What can cause a missed pregnancy. Necessary examinations after regressing pregnancy. Psychological kung fu for expectant mothers

Non-developing pregnancy(intrauterine fetal death, miscarriage) - death of an embryo or fetus without obvious signs termination of pregnancy. Unfortunately, this can happen to every woman and at any gestational age, but this does not mean that subsequent pregnancies will be complicated (unless this is a repeated case).

information The fading of pregnancy early dates development occurs most often. Critical deadlines for not developing pregnancy(NB) most often before 8 weeks of gestation. It is in this time is running laying of all organs and tissues, so any pathological factor can disrupt the development of the fetus and lead to his death.

The consequences of NB in ​​the early stages both for the woman's body and for her psychological state less than if it happened during the period when the mother already felt the stirring. In any case, you should not dwell on what happened and be afraid of a subsequent pregnancy. Try to treat this as a natural selection of nature.


Unfortunately, even modern medicine is not always able to answer why the death of the child occurred in utero. There are many reasons, but it is not always possible to get to the truth. Moreover, at an early stage, the law is in effect: “all or nothing”. This means that under the influence of adverse factors, the embryo either transfers them and develops further correctly, or dies.

  • genetic factor

Most often, a frozen pregnancy at an early stage occurs due to a genetic breakdown of the embryo itself, which occurred at one stage or another of its development. The fetus is simply not viable, so it is rejected. This is a kind of natural selection.

  • infectious factor

Another common cause NB is an infection. Most often it is the herpes simplex virus and various respiratory diseases, sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, mycoplasmas, gonococci) and others. When these pathogens act on early stages development, a violation of cell division can occur, damage to the genetic material of the embryo, which will cause its death.

  • immune factor

Maternal immunological disease (antiphospholipid syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus and others), immunological incompatibility of spouses can also cause fetal death, and more often this occurs before 12 weeks of pregnancy.

  • Endocrinological factor

Insufficient synthesis of progesterone (a hormone that maintains pregnancy), diseases thyroid gland, excessive synthesis of male sex hormones and prolactin can interfere normal development fetus.

  • Other factors

We should not forget about the lifestyle of future parents. Bad habits, contact with chemicals, living in a zone of increased radiation, stress can affect the favorable course of pregnancy, especially in the very early stages.


important The main signs of termination of pregnancy in different terms are pains in the lower abdomen. The difficulty with NB is that all these symptoms do not bother the woman. She may not know for several weeks that the fetus has died.

The main signs of an early miscarriage are a decrease in subjective feelings, characteristic of many women in the position:

  • engorgement of the mammary glands;
  • sensitivity to smells;
  • unusual food preferences;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • drowsiness.

Of course, not every pregnant woman will be wary of such symptoms, and often these signs disappear with the progression of pregnancy (gestation). That is why fetal fading is often not diagnosed immediately, but after a few weeks. Often, spotting from the genital tract can join, which indicates the beginning of pregnancy rejection.

Ultrasound signs of missed pregnancy

The main ultrasound signs of stopping the development of the embryo at the very short term is the deformation of the fetal egg, uneven contours, its location in the lower part of the uterus. It is characterized by a discrepancy between the gestational age according to ultrasound and monthly, the absence of a fetal heartbeat (usually from 5-6 weeks it can already be determined).

additionally However, the gestational age and menstrual period do not always coincide. This may happen according to different reasons(irregular periods, hormonal disorders, stress, ovarian cysts and others), and the difference can be up to four weeks.

Therefore, in some cases (for example, monthly gestation is 7-8 weeks, and ultrasound only shows fertilized egg characteristic for 4 weeks), in order not to be mistaken with the diagnosis, it is worth repeating the study after 5-7 days. If during this time the fetal egg does not grow up, the embryo is not visualized, then the fetus freezes.

Signs of NB at gynecological examination

At a gynecological examination, the doctor evaluates the size of the uterus, its compliance with the expected gestational age, and the condition of the cervix. If the size of the uterus is estimated to be smaller, it is necessary to perform ultrasonography to confirm or disprove suspicions. Some women have physiological features(initially smaller size of the internal genital organs) or there may be a difference in terms for menstruation and for the embryo, so it is important to make sure that the delay in the increase in the uterus is really caused by the fading of pregnancy.

