Increased blood sugar during pregnancy: the norm, causes of deviations and ways to normalize indicators. Elevated urine glucose levels in pregnant women

With the help of glucose and sugar, the cell receives energy. But an excess of this substance can be dangerous. If the sugar in the urine during pregnancy has an increased content, it is necessary to carry out timely treatment so that gestational type diabetes does not begin to develop. To confirm the presence of pathologies in the indicators, urine is submitted for testing.

Permissible content during testing

A satisfactory indicator for a pregnant girl aged 18-30 in the predominance of sugar in the blood can be considered:

  • less than 1.7 mmol / l - a satisfactory result;
  • up to 2.7 mmol / l - an acceptable result;
  • over 2.79 - exceeding the permissible value with glucosuria.

Up to the level of 2.7 mmol / l in the process of raising a child, a woman feels comfortable, and there is no reason to worry. But even with a slightly increased dose of up to 2.83, intensive treatment should not be started without the doctor's instructions. Before childbirth, in many cases there are temporary deviations from the norm.

Why does sugar increase in urine in a pregnant woman

The body undergoes the primary purification of urine, during which glucose must pass through the bloodstream. During secondary purification, this substance is not detected in the absence of any pathologies.

Glucose in the urine during pregnancy can be exceeded according to the norm:

  • if the expectant mother has the first stages of development of gestational diabetes mellitus;
  • there are problems with the endocrine system, thyroid pathology;
  • if the pancreas is inflamed;
  • with renal and hepatic dysfunction;
  • with skull injuries affecting metabolic disorders.

The most common problem with glucose in the urine in pregnant women is kidney disease. But after the test, an elevated level of glucose is found only in the urine, the blood readings remain unchanged.

In half of the cases, sugar in the urine during pregnancy hides the causes of deviations from the norm in violation of the diet. A woman during gestation consumes carbohydrate products in unlimited quantities. But in this case, the norm of sugar in the urine will be slightly exceeded, which only allows you to adjust the diet to eliminate pathologies.

During pregnancy, there are risks of developing diabetes, which are influenced by such factors:

  1. age. Middle-aged women, especially those who give birth for the first time, are more prone to glucose disorders;
  2. if you developed gestational diabetes during a previous pregnancy;
  3. if the woman had miscarriages or stillbirths;
  4. in a previous pregnancy, a woman gave birth to a child with serious defects;
  5. if the fetus was too large during a previous pregnancy;
  6. the birth of more than two children;
  7. the waters broke in large quantities;
  8. other prerequisites for the development of diabetes.

In the presence of one or more risk factors, the expectant mother should seek the advice of an endocrinologist to begin monitoring her sugar levels until childbirth.

Important. It is noted by experts that 96% of women get rid of gestational diabetes after childbirth, the remaining 4% have a chronic form.

What is the danger?

It has increased sugar in the urine during pregnancy, consequences that can affect the life of a woman and a baby.

What awaits a woman diagnosed with glucosuria:

  • vision deteriorates;
  • mild renal failure;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • legs hurt and swell;
  • gestosis and preeclampsia develop.

But the most severe of the complications with high sugar for a pregnant woman is macrosomia, suggesting pathological abnormalities in the development of the child. Births occur with complications due to the large size of the child - such newborns most often weigh more than 4.5 kg. It is not excluded the appointment of a caesarean section in order to remove the baby without damage.

A mother with fetal macrosomia also suffers, since the onset of premature birth is not excluded, bleeding may begin, and trauma to the birth canal is not excluded. The fetus due to poor patency can get a birth injury. There are no critical contraindications to the independent process of childbirth with increased glucose in the urine.

Also, increased sugar in the urine during pregnancy can be the beginning of problems with general development: affect the pathologies of the respiratory organs, in 7% of cases - in mental retardation. To prevent this, it is necessary in the first trimester to pass tests and regularly visit a specialist.


An error-free determination of the glucose content in the urine is possible after passing laboratory tests. But the presence of the first signs of problems in a woman can be traced independently.

Signs of renal glucosuria in pregnant women:

  • constant fluid intake, as dry mouth is felt;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • blood pressure rises;
  • general malaise in the form of drowsiness and fatigue;
  • a sharp increase in weight;
  • intake of carbohydrates in large quantities.

