After childbirth, age spots appeared on the body. How to quickly get rid of age spots after childbirth. Hormonal changes, lack of vitamins, stress

Pregnancy is one of the best periods in a woman's life, but even it is often complicated by problems. The first thing that comes to mind is changes in appearance, including weight gain, brittle nails, changes in skin color. We will tell you how to get rid of pigmentation on the face after childbirth and prevent it from moving into the chronic stage.

To do this, you can use pharmacy products, store-bought or do it yourself, but you should not neglect the advice of specialists - it is better to consult a doctor before self-treatment.

Causes of pigmentation on the face after and during childbirth

Pigmentation after childbirth worries many women - after all, you want to remain beautiful even after the birth of a child. It is brown spots of various shapes, located on any part of the skin - on the face, abdomen, neck, arms, anywhere. The intensity of the brown shade depends on the level of melanin. Most often, spots after and during pregnancy are located on the face and blend outwardly with healthy skin. This phenomenon is called the "pregnant mask".

The medical name for the disease is chloasma, and it can occur for a number of reasons: due to excessive exposure to the sun, skin aging, or hormonal changes in the body due to the bearing and birth of a baby. Treatment of each type is complicated by its own difficulties. How to get rid of pigmentation after pregnancy?

Postpartum pigmentation on the face can also be the cause of serious disruptions in the body associated with disruption of the liver, thyroid gland, gallbladder and kidneys. If left untreated, the chronic stage may worsen, so a visit to the doctor is mandatory.

Why pigmentation on the face occurs after childbirth and how you can get rid of it, you will learn a little lower.

Prevention of skin pigmentation

It is impossible to accurately predict its occurrence or prevent its occurrence, but it is possible to reduce the intensity of manifestations. So, during pregnancy you can not use:

  • Essential oils, including photosensitive ones - lemon, orange, grapefruit and any other citrus. They make the skin more receptive to light, which leads to the appearance of age spots.
  • Fruit acids, or AHAs. Despite their undoubtedly amazing effect on the quality of the skin, they make it more sensitive to the sun, which without proper sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 leads to irritation and dryness.

Attention! The first and second points are also not desirable for use, not only because of the possible development of pigmentation, but simply because this care is too aggressive for a pregnant woman - an allergy may develop in a child.

You should also abandon aggressive scrubs, and use only rolls of peels. After pregnancy, oils and AHA acids can be used, well, it’s better to remove scrubs from the bathroom shelf forever - they are already aggressive.

Timely use of a cream or oil with a good SPF factor (from 15 depending on skin color - the lighter it is, the higher the factor up to 50 inclusive) can reduce the likelihood of age spots in general, not only in the postpartum period.

A balanced diet will also help keep the skin bright - vitamins B, E and C take care of it, accelerate regeneration, healing and generally make the skin more elastic and smooth.

We offer to look at the causes of age spots:

When does pigmentation go away after childbirth?

Many mothers are concerned about the question: does the pigmentation of childbirth go away at all? As a rule, it goes away on its own in a few months, but it can remain for life if appropriate measures are not taken in time.

How long will pigmentation go after childbirth if it has become more complicated due to hormonal disruptions in the body or any diseases? It is impossible to determine the exact numbers, only doctors can do this - you should first visit a dermatologist, and then, based on his assumptions and advice, go to an endocrinologist, gynecologist or gastroenterologist to clarify the diagnosis.

The most reliable remedy for the disease

Some especially brave women decide to remove pigmentation on their face after childbirth with the help of surgery - they turn to a beautician for laser resurfacing. This is an effective method, but it is not suitable for everyone - you need to ask a dermatologist and cosmetologist if this method is acceptable specifically for your skin.

After pregnancy, chemical peeling with acids can already be used - due to the action of AHA acids, the upper stratum corneum of the skin dissolves, old brown skin cells go away, they are replaced by new ones. Peeling will help if cosmetic intervention is needed in order to get rid of old cells left over from the moment of pregnancy - it will also not help with diseases.

