The test shows a second faint line of pregnancy no. Weak line on a pregnancy test - what does it mean? Why is it so

Delayed periods are always cause for concern. Whether the couple dreamed of having a baby or, on the contrary, feared an unwanted pregnancy, in any case, they will have to go through a lot of emotions. Fortunately, modern women have the opportunity to independently conduct testing, which will help confirm or deny the onset of pregnancy even before a visit to the doctor.

Even schoolgirls know about the existence of home tests. But even the most modern will not give full guarantees. And sometimes the result of the test is such that it is unambiguously very difficult to interpret it. For example, the second strip on the test may be barely visible. What to do in this case? And anyway, why does this sometimes happen?

Why do you need a home test?

Let's remember right away: no test is an alternative to an examination by a gynecologist. Whatever your future plans, going to the antenatal clinic is inevitable. But if you are itching to know the preliminary result, you can take the test at home.

And for those couples who dream of a child, a striped test can become a kind of memorable relic. Many parents keep these items along with their first ultrasounds, maternity tags, navel clips, and other cute little things that remind them of the long-awaited event.

There is an opinion that a test with any result must be saved in order to show the doctor in the LCD. This is especially true for doubters, to whom the test showed the second strip is barely visible. This is a delusion, because the doctor has much more accurate and informative diagnostic methods.

The principle of operation of modern tests

To understand why sometimes the second strip on the test is barely visible, let's look at how this method of determining pregnancy generally works.

When the egg leaves the follicle, the level of a special hormone begins to rise in the female body. It's called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

If fertilization occurs, an increase in the concentration of hCG occurs every two days. The level increases by 2 times.

The presence of this hormone can be determined by a blood or urine test. Of course, it is problematic to do a blood test at home, but every woman can put the test into a container with collected urine.

The action of absolutely any modern home test is based precisely on the detection of traces of hCG in the urine using its reaction with antibodies. The zone of the presence of the reagent and turns pink if the reaction has occurred and the hormone is detected. But if the test zone remains unchanged, then there was no reaction.

It would seem that everything is simple. But there are many nuances. It is not without reason that many women are so concerned about the question of why the second strip is barely visible on the test. Sometimes it is so weakly colored that you have to turn the test in your hands, put it under the light of a lamp in order to understand whether it shows a positive result or is still negative.

test strip

Today, pharmacies have a good assortment. The test strip is the most budget option, so it is the most common. However, its sensitivity is low compared to analogues.

The reason for an erroneous result may be insufficient soaking of the indicator with liquid or the marriage of the test itself.

In the following illustration, you can see what such tests look like and how to interpret their results.

The upper strip (1) is the control. It indicates the serviceability of the test and should appear in any case. Below it is a test zone (2). The number 3 indicates the level to which the test must be lowered into the liquid.

After wetting the indicated part of the dough, it must be placed on a flat surface and wait a minute. The result shows up pretty quickly. But it should be remembered that after 10 minutes the picture may change and it cannot be considered effective. For example, on a negative test, both a clearly defined and a weak second strip may suddenly appear. If after a minute after contact with urine there was nothing of the kind, the result is still considered negative.

It is not uncommon for the second line to be barely visible on such tests. Moreover, the first, control line may also appear weakly. Despite this, most reviews of paper test strips are positive. The results obtained with their help were later confirmed.

tablet test

This more complex device has two windows. The kit includes a disposable pipette, and sometimes a container for collecting urine.

The principle of operation is the same, but it is more convenient to use such a test. In the first window, you need to drop a drop of urine, and then evaluate the result that appears in the second window. The cost of tablet tests is higher, but they are considered more accurate. There are fewer errors, because all the materials used are sterile, and the reagent is very sensitive. It happens that the inkjet test also “sins”: the second strip is barely visible. The photos with which many women accompany their reviews testify to this. Most often this is due to the extremely low level of hCG. Do not forget about the correctness of the conduct - drip the indicated amount of liquid into the window, which is easy to measure with a pipette.

Testing can be done even before the delay. A tablet test can show the correct result a week after conception.

Inkjet test

To determine the presence or absence of pregnancy using a jet test, it is not necessary to collect urine in a separate container. You can simply substitute the control zone under the jet. If you are used to the usual way, feel free to use it.

For convenience, the tip of the dough has a notch, it is convenient to hold it in your hand. You can evaluate the result immediately.

