What color is platinum. Platinum blonde: will it suit you. Dark shades of blonde: light brown

The old perception of this now fashionable trend is no longer relevant. If earlier girls tried their best to give their hair a less “mousey” look, using dyes with a golden sheen, now dyeing in gray is literally a tribute to fashion. What caused the hype around this color, how does it attract the eyes of many beauties, and why is gray hair not only for older ladies? Let's figure it out.

A la naturel

Many people are convinced that there are only a few natural colors - these are brown, light brown, blond, red and black. But in practice, ashy shades are also distinguished. You probably could see them on regrown roots after dyeing or on young people who do not want to dye their hair. Usually, in blond children, with age, the strands darken and become more ashy.

In the winter season, without exposure to direct sunlight, it is possible to preserve the natural dark gray color. And in summer time easily lose it, because it will simply burn out in the sun and acquire a brownish tone.

Popular colors include:

  • Probably the most popular among people who follow fashion has become graphite. It has a dark metallic sheen, reminiscent of an ordinary pencil lead. The palette is quite diverse - from bright gray to wet asphalt. Expect a good result only in a beauty salon, where the master will add a silvery sheen to plain strands.
  • has become the choice of white-haired ladies, because it gives effect to the image and perfectly removes yellowness. It is distinguished by a silvery or ashy sheen and the ability to give the beauty wearing it a noble look.
  • one of the most common even among famous people due to the fact that it looks very naturalistic on both fair-haired and blond curls. There are various variations - you can color your curls the classic way or do it in 3D (using three shades). To create volumetric effect blond, ash and light brown undertone are needed.

  • is similar to an ordinary light blond. He is a chameleon - during the day you will see on your strands light tone and dark in the evening. To achieve this result, you will have to resort to multi-level coloring, which includes both silver blond and light brown tones.
  • Intense gray looks like gray hair. But it differs in its uniformity and excellent ebb, as well as the absence of dark zones. Its advantage is its aristocratic appearance. For correct staining it is necessary to evenly distribute the coloring pigment and create multi-level reflux.
  • Grey-blond nature gives hair to many girls. If you want to diversify this range a little, add ash-gray notes.
  • dark gray gamma fits perfectly on the base of the usual fair hair. This is just a classic, which can be slightly transformed at your discretion by adding light notes. You simply have to try this tone on yourself, because it suits absolutely everyone.

  • Grey-blue the palette is achieved by adding a blue mixton to the coloring agent. Thanks to this, the strands will have White background with a bluish undertone. Only the most daring beauties, striving to look as unusual as possible, decide on such experiments.
  • For purple gray strands will need a lilac mixton. At the exit, you will become the owner of a beautiful pearl pink color. But be careful, if you add too much color pigment, your strands will turn purple.

How to paint in "mouse"?

So, you have finally come to the conclusion that you simply need such a painting, but do not know where to start. Let's start looking into this issue.

You can immediately begin to fulfill your dream if you are naturally blonde blonde or have a small percentage of gray hair. Having a dark pigment, be prepared for the fact that you will have to repeatedly carry out the clarification procedure. Unfortunately, sometimes a yellow or green tone may appear on bleached strands, which will not be so easy to get rid of.

The whole palette of gray is truly diverse, every fashionista can find something of her own. Each color type is played out in its own way, with the help of additional accent highlights. First, study the numbering of paint tones - for example, golden chestnut is at number 4.0, and light ash starts at 8.12. This is really a very important point, because only knowing the number you need, the master will be able to find profitable combinations for it.

When starting to work with your braids, the specialist must take into account the structure of your strands and the original color. This will help achieve a uniform texture and purity of shade.

Advice!If your curls are damaged by previous dyes or millet is devoid of banal care, you should not dye them. You should bring your mop in best view, and only after that go to the hairdressers.

  1. The very first step towards achieving your desire will be bleaching. Gray is an unnatural undertone that requires special attention and care. After clarification, the selected color will lie in the best way.
  2. Do not expect to find gray curls after the first session. This is a painstaking process that can even take several weeks. But the time and effort spent will clearly be worth the ideal result. Move approximately in this direction - lightening to light blond, then to platinum blond.
  3. After bleaching comes the stage of toning. The best choice would be semi-permanent dyes. Don't forget to pay attention to his number.
  4. If you want to have an ashy braid for a short time, you can try tint balms that do not last long. So you can understand whether you are ready to find such a range for yourself or not. Tinted shampoos will also help you in case of maintaining color after permanent staining.


Have you decided to act alone, without resorting to the services of specialists? Then ahead of you is a difficult path to achieve the ideal and desired color on your own.

As mentioned above, initially you need a clarifying mixture. Use only professional dyes sold in branded stores (Schwarzkopf, for example). Having chosen the paint, follow the instructions left inside the box, keeping the composition on the head within the time indicated there.

