Varicose veins during pregnancy in the groin: causes, symptoms, treatment. What to do with varicose veins in the groin during pregnancy Varicose veins in pregnant women in the groin

Varicose veins in the groin during pregnancy is a fairly common disease, which is characterized by expansion and pathological changes in the veins of the external genital organs (PGO) and brings discomfort, anxiety and, often, fear to expectant mothers. Most often, this disease first occurs or progresses markedly during pregnancy. And now let's sort it out in order, why, in this most beautiful and important period, women have to face this problem.


During pregnancy, many changes occur in the body and most of them are not visible to the naked eye. The well-known hormone progesterone, responsible for the preservation and development of pregnancy, acts not only on the uterus, but also on the veins, or rather on their smooth muscle cells, thereby reducing their tone. This is the first and most important cause of varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy. Progesterone begins its negative effect on the venous wall from the earliest dates, when a woman only finds out that she will soon become a mother.

information The influence of hereditary factors should also not be underestimated. If your mother, older sister, grandmother suffered from this disease, then be prepared to meet him and you. In addition, another trigger is the pressure of a rapidly growing pregnant uterus on the vessels of the small pelvis and the difficulty of outflow of blood through the veins. And the last causative factor is the rapid increase in body weight over nine months.


Outwardly, NPO varicose veins are very similar to those on the lower extremities. Here are the main symptoms of varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy:

  • spider veins, nodules;
  • an increase in the size and deformation of the shape of the veins and the labia themselves;
  • discoloration and dryness of the skin in the affected areas;
  • itching, discomfort and soreness.

If you have found one or more of the above signs in yourself, you should definitely contact your gynecologist. To confirm the diagnosis and determine the stage, you will be assigned additional examination. First of all, you will need to take tests - a complete blood count with a platelet level and a detailed one, which must include the following indicators: PTI (prothrombin index), APTT (activated partial thromboplastin time), fibrinogen A and B, INR (international normalized ratio) .


Treatment of varicose veins in the groin during pregnancy is conservative. First of all, it includes a change in lifestyle and nutrition. It is necessary to move as much as possible, since during walking the work of the muscular-venous valves increases and the outflow of blood improves. A visit to the pool 2-3 times a week has a positive effect on the venous system and on the body of a pregnant woman in general. Salty, fried, smoked and fatty foods should be excluded from the diet. Watch your weight gain. If you are gaining more than 300 grams per week, you need to arrange a fasting day (cottage cheese, apple or rice).

Wear compression stockings and don't forget to take them with you to the hospital, they help to reduce pressure in the veins of the pelvis, NPV and lower extremities. A vascular surgeon will assist you in choosing the type of stocking and compression class after consultation. It is necessary to know and clearly observe the general principles of wearing compression underwear:

  • use it daily;
  • put on in the morning without getting out of bed;
  • wash daily.

Of the medications, you may be prescribed venotonic (improving the tone of the veins) general and local use (venotonics). Topical preparations include various gels and ointments, which include gingo biloba, troxerutin, heparin. General action venotonics include substances such as diosmin, hesperedin and the same troxerutin. In the pharmacy network, these drugs are represented by a wide range of different trade names (Detralex, Flebodia,). They should be taken only after consulting a doctor.

additionally For most women, varicose veins in the groin go away after childbirth. However, in some cases it may be necessary operational intervention. In modern vascular surgery, along with classical phlebectomy (removal of varicose veins), laser and radiofrequency coagulation of pathologically altered veins are widely and successfully used.

Every pregnant woman who faces this problem should follow all the recommendations of her gynecologist. With severe varicose veins in the groin, prenatal hospitalization at 38-39 weeks will be required for additional examination and determination of the method of delivery. Most often, childbirth takes place on its own and without any complications. And only in cases of extensive varicose veins, NGO obstetrician-gynecologists have to resort to delivery by caesarean section. Surgery is necessary in this case due to the risk of bleeding. , which may occur due to rupture of varicose veins of the vagina during childbirth.

Varicose veins of the perineum during pregnancy (labia, vulva, vagina) is one of the abnormalities that can occur in a woman's body. It is a pathological expansion of the veins located in the groin. The disease not only causes a woman physical and emotional discomfort, but also threatens with complications during pregnancy and the birth process. This is due to the fact that varicose veins of the external genitalia are often associated with varicose changes in the pelvic vessels located around the pregnant uterus. If varicose veins are found in the groin during pregnancy, what should a woman do to avoid unpleasant consequences? Let's talk about this in more detail.


For the occurrence of varicose veins of the perineum during pregnancy, a number of prerequisites are created:

  1. The hormonal background during pregnancy undergoes significant changes. Significantly increases the level of the hormone progesterone, the action of which is aimed at prolonging and maintaining pregnancy. Progesterone also has additional effects - it causes degeneration of the connective tissue fibers that form the wall of the veins. As a result, the veins lose their inherent elasticity and become more pliable.
  2. The multiply enlarged pregnant uterus exerts excessive pressure on the veins, through which blood is drained from the entire lower body (including the groin). Violation of the outflow of blood leads to an increase in pressure in the veins.
  3. During pregnancy, a woman significantly increases the volume of blood circulating in the vessels, which is explained by the appearance of an additional placental circulatory system. An increase in the volume of circulating blood naturally leads to an increase in pressure in the veins and their stretching.
  4. The increase in body weight during pregnancy is also a factor contributing to the increase in pressure in the venous system. The greatest load falls on the veins of the lower body.

These factors collectively affect the wall of the veins, causing pathological vasodilation. First of all, the saphenous veins undergo changes, which do not have support in the form of a layer of muscles along their length.

The influence of factors becomes pronounced in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, so the symptoms of varicose veins of the labia usually appear by 18-20 weeks of pregnancy.

In most cases, pathology is not considered a contraindication to natural childbirth. After the birth of a child, the expansion of the veins in the inguinal region disappears by itself.

Symptoms and diagnosis of varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy

Varicose veins of the inguinal region are manifested by specific symptoms:

  • swelling, expansion of the subcutaneous, located in the perineum, up to the formation of large painful nodes;
  • swelling of the labia, their increase in size;
  • pain in the perineal region with irradiation to the sacral region, to the lower limbs, aggravated after physical exertion, urination, sexual intercourse;
  • trophic disorders of the skin of the labia (dryness, spider veins, pigmentation, irritation);
  • itching, numbness, burning of the skin of the labia;
  • urination disorders;
  • in severe cases - difficulty walking, sitting.

A vivid clinical picture leaves no doubts about the diagnosis. Additionally, a study of the coagulation system (coagulogram) and ultrasound of the vessels (in order to exclude the presence of blood clots in the system of the inferior vena cava) are prescribed.

What to do if a pregnant woman has varicose veins in the groin

It is possible to completely get rid of the symptoms of varicose veins in the groin only after the cessation of exposure to the factors that provoke its appearance, that is, after childbirth. During pregnancy, therapy is prescribed to help reduce the severity of the symptoms of the disease and prevent its progression.

  • it is forbidden to lift objects whose mass exceeds 3 kg;
  • rest in a pose lying on the left side with the knees brought to the stomach;
  • moderate regular physical activity;
  • wearing comfortable shoes with low, stable heels;
  • prevent pathological weight gain;
  • daily bowel movements, for which it is necessary to enrich the diet with fiber (vegetables, fruits);
  • classes in the pool;
  • exclude hot baths, use a shower for hygienic purposes;
  • use comfortable underwear made from natural materials;
  • carefully observe intimate hygiene.

It is necessary to teach the patient the elements of therapeutic exercises, which significantly reduces pain in case of varicose veins of the labia. Postures are practiced that facilitate the outflow of venous blood from the lower body, for example, standing on all fours with the head lowered to the floor and the pelvis raised.

A good effect is achieved when wearing compression underwear. There is an acceleration of blood flow, a decrease in congestion and the severity of symptoms.

Drug therapy includes the use of venotonic agents (tablets, gels, ointments) - Detralex, Venoruton, Troxerutin, Lyoton. With a pronounced pathological process, the use of blood thinners (antiplatelet agents) is indicated: Curantil, Trental, Aspirin.

Medicamentous prescription is carried out exclusively by a doctor. Self-medication is a danger to the health and life of the fetus.

Prevention methods

Effective measures for the primary prevention of varicose veins of the perineum are:

  • regular examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist;
  • daily walks;
  • taking a contrast shower;
  • food that prevents constipation;
  • physiotherapy.

Genital varicose veins refers to completely treatable pathologies. Modern medicine can reduce the severity of painful symptoms and alleviate the condition of a woman. To do this, you need to diagnose the disease in time and resort to the help of a specialist.

Most often, the foci of varicose veins are localized in the region of the lower extremities, because it is they who are subjected to a large functional load every day, but it happens that VRV also affects the pelvic organs. So, inguinal varicose veins often occur during pregnancy.

Causes of the problem

Varicose veins in pregnant women in the groinbecomes a consequence:

  • Hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother. The bearing of the fetus is accompanied by increased production of progesterone, a hormone that causes the degeneration of connective tissue fibers. This is what causes the veins to lose their elasticity.
  • Enlargement of the uterus in size. The body exerts increased pressure on the veins of the small pelvis, blood flow is disturbed.
  • An increase in the volume of blood circulating in the body. The liquid presses on the vascular walls, which, in turn, cannot cope with the increased load, deform, lengthen, stretch.
  • Excess body weight and, as a result, increased pressure on the venous walls.

How the disease develops

Varicose veins during pregnancy in the groin goes through several successive stages of its development. So, at first, saphenous veins undergo pathological changes - they are deprived of a supporting layer of muscles. Typically, the typical symptoms of inguinal varicose veins during pregnancy "declare themselves" closer to the 20th week. So, superficial veins become visually visible to the naked eye, the labia swell, large varicose nodes are visible on them. Patients may experience recurrent pain in the intimate area, which radiates to the lower back, legs.

The course of varicose veins in pregnant women in the groin is associated with discomfort after urination, intimacy or any physical activity.

Clinical picture

Varicose veins in pregnant women in the groinmanifests itself:

  • Problems with urination - it becomes frequent, painful;
  • The appearance of age spots, dryness, peeling of the skin of the labia;
  • Itching, numbness of the intimate area.

Varicose veins during pregnancy in the groin can not do without systemic disorders - for example, expectant mothers suffer from shortness of breath, tachycardia, do not tolerate physical activity, and experience periodic pain in the lower abdomen. Dizziness, nausea, weakness may also indicate the development of inguinal varicose veins during pregnancy.

Inguinal VRV affects:

  • labia;
  • crotch;
  • vagina;
  • uterus.

So, varicose veins of the labia occurs due to a violation of the outflow of venous blood with pressure from the uterus on the vessels. The main symptoms of the disease are discomfort during urination, itching, dry skin in the affected area, the appearance of a visible vascular pattern.

The symptoms of VRV are exacerbated by prolonged sitting or defecation. Over time, the labia can become deformed, the veins increase in size, protrude, and deform. The disease is associated with a risk of bleeding during childbirth, so in such cases they often talk about a caesarean section.

Varicose veins of the perineum in pregnant women "declares itself" as follows:

  • Enlargement of the labia (swelling);
  • Burning sensation, bursting in the affected area;
  • Soreness, heaviness, discomfort in the groin when walking and any other physical activity.

Typically, the described symptoms disappear within a week after childbirth. The woman's health is gradually returning to normal.

Varicose veins of the vagina are difficult to differentiate with various diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The disease is manifested by pain, burning during urination, defecation, during sexual contact. After delivery, only in 2-10% of women with an appropriate diagnosis, the affected veins remain in their original form, in other cases, pathological changes develop further.

Varicose veins of the uterus can often be disguised as various gynecological diseases - for example, endometriosis, inflammation of the ovaries. Often women experience signs of cystitis, colitis, inflammation in the hip joint.

Factors predisposing to the development of uterine varicose veins are:

  • Taking hormonal contraception before pregnancy;
  • Gynecological disorders;
  • Smoking;
  • Bends of the broad ligament of the uterus;
  • Valvular insufficiency of the veins of the ovaries, which leads to a violation of the outflow of blood, an increase in pressure in the vessels of the small pelvis.


If you suspect inguinal varicose veins during pregnancy, you should immediately seek help from a phlebologist.

The specialist will refer the patient to an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, prescribe a duplex vascular scan, and, if necessary, prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Possible Complications

The development of inguinal VRV is not always an indication for caesarean section. Many pregnant women with this diagnosis successfully give birth on their own without surgery. The operation is necessary only in the case when the vessels are dilated too much or there is a deformation of the labia.

Such changes can lead to bleeding, ruptured veins, poor deformation of the birth canal.

Severe forms of inguinal varicose veins can lead to:

  • Thrombophlebitis of the cervix;
  • Bleeding (external, internal);
  • Inflammatory processes in the vagina, uterus, ovaries.
Cyanosis, swelling of the mucosa and skin of the perineum, the appearance of venous nodules are signals that indicate the need to visit a phlebologist.


The fight against the manifestations of inguinal VRV in pregnant women is no different from the treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities. In most cases, conservative (drug) treatment, diet and special gymnastics are sufficient.

Non-drug therapy of the disease involves:

  • Taking a contrast shower (this procedure helps to increase the tone of blood vessels, make them more elastic, improve blood flow, stimulate the functions of the body's defenses);
  • (corsets, belts, tights);
  • Correction of the diet and diet. Expectant mothers should eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible, drink fresh juices, fruit drinks, and introduce “non-heavy” food for the gastrointestinal tract into the menu - dietary varieties of fish, meat, vegetable broths, salads, etc.

Drug treatment of inguinal VRV in pregnant women includes the following drugs:

  • Anticoagulants (thin the blood, prevent thrombosis);
  • Phlebotonics (tone up, strengthen the venous walls).

In addition, local remedies can be selected for patients - creams, ointments with anticoagulants (for example, heparin-based formulations).


In order to stop the development and avoid possible complications of inguinal varicose veins, expectant mothers must adjust their lifestyle. So, the main preventive measures are aimed at reducing the functional load on the legs and improving blood circulation in the affected area.

Pregnant women should sit, lie down only in a comfortable relaxed position. At night, it is advisable to put a pillow under your feet to improve venous outflow.

Of particular importance in the treatment and prevention of any form of varicose veins in pregnant women is special gymnastics. For example, from time to time it is recommended to make circular movements with the feet, bend and unbend the legs at the knee joints, pull the socks towards you. At least once an hour you should rise on your toes - go down (the calf muscles are well stretched). Pregnant women are forbidden to cross their legs while sitting - this position causes a violation of the venous outflow, exacerbates congestion in the lower extremities.

  • Refusal of uncomfortable tight shoes with high heels;
  • Too tight jeans, tights with tight elastic bands should also be removed from your wardrobe;
  • It is necessary to visit the pool, swimming helps to improve blood circulation, in general, has a positive effect on the state of the whole organism;
  • The minimum daily amount of liquid is 2 liters, preference should be given to mineral water without gas, fresh juices, dried fruit compotes, fruit drinks;
  • You can not overwork, you should reasonably alternate periods of work and rest, you should avoid stress;
  • It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of a phlebologist - take prescribed drugs, wear selected compression underwear, and perform therapeutic exercises.
In view of the fact that inguinal varicose veins, the symptoms of which often accompany the course of pregnancy, are fraught with serious complications, if the first signs of pathology occur, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

Varicose veins are usually associated with a serious violation of their functioning. Discomfort is caused by the fact that there is a strong violation of blood flow. Pregnant women face such a problem as in the groin quite often. They experience constant problems with well-being, therefore they strive to eliminate it with affordable and safe methods and means.

It is not worth treating the pathology on your own, it is better to contact a specialist who will build a treatment system based on the causes of the disease and the level of its development.

The period of pregnancy is one of the most important factors leading to significant changes in a woman's body. Against the background of such changes, dangerous varicose veins in the groin arise and develop during pregnancy.

The essence of this pathology lies in the fact that in the body there is a certain pathological strong expansion of the vessels of the veins passing through the external organs of the genital area. The pathology of such a plan causes serious concern to all mothers, and there is also discomfort in the organs and in the entire perineum.

There are several reasons for the appearance and development of such a phenomenon as varicose veins in pregnant women in the groin. There are several main ones:

Knowing the main causes of the appearance of pathology, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of the appearance and development of pathology. In this way, you can protect yourself from a large number of problems associated with treatment and discomfort.