Electronic device

This is no longer just a home test, but an advanced disposable gadget. It can also be used in any convenient way: by substituting it under the stream or lowering it into a glass with biomaterial.

There are no stripes on most electronic tests. The result will be displayed on the electronic scoreboard. It can be "+" or "-", and some tests notify about the study even in text (for example Pregnant, Yes, Positive, No or No pregnant, depending on the result).

The most expensive and high-quality tests can tell the approximate gestational age.

Remember that, despite its impressive and solid appearance, an electronic test is not a home-use device that can be placed in a first-aid kit and used as needed. This is the same one-time thing as other types of tests.

How to do the test correctly?

Why do women even have to use such items? The most common cause is cycle failure - delay.

On the test, a barely visible second strip may appear even before the special date marked in the personal calendar. Often, women resort to home research after unprotected intercourse. In other words, if you have something to fear (or, on the contrary, you really hope for something), you can test at the earliest possible date.

Most manufacturers recommend waiting for the day you expect your period to start. Taking into account the fact that the probability of conception is highest approximately two weeks before menstruation, the period by then will be very short, but the concentration of hCG will reach the level required for home testing.

If you are planning to take a test, remember some simple rules:

  • It is advisable to conduct a study in the morning, immediately after waking up. This is when the hormone levels are at their highest.
  • Only clean, dry dishes can be used to collect biomaterial. Water ingress will reduce reliability.
  • If the second strip on the test is barely visible, the result should be interpreted as positive. But for reliability, the study can be repeated after two days.

And now let's take a closer look at the various situations in which the same test strip may raise doubts.

False positive result

In what cases does the strip appear if the test is performed by a non-pregnant woman? It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. Therefore, it is worth studying the issue in detail.

Normally, an increase in the level of hCG to 25-100 mIU / ml occurs only after the onset of pregnancy. Usually the indicator does not exceed 5 units. By the way, the tests already respond to 25, and the best even to 10-15 mIU / ml.

But a similar effect can be observed in some diseases. The pituitary gland is responsible for the production of this hormone. With a pituitary adenoma, the level of hCG can rise greatly. Moreover, a barely visible strip can appear even on a test made by a man. Determining the level of hCG for male patients with this disease is often carried out in a clinical setting.

Some diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys, and genitourinary system provoke an increase in the hormone.

Hormone therapy, carried out shortly before the test, can cause a failure.

As you can see, if a woman has done a test and the second strip is barely visible, a visit to the doctor is inevitable. Even if you are sure that there is no pregnancy, you need to see a gynecologist. All the reasons why a test in a non-pregnant woman can stain are very serious and require a doctor's consultation.

Some women do a pregnancy test just in case. Remember that the level of the hormone decreases gradually, and a strip may appear for several more days after a vacuum, surgical or medical abortion. If this causes you concern that the procedure did not go too well, it makes sense to do a follow-up ultrasound.

Weakly colored strip during pregnancy

When there are reasons to suspect that pregnancy has nevertheless occurred, but the test results are ambiguous, a visit to the LCD is all the more inevitable. Especially if you have reason to believe that the period is clearly more than two or three weeks.

In what cases is the second strip barely visible on a pregnancy test? There may be several options.

The test was carried out long before the delay of menstruation. The hCG level is simply too low for the marker to color well. Both in the case of natural conception, and after the replanting of the embryo, some time must pass. It makes sense to repeat the test in 2-4 days.

It is not uncommon for the control strip to stain weakly if there is an ectopic pregnancy. This is a rather dangerous phenomenon that requires immediate contact with a antenatal clinic. Speaking of ectopic pregnancy, it is worth noting that it can be accompanied by quite normal hormone production. It is impossible to determine the normal or pathological localization of the fetal egg using a home test.

Decreasing brightness

Sometimes women who already know for sure about pregnancy, for some reason, do the test again. If everything was clear before, and then a barely visible second strip appeared on the test, this is also a cause for concern. A decrease in hCG levels during pregnancy can be caused by developmental delay and even fetal fading.

What to do if the second strip on the test is barely visible?

Analyzing the above, you probably no longer doubt how to answer this question correctly. Regardless of plans, a streaked test in itself is a reason to visit the LCD. If pregnancy is desirable, the doctor will prescribe the necessary tests, additional studies, and advise on any topic. In the case when a woman does not plan to have children in the near future, it is all the more not worth delaying.

How to choose the best?

Many women who have experience with home tests recommend using several different types at once. This increases the information content of the study.

