How to successfully dye your hair from black to blond (or light brown). Self-tested instructions. Safe ways to dye your hair from black to brown

Before you start choosing your desired shade of paint and imagining yourself with blonde hair, I must warn you that experiments of this kind are very rarely successful. All because the hair dyed in dark color, it is almost impossible to make light immediately.

You risk saying goodbye to a lot of hair while doing this procedure. Therefore, maybe you should not think about how to dye your hair from black to light brown at home?

We select the color

If you are sure that light colors are yours, it does not hurt to make sure of this. Load your front-facing photo into a special program on your computer and match your hairstyle, only changing the color to a lighter one. So you will approximately see how you will look like a blonde or light brown. You can also try on a couple of wigs to experience a different hair color on your head.

Maybe, light brown color hair goes you only in your fantasies, but in reality this color will make your appearance less interesting. In addition, blond hair requires more thorough and expensive care. If you are even more established in the desire to be light brown and certainly change the color of your hair yourself, then there are several ways to make it safer for your hair.

How to dye your hair from black to blond at home video

We do highlighting

You can go for a tricky step and just do highlighting. A few of these procedures - and your hair can be dyed in any color. Since you will not lighten all the hair at once, but in strands, it will not be so harmful to them. Highlighting at home is not so difficult to do, especially if a friend will help you.

To do this, you will need lightening paint, foil and special cap with holes through which you will get those strands that you want to color. After applying paint to them, each strand must be wrapped in foil and wait for the allotted time. Next time you will need to capture more strands, but it is advisable to do this no earlier than 3 weeks after painting.

So gradually you will turn from a dark-haired girl into a fair-haired girl, and then you can dye your hair light brown. Yes, this process is not fast, but the least harmful.

Waiting for hair to grow

The longest and most harmless way to turn into a fair-haired girl is to wait until your natural color. If you are naturally blond, then someday you will still have to return your color, as black shades visually add age to a woman.

Therefore, you can spend a year and a half to grow your color, gradually cutting off dyed hair and actively caring for the scalp, provoking increased hair growth.

Along the way, you need to take vitamins, use various tinctures to accelerate growth and make hair masks. If you do everything regularly, your hair will grow faster than usual and still look good. Then, usually, girls cut their dyed hair and make themselves a bob haircut to completely remove black strands. Thus, the hair grows further already in a natural color.

Doing a color wash at home

Finally, you can make your own color wash at home. To do this, you need to go to a store that sells hairdressing products. So you can buy a product that works like hair dye, only in reverse side: it frees the hair from the coloring pigment.

This procedure is recommended to be carried out in the salon, but if you are confident in your abilities, then try to do it yourself. The product must be distributed in the hair on right time and then rinse with water. It usually takes two of these procedures for the hair to go from black to blond.

However, you will most likely get uneven color with an unpleasant shade, so after three to four weeks you will also have to dye your hair in the desired color. In general, also not much useful procedure for hair.
We hope that we answered your question: "How to dye your hair from black to blond at home."

It's almost impossible, so if you care about your hair, it's better to go to the salon. So you spend less money for hair restoration after the procedure, because professionals will work with you.

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Do you dream of a radical change in the image, but are afraid to get an ugly result? Today we will tell you how hair coloring goes from dark to light, and also give a few important tips with which you can easily cope with the task.

Popular methods of reincarnation

To date, there are several ways by which you can dye your hair from a brunette to a blonde. Let's consider each of them.

Method 1. Lightening

If you decide to say goodbye to dark strands forever, try a gradual lightening procedure, the essence of which is to phased application on the hair of a special brightener (allows you to lighten up to 11 tones). This method is very hard, therefore it is not suitable for owners of thin and damaged hair. And the rest of the girls are also better off choosing the softest possible composition - it retains the structure and natural shine of the hair.

The procedure of gradual clarification takes a lot of time - from one to several months. You can't speed up the process! The fact is that misuse bleaching agents can greatly damage the condition of the hair and turn it into straw with split ends. To protect yourself from similar troubles, choose a clarifier based on the type of strands, their structure and shade.