These initial signs are not direct evidence of diabetes, but they need to be paid attention to prevent complications. To this end, the doctor must fully control the well-being of the expectant mother.


In a pregnant woman, an increase in sugar in the urine may disappear (normalize) a few months after childbirth, but the available indicators cannot be ignored. If deviations from the norm are detected in time after analysis during pregnancy and additional studies are carried out, it will be possible to quickly determine the cause of the disease, accurately diagnosing it. Taking medications for gestational diabetes is possible only with a significant excess of the norm.

Be sure to follow a diet that supports the supply of glucose in the optimal amount. For this purpose, the pregnant woman is limited to the use of sweet, salty foods and honey.

Recommended adherence to the principles of proper selection of food, which includes a distinction in the use of carbohydrate and fatty foods. Fiber and starch are not taken as food. Excluded are high-calorie foods that contain a large amount of vegetable fats and artificial additives.

A pregnant woman with high sugar in the urine is shown special exercises for small physical exertion. This helps to lower sugar in the urine and blood. You need to constantly be on the move, which does not greatly burden the pregnant woman. Exceeding the normal level of sugar in the urine of a pregnant woman can lead to the onset of pain in the lumbar region.

Important. In case of serious pathologies, the normalization of nutrition with physical activity does not contribute to a significant decrease in the level of glucose in the body of a pregnant woman. To do this, the woman will need to take insulin.

There is no reason for premature panic, since increased sugar in the urine of pregnant women is the norm. This indicator changes after the birth of a child in almost all cases. If necessary, the indicators are normalized by doctors after the diagnosis. Of course, maintaining glucose uptake at the proper level is necessary before delivery. To do this, you do not need to take drugs or severely limit yourself. If you do not follow the recommendations of the doctor, complications may begin, leading to a deterioration in the development of the fetus.

During pregnancy, temporary changes affect all systems of the female body. They are aimed at the preservation, protection and development of emerging life.

Regular monitoring of the condition of the expectant mother is an important factor in recognizing deviations and taking measures for the stable development of the child.

In particular, an extremely important indicator is the amount of sugar in the blood. If it is normal, then everything is fine. Sharp fluctuations in values ​​or stable in pregnant women are a serious signal of a growing problem.

Typically, the amount of sugar in human blood ranges from 3.3 to 5.5 mmol / l.

In pregnant women, a temporary increase from 5.5 to 7.1 mmol / l sometimes occurs. This condition is called or pregnant.

It is associated with a failure of the body's tolerance to glucose, which occurs during hormonal changes. If sugar is present in the blood at a level exceeding 7.1 mmol / l (on an empty stomach) and 11.1 mmol / l (in an hour or two), then this indicates and requires urgent action to minimize the risk of complications.

It is necessary to regularly measure the level of sugar, since an early diagnosis will prevent negative consequences and prescribe optimal treatment.

Reasons for high blood sugar

In pregnant women, the endocrine and hormonal systems are rebuilt, changes occur in the natural immune status.

This is usually not so dangerous and is the usual mechanism for adapting the female body to a new state. However, there is a risk of manifestation of diseases and their complications, which before pregnancy proceeded in a chronic form or asymptomatically.

This includes common diabetes mellitus and transient gestational diabetes. In pregnant women, under the influence of hormones, the amount of glucose in the body increases. This requires increased work to produce more insulin so that the sugar level of the expectant mother remains within the normal range.

Such a change is the main factor of complications. Under the action of the pancreatic hormone insulin, glucose from the blood passes into the cells of the tissues of the body, thereby maintaining a stable level of sugar.

In pregnant women, hormones produced by the placenta, on the contrary, increase the level of sugar, trying to provide additional energy to the body of a growing child, which makes the pancreas work hard.

When the pancreas of the expectant mother cannot fully cope with its function, excess glucose enters the child's body, forcing the pancreas of the fetus to intensively secrete insulin, transferring excess glucose into adipose tissue, which causes its mass to increase abnormally.

Such an enhanced metabolic process requires a higher supply of oxygen to the developing child than actually supplied, which leads to fetal hypoxia and the accumulation of under-oxidized toxic metabolic products in it, which cannot but affect the health of the unborn child and the expectant mother.

Not later than the 28th week of pregnancy, you must pass a test that determines the tolerance of the woman's body to glucose to exclude gestational diabetes.

