Headache during early pregnancy: what to do? What diseases can cause a pathological condition? Headache in early pregnancy: is there a danger to the baby

Expectant mothers are literally pursued at every turn unpleasant symptoms. And often they are accompanied by a headache. This symptom is especially common in early dates. On the one hand, a pill from the head during pregnancy can become great way rid yourself of torment, and on the other - poison for the baby. Is it possible to take painkillers in the first trimester, let's consider with you further.

in pregnant women: causes

The first and, perhaps, the most important factor that provokes any discomfort expectant mother- This drastic changes hormonal balance. Moreover, in the early stages they are most noticeable, since the body is still in the process of preparing for the upcoming growth and development of the child in the womb. Because of this, you may feel a periodic headache, which often disappears by the second trimester.

Some ladies who are in " interesting position”, an unpleasant symptom appears against the background of low or high blood pressure. For example, with hypotension, the brain begins to suffer from oxygen deficiency. Because of this, uncomfortable sensations arise.

change weather conditions- Another reason why women start taking head pills during early pregnancy. Indeed, with the conception of a child, the body of the expectant mother becomes more sensitive to external factors. Therefore, sudden changes in the weather can be perceived extremely negatively by a woman expecting a baby.

Is it worth it to self-medicate?

Of course, no one would want to run to the doctor for the slightest reason. Especially ladies who are experiencing accompanied by a mass of unpleasant symptoms and thereby limiting their activity. However, it is important to understand that self-medication can be extremely dangerous for any person. For expectant mothers, this risk increases, as they need to worry not only about their health, but also about the well-being of the small organism that develops in their tummy.

In medicine, a headache at the beginning of pregnancy is not considered a disease, since it is quite normal phenomenon. However, if there is no urine to endure, then it is better to consult a doctor for advice. What pills from the head during pregnancy will not harm the expectant mother and her child, good specialist knows like no one else.

Even if you still decide not to visit a medical facility and get rid of unpleasant symptoms on your own, it is important to do it correctly. First of all, you need to figure out which medications can be taken by pregnant women and which are not. This will protect you from possible side effects.

Why is it dangerous to take pills in the early stages

Not all drugs that can be taken by pregnant women are safe in the first trimester. This is due to the fact that in the first embryo is only being formed. His body is not yet able to resist external influences, as well as filter the substances entering it. Therefore, pills from the head in early pregnancy should be taken with extreme caution or limit their use altogether, since many drugs can contribute to malformations in the development of the baby.

By the 16th week, the child's organs of purification of the body - the liver and kidneys - are already functioning in some way. In addition, the placenta becomes fully formed and begins to play the role of a kind of barrier between the baby and its environment. For this reason, doctors recommend limiting intake to the maximum. medicines in the first trimester. In the second half of pregnancy, medications for the body of the expectant mother are safer.

What pills are contraindicated

If you decide to look into the first aid kit in search, then be careful with the choice of funds. So, there are some drugs that are categorically contraindicated for expectant mothers:

  • Acetylsalicylic acid, better known as "Aspirin". Such a pill from the head during pregnancy can adversely affect the development of cardio-vascular system baby, as well as the formation of the liver.
  • "Analgin". According to the World Health Organization, this remedy is not recommended for use by men, women, or children, as it negatively affects the composition of the blood. It is not necessary to specify that for expectant mothers it will become a real poison.
  • "Reserpine". This drug is prescribed by doctors for those who suffer from hypertension. However, during pregnancy, it has a significant effect on the fetus. The systematic use of this medication can lead to the development depression in a child who is manifested in excessive drowsiness.

Headache pills for expectant mothers

The question of which pills from the head can be taken during pregnancy is relevant for almost every woman expecting a baby. However, if an unpleasant symptom overtakes a lady not so often, while wearing a weak character, then the need to take medicines No. A completely different situation develops in women who suffer from headaches with enviable regularity. In this case, the following tools can help:

  • "Paracetamol".
  • "No-shpa."
  • "Citramon".
  • Ibuprofen or Nurofen.

Which drug to choose is a purely individual matter, but it is best to consult a doctor.


Doctors recommend this medication to be taken into account by every pregnant woman. It will help with an increase in body temperature, and with headaches. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about the health of the baby - the active substance of the drug gently affects the body of the expectant mother and does not injure the embryo at all. These pills from the head during early pregnancy are considered the most safe option. Although even they have some limitations. So, the instructions for "Paracetamol" says that expectant mothers should consume no more than 4 tablets per day. In addition, treatment should be a maximum of 3 days.