To avoid the appearance of yellowness, take a closer look at the dyes of the platinum series. Coloring products from Wellaton are perfect (" Ash blonde"") or L'Oreal ("Light blond ash").

Do not be discouraged if the gamma you require does not work out. For example, an unpleasant situation may arise - a manifestation of a greenish tint if the ingredients were not mixed correctly or their dosage was violated. But you can fix everything at any time by repainting back to your natural color or by going to a beauty salon.

The choice of tint

If you have ever repainted your curls yourself, then, for sure, when choosing a paint, you faced the problem of choosing its number. Let's figure out how to determine the result we get from the numbers on the box.

  • So, let's pay attention to the first digit - this is the color depth. Dark gray - numbers 7 and 8 (light brown), light gray - numbers 9, 10 and 11 (blond).
  • The value of the second digit after the fraction is the main color note. We only need one (i.e. 10/1, 11.1).
  • And the third digit indicates an additional tone. You need clean ash - select the number 1 at the end of the number, natural gray-beige - 3 (gold), pinkish - 6th row (purple).

The nuances of staining

Many fashionistas are eager to create such beauty on themselves and become gray-haired. But sometimes they forget to comply simple rules helping to achieve the desired result.

  • Do not experiment with appearance on your own. Only a professional can give you a beautiful steel nuance that you will enjoy every day. With self-painting, in the end you will probably get a dull result.

  • Use more than one paint, but combine ash pigments with each other, which is also only possible for a master.
  • The composition of the dye can vary greatly. This is necessary to obtain the output of hair best quality and attractive colors. Therefore, try to trust such a responsible matter only to a specialist so that he evenly stains your hair, this is especially important at the stage of clarification.

And having freckles or acne, it is advisable to choose a different image for yourself so as not to attract extra looks at problem skin.

If you don't really like the usual gray strands, then try spice up your style with highlights or ombre. After adding bright highlights to your hairstyle, you will visually look a little younger.


As we remember, to get a grayish scale, clarification is required. This procedure is usually not painless. Therefore, it is in your own interest to provide the maximum possible care for their curls after painting.

What to use to keep your hair in good condition?

Organic firming and revitalizing balms and masks that can moisturize and saturate necessary components our hair follicles.

What to do if a gray-blue tide appears?

You can use various tinted shampoos that can give your braids beautiful shade. Also, do not forget about timely toning.

Folk remedies

your first and indispensable assistants will become natural remedies, recipes for which are known to all women of the older generation.
For example, one of the "grandmother's recipes" is a mask from egg yolk. You just need to mix the yolk with two spoons cold water and use this mixture in place of your shampoo. Do not worry that the yolk will curl up and tangle the hairs, thanks to cool water this will not happen.

If you need a rinse aid, take a lemon water solution. For an average length, one liter of water with a teaspoon of vinegar is needed. Be sure to rinse your hair thoroughly to get rid of strong odor. This tool will serve to restore the shine to your hair.

Also, as a rinse, try infusions of nettle or yarrow.
To avoid active hair loss, you will need to make castor oil masks or apply red pepper tincture to the roots. This is great for stimulating growth. hair follicle, so you will soon forget about this problem.

A few more nuances in the end:

  • Trim your ends every three months.
  • Do not use a hair dryer or curling iron.
  • Do not resort to monthly coloring. If you understand that the quality of your hair leaves much to be desired, ask the master to “stretch the color” using the ombre or balayage technique. There will be no need to tint the roots, so with the help of various oils and balms you will put your hair in order.

Choosing such a color scheme for your curls, you definitely have to be ready for some serious work. But isn't it worth a little effort to achieve your goal? I hope you have been inspired and made the decision to change your style. Good luck in all your endeavors, especially in the fashion field!

Fashion is constantly changing. And not so long ago, such a hair color as platinum blond has become extremely popular. This shade cannot but catch the eye. It attracts attention and looks very unusual. Wanting to stand out, the girls are painted in this color. But not everyone takes into account that such a change of image is very specific, and its result is not always as effective as we would like.

Who suits platinum blonde?

It is very important to understand that not everyone can be platinum blondes:

  1. This cold shade, so it looks best on the owners of the Nordic appearance. That is, the color suits the fair sex with pale skin. On swarthy ladies, as practice shows, platinum blond looks vulgar, and in general the image turns out to be quite cheap.
  2. Eye color matters. Bleached hair looks much better when combined with blue eyes. Platinum is also suitable for square and green-eyed girls, but it will look a little less impressive.
  3. Natural brunettes have a hard time changing their image. Even the most experienced professionals will not give a guarantee when dyeing - a dark color can show through from under the paint, as a result of which the hair will take on an unpleasant yellow tint. And it is impossible to get rid of the latter even with the help of special means.

Platinum blonde is a hair color that requires some effort from its owner. For painting, it is desirable to select clothes of special colors - cold, preferably. It is not recommended to wear conspicuous jewelry. Discreet accessories from white gold or silver.