Risk Factors for Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is manifested by elevated sugar levels, which spontaneously normalize one and a half to two months after childbirth.

But in order to prevent complications and the threat of the transition of gestational diabetes to true diabetes mellitus, regular examination for sugar content is necessary, taking into account the factors leading to the development of diabetes.

There are signs by which a woman herself, even when she is just about to become pregnant, can assess the risk of gestational diabetes.

The glucose tolerance test allows a woman to determine the level of sugar at the time of sampling. But this indicator can rise and fall, so this test is not always able to identify the initial stage of diabetes in pregnant women.

There is also a test for hemoglobin associated with glucose (or HbA1c). The study shows an increase in sugar levels not at the moment, but changes in sugar levels over 7-10 days. This allows you to detect sugar jumps in time and, if necessary, reduce it.

Moderate and severe gestational diabetes can present with the following symptoms:

  • feeling of hunger;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • increased feeling of thirst;
  • frequent and exhausting urination.

Only a doctor can distinguish pathological changes from normal processes; any home diagnostic method is ineffective.

However, the presence of these symptoms during pregnancy is not yet a sign of gestational diabetes. They can occur during the normal course of pregnancy, even if the blood is normal. Indeed, cardinal changes are taking place in a woman's body, and the reaction is not always adequate from the point of view of normal physiology outside of pregnancy.

What to do?

If a slight increase in sugar levels is detected, then the woman herself can bring it back to normal. Indeed, often malnutrition is the main cause of the pathology that has arisen. That is, it is necessary. And if you do additional exercises, you can bring the sugar level to the proper level on your own.

Diet and diet

If diabetes is detected during pregnancy, the expectant mother must follow a diet.

You should limit the use of easily digestible, that is, eat as little as possible, sweets, limit the use of sweet juices (,) and some and (,).

It is also important to reduce the amount of foods containing slowly digestible carbohydrates in the diet, such as potatoes, rice. There is a special table where the carbohydrate composition of products is indicated. Such a diet maintains normal sugar levels and increases the chances of having a healthy baby.

The selection of a diet and the necessary diet for diabetes during pregnancy is carried out in each case individually and is not an easy task. Only an experienced nutritionist can say which food is good for a particular woman and why.

Physical exercise

But often, in order to maintain the optimal rate of sugar in the blood throughout the pregnancy, it is not enough to eat right. After all, its level can rise very quickly. Additionally required.

Properly selected set of physical exercises will help normalize sugar

Gentle exercises help to provide the woman's body with oxygen, which will be supplied in sufficient quantities to the child. This is a very important condition for the normal development of the fetus. At the same time, a woman's metabolism improves, extra calories are burned.

Prevention during pregnancy

In diabetes during pregnancy, prevention comes down to stabilizing sugar levels. It is also necessary to minimize the risk of possible complications.

If the glucose indicator periodically starts to rise above the value of 5.6, you should purchase a glucometer and take measurements yourself.

At times, it is desirable to undergo more serious examinations.

You also need to follow the necessary diet, do not lead a passive lifestyle, regularly engage in moderate exercise and strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor.

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About the risk factors and dangers of gestational diabetes in the video:

When making a diagnosis of gestational diabetes, you should not panic, as the psycho-emotional state of a pregnant woman can affect the development of the fetus. It must be remembered that this diabetes is often temporary and goes away after childbirth. Compliance with all the necessary recommendations allows you to reduce the negative impact on the child to zero, safely endure it and give birth to a healthy full-fledged baby.

During pregnancy, a woman takes a huge number of tests that are needed to fully monitor the health of herself and the fetus. Elevated sugar during pregnancy signals the possible development of diabetes mellitus, it is also called gestational diabetes. Its peculiarity is that after the birth of a child, in most cases, it goes away on its own.

In contact with

The control of this indicator is very important, so a woman is regularly prescribed a blood test. High blood sugar during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage, pyelonephritis, or preterm birth. There can be many reasons for this growth.

Normally, in a pregnant woman, the sugar content should be no more than 6.0 mmol / l (when taken from a finger) and no more than 6.9 mmol / l (when taking venous blood). Excess indicates the possible development of gestational diabetes.


Glucose levels in the human body are controlled by the pancreatic hormone insulin. It is responsible for the transport of sugar into the cells of the body, thereby reducing its level in the body.