Main active ingredient this tool- drotaverine. It has a pronounced analgesic effect and a relaxing effect on the body. Usually the drug is sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets.

It is very important to observe the correct dosage while using the product. If an ordinary adult can take up to 6 units of the drug orally, then in relation to pregnant women this value is somewhat lower. Expectant mothers are not recommended to drink more than 3 tablets per day. And before that, it is advisable to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist. One tablet from the head during pregnancy, of course, will not bring harm, but if you are going to take the drug periodically, then it is better to do this under the supervision of a specialist.


At the first manifestations of pain in the temples, many people remember exactly this remedy. And not in vain - after all, it has become a real classic in the treatment of migraine, being used by our grandmothers. "Citramon" is quite common today, and most importantly, it is no less effective than modern drugs. It has not only analgesic, but also anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, taking the remedy allows you to adjust body temperature. The tablets contain caffeine, which makes them ideal for normalizing the pressure of the expectant mother.

It has been established that the drug can be safely taken during pregnancy. As for the earlier dates, you will need to consult a specialist. Therefore, it is better not to take these pills from the head during pregnancy on your own. The 1st trimester is characterized by the instability of the embryo to various influences, so it is better to play it safe once again.

Ibuprofen and Nurofen

These two drugs are combined in one subsection, since they, in fact, are analogues of each other. Both drugs appeared on the drug market relatively recently, but at the same time they have already managed to gain immense popularity among consumers. It is proved that the tablets have a pronounced analgesic effect in the maximum a short time. Even World Organization health care has confirmed that the drugs are effective and at the same time safe. Therefore, women who have previously been saved by Ibuprofen or Nurofen can continue to do so during pregnancy. It should be noted that the safest use of drugs is in the early stages. In the third trimester of bearing a baby, it is undesirable to use them.

So if you are interested in whether it is possible to take pills from the head during pregnancy, then the answer will be positive. It is only important that the drug corresponds to the timing of the gestation of the baby.

If the cause of the headache is a migraine

Often unwanted symptoms expectant mothers are called common migraine. In this case, the pregnant woman notices a rather pronounced pain in the temples and forehead. The sensations are pulsating and radiate to the eye area. These manifestations occur against the background of spasms of blood vessels in the brain.

If we take into consideration the entire period of pregnancy, then women are most susceptible to migraines in the early stages. Headache may accompany toxicosis or be an independent symptom. Migraine is caused, as a rule, by banal factors: lack of sleep, improper or irregular nutrition, stress. Therefore, the expectant mother only needs to establish a daily routine for her to pass.

However, not every woman is able to endure if she is pregnant. What pills can I take to get rid of migraines? For this, Paracetamol, Zomig, Pentalgin, Sumatriptan or the same Ibuprofen are suitable.

What to do if the headache is very severe

It's one thing when a migraine brings a slight indisposition, and quite another when it literally knocks you down. A severe headache in expectant mothers can be caused by both a sharp drop in blood pressure and disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system. For this reason, it is best to monitor the frequency of symptoms. If there are isolated cases of headache, then you can use the usual "Paracetamol" or its more effective analogue - "Panadol".

At frequent appearance unpleasant symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor. He will conduct an examination to find out the causes of a severe headache. Additional therapy may be required. And to relieve symptoms, the doctor will be able to prescribe pills for headaches during pregnancy, which will not harm the baby.

Alternative Methods

There are more safe ways defeat a migraine than taking medication. To eliminate a headache, you can use the following methods:

  • Aromatherapy. Pairs of various essential oils can have a relaxing effect on the body, thereby relieving it of uncomfortable sensations. For the procedure, oils of lavender, mint, lemon or rose are suitable. They can be used during massage or water procedures. It is important not to forget that hot baths are contraindicated for expectant mothers.
  • The use of herbal teas. ethnoscience rich in knowledge, so it is able to provide healing effect no worse than drugs. Teas based on currant leaves, mint, propolis or chamomile will help relieve tension and eliminate pain.
  • Acupuncture. Not every pill from the head during pregnancy is safe, but this procedure absolutely not contraindicated for expectant mothers. The advantage of acupuncture is that it not only eliminates migraines, but also allows you to deal with other symptoms of toxicosis. This makes the procedure ideal for women in their first trimester of pregnancy. It is very important that it is carried out by an experienced specialist, otherwise, instead of benefit, you can get harm to the body.


Nothing affects the condition of the expectant mother better than correct mode day. To protect yourself from headaches, in the early stages of pregnancy, you should follow these rules:

  • visit more often fresh air.
  • Include as many vegetables and fruits in your diet as possible.
  • Drink lots of fluids.
  • Avoid stress.

