The internal structure of a pregnant woman. Changes in the location of internal organs during pregnancy

Nature is the wisest and has thought of everything for the bearing and birth of a baby. The female body, one might say, is perfect, everything in it is provided for the formation and future development of a tiny person. Naturally, the body needs some kind of restructuring after the conception of the baby, and it begins to gradually adapt to the new state. A woman begins to feel the restructuring of the body almost from the very first months. If a woman does not have any pathological differences, then a similar rearrangement is considered the norm. What organs undergo changes in the female body first? These are the genitals of a pregnant woman.. It is in the uterus that the fetus grows, which leads to a significant increase in its size, and from the pear-shaped it acquires an ovoid shape. By the time of delivery, the volume of the uterine cavity, just imagine, can be 520-550 times larger compared to the period before fertilization. There is also an increase in the muscle fibers in the uterus, as a result, the ligaments of the uterus are lengthened, which suggests the normal development of the fetus. The ovaries also undergo changes, they grow in size. In one of them, the "yellowish body" is concentrated, where special hormones are produced, which ensures the normal course of pregnancy. The vaginal mucosa loosens, and its walls become more elastic. Mucus is concentrated in the cervix. In the next, these changes will help in the easy passage of the baby through the birth canal. It turns out that all changes in the physiology of a woman are very important. Changes in the genital organs also lead to the restructuring of the digestive organs and urination. Most women are familiar with the change taste preferences, their appetite increases sharply, cravings for sour or salty foods appear. Some women generally have rather strange taste preferences, they like soap, chalk, clay. Such categorical transformations are explained by a change in the tone of the vagus nerve, which regulates the functioning of most internal organs. Regarding digestive organs, then the growing uterus affects the state of the intestinal tract, which moves up and to the sides under the pressure of the uterus, the tone of the intestinal tract decreases. It leads to frequent constipation in pregnant women. The stomach responds to squeezing of the growing uterus with heartburn. Constant use mineral water should be a prevention of this phenomenon, it will be useful to refuse a late dinner. The enlarged uterus puts pressure on bladder which leads to increased urination. Future lactation leads to changes in mammary glands. This happens against the background of general hormonal changes. As a result, hormones such as prolactin, estrogen, progesterone are produced. By the end of pregnancy, the mammary gland begins to produce colostrum. Liver- another important organ, which during pregnancy bears a heavy load. Thanks to this natural filter, decay products are also cleansed in the mother's body, and toxins that can harm the baby are also neutralized. The liver, like other organs, changes its location, takes a lateral position, being pushed upwards by the uterus. With all this, there is the possibility of obstruction of the outflow of bile, which leads to hepatic colic. The kidneys also work with a double load. An increased load is also observed in cardiovascular system, because the growing fetus needs a sufficient amount of oxygen and the necessary substances. The volume of circulating blood increases by 1.5 liters, a new circle of blood circulation, the placental one, is formed in the body. As a result, the mass of the muscles of the heart increases, their contraction occurs more frequently. A more frequent pulse during pregnancy is determined precisely by this factor, the speed of heart beats in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy reaches 75-90 per minute. IN given period especially vulnerable venous system. As an aggravation varicose veins veins. This happens not only because of the constantly growing weight load on the lower limbs. A large role in this is given to the deformation of the inferior vena cava, which is responsible for collecting blood from the uterus, pelvic organs and, of course, the legs. This vessel is anatomically located to the right of the spine and is compressed when a woman sleeps on her back.

Attending doctors do not advise pregnant women to sleep in the supine position, and they also recommend using pillows under the legs, which contributes to freer blood flow. The increase in the mass of erythrocytes somewhat lags behind the overall increase in blood volume, while lowering the viscosity of the blood. The purpose of iron preparations will make better composition pregnant blood.