Symptoms of inguinal varicose veins

According to its external characteristics, varicose veins during pregnancy in the groin are similar to a similar pathology of the legs. Among the main signs of this pathology can be noted:

  • A large number of stars in the groin area. In special cases, nodules may form from them;
  • Deformation of organs based on swollen vessels;
  • Pathology manifests itself with dry skin and discoloration;
  • There is constant discomfort in the perineum and unpleasant itching.

As soon as the first signs of varicose veins in the vagina are noticed, they should be immediately told to the gynecologist. The specialist will definitely conduct an examination, on the basis of which treatment will then be prescribed.

First of all, blood is taken for analysis to determine the number of platelets, a detailed medical coagulogram is performed. In some situations, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound of the genitals, pelvis and thighs. In the information received, the woman is sent to an experienced vascular surgeon.

Fundamentals of treatment

Such a serious pathology as varicose veins in the groin area is not just a certain lack of a special cosmetic plan, but a real, rather serious disease that tends to turn into various complications.

If the problem is not treated, a pregnant woman may face problems such as dangerous thrombophlebitis, bleeding, and trophic ulcers. To eliminate the problem, pregnant women are often prescribed effective conservative treatment, they will need to change their general life, and they will also have to revise their daily diet.

Change of vital activity

Treatment can be different - surgical and conservative - it all depends on the form of the pathology and on the degree of its development. Simultaneously with the prescribed therapy, it is important, at every opportunity, to take special postures that greatly alleviate varicose veins and an unpleasant state in this pathology. As a rule, this is a special position lying and sitting, while you just need to slightly raise your legs.

Important! Pregnant women need to move a lot. Only in the process of physical activity can you get an increase in the work of vascular valves. Swimming pool would be ideal.


Nutrition needs to be regulated to normalize bowel function. It is required to completely exclude salty, fried and smoked foods from the diet. It is very important to keep a close eye on your weight. If the increase exceeds 300 grams per week, it is worthwhile to arrange fasting days for yourself from time to time.

Special underwear

An equally common method of dealing with varicose veins is to wear special underwear of the compression category. Such clothes effectively reduce pressure, you can quickly eliminate the itching of the labia. There are several rules that apply to wearing:

  • It is required to wear it every day;
  • Products are put on in the morning, in a prone position;
  • Linens need to be washed daily.

The size and type of linen should be chosen by a specialist, since it is important to find a compromise solution here. Products should support the vessels in a normal position, and not fetter them.

Drug therapy

In more severe cases, the doctor may prescribe special venotonic drugs, as well as general local use. Modern industrial enterprises produce such drugs in a huge assortment.

There are special gels and ointments, among which are troxerutin, heparin and products based on gingo biloba. These are drugs for special external use. At the same time, they can be prescribed drugs that belong to the category of venotonics, that is, diosmin, as well as hesperedin. All these are quite serious drugs that should be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

Surgical intervention

In most cases, varicose veins in the groin resolve on their own immediately after childbirth. If this does not happen, surgery may be required. Modern vascular surgeons offer a classic phlebectomy, that is, the removal of affected veins. No less common are laser and radiofrequency techniques for removing veins, the functioning of which is severely impaired.

Preventive measures

To completely prevent this pathology, first of all it is worth buying the most comfortable shoes. With improperly selected shoes, the load on the legs on the vessels will be unevenly distributed.

Reasonable physical activity is very important. If a woman is forced to stand or sit a lot due to work, it is imperative to take short breaks of a couple of minutes. Minor movements effectively disperse the blood, preventing its stagnation.

Hot baths for this period should be stopped, it can seriously harm the general condition. preference should be given to contrast baths. It is worth watching your sleep, while the position should be on your side, you can put a small pillow under your feet. Experts recommend a preventive massage, performed with light movements.

Important! Even preventive measures also need to be agreed with the doctor. It will help you eat more properly, observe the daily routine, take care of your mood.

Summing up

If pregnant women are faced with a similar problem, it is imperative to follow all the recommendations of a specialist. With severe varicose veins, the expectant mother is sent for inpatient treatment. This is necessary to conduct an additional examination, as well as to select the method of the most appropriate resolution from childbirth.