What you need to know before dyeing platinum blonde?

Before you paint in platinum, you need to understand a few things for yourself. important nuances. The most important thing is that such coloring is a serious blow to the health of the hair. During the procedure, the hair is burned from the inside, which affects their structure. Even the thickest mop after staining will become sparse and lifeless. In addition, you will regularly have to repaint the roots.

To prevent super-lightening platinum blonde from causing hair loss, you will have to make masks regularly. Moreover, conventional care products will not work. Blondes will need to change their arsenal of hair cosmetics completely. And you need to be prepared for the fact that most of the necessary funds are in a fairly expensive price category.

After a platinum blond, you can not use some folk remedies. On the banned list:

  • nettle;
  • basma.

But ordinary kefir and lemon juice can be very useful. They are recommended to be added to the composition of brightening and strengthening hair masks.

How to get platinum blonde?

Today, the desired shade can be found in the palettes of almost all hair colors. The best are:

  • Londa Professional;
  • Garnier Color Naturals;
  • Estel;
  • Wella Koleston Perfect;
  • Palette;
  • Schwarzkopf Color Mask;
  • L'Oreal Preference;
  • Syoss.

It is best to entrust your head to a professional. It is quite difficult to successfully dye your hair in a platinum blonde on your own.

So that the procedure does not become a shock for the hair, it is necessary to properly prepare for it and correctly carry out:

  1. In a couple of days, start using the oil. Apply it all over your hair and leave overnight. Wash your hair in the morning.
  2. First, the paint is applied to the tips, then it is distributed over the curl. And only after a quarter of an hour the roots are stained.
  3. Be sure to carefully paint over the back of the head.
  4. After painting should be done.

Many men are simply crazy about blondes. Women with beautiful blond hair are always eye-catching because their hair has a rare and bright color. It is absolutely not worth being surprised that a woman who wants change wants to become a blonde. Beautiful colour blonde hair will help reveal femininity and demonstrate to others your attractiveness. The main thing is to choose the right shade among the presented palette of coloring pigments.

Color Features

Color blond fell in love with many beauties. It allows curls to open up during sunny overflows, makes the image of the owner bright and stylish.

Advantages of dyeing in light colors:

  • you become 5-10 years younger, because the blond draws attention to itself, distracting from wrinkles and sagging facial skin;
  • you can vary your image due to different shades: “cold” blond will make you self-confident, “warm” undertones will reveal your femininity, and peach, lilac or caramel notes will emphasize the extravagance of the image;
  • each manufacturer offers a wide palette of blond shades, so you can easily find your option;
  • bronding perfectly masks the gray hair, which is just starting to break through;
  • by stretching the color, an increase in volume is created and your hairstyle looks much fuller.

Among the disadvantages of staining in a blonde, one can single out the aggressive effect of oxidizing agents on the structure of curls. Oxides remove their own pigment, making the hair lifeless and devoid of moisture. If you do not carry out rehabilitation, then soon the curls will become lifeless and cut like straw.

Who suits

Each shade of blond is advisable to use for girls of different color types. For example, for Summer and Autumn women who have peach, olive or tanned skin and bright expressive blue, brown or green eyes, the following options are suitable:

  • mocha;

Fair-haired beauties with green or blue eyes and porcelain skin hairdressing experts recommend giving preference to the following tones:

  • creamy;
  • cold beige;
  • pastel strawberry.

Be careful in choosing a shade, as an unsuccessfully chosen option can make your look faded, nondescript, or unbalance your everyday look.

There are also universal colors that suit all color types. Eg, golden blonde in the world of beauty beauty, it is recognized as an expensive and luxurious shade that can decorate the face of any beauty.

Important point! If you dye curls in cold shades of blond on your own, then be sure to use a purple toner, whose task is to bring out yellowness. A level 30-40 toner will work for you. Washing off the product is carried out with plain water, acidified with vinegar.

Women who prefer cold beige flowers(ashy, pearl), they note that it is not possible to predict how the pigment will fall on the curls. In this case, it all depends on the chosen dye, the original hair color, hormonal background and overall health of the hair. That is why it is recommended to dye one strand to test the selected dye.

Popular shades

There are different variations of blonde color. Some shades, reminiscent of the curls of a Barbie doll, are outdated. Others, on the contrary, are welcome in the modern world of beauty. It is important to choose such a tone so that it harmonizes as much as possible with the color of the skin and eyes.

Cold blonde

Nordic blonde is the trend of this season. Curls are painted in this color famous models and celebrities. But it doesn't suit everyone. For example, if a woman has dark skin, freckles, dark eye color and decides to dye her curls ashen or pearl, she risks losing her attractiveness.

Cold blond will do girls with light eyes and pale porcelain or pinkish skin. But brown-eyed beauties do not need to immediately discard this painting option. If they have a muted dark brown iris without golden blotches, then you can completely experiment.

dark blonde

Perfectly harmonizes with gray eyes and olive skin. Recommended for use by brown-haired women and brunettes who want to transform into a blonde. A truly noble color that adds a bright shimmer to the hair. Dark blonde is obtained by mixing light blonde with light brown or brown.