Advice! If you are in doubt about your choice, seek the advice of a specialist. The procedure itself is also best done in the cabin. And one more thing - some ladies continue to lighten their hair with hydrogen peroxide, but this is absolutely impossible!

It should also be noted that there are compositions on sale with which you can radically change the image in just 2 sessions. However, such funds are incredibly aggressive - they will dry out and literally burn the strands. This option can only be used to lighten the tips (for example, for ombre). IN last resort, they can always be cut off.

Method 2. Highlighting

To recolor the strands from dark to light, you can highlight. This perfect way lightening hair - it passes gradually, does not harm the structure of the strands, and therefore can safely be called safe. After completing 2-3 sessions, you can apply any of the shades of blond.

Highlighting can be done as in professional salon, and at home - another important plus. To do this, you will need paint of the desired color, clarifier, brush, foil or a special hat with holes, a container for mixing the composition and a cape. If you wish, you can use a ready-made highlighting kit (they are often found in the Loreal line). And now main secret- during each subsequent procedure, try to capture as many dark strands as possible. This will gradually lighten the entire hair, and then toned it in the desired shade.

Important! Remember, the highlighting procedure can not be carried out more than once a month.

Method 3. Staining

Lightening dark hair can also be done using special paint. Such reincarnation should also be carried out in stages, using each time more light shade. To turn into a blonde, it is enough to spend about 5 sessions. You can do this procedure not only in the salon, but also with your own hands. For coloring, both persistent ammonia paints and gentle mousses are suitable.

Method 4. Washing or decapitation

Another popular way to transition from a dark shade to a light one is decapitation - special procedure during which artificial dye is washed out of the hair. True, voids form in its places, so the hair looks thin and weak. Correct these nuances can correct care with the help of regenerating and nourishing cosmetics.

The wash is very effective, since in one session you can lighten 3-4 shades at once. Then the strands can be painted with any blond paint - the paint will lie evenly and give a very stylish tone.

Important! The wash will be useless for henna, basma and other herbal ingredients. It remains only to wait until the strands grow back! It should also be noted that in some cases, along with the artificial pigment, the natural one is also washed off. As a result, the hair becomes lifeless and completely colorless.

Can I apply the cleanser on my own? Of course you can. You can use both industrial and home remedies - beer, vegetable oil, kefir, chamomile or laundry soap. They can be used as masks and conditioners. Here are just a few recipes.

Tips on how to decapitate dark hair color:

Recipe number 1. Chamomile

  1. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 150 grams of dried chamomile flowers.
  2. Leave covered for 2 hours.
  3. Filter.
  4. Add 60 grams of glycerin.
  5. Soak your hair with this composition.
  6. Build an insulating cap.
  7. Wait 2-3 hours and rinse the strands with warm running water.

Recipe number 2. Kefir

  1. Mix 1 liter fatty yogurt from 1 st. l. vegetable oil(olive, sunflower or burdock).
  2. Pour in 1 tbsp. l. salt.
  3. Mix well and apply to strands.
  4. Build an insulating cap.
  5. Wait about an hour.
  6. Wash your hair with shampoo.
  7. Repeat no more than 2 times a day for several months.

Recipe number 3. Soda

  1. Mix 10 tbsp. l. baking soda with 1 cup warm water.
  2. Mix well.
  3. Add 1 tsp. salt.
  4. Lubricate your hair with this gruel.
  5. Wait at least an hour.
  6. Wash off with running water.

Recipe number 4. Lemon juice

  1. Combine 2 eggs with 100 ml of fatty kefir.
  2. Add 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 1 tsp. shampoo and 4 tbsp. l. vodka.
  3. Mix well.
  4. Apply the composition along the entire length.
  5. Build an insulating cap.
  6. Leave on all night, and in the morning wash off with running water and shampoo.

Recipe number 5. Clay

  1. Mix 40 gr. pink clay with 200 ml of kefir. If the hair is dry, replace the clay with the same amount of yeast.
  2. Apply for 20 minutes.
  3. Wash off with water and shampoo.
  4. Repeat every day for a week.

Important! The composition of store washes includes a number of dangerous and aggressive substances that harm the strands and destroy the structure. That is why when using them, you must strictly follow the instructions. As for folk remedies, they have a longer effect. In this case, the clarification process takes from 1 to 1.5 months. But the hair after using them becomes stronger, smoother and silkier.