Experts consider the products of Swiss, American and French manufacturers to be the leaders of the modern market, noting that the high price is fully justified. The best tests today are considered to be TEST for BEST No. 10, Frautest, Home Test Express.

The site is a medical portal for online consultations of pediatric and adult doctors of all specialties. You can ask a question about "weak second line on pregnancy test" and get a free online consultation with a doctor.

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Questions and answers on: weak second line on a pregnancy test

2012-01-09 11:57:42

Lina asks:

There was a PA, without protection, but the guy didn’t cum inside me. After 6 days, the discharge began to be brown, and then bloody, 2 weeks after the PA I did a test, there was 1 strip, and now I have a delay of 10 days and the test showed a weak second strip. Is this pregnancy possible?


Hello Lina! Pregnancy is possible because there was coitus interruptus (low contraceptive protection) and a pregnancy test was positive. Bloody discharge a week after intercourse was a manifestation of implantation bleeding. A pregnancy test will need to be done again (by morning urine) and go to an appointment with a gynecologist to confirm the fact of pregnancy. Take care of your health!

2011-11-08 12:19:36

Hope asks:

Hello. Can a weak second line on a test at 10 weeks indicate a missed pregnancy?

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello Hope! A pregnancy test for suspected missed pregnancy is not indicative and is not used in diagnosis. The diagnosis of a missed pregnancy is based on the results of an ultrasound scan of the fetus (for details, see the article on our medical portal). Take care of your health!

2009-02-06 03:02:53

Tatyana asks:

Hello I am 18 years old. The last menstruation went on 02.01.2009, 01.28-02.02 I did 4 tests, all positive, but a very weak second strip, the doctor did not find pregnancy on ultrasound, the gynecologist advised me to do it again in a week, pain in the lower abdomen, temperature 37-37.2, unwanted pregnancy, will not be Is it too late to have a medical abortion? And can tests from different manufacturers be wrong?

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello! A weak second line on the test is a positive result. Pregnancy can be seen on ultrasound at 3-4 weeks, so you could just hurry. Medical abortion is done before 42 days of pregnancy. For more information on the different types of abortions, see At the Crossroads: Unwanted Pregnancy - Should You Have an Abortion or Not? . Do not be ill!

2016-06-30 07:59:26

Victoria asks:

Hello, the skill is 8 weeks old, this morning I decided to do a test, it showed a weak second line, my chest stopped hurting, I'm very worried. There are no other symptoms. Could it be a miscarriage?

Responsible Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Victoria! Theoretically, there may be a fading of pregnancy. I advise you to either undergo a control ultrasound, or donate blood for hCG in dynamics, every 2 days. With a normally developing pregnancy, the indicator should double.

2016-06-20 07:35:43

Maria asks:

Good afternoon I have a question.
I had unprotected PA a week before my period. When I ovulated, I can’t say for sure, since the menstrual cycle after the first birth has not yet fully adjusted. It was the first unprotected PA since the birth. On the 18th, menstruation should have begun, but they have not been on the 3rd day. I calculate the date of menstruation using the application in the phone, before that, 2 months they came on time, as calculated by the Application (with an error of one day maximum). I did the test, but I knew that it would be negative, since 8 days had passed after the PA.
Such a question: if menstruation does not come, on what day can the test be repeated? (In the first pregnancy, the test showed a weak second line only about 17 days after the intended conception)
Is there a possibility that I am pregnant? And if my period still comes, is it possible to assume that I am definitely not pregnant? No symptoms are observed, except for a delay, well, I often began to go to the toilet for a long time and gases form, but I don’t know if this is relevant or not.

Responsible Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Maria! With a delay in menstruation for more than 7 days, I advise you to take a blood test for hCG. If menstruation begins, then pregnancy can be ruled out. How long has it been since giving birth? Are you breastfeeding regularly? If so, then the chance of pregnancy is minimal.

2015-12-26 18:43:52

Anna asks:

Good afternoon.
Delay 6 days. The day before ovulation (calculated according to the calendar) there was unprotected contact.
In the same period, she had bronchitis, for which she was treated with antibiotics and took prednisolone. During the period of the expected onset of menstruation, the chest and lower abdomen ached a little. There was a very faint second line on the pregnancy test.
Can medications affect the cycle? or...?