Definition chorionic gonadotropin human (hCG)

Determining the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin helps in making a diagnosis, especially in the very early stages. So, when it is still impossible to see the fetal heartbeat using ultrasound, but there are doubts about its viability, you can donate blood to the level of hCG. It is important to observe the dynamics here, since with a normally developing embryo, the level of the hormone almost doubles every day.

Measurement of basal temperature in case of suspected NB

It should be said right away that this method is only additional and indicative, since it is inaccurate and its results may vary under the influence of many factors. Basal temperature is measured in the rectum, without getting out of bed, at the same time after a night's sleep. Under the influence of the hormone progesterone (maintains pregnancy) given temperature rises by 0.3-0.5 degrees Celsius and is 37.2-37.5. When the embryo freezes, the level of progesterone decreases, and as a result, the basal temperature also decreases.


When confirming intrauterine fetal death, a woman must be hospitalized in a gynecological hospital. In the early stages, the main method of treatment non-developing pregnancy is the simultaneous removal of the embryo or fetus and its membranes. If the gestational age allows, it is better to do this by vacuum aspiration. This method is more gentle. For more later dates perform curettage of the uterine cavity (according to the type of abortion). Before the operation, it is worth preparing the cervix, especially in nulliparous women. To do this, use kelp (algae sticks), catheters. This is done to gently and gradually dilate the cervix. Vacuum aspiration of the fetal egg and curettage of the uterine cavity is performed under general anesthesia.

Also, for short periods, more and more often, waiting tactics are used and medical abortion. These methods will allow pregnancy to be terminated more gently (but always under the supervision of doctors).


important It is very important to rehabilitate a woman after an undeveloped pregnancy. It includes taking oral contraceptives(at least 3 months), treatment of diseases of the genital organs (infections) and hormonal disorders.

Also, do not forget about psychological aspect. It's good to change the scenery, get positive emotions. Try to avoid conflicts. It is important to feel supported by others.


The consequences for the reproductive health of a woman are reduced to zero if the removal of the embryo with its membranes is carefully performed, and rehabilitation is also carried out.

Prognosis for next pregnancy

In 90% of cases, women who have suffered early fetal death are able to become pregnant and endure healthy child. However, if a non-developing pregnancy recurs, it is necessary to undergo full examination to identify the cause, since violations can be at the hormonal and immune levels.

Planning a pregnancy is not earlier than 6 months. During this time, the body will be able to recover in order to become capable of bearing a healthy child. It is very important during this period to undergo an examination and preparation for a subsequent pregnancy.

The main thing is to believe in the good and not let your fears prevent you from becoming happy parents.

Frozen pregnancy is characterized by a sudden stop in the development of the fetus in the early stages of gestation under the influence of both internal and external factors. Usually, given state develops in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, up to 12 obstetric weeks.

A fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus, and all the signs of pregnancy appear: delayed menstruation, a significant increase in the size of the uterus, toxicosis, the breasts become more sensitive, there is an increase and darkening of the areolas.

At what time is a miscarriage likely to occur?

An embryo development stop can occur at any time, but doctors recommend Special attention give signs of missed pregnancy at an early stage, i.e. up to 14 weeks. The second trimester of pregnancy, of course, is considered no less dangerous, and if signs of a missed pregnancy are found, you should consult a doctor.

What is the danger?

A pregnant woman makes an irreparable mistake by not coming to the doctor's appointment on time and not attaching importance to the manifestations of signs of a missed pregnancy, both in the early stages and in the second trimester. In rare cases, the pregnant woman's body itself rejects the frozen fetus - the process ends with a miscarriage and a successful outcome for the woman's health. After all, if the frozen fetus is for a long time in the womb, then intoxication may develop with an increase in temperature, sharp pains and weakness.

With such symptoms, urgent hospitalization is required, where the doctor will prescribe a special drug that will provoke uterine contractions and lead to miscarriage. The sooner it is carried out this procedure the better for the woman herself.

A fetal egg, being in the uterus for more than 6-7 weeks, can lead to disseminated intravascular coagulation - DIC syndrome, which is extremely life-threatening. With this diagnosis, the blood loses its ability to activate the clotting process, then possible bleeding can become fatal.