Despite the variety of drugs allowed for expectant mothers, it is better to limit their use. You can drink a pill from the head during pregnancy every time unpleasant symptoms appear, or you can just try to prevent them. In any case, the second option will be much safer.

Pregnancy is the most desired and long-awaited period in a woman's life. However, it is associated with some difficulties, especially on the part of the physical and psychological health of women. For example, very often the patient has a headache during early pregnancy. This may be due both to the process of carrying a baby, and to other factors.


If from the first weeks a pregnant woman is faced with the problem of headaches, then you need to tell the attending gynecologist about this. You should also try to find out what reason provoked this condition. There are such factors that cause headaches in the early stages:

  • Change hormonal background. Since the functionality of the body changes completely, and it adapts to bearing a child, there is an increased production of some substances, and a decrease in the production of others. This is accompanied not only by a headache, but also by a deterioration in the general condition.
  • Stress or overwork. Early pregnancy is the time when a woman still goes to work. However, during this period, the body must cope with a double load, so the expectant mother gets tired faster, worries more. Eye strain can also provoke a headache.
  • Low pressure. Here more often a sign is toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy.

  • High blood pressure. At the beginning of pregnancy, this cause of headache is very rare. It is more typical for the third trimester.
  • Change of weather conditions. In expectant mothers, weather sensitivity increases. In this case, you just need to endure the headache (if it is not very strong). Taking medications is allowed only in extreme cases.
  • Dehydration or starvation. A pregnant woman should eat regularly and fully, as well as drink enough fluids. Gives a lot of problems and malnutrition.
  • Allergic reaction. In the early stages of pregnancy, changes in the body can trigger its appearance. Moreover, such a development of events is quite possible, even if the expectant mother did not suffer from allergies before.

Therapist Chukhareva Natalya Alexandrovna, junior Researcher Therapeutic Department of the Federal State Budgetary Institution " Science Center obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology named after academician V.I. Kulakov”, talks about the causes of pain in the head during pregnancy and methods of treatment. Listen to helpful tips:

  • external stimuli. Headaches of varying duration are caused by too bright light, loud sound, noise.
  • various pathologies. They, in addition to pain in the head, are characterized by other symptoms. Very often, during the bearing of a baby, osteochondrosis makes itself felt.
  • microclimate in the room. If the room is too hot and there is not enough air, then the pregnant woman feels worse, her emotional state is disturbed.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders and lack of sleep.

If a pregnant woman suffers from frequent headaches, then you should definitely consult a doctor. Self-medication can only worsen the condition, not to mention that the unborn child may suffer.

What diseases can cause a pathological condition?

During pregnancy, a woman's defenses may decrease, so the development of various diseases. The following causes of headaches can be distinguished:

  1. Chronic pathologies in the brain: tumor, consequences of meningitis.
  2. A neurological disease that is congenital or acquired.

  1. Spicy withdrawal syndrome. Its cause is a sharp cessation of the use of alcohol, potent medications.
  2. Metabolic disorders, and not always associated with pregnancy.

Sometimes pathological condition may occur for no reason.

What can not be done to eliminate pain?

So, if a headache in early pregnancy haunts future mother, you need to see a doctor immediately. At the same time, it should be noted how often discomfort what provokes them, what a woman does during the onset of discomfort. You should also tell the doctor what character the pain has, how long the attack lasts, which helps to alleviate or eliminate it.

When taking any medical preparations be sure to consult a doctor so as not to harm the unborn child

However, some actions cannot be performed. First of all, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate. From a headache during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, you can not take most medications. For example, you should not abuse caffeine, take analgin, Reserpine (lowers blood pressure, which only worsens the condition), barbiturates, NSAIDs.

What drugs can be taken in early pregnancy?

If the head hurts a lot, and simple ways elimination of this pathological condition will not help, you can take a medication approved by the doctor. However, it must be used carefully and in accordance with the instructions.

pediatrician with capital letter Komarovsky Evgeny Olegovich, will give answers to many questions about the use of drugs during pregnancy and lactation:

The following drugs are considered approved:

  • "Panadol". It contains paracetamol and can be used to treat children. It eliminates not only the headache, but also reduces the temperature. However, do not take more than 4 tablets per day. The maximum course of treatment is 3 days.
  • "No-shpa" (instruction for use). It is an antispasmodic that does little to no harm. developing baby in early pregnancy. But future matter should not take more than 3 tablets of the drug per day. The tool relaxes the muscles well and anesthetizes.
  • Ibuprofen, Nurofen. These medicines are able to quickly and effectively relieve headache, which often occurs in women in early pregnancy. Treatment with such drugs should not be carried out in the 3rd trimester, despite all their safety.