2015-12-08 10:30:20

Tatyana asks:

Hello. I have a delay in menstruation for 8 days, tests show a weak second line in the morning. The doctor puts the pregnancy at 3 weeks. But the pregnancy is not visible on the ultrasound at all.
The body of the uterus is turned into a spherical soft tissue formation, enlarged-d 51mm, t-46mm, w-54mm, with uneven contours. On the anterior wall of the lower segment of the uterus there is an unevenly increased density with anechoic (cystic) inclusions p / o scar 4.2 thick mm with a slight retraction in the form of a "niche" from the side of the serous membrane. The thickness of the myometrium in the projection of the scar is thinned to 10 mm.
In the thickness of the walls, multiple, diffusely located, additional echo-positive inclusions of a linear and dotted shape are visible. The total echo density of the myometrium is unevenly increased. The uterine cavity is not expanded and deformed. 3 mm, a gravid reaction is likely) without pathological inclusions. A selective increase in the echo density of the vesicouterine fold is determined. Douglas space and parametria on the left. Ovaries: left 30 by 24 mm, right 31 by 22 mm (significantly yellow body is not determined) Paraovarian pathology was not detected, free pelvic fluid was not detected.
Conclusion: Signs of internal endometriosis. The scar on the uterus is conditionally wealthy (endometriosis of the scar)
What does it mean? Can you explain please.

Responsible Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Hello Tatiana! When did you have a caesarean section? To date, you need to clearly establish or exclude the fact of pregnancy - donate blood for hCG. If the pregnancy is confirmed, then you need to think carefully whether you can carry the pregnancy or not, because. there is a niche syndrome, i.e. the suture on the uterus is conditionally well-founded.

2015-11-22 10:44:16

Antonina asks:

Good afternoon The last menstruation began on 04/17/2015, ended on 04/22/2015. The cycle is on average 24 days. Ovulation according to tests - 04/28, 04/29/13/05, a pregnancy test showed a weak second stripe. Ultrasound on the same day showed nothing. 17.05. pregnancy test two bright stripes. According to ultrasound dated July 17, the period is 13.4 days (KTR 76mm), but for monthly 13.1 days. Ultrasound of 31.08 showed a period of 20 weeks (BDP 47), however, for the monthly 19.4 days. Why does the term for ultrasound exceed the term for menstruation? Does this mean that the pregnancy occurred in the last cycle (before these periods there were periods on March 27)?

Today, if a girl suspects pregnancy, she can easily check her guesses at home using a pharmacy test. It is clear that two distinct lines indicate the presence of an interesting situation, but how to evaluate the results if a weak line appears on a pregnancy test. Maybe the test is defective or expired, how to interpret such results?

An important day in the life of a young family

In fact, the device for determining pregnancy is an indicator that responds to the presence of gonadotropic chorionic hormone in the urine, which is characteristic of pregnancy. This substance is produced by the fetal membranes already from the first day after implantation, within a week it accumulates in the body in the amount to which the test strip reacts.

  • There are several types of pregnancy test, but the principle of their action is the same.
  • The most affordable are ordinary strip strips.
  • There are also tablet and inkjet test systems, electronic devices for detecting conception.
  • The most accurate and reliable are inkjet diagnostic systems. They are easy to use and do not require a separate set of urine, the test is simply substituted under the stream, and then the test results are read.
  • All tests have a special indicator, which, when in contact with urine, in the presence of chorionic gonadotropic hormone, appears as a bright stripe, which means that the patient is pregnant.
  • HCG levels double every 48 hours from the day of implantation. Therefore, by the time a delay is detected in the blood, a certain level of this hormone accumulates, to which the test indicator reacts.
  • If the hCG content is low, then only one control strip appears on the strip test, but when its level rises to 15-25 mIU / ml, the second test strip also appears.

Sometimes such testing shows a weak strip, which girls sometimes perceive as a strip test malfunction. But there is a perfectly understandable explanation for this.

Truthfulness of results

Morning is the best time to check

Sometimes test systems give erroneous results, which depends on compliance with the conditions and terms of storage, the rules for conducting research, etc. It is better to give preference to tests from reputable manufacturers, rather than suspiciously cheap strip strips. The second strip on the pregnancy test can turn out to be mild precisely if the instructions are not followed. The most informative is the first morning urine, which must be collected in sterile dishes or simply substitute the device under the stream of urine.