It's important to know!

Method 5. Hair growth

If you have iron patience and are not in a hurry, try to grow your natural color hair. Of course, this method only works on blond hair, once dyed with dark shade. And it is also the longest (takes a couple of years), but also the safest.

Advice! To speed up the process, regularly use simple home remedies (red pepper, black bread, sour cream, natural honey, etc.). They not only stimulate hair growth, but also significantly improve their condition. It will not be superfluous to drink a course of special vitamins and cut the colored ends once a month.

Method 6. Interesting painting

Owners of naturally dark hair are incredibly lucky - you can easily do very fashionable painting in which the roots are dark and the hair is light. It is called or regrown blond. This technique has many advantages, but the main thing is that it does not affect the roots and does not require regular visits to the salon. In addition, with its help, you run the risk of being branded as the most fashionable and beautiful.

For those who decide to turn from a brunette to a blonde, we advise you to take note of a few important tips.

Tip 1. Do not rush with the result - this is a huge stress for the health of the hair. The optimal number of procedures for painting in a light tone is no more than 5 sessions.

Tip 2. Stain, wash or lighten only with good masters.

Tip 3. Hair coloring should be carried out quality means from trusted manufacturers. When buying, which is best done in specialized stores, do not forget to check the expiration date. But cheap brands should be completely excluded. Believe me, after using them you will spend a lot more money to restore the hair structure.

Tip 4. Pay attention to the composition of your chosen dye. It is desirable that it includes hoods medicinal plants, natural oils, UV filters and others useful components. The percentage of oxidizing agent contained in the paint is also important - the higher it is, the more likely it is that you will get the desired shade.

Tip 5. Before dyeing dark hair with light-colored paint, it is necessary to carry out a bleaching procedure. Otherwise, the paint will either not be taken, or it will lie in ugly spots. For clarification, powdered, oily or creamy formulations are used. The last two contain special substances that enhance the effect of the oxidizing agent several times. But when using powder products, there is big risk burn the scalp.

Tip 6: Before using any cosmetic preparations an allergy test should be done. To do this, apply a large number of finished composition on the skin of the wrist or elbow, wait 15 minutes and check the result. If during this time there is a burning sensation, irritation or redness, discard this remedy.

Tip 7. Recoloring the hair in bright hues, be sure to buy shampoo, mask and balm for blonde hair. They contain special ingredients that protect the color from fading and washing out.

Tip 8. Do not forget to regularly stain growing roots (if the technology does not provide for the opposite effect).

Tip 9. To maintain the purity and brightness of the shade, periodically tint the strands with a silver or purple tonic.

Tip 10. When choosing a paint color, remember that it should be combined with your natural color type. The contrast between the hair and the shade of the eyes and skin looks just awful!

Important! After dyeing your hair from dark to light, take care of proper care behind the hair. Masks of industrial and home production will help you with this.

It is often insulting and annoying when I have done stupid things in Once again trying to change myself. In pursuit of beauty, we often forget to think, what then to do with the shade that we have chosen for the current moment?

Well, if the hair from the dark was repainted in some light color, in this case, you can correct the error only by choosing the closest tone and shade of hair dye.

But what if you impulsively decided to dye your hair more dark tones, and even worse, in pure black. Naturally, this situation is more difficult to change, since in this case even professionals use various bleaching agents or washes, and they can thoroughly spoil the condition of the hair.

Brown highlights for black hair

It is especially difficult to return brown or chestnut shades after the hair was dyed black. As a rule, hairdressers perform a two-stage procedure, the first stage of which is the washing off of the previous dye or bleaching of the hair, and the second stage is the application of brown or chestnut tones.

But both of these stages can severely damage the structure of the hair, which will immediately not only lose its luster, but also become more brittle, and begin to actively break off even when combed.

This is how the use of clarifiers at hairdressers usually looks like:

But do not be upset, as there are completely safe, albeit slow, ways to return to your loved ones. brown tones from cardinal black.