What are the signs of a missed pregnancy?

The danger is that fetal death may long time not be detected and be asymptomatic for a pregnant woman. There are no problems with detecting a missed pregnancy if future mommy regularly takes tests and goes to see a doctor. It is he who can state the fact of a discrepancy in the size of the uterus, taking into account the gestational age, and an ultrasound check will allow you to accurately find out about the heartbeat of the embryo.

In general, in all trimesters, a frozen pregnancy manifests itself in the same way:

  • frequent discharge with blood;
  • general weakness, chills and internal trembling;
  • temperature increase;
  • pulling and aching pain lower abdomen;
  • causeless cessation of toxicosis;
  • stop breast augmentation;
  • an ultrasound examination ascertains the fact that the child's heartbeat has stopped;
  • mismatch in the size of the uterus.

There are such exceptions when the symptoms of a missed pregnancy may have some differences.

Signs of a missed pregnancy in the first trimester

With the cessation of fetal development in the early stages, the basal temperature often decreases. The signs of a missed pregnancy at week 6 are, in principle, no different from the signs of a missed pregnancy at week 14.

Signs of a missed pregnancy in the second trimester

Stopping the development of the fetus in this period has the only addition - this is the cessation of fetal movement. The signs of a missed pregnancy at 16,18 and 19 weeks are exactly the same.

Reasons for stopping the development of the embryo

Sometimes doctors themselves cannot give an exact answer: “What causes a frozen pregnancy in the early stages or in the second trimester?” But the main reasons may be the following:

genetic failure- this is the most common reason why the development of the fetus stops. In 70% of women, fetal fading occurs before 8 weeks, due to chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. Anomalies in genetics begin to appear quite early, and almost all of them are incompatible with life. Bad genetics can be passed on from both mother and father, or the fault is the unfortunate combination of parental genes. In the event that a woman’s fetus freezes more than three times, then a genetic disorder is to blame for everything.

Hormonal disorder can affect the course of pregnancy for two reasons:

  • the first reason for the fading of the fetus is the lack of progesterone, without it it cannot stay and develop in the uterus;
  • The second reason for the development of a missed pregnancy in the first trimester is an excess of male androgen hormones.

It is desirable to determine hormonal disorders before pregnancy and undergo full course treatment. It is recommended to visit a gynecologist in advance, because only after the examination he will be able to say what kind of tests are needed.

infections. When pregnancy occurs, the immunity of the expectant mother weakens. placenta and membranes reliably protect the fetus from antibody attacks, but the mother herself becomes vulnerable to various viruses and bacteria. She gets aggravated infectious diseases, the vaginal flora is activated and then the dangerous moment comes for the baby - infection.

Detrimental effects are exerted by cytomegalovirus and rubella. Moreover, they are dangerous if they become infected during pregnancy, and with a “recovered” infection, on the contrary, antibodies are produced that prevent the exacerbation of the disease.

No less dangerous for the formation of a missed pregnancy is the usual SARS, which most often proceeds very hard, since the immune system works at half strength. The danger itself threatens not from the pathogen, but from the symptoms of the disease: fever and intoxication, which leads to disruption of the circulatory system. Does not reach the fetus required amount nutrients and oxygen.

This is the reason for the development of a missed pregnancy, the signs of which may appear, or may be hidden.

Blood clotting disorders, which are caused by antiphospholipid syndrome, also affect the development of the fetus.
Frozen pregnancy often occurs for several reasons:

  • due to the direct effect of antiphospholipid antibodies on the egg, which interferes with the implantation of the fetal egg;
  • the formation of placental vessels is reduced and in connection with this there is a decrease in its functions;
  • signs of a missed pregnancy at week 6 may occur due to a violation full development fetus and placenta. The reason for this is blockage and damage to the uteroplacental vessels.

Wrong way of life leads to a missed pregnancy, and the first signs may appear immediately.

Improper and malnutrition, insufficient number of walks on fresh air, tight clothes, spending a lot of time at the computer monitor - these are the factors that directly affect the development of the fetus.

Lead healthy lifestyle life, regularly visit a gynecologist, take all the tests during the planning of a child, and then you are not afraid of a miscarriage.