It should also be understood that age spots in case of serious damage to any body systems will completely disappear only with complex use - you cannot get rid of them with creams or oils if you do not take drugs prescribed by a doctor. Unlike age-related pigmentation and caused by sunburn, getting rid of pigmentation after childbirth on the face and body is a little more difficult, and getting rid of it requires an integrated approach.

The most popular remedies for getting rid of the disease are pharmacy and homemade masks.

Pharmacy preparations

Treatment of pigmentation on the face during pregnancy or after childbirth is often carried out with medical products that can be purchased at a pharmacy. An integrated approach includes pharmaceutical preparations for cosmetic purposes, as well as pills that only a doctor can prescribe.

Ampoules for mesotherapy are very popular. Since the classic version of this procedure involves the insertion of the drug, it is not recommended to do this at home - it is better to contact a beautician. At home, you can buy a mesotherapy kit with a specialized massager and pamper yourself with a massage with a complex of active substances.

Similarly, in a pharmacy, you can buy serums with vitamin C, hyaluronic acid and collagen and use them at night so as not to get under the active sun, and use a cream with an SPF of at least 30 during the day.

In pharmacies, you can find whitening products marked "Anti-pigmentation", for example, creams, peels and clay masks called "White Linen" or "Achromin".

The line of the Russian manufacturer Floresan "White Linen" includes vitamin C, cucumber, green tea and flax extract and a small amount of fruit acids that can be used after the birth of a child - their concentration is so low. The line includes night and day cream, mousse, cocktail cream, tonic, clay masks (deep action with orange and bearberry extracts and a plasticizing mask with parsley), peeling, serum, local bleach and even a separate hand cream.

Attention! Despite the low content of fruit acids, it is not recommended to sunbathe while using "White Flax" or go outside with it - for safety reasons. Based on this, you can safely delete the day cream of the line from the shopping list - you should not use it during the day anyway.

"Achromin" was known even to our mothers for its whitening and at the same time protective effect. In addition, it moisturizes well, but is not suitable for those who have oily skin - too thick, it will clog pores.

Another popular remedy that lowers the production of melanin is the Ayurvedic pharmacy cream Klirvin. Since it does not contain acid and vitamin C, it can be used even during the day, even in summer with active sun. The whitening effect is achieved through a combination of extracts of plants, herbs and flowers. It also helps to dissolve age spots and accelerate regeneration, it is used after operations, as it helps to remove stitches and scars.

Also take a look at these tools:

  • "Ideal Whitening" from Belita Vitex (tonic peeling and corrective serum with acids);
  • "Medoveya" from Natural Honey Product (cream with royal jelly and acids);
  • Ointment Leniment balsamic according to Vishnevsky (with birch tar);
  • "Aevit" in the form of oily solutions or capsules (inside and a little on the skin at the same time).

homemade recipes

It is also possible to remove postpartum pigmentation on the face at home with an integrated approach and a not very severe stage of the disease.

Since you can use essential oils after pregnancy, arm yourself with orange, lemon or some other citrus oil, jojoba or almond oil and clay. Clay can be taken in any color, but black, white and green are the most effective. Take 2 tbsp of clay, add water to it until a thin sour cream, 5-7 drops of base oil, 3-4 drops of essential oil, mix thoroughly and apply on the face. Keep it for 10-15 minutes, when it starts to dry out - sprinkle with thermal or ordinary water.

Using only aspirin tablets (2-3) and water, you can make your own acid peeling, mask or serum, which will be no less effective, but safer - salicylic acid here, which is not related to AHA acids.

Also, don't forget about lemon juice, which can be mixed in a 1:2 ratio with water and used as a nighttime lotion.

Overview of real reviews

Apparently, many girls with lingering pigmentation after childbirth only needed to push the melanin-stained cells to break down - when they started using White Linen peeling or clay masks, the stains disappeared. In this case, spots were not a problem, and fruit acid creams helped maintain good skin condition.

But those who got rid of pigmentation on the face after childbirth with the help of medical means - chemical peeling, mesotherapy, laser cleaning, note that cosmetics did not help them get rid of the disease, and they use professional dermatological rulers to keep their faces in order.