Warm blonde

Warm blonde is represented by caramel, honey, mustard and golden hues. This pigment variant suitable for owners peach, olive or dark skin. It is desirable that the girl's natural hair color gives a red or golden sheen in the sun, and her eyes are pronounced blue, green or amber.

A bright representative of the "warm" blonde is the popular Hollywood actress Jennifer Aniston. Her emerald eyes and tanned skin are in perfect harmony with the golden blond. The actress has not changed this color for ten years. This is not surprising, because the coloring gives the impression that a sunbeam has penetrated her curls, illuminating her hair with a beautiful warm color.


We would recommend this color option to girls who are planning to gradually move from a darker color to a blonde. He suitable for owners of dark skin, green, brown or gray eyes. Who knows, maybe after dyeing you absolutely do not want to become a blondie, giving preference to “sweet caramel” in the next dyeing.


The color harmonizes well with fair skin and bright eyes of any color. It is desirable that the eyebrows of girls who want to wear this particular tone should be wide and with a clear line. Women of the Winter and Summer color types are not recommended to use wheat color, because they risk looking faded and inconspicuous.


It is a symbiosis of blonde with a delicate reddish haze. He will help the girls to reveal the real coquette in themselves. Muted strawberry blonde most Suitable for those with pink skin. Experimenting with this color will make your bow stylish and extravagant.


It's quite warm, very light color, which does not have pronounced golden, sandy or other impurities. It looks most beautiful on girls with green or blue eyes.


Sandy blonde is formed on the basis of two shades: cold and golden. Stylists advise to carry out coloring in warm undertones in winter, and in summer to create “cold” images, drawing the attention of others to their appearance in the hot season.

For owners dark eyes it is advisable to choose darker shades, for example, wet sand, but for blue-eyed and green-eyed beauties, we would recommend experimenting with golden notes.


A pure beige tone in the palette of manufacturers of coloring pigments is very rare, because even in nature it is difficult to meet a girl with natural beige curls. As a rule, this tone is complemented by sand notes.

This option fits perfectly on dark blond and reddish hair. Women who choose light beige often face the problem of the presence of a yellow tint. The way out of the situation is to use a tonic or add a little pearlescent color corrector during staining.


It is a symbiosis of light with gray, brown or other dark shades. Suitable for bright women, skin that will radiate a slight shimmer during exposure to the sun. In no case do not use this option if you belong to the Winter or Spring color type.


Mocha is considered a stylish coffee shade, which seems to have been poured with a little milk. After painting on your curls is formed soft color without a hint of redhead or hibiscus. Suitable for both fair-haired and dark-haired beauties. You can choose dark or light mocha. Different color variations are exclusively for everyone, whether you have delicate porcelain or dark tanned skin.


Suitable for girls with the Summer or Autumn color type. It will perfectly complement tanned face, bringing a touch of extravagance to the image. This color is preferred young girls who are prone to experimenting with their hair.


Luxurious tone that suits many. Even true blondes can experiment a little with their usual color, creating a hairstyle using the technique of balayage, majimesh, Californian or Venetian highlights with golden notes. Dynamism and volume due to such painting is provided.


It is a shade of cold color. Hair acquires a light pearly sheen with blue, somewhat reminiscent of luxurious gray hair. To date, the color is at the peak of popularity. Curls are dyed in it not only by women in years, but also by young beauties who want to stand out against the background of the "bored" creamy blond.


Arctic blond suits fragile and sophisticated natures. It is represented by an ash or platinum shade. To make it as comfortable as possible to wear cold-colored hair, required bright skin and the same eyes. Pale white will make you snow queen but with a passionate and warm heart.


It is a universal color because Suitable for both cold and warm color types. Any iris of the eyes: brown, green, blue, amber and any skin color can harmonize well with this shade.


One of the most popular shades of the outgoing season. Muted vanilla requires regular touch-ups, so choosing this color, you will have to visit the hairdresser almost every month.

If you do not know whether to choose a warm or cold shade, conduct a rapid test. Stand near a mirror in a lighted room and select a section of hair. If it reflects a golden, red, red or brown hue, you will be fine. warm colors. And, on the contrary, silvery, ashy, gray and other notes indicate that it is more expedient to color curls in cold colors.

Coloring at home

IN Lately dyeing is popular when the hair roots are several shades darker than the base color, distributed along the length of the curls. This coloring option will make your bow more natural and slightly careless. It will suit both feminine ladies and kitsch girls.

Besides, the best option during staining is considered to be color stretching, when each curl smoothly flows from a darker tone to a lighter one. Can be performed in various patented techniques that are known to us under various titles: balayage, ombre, shatush, Venetian highlights. But the essence of this does not change.