One of the pathologies of the development of pregnancy is the so-called frozen pregnancy. Doctors prefer to call this violation an undeveloped pregnancy or a failed miscarriage. But the essence of this does not change: behind any of these names there is a condition when the fetus in the uterine cavity suddenly stops developing and dies, but at the same time remains in the womb of a woman.

There are 3 types of missed pregnancy:

  • anembryony - at the same time, the embryo is not visible on ultrasound, only an empty fetal egg;
  • death of the embryo - on ultrasound it is possible to establish that there was a live embryo, but died;
  • multiple pregnancy in the early stages, followed by freezing of one of the embryos.

This pathology is a variant of miscarriage and occurs relatively often: in 12-20% of all pregnancies.

Important: Pregnancy can freeze in almost any woman, but with age, this pathology is more common.

In early pregnancy, almost 80% of cases of miscarriage are associated with this particular pathology. This is not surprising, because pregnancy most often freezes in the 1st trimester. Judging by the statistics, the most "dangerous" periods can be considered terms of 3-4 weeks and 8 weeks.

Non-developing pregnancy does not arise from nowhere. The following main reasons have been identified:

The most common harmful factorsDescription of causality
Infections and inflammations:
acute or indolent infection of a bacterial or viral nature
sexually transmitted diseases
Infections can affect the embryo directly, leading to its death. This happens when infected with toxoplasmosis, herpes, rubella, cytomegalovirus infection, etc. In addition, the infectious process in the uterine cavity can lead to a change in the structure of its mucous membrane, negatively affect the hormonal status of a woman - in combination, this does not allow pregnancy to develop further
Chromosomal abnormalities that lead to severe congenital pathologies in an unborn childAs a result of genetic failures, pathology of the development of the embryo or placenta may occur - such pregnancies are not viable and do not develop further according to the principle of natural selection
Endocrine: hormonal imbalance in the body of a pregnant womanProgesterone deficiency, thyroid disease and diabetes are the cause of insufficient readiness of the body for pregnancy. Thus, conception occurs in the primordial adverse conditions, and pregnancy as a result develops pathologically and everything ends with the death of the embryo
Autoimmune pathologies in the expectant motherAs a result of some autoimmune diseases the characteristics of the blood of a pregnant woman change, which leads to gross violations of the uterine blood supply and the inability to bear a child

Additional factors that provoke miscarriage are:

  • in vitro fertilization;
  • the woman's age is over 35;
  • bad habits of the expectant mother;
  • unfavorable environment: ecological, social or psychological;
  • tumor diseases;
  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • previous abortions or cases of miscarriage.

Important: The presence in the medical history of only one of the reasons why the pregnancy may freeze is not a reason for the tragic outcome of events. As a rule, a whole causal complex leads to an undeveloped pregnancy.

Symptoms of a non-developing pregnancy in the early stages

In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman cannot independently diagnose a missed pregnancy. But there are several signs, the appearance of which should alert the expectant mother and serve as a reason for an unscheduled visit to the doctor:

  • suddenly disappear earlier signs pregnancy: toxicosis, drowsiness, breast swelling;
  • appear drawing pains lower abdomen;
  • discharge from the genital tract may be mixed with blood or dark mucus;
  • well-being worsens significantly: at first the temperature rises, and dizziness and signs of poisoning appear much later, a few weeks after the death of the embryo.

With a high degree of probability, the following results of self-diagnosis may indicate the fading of pregnancy:

  • decrease in basal temperature to 37 degrees or less;
  • fading or complete disappearance of the second strip on the pregnancy test.

Important: The change in basal temperature is more reliable if the woman measured it before pregnancy and in the early stages. If the future mother measures for the first time basal body temperature only in order to exclude the fading of pregnancy, then the data obtained by her have little diagnostic value.

To confirm a non-developing pregnancy, an obstetrician-gynecologist performs a number of diagnostic procedures:

  1. Analyzes the patient's medical history to identify the degree of risk of pathology.
  2. Performs a manual inspection on a chair. Signs of a fading pregnancy are: a discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the expected gestational age, a change in the cervix, and the release of brown mucus.
  3. Ultrasound examination, with the help of which the doctor determines the fetal heartbeat, the presence or absence of a live embryo. If the heartbeat is not heard for up to 8 weeks, this is an unreliable indicator of the death of the embryo. It is recommended to repeat the ultrasound in a week.
  4. Laboratory blood test to determine hCG levels(human chorionic gonadotropin). With a significant decrease in hCG it is possible with a high degree of probability to assert that pregnancy does not develop.