Consider why pregnant women have high blood sugar. During the period of bearing a baby, the level of hormones in the mother's body increases, which suppress the production of insulin, so glucose can increase. The main risk factors that increase the chances of acquiring gestational diabetes in pregnant women are distinguished:

  • overweight;
  • the first pregnancy occurred after 30 years;
  • the presence of concomitant pathologies;
  • genetic factor;
  • diagnosed with gestational diabetes in a previous pregnancy.

Women with one of these reasons need more time to stabilize high blood sugar during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, a woman should carefully monitor her health.

High score - how much?

The risk group for sugar content includes women with 4.8-6.0 mmol / l (when taking blood from a finger) and 5.3-6.9 mmol / l (when taking venous blood). If the indicator according to the results of the laboratory analysis is higher, then the pregnant woman is prescribed an additional test with a load, with which it is possible to diagnose disorders in the early stages of development. If, after childbirth, sugar also exceeds the norm, then the patient is prescribed an individual treatment regimen, otherwise diabetes may remain for the rest of her life.

All pregnant women in the second trimester are prescribed a mandatory glucose tolerance test. It allows you to determine the usefulness of the pancreas. The study includes taking venous blood on an empty stomach, then re-taking after 2 hours (before this, the pregnant woman drinks a glucose solution at the rate of 75 g per 0.3 l of water). If, according to the results of the analysis, the first digit, and the second - 7.8 mmol / l or more, then the woman is given a preliminary diagnosis of "gestational diabetes". To confirm, repeat the test after a few hours. As a rule, after childbirth, the disease goes away on its own.

To control the level of sugar, it is necessary to take venous blood on an empty stomach or donate blood from a finger. Both biomaterials help to identify the disease at various stages.

How often does it happen?

As a rule, excess glucose levels in most cases are diagnosed in women starting from the second trimester of pregnancy. Many women now experience their first pregnancy after the age of 30. At this point, changes occur in the body that increase the risk of complicating the course of pregnancy.

Symptoms of gestational diabetes

The first warning signs of high blood sugar are:

  • increased urge to urinate;
  • increased appetite;
  • strong and sharp weight gain;
  • dryness in the mouth;
  • a woman constantly wants to drink a lot of water;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • rapid fatigue and tiredness.

If one of these signs appears, do not hesitate to contact a doctor. Delaying the situation leads to a deterioration in the condition of the pregnant woman and the development of unwanted complications.

It is worth noting that a mild form of gestational diabetes may not make itself felt for a long time. Elevated sugar is detected after the next blood test.

Consequences for the child

With an increase in sugar, a metabolic disorder occurs not only in the mother's body, but also in the child. Glucose tends to cross the placental barrier, increasing the risk of developing macrosomia. This is a disease in which the brain is of normal size, and the shoulder girdle is significantly enlarged. Among other consequences for a child with increased sugar in a pregnant woman, it is worth highlighting a strong weight gain of the baby (after 20 weeks, there is an excess of normal weight and height). In such children, birth injuries are more common due to the large weight (displacement of the cervical vertebrae, etc.).

Many women are interested in what threatens high sugar during pregnancy. If she was previously diagnosed with diabetes, then during the period of bearing a child, the condition will only worsen. Gestational diabetes during pregnancy increases the chances of acquiring type 2 diabetes in the future.

Doctors continue to discuss the dangers of high sugar during pregnancy. Women with this diagnosis in most cases undergo a planned caesarean section.

Glucose has the ability to destroy the walls of blood vessels. Another unpleasant disease that develops against the background of excess glucose is preeclampsia. In this case, the woman has severe edema, polyhydramnios and increased blood pressure.

Consider what to do if a pregnant woman has high blood sugar:

  1. Pick the right diet. From the diet it is recommended to exclude foods that provoke weight gain. Fatty foods are limited, spicy and smoked foods are prohibited. You need to eat often and in small portions. You need to enrich your diet with vitamins and nutrients. Exclude from the diet all foods containing fast carbohydrates (sugar, sweets, cakes, vegetables with a high content of starch, etc.). You can eat not very sweet fruits and berries.
  2. The use of insulin. The dose and course of therapy are selected by the endocrinologist together with the obstetrician-gynecologist.
  3. Keep a constant check on the sugar content. To do this, you can regularly take a blood test or purchase a portable glucometer for measurements at home.
  4. Exercise moderately (in the absence of contraindications), which must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Regular exercise helps increase insulin production in the body, as well as prevent excessive weight gain.