Tests with a high threshold of sensitivity determine the interesting position most reliably. These include products under the brand Frautest, Home Test Express, BB, etc. You need to look for sensitivity indicators of 10-15 mIU / ml on the package. It is these tests that will be the most sensitive, will be able to detect hCG even before the delay and will not show a weak second strip. In terms of convenience, inkjet express systems are considered the simplest. Such tests are highly accurate, and the probability of an unreliable result is practically absent.

What a faint line might look like

It makes no sense to test a couple of days after intimacy, because it will take at least 5-7 days for the egg to implant, and then it still takes time for hCG to reach a normal level. With a premature study, it may turn out that a second white or very weak strip will appear. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct such studies after a delay.

Each pregnancy test has two sectors - indicator and control. When the required volume of urine enters the control sector, a reaction occurs and a bright line appears. This is a confirmation that the test is working and of high quality, and the study is proceeding correctly. The indicator sector performs the main function - it determines the absence or presence of an interesting position.

If there is no pregnancy, then only one strip appears, but if the girl will soon be a mother, then 2 strips appear, which should normally be as clear as the control one. If the second strip is light or blurry, then it cannot be regarded as a sign of conception. You will need to retest in a couple of days. A barely noticeable second strip of a grayish tint indicates an incorrect reaction of the device to the test urine, so this test is faulty and cannot be used for research.

Is there a pregnancy - how to understand

When planning, it is important to eat right

Usually, the first suspicions of conception occur in girls after a delay. And if the conception is not the first, then the patient may suspect the upcoming motherhood even earlier. To clarify the situation, home express systems are intended. Using such a pregnancy test usually does not cause any difficulties, because it is simple and understandable for any girl. But five minutes after the girl did the test, she will receive an accurate answer regarding her position. But if a pale line appears on a pregnancy test, then the girl faces difficulties in accurately assessing the result.

The results of the study are influenced by a lot of factors, so you need to try to exclude them in order to accurately understand whether there is a pregnancy or not. If the second strip is barely visible on the pregnancy test, then it cannot be considered a positive or negative result. The instructions clearly state that the line should be clear and contrasting. In other cases, the express test should be considered invalid and of poor quality, and the diagnosis itself should be considered unreliable. If a weak second strip appears during a pregnancy test, this may indicate a too low hCG content, a violation of the rules for conducting the study, etc.

What does a faint line mean?

The appearance of a fuzzy strip on a pregnancy test can be caused by various factors:

  1. Poor quality product. If the test system has an expired expiration date or was originally produced with a marriage, then a pale second strip is quite possible.
  2. Diagnosis was too early. The annotation for each test clearly states that it is recommended to conduct a study no earlier than after a delay is detected. It is on these days of the cycle that the gonadotropic chorionic hormone will be released in sufficient quantities to be detected. Hypersensitive test systems are able to recognize the presence of hCG as early as a week and a half after fertilization, but at the same time, a pregnancy test will show a pale stripe.
  3. The implantation failed. The strip does not appear in full force if the fetal egg is not sufficiently fixed to the endometrial layer, or was completely rejected. Under such conditions, the hCG content will be too low for a given gestation period. Therefore, a fuzzy second strip appears, it is pale and, as it were, smeared. If gestation is interrupted, then re-diagnosis will give a negative result.
  4. Misinterpretation of results. Sometimes girls literally rave about the idea of ​​getting pregnant and manage to look out for two strips in an absolutely negative test. Indeed, upon careful examination of the indicator sector, you can see a faint strip on the pregnancy test, it is barely visible, but still visible. This situation does not mean the presence of pregnancy, but only indicates the place of the likely manifestation of the second band.
  5. Hormone-producing tumor formations. These can be benign or oncological tumors of the ovaries or the uterine body, liver and other organs that produce female sex hormones, which leads to the appearance of two stripes on the express test.
  6. Late maturation of the egg. If the ovulatory period occurs at a later time, and not in the middle of the cycle, then the hCG level will also take longer to accumulate, and during testing, two lines will appear, only the second strip is pale.

Other reasons

Any question will be answered by the attending gynecologist

ectopic pregnancy. If the girl has a clear delay, and on the test the control strip appears brighter than the indicator one, then there is every reason to suspect an ectopic pregnancy in the patient. This condition is very dangerous, so it needs mandatory treatment.

In vitro fertilization. With such a procedure, a girl, as a rule, is prescribed drugs of hormonal origin, which are quite capable of affecting the test results, and in the first gestational weeks on a positive test, one strip will be weak, which is quite normal.