The table shows the normal and abnormal indicators of this hormone:

HCG levels in a normally developing pregnancy (mIU / ml)Gestational ageHCG indicators that may indicate a missed pregnancy (mIU / ml)
10 1 WeekThe result may not be reliable
105 2 weeks12
1960 3 weeks230
11300 4 weeks1310
31000 5 weeks3605
65000 6 weeks7560
100000 7 weeks11630
80000 8 weeks9300
70000 9 weeks8140
65000 10 weeks7560
60000 11 weeks6980
55000 12 weeks6395

If the diagnosis of "missed pregnancy" is confirmed

Patients with a diagnosis of "non-developing pregnancy" are hospitalized in a hospital. For a warning possible complications due to intoxication with decomposition products of biological materials, the entire contents of the uterus must be removed. Doctors can use one of the following methods:

  1. Take a wait-and-see attitude in the hope that a miscarriage will occur and the uterine cavity will clear itself spontaneously. Such a development of events occurs rarely and only if the patient is not in danger, and she has no the slightest sign intoxication. In any case, doctors must constantly monitor the condition of the woman.
  2. Medical abortion. Carried out with the most powerful hormonal drugs that provoke uterine contractions and miscarriage.
  3. Vacuum aspiration or mini-abortion with vacuum suction.
  4. Scraping or cleaning is the most common method used by doctors in the event of a non-developing pregnancy. This surgery which is performed under anesthesia. As a result, the contents of the uterus are removed and the upper layer of its mucous membrane is scraped off.

Important: There is no reliable non-drug way to cope with a miscarriage. A visit to the doctors is a must!

Cleaning is a reliable way to avoid a large number complications associated with the presence of decomposing biomaterials in the uterine cavity. But recovery after this operation is quite difficult:

  • postoperative pain lasts for several days;
  • spotting bothers about 2 weeks;
  • hospitalization will be required for 7-10 days;
  • it takes several months to restore the hormonal balance in the body.

Possible complications of missed pregnancy

Infection of the uterusA dead embryo in the uterine cavity can decompose and provoke the development of severe infectious complications. The risk increases when a woman refuses medical care or delayed hospitalization
DICThe development of DIC is vital dangerous state, in which the body's reactions to prevent and stop bleeding are disturbed. The complication is quite rare, but without medical help it threatens with an inevitable fatal outcome.
BleedingMay occur as spontaneous miscarriage, and during or after surgery to curettage of the uterine cavity. To prevent this complication, constant monitoring of the patient's condition in a medical hospital is necessary.
Perforation of the uterine wall during surgeryViolation of the integrity of the walls of the uterus during cleaning is rare. Eliminated in time, it does not threaten dire consequences
Hormonal imbalance in the bodyAfter a frozen pregnancy and the elimination of its consequences, a woman may be haunted by malfunctions in the work of the endocrine glands, which is expressed in violations menstrual cycle. In this case, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist and competent treatment
DepressionViolations mental state a woman for whom a frozen pregnancy was long-awaited and desired is a common occurrence. In this case, do not ignore the possibility of professional psychological or psychotherapeutic assistance.

Important: When providing competent and timely medical care, 9 out of 10 women do not have any serious complications after a missed pregnancy.

Consequences and prognosis after a missed pregnancy

Sometimes a woman is not even aware of her missed pregnancy. In this case, the fading remains unnoticed by her until serious consequences occur in the form of bleeding or the development of an extensive infectious process.

It is extremely rare that a dead embryo remains in the uterine cavity, mummifying or petrifying at the same time. And a failed mother, without even knowing it, can carry the so-called lithopedion (fossilized remains of an embryo) for years.

Much more frequent consequences fading pregnancy are the strongest stress of a woman, and the fear of trying to conceive a child again. After all, there is a mythical "horror story" that if the pregnancy froze once, then this will happen again and again. Actually this is not true. For most women, a single fading of pregnancy does not at all affect further successful childbearing. Even doctors diagnose habitual miscarriage pregnancy "only if the pregnancy of the same woman died more than 2 times.

