases, the specialist may prescribe drug therapy to block uterine contractions. In some cases, this helps to avoid premature termination of pregnancy. If necessary, the specialist conducts a second ultrasound. If insufficiency is diagnosed, sutures are placed on the uterus in the hospital, allowing you to keep the fetal egg inside the organ. The operation is performed under anesthesia. At the same time, relaxing drugs are injected into the uterus.

Determination of the cause

Identification of the cause of spontaneous abortion will avoid a recurrence of the situation in the future. Therefore, a woman should undergo a series of examinations and a course of appropriate therapy. To determine the cause, the doctor may prescribe:

  • Genetic consultation. At the same time, tests are carried out to determine the chromosome and gene set of not only the mother, but also the father.
  • Immunologist consultation. The specialist may order tests to identify autoimmune diseases that can lead to miscarriage.
  • Endocrinologist consultation. A specialist can help identify problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Gynecological examination. It may be associated with defects in the structure of the uterus, which do not allow bearing a child.


It is not so easy to determine the signs of an early miscarriage. Therefore, experts recommend to maintain pregnancy to adhere to certain rules prevention:

  • A woman's complete rejection bad habits. This applies to alcohol, drug abuse, and smoking.
  • Moderate physical activity.
  • Doing exclusively right image life.

If signs of pregnancy are detected, a woman should:


The first signs of a miscarriage do not always allow timely determination of the presence of a threat. Many women can lose a child, already knowing about its existence. However, a miscarriage should not serve as a reason for abandoning the desire to have a child. Statistics show that the odds normal course subsequent pregnancy is 80%.

However, with subsequent miscarriages, this figure is significantly reduced. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, it is worth passing all the necessary tests and determining the cause of spontaneous abortions. If this is a disease, then its therapy is carried out. Planning a pregnancy after a miscarriage and mechanical cleaning uterus stands after 2 months.

The threat of early miscarriage: causes, timing, symptoms, how to keep the pregnancy


Spontaneous rejection of the fetus during pregnancy called a miscarriage. According to statistics, in recent decades, the number spontaneous miscarriages women increased to 16% of all planned pregnancies . This material details the causes of spontaneous abortion, describes the signs of a threatened miscarriage, how a miscarriage occurs and looks like, as well as the timing of early and late rejection of the fetal egg.

What signs of a threatened miscarriage should I pay attention to first of all during pregnancy?

If a woman is regularly disturbed by weak pulling pain in the lower abdomen and periodically appear smearing highlights of red with an admixture, you should immediately go for an examination to a gynecologist, since similar symptoms can be harbingers of the onset of fetal rejection . The sooner the threat of spontaneous miscarriage is identified and treatment is started, the more the probability of preserving the fetus and carrying the child safely until the end of the gestation period.

heavy bleeding and similar contractions constant pain in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy are symptoms of the rejection of the fetus in the uterus (photo). In this case, prevent risk of spontaneous miscarriage does not seem possible. It is extremely important to call an ambulance as soon as possible in order to promptly stop bleeding and replenish .


In case of spontaneous miscarriage at 5-7 weeks of pregnancy , a fetal egg will come out of the uterus with red streaks of a grayish color the size of quail egg(see photo below). What does a miscarriage look like at 8- 12 weeks pregnant - if the fetal egg comes out completely with all the shells, then it will be the size of egg, elongated shape, possibly flesh-colored with streaks. On later pregnancy miscarriage, as a rule, comes out with shell fragments.


- violations hormonal background. If during pregnancy in the female body there is an imbalance hormonal background , then it might happen early fetal rejection . Typically, the cause of a miscarriage is lack of the hormone progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman . If this problem can be detected in time, then the threat of miscarriage can be prevented by treatment with special preparations with progesterone.
thyroid function and adrenal glands can cause early fetal rejection. If the content of male hormones in a woman's body is too high, then they suppress the release of estrogens and the same progesterone. Androgens often cause 2 miscarriages in a row or more (recurring).

- genetic abnormalities in the developing fetus. Reduce the risk of miscarriage in this case, it is extremely difficult, since the mechanism of natural selection is turned on and the woman's body gets rid of the embryo with abnormal deviations in genetic development.

-pathologies of internal organs, infectious diseases.
Often viral hepatitis , rubella And flu are a threat of early miscarriage, especially with a weakened immunity of a pregnant woman . If infection causes a woman's temperature to rise to 38 C and above, as well as severe intoxication, that is chance of fetal rejection . Before pregnancy planning it is necessary to eliminate all foci of the spread of infection in the body ( pyelonephritis , pneumonia, etc.).