Technique for dyeing in blond "stretching color":

  1. Choose from multiple paint options. In this case, the tones should not deviate from each other by 2 positions. It is best to purchase a brightener and color corrector.
  2. Prepare the dye according to the instructions.
  3. Carefully comb the curls and divide the hair into zones. You should always start from the back of the head, because it is there that the pigment on the curls is activated the longest.
  4. It is desirable to comb each selected strand. The lightest color is applied to its bottom, starting approximately from the line of the shoulders or ears, depending on the length of the hair. If desired, you can wrap this area with foil, which will allow the color to appear more vividly.
  5. A darker tone is applied just above the colored area, shading it from top to bottom (from the roots to another colored area). If you have a fairly light natural color, do not get close to the scalp, but rather step back a few centimeters.
  6. In a similar way, I comb and paint over the rest of the hair, completing the procedure at the temples.
  7. Wait for the time specified by the manufacturer.
  8. The paint is washed off and restorative therapy takes place - conditioner balm, hair mask, vitamin cocktails.
  9. If necessary, get rid of yellowness, use a tinting agent with an anti-yellow pigment. It is advisable for them to wash their hair the next day after dyeing.

Council of Experts. If you want to do a full color from roots to ends, simply apply most of the prepared dye to the roots, and then comb the curls to distribute the pigment along the entire length. They always start from the back of the head, moving towards the temples.

And now let's look at the manufacturers of cosmetics that our women fell in love with. You can easily find many of the colors in the nearest cosmetics store.

Ready-made booking solutions:

  1. Estelle paint. A budget option of domestic production, which offers a varied palette of colors from platinum to purple-ash blond. Tube capacity - 60 ml. There is a nuance effect immediately for 4 tones. The pigment is mixed with ESSEX oxygen (3–12%) in a ratio of 1:2.
  2. SPACOLOR. This cream paint has a low ammonia content. The creamy texture completely covers the curl, brightening it by 3 tones. For coloring with clarification, determine the oxidizing agent you need and mix the paint with it in a ratio of 2: 1 (that is, take 2 times more oxidizing agent). Among the rich palette you can pick up creamy, golden, caramel, ash and platinum shades. For dark-haired beauties, there is an option - dark blond.
  3. Eugene Perma. French-made paint makes it possible to lighten curls by 3-4 tones. The blond color here is represented by golden, ash, platinum and creamy undertones. Ideal for any chosen staining technique.
  4. Herbatint. Ammonia-free dye, which, according to women, is above all praise. Of course, you have to pay for such pleasure. Price natural dye is 17 dollars. Present various options blonde, but to preserve the structure of your curls, we would recommend choosing natural or golden.
  5. Matrix. Invites women to dye their hair in mocha, natural, golden blonde, ash-pearl blonde, ultra blonde and light color with reflective particles (ha-lift). Among the new shades of Matrix, a noble pearl blond appeared.
  6. Wella Color. All colors above 25" are blonde. You will find bright, intense, light and even dark blonde. For girls who prefer natural shades, we would recommend the Touch Sunlights series dye, which will give curls an unsurpassed sunshine.
  7. Londa. A well-known manufacturer offers various color options to create "blonde" hair. In the colorogram you will find pure white, natural or golden blond, pearl ash and many other shades.
  8. LK ANTI AGE. The coloring composition is most comfortable for weakened hair, devoid of keratin. There is an ash, natural, golden, beige blond, as well as shades of sesame and light purple. The pigment you have chosen should be combined with the oxygen in a 1:1 ratio.
  9. Revlon Color&Silk. The product will please you with good application and many variations of the blond color. In addition to standard shades, you will find dark blond, champagne blond, ultra-light blond and even strawberry. Pro-vitamin B5, which is part of the pigment, helps to restore curls that are exposed after exposure to chemicals.
  10. Kapous Professional l. After staining with a similar composition, the effect of lamination is achieved by feeding the curls with a whole complex of vitamins. For blondes, the eminent manufacturer has released a whole line of "Special Blonde" with a pearly sheen.
  11. Intense Color Palette. Offers among standard options coloring, choose a powdery blond that will give your hair a pleasant warm shade. Although it is quite difficult to find this paint color in cosmetics stores, you should definitely try this novelty. Among the disadvantages of Palet pigment, one can single out the aggressive composition of the dye. In addition, the result obtained does not always correspond to that stated on the package.
  12. Loreal. Cosmetics are quite in demand, because they are a budget option for a persistent dye. Among the palette for blondes you will find mother-of-pearl blonde, mystical blonde with a touch of pearls, ultra blonde with ashy veil and golden shades.
  13. Paint Garnier. A requested product, since it practically does not injure curls and does not require additional restoration after staining. Cosmetics are enriched with natural oils, which take care of curls already in the process of painting. Among interesting options there is creamy blond and just creamy, pearl gold, golden topaz, sandy beach and ultrablonde pure diamond.