Do not immediately panic when spots appear - in many cases, they are a normal reaction of the body during or after pregnancy. Regular check-ups with a doctor throughout the entire period of pregnancy will not let you miss any serious violations due to which it could occur. And in case of prolonged pigmentation, you should visit a dermatologist so that he can prescribe a course of medication or a vitamin and advise what to apply to the skin.

The female body for the entire period of pregnancy and childbirth undergoes a series of metamorphoses, and not always pleasant ones. Jumping hormones affect the condition of the skin, and the kilograms gained during pregnancy do not want to leave, and even left traces on the body in the form of stretch marks and age spots. Here on the last point - age spots after childbirth - we will dwell in more detail in this article, since this problem remains intractable for many.

Hormonal restructuring of the body leaves, even after the birth of a child, unsightly pigmentation on the face, neck, décolleté, which disappears with great difficulty, and in some women it may remain forever.

What is it connected with?

The reason for the formation of increased pigmentation is not necessarily pregnancy. Violations in the urinary system, diseases of the thyroid gland, gallbladder, liver often signal us about the problem just by the appearance of age spots. Both insufficient intake of vitamins and excessive exposure to the sun can cause pigmentation.

Perhaps you will be pleased with the news that it is still possible to successfully overcome this trouble, modern medicine and cosmetology offers a number of effective procedures and remedies aimed at eliminating increased pigmentation.

Phototherapy, mesotherapy and chemical peeling are the main "three pillars" that you need to rely on when fighting spots on the face and body.

More about each procedure:

  1. The melanin contained in the skin cells is concentrated in the area of ​​​​spots in an increased amount. The effect of special light waves on these areas in order to destroy melanin is called phototherapy.
  2. The mesotherapy procedure is as follows: microdoses of preparations containing amino acids and nucleic acids are injected into the skin of the face.
  3. Chemical peeling, or exfoliation, occurs with the use of organic acids.
There are a number of pharmacy products in the form of creams and emulsions that help whiten the skin. Many cosmetic lines with different pricing policies have brightening and whitening products in their arsenal.

One of these creams can be called Skinoren. Its feature is that it brightens the spot area directly, and not the skin around it, besides, it is non-toxic.

Another cream is "Achromin", it is also known for its brightening effect and UV protection.

"Uniton 4" is struggling with the problem from several sides: it is a whole line consisting of cream, serum and gel, which are applied to the skin in a certain order during the day. The line contains hydroquinone - a component that suppresses the production of melanin, as well as ascorbic and glycolic acid.

If you use these funds regularly, morning and evening, then within two weeks you can achieve noticeable changes.

We recommend trying to remove age spots at home yourself.

Whitening cream consists of ingredients:
  • 1 part honey;
  • 1 part castor oil;
  • 1/2 part of vaseline;
  • A couple of drops of iodine.
At the bottom of a clean (preferably glass) container, drip iodine, and then mix the rest of the ingredients. Use just a couple of times a week. The skin tightens, becomes elastic, chloasma - spots and freckles disappear.

Lemon and starch masks, fresh parsley juice will help get rid of increased pigmentation. Well lighten the pigmentation of the mask of fermented milk products: kefir, sour cream or yogurt. In the fight against pigmentation, fresh cucumber, viburnum juice, calendula, grapefruit, pomegranate, elderberry, as well as cosmetic clay help well.

As you can see, the arsenal is great, all of the above home remedies will relieve or significantly lighten the face and other problem areas from increased pigmentation. However, do not neglect the help of a dermatologist and other specialists who will help you return your healthy and blooming appearance.

During pregnancy and after childbirth, a hormonal storm rages in the female body, many recover, stretch marks may appear after childbirth, age spots, etc. appear in the most prominent places - the face, neck, décolleté. This is all due to hormonal changes in our body during pregnancy, in some young mothers these spots disappear within a few months after childbirth, while in others they remain forever.

The reason for the appearance of age spots after childbirth can be not only hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, but a violation of the liver, gallbladder, thyroid gland, and kidneys. If there is a lack of vitamins in food, if a woman is in the sun for a long time, this also affects the appearance of age spots after childbirth.

Today, there are many methods that allow you to get rid of age spots after childbirth. In beauty salons, you can be offered very effective procedures: herbal medicine - special light waves hit the skin and destroy melanin or hemoglobin at the cellular level, which are contained in the cells.

Mesotherapy - drugs are administered that contain amino acids, nucleic acids.
Chemical peeling is done with organic acids.

In the pharmacy you can buy Skinoren cream. It bleaches and dark spots and the entire skin. Cream "Achromin" - has a whitening effect, eliminates any hyperpigmentation on the skin.

After the first menstruation that occurs after childbirth, age spots usually begin to disappear. Sometimes it takes a long time for them to disappear. The presence of age spots indicates that there is a lack of folic acid in the body, a predisposition to diseases of the genital organs, adrenal glands, and liver.

We invite you to take a look at the following articles:

If the spots did not come off after childbirth, then the young mother should definitely be checked for hidden diseases. If the cause of age spots is a deficiency of folic acid, then you definitely need to include more vegetables, salads, spinach, cabbage in your diet. If the cause of the spots is not explained by health disorders, then whitening face creams should be used.

Protect your face from the sun by using sunscreen, as sun spots begin to darken and increase in size due to sun exposure.

Folk remedies to combat age spots after childbirth

  1. Use the juice of fresh cucumbers, lemon, onion, cranberries, red currants, fresh parsley juice. Soak a cotton swab with the selected juice, wipe the stains. Then the skin should dry at room temperature so that the juice is absorbed.
  2. Rub age spots after childbirth solution of 2-3% salicylic acid
  3. Make lotions from honey and lemon juice (lemon juice for 2 tablespoons of honey). Soak a cloth with the resulting lemon-honey solution, put on the face, hold for 20 minutes. Then you need to wash with warm water.
  4. Make a mask of sweet pepper. Sweet pepper must be grated on a plastic grater, the resulting porridge should be applied to age spots after childbirth. Keep the mask for 30 minutes, then you can safely rinse with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.
  5. Yeast mask. When preparing the mask, you need to mix 1 tbsp. milk and 25 g yeast, 1 tsp. Lemon juice. Apply the mask on the skin and wash off after 20 minutes.
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    Seams after childbirth complicate the first month after childbirth for young mothers, it can be stated that ruptures of the cervix and perineum […]

Pigmentation of the skin of the face and other areas of the skin is a phenomenon that is familiar to women who are in an interesting position. Such changes in appearance can spoil the mood, cause aesthetic discomfort. Doctors assure that panic in this matter is unnecessary: ​​this effect is temporary and after childbirth, the spots will disappear.

Causes of age spots

Pregnancy is a period when a woman's body undergoes a serious test: the hormonal background changes, the main, vital processes are rebuilt. In addition to happiness, the time of bearing a child brings a woman a number of inconveniences: excess weight, stretch marks, possible scars, and pigmentation.

Changes in the skin during pregnancy are not considered a pathology; this phenomenon occurs due to a malfunction in the production of melanin. The natural pigment is responsible for UV protection, affects the color of the skin, hair and eyes. During the period of bearing a child, the hormonal background changes dramatically, which affects the production of melanin and changes in the color of the skin. Studies have shown that swarthy ladies are more susceptible to this phenomenon.

There are several causes of hyperpigmentation during pregnancy and after childbirth:

  1. Hormonal changes in the body. The woman's body begins to produce an increased amount of hormones that are necessary for bearing a child. This is reflected in the accelerated formation of melanin, as well as its concentration in certain areas of the skin. After the birth of the baby, the balance of hormones should gradually return to normal.
  2. Lack of nutrients. During the period of bearing a child and after his birth, the health of any woman weakens, the body's reserves are depleted, which affects the quality and color of the skin. At such times, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe useful vitamin supplements.
  3. Too much exposure to the sun. Doctors recommend avoiding direct sunlight during pregnancy, but not completely giving up walking. It is enough to choose for this time when the activity of ultraviolet rays is lowered (up to 11 and after 16).
  4. genetic predisposition. It is enough to study the history of close women - if a mother, grandmother or sister suffered from hyperpigmentation during pregnancy, then it is worth psychologically preparing for such a phenomenon.
  5. The presence of concomitant diseases, as well as prolonged stress. Pigmentation, redness of the face (in the area of ​​the cheeks, nose and chin) are closely related to the general health of a woman. With malfunctions of the thyroid gland, disorders in the digestive system and in constant stressful situations, problems with the skin arise.

The use of cosmetic or medicinal products to remove age spots is recommended in cases where skin quality does not improve within a few months after childbirth.

Before resorting to remedies that promise to get rid of cosmetic discomfort, you need to consult a doctor for advice. Clinical studies show that after the birth of a child, pigmentation should gradually disappear without additional stimulants.

Areas of the skin that have undergone a change in pigmentation during and after pregnancy are called chloasma. Such a phenomenon is not considered a disease, does not harm health, but causes some aesthetic discomfort. Doctors recommend taking this phenomenon as calmly as possible.

Spots can spread throughout the body, but there are places that are most vulnerable:

  • face when the cheeks, nasolabial triangle and chin are affected;
  • female decollete zone;
  • belly, during pregnancy, women observe the appearance of a vertical strip (Alba strip).

These areas are subject to increased accumulation of melanin in skin cells, which changes their color contour. Chloasma can be of different shapes, located separately from each other or merge into a single spot. The intensity of the color depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's body.

How to get rid of pigmentation

Modern medicine and cosmetology are ready to provide a wide range of tools and procedures to help cope with altered pigmentation. However, women during pregnancy and lactation should be especially careful. Any means can affect the health of the child, so it is necessary to consult a doctor in time, which will determine how to remove age spots on the face after childbirth.

Experts say that within a few months (up to one year) after the birth of a child, the hormonal background of a woman should return to normal. This phenomenon will also entail the return of the usual skin color.

If the pigmentation after childbirth does not disappear, then this may indicate a chronic failure in the production of melanin, which already requires additional intervention.

The composition of most cosmetic and medicinal products that are used to lighten pigmentation contains:

  • glycolic acid - most often used in bleaching;
  • tretinoin - one of the forms of vitamin A (contraindicated in pregnancy);
  • hydroquinone - a toxic substance (also contraindicated during gestation);
  • ascorbic acid - vitamin C, is used both in its pure form and as part of creams, serums, masks, etc.

The following are cosmetic products that have proven themselves well in the fight for fair skin:

  1. Cream "Skinoren". This tool is considered the most popular in the fight against postpartum spots. It effectively removes pigmentation, but does not have an additional effect on nearby tissues.
  2. The drug "Retin A". The product is available in the form of a cream, the main active ingredient of which is vitamin A. The action of the drug is aimed at a gradual decrease in the concentration of melanin. Applies to courses.
  3. Cream "Achromin". Another effective remedy that makes pigmentation disappear while providing a protective effect from ultraviolet rays.
  4. Complex of means "Uniton". This approach involves the application of a gel, cream and serum, which are used alternately throughout the day. The main active ingredient of the preparations is hydroquinone, which reduces the natural production of melanin, reducing the intensity with which pigmentation appears.

It is contraindicated to exceed the recommended dosage, this can make the skin too sensitive to sunlight, which will only harm it. During lactation, it is important to remember that the active ingredients of creams and ointments can pass into breast milk.

The above are the most common products that are used in cosmetology, as well as approved by doctors. It is not recommended to deal with pigmentation on your own, only a doctor can fully assess a woman’s health and choose the right drugs.

In addition to the topical products discussed above, women often turn to beauty salons for special procedures. Most often, this approach is justified if the pigmentation has not disappeared, and the creams have not helped.

Common salon procedures that allow you to quickly see a positive effect:

  • mesotherapy - the introduction of a special amino acid intradermally into the area of ​​the affected areas, which will effectively deal with altered pigmentation;
  • laser treatment, which consists in grinding pigmented areas, removing coarsened layers of the epidermis;
  • a method of light therapy, which consists in exposing the skin to special light waves, they help to remove and destroy excess melanin;
  • chemical peeling - the most severe and radical way to get rid of skin problems, requires a careful approach in the use of acid-containing substances.

The number of procedures is always determined individually, taking into account the state of health of the woman.

For all these methods, pregnancy is a contraindication!

It is important to fight not only for your own beauty, but also for the health of the child. In case of contraindications to the procedures, the cosmetologist should advise alternative approaches.

A woman after childbirth should not forget that some procedures may be hazardous to health, then you will have to completely forget about hardware approaches in cosmetology until the end of the lactation period.

If the financial situation does not allow you to turn to expensive cosmetic procedures for help, then homemade folk recipes come to support, the effectiveness of which has been proven by time.

Among the popular recipes, there are several available at home:

  1. Cucumber mask. It is enough to grate the cucumber on a fine grater and apply an even layer on the face. This procedure is carried out for half an hour, after which the mask is washed off with cool water.
  2. Regular parsley effectively improves skin condition. It is enough to pour a bunch of greens with boiling water so as to completely cover the leaves. Leave to infuse for about half an hour, then filter, add a little lemon juice and freeze in ice molds. Regularly take out a cube of frozen broth and wipe your face with it (morning and evening after cleansing).
  3. Similarly, it is recommended to brew dandelion flowers. The decoction is also frozen and used in portions in the morning and evening.
  4. You can also squeeze lemon juice onto a cotton pad and wipe your face with it in the morning and evening instead of tonic,
  5. Grate raw potatoes on a coarse grater and apply a thick layer on the face, leave for an hour, then rinse with water. The procedure is carried out at night.

The use of traditional medicine recipes is popular among women during pregnancy and lactation. This is due to the fact that only natural ingredients are taken during the procedures.

During pregnancy, significant changes occur in the female body: the work of internal organs and the hormonal system is rebuilt. These factors affect well-being, mood and appearance. Due to the rapid hormonal changes on the skin of the face, most expectant mothers develop pigmentation, which causes psychological discomfort and self-doubt. The question of how to get rid of age spots is relevant for many, but is it worth it to panic and rush to the beautician immediately after childbirth?

Pigmentation and its causes

The appearance of dark spots on the face during pregnancy is a consequence of increased production of melanin, a pigment that affects the condition and color of the skin. Usually, fair-skinned blondes have darker spots, while brunettes have a less noticeable transition to problem areas. The spots are brownish in color and vague in shape. If there are freckles on the face and body, then during pregnancy their number can increase significantly.

During the period of bearing a baby, pigmentation on the face appears in the cheekbones, around the mouth, chin, on the body, and skin color changes also occur in the navel, on the hips, and around the nipples. Pigmentation is most pronounced at the final stage of pregnancy, and its main causes before childbirth are:

  • Increased estrogen production and hormonal changes. These are necessary conditions for a successful gestation process, subsequent childbirth, they are the norm.
  • Prolonged stress always has a negative impact on the body of mother and baby, and can be manifested by increased skin pigmentation.
  • Folic acid deficiency. This important element affects not only the condition of the skin - a lack of a vitamin can provoke a lag in the development of the baby. Therefore, from the first days of pregnancy, it is recommended to consume folic acid. Greens, nuts, bananas, beef liver, eggs, fatty fish, dairy products - this is the food that should be present in the diet of a future mother every day.

If you notice the appearance of age spots, then you should not self-medicate and prescribe vitamins for yourself, or, especially, salon procedures. First of all, you need to consult a doctor!

How to quickly recover after childbirth

According to statistics, age spots disappear 6-8 months after pregnancy and childbirth. During this period, hormonal stabilization occurs, and the body returns to normal life. If this does not happen, then your body is signaling for help. In this case, you should contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist or dermatologist. According to the shape of the spots and their localization, an experienced specialist can suggest the following problems:

  • if age spots are localized in the central part of the face and on the skin of the forehead, then this indicates the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • around the eyes - indicate thyroid dysfunction;
  • symmetrically located spots on the cheeks, wings of the nose and bridge of the nose - suggest hormonal failure.