Only the attending physician can choose an effective treatment regimen. In this case, many factors must be taken into account: the age of the woman, the level of glucose, the presence of concomitant pathologies, etc. In most cases, the stabilization of the indicator occurs before or after childbirth.

The causes and symptoms of diabetes in men have some similarities (overweight, malnutrition, etc.). An important role is played by the hereditary factor. Also, a previous infectious disease (chicken pox, rubella, etc.) can be an impetus for the development of type 1 diabetes in men. Among the main signs observed:

  • severe fatigue;
  • violation of sexual function;
  • increased urination;
  • intense thirst, etc.

These symptoms do not always appear together. Therefore, when one of them appears, it is better to play it safe and pass the appropriate analysis.

Useful video

Today, diabetes is a fairly common disease, but gestational diabetes during pregnancy is much less common. However, it is still worth knowing about this disease, since it is very dangerous, both for the woman herself and for the child:


  1. An increase in sugar during pregnancy is rare. This is due to hormonal changes in the body.
  2. Diagnosis of gestational diabetes can be based on the results of routine tests.
  3. As a treatment, a diet is prescribed, in severe cases, drug therapy is used.
  4. After the baby is born, the sugar level stabilizes.

Conditions in which high glucose levels are recorded during pregnancy are quite common. In some cases, they occur in the expectant mother for the first time in her life precisely during the bearing of the baby.

This situation requires mandatory medical intervention.

Reasons for the increase

A variety of causative factors can lead to an increase in glucose in the female body during pregnancy. Quite often it happens that they act simultaneously, reinforcing each other's action. Doctors call a persistent increase in blood glucose hyperglycemia.

According to statistics, 5% of pregnant women develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy. This pathology is accompanied by a constant high level of sugar in the blood. This disease can be dangerous for both mom and her baby.

For a long time, researchers have tried to establish why it is during pregnancy that the risk of developing diabetes mellitus increases so significantly. The main reason was associated with an altered hormonal background.

Progesterone metabolites, as well as other pregnancy hormones, have a pronounced effect on metabolic processes, including glucose metabolism in the body.

A change in the concentration of certain hormones in the blood of a pregnant woman leads to the fact that she has the phenomenon of insulin resistance. This condition contributes to an increase in blood glucose levels.

Sugar with this pathology rises almost constantly. The severity of the violations depends largely on how the hormonal background is changed, and whether the woman has any concomitant diseases of the internal organs.

Quite often it happens that the blood sugar level of the expectant mother begins to rise by the second half of pregnancy. This feature is largely due to the altered work of the kidneys. The growing uterus puts pressure on these urinary organs, causing them to become congested.

Reduced excretion of glucose by the kidneys contributes to its accumulation in the blood, which also enhances the manifestations of hyperglycemia. In this case, an increased concentration of sugar is also determined in the urine, when it is submitted for examination to the laboratory.

Glucose appears when its plasma concentration is above 9 mmol / l. This situation is extremely unfavorable and requires urgent medical correction.

Pancreatic disease is another common cause leading to the development of gestational diabetes.

Such diseases usually appear even before the onset of pregnancy.

Chronic pancreatitis, which occurs with frequent exacerbations, can contribute to the development of persistent hyperglycemia during childbearing. In this case, it is impossible to do without prescribing treatment.

Scientists have found that heredity plays a huge role in the development of persistent hyperglycemia. Women with a positive family history of diabetes mellitus have a 50% increased risk of developing a gestational variant.

All expectant mothers with risk factors must be observed by a therapist. Women already suffering from diabetes mellitus or frequent episodes of hyperglycemia are registered with an endocrinologist, including during pregnancy.

Many concomitant diseases of the internal organs can also cause the future mother to develop persistent hyperglycemia. Usually, persistent pathologies of the liver, gallbladder, metabolic disorders in the endocrine system, and chronic kidney diseases lead to this. Trauma to the gastrointestinal tract or previous surgery can also contribute to an increase in blood glucose.