When choosing a color, follow the "4 tones" rule. It says: if you dark hair, you can lighten them by a maximum of 4 shades. For example, owners brown hair it is recommended to pay attention to the color of caramel, walnut or honey. Fair-haired girls can experiment with mocha, beige.

Coloring in the salon

Booking is a very requested service, because many women want to look stylish, feminine and charming. The cost of ordinary painting in blond costs about 2–2.5 thousand rubles. If you want to resort to modern coloring techniques (shatush, ombre, balayage, mazhimesh, majicontrast, etc.), you will have to pay about 4-5 thousand rubles, because creating a stylish hairstyle is quite painstaking work that takes the master several hours .

The cost of the service is affected by:

  • salon prestige;
  • the length of your curls;
  • the need for restorative therapy;
  • the chosen staining technique;
  • used correctors and oxidizing agents;
  • the need to wash off the previous color.

Cold and attractive blonde Kim Kardashian

When stained in some blond colors, for example, strawberry, peach, caramel and others, the main color is washed out over time, and an unpleasant yellowness remains on the curls. In the salons, they offer toning once a month to maintain the beauty of the color. Express toning involves applying to curls special means With desired shade only 5-7 minutes. Such rehabilitation, unlike the booking itself, is practically harmless.

Care for bleached hair

Of course, in most cases, women have to significantly lighten their curls in order to achieve the long-awaited white color. Of course, when exposed to clarifiers, as well as permanent dyes curls are amenable to significant shaking.

Important point! If they are not properly restored in time, then from a luxurious blonde in a few weeks you can turn into a woman with protruding, split and burned hair.

Care Tips:

  • buy a special shampoo from the series "For highlighted hair", "For bleached hair" or "For colored hair";
  • be sure to moisturize the curls with a conditioner after washing your hair (it is not applied to wet, but slightly moistened curls);
  • once a week, nourish the scalp and curls with vitamins A, C, E, bought in ampoules at a pharmacy;
  • regularly (1 or 2 times a week) do restorative masks home cooking based on honey, olive oils, coconut, egg yolk, herbal decoctions and other healing gifts of nature;
  • dry your head natural way, and if you can’t do without a hair dryer, use cold air directed from top to bottom;
  • don't forget to wear hats when in the sun;
  • it is forbidden to wash the curls every day, otherwise you will wash off the coloring pigment very quickly;
  • eat right, because health hair goes from within;
  • to maintain color and eliminate yellow pigment every third wash, use a tinting agent to eliminate yellow pigment or maintain warm colors- honey, caramel, mocha.

It's not hard to dye your hair blonde. Choose different color variations, taking into account your color type, style and mood, and then you will be satisfied with your hairstyle. Remember, it is blondes that catch the eyes of others. So rather - to conquer the hearts of men!

Useful videos

How to dye your hair platinum blonde.

Hair coloring in blond without yellowness.

Platinum blonde is not a color for the modest. With such hair, it is impossible to stay in the shadows - you will be noticed and recognized by your snow-white hair. This color magically refreshes the image, emphasizes skin tone and eye color. We tell how platinum blonde became the new black for the stars and how to care for such an amazing color.

Cara Delevingne

After years of a calm light blond color in 2017, Kara made a splash. at Fenty x Puma shows and Chanel. The girl changed her usual image to a snow-white pearl bob. With a new hairstyle and color, the model does not part: for sure, Kara understands that her example inspires many to radical changes.

Kristen Stewart

For many years, Kristen stuck to dark hair color, occasionally trying reddish-blond shades. But last year, the actress decided to experiment. The blond made her eyes seem more expressive and stood out especially brightly on her face. True, in March 2018, the actress returned to habitual way(and, as it seems to us, in vain).

Jennifer Lawrence

“What could be better than Jennifer's blonde hair? Only an even lighter shade, ”apparently, the actress’s stylist decided. Therefore, in 2018, Jen began to wear platinum blond and. She looked very elegant and natural. Now she has returned to a more natural blond shade, which, although it suits her, makes her appearance easier.

Michelle Williams

Requires special and super light coloring. But we have to admit that Michelle Williams has never been so good: her creamy blond and smoothly styled hair perfectly complement the delicate complexion.

If Michel's example has inspired you, but you don't want to experiment drastically, there's only one step to take: start with light shade and shorten your hair sometime later.

Kim Kardashian

Kim is a great example of how naturally dark the girl goes bright blonde. She has already bleached her hair several times, and then returned to natural shade. And this is a great illustration of the fact that there is no need to be afraid of the new, because you can always return to the original color.

How to take care of a platinum blonde?

“You have to pay for everything” - when we talk about platinum blonde, this saying is especially true. Home experiments with paints often lead to unfortunate consequences: an unpleasant yellowish tint, dry hair and even burns on the scalp. It is better to trust the master in the salon and professional brighteners - they are more careful about the hair, and toning in a cold shade will make you the Snow Queen.