The prognosis for a missed pregnancy, which happened for the first time and was timely diagnosed and cured, is positive. A huge number of women after that give birth to absolutely healthy and normal children.

Important: Without appropriate treatment and rehabilitation therapy, the likelihood of a successful childbearing in the future is reduced by about 4 times.

Algorithm of actions of a woman whose pregnancy froze at an early stage

  1. Be sure to work with your doctor to find probable causes fading pregnancy. Having established the cause, you can try to avoid its destructive effect on the body when next attempts get pregnant.
  2. It is necessary to undergo a complete examination to identify hidden infections, endocrine diseases, pathologies of the development of the pelvic organs. To do this, you need to undergo an ultrasound examination, take blood tests.
  3. All existing and identified diseases must be cured.
  4. Need to normalize psycho-emotional state women, set her in an optimistic mood. Indeed, in matters successful conception and bearing a child, much depends on the internal mood of the future mother.
  5. Re-conception is recommended to be planned no earlier than 5-6 months after a missed pregnancy. During this time, we must try to restore physical health in full in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician.
  6. If the pregnancy has taken place: it is imperative to cooperate with the doctor to prevent its recurrent miscarriage.

Video - frozen pregnancy

Hello, dear readers and subscribers of the blog. Today's article is a continuation of a series of conversations on spontaneous interruption pregnancy. This is an important, very personal and painful topic for many. Any pregnant woman and one who has ever experienced such grief as the death of a child is concerned about the question of how to avoid a missed pregnancy in the early stages. Today's article will help you figure it out.

Factors that provoke miscarriages and miscarriage

Why a frozen pregnancy occurs, we examined in detail. Today we will look at each cause in terms of what needs to be done to prevent it from happening.

The first factor in the development of a missed pregnancy can be chromosomal failures. We will not be able to influence it already in the process of pregnancy in any way. But shortly before conception, it is possible to take the following measures which will greatly reduce the risk of such failures.


It is known that there are quite a few types of protection for women that adversely affect reproductive health. Such contraception includes, first of all, intrauterine devices, against the background of which inflammation often occurs. Also, with prolonged use of the spiral, terry chronic endometritis can form. This is when inflammation burns out almost the entire cavity of the endometrium lining the uterine cavity, which cannot be restored. Long time after extraction intrauterine device the endometrium in some cases may partially recover, but it will be very thin. It has been established that with chronic endometritis it is very difficult to get pregnant. At the same time, your attending physician, who put the spiral on you, should warn you about all the possible consequences.

They have a bad effect on reproductive health women hormonal contraceptives. Taking any hormones means interfering with your work. hormonal system. During the second phase of the menstrual cycle, corpus luteum produces the hormone progesterone. While it is being produced in the body, menstruation does not begin. If for certain time fertilization did not occur during the menstrual cycle, and pregnancy did not occur, then the production of the hormone stops, and menstruation begins. Taking artificial hormones changes your whole hormonal background and reproductive health.

Summing up, I want to say that these two types of contraception are practically irreversible methods of protection. Therefore, before planning a pregnancy, choose correct views protection. Not yet given birth and girls are not recommended hormonal drugs and vaginal coils. If your doctor suggested them to you, then be sure to ask him about all the possible consequences.

We talked more about contraception.

What to do to prevent miscarriage

Healthy lifestyle, that is proper nutrition, which implies the exclusion of fried, spicy, fatty foods, will improve your reproductive health. Steam cooking is welcome. Mayonnaise and sauces should not be abused. You should not get involved in sweet and starchy foods. Buy only proven and high-quality products. At the same time, do not forget that your food should be varied and rich in vitamins. Eat more fruits, dried fruits, vegetables and nuts. Don't forget about water. To maintain health, the body needs more than two liters of water per day.

A healthy lifestyle also includes moderate physical exercise. It’s good if you visit a gym where the instructor can pick up individual exercises and loads for you. If this is not possible, then good helper you will find long walks on foot, they are especially necessary for those women who spend most of their working time sitting at the computer. If you have some free time in the morning, then exercise will help improve your health. If not, then evening yoga will help you.

