How to dress for a first date. Features of choice depending on the season. Consider weather conditions

So, you have already waited for such a desired call, the place and time of the meeting have been agreed, the cries of “Hurrah!”, Or “Yuhhuu!” sounded. After the unbridled joy that you still made an appointment, as a rule, panic begins to overcome, the name of which is “Oh, God! I have nothing to wear!” First of all, calm down, believe me, the question of what to wear on a first date becomes almost every girl. After all, we all strive to create the best opinion about ourselves, turning this meeting into a long and happy relationship. That is why the subtleties of the dress code for the first date are so important. We will get to know them now.

Bow selection

It's best to start by understanding the purpose of your meeting. If for you it is to seduce and seduce, then there are not the slightest restrictions at all, you can wear whatever your heart desires. But if it seems to you that you are on the threshold of great love, then you will have to work hard to create your own image.

Let's start with what obviously needs to be excluded. Of course, these will be overtly vulgar and overly sexual things, since your potential boyfriend should have an exciting conversation with you, and not stare at your cleavage all the time. Because the first rule of choosing what to wear on a first date with a man , is moderation. Even if you have something to brag about, believe me, this is not the time to brag about it. You need to subtly feel the line between “you can” and “it’s not worth it yet” and balance on it. So, say a categorical "no" to the length of the mini and frank cutouts, and the combination of all this in one outfit is a definite taboo. Judge for yourself, because your man, when calling you, hardly thought about meeting a girl of easy virtue, and putting on all this, you will look exactly like that. The same applies to tights / fishnet stockings, save them for the future, they will certainly come in handy, at home, of course.

How to dress for a first date for a girl? Feminine. If it is a dress or a skirt, then their length should be closer to the knee, you can even wear a maxi, making a man think about the beauty of your legs. There is no need to choose too elaborate outfits, since they will only be appropriate in a restaurant or theater, and in a cafe or park, an evening dress will look, to put it mildly, not in the most profitable way. Therefore, before choosing a bow for yourself, take the trouble to find out what your young man has plans for the upcoming meeting, and only then give preference to any outfit. From this we can formulate the second rule - relevance. If you remember him, you will never appear in a fur vest in the heat just because it is very beautiful. Of course, this is an exaggerated example, but those guided by this principle are not so rare.

When you choose how to dress for a first date , Give preference to outfits in pastel colors or muted tones, as they perfectly focus on the tenderness and femininity of the image. However, you should not try to look perfect, you should try to be yourself. Therefore, put on those things that you usually wear, because it is in them that you will be very comfortable, which means there will be one less reason to worry. New untested outfits are best put aside for another occasion, since you cannot predict how things will behave when worn, it is not uncommon for them to rub or reap.

Pay special attention to the compatibility of things, since a chiffon blouse is unlikely to look elegant with sneakers, but if such a duet is not so common, then a sports jacket with ballet flats is a ubiquitous phenomenon. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor so that all things and shoes are selected in the same style, since “fusion” is not understandable to everyone. It is also undesirable to dress up in sagging T-shirts or T-shirts with inscriptions like "Metallic", "King and Jester" and similar statements. The only exception is a planned trip to a rock party, where you will not stand out from the crowd. In other cases, it is better to put such things away, preferring more restrained options. You know, no matter how much we suffer thinking about what to wear on a date with a man, sociological polls tell us that they prefer to see us wearing the most ordinary jeans and a top / t-shirt / pullover, and they think of everything else themselves.


The main thing when choosing shoes for a meeting is not even its relevance in the image, the main thing is that it should be comfortable. As a rule, most first dates either end with a walk, or they consist in it, so you need to be ready to walk for a long time. Therefore, do not put on new unworn shoes, no matter how much you would like it, because there is not the slightest guarantee that they will not rub you in the first five minutes. And gluing a plaster on a pounded leg in front of an unfamiliar person is not very aesthetically pleasing.

The same rule applies to heel height. Pick it up according to the situation, since a high hairpin will be spectacular in a restaurant or club, and it will be completely inappropriate for a walk in a park or river bank. Do not forget about the height of your potential boyfriend, because wearing a hairpin, you can be much taller than him, and this is unlikely to please any man.


With their help, you can complete any image. However, having lost a sense of proportion, you can turn from a stylish lady into a decorated Christmas tree. Therefore, if you have already decided what to wear on a first date with a guy , try to complement the bow with a moderate amount of accessories, putting aside the most expensive jewelry, large earrings and a dozen chains around the neck - all this is superfluous. Firstly, the guy may decide that you will be "too dear" to him, and secondly, it's just tasteless. It is enough to put on one ring, a chain with a pendant and neat earrings, then your image will be elegant and modest at the same time, and this is what men appreciate in us.

A date is a good opportunity to get to know each other, get a lot of unforgettable emotions and spend an amazing evening alone. Your future relationship will depend on how the date goes. Each of us at least once asked the question “What to wear on a date?” To conquer your soul mate, how to look stunning and not be vulgar and boring?

Not everyone is given the ability to correctly demonstrate their attractiveness, femininity, intelligence and sexuality with the help of clothes. A date makes every detail of the wardrobe important. The right selection of clothing items will add zest to your image, which will focus on dignity and emphasize the individuality and style of each woman. Wake up a man's appetite - that's what our task is on the first date.

revealing outfit

You should not wear too revealing things, this will scare away a man who is set up for a romantic meeting. Save a short skirt, a blouse with a deep neckline, a dress with an open back for the next dates. Let your man turn on his imagination and dream about what is not yet available to him. Keep yourself a secret!

Here in such revealing outfits, the stars go to the Oscars

elegant dress

A smart dress is an ideal choice for a date, but only when you are invited to a restaurant or theater. If you're not sure about this, wear something simpler, otherwise, you and your boyfriend, dressed in jeans, a t-shirt and sneakers, will be in an awkward situation.

One of the options for an elegant dress that is perfect for going to the theater


If your date involves a walk in the park or along the promenade, put on your favorite jeans, with which you can choose the right jumper, blouse, T-shirt or T-shirt, denim (leather) jacket or light jacket. And be sure to wear comfortable shoes without heels. A beautiful scarf or shawl, fashionable jewelry will emphasize your image.

business image

Your date should take place after the working day, and you work in the office. Feel free to put on a skirt or sheath dress, complementing the look with a cute handbag and a beautiful decoration. The mistake of girls is to wear the most expensive jewelry and in large quantities. You should not do this, you are not a Christmas tree. Enough two rings suitable for your earrings.


Always choose comfortable shoes, otherwise your date will turn into torture. Planning to walk around the city, shoes without heels. A chic restaurant or theater, pumps.

Colors in clothes

The scheme of color combinations in clothes

You have probably heard about the language of flowers, which conveys information to our subconscious:

Red color

Red, the color of passion. And, of course, will attract the eye to you. But for the first date, you should not wear red, otherwise your boyfriend will regard this as an offer for a sexual relationship.

Green color

Green color will add freshness to your image, throwing off a couple of years of age.


Yellow, the color of friendship. If your plans include a closer relationship with a young man, you should not wear yellow clothes.

Pink color

The pink color of the clothes will create the image of a naive and modest girl who needs protection. Most, then for the first date.

Blue color

The male sex trusts women in blue clothes. It is worth wearing blue if you want to seem sincere, intelligent and faithful woman.

White color

White is the color of innocence, inaccessibility. Do not wear white, dirty, the evening will be ruined.

Grey colour.

Boring, gray and dull, that's what gray means. Leave the gray things for another occasion.

Black color

If it's a little black dress, why not, very romantic. But, in no case do not dress in all black.

A man, seeing a girl in a dress of a certain color, reads what this color carries in herself, but this does not always coincide with the mood with which the girl came to this date.

What to wear for a summer date

An example of a beautiful light dress for a first date

The best outfit for a summer date would be a light blouse and a tight or loose skirt. In a gentle flying dress or sundress of the most delicate shades, you will be charming. The colors of the blouse and dress can be: vanilla, turquoise, lemon, soft pink, pastel or lilac. The skirt does not have to be black, green, purple or blue are better. The main thing is the right combination of colors and shades in your image.

And don't forget to bring a denim or leather jacket with you in case the weather changes. But you can also check your boyfriend for gentlemanly qualities.

What to wear for a date in a cafe

Cafes are a common place for a first date.

One of the most common places for a date is a cafe or restaurant.

If you are invited to a cafe, you should not wear a chic dress, it is more suitable for a restaurant, it is better to look for an outfit from something everyday. Just add accessories to your look.

You will be irresistible in a mid-length dress and heeled shoes. It is the dress that will add femininity, attractiveness and originality to your style. Do not wear a maxi dress, it will look ridiculous, and a mini dress is too defiant. Not a bad option would be trousers with a beautiful blouse or shirt.

Choose shoes based on clothing: type, color, heel height, etc.

What to wear to a movie date

The ideal solution for going to the cinema is a romantic and feminine look.

In the summer, feel free to wear a light dress made of chiffon fabric, shoes or sandals. Do not be afraid of colors, bright or restrained tones make no difference. When choosing an outfit, remember that you will have to sit in one place for a long time, try to make sure that your clothes are made of non-wrinkling materials.

A strict business suit consisting of trousers and a blouse will look beautiful. Business style is quite diverse. There are blouses with elegant collars. Cute blouses, decorated with beads or rhinestones. Pants don't have to be black. The combination of shades will help you with this.

You should not wear evening dresses to the cinema. You should look stylish and not defiant.

Date in winter. Many girls try to impress a guy by wearing short skirts and autumn stiletto boots. And there is no mention of a hat at all.

Do not torture yourself with uncomfortable stilettos and mini skirts, in a knitted dress and ankle boots, you will be no less attractive. Also a good option is jeans and a feminine top or T-shirt with an original jacket or cardigan. And you don't have to wear sneakers, any comfortable pair of shoes will go well with your outfit.

Whatever the time of the year, the main thing is to hide your flaws and emphasize your merits.

In addition to the style and color of the outfit, the main thing is how you feel. Psychologists do not recommend putting on new things for a first date, it is better to choose from those “happy” things that brought you good luck. This will help you set yourself up for success and give you an inner sense of confidence in this situation.

Style Tips:

  1. Clothing should be comfortable. You should not wear something that does not fit you, is too tight and tight, or vice versa is big and baggy.
  2. Update your wardrobe. Things that have long gone out of fashion will not give you positive emotions either on the first or on the second date.
  3. Accessories. Scarves, handkerchiefs, gloves, belts, bracelets, earrings, watches and handbags will help you make your look unique and unforgettable.
  4. Beautiful underwear, stockings will exacerbate both your feelings and those of your partner and guarantee you the continuation of this relationship.

The main thing to remember: Whatever you put on, be yourself and always smile!

"Meet by clothes ..." - says a well-known proverb. The overall impression of a person largely depends on the appearance on the first date. At this important moment, the guy and the girl need to dress impeccably, in accordance with where the date will take place.

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You should also think about such details of your image as well-groomed nails, trimmed hair, so as not to spoil your opinion of yourself. A properly selected toilet not only helps to interest a man or woman, but also gives self-confidence.

How to dress for a first date with a guy?

The girl should not wear too defiant and vulgar clothes, so as not to seem too accessible.

Most guys like a romantic and feminine look: skirts, dresses, blouses, coats.

In makeup, the best option is naturalness. Light and delicate shades will give the face a fresh and blooming look.

How to invite a guy for a walk

Cloakroom for a date

A girl, in order to know how to dress, should ask the guy where he invites her. Her toilet will depend on this:

  1. 1. In a cafe. In this case, you need to wear a dress or skirt with a blouse. Jewelry must be selected in accordance with the image. It is advisable to choose shoes with a small heel, but comfortable.
  2. 2. To a restaurant. It is better to wear an evening dress and high-heeled shoes. If it's cool outside, then stylish ballots are allowed.
  3. 3. For a walk. Comfortable yet feminine clothing should be worn, such as jeans and a nice sweater. From shoes you need to choose ballet flats or boots.
  4. 4. To the cinema. In this case, convenience comes first. You will have to sit for an hour or two, and in order to determine whether the chosen clothes will fit, you need to sit down in it and make sure that these things are comfortable.

How to behave on a first date

What to wear on a date at different times of the year?

Clothes and shoes for a date are selected and in accordance with the season:

  1. 1. Winter. In the cold season, it is better to dress comfortably and warmly. Therefore, it is preferable to go on a date in warm jeans and an elegant sweater or warm jacket. If you want to go to a cafe, then this appearance will match the situation. Discreet beads are chosen from jewelry. Shoes should be comfortable and match the weather.
  2. 2. Autumn and spring. If the weather is good, then you should dress as for a walk - perhaps the couple will spend the whole day walking in nature. When it's cold and rainy outside and the meeting is to be held indoors, dress appropriately for the venue.
  3. 3. Summer. In the heat, do not dress too revealingly. It is recommended to choose a knee-length dress or skirt and blouse. From shoes fit ballet flats or sandals on the platform.

Auxiliary nuances

Going on a first date, do not limit yourself to outfit and accessories. It is important to refresh the manicure so that the hands are well-groomed and attractive. It is necessary to style the hair, but it is not recommended to use a lot of varnish.

When trying to look sexy on the first date, you need to try not to turn the image into a vulgar one. To prevent this from happening, you should choose one frank detail. If the skirt has a slit, then the top should be closed. On the contrary, or if you need to open the neckline, you should hide your legs. Strong "weapon" - stockings. Guys really like them. The main thing is to choose a simple dress for them.

What to wear on a first date with a girl?

The guy also needs to carefully prepare for the first date and determine what to wear. After all, elegant clothes not only emphasize the dignity of a man, but also give self-confidence. In addition, properly selected clothes are a tribute to the girl who spent more than one hour in front of the mirror.

date place

This point is important for men no less than for women:

  1. 1. In nature. Do not wear a classic suit. In this case, jeans and a T-shirt are preferable in warm weather and a jacket if it is cold. Choose comfortable shoes, such as loafers or sneakers.
  2. 2. In a cafe. In this case, it is allowed to wear classic jeans and a casual shirt. Moccasins or shoes are worn.
  3. 3. To a restaurant. Here you need a classic suit and classic shoes. Cufflinks, watches, belts are no less important. It is important not to overdo it with gold, it repels girls.

There is no doubt that the vast majority of serious relationships between a man and a woman begin with a first date. Let me be old-fashioned, but the first date, like the first impression, is a decisive factor in the further development of events between the couple. If you want to make a good impression, then first of all, you need to know how to dress for a date.

Today we will analyze a few tips that will help a man decide what to wear on a first date. It doesn't matter if you're dating "blindly" or have known each other for many years. You have to pick the right date outfit to be confident in your style.

Do you think that by captivating a girl with your charm and charm and inviting her on a first date, you have done the main job?! No matter how. Perhaps you were able to take the phone from her and forced her to succumb to your invitation to a cafe or restaurant, but this is just an excuse and an opportunity to see each other again. No more.

How to dress for a date

On the way to your goal (for someone it is to find a person for life; for someone it is to find a girl to spend evening and night with her), there should be as few mistakes as possible, because there may no longer be a second chance . Where to begin?

First, you must decide where exactly you are going to go on your first date. I will not give my recommendations, which is better, go to a restaurant or go skating. But, in my opinion, going to the cinema, for example, is not the best option. Sitting for 2 hours, while chewing popcorn and trying to ridiculously throw a hand on a girl is the plot of a classic comedy.

Secondly, the recommendations and style that I will be covering should not be a strict plan for action. I hope you understand that the sense of style itself should be gradually developed in you yourself. Therefore, if you think that this or that part of the wardrobe does not suit you, feel free to change it. The main rule is to feel confident! But we'll talk about this a little later.

So, how to dress for a date and what tips a man can take note of, we will analyze further.

Date in nature / walk in the park or city

Who hasn't had a date in nature or in the park? Each teenager, not having a lot of money, arranges a date in the park in 90% of cases (statistics “out of my head”, I did not look for reliable sources). In younger years, a walk under the evening lights seems to be something magical and unforgettable, and a picnic on the lawn is the best opportunity to get to know each other in an informal setting.

The best choice of clothes for dates in nature is practical,. If you do not know where you will be taken, it is better not to wear white or light ones. As soon as you sit on the grass or a bench, immediately plant a spot. The best choice would be denim jeans in dark blue or indigo, as well as chinos in dark colors: blue, dark blue, dark gray. From above, I would advise you to wear and be sure to bring a sweater with you, or even better -. If it gets cool, you can cover your girlfriend's shoulders and prove yourself a gentleman. From shoes, it is best to choose classic borg, monks or moccasins (you can read more about men's classic shoes). If you are going to walk a lot - white classic sneakers.

Date in a cafe / dinner in a regular restaurant

There are situations when it is convenient to arrange dates in a cafe or an ordinary, not “pretentious” restaurant. For example, after the end of the class, you can go with a classmate to the nearest cafe and have a cup of coffee with a piece of cake.

In this case, I recommend adding a little formality to the casual dress code and instead of a T-shirt and sweater, wear a casual shirt and a casual jacket / . If you do not have a jacket, you can replace with a V-neck. From shoes - classic men's shoes or good classic (not sports!) sneakers in white. It turns out practically, in which you can even go to a club with a girl.

Dinner at a good restaurant

If you have invited a girl to a good restaurant, and this is already a very serious date, then you should dress appropriately.

You must have at least one . It must be worn on dates where it is required to comply. In addition to the classic suit, there should be light colors. Putting on a suit, you should pick up classic shoes. In addition, accessories such as a tie can also be recommended.

  • Do not wear black or overly bright, provocative wardrobe items. You have a holiday - the first date, why wear mourning black? Bright colors, such as red or bright orange, will distract your interlocutor or even worse, annoy. Recommended colors: dark blue, beige, brown, white. I do not recommend: black, orange, bright green, red. Colors for the bold and self-confident: dark green, burgundy, dark purple.
  • Your clothes must be clean and tidy. . . Socks without holes.
  • For the first date, wear what you feel comfortable in. But this does not mean that you should come in sweatpants and a sports jacket.
  • Do not wear newly purchased clothes if you are not 100% sure of them. New shoes can rub. A new suit may not be tailored to your figure. A new shirt may come with a label that will rub against the neck or body. Why bother with these misunderstandings?

Personal care

An important detail that should never be neglected is self-care.

  • Rule number one - hair must be cut and properly washed. Nails must be trimmed. Read . If you have a beard, make sure it is neatly trimmed and styled. If you shave, you should shave without cuts. I recommend reading the article with tips. I hope you don't need to be reminded that before a date you need to take a shower?
  • Rule number two - choose a good one with a light scent. But do not overdo it with its quantity! There is nothing worse than a man who, at a distance of 5 meters, smells of caustic perfume.
  • Rule number three is fresh breath, but preferably without chewing gum.
  • Rule number four - put a regular cotton handkerchief in the back pocket of your trousers / pants or the inside pocket of your jacket. Believe me, sometimes a handkerchief offered to a girl in time works wonders.

In conclusion

Having analyzed a few tips and tricks, I think you have understood the general principles of how to dress for a date and not lose face. The main thing to remember is not what you wear, but how you wear it. If you have never worn a business classic suit, then you should not wear it on a date. I assure you, at first glance you can see whether a person wore trousers, a jacket, shoes or not. The first date is not a field for experimenting in clothes, so you should follow these tips for a man who is going to meet a lady.

I wish you luck on your date!