Lightening makes hair more fragile and thin, so after coloring you will have to take care of them in a new way. Change your regular conditioner to, use mild sulfate-free shampoos and apply dry oil to the strands after each wash. This will help keep your hair healthy.

Once every one to two weeks, be sure to use a blue-violet tinting shampoo. Toner removes copper, yellow tones and gives a boiled white tone. When using, do not keep it on your hair for more than three minutes, otherwise the hair will turn not platinum, but blue.

1. Oil Diamond Oil Glow Dry, Redken on redken.ru from 2,850 rubles;
2. Shampoo tinting Teknia Ultra Clair Shampoo, Lakme on shampoomarket.ru from 365 rubles;
3. Rinse-off color fixer Expert Vitamino Color, L "Oreal Professional, on ozon.ru from 3,959 rubles;
4. Shampoo Caviar Repair Rx Instant Recovery Shampoo, Alterna on ozon.ru from 3,469 rubles.

Blonde hair they actually look very different. There are several standard names - this is the ever-beautiful platinum, gold, ash, wheat, strawberry blond and blond blond.

But what is interesting is that almost every season something new appears, some interesting undertone from famous stylists, because, despite the excessive popularity light stains, girls always demand "something new". It is understandable, everyone will get bored with constantly walking with the same whitish scythe. Therefore, the following stunning shades of blond are presented to your attention:

  • peach blond
  • Caramel
  • Champagne
  • Pink gold
  • strawberry blonde

Let's take a closer look at the last one. For many girls, this name does not mean anything, or the image of a beauty with pink and white curls vaguely appears in the head. This is partly true, but it is clearly not the full picture. I hope for many this tone will be a truly real discovery. Therefore, let's discover the world with a strawberry blond on our heads!

Strawberry or peach?

Looking at the name strawberry blond, it seems that after coloring you should resemble a strawberry, but this is not always the case. His variations are truly impressive. But there are 2 main semitones - warm and cold. Warm tone is otherwise called rose gold, which can have a golden-red note, and cold tone looks almost like a regular blonde, with only a small amount of quartz, often just a pastel pink. And just this pink gold gives an overflow that looks like a peach, and to be precise, a blush on a peach received from the sun.

Let's find your perfect look!

It is important to understand that staining according to the color type is just a recommendation that does not have to be followed at all. Always rely only on your feelings and give preference to tone in accordance with your desires. It is better to look the way you personally want, admiring your curls in the mirror, than to dye your hair in a color that supposedly suits you, but does not attract you at all.

So, let's start searching for "our" strawberry blond. I hope you know your color type, but if not (although, believe me, this is a very important thing), then we will quickly determine it.

In total, 4 color types are distinguished in accordance with the seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter. Carefully read the signs of each color type and decide which one suits your appearance.

People of "spring" tend to be white-haired and white-skinned, and often freckled. The autumn type is characterized by a copper glow of the skin, freckles, bright eyes and red hair. You belong to the summer color type, if you have olive skin, grey eyes And ashy curls. "Winter" refers to dark-haired with almost black eyes, and contrasting skin colors - either white porcelain skin or swarthy.

And now let's get acquainted with the information about suitable shades in accordance with the color type.

We take an example from the stars and shine ourselves

A very unexpected surprise was the appearance in public of Salma Hayek with a topical and fashionable coloring. Such a bold change of image attracted the attention of many. By the way, at this event, Salma was in an airy black dress with contrasting embroidery on it, according to color scheme matching her new hairstyle.

Maybe you should try to diversify your usual look a little and also try on this variant of blonding.

And here is a list of stars who have decided on such changes:

  1. Hailey Baldwin. Her shade is "stretched" using the balannage technique, from her natural roots. It looks really great, and not at all childish.
  2. Katy Perry. Following fashion trend, her blond gently fades to honey at the ends, which emphasizes the beauty of the eyes and face in general.
  3. Kesha. Her coloring option is really good - to combine "strawberries" with ashes.
  4. Hillary Duff. Hilary emphasizes her natural blush with the chosen tone of “strawberry” blond - a cold reflection clearly suits her.

I hope now you are finally convinced that many people with a sense of style incline their choice to this coloring. Maybe you should do the same?

Staining Requirements

Before painting in any color, for starters, you should put your hair in order. Bright hairstyle, slightly different from natural suits, attracts attention, at the same time to your face. Therefore, before you run to the hairdresser and ask to do “this strawberry color”, take care of the condition of your curls and facial skin.

It is important to know that in order to achieve any type of blonde, lightening must first be done. After this procedure, unfortunately mandatory, your hair will not be in the best condition - they will become drier, perhaps they will fall out a little.

Advice!You must provide for your hairs careful care, use balms and special oils. Only in this case you will shine, because a healthy, well-groomed mane, and even such a fashionable shade, will absolutely add charm and attractiveness to you.

Painting techniques

If for yourself you are considering only one-color clarification, not even suspecting other interesting painting techniques, then I hasten to tell you - ombre, that's what will be ideal for you if you do not want to suffer with regrown roots. Moreover, with the effect of regrown roots, you will look as cute as possible, this effect is created thanks to the ombre. The color of the shock seems to be drawn out, gently moving from your natural to the tone of the blond you have chosen.

There is a cool coloring option for those who are not ready for serious experiments, but want to bring a little brightness into their lives - the contrast is a strand. It is also called highlighting. It is enough to color the front strands, and you are already much younger and fresher. Isn't that what every girl aspires to?

If you want to bring a little lightness to your image, create a certain aura of playfulness, then rose gold is your choice.

The eternal problem of blondes is yellowness that manifests itself over time. So many tears were shed because of the loss of the white radiance of the curls and unsuccessful attempts to restore it.

But you can forget about this misfortune! Blond strawberry looks great with dark roots and a little yellow. By the way, it can even be part of the original shade.

Oh yes, another important point - the dye will not last forever. Yes, it is, and you just have to accept it. Already dyed braids need to be tinted when the color saturation leaves much to be desired.

The advantage of color is its liveliness and catchiness

Only noticing that from the n-th number of washings your braids have become dull, and the image no longer pleases you, then it's time to re-color your vegetation. True, this time you can use non-strong means - tint balms, mousses and gels. You can find out which tint conditioner is right for you personally from the person who carried out your painting, or from a consultant in a cosmetics store.

Location: barbershop

So, if you still decide to paint, decide on a shade and are ready for all the surprises, then half the battle is already done. Now it remains just to move on to practice - go to the hairdresser or dye the braids yourself, about this option a little later.

It is important to understand that everything is not limited to one trip to the master.

Here is an example step of working on your color:

  • The hairdresser will bleach your length. This is necessary even if you are a natural blonde, because in this case marshmallow paint will lie better. And if you are far from blond, then maybe two clarifications are required.
  • Applying a tint that gives you the tone you want.

Important knowledge of the series of colors will be useful to you if you want to explain to the master as clearly as possible what you want to get as an output.

So, how to determine the saturation of tone?

Pay attention to the color number. 1 means darkest, close to black. A ten says that this is the most White paint. Everything is simple.

If you want to get a strawberry mark on your head, then choose a coloring agent from 8 to 10 rows. In any case, the master will tell you which suit suits you personally. Because if you have hair, for example, of the second row, then do not expect to become the owner of the hair of the shade of the 10th row. It's actually possible, just incredibly difficult.

Self reincarnation

If you do not really trust hairdressers, but you yourself enjoy the process of dyeing or for some other reason, but you decide to dye yourself. Well, despite the slight complexity of the procedure, you are able to create beauty on your curls!

In the salon, you do not need to choose the dye yourself and decide which one is better, the master will do everything for you. But when painting yourself, you need to clearly know what kind of paint can fulfill your desire and give you a great and desired color.

There are special formulas for home use, the easiest to use. You just need to mix the ingredients that are in the dye box.

Let's conduct a small analysis of the strawberry blond paints on the market.

  • L'Oreal Paris Sublime Mousse 822

L'Oreal Paris

This paint will delight you with its light and even application, the resulting mixture does not flow, which is very convenient when you paint yourself. Immediately get ready for the fact that the smell will not be the most pleasant, but this is offset by the result.
As a result, the hairs become shiny and soft, and not at all dry. The color of the dyed curls absolutely exactly matches the one stated on the package. Also, this paint can be used to neutralize yellowness for owners of white hair.

  • Indola Professional Blonde Expert number 1000.32

Indora gives its customers first-class quality! The paint of this company will give you a deep and rich color.

It should be noted that it is necessary to take oxide to it, for example, Igora oxide 9%. After using this product, you can not expect dryness, and the color lasts within 6 weeks.

  • Krasa Faberlic 8.8

This paint is for you if you want to end up with a basic peach tone with a red undertone. Something like this you can describe the blond after you use the paint. Krasa does her job with a bang! The look of the hair is alive and healthy, so you should not worry about dryness and brittleness.

  • Schwarzkopf BlondMe Toning Strawberry

This line is intended for fair-haired girls, but even if you are naturally dark blond, you can still get a good result.

So, if you have a light head, in every sense, then use 2% Conditioner Balm with this toner, and 6% conditioner if you are a fair-haired beauty.

The main mistake, why the color turned out not the way you imagined it, can be the method of application. Be sure to apply the resulting mixture only on a wet head, keeping for about 20 minutes. Only then will you get the perfect marshmallow color without damaging your beautiful curls.

Answering the question why you should choose strawberry overflow, I will answer - this is brightness, this is radiance and mood improvement, this is your new outlook on the world, this is success!

Please yourself like this pleasant little things, because just by changing your image a little, you will look differently at your whole life. Checked on personal experience! In any case, good luck with all your endeavors and future colors.