Scientists have found that prolonged prolonged stress has a negative effect on the functioning of the endocrine system. This is manifested by a persistent increase in blood sugar.

Many pregnant women note that their first hyperglycemia occurred after some great stress in life. During pregnancy, exposure to even a slight intensity is sufficient to increase blood sugar.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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The complex of various clinical signs that occurs in a pregnant woman who has signs of high blood sugar is quite large. It includes many different symptoms that can bring significant discomfort to the expectant mother and change her usual behavior.

Women with high blood sugar experience:

  • Increasing and constant thirst. This symptom manifests itself much brighter if blood sugar exceeds the norm by more than 30%. It leads to the fact that the expectant mother begins to drink much more water and various drinks. Women who have a strong tendency to develop puffiness may at this time complain of the appearance of edema on the legs and face.

  • Frequent urination. Increased thirst leads to frequent urge to urinate. At the same time, the amount of separated urine increases significantly.

It becomes pale and less bright in color.

  • Dryness and itching of the skin. High sugar levels contribute to irritation of the nerve endings, which is manifested by such symptoms. The intensity of their manifestation largely depends on the level of sugar in the blood.
  • Severe dry mouth. This symptom also provokes the development of thirst. A woman feels dry mouth almost constantly throughout the day. Even after taking water, the mucous membranes begin to dry after a couple of minutes.

  • Increased appetite. Violation of carbohydrate metabolism leads to the fact that glucose cannot fully enter the internal organs. Prolonged starvation of cells is manifested by a feeling of strong "unbearable" hunger.
  • Severe weakness and constant drowsiness. Throughout the day, even in the morning after waking up, the expectant mother wants to sleep. This symptom is often accompanied by a feeling of extreme fatigue. Some women may experience headaches and severe dizziness.

Consequences for the child

Elevated blood glucose levels adversely affect the fetus. Severe metabolic disorders lead to the fact that the baby begins to experience a real deficiency in the intake of nutrients that are needed for its active and full development. The brain and heart of the baby are most sensitive to a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood.

Hyperglycemia can be dangerous for the development of preterm labor. Usually this situation occurs in women who have a pathological course of pregnancy and many concomitant diseases of the internal organs.

The lack of nutrients in early pregnancy threatens the development of multiple anomalies and developmental defects in the fetus. This condition is especially unfavorable during the first trimester of pregnancy when all vital organs and systems are laid. With the most unfavorable prognosis for the course of this pathology, even spontaneous abortion or miscarriage is possible.


To identify "silent" hyperglycemia, doctors recommend taking an analysis to determine the level of glucose several times during the entire period of bearing a baby. So, it is advisable for the expectant mother to visit the laboratory from 9-12 weeks of pregnancy and closer to childbirth. This is a necessary minimum that must be met.

Taking a blood sugar test strictly on an empty stomach. This should be done in the morning.

Before the study, you should not eat 8-9 hours.

If a woman already has diabetes mellitus established early, then such a long interval “without food” is not necessary. For this, only 3-4 hours are enough. Prolonged hunger can lead to a very dangerous condition - hypoglycemia.

Before taking the test, you can only drink a little ordinary boiled water. Avoid sugary sodas or sweetened teas. In the morning before the analysis, all sugar-containing components should be strictly excluded.

A cheerful and good mood is an obligatory component with which the future mother should come to the clinic. To do this, she should definitely get enough sleep on the eve of the study. You should not be nervous and worried before the test, as this may affect the result of the analysis.

Before submitting this study, if possible, strong physical activity should be excluded. They can lead to an unreliable, slightly underestimated result. A day before going to the laboratory, it is better to exclude cleaning the apartment or jogging through stairwells.

Doctors believe that normal blood sugar levels are 3.3-5.5 mmol/L. In this case, a limitation is made that these values ​​are adequate for capillary blood. She climbs during the puncture of the finger.

In venous blood, these values ​​are somewhat different. They are 4.0-6.1 mmol / l. Nowadays, venous blood tests are increasingly being done. They are more convenient and no less informative. Most private medical laboratories prefer to use this research methodology.

If, for some reason, blood glucose levels change and deviate from normal values, then doctors prescribe a number of special auxiliary laboratory tests. They are necessary in order to accurately diagnose, as well as to exclude or confirm the presence of diabetes.

Such studies include a glucose tolerance test and the determination of glycated hemoglobin.