Frozen pregnancy. With such a pathology, a characteristic drop in the level of hCG occurs, which appears on the test as a dull line. If, when tested at a weekly interval, the second line remains the same weak, then the suspicion of fetal fading is confirmed.

In any case, if the express test showed two lines, one of which is dimmer and more smeared than the other, then this result should be regarded as false, and after 2-3 days, re-test.

The second band appeared during menstruation

There are times when a girl has already been delighted with two dashes on an express test, has begun to make grandiose plans for a baby, and then menstruation begins. Such clinical cases require mandatory medical participation. Most often, such a picture is observed with the rejection of the fetal egg, which had an anomaly or deformity of a genetic nature. Moreover, the girl herself may not be aware of such processes, thinking that just another menstruation has begun, especially if she is not obsessed with pregnancy and does not use rapid tests every cycle.

Although sometimes the appearance of a second cloudy strip signals the development of some kind of pathology or pregnancy complication. For example, this is likely with detachment of the fetal egg or the threat of interruption, ectopic conception, etc. All these pathological conditions are accompanied by a characteristic decrease in hCG, which is why the second line on the express test appears much weaker.

In addition, the cause of menstruation with a positive pregnancy test result may be hormonal disruptions, a one-time fertilization of two female germ cells, or a lack of progesterone hormone. Progesterone ensures the safety of the pregnant state, and if it is produced in insufficient quantities, spotting may occur. Especially often they occur on those days of the cycle, when the girl had to have her period before conception.

What to do with a weak and fuzzy line on the test

If the test gave a positive result with a weak second strip, then you should not consider it as confirmation of pregnancy. Only a doctor can give the most accurate result regarding pregnancy, because when using home express systems, there is always a risk of receiving erroneous, unreliable data, although manufacturers assure that their products are 100 percent accurate. Therefore, when a second blurry and dull strip appears, it is necessary to be examined by a gynecologist. Usually, to clarify the pathological picture, the doctor prescribes certain diagnostic procedures.

  • Re-testing. After the first test, it is recommended to undergo home diagnostics again after a few days (3-4).
  • Ultrasound diagnostics. It allows you to detect a fetal egg inside the uterine body through a transvaginal examination. This is possible already on the 6th day of delay. If ultrasound is performed through the abdominal wall, then conception can be detected only at 7-8 weeks of gestation.
  • Blood test for chorionic gonadotropin. In the blood, this hormone is found much earlier than in urine, so a blood test helps to confirm conception at the earliest possible date.
  • Gynecological examination on the armchair. With this examination, the doctor will be able to confirm the pregnancy, starting from the 4-week period.

If the fact of conception is not confirmed, then the girl will be referred to specialists of a different profile.

How to do a test to avoid mistakes

In order not to face such a problem as the appearance of a second dull strip on the test, girls are advised to follow the instructions for conducting the study. Firstly, testing must be carried out with the morning, the very first portion of urine, because it is in it that the maximum concentration of hCG is observed. Such a test will be the most informative and reliable. If there is a need to conduct a study at a different time of the day, then you should at least not drink a lot of liquid so as not to dilute the urine.

Use freshly collected urine for testing. It is impossible to freeze or simply cool urine before diagnosis. Dip the strip strictly to the level indicated on it, keep the test in the urine for no more than 20 seconds, and evaluate the results 5-10 minutes after the test. Sterile containers must be used to collect biomaterial. The test result should be considered positive only when two clear and bright stripes appear.

Many girls probably had a question whether it is possible to reuse a pregnancy test. Absolutely not. The indicator field of the tests used has already reacted with urine, so a second study will not cause any reaction. And if the tests used show the presence of pregnancy, then it is impossible to consider such results as reliable. It is better to use a new test.

The site is a medical portal for online consultations of pediatric and adult doctors of all specialties. You can ask a question about "You can barely see the second line on a pregnancy test" and get a free online consultation with a doctor.

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Questions and answers for: pregnancy test barely visible second strip

2012-12-13 05:43:40

Larissa asks:

Hello, I have a delay in menstruation for 5 days, I bought tests and carried out. within 3-5 minutes one strip came out, and after 10 minutes the second strip was barely visible. and so showed 2 tests, and the other two tests showed one strip. I don’t feel any pregnancy symptoms, only pulls the lower back like during menstruation. in the period when menstruation was due, there were two days of red-brown discharge, but not much.