Homemade ways to return to brown tones

Choosing one or the other home method will depend mainly on the initial condition of the hair. If they were previously damaged, then the most gentle method should be chosen, which will not damage the hair even more. It should also be taken into account whether the hair was dyed with a permanent dye or a semi-permanent dye was used.

With a semi-permanent dye, it will achieve good result at home you can do it much faster.

One of the safest and simple ways removing black dye from hair is the use of special shampoos. To perform this procedure, you will need two types of shampoos - dandruff and cleansing.

The cleansing shampoo contains those ingredients that will easily help remove pigments from the hair. Shampoo designed to treat dandruff is essential for easy and mild discoloration hair. Both detergents will help to go 2-3 tones in several procedures.

How to dye black hair brown

Nevertheless, we recall that a high-quality output on desired tone without experience, it will not be easy to do at home, if you have never used washes and color correctors, we advise you not to take risks and study the application well and possible consequences this procedure.

First way this is the use of a special wash (it is also a color corrector). If you decide on such a procedure, study the clarifier and future paint yourself in advance, there are both 2 in one and separate options.

In one procedure, a transition to 3-4 tones or more is possible, the disadvantages have already been described above. Test the composition in advance, for example, on the wrist on allergic reactions if you suffer hypersensitivity. No redness? Then you can start the procedure.

So the second way : Moisten the hair, then apply a special cleansing shampoo to them, lather it well on the head. It is advisable to additionally wrap the hair with shampoo foam for a while in polyethylene to enhance the effect.

After 15 minutes, you can already wash off the foam that has absorbed the black paint with plenty of water. The transition to 1-2 tones is achieved in several procedures. Next, brown staining is performed.

Third way, is to use vitamin C or ascorbic acid in powder or tablet form. In addition, you will need a shower cap, a towel, a comb and your favorite shampoo.
If vitamins are in tablets, then they must first be crushed, then mixed with shampoo, whipped into foam. As soon as the mass begins to resemble a paste, it must be applied to moistened hair under a cap, then it is advisable to comb the curls with a comb with sparse teeth.

Paste with vitamin C on the hair should be left for at least 1 hour to act, and after the allotted time, you just need to wash it off and rinse your hair in the usual way. If necessary, the procedure with the use of shampoo and vitamin C can be repeated until the desired result is achieved.

Fourth way: Natural analogues such as kefir and beer are the safest way and do not cause harm, however, the time spent on the transition to 2-3 tones can reach 3-4 weeks and require 3 procedures per week.

Girls love to change and surprise their surroundings. New wardrobe, makeup, hairstyle - sometimes this seems not enough, and the girl decides to radically change her hair color. Repainting from light to dark is not difficult, but what do you want if you want to lighten up and turn from a brunette into a blonde?

It is important to know

If a girl wants to figure out how to dye her hair from dark to light, she needs to understand that this cannot happen all at once. Clarification is a rather complicated and time-consuming procedure. You can, of course, try to repaint quickly, but it is worth considering that this will be a huge stress for the hair. In addition, after such acts, you can put your hair in order for a long time, trying to cure damaged strands. The average number of procedures for repainting in a lighter shade is 3-5. The process itself is better to entrust to a good hairdresser than to carry out all the actions at home.


If a girl is looking for a way to dye her hair from dark to light, she needs to know that today there are two main procedures: highlighting and recoloring. Each of them has its own advantages, and may or may not be suitable for a particular person.


The first method on how to dye your hair from dark to light, used by qualified hairdressers, is step-by-step highlighting. This method is considered quite tough, for girls with brittle and thin hair it is absolutely not recommended. Its essence lies in the fact that in a couple of stages for about several months (a gentle option), the girl will apply a brightener to her hair, after which the hairstyle will be painted over in the desired color. Using similar method it is better to take various kinds of sparing products, only in this way it will be possible to maintain the shine and health of the hair. If the young lady wants to do the procedure at home and is looking for how to lighten her hair on her head, you need to know that it is better to use only modern cosmetics. It is not worth using as our grandmothers did - this way you can irrevocably ruin your hair.


If a girl wants to repaint in a color of a lighter shade, she can be recommended a gradual repainting. The essence of the procedure is that each subsequent time the client will be painted in a lighter shade until she gets to the desired color. On average, about 5 sessions are needed for such a procedure. The advantage of this method is that, unlike highlighting, it can be done independently, at home, especially since today there is an excellent, easy-to-use hair dye - mousse.