Pregnancy is a difficult period for the body, during which a woman has many new sensations, including a headache. It can be treated not only medications but also in other ways.

Alternative Treatments

If the use of tablets in the early stages of pregnancy is prohibited for a woman, other methods can be used to combat this pathological condition. They are safe for both the mother and the unborn baby.

There are such alternative ways therapy:

  1. Acupuncture. This procedure not only deals with painful sensations, it helps to eliminate the symptoms of toxicosis. However, it should only be carried out by an experienced specialist.
  2. aromatherapy. Various essential oils able to produce different effect: soothing, analgesic, relaxing. However, not all tools are equally useful. Pregnant women are better off using lavender, rose, mint or lemon oil.

A few simple folk recipes

  1. Based teas medicinal herbs. Here, too, you need to be careful, as individual intolerance or other contraindications may be present. The safest for expectant mothers are teas based on mint, chamomile, and currant leaves.
  2. An ordinary cold or warm compress, a cool shower, a massage of the cervical-collar zone are considered effective. Old copper coins fixed on the temples can also help.

A good head massage not only relieves pain, but also calms the nervous system, relaxes, restores strength, warms and pacifies a person. In this video you will learn which massage will help relieve headaches:

The presence of a headache in a woman during pregnancy in the early stages may indicate serious problems in organism. Therefore, no treatment should be carried out without consulting a doctor.

Preventive measures

Any disease is better to prevent than to waste time and money on its treatment. This also applies to headaches in pregnant women in the early stages. In order to avoid discomfort, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of specialists:

  • Take long walks in the fresh air, especially in the evening. This will not only improve well-being, but also help to avoid the development of hypoxia in the fetus.
  • Comply with sufficient physical activity. It is not worth overloading the body, which is already experiencing colossal changes, but it is also impossible to constantly sit or lie down. For example, it is allowed to visit the pool, do yoga or light gymnastics.
  • Properly organize your day so that a woman has enough time to rest and sleep. This is especially true for the first trimester of pregnancy, since it is then that the expectant mother is more drowsy and lethargic.
  • Eat well and eat right. Eat small meals, but often. The diet should contain as much as possible healthy foods. The period of pregnancy is characterized by changes in taste, however, you should not switch to fast foods and unhealthy dishes with a lot of fat, spices.

Headache prevention measures for pregnant women are no different from the rest of the people. This is a feasible physical activity, walks in the fresh air, a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, pure water V the right amount, daily routine and more

  • Drink more liquid. You need to be careful only for those pregnant women who have severe swelling.
  • Ventilate the living rooms in which the expectant mother spends time. This should be done regularly. A woman needs to provide the maximum amount of fresh air.
  • Attend massage treatments. However, only an experienced specialist should do them.
  • It is very important to protect yourself from nervous shocks and stress. A woman should be surrounded by care and positive emotions.

Eliminating a headache during pregnancy is not always easy. However, in the early stages it is impossible to diagnose yourself on your own, and take all kinds of medical preparations. At this stage, all vital important organs baby who may be harmed.

If pregnancy is not planned purposefully, then at an early stage a woman often does not know about her situation. However, even before the onset of a missed period, a woman may experience increased fatigue, drowsiness, impaired concentration, headache, changes in eating habits, and mood instability. Causes of headaches during early pregnancy include hormonal changes, changes in blood pressure levels, low blood glucose levels, and exacerbation of pre-existing chronic diseases.

Headache in early pregnancy with toxicosis

Toxicosis develops in early pregnancy in 2-3% of women, and this figure increases with increasing age. The presence of chronic liver diseases, pathology predisposes to the development of toxicosis. gastrointestinal tract and low body weight in pregnant women.

Toxicosis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • severe general weakness, drowsiness;
  • decreased efficiency, difficulty with the performance of work of an intellectual nature;
  • lack of appetite, nausea and repeated vomiting;
  • excessive production of saliva, salivation;
  • increased heart rate, rarely - a feeling of interruptions in the work of the heart;
  • headache and dizziness.

Headache in early pregnancy with toxicosis is not intense, does not have a clear localization, and is dull or pulsating in nature. Duration varies from minutes to several hours. Psycho-emotional overload, monotonous and prolonged physical work, being in cramped and stuffy rooms, lack of proper sleep, skipping meals worsen the state. Manifestations of toxicosis require symptomatic treatment (pain relief, restoration of water balance) and disappear on their own after the 12th week, when the placenta is formed.