When carrying a baby, a woman lies in wait for many surprises. Often, a pregnant woman experiences jumps in blood glucose levels. This is due to poor sensitivity to the hormone insulin. Analyzing the tests, the doctor always pays attention to increased sugar during pregnancy, because a high level of glucose can adversely affect the health of the fetus, provoke early labor and contribute to the development of complications of the urinary system in the expectant mother.

Sugar in pregnancy

The amount of glucose in the blood is measured in moles per litre. In a pregnant woman, the sugar rate is 5.8 mmol / liter if there was a sampling from a vein and from 4.0 to 6.1 mmol / l if the study was obtained from a finger. A slight increase in glucose is allowed, as this could occur during the hormonal changes in the body, due to stress or overwork. If a repeated analysis for glycated hemoglobin showed a high concentration of hormones, then this gives the doctor grounds to diagnose the pregnant woman with gestational diabetes.

This pathology leads to the production of a large amount of hormones by the body of a pregnant woman. This leads to a blockage in the production of insulin, which breaks down sugar. The lack of the hormone leads to an excess of glucose and, as a result, to a lack of energy needed for the growth of the fetus and the vital activity of the mother's body. Sugar does not enter the cells and is not broken down, as a result of which the body of a woman experiences energy hunger during pregnancy.

Blood sugar test during pregnancy

During the entire period of pregnancy, a sugar test is prescribed for a future mother twice - when she becomes registered and at 30 weeks. Basically, the analysis is taken from the finger, but if for some reason the blood cannot be taken, then the correct result can also be obtained from venous blood. If a woman feels unwell before the study, then it is not recommended to conduct a test on this day. As a rule, the attending physician transfers the analysis to the next day, and the pregnant woman is advised to have a good rest. In order for the result to be of high quality, certain conditions must be observed:

  • donate blood on an empty stomach in the morning;
  • you can’t brush your teeth and use chewing gum before going to the clinic, because they contain sugar;
  • it is undesirable to change the diet a few days before the study, because this will affect the results;
  • you should eat at least 8 hours before going to the doctor;
  • You can drink water, but only drinking water without gas.

High sugar during pregnancy

Most doctors believe that a pregnancy glucose of 6.9 is not a cause for concern - in this situation, one can hope for normalization after childbirth. However, if sugar is increased from 7.0 mmol / l or more, then the diagnosis is “manifest diabetes”. This means that the disease will remain in the woman after the birth of the child, and the treatment will need to be continued.


High blood sugar occurs during pregnancy for several reasons:

  1. The kidneys have to work in an enhanced mode, so they sometimes do not have time to process an increased dose of glucose.
  2. Hormonal imbalance can also cause high blood sugar during pregnancy.
  3. A large load on the pancreas provokes gestational diabetes mellitus, which in most cases disappears 2-6 weeks after birth.
  4. Elevated glucose levels can provoke diseases of the endocrine system, kidney or liver disease before pregnancy.


This disease is often mild. However, some symptoms should alert the pregnant woman, after which the woman needs to urgently consult a doctor. Among them:

  • vision problems;
  • constant thirst;
  • regularly tormented by hunger;
  • high blood pressure;
  • general weakness, drowsiness;
  • frequent and sometimes uncontrolled urination.

What is the danger of high sugar during pregnancy

If a woman has high sugar when carrying a baby, then, according to medical statistics, spontaneous abortions occur in every third case. The reason for this is the rapid aging of the placenta, the vessels of which are damaged due to excess glucose. As a result of this phenomenon, the fetus is supplied with nutrients and oxygen incompletely.

The negative trend of the influence of diabetes is manifested in a high risk of late toxicosis, which is characterized by edema, overweight, fetal hypoxia, and increased blood pressure. Women with high blood sugar often develop:

  • polyhydramnios;
  • twisting of the umbilical cord;
  • visual impairment;
  • retinal disinsertion;
  • infectious diseases;
  • heart failure.

Consequences for the child

A fetus with elevated maternal blood glucose levels develops damage, which is called diabetic fetopathy. The condition includes the large size of the baby, when the child already in the second trimester of pregnancy is ahead in weight according to ultrasound. As a rule, at the time of birth, his weight exceeds 4 kg. Such a body weight can provoke a birth injury.

When a mother has diabetes, a baby often develops malformations after birth: skeletal imbalances, brain pathologies, diseases of the cardiovascular and genitourinary systems. Underdevelopment of the lungs provokes death in the womb or in the first week of life. Due to improper functioning of the liver and adrenal glands, the risk of developing severe hypoglycemia during childbirth increases.

How to lower sugar

The main task of a pregnant woman with gestational diabetes is to maintain normal blood sugar levels. This requires regular examination, exclusion from the diet of foods that have a high glycemic index. Daily walks in the fresh air and physical activity are required. If such measures do not help, then the doctor prescribes therapy that lowers sugar. During pregnancy, only preparations containing the hormone insulin in the form of injections are suitable. The frequency of administration and dosage is determined by the endocrinologist in each case.


The main suppliers of glucose are easily digestible carbohydrates, so a diet with high sugar during pregnancy should be to limit them. If you remove them from the menu, there will be no high glucose values ​​\u200b\u200bduring pregnancy. Food should be rich in vitamins and low in calories. Dieting is a great opportunity not only to reduce sugar, but also to remove excess weight and improve metabolism.

You need to eat regularly, fractionally, 5-7 times a day, in small portions. When compiling a diet, it is necessary to pay attention to the concomitant diseases of the pregnant woman and her daily energy consumption. Basic diet rules for high blood glucose:

  • do not overeat;
  • do not eat at night;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • do not use sweeteners;
  • instead of sweet foods, eat dried fruits.

Prohibited foods for hyperglycemia:

  • sweet pastries;
  • confectionery;
  • ice cream, chocolate;
  • jam, jam, sugar;
  • animal fats;
  • spicy seasonings;
  • marinades, spices, smoking;
  • raisins, dried apricots, figs, dates, prunes;
  • fruits high in simple protein: avocado, banana and others.

Sample menu for one day:

  • breakfast: oatmeal with 1 tsp. honey and half an apple, green tea with milk;
  • lunch: omelette with 1 egg, tomato and cucumber salad, a piece of rye bread;
  • lunch: steam fish, buckwheat porridge, grated carrot salad, orange;
  • afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole, cranberry juice;
  • dinner: a glass of low-fat kefir, a piece of whole grain bread.

Products that reduce sugar

Cereals will help to saturate the body with vitamins and reduce blood sugar: buckwheat, oatmeal, corn. Millet porridge has a lipotropic effect, which helps to remove excess weight during pregnancy. Due to its frequent use, insulin production is normalized. One of the most effective foods for diabetes is wheat germ. They act as a cleansing, restorative and regenerating agent.

Useful dairy products of mixed fermentation. During pregnancy, it is recommended to consume sour-milk products with a low percentage of fat content. Ryazhenka, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir are easily digested and normalize the intestinal microflora. The best dessert for diabetes is fermented milk products with fruits. Sea fish and seafood quickly reduce sugar. Among vegetables it is recommended to lean on:

  • eggplant;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • Jerusalem artichoke;
  • cauliflower;
  • broccoli;
  • pumpkin;
  • greenery;
  • bell pepper;
  • zucchini.

Physical exercise

If there was an increase in blood sugar during pregnancy, then aerobic exercise will help normalize glucose levels. This is due to the rapid saturation of body cells with oxygen during physical activity. Aerobics during pregnancy speeds up the metabolism, reduces the manifestations of early and late toxicosis, strengthens the woman's immunity. Before embarking on any sport, be sure to consult with your doctor. It must be remembered that if sugar is elevated during pregnancy, you can exercise daily, but with low intensity.

Each workout should be moderate and not end in shortness of breath. It is impossible during pregnancy to make strong bends of the back, sudden movements, jumping, stretching and swinging the legs. Sports recommended for high blood sugar in a pregnant woman:

  1. Swimming. During your stay in the water, all muscle groups are gently trained, the load on the spine is reduced, and overall well-being improves.
  2. Pilates. Improves blood supply to the placenta and fetus, strengthens the muscles of the expectant mother in the pelvic area.
  3. Yoga. Promotes physical and mental relaxation (except for complex asanas).
  4. Fitball. Exercises that are performed on a special ball. They help to reduce pressure, which is a constant symptom at high glucose levels, improves overall well-being, reduces the load on the lower back.