In terms blood pressure changes are also observed. It can be lowered in the first half of pregnancy, slightly increased - in the second half. The pressure of a pregnant woman should be kept under control, because any fluctuations in it may indicate the presence of certain complications of pregnancy. Changes in the location of internal organs are also reflected in the functioning respiratory organs. The lungs are forced to work in an enhanced mode due to the fact that the increase in the uterus limits the movement of the diaphragm, and the child is in great need of oxygen. The frequency of breathing with all this grows, becoming deeper. The volume of the lungs increases somewhat, the tissue becomes more juicy, the bronchial mucosa swells. Changes in the respiratory organs and, as a result, difficulties in gas exchange in recent months pregnancies lead to an increased risk of inflammatory diseases respiratory tract. There are methods offered by physicians, the essence of which is to saturate the body with oxygen. The changes also apply to skeletal system pregnant. There is an increase in the concentration of progesterone and relaxin in the blood, as the opposite effect - calcium leaching. This trace element is used to form the bone tissue of the fetus. The pelvic bones and their joints become more elastic. More unsafe is the leaching of calcium from the spine and bones of the foot. The overall course of pregnancy is greatly influenced by endocrine glands also undergoing a number of changes. Especially with regard to the pituitary gland, which not only increases in size, but also changes morphologically. There is an increase in the number of cells that produce the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for increasing milk production. In addition, the neurohormones vasopressin and oxytocin accumulate in the back of the pituitary gland.

Changes in a woman's body Note that all the changes that occur in a woman's body are normal physiological phenomenon. The restructuring of organs refers to a temporary phenomenon, after the birth of a baby, usually disappearing. During this crucial period, frequent walks, hygiene, proper balanced nutrition and constant sound sleep are needed.

Under the influence of altered chemical and physical properties blood changes easily, further, during pregnancy, the patency of the renal filter. The transition of moderate amounts of sugar with an unchanged sugar mirror, with the exception of the last two months of pregnancy, is a common occurrence in pregnant women (pregnant glycosuria).

With a water sample, water is released well; on the contrary, the ability of the kidneys to concentrate is usually slightly reduced.

The specific gravity of urine in the study on an empty stomach towards the end of pregnancy, especially before labor pains, is mostly lower than normal. In most cases, at the end of pregnancy and especially during childbirth, a small amount of protein passes through the renal filter. Normally, during childbirth, the release of individual cylinders is also observed. From these still physiological functional changes in the kidneys, there is a gradual transition to pathological conditions albuminuria and nephrosis of pregnant women. During pregnancy, a woman should especially carefully listen to her body and regularly visit not only a gynecologist, but also other doctors in case of any discomfort. For consultations, it is best to choose a good medical center, which has all the specialists in order to pass all the examinations in one place.


Intestinal activity during pregnancy is often weakened, although sometimes there is, on the contrary, a tendency to diarrhea. In the later months of pregnancy, the position of the intestines deviates from the norm - the voluminous uterus pushes the intestines up, to the dome of the diaphragm, or completely down, to the side walls of the abdomen. Therefore, at the end of pregnancy, we find on percussion of the abdomen, with the exception of known parts, instead of a tympanic sound, a dull one. The displacement of the ascending colon and the pressure of the fetal head on the sigmoid and rectum impede the proper movement of intestinal contents and often give rise to constipation so frequent during pregnancy. The displacement of the caecum far into the abdominal cavity makes appendicitis during pregnancy especially dangerous complication. A strong displacement of the small intestines can contribute to their obstruction.


The liver is pushed aside by the voluminous pregnant uterus strongly upwards to the diaphragm, moves somewhat away from the anterior wall of the chest (hence the reduction or complete disappearance of hepatic dullness) and assumes a lateral position. The altered position of the liver undoubtedly impedes the regular outflow of bile in the last months of pregnancy and explains, at least in part, more frequent occurrence during pregnancy and postpartum period hepatic colic.

Rib cage

The chest in the last months of pregnancy expands in its lower part. The diaphragm is pushed up by the bottom of the uterus, causing the lungs to move up and slightly squeezed. The type of breathing becomes even more costal than in non-pregnant women. Respiratory movements themselves become somewhat more difficult, on the contrary, the lung capacity does not decrease, it even increases slightly. The lung tissue becomes more juicy, the bronchial mucosa becomes hyperemic, slightly swollen. This explains the particular danger of influenza in pregnant women. But the skeleton of pregnant women also undergoes changes, but more on that in the next article.

It is hard not to notice that a woman waiting for the birth of an heir is changing. But these changes are not only external. What happens inside the body? How do individual organs and systems of a woman react to the birth of a new life? Is the load too big? Let's talk about this now.

"Strength test" and weight gain

From the first days the fetus needs oxygen and nutrients Oh. The mother's body itself begins to gradually prepare for childbirth and breastfeeding babies. New tasks affect almost the entire body of the mother: the structure of organs during pregnancy changes somewhat, and their functionality expands. These changes are programmed by nature, but this does not make them less tangible. The load on the mother’s body increases significantly, becoming a kind of “strength test”. Those organs that used to work on the verge of normal may fail. Having supported the mother's body in time, we get a certain margin of safety for the fetus.

Not only the location of organs during pregnancy changes, but also body weight, an increase of 10-12 kg for all 9 months is considered the norm. But the initial indicators should also be taken into account, first of all, BMI - body mass index, that is, a harmonious ratio of weight and height.

Breasts and genitals during pregnancy

The most pronounced changes are noted in the genital system future mother. The genital organs during pregnancy are transformed according to the growth of the embryo. First of all, this is noticeable in the example of the uterus, which not only constantly increases in size, but also changes its shape from pear-shaped in the first weeks to rounded, and then ovoid. Mucus accumulates in the cervix, and it is no coincidence: later it will help the baby move more easily through the birth canal. The vascular system of the uterus is also undergoing changes, it is replenished with new large blood vessels, which significantly improves the process of supplying the placenta with nutrients and oxygen. The ovaries enlarge and change position.

Changes in the mammary glands are a response to the need to prepare for future lactation. They occur in parallel with hormonal changes, leading to an increase in the production of such significant hormones as progesterone, prolactin, and estrogen. By the end of the term, the mammary gland begins to produce colostrum.

Skeleton and muscular system

Not only the internal organs are rebuilt during pregnancy. The skeletal system of a pregnant woman is affected by an increase in the concentration of relaxin and progesterone in the blood, and these hormones, in turn, contribute to the process of calcium leaching. This microelement is not just taken from the mother's skeleton, calcium is used to form the bone tissue of the fetus. In this case, another physiological reaction occurs: the pelvic bones and their joints become more elastic, which contributes to the non-traumatic progress of the child through the birth canal. The danger is the leaching of calcium from the spine and bones of the foot. To avoid flat feet, it is important to choose the right shoes: with low heels, with arch support. And wearing a bandage and special gymnastics will help the spine.

The cardiovascular system

During the period of bearing a child, the volume of blood in the vessels of a woman increases significantly: by one and a half liters. Accordingly, the intensity of work of cardio-vascular system also increases. The pulse becomes faster, the contraction of the heart is forced to throw more blood into the aorta. The venous system is the most vulnerable in this period. Frequent complication becomes varicose veins, and not only because of the increasing weight load on the lower limbs.

A significant role is played by the deformation of the inferior vena cava, which is responsible for collecting blood from the uterus, pelvic organs and legs. This vessel is located to the right of the spine, and when a woman sleeps on her back, it is compressed. The greater the body weight, the stronger the circulatory disturbance in the organs listed above. That is why expectant mothers are not recommended to sleep in the supine position, but the use of a pillow placed under the legs contributes to freer blood flow. In addition, the increase in the mass of erythrocytes somewhat lags behind the overall increase in blood volume, while blood viscosity decreases. To improve the composition of the blood, mothers are prescribed iron supplements.

Respiratory, digestive and other systems

The development of the fetus requires more and more oxygen, so the volume of air inhaled by a woman increases. Breathing quickens, but this is not critical for the mother's body, since progesterone relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchial walls, which causes the airways to become wider.

The location of the organs changes somewhat during pregnancy due to the pressure of the fetus on the abdominal cavity. But this is not the only reason for the ongoing changes. Progesterone, which reduces the level of intestinal motility, has a serious effect on the digestive organs. In parallel, the glands begin to secrete more saliva, and the concentration of hydrochloric acid decreases. This manifests itself in the appearance of heartburn and a tendency to constipation. Some malfunctions also occur in the functionality of the gallbladder, bladder, kidneys, but they are also temporary.

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Carrying and giving birth to a baby is a normal physiological process for every woman, and nature has provided everything for a woman to fulfill this destiny from the moment a man appeared on earth.

Difficult female body It is designed in such a way that it can function normally even during the period when another person is born and develops inside it. After the conception of a child, inevitable adaptation processes take place in all organs and systems of a woman, allowing them to adapt to the new state and ensure the safety and normal development of the fetus.

It is for this reason that, from the moment of pregnancy, a woman begins to feel different kind changes in sensations associated with the restructuring of the whole organism, because all organs begin to work in a new mode for them. Doctors classify such sensations during pregnancy as normal, except in cases where a woman has pathological conditions.

When do the first changes appear?

First significant changes that occur in a woman's body after conception affect her genitals. The fetus is fixed in the uterus and begins to gradually increase in size, and with it the uterus begins to expand.

By the end of pregnancy, the size of the uterus increases tenfold in comparison with its normal state. The weight of the uterus before pregnancy averages 50 g, while at the end of the gestation period, it can weigh more than a kilogram.

The uterus increases not only in its weight, but also in volume, and by the onset of childbirth, its size can be 550 times larger than it was before conception. In addition, the number of muscle fibers in the uterus increases significantly and its ligaments lengthen, which allows the fetus to develop normally.

Not only the uterus grows during pregnancy, but also the ovaries of a woman, since one of them appears corpus luteum that produces specific hormones that normal flow pregnancy.

The mucous membrane of the vagina of a pregnant woman becomes looser, and its walls are more elastic, the same changes occur with the external genitalia (large and small labia). Loosening of tissues and mucous membranes is necessary so that during childbirth the child can easily pass through the birth canal.

Physiological changes during pregnancy

Physiological changes in the genitals of a woman associated with the onset and development of pregnancy entail significant changes in the functioning of the digestive and urinary systems. Many pregnant women notice changes in their own taste preferences (desire to eat sour or salty foods) and an increase in appetite, as well as cravings for unusual substances (desire to eat clay, chalk, soap).

Very often during pregnancy in women there is also a perversion of smell. These changes are due to the fact that the tone of the vagus nerve, which is responsible for the regulation of the work of many internal organs, changes significantly. In addition, the growing and increasing in volume of the uterus begins to put pressure on the intestines and under its pressure it shifts to the sides and up, and its tone is significantly reduced.

The displacement of the intestine and the pressure on it of the fetus very often causes constipation in pregnant women. Also during pregnancy, women often experience heartburn caused by the pressure of the fetus on the stomach. In order to prevent this unpleasant phenomenon, it is necessary to regularly consume non-carbonated mineral water and not eat before bedtime.

Maca's pressure on the bladder leads to frequent urination during pregnancy. An enlarged uterus also leads to a displacement of the liver, sideways and upwards, and in this position, the outflow of bile from it is very difficult, which can lead to hepatic colic.

In addition, with the onset of pregnancy, an increased load is placed on the liver, since now it not only cleanses the woman’s body of decay products, but also neutralizes toxins that can harm the baby. Along with the liver, the work of the kidneys is also significantly enhanced.

Causes of changes in the location of organs

There is an increased load on the heart vascular system a pregnant woman, because during the period of growth and development of the fetus, it must be provided with a sufficient amount of nutrients and oxygen, for which the woman's heart has to work hard.

The volume of blood circulating in a woman's body also increases during pregnancy, because in her body now there is new circle blood circulation - placental. Such changes cause an increase in the mass of the heart muscles and an increase in heart rate, and by the second half of pregnancy, the heart begins to beat at a frequency of 75-90 beats per minute.

Along with changes in heart rate, indicators may also change. blood pressure, and in the first half of pregnancy it can be reduced, and starting from the second half of pregnancy - increased. During pregnancy, doctors carefully monitor a woman's blood pressure readings, as they may indicate complications during pregnancy.

In order to provide the fetus with a sufficient amount of oxygen, it is necessary to work hard and lungs, and in conditions of pressure on the diaphragm of the growing uterus. Pregnancy also brings changes to the functioning of the respiratory system.

That is why the breathing of a woman carrying a child becomes more frequent and deep. In addition, during pregnancy, the volume of the lungs increases, as their membrane becomes juicier, and the mucous membrane of the bronchi becomes swollen.

By the end of pregnancy, changes in the functioning of the respiratory system and difficult gas exchange significantly increase the risk of developing inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system and respiratory tract. Therefore, during pregnancy it is recommended to do special breathing exercises, contributing to the flow of oxygen into the body of a pregnant woman.

Pain of a paroxysmal nature in the lower abdomen or in the iliac region may indicate problems with the intestines. In pregnant women, such problems occur in all trimesters different reasons. You should not let the process go by itself - a doctor's consultation will help return good health, and the right therapy will be the key full development and health of the future baby.

The intestine and its functions

The intestine performs several important functions in the body. It is located in the middle and lower abdomen, its structure is very complex. This part digestive system provides absorption of nutrients, assimilation of vitamins. Along the way, they produce the necessary digestive enzymes. Next milestone- excretion of waste in the form of feces.

In the intestine there are colonies of microorganisms that provide the appropriate stage of digestion of food, including lactic acid bacteria. These bacteria supply the body with lactose, B vitamins, and also produce ethanol. With their help, the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Photo of human intestine

It is necessary to maintain a normal balance of intestinal microflora, since the child does not have its own bacteria in the womb. He receives them from his mother during childbirth and while breastfeeding. During pregnancy, many women suffer from dysbacteriosis, which also affects the health of the unborn baby.

Location of organs during pregnancy

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Internal organs experience increased stress during pregnancy. The hormonal background is actively changing, and this is reflected in the functioning of all body systems. The uterus is enlarged: already at the 4th week it reaches the size chicken egg, and later extends beyond the pelvic bones. The location of the organs is shifted, which sometimes causes pain in the stomach.

With the development of the fetus, the anatomy of a woman is changing more and more. The need for oxygen increases, the lungs process a larger volume of air. Breathing quickens, but the hormone progesterone regulates the functioning of the bronchi, and this allows you to avoid shortness of breath at least for early dates. In the second and third trimesters, the diaphragm shifts, causing breathing to become more frequent and shallow.

The fetus takes up more and more space in abdominal cavity, and the gallbladder and bladder, the kidneys are under increasing pressure. The liver is shifted to the side and above, the normal flow of bile is difficult, this leads to the appearance of colic. In the tissues of the uterus, the number of vessels supplying the fetus with blood increases, the load on the heart muscle increases, its volume increases.

The stomach and intestines also shift from their usual places. In the first trimester, they begin to rise up, a side effect of which is the entry of gastric juice into the esophagus. Before childbirth, the intestines move apart, and the uterus descends. Gases accumulate in the intestines, a feeling of fullness, soreness, and impaired defecation may appear.

How does pregnancy affect the intestines?

During pregnancy due to changes hormonal background and displacement of internal organs, the work of the intestine is complicated. The amount of microflora decreases, women are tormented by accumulations of gases and spasmodic pains. Often, fermentation occurs in the intestines, which intensifies unpleasant manifestations. A diet during the period of expectation of a child does not mean a reduction in calories, but the inclusion in the menu of products containing everything necessary for the mother and fetus useful material. Balanced diet allows you to normalize the balance of bifidus and lactobacilli in the intestine, to improve digestion.

In early pregnancy, when the fertilized egg moves to the place where it attaches to the wall of the uterus, women experience abdominal pain. Further discomfort causes the growth of the fetus, due to which the uterus presses on the intestines. At the same time, it pricks in the lower abdomen, sometimes even minor bloody issues. If the bleeding does not stop, medical attention is needed. Spasms, a feeling of pressure, and prolonged constipation speak of a deterioration in the condition.

Pain in the intestines: what is the reason?