It is important to undergo a correct examination and not mistakenly consider a headache, which is the beginning of a neurological disease, as a manifestation of toxicosis.

Headache in early pregnancy due to abnormal blood pressure

Headaches at the very beginning of pregnancy are often associated with changes in vascular tone under the action of hormones, an increase in circulating blood volume and dehydration. Depending on the individual features women develops one of the options:

  1. An increase in blood pressure (hypertension). It is important to distinguish hypertension that existed before pregnancy from a condition that first arose during this period. In addition to headaches, the following complaints appear:
    • increased fatigue;
    • shortness of breath with little physical exertion;
    • dizziness;
    • noise in ears;
    • cardiopalmus, pulsation in the region of the heart;
    • chest pain;
    • causeless anxiety;
    • sleep disturbance.

It is important to identify early arterial hypertension, since this is one of the signs of preeclampsia - a serious complication of the second half of pregnancy, threatening the health of the mother and child.

  1. Decreased blood pressure (arterial hypotension). In this case, headaches during pregnancy are accompanied by:
    • lethargy and apathy;
    • feeling "broken" and tired after sleep;
    • swelling of the feet and legs in the evening;
    • irritability and mood swings;
    • loss of appetite, heartburn;
    • constipation and increased gas formation;
    • decreased libido (sex drive).

Arterial hypotension is dangerous not only negative influence for well-being, but high risk spontaneous interruption pregnancy, as well as delayed prenatal development fetus.

Headache in early pregnancy with exacerbation of chronic diseases

Anemia is one of the causes of headache (nebolet.com)

pregnancy is normal physiological state female body. However, during this period, the load on the mother's body increases and many chronic diseases, a number of which cause headaches in early pregnancy. The most common causes of problems are:

  • anemia against the background of toxicosis, iron deficiency and high level estrogen;
  • hypertension or hypotension;
  • neuroses.

Paradoxically, migraine tends to be milder during pregnancy.

In such situations, treatment is carried out with previously selected drugs, taking into account the possibility of their use in pregnant women.

Prevention and treatment of headache in early pregnancy

The well-being of the expectant mother is important for normal flow pregnancy and full development baby. Do not endure a headache and passively wait for improvement. If you have a headache during pregnancy, it will help:

  • cold tissue compress on the forehead, application time - up to half an hour;
  • light massage of the collar zone, neck and temples;
  • taking decoctions of mint, rosehip, lemon balm, chamomile (it is important to make sure in advance that there is no allergy to these plants);
  • reception sedatives allowed during pregnancy (Novopassit, valerian, motherwort);
  • taking painkillers allowed during pregnancy (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Nurofen); antispasmodic drugs (Drotaverine, Spazmalgon, No-shpa) cannot be used without a doctor's prescription, since they affect the muscles of the uterus.

To prevent the development of headaches will help:

  • complete and long lasting night sleep;
  • walks in the fresh air for 2-3 hours a day;
  • regular exercise stress- yoga, sets of exercises for pregnant women;
  • absence negative emotions;
  • lack of physical overload, refusal to work at the computer for a long time;
  • complete and regular meals.

If, in spite of everything, the head continues to hurt or the intensity of the pain increases, it is necessary to inform your doctor about this and undergo the examination prescribed by the doctor.

  • https://youtu.be/H-XopnflQTE
  • https://youtu.be/tyHtnnaDD6w
  • https://youtu.be/QFbMeIfdheY
  • https://youtu.be/oWUq_JjToP8

Headache during the period of bearing a baby is a frequent and unpredictable phenomenon. About 80% of women experience bouts of pain throughout their pregnancy. Moreover, headaches can occur different reasons and wear different character. It is not always possible to endure another attack, and a woman has to save herself with the help of analgesics, which can do much harm not yet. born baby. Let's understand together why the head hurts during pregnancy and what pain relief methods are acceptable in this delicate position.

Headache often overtakes women after conception. Mostly such discomfort worries women in the first weeks of pregnancy under the influence hormonal changes, and soon disappears on its own. This does not pose any health hazard and is a specific response of the body to pregnancy. But, often recurring headaches have more worrisome reasons for the appearance.

On a note! Most often, an attack of pain is migraine-like in nature. This is a steady throbbing pain, localized in the area of ​​the temples. Concomitant symptoms can be: blurred vision, nausea, a sharp reaction to bright light and any noise, dizziness.