If a girl with sick, brittle or dry hair is looking for a way to dye her hair from dark to light, the only thing that can advise her good specialist- wait until the hair grows back on its own. Alternatively, you can try to cut your hair by trying on short haircuts.

If you decide to simply return to your color, professionals can recommend you use modern paint removers that perfectly wash off artificial dye pigments. The disadvantage of this method is that sometimes natural pigments can also be washed off, making individual strands of hair colorless and lifeless. The advantage of this method is the possibility of independent use of such tools at home.

Periodically, every woman has desire change. And in most cases they start with cardinal change hair colors. It is much easier for a blonde to dye her hair brown or brunette. But if a brunette decides to go light brown or blonde, it will take a long time. Exactly getting out of black is a rather difficult task. First of all, you need to take care of the integrity of the structure and health of the hair.

What color to repaint from black - the choice of shade

If black hair was the result of a previous dyeing, there are no particular problems with choosing a color. Each girl knows her own light type, so she knows which shades suit her best. Natural brunettes need to be more careful when choosing a new hair color, while always taking into account skin tone and eye color. You can recolor black eyebrows, but the rest of the natural data cannot be changed.

Brunettes can choose the following shades:

  1. Graphite- this shade is very beautiful, interesting and original, while it never goes out of fashion. However, this color is very insidious and not suitable for all girls. The fact is that he makes the girl older, differs from black by only one tone. But it gives the hair lightness, and the image becomes softer. Not by herself best idea will independently repaint in this shade. In most cases, it turns out to be dirty gray, so it is better to trust an experienced craftsman.
  2. Brown and its various shades- this is the most the best option. Coloring for brunettes will be safe and will not cause serious harm to the health of the hair. The difference from black can be one, three or four tones. Owners of black, gray or blue eyes And fair skin, it is better to opt for mocha, dark brown or coffee. brown-eyed and green-eyed girls perfect fit various shades with a light redhead - for example, cinnamon, chestnut, milk chocolate.
  3. Ginger the color is very easy to get as a result of lightening natural black hair. The shade depends on the amount of natural pigment and its composition - from yellowish to saturated red. For brunettes with blue, brown and green eyes, this color will suit just perfect. In addition, it looks very interesting in modern styles staining - shatuzh, balayage or ombre. But in this case the base black tint will need to be pre-lightened so as not to create a very sharp contrast.
  4. Fair-haired. Natural brunettes simply cannot achieve its cold shades, which is explained by the peculiarity of the hair. Even under the condition of performing a strong discoloration, it remains not the most attractive yellow tint. Using a tonic will help neutralize it, but only for a while. After about 3-4 shampoos, it will completely wash off and reappear yellow tone. To mask the ugly yellowness, it is best to opt for wheat, caramel or golden hues.
  5. blond is an extreme option for brunettes. Experienced craftsmen do not advise resorting to such fundamental changes. First of all, there is a risk of being left completely without hair, because you need to lighten the strands by 7-8 tones. In addition, after a while, brunettes begin to feel very insecure with blond hair and again dye themselves dark. But damaged hair simply cannot be restored to its former health, and the paint will not last too long.

The dyeing technology directly depends on the initial hair color and the shade that should be obtained as a result.

How to dye your hair from black - ways to dye your hair from a brunette

It is worth preparing for what you will get quickly desired result it just won’t work, especially if the dark hair color is not natural and was obtained as a result of dyeing. In this case, hair lightening is required, the degree of which is determined taking into account desired shade. To achieve a chestnut or chocolate color, black is lightened by 2-3 tones, to get red - by 4-5 tones, for light brown - by 6-7 tones, and for blond - by 8-9 tones. Only a professional hairdresser should choose a repainting method.


Decaping or washing is considered one of the gentle methods of lightening hair. In this case, a not highly concentrated oxidizing agent with a minimum percentage of acid is used. As a result, the scales of the hair shafts open slightly, the pigment is partially neutralized. If the pigment is natural, it will not be possible to completely neutralize it - the hair structure becomes very sparse and too susceptible to staining, therefore, the tone of the hair changes.