In order to successfully deal with pain in the intestines, it is necessary to establish its cause. In addition to natural compression due to developing pregnancy, a woman can suffer from a number of diseases, both existing before conception and developed after it. Peristalsis disorders can be associated with both physiological reasons as well as infection. For example, the hormone progesterone, the amount of which is significantly increased at this time, reduces the level of peristalsis.

Physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman

In order for the uterus to grow and give room for the development of the fetus, muscle tone decreased in the body. This is necessary for the child, but bad for the intestines, which become "lazy". Digestion worsens, constipation occurs more often, gas formation torments, intestines hurt.

Toward the end of pregnancy, the uterus is already quite large, it puts pressure on the organs that are located nearby. Their blood supply is disturbed, functioning is complicated. Women are tormented by grumbling in the stomach, colic and bloating. Expectant mothers are forced to change their diet, eat unusual foods, which also causes indigestion. At the same time, the work of all digestive organs worsens, in particular the pancreas, liver, spleen.

Infectious lesions

In cases where pain in the intestines is accompanied by diarrhea, fever, nausea or vomiting, infection is likely. The disease can be caused by viruses or bacteria and has nothing to do with pregnancy. This may appear as:

  • dysentery;
  • salmonellosis;
  • rotavirus infection;
  • enterovirus infection;
  • "conquered diseases" - cholera, typhoid fever - brought from foreign trips.

Infectious diseases during pregnancy are very dangerous and threaten to terminate the pregnancy. In this case, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor and take auxiliary measures - often drink water in small portions, take rehydration drugs, cleanse the digestive system using sorbents or activated carbon. The doctor will prescribe antimicrobials, recommend restorative therapy and diet.

Neoplasms of various etiologies

Pregnancy makes all the hidden reserves of the body come into play, but at the same time, latent diseases are also activated. Due to a decrease in immunity and hormonal changes, pathologies that a woman did not know about before can also appear. One of the most dangerous is the appearance and activation of neoplasms. Polyps can appear in the intestines, which, when enlarged, cause regular pain.

Unfortunately, surgical treatment such diseases during pregnancy is undesirable. Surgical intervention in the pelvic area helps to increase the tone of the uterus and can provoke a miscarriage. Treatment is carried out without delay in cases where the threat to a woman's life exceeds possible risks. In the presence of tumors, only supportive therapy is indicated.

Colitis or enterocolitis

Pain in the abdomen can be caused directly by diseases gastrointestinal tract. With an increased load that falls on the intestines during pregnancy, the manifestations of colitis, enterocolitis or Crohn's disease increase. These states are:

  • severe pain in the iliac region;
  • aching or stabbing pain near the navel;
  • increased gas formation, flatulence;
  • the appearance of blood, mucus or even pus in the stool;
  • frequent constipation or diarrhea.

In the presence of a serious illness, the pain does not stop at night. Crohn's disease is accompanied high temperature. At permanent constipation cracks may appear anus, which will definitely worsen during childbirth. The appearance of hemorrhoids is likely in case of difficult or prolonged childbirth. With diarrhea, a woman suffers from dehydration, which threatens the health of the fetus.

When should you consult a doctor?

If bowel problems are regular, the doctor will explain what a woman should do. Initially, you should visit your gynecologist, who will write out referrals for a full examination or suggest hospitalization in order to maintain the pregnancy. A gastroenterologist deals with diseases of the digestive system, but consultation with a cardiologist, pulmonologist or neonatologist may be required.

Some problems with the intestines can be resolved by adjusting the menu and using methods traditional medicine. Herbal decoctions will help improve digestion, relieve anxiety, get rid of constipation. However, even these treatments should be discussed with your doctor, as many medicinal plants are contraindicated during pregnancy, in particular, a decoction of raspberry leaves can provoke spasms of the muscles of the uterus.

In the presence of chronic diseases Intestinal doctors will help you choose during pregnancy those drugs that are not capable of harming the baby. To improve digestion, pregnant women are recommended long walks and moderate physical activity. On special courses they master fitness for expectant mothers. All this supports the physiology of the digestive system, promotes better digestion of food and the timely removal of waste from the body.