Treatment in a hospital is also necessary for the reason that in the last weeks the compression underwear is not worn. This is dangerous, and with such a pathology and in the prenatal period, bed rest is indicated, which can only be provided by hospital conditions.

If a woman has been found to have severely developed varicose veins, a caesarean section may be prescribed. The reason is that there is a risk of bleeding, which can develop due to rupture of the veins in the vagina during the resolution of childbirth.

Complications from varicose veins in the groin are quite serious consequences that can put the life of the expectant mother and baby at risk. Pregnant women must follow all the recommendations of their doctor, take care of their health and the full development of their child.

Some women develop varicose veins during pregnancy. In this case, veins can expand in different parts of the body, including in the groin. Varicose veins are not only a cosmetic defect, but also a threat of thrombotic complications or bleeding during childbirth. Let's talk about why this happens, which vessels can expand, and what to do if this happens.

Causes of varicose veins in the groin

Varicose veins in the groin during pregnancy occurs quite often. As, however, and in other places. Varicose veins of the small pelvis or lower extremities are also not uncommon. The main reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Change in hormonal background. As a result, the tone of the walls of venous vessels decreases. They stretch, unable to withstand blood pressure.
  • Decreased motor activity. During pregnancy, a woman often quits her job or goes on maternity leave. She is relieved of household chores. As a result, the activity of the expectant mother decreases sharply, which is fraught with congestion in the circulatory system.
  • Increase in circulating blood volume. The longer the gestation period, the more blood circulates in the woman's vessels, because now she must supply oxygen and nutrients not only to herself, but also to the child. Accordingly, the vessels are overloaded and stretched.
  • Compression of blood vessels. The fetus and uterus constantly increase in size, right up to the very birth. They compress nearby blood vessels, making it difficult for blood to flow.

The younger the woman, the lower the risk of varicose veins in the groin. In addition, the likelihood of this disease increases with each subsequent pregnancy.

Visually noticeable dilated veins on the inner thighs, in the pubic area and on the buttocks may indicate varicose veins of the pelvic veins. Their detection is an indication for an ultrasound scan to confirm or exclude this diagnosis.

Types of varicose veins in the groin

If a patient says that she has dilated veins in her groin, most likely one will receive one of three entries in her outpatient card:

  • Vulvar varices. The veins of the external genitalia, including the labia, are predominantly dilated.
  • Perineal varicose veins. Vessels outside the genitals, located in the perineum, expand.
  • Chronic pelvic pain. The main clinical manifestation is pain, while the veins may not be too noticeable.

Painful and painless forms of varicose veins are possible. The disease may or may not be accompanied by pelvic plethora. This is determined by ultrasound. As well as pathologically dilated veins, their detection also requires ultrasound diagnostics. The following options for expanding the veins in the groin in women are possible:

  • expansion of the pelvic veins;
  • expansion of the gonadal and pelvic veins;
  • expansion of the tributaries or trunk of the iliac internal veins.

In the case of the development of varicose veins in the groin during pregnancy, or if a woman becomes pregnant while already suffering from this disease, a doctor should be observed, because the pathology tends to progress.

What to do?

Treatment of varicose veins in the groin in women during pregnancy is difficult because not all drugs can be taken. Surgical treatment during this period is usually not carried out. Intervention is possible only in extreme cases, for example, with a high risk of thrombotic complications.

Compression therapy is not prescribed for varicose veins in the groin, if there is no varicose veins of the lower extremities.

Preparations can be used starting from the second trimester (diosmin). In the first trimester, drug therapy for varicose veins in the groin is contraindicated, as there is a risk of a negative impact on the development of the fetus.

In the case of a painful form of varicose veins, the doctor may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (paracetamol).

With severe varicose veins in the groin, natural childbirth is contraindicated due to the risk of bleeding and thrombotic complications. In this case, delivery is performed using a caesarean section.

After giving birth, for most women, varicose veins in the groin go away on their own for some time. If this does not happen, treatment is recommended using minimally invasive techniques (sclerobliteration of the gonadal, perineal, vulvar veins) or surgical intervention. Various operations are used, depending on the severity of varicose veins and the location of pathologically dilated veins.