Responsible Silina Natalya Konstantinovna:

Dear Larisa, in order to exclude pregnancy, it is necessary to donate blood for hCG, in case of a negative result, you can inject 2.5% progesterone and continue to deal with hormonal failure without a phone call.

2012-10-30 17:39:54

Sofia asks:

Hello! I beg for help!!! Help me understand the situation. The last menstruation was on August 29, started 5 days earlier. Usually, on the contrary, menstruation with a delay of 2-4 days. On September 27, the test showed a barely pink second strip, and on September 3 there were already distinct two strips I was very happy! First pregnancy, I am 26 years old, I recently got married. On October 10, the lower abdomen fell ill, I went for ultrasound. They said two fetal eggs in the uterus. There is placental abruption. egg 0.68. The second ultrasound on October 19, they said one fetal egg most likely died, and the second 13 ml, the embryo is not visible, there is no heartbeat. fetal egg 13-9-14, ktr 0.22, heartbeat one plus in question, she didn’t say anything about the second fetal egg. On October 30, I donated blood for hcg, the result was 33,000. I can’t even understand the gestational age. Answer me, I ask you ... what is my gestational age from the moment of conception according to my data, is there a possibility that the fetus is viable, maybe late fertilization? Thank you in advance

Responsible Gritsko Marta Igorevna:

If you count by monthly, then your pregnancy is 9 obstetric weeks. According to the hCG indicator, too, but you should not focus on hCG, because you had 2 fetal eggs and, accordingly, 2 chorions that produced the hormone. Definitely, dynamic monitoring by ultrasound is necessary, it is not yet a fact that the second fetus is not viable. If no heartbeat is observed on November 8, then the pregnancy has stopped. But don't despair just yet, it's still early!

2009-05-03 14:48:21

Svetlana asks:

Hello. My last menstruation was on March 30. I have a delay of 7 days now. I did 2 pregnancy tests, one showed a barely noticeable second strip (but was done in the afternoon), and the second (done in the morning) showed a second strip, not very clear, but it was visible. I have been bleeding for two days (not abundant). I did another test, showed a clear one strip. The second was not even close. Please tell me what it could be?


Hello! The phenomenon of the disappearance of the second strip, despite the fact that it was previously visible, is often associated with spontaneous abortion in the early stages, bleeding can also speak in favor of this. You should visit a doctor and clarify your condition. All the best!

2008-12-05 12:35:23

Zhenya asks:

I took a pregnancy test, it showed two strips: one is clearly visible, the second is barely visible. What does this mean?

2016-10-20 11:50:07

Natalia asks:

Hello! I want to ask this question. My menstruation was on 10/20/2016 until the 26th. day, my chest also started to hurt! It increased slightly in volume. I went for an ultrasound scan on 11/18 and the doctor diagnosed Endometrial Hyperplasia! stripes, but the second one is barely visible!) Could the uzist make a mistake. Or can hyperplasia give a false result? Here are my ultrasound studies: the size of the uterus is 58mm. -size 20mm.Type of endometrium-secretory late.size of cervix length 38,width 20mm.Right ovary-size 32*22*30+-yellow body.number of antral follicles 10

2015-08-03 08:11:02

Valya asks:

Last month-8.06- misses.delay.suggested to be 15.06-22.06.but no.pregnancy test-one line is visible well. gynecologist.ultrasound.if pregnancy is confirmed, medical.interruption.I am 37 years old.I have a son of 7 years old.possible had no abortions before.

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello Valentine! Repeat the pregnancy test after 2-3 days. If there is a pregnancy, the second strip will become more noticeable. Although, the presence of a second, even very pale, strip is already a positive test result. Take care of your health!

2015-02-13 09:30:44

Veronica asks:

Hello, I live Veronica, my last menstruation was on December 25-27, I don’t remember exactly, it lasts 5-6 days. On January 25, they didn’t come in 5 days. I did a test, it was negative. I waited until it was generally 10 days late; I did a test; one strip was red, the second one was barely visible. On February 12, I went for an ultrasound scan, it showed only a period of 3 weeks, and according to the last menstruation, there should be weeks, the ultrasound doctor said that a frozen pregnancy is possible. Is this possible and what should I do. help terribly afraid

Responsible Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

Veronica, good afternoon! You need to see a gynecologist. It is necessary to pass an.blood for hCG twice with an interval of 2-3 days. If nothing bothers you, then you need to repeat the ultrasound in 5-7 days.