After treatment of the underlying disease, as a rule, pigmentation disappears. But there are situations when, without the help of a beautician, careful home care and certain cosmetics, it will not work to get rid of age spots.

Salon ways to remove age spots

Modern cosmetology offers several effective ways to get rid of an aesthetic defect without side effects for health. Consider the most commonly used methods that will help get rid of this trouble.


The procedure differs in the method of exposure - it is either chemical peeling, or ultrasonic, or laser. All varieties of the procedure are based on the principle of removing the surface layer of the epidermis, after which an intensified one begins, the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated.

Whitening products

Due to the presence of mercury in their composition, creams and special ointments are potent and at the same time toxic agents. The use of such cosmetics may be accompanied by allergic reactions and has a number of contraindications. Therefore, bleaching agents can only be used as prescribed by a cosmetologist.


To date, this procedure is the most effective and safest for eliminating postpartum problems on the skin of the face. The method is based on the principle of photothermolysis. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the cosmetologist individually selects the duration and depth of exposure to light waves, their interval.

Laser peeling

It acts with an accuracy of millimicrons and effectively destroys pigmentation. The advantage of the method is the possibility of its application on any part of the body.

home care

In the arsenal of every woman, and especially in the period after childbirth, there should be high-quality cosmetics that allow you to remove age spots: serums, masks and creams with a brightening effect, soft peels and scrubs. In high-quality whitening cosmetics, the following active ingredients should be present:

  • extracts of medicinal herbs: chamomile, mallow, cornflower, peppermint, arnica, etc.
  • kojic acid;
  • boldo leaf extract;
  • hydroquinone.

Consult a dermatologist before using any whitening product. In order to restore a healthy look to the skin after childbirth and get rid of age spots, it is not enough to have good cosmetics, you must use it regularly:

  • scrubbing and peeling should be done at least twice a week. The procedure helps to cleanse the skin of dead cells and speed up metabolism;
  • whitening creams are used daily in the morning. The cream should also have SPF protection of at least 15 and actively moisturize the skin;
  • serums are recommended to be used daily in tandem with a cream for evening care. The active substances in the serum contribute to the destruction of melanin, brightening the skin.

Women whose skin is prone to pigmentation not only after childbirth, but also in everyday life, should regularly use caring and decorative cosmetics with a sun protection factor and apply it to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté area half an hour before leaving the house.

Folk recipes

You can not ignore folk recipes, time-tested and many women after pregnancy. Do not forget that all whitening procedures cause dryness of the skin, so they must be carried out very carefully.

Whitening mask

Grate 20 g of baby soap on a fine grater, add 15 ml of low concentration hydrogen peroxide and add a few drops of ammonia to the mixture. Mix the composition until foam is obtained and apply to problem areas of the skin for 15-20 minutes. Avoid contact with eyes, nose, eyebrows and eyelashes.

cucumber compress

Cucumber is a versatile product, and home remedies with the addition of this product are suitable for any skin type. Grate the cucumber, put the cucumber mass on gauze and apply a compress on age spots.

Rubbing with infusion of parsley

Pour 200 g of finely chopped parsley with boiling water and leave to infuse. The decoction can be stored in the refrigerator and wipe problem areas with it several times a day.

Melon rubs

Perfectly removes pigmentation and freckles from the skin with melon juice, which can be used daily to wipe the skin of the face. No less useful will be a mask of melon pulp and lemon juice.

Prevention of pigmentation

The appearance of pigmentation during pregnancy is a very common phenomenon. To minimize the risk of unsightly spots on the skin during this happy time and after childbirth, follow these recommendations:

  • Do not expose your skin to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Choose cosmetics carefully.
  • During the period of solar activity (spring and summer), it is not recommended to carry out peelings, including home peels.
  • Scrubs should be soft.
  • Keep an eye on the work of the intestines and eat foods containing fiber: vegetables, fruits, cereals.

The modern beauty industry offers painless, non-traumatic and effective ways to restore the natural beauty of the skin. But if after childbirth you decide on a salon stain removal, then a preliminary consultation with a specialist is necessary.