Women may experience headaches during pregnancy for the following reasons:

  • Changes in hormone levels. After conception, active synthesis begins in the body female hormones and their proportion varies greatly. After the first three months of gestation, the body fully adapts to its new position and the pain subsides. This condition does not require treatment, but if a woman has a severe headache during pregnancy, an obstetrician-gynecologist should advise a suitable pain reliever. It is absolutely not worth enduring unbearable pain, because strong psycho-emotional stress can complicate the course of pregnancy.
  • hypertension. High blood pressure is more common in last trimester. The physiological factor of this condition is a greatly increased volume of blood flow. Pathological provocateurs of increased pressure and headaches include: preeclampsia, kidney disease, malnutrition, stress, pathological gain in weight, excessive exercise. For the treatment of hypertension, drugs that lower blood pressure are prescribed, and in parallel, the causes of its increase are eliminated.
  • hypotension. In the first half of pregnancy, progesterone affects the tone of all muscle cells. It provokes relaxation not only of the uterus, but also of blood vessels. In this situation, they expand and arterial pressure falls. At the same time, the brain begins to receive less of the required amount of oxygen, and the woman begins to get sick and dizzy. For this reason, most often the head hurts during pregnancy in the early stages. The gynecologist decides how to fix the problem that has arisen, but very often taking caffeine-containing products helps to normalize the condition: mugs of hot and necessarily sweet tea or a piece of dark chocolate.
  • Starvation. If a woman eats poorly, with long breaks between meals, she may experience "hungry" headaches from a sharp drop in glucose levels. To prevent a recurrence of pain, you need to eat regularly throughout the day, avoiding overeating.
  • Anemia. Low level hemoglobin is a provocateur of pain attacks during pregnancy. The lack of oxygen greatly affects the tone of the vessels in the head and causes severe pain.
  • Preeclampsia. This is a critical condition during pregnancy, requiring thorough treatment. A sharp narrowing of blood vessels disrupts blood circulation in the body, which is accompanied by a throbbing pain in the head. A woman has “flies” before her eyes, protein in the urine is diagnosed, and pressure rises.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases. Pregnancy is a provocateur of exacerbation of old diseases. There may be problems with the spine. An increase in the mass of the fetus creates a load on the skeleton, which causes an attack of osteochondrosis. Pinched nerves and blocking the full blood circulation in the spine will cause a headache of a aching nature. Another cause of pain can be vegetovascular dystonia, which is accompanied by a sharp spasm of blood vessels in the head and pain.
  • The emergence of new diseases. Headache during pregnancy can also occur when dangerous infectious diseases: meningitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, encephalitis, pyelonephritis, eye diseases. Headache in such diseases is quite strong and prolonged, and disappears after the start of treatment of the underlying disease.
  • Stress factor and overstrain. Pregnant women react more vividly to emerging conflict or dangerous situations. A strong reaction of the nervous system can result in a migraine attack. Severe overwork at work or insufficient sleep can lead to the same result. Such factors are very dangerous, because in addition to a headache, they can provoke a threat of miscarriage. Therefore, in the first trimester of pregnancy, if you have a headache and pain in the uterus, you need to calm down and seek the advice of a doctor.
  • Weather. Many women react sharply to fluctuations in atmospheric pressure. They may have a headache, decrease efficiency, and lose their appetite. As a rule, if there was such a high weather sensitivity before pregnancy, then during the period of bearing a child, a woman will suffer from a headache when the weather changes.
  • Food. Experts have long noticed the relationship between the diet of a pregnant woman and a headache. If you often have headaches without visible reasons, track what you ate before the next attack. The most common cause is the use of marinades, chocolate, citrus fruits, smoked fish, products with monosodium glutamate, nitrites, sulfites and synthetic sweeteners.

Headache during pregnancy. When to Seek Emergency Medical Care

Many pregnant women wonder if a headache can occur during pregnancy as a result of any dangerous violations? Unfortunately, the answer to this question is yes. Although most headache attacks are nothing more than discomfort, there are times when medical attention is urgently needed.

You should contact your doctor immediately if your headache is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Convulsions, problems with consciousness, impaired speech, panic attacks.
  • Excessive weight gain, combined with the appearance of extensive edema of the extremities and urinary retention.
  • Shortness of breath for no reason and pain, localized "under the pit of the stomach."
  • Severe nausea and/or uncontrollable vomiting.
  • Stiffness of movement (rigidity of muscle tissue) and heat(this is a symptom of meningitis).
  • Rhinitis, pain in the forehead and eyebrows (symptoms purulent sinusitis or front).
  • Pain after hitting the head (as a result of a fall).
  • Intensive pain syndrome, which cannot be stopped on its own.

Advice! The ambulance worker will find out the cause of the pain and how dangerous it is in your delicate position, and will also help relieve pain and tell you if urgent hospitalization is needed.

The main ways to eliminate headaches during pregnancy without medication

Before taking pain pills, try safer ways to manage pain.

On a note! If you have a headache during pregnancy, and you don’t know what to do, you can call ambulance and you will definitely be advised in the mode telephone conversation what can be done in your situation.

Massage. Light massaging of the head helps a lot to stabilize the condition during the next attack of pain. This procedure should be avoided in the presence of inflammation of the scalp, strong fallout hair and hypertension.

You can do the massage yourself or you need to ask someone close to you. Massage involves vigorous squeezing of the entire surface of the head for 10 minutes.

Basic head massage techniques:

  • Tightly hold the fold of skin between the eyebrows, massage it a little, and then slowly move towards the temples.
  • Gently massage the temple area.
  • With your palms, stroke from the eyebrows to the back of the head.
  • Comb your hair with your fingers.
  • Make partings and massage them strongly.
  • Squeeze your head strongly with your hand over the entire surface.
  • Grab your head from both sides, move synchronously skin covering in the direction from the ears to the crown, and then push it apart.
  • Lightly stretch your neck.

If the state of health during the massage only worsens, you need to stop massaging your head.

Shower . If you have a headache during pregnancy, the first thing to do is to calm down and take a shower. Warm or cool showers are great for relieving headaches. Warm shower contributes to the general relaxation of a woman and the expansion of blood vessels. This procedure is suitable for hypertension and severe overexertion. A cold shower greatly invigorates, helps a woman gain strength, constricts blood vessels. Such a shower can be taken to raise the pressure.

Important! Cold and hot shower during gestation, it is contraindicated, since a sharp narrowing and expansion of blood vessels can cause complications.

Compresses. Warm/cold compresses help relieve tension pain (pain from overexertion). They should be applied to the forehead and occipital area twice a day. To enhance the effectiveness, you can soak the compress cloth with a light solution of vinegar.

An alternative compress is to use the Asterisk balm. The product should be applied to the forehead and temples.

Permitted drugs for headaches during pregnancy

If the headache is not going to recede, there is nothing left but to resort to the help of painkillers. Not all funds can be taken by ladies in a delicate position, therefore, if you have a headache during pregnancy, what can be taken for pain - only the gynecologist decides, taking into account your gestational age.

In the first trimester, almost all drugs are potentially dangerous to the fetus, so the pain syndrome is eliminated by completely safe methods:

  • Rest or nap.
  • Weak herbal teas, for example, with chamomile, lemon balm, linden.
  • Sweet tea or 20-30 g of chocolate, if the pain was due to low blood pressure.
  • Walk if there is a severe oxygen deficiency.
  • Decoction or tablets of valerian.
  • Relaxation techniques (yoga, meditation).

Starting from the second trimester, the arsenal of painkillers expands slightly, since the fetus is more resistant to the development of pathologies. A woman can already relieve a headache with analgesics, but they are selected after determining the level of blood pressure, the presence of concomitant symptoms and the individual characteristics of the female body.

Mostly pregnant women are prescribed the following drugs:

  • Paracetamol is the most favorable type of pain reliever during pregnancy. The composition of the drug does not affect the condition of the fetus, subject to a safe dosage. It is allowed to take 2-3 tablets per day, but the course of treatment should not last more than three days.
  • No-Shpa is an effective antispasmodic that reduces headaches and normalizes blood pressure. Up to 6 capsules are allowed per day without fear. The drug is allowed at all gestational ages.
  • Analgin is an analgesic with a low concentration of the main substance. The remedy relieves pain of various etiologies, but if abused, it can cause congenital pathologies at the baby. Analgin is allowed as a one-time remedy for pain.
  • Ibuprofen is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. It is prescribed only up to 30 gestational weeks. After this period, the drug has a teratogenic effect on the fetus, affecting the heart and lungs.
  • Citramon is a caffeine-containing analgesic. Helps relieve headaches due to hypotension. You can take 1/2 tablet twice a day. Exceeding the dosage adversely affects the development of the fetus.

The third trimester also has certain requirements to the selection of painkillers. Paracetamol or caffeine-based products (if there is no preeclampsia) are considered more effective and safer. Such drugs do not affect the well-being of the fetus and do not provoke premature birth:

  • Solpadein Forte - removes not only the head, but also toothache, relieves the condition with fever and neuralgia. The drug may cause impairment respiratory function therefore, it is permissible to take no more than 1 tablet.
  • Panadol - analgesic and antipyretic drug. Conditionally harmless, daily dose which is equal to 4 tablets.
  • Sedalgin is a non-narcotic analgesic. During pregnancy, it is taken with caution 1/2 tablet per day.

Which pharmaceuticals are contraindicated for headaches during pregnancy

Even if a woman suffers from an unbearable headache, it is strictly forbidden to take such medicines:

  • Triptan - has a teratogenic effect on the fetus.
  • Ergotamine - provokes miscarriage and bleeding.
  • Motrin - common cause birth defects hearts.
  • Depakote - violates the laying of the neural tube.
  • Aspirin thins the blood and causes bleeding.

Of course, you should not endure a headache during pregnancy, but you need to get rid of it with caution. Before taking any pill without the advice of a doctor, think twice about the consequences. If you often have a headache, what you can drink during pregnancy should be advised by a gynecologist or neurologist, and not by a friend or a pharmacist at a pharmacy. Pregnancy is a period for which only you are responsible, therefore, be wary of drug treatment.

Video "Headache: what to do during pregnancy?"

The happiness of motherhood can sometimes be somewhat overshadowed by serious headaches. Migraine is a fairly common disease in women who are expecting a baby. Interesting fact- Headaches can occur even if you have never experienced this before pregnancy.

Why does my head hurt during pregnancy

Depending on the nature of the headache, when, in what situations, at what time and for what reasons it occurs, the state when the head hurts can be assessed in different ways and, accordingly, it will also need to be acted differently.

One of the causes of severe or regular headache during pregnancy may be the manifestation of brain diseases or other diseases - vascular dystonia, hypertension, infectious and metabolic diseases.

During pregnancy, a woman's body is constantly changing, many of its systems are functionally rebuilt. The main factor the occurrence of headache - changes in vascular reactivity. The fact is that the volume of blood increases much, the venous pressure rises. All these changes affect nervous system women, which leads to periodic headaches.

Exist different types headaches, but the most common of these is tension pain or migraine. This is what most pregnant women feel. You should know that such pain does not have any effect on the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus, so you should not worry again.

In the first three months of pregnancy, headaches can be caused by hormones that accumulate intensively in the body of the expectant mother. At the last stage of bearing a child, pain in the head may appear due to worries about a strong increase in weight.

Although not everything should be attributed to nerves or hormones. Sometimes a headache occurs due to severe tension in the muscles of the neck. This happens when you work in an uncomfortable position for a long time.

It can also provoke a headache (especially in), as well as hypertension - increased, which is somewhat worse, since it indicates the possibility of fetal pathology.

The causes of headaches in pregnant women can be the most common things: eating cold food, increased consumption of caffeine, allergies.

Headache during pregnancy: what to do

If a headache during the period of bearing a child occurs constantly (that is, very often) and literally poisons your life, then you should definitely consult a doctor to find out the cause of the ailment and prescribe adequate safe therapy. You can not self-medicate in cases where the headache is paroxysmal, very strong or intense. Especially if it occurs against the background of, say, an exacerbation of sinusitis or another disease, accompanied by additional symptoms(for example, nausea, vomiting).

However, it is impossible to resort to painkillers in any case, even if such a “common” and transient phenomenon as a pressure drop in the atmosphere turns out to be the cause of the headache. You must coordinate any of your actions regarding taking medications with your doctor so as not to harm the baby.

However, there are several simple, affordable, safe and effective methods that can help if not prevent or relieve pain attack, then at least reduce the intensity of headaches and improve your own well-being. Try putting these tips into practice:

  • if the cause of the headache is stress, then try to relax more, limit communication with those people who can cause a stressful situation;
  • use compresses to reduce pain (apply a warm or cold compress to your forehead or neck and after a while your condition will improve significantly);
  • take showers as often as possible (it is best to use cold water, and if it is not possible to moisturize the whole body, then spray cold water at least a face)
  • well helps from a headache of the body, made by a specialist; an intensive massage of the neck, shoulder girdle and spinal muscles will help reduce tension;
  • sometimes just eating or drinking helps with a headache - remember to eat well and drink plenty of fluids, which is absolutely necessary for the body.

And, of course, no one canceled walks in the fresh air and healthy full sleep.

Let nothing hurt you!

Especially for- Maryana Surma