Additional intake of vitamins. In order to avoid the development of defects and miscarriage, a woman needs to take folic acid. It is advisable to start taking three months before planning pregnancy. The man is no exception, he also needs to take this vitamin before planning. Additionally, you need to take zinc and selenium, which significantly reduce the risk of miscarriage.

How to reduce increased blood clotting?

We know from a previous article that increased blood clotting can lead to miscarriage. What can we change? Of course, we are not able to influence the hereditary factor. But to compensate for the lack of vitamins, eliminate stress, part with a sedentary lifestyle - in our power. Get tested before planning pregnancy for hidden diseases and inflammation. It has been proven that inflammation can cause thrombosis in the blood, even though good performance blood clotting.

Before planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo an examination for those women who lose a child for the second time and for those who may have hereditary thromboembolism. Compulsory full examination for women who have already observed the formation of thrombosis. Also, a thorough blood examination is necessary for women who experience late toxicosis or they have placental abruption.

Hormonal imbalance

If you are not able to get pregnant or have had repeated miscarriages, then the first thing you should pay attention to is your hormonal background. main reason abortion is an excess of testosterone levels in the body. Its increase is very easy to notice without medical examination. These signs include:

  • permanent acne, which is not amenable to treatment;
  • hair loss on the head with their increased growth in places unusual for a woman;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle.

What can help lower testosterone? Before pregnancy, you can use drug treatment, and you can try your hand. To do this, you need to reduce excess weight. get busy physical culture. Moderate physical activity can reduce the level of this hormone up to 25 times. And do not forget, if you take vitamins, that calcium can increase testosterone levels.

If you become pregnant and you have elevated level testosterone, then you should not immediately resort to hormonal therapy that reduces it. There is a fairly effective herbal medicine, which involves taking the following medicinal herbs:

  • licorice root;
  • peony evading or Maryin root;
  • evening primrose or evening primrose, also known as primrose;
  • cimicifuga;
  • vitex sacred.

You can learn more about how to use these drugs and their exact dosage in the lectures of Irina Zhgareva. This is a very good course by an experienced and well-known gynecologist about abortion - you can get it. In her lectures, she answers everything in a very accessible and understandable way. exciting questions on this topic. I recommend to all.

The hormonal balance of estrogen is also important for normal gestation. This hormone is simply necessary to maintain pregnancy. At the same time, its elevated level increases the risk of miscarriage, and with low rates this hormone can cause problems with ovulation. That is why balance is so important.
A healthy lifestyle will help normalize estrogen levels, reducing overweight, proper nutrition, intake of vitamin B6.

How to avoid miscarriage after IVF?

It has been proven that a frozen pregnancy has the same chances of occurrence, both during natural fertilization and after IVF. Therefore, the same methods will help to avoid abortion in both cases. The only difference can only be in the intake of hormones after the IVF procedure, which lead to their overabundance in the body. What this is fraught with, we have already considered. Therefore, during this procedure, constant monitoring by a doctor and the delivery of tests that monitor the level of hormones in the body are necessary. And if the need arises, then their level is adjusted.

Today we have reviewed the main steps that will help you avoid a miscarriage. In the following article, you will learn this ailment. To do this, subscribe to blog updates, share the link with friends and leave your comments. They are very important to us.

A missed pregnancy is an intrauterine fetal death that occurs before 20 weeks of gestation. Since a frozen fetus is rejected sooner or later during pregnancy, an inevitable consequence of a frozen pregnancy is a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion.

How common is a miscarriage?

According to world statistics, every second pregnancy “freezes” and ends in a spontaneous (spontaneous) abortion. In the vast majority of cases, this happens even before it happens and the woman finds out that she is pregnant.

The risk of a missed pregnancy after the second line shows is about 15-20%

An increased risk of missed pregnancy is observed in women older than 35-40 years, as well as in women who have already had a missed pregnancy once.

At what time can a missed pregnancy occur?

The fetus can “freeze” at any time, however, in the vast majority of cases of missed pregnancy, this occurs in the early stages (up to 13 weeks of pregnancy). Frozen pregnancy in the later stages (closer to the 20th week of pregnancy) happens much less frequently.

The longer the pregnancy, the lower the risk that it will be interrupted. So, for example, the risk of missed pregnancy at 9 weeks will be higher than the same risk at 10-12 weeks, etc.

Why does a frozen pregnancy occur?

Every woman who is faced with the problem of a missed pregnancy asks the question why this happened to her. There is a range possible causes miscarriage, but the cause of each competitive case often cannot be determined.

So, the most common causes of miscarriage are:

  • Chromosomal or genetic errors

In most cases, the cause of a missed pregnancy in the early stages is a “mistake” in the development of the embryo. It is in the first weeks of pregnancy that the most important processes in the formation internal organs, and therefore even a small mistake can lead to the death of the embryo. Problems with chromosomes or genes can occur even if both parents are completely healthy.

As a rule, if the embryo has serious chromosomal or genetic abnormalities, frozen pregnancy occurs for a period of 2-4 to 7-8 weeks. However, with some deviations, the fetus can remain viable for much longer, in which case a miscarriage can occur for a period of 13 to 20 weeks.

  • Anembryony (anembryonic pregnancy)

Sometimes in the early stages of pregnancy, the cells responsible for the development of the embryo stop dividing, and the cells responsible for the formation of the future placenta continue to multiply. This condition also applies to missed pregnancy. At the same time, a frozen pregnancy for a period of 5 weeks can already be determined using ultrasound.

In this case, the doctor will see a fetal egg on an ultrasound scan, but the embryo will not be visible inside it. The absence of an embryo in the fetal sac (empty fetal sac or an empty fetal egg) in medicine is called anembryony. Anembryonic pregnancy sooner or later ends in a miscarriage.

  • Pathology of the uterus

The normal position, structure, size and shape of the uterus is essential for maintaining pregnancy. Underdevelopment of the uterus (“baby uterus”), a bicornuate uterus, septa in the uterus, can cause a missed pregnancy in the second trimester of pregnancy (for a period of 12 to 20 weeks). For example, a missed pregnancy for a period of 14 weeks can be caused by a pathology of the structure uterus.

  • Taking certain medications

Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, ibuprofen, etc.), birth control pills and other hormonal drugs in the early stages of pregnancy can provoke a miscarriage for a period of 4-5 weeks or even earlier.

  • Intoxication with vapors of chemicals

Women forced to inhale vapors of certain chemicals (formaldehyde, benzene, ethylene oxide, gases used in anesthesia) are susceptible to increased risk frozen pregnancy. In this case, a frozen pregnancy can occur at any time in the range from 4 to 20 weeks.

  • Chronic diseases in pregnant women

Severe chronic diseases of the kidneys, heart, liver, as well as disorders of the hematopoietic system (anemia) can cause miscarriage in early and late pregnancy.

  • Multiple pregnancy

Despite the fact that in most cases, pregnancy with twins or triplets ends in the birth of healthy children, the risk of a miscarriage in case of multiple pregnancy slightly higher than that of women bearing one child.

  • Pregnancy with IVF

For unknown reasons, pregnancy that occurs with the help of in vitro fertilization (IVF) technique often "freezes". If this happens, then usually a missed pregnancy is detected already in the first trimester (up to 9-12 weeks of pregnancy).

How to recognize a frozen pregnancy?

Many pregnant women are concerned about the question of how to determine a missed pregnancy. The insidiousness of this condition lies in the fact that it is often asymptomatic: from the death of the fetus to a miscarriage, it can take several days, and sometimes several weeks.

What are the first signs of a missed pregnancy? You may suspect that the pregnancy is no longer developing if you have the following symptoms of a miscarriage:

  • emerged from the vagina
  • Pain in the back or lower abdomen
  • If the symptoms of toxicosis (nausea, vomiting, dizziness, etc.) suddenly stop
  • Breasts during a frozen pregnancy can stop hurting
  • Body temperature during a missed pregnancy usually remains within the normal range, but with inflammatory processes can rise to 37.5C ​​and above

The signs of a missed pregnancy listed above are not reliable and can occur with a normally developing pregnancy, as well as with. Therefore, if you have the above warning signs, you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination to clarify the diagnosis. The diagnosis of a missed pregnancy is never made only by the presence of the symptoms listed above.

What will a pregnancy test show?

Many women who suspect they have a missed pregnancy run to the pharmacy for a test. Will the test show a frozen pregnancy or is it a waste of money?