- some healing herbs and medical preparations.
Medicines should be used with extreme caution during pregnancy and only with the permission of your doctor! Some drugs can cause fetal defects and induce a miscarriage. At an early stage - in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, it is advisable not to use any medicines and public funds. For example, hormonal drugs and analgesics can cause a threatened miscarriage in early pregnancy. Even so common in folk methods treatment greens like parsley, tansy, St. John's wort are not recommended for use in the first trimester of pregnancy , especially - at 4-7 weeks .

- Rhesus conflict in a pregnant woman.
Immunological disorders during gestation can provoke early spontaneous miscarriage . If a woman has Rh negative factor blood, and the embryo inherited Rh positive factor from the father, then the female body can identify the fetus as a foreign body and begin to reject it. If reveal Rhesus conflict up to a possible threat of miscarriage , then you can prescribe immunomodulatory therapy using drugs with progesterone.

- stressful situations, emotional instability, severe fright.
Frequent mental stress, unexpected fear, severe grief can cause spontaneous miscarriage (see photo). If you are often stressed or depressed, talk to your doctor about the use of sedatives such as valerian.

- lifting and carrying heavy objects, severe falls with bruises can cause spontaneous abortion. Try to take care of your safety, as you are responsible not only for your health during pregnancy . The threat of early miscarriage is especially high if you neglect your own safety.

- and another common reason in recent decades, capable of causing miscarriage both early and late pregnancy Not healthy lifestyle life. If a pregnant woman eats food that is harmful to her body and fetus, drinks a lot of coffee, alcoholic drinks and smokes then chance cause spontaneous miscarriage increases significantly.


Miscarriage in early pregnancy - symptoms

Miscarriages that occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy , are called early, and in the period from 12 to 23 weeks of gestation - late miscarriages.

How does an early miscarriage happen?

- How does a complete miscarriage happen?
During spontaneous interruption, the fetus completely leaves the womb, while pain disappears and bleeding stops.

How does an incomplete (inevitable) miscarriage happen?
bursting fetal membrane and there is an increase in the lumen in the cervix . Uterine hemorrhages begin lower abdominal pain and in the lumbar region.

- How does a recurrent miscarriage occur?
Occurs rarely. Spontaneous interruption occurs 3 or more times.

- How does a miscarriage happen?
Often found during a visit to the gynecologist. When listening to the fetal heartbeat, there is no heart rhythm. The fetus dies, but does not come out with secretions but remains in the uterus


If a woman does not know she is pregnant , red highlights can take for normal menstruation.
How to distinguish between menstrual flow from bleeding during an early miscarriage, if clear signs there are no spontaneous interruptions?

Eat indirect signs miscarriage:

- frequent urges of nausea;

Spasms and drawing pains lower abdomen;

Noticeable weight loss;

Possible mucus discharge ;

Problems with the digestive system;

Aching pain in the lumbar region.


- chronically feeling unwell and nausea;

Severe pain in the lower abdomen;

Red and brown discharge ;

Frequent calls to urination;


If there is sudden heavy discharge in late pregnancy, the fetus can no longer be saved.


Miscarriage 4 to 6 weeks

According to statistics, miscarriage at such an early stage in most cases occurs due to malformations and genetic abnormalities. Often the cause of these pathologies is the use of potent drugs by a woman on the eve of conception.

Miscarriage 6 to 13 weeks


- Chronically unwell and weak the immune system body of a pregnant woman. A weakened female body is simply not able to withstand the load during the period of bearing a child.

Another common cause of miscarriage during this period of pregnancy is inflammatory processes provoked gynecological diseases, scraping after an abortion, flu, tonsillitis.

- the fetal body is rejected by the female body due to the fact that it was not properly fixed in the womb. It can happen due to endocrine disorders .

- Rhesus conflict provokes the production of antibodies that attack the fetus and causes a threat of miscarriage in the early stages;

- hormonal imbalance in the body of a pregnant woman can cause increased tone uterus, which leads to miscarriage (photo), if the balance of hormones is not corrected in the early stages of pregnancy;

During this period of pregnancy, the anatomical features of the structure of the uterus (bend, other defects) do not allow the fetus to develop normally further and may occur miscarriage.

Miscarriage 13 to 22 weeks

The causes of miscarriage in late pregnancy can be immune disorders, anatomical pathologies, endocrine diseases, and infections.

Also, the common causes of late miscarriages include isthmic-cervical insufficiency - a weak cervix opens, as it cannot hold the fetus.

Miscarriage after 22 weeks of pregnancy

The most common cause of miscarriage at this late date is severe damage to the reproductive organs (from bumps, falls). Also spontaneous abortion at a later date, it can cause a woman to perform heavy physical work.


According to statistics, the risk of spontaneous termination of pregnancy in the later stages is significantly reduced if the fetus had the opportunity to successfully develop during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. . Moreover, if the interruption occurs after 22 weeks of bearing a child, then in medical practice this is already considered premature birth and in the arsenal of gynecologists there are many tools for nursing a premature baby.

As a rule, fetal developmental disorders are not the cause late miscarriage. Causes of late miscarriage include:

- severe stress experienced by a pregnant woman;

Premature exfoliation of the placenta;

Inflammation of the walls of the uterus or placenta ;

Operations on the uterus or vessels can also provoke a miscarriage at a later date.


Cleaning after a miscarriage and further treatment

In the event that the life and health of a woman after a miscarriage is not in danger, the attending physician suggests allowing the remnants of fetal tissues to come out with secretions on their own within a few days. If the remnants of the fetal membranes and the fetal egg have not come out completely, then a cleaning of the uterus after a miscarriage is prescribed. Cleaning is performed by scraping the uterine cavity (vacuum removal of residues or removal by curettage). Further treatment and recovery childbearing functions in a woman after a miscarriage, it passes in several directions: the complete elimination of inflammatory processes in the body and detection of latent infections, periodic examination changes in basal temperature And planned ultrasound intrauterine cavity, the imposition of a circular suture on a weak cervix (if necessary: ​​if a woman has already had 2 miscarriages in a row, then possible reason - weak cervix ), restoring the hormonal background in the body.

Period after miscarriage

Any deviations that occur during menstrual cycle after a miscarriage, should serve as a reason for seeking advice from a gynecologist.

Often after interruption, monthly discharge resume a few weeks later or other pathological conditions are observed menstrual irregularities in a woman - for example, bleeding does not end.
It is possible that in the womb, even after cleaning, there are still particles of the fetal shell. In this case, it is necessary to do an ultrasound scan and, if necessary, repeat scraping. If everything is in order, the doctor prescribes hemostatic drugs that help the uterus contract more actively and recover after scraping.

Pregnancy after a miscarriage

After a miscarriage, you must definitely go necessary examinations and hand over necessary tests. It is important to accurately identify the cause of spontaneous abortion and completely eliminate it.

You can not rush with a new pregnancy after a miscarriage at an early or late dates. A woman must restore the emotional and physical balance in the body. It is advisable to plan a new pregnancy after a miscarriage not earlier than 1 year later. Theoretically, you can get pregnant 2 months after a spontaneous abortion, but each subsequent miscarriage reduces the chances of a woman


Listen to your body. Many women note that early is manifested by more abundant than usual menstruation with blood clots. The uterine cavity at this time is cleared, and therefore painful discharge is observed. In some cases, you can even consider fragments of the fetal egg pearl. In addition, bleeding can last longer, even up to several weeks. If you already know that you are pregnant, but you start bleeding, you should immediately call an ambulance. Only with the timely intervention of doctors can it be saved.

Contact your gynecologist and ask to be referred for a blood test. You can also use the usual test. In the event that conception nevertheless occurred, hCG level in the blood will be elevated up to 10 days after miscarriage A. Even faint streak will be evidence that the pregnancy was.

Do not worry. Early miscarriage does not completely rule out the possibility again. Almost half of the interruptions in the development of the embryo is due to genetic disorders in the structure of the fetus, that is, nature does not allow the development of a non-viable organism. In other cases miscarriage can occur due to stress, poor nutrition, excessive exercise. Take into account your mistakes and next time try to treat yourself and the unborn baby more carefully. Gynecologists say to wait at least two menstrual periods before trying to conceive again. This will give you time to recover. If miscarriage happened three times in a row, you need to see a doctor immediately. The diagnosis of "Chronic miscarriage" is not a sentence. With the help of modern medicine, it is possible to create all the conditions for a child to develop normally until birth.

It is impossible to defeat nature, sometimes it acts one way or another. Miscarriage usually happens with pathological deviations from the norm, this is the natural defense of mankind, so nature controls the birth of sick children. But not always a miscarriage occurs as a result of a gene mutation, there are other reasons: the state of health, lifestyle and emergency situations, no one is immune from this. The symptoms of a miscarriage are somewhat blurred and can also be related to a complicated course of pregnancy, when the fetus can still be saved.


Uterine discharge of any color is also a signal of danger. Even if you have very weak bloody or pinkish discharge, it is possible. Don't wait a minute, call soon ambulance or go to the hospital yourself, even if it happened late in the evening or. Bloody issues can be a sign of placental exfoliation, which will inevitably lead to miscarriage if you do not get qualified help on time.

Painful urination, during which pain in the lower back appears, can also signal the presence of a threatened miscarriage. But it is not exact sign, since such pains can be symptoms of cystitis.

Any deviation in the body can lead to the threat of miscarriage. Therefore, periodically go to the hospital for a checkup. If you regularly undergo ultrasound, then the threat can be fixed at the very beginning of its appearance. And in this case, the hospital will be able to help you save.

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If you experience any deviations in your well-being, do not hope that this will go away on its own. Better visit again women's consultation. A huge number of miscarriages occur due to female negligence, when the doctor's prescriptions are not followed.

Helpful advice

Do not take any unfamiliar drugs. It is extremely dangerous to drink any medication during pregnancy without a prescription.

Eat well and lead a healthy lifestyle, then the threat of miscarriage will bypass you.

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Pregnancy is a complex process, as a result of which the body of the expectant mother endures heavy loads. In this case, there are cases when it is contraindicated. And early diagnosis will help to know about it in advance. For example, ectopic pregnancy poses a threat to the life of the mother, and without an examination by a specialist it is impossible to determine it.

Why go to the doctor?

A trip to the gynecologist allows you to correctly assess the health of the mother and child. First, they take tests that talk about the health of a woman. They show the presence of inflammation, infections, reveal signs that may threaten pregnancy. The first time it is better to consult a doctor before the 12th week of pregnancy. At the first examination, the gynecologist will determine the timing of conception, and hence the time of birth of the baby.

If everything is in order with the mother, planned observations for the development of the child begin. modern medicine allows you to see how the embryo is developing even in the womb. For 9 months, at least three ultrasounds will be scheduled, where you can see the baby, hear his heartbeat, and the doctor will evaluate various organs. If you do not attend such procedures, you can miss the moment when something goes wrong. Scheduled observations are safe and very effective.

The gynecologist will definitely send the expectant mother for tests to identify malformations in the child. Today, such studies are necessary for every woman. Early diagnosis reveals genetic diseases such as Down's disease. It is important to do these tests on initial stages to be able to decide on the birth of the baby.

The gynecologist can also determine the threat of miscarriage. According to the state of the cervix, it is clear how the gestation period goes. If necessary, the pregnant woman is sent “for preservation” to special medical institutions, where, under the supervision of doctors, the pregnancy is milder, the threat of fetal loss is reduced. Special Procedures facilitate the passage of the period, help prepare for childbirth.

Frequency of visiting a doctor

Each doctor schedules visits individually. Usually, until the 24th week of pregnancy, one observation per month is sufficient, if there are no deviations. Then the meetings become more frequent to one in three weeks. And before giving birth, you need to come for a checkup once a week. Additionally, you will have to visit an ultrasound, as well as take tests.

If a woman first visits a doctor for up to 10 weeks, then she will receive a monetary reward. It is paid at the birth of a child, is not large, but allows you to buy something for the baby.

Experts assure that cystitis does not interfere in any way. You can get pregnant even during an exacerbation of the disease. However, in some cases, they still face a certain problem. They can't conceive and think inflammation is the cause Bladder.

Cystitis affects the ability to bear a child only indirectly. It is known that this disease can be caused by the development of certain infections in the urogenital canal, which not only cause inflammation, but also prevent successful conception.

In some cases, cystitis can be caused by sexually transmitted diseases.

Pregnancy and cystitis

Modern women are increasingly resorting to planning, as this approach avoids a number of problems in the future. If the first signs are found, the planning of the baby should be postponed until the disease has been cured.

Infections that provoke inflammation of the bladder can not only prevent successful conception, but also provoke. Unfortunately, the unfavorable outcome of pregnancy is very often caused precisely by the presence in the body of the mother of various kinds inflammatory processes that needed to be cured yet.

With an exacerbation, doctors often prescribe to their patients. Such treatment is not very welcome in relation to expectant mothers. Most antibiotics are contraindicated during pregnancy.

If you find signs of inflammation of the bladder, you should immediately consult a doctor. If at the time of the course of the disease the woman is already, she must definitely tell the specialist about it. If the child is only planned, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician.

Additionally, a woman should visit a gynecologist for examination and delivery of all necessary analyzes for infections.

According to the results of control tests made after the recommended treatment, the specialist will be able to say how successful the therapy was and how soon after the illness you can start planning pregnancy.