The washing method is recommended to be used if the black hair color is not natural. Conduct this procedure should only experienced master, despite the fact that on sale you can find funds for home decapitation.

The washing procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • hair is cleaned with a special shampoo, which not only removes impurities, but also slightly opens keratin scales;
  • the strands are slightly dried so that they are not wet, but remain moist;
  • V the right proportions the reducing agent and catalyst are mixed;
  • the composition is applied to the strands and left for the time specified in the instructions;
  • At the end of the procedure, the hair is thoroughly washed with water.


Only the bleaching procedure allows you to completely get rid of the black color. To date, a fairly large number of bleaching agents are presented. Professional masters, as a rule, use powders, as they not only quickly destroy the pigment, but also penetrate into the hair structure. The bleaching process takes approximately 20-30 minutes. It is quite difficult to use powders, since only an experienced master can get a beautiful and uniform tone.

You can use a cream mask at home. This tool has a milder effect. Cream masks are very convenient to use on their own at home, as they can be easily and evenly distributed throughout the hair.

With the help of professional creams, you can lighten strands by 6-8 tones, but this process is best broken down into several stages. Between each hair lightening there should be a break of at least two weeks, so as not to completely ruin the strands.

Folk remedies

Safely lighten hair by several tones will allow the use of folk remedies. In addition, after such masks, the hair becomes stronger and healthier, acquire an interesting shade.

For clarification dark strands for several tones, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Kefir mixed with sea ​​salt and the composition is applied to the curls. After 30 minutes, you need to wash the strands warm water. This procedure must be carried out twice a day until the desired shade is obtained.
  2. Lemon juice is applied to the hair and left for 60 minutes. Also lemon juice can be used while rinsing the strands after each shampoo. Such procedures should be carried out every day.
  3. In 1 glass of warm water you need to dissolve 10 tbsp. l. baking soda. The resulting composition is applied to the hair and left for an hour. Use this remedy need regularly until the desired shade is obtained.


After the base has been created, you can proceed to the next stage - the staining procedure. When choosing a paint, you should definitely take into account the fact that on bleached hair the color will turn out to be more saturated and bright, since natural pigment no longer mutes it. That is why you need to choose a paint tone lighter than the color that you would like to get.

To dye black hair in a chocolate tone, it will be enough to use ammonia-free paint or a high-quality tonic. These funds have a milder effect. When choosing brown shade it will be possible not to tint the growing roots too often and it will be possible to completely mask the gray hair.

For redheads and fair-haired shades best to take resistant paints, otherwise new color will wash out very quickly. Before proceeding directly to the staining procedure, you should heed the advice of professional masters:

  1. It is better to abandon monochrome staining, since overgrown hairs will be noticeable in a few weeks. dark roots. The ideal option there will be coloring, highlighting, gradient techniques(balayage, ombre, etc.).
  2. The end result directly depends on how evenly the strands are dyed.
  3. Study self-coloring long and thick hair very inconvenient, so in this case it is best to seek help from an experienced master.
  4. During the application of paint dirty hair they are much less damaged.
  5. There should be no styling products on the hair before dyeing.
  6. It is impossible to exceed the exposure time of the paint longer than indicated in the instructions, since the color will not become brighter from this, but there is a risk of severely spoiling the strands.
  7. If the hair has been lightened by more than 4 tones, it is recommended to add to the mask natural oil(no more than 0.5 tsp) - for example, castor, burdock, olive. This will help soften the effect of paint on the strands.

After lightening and re-coloring dark hair, they need extra care. It is recommended to use high quality professional shampoos and balms designed for colored strands. These products allow you to maintain color intensity longer and significantly improve general state strands.

You have to be very careful when using home remedies. If the mask is oil based, it perfectly moisturizes and softens the strands, but provokes a rapid washing out of the pigment. Can be used once every 2-3 weeks good tonic, due to which the hair color becomes more saturated and bright, growing roots and gray hair are painted over. It is recommended to minimize the use of hot curling irons and flat irons to protect the hair from the damaging effects of high temperatures.

How to lighten black hair: