Caramel highlighting on light brown. What is highlighting for blond hair? The specifics of highlighting on light brown hair

The color of dark blond hair is universal for stylists and hairdressers. It would seem that professionals appreciate him so much, because the owners of dark blond hair are often unhappy with him.

It seems to many that this shade of hair is similar to a gray, mouse color. But stylists say that it is the dark blond color that makes it possible to apply a variety of staining techniques.

One of these methods of staining is highlighting. The essence of highlighting is the painting of individual strands. What gives the image of freshness, and hair - volume.

Is it possible to do?

For the fair sex, who dream of changing their hair color, but are afraid of a radical change in appearance, highlighting is great way out. On dark blond hair, you can use a variety of different colors.

Selection of equipment depending on the shape of the haircut and length

Important! Be sure to consider when choosing a highlighting technique base color hair, length of curls and facial features.

Thus, you can quickly determine the appropriate method.

For short strands

Short dark haircuts fair-haired flowers can be quite easily refreshed by highlighting. This can be the creation of a strong contrast on the curls or the naturalness that is in demand this season.

The type of painting depends very much on the hairstyle:


Elongated caret

Professionals advise the ombre technique. In this case, you can use any tone of the strands.


Asymmetrical bob can be dyed contrasting colors, which will give the hairstyle splendor and density.


It is advisable to use unusual shades. It can be lilac, red or even green.

Attention! For women with thin hair, it is advisable to lighten the strands closer to the tips. Exact staining in this case is not recommended.

For medium and long

Haircut cascade and highlighting is considered the perfect combination. The cascade is also called a ladder.

Choose perfect option cascade and highlighting is not so difficult:


Creates a clear transition from dark roots to bright ends.


Is different caring relationships to hair, as thermal paper and foil are not used. Can be used up to 5 shades. Ranging from golden honey to platinum.


Curls are painted randomly. Created smooth transition from dark roots to light ends.


On dark brown hair, transitions will look very advantageous. Coloring differs from natural hair only 2-3 tones, which makes it look natural.

Haircuts with bangs

Haircut with bangs should be given Special attention because highlighting should be uniform. Strands must be placed symmetrically.

  • Ideally, thick, straight, long bangs will be combined with highlighting.
  • Oblique bangs can be emphasized with thin clarified strands.
  • Rounded bangs must be painted with thicker strands, making accents various shades.

What types are suitable, how to choose the right staining technique?

Hair highlighting differs in the technique of applying paint, color and length of hair, number and size of strands. All of them can be combined into basic types.


It is the same application of paint to the selected strands of hair along the entire length. The thickness and width of the strands varies depending on the features of the face.


In this case, individual strands are painted. Partial highlighting can be divided into smaller types.

  • Asymmetrical.
  • Diagonal.
  • Radical.
  • Avant-garde.


Supposed to change natural color hair into an infinite number of tones.


Makes it possible to change the natural color by 2-3 tones.

Important! This procedure is carried out with paints without ammonia, using additionally special moisturizers.

Highlights on dark Brown hair can be done different techniques staining:

When choosing a staining technique, you need to pay attention to:

  • Hair condition.
  • Natural color.
  • Hair length.
  • Haircut.
  • Eye color.
  • Color of the skin.

How to choose a color?

All women can be divided into:

  1. Summer.
  2. Autumn.
  3. Winter.
  4. Spring.

Owners of dark blond hair, as a rule, belong to a woman-summer, but there are exceptions.

  • If a woman has bright skin and eyes, to her more suitable highlighting light shades. Honey, caramel, walnut - will be ideally combined with the color of the skin and eyes. And it is better not to use black, dark chestnut and chocolate shades. It is also worth excluding golden tones, they will merge with the skin tone, the best option would be a cold ashy shade.
  • If a woman has pink and white skin, it is recommended to use wheat tones.
  • If a woman has peach, yellow-beige skin and brown-green / green-blue eyes, it is advised to use redheads. Copper, reddish and chestnut shades. Do not use black and cold white colors.
  • If a woman has porcelain, olive skin, it is desirable to do highlighting with cold tones. Exclude red, honey and wheat.

The shape of the face is also important when choosing a staining technique.

    Oval face. Universal shape, suitable for all types of staining.

    Triangular face. Eliminate sharp "geometric" lines.

    Square face. It is advisable to darken the strands that frame the face, and lighten the rest of the hair.

Choice suitable shade also affects eye color.

  • For brown eyes it is advisable to choose warm brown and reddish shades of hair.
  • For gray– soft wheat and milk tones.
  • For blue/blue- give preference to wheat, honey and reddish shades.
  • For green eyes shades of red, caramel, wheat, copper will be ideal.

Do not forget about age. If young girls and middle-aged ladies are ideal ashy staining then ladies in adulthood ashy color should be excluded from the palette of selected colors.

Reference! Ash highlighting has an unpleasant property - it gives additional age to no longer young women.

For ash highlighting, apply different shades grey:

  • steel;
  • silver;
  • graphite;
  • smoky.

Balayage is also not suitable for an aged lady, with this method of staining, the roots usually do not dye, that is, gray hair will be very noticeable. Perfect Choice for people aged there will be light highlighting.

Step-by-step instruction of the procedure

Be sure to test for allergies before the staining procedure.

The easiest way to highlight at home is the manual method. Coloring should be carried out on slightly soiled hair so that the paint is easier to lay down.

You will need a comb with rare teeth.

  1. Apply the hair dye evenly to the comb.
  2. Next, you need to carefully run through the hair with this comb from the roots to the tips.
  3. After waiting a certain amount of time indicated on the paint, wash off the paint from the hair warm water.

The advantage of highlighting is that it can be repeated once every 3-4 months.

Photos before and after

What to do if coloring fails?

There are situations when the result is not satisfactory, do not despair, everything can be fixed.

  • If the hair is dyed unevenly, different strands, there are large indents from the roots, then you can re-paint, exactly in those places that do not suit you.
  • If there is a yellowing effect on the hair, then to get a more natural shade, natural color can be helped by washing the hair with blue-violet tonics.
  • If the hair has become brittle, sick, then you can try to do hair lamination in the salon. This procedure can restore hair healthy shine, eliminate brittleness, give strength and smooth out harsh contrasting colors, help eliminate split ends.

How to get your color back?

How to dye your hair after highlighting in your dark blond color? The most gentle method is considered to be the method using permanent dyes. They lightly envelop the hair shafts, without getting into the inner layers of the hairs, without delamination of the scales.

You can purchase special store masks, wash formulations, or cook it yourself at home. For example, after a while, you can wash off the coloring if you rinse your hair with a solution of 2 tablespoons of soda and 2 liters of water.

How long will it keep?

Reference! A feature of highlighting is that this is a procedure for bleaching strands. Therefore, it is not washed off if no action is taken to do this.

Highlights come off as you cut your hair.

How to properly care?

  1. Be sure to use mild shampoos, conditioners or conditioners.
  2. Restore hair with masks, oils, protein complexes.
  3. Use a hair dryer and other types hot styling as little as possible.
  4. Choose combs made from natural materials.
  5. Take care products with silicones to protect the ends of your hair.

When creating, you should understand that it is not enough to follow fashion trends. It is necessary to pay attention to individual characteristics faces and bodies tastes and lifestyle. Then and only then can desired result and turn all your shortcomings into real virtues.

Hair coloring - a short digression of hair care

Literally 15 years ago, most girls knew only two types of coloring: simple and highlighting. But now there are much more varieties, and girls are already confused with the names of types of hair coloring. Photos in glossy publications beckon with the successful results of multi-stage staining, and I really want to try it on myself. So how is balayazh different from highlighting, and shatush from ombre?

Hair coloring - a short hair care excursion to the site


This is a one-tone color, that is, the usual coloring familiar to everyone. After toning, all hair is evenly dyed in one color. With this technique, there are no transitions, no gradations, no mixing of shades on the hair. But the color can be mixed from several tubes with different shades to achieve the desired.


One of the new types of hair coloring, in which the color is much darker at the roots than at the ends. At its core, this technique is close to highlighting, but with it, not strands are lightened, but a gradient is made along the length of the hair. More dark color at the roots to the tips it becomes lighter and lighter. According to the rules, the transition should be smooth, the result should not resemble regrown dark roots brunette who dyes herself blonde.


Of all the types of hair coloring, shatush looks the most natural. Not everyone will even guess that the hair is dyed. At its core, shatush is similar to highlighting, it is also lightening the strands and further toning them. But shades are used that are close to the natural color of the hair, sparing compositions.


Perhaps the most fashionable look hair coloring - balayage. It's forgiving and natural option ombre. Balayage is a French word and translates as "balayage". As with the ombre, the goal is to create a gradient from dark at the roots to light at the tips. But the shades are used natural and differ from the natural hair color by no more than 3 tones.


Started in 2016 new trend- colorful hair. Girls, regardless of style and age, have begun to dye their hair in fantasy colors such as blue, pink and even purple. Previously, only young fans of rock culture and cosplay were fond of this. When properly combined with clothing, makeup and beautiful styling it looks quite fabulous and magical. Few people want to walk like this all their lives, but when to try it, if not in the midst of a trend.


This is the earliest, and therefore primitive, multi-stage dyeing technique designed to simulate the effect of burnt hair. It was she who gave rise to today's trend for multi-stage staining.


Americans set the fashion for such a technique. The word "brondirovanie" came from the merger of two English words blond - blonde, and brown - brown. This is a combination of highlighting and toning, a kind of dark highlighting. Great for natural brunettes.


This is a classic repainting to a blonde, that is, a cardinal lightening, without any transitions. Permanent blonding is not a cheap pleasure, but for some girls it simply transforms. The most desirable for girls who decide to become blondes is a cold Scandinavian blond. But it is the most difficult to make, since most girls have a red pigment in their hair, which is very difficult to etch. Therefore, for inept masters, blonding is obtained with a yellow tint.

10 tips to keep salon results as long as possible

Hair coloring - how to save salon result as long as possible - tips from the site

Here are some tips on how to keep the result of new types of hair coloring as long as possible:

  1. Use detergents for colored hair, this is not a publicity stunt, they really wash out the paint less.
  2. Do not neglect the conditioner, it seals the pigment.
  3. Wash your hair with cold water as much as possible.
  4. In order to avoid yellow shade in the hair, after washing and before applying balms, apply purple tint shampoo for 10 minutes.
  5. Do not use oils in hair care, as they wash out the paint.
  6. Avoid direct exposure sun rays and solarium, ultraviolet will ruin the salon result.
  7. After visiting the salon, try not to wash your hair for 2 days so that the paint is fixed.
  8. Wash your hair as little as possible, if it quickly becomes oily, then it makes sense to make friends with dry shampoos.
  9. Saunas and swimming pools harm hair color, so either avoid visiting them or protect your hair with a towel and cap.
  10. Try to visit a proven master at least once every 2-3 weeks, and then the result will always be the same. —

Light brown hair is the most common type of hair, but, unfortunately, lacks expressiveness. Therefore, millions of women liked this type of coloring as highlighting.

Highlighting will allow not only emphasize natural beauty hair, but to make accents and highlights that brighten the skin tone or correct the oval of the face.

There are a lot of varieties of this staining technique today, but let's look at all the subtleties of classic highlighting.

The basic principles of highlighting on light brown hair

The specifics of highlighting on light brown hair

  • When choosing a shade of paint for highlighting, consider the tone of the skin of the face.
  • Powder dyes are aggressive, while creamy ones are softer and more gentle.
  • Already prepared composition for staining is not subject to storage.
  • To increase the intensity and quality of dyeing, hair can be held a little over steam.
  • Do not wash your hair a few days before dyeing. So you protect your hair and scalp from overdrying and harmful effects dyes.
  • Do an allergy test before coloring.
  • A month before dyeing, restore your hair with masks.
  • The highlighting procedure is best done in the salon with an experienced master.

Do not apply highlighting technique if you have recently permed or henna-dyed your hair. Highlighting in this case can greatly damage the hair structure, and the final color will be very different from what is expected.

How to do highlighting on light brown hair at home

There are several highlighting techniques at home using various tools and technician. Rubber band method hair fit for beginners, for short hair it is better to use a special silicone cap, and foil is ideal for long hair.

With hair bands

With silicone cap for highlighting

Put on a special silicone cap with holes. Choose the type of highlighting:

Using a special hook, pull out strands of hair. With a brush, coat them with a coloring composition along the entire length, starting from the front strands.

After the time specified in the instructions, rinse your hair (do not remove the cap). Remove the cap, apply the balm and rinse your hair thoroughly again.

Wrapped in foil

Lightening dyes can be toxic, so to prevent allergic reactions carry out the highlighting procedure in a spacious, well-ventilated area.

Highlighting options for light brown hair with a photo

We offer you a selection of photos from beautiful options highlights for blond hair different type. You will see how highlighting looks on long, medium and short blond hair, as well as how to make the right accents using the frequency of bleached strands.

Highlighting for short blonde hair

In the photo you see highlights on light brown hair, which perfectly emphasizes the complex structure of a short haircut. Such highlighting with wide strands, as in the photo, looks spectacular and gives volume to the upper part of the haircut.

Highlighting on light brown hair

Gently, naturally and very harmoniously looks in the photo highlighting on light brown hair. framing the face light strands will help you correct the oval of the face.

Highlights on medium length blonde hair

Two-tone highlighting, a variant of which you see in the photo, will help to add volume and emphasize the structure of a haircut on light brown hair of medium length. The main thing is to choose the right shades.

Highlighting with wide strands on light brown hair

Highlighting with wide strands looks great on straight long hair and perfectly refreshes the tone of the face.

Frequent highlighting on light brown hair

In the photo you see a highlighting option for light brown hair, when with the help of often colored strands you can achieve at least a twofold increase in the visual volume of the hairstyle.

Fine highlights on light brown hair

The photo shows an example of how fine highlighting on light brown hair creates an effect natural lightening hair that looks like it's sun-bleached.

Precautionary measures

  • Regularly use products to nourish and moisturize your hair.
  • Use a heat protectant when styling.
  • Use tinted shampoos to preserve color.
  • Do not highlight immediately after biochemistry, chemistry, keratin straightening and carving.
  • Strictly follow the instructions for the exposure time of the dye on the hair, otherwise they may break off.
  • Turn on the cold setting when blow-drying.

Although in most cases the bangs are also subjected to the procedure, even an eminent master will not give an unambiguous answer to this question. It all depends on:

  • selected lighting method;
  • expected result;
  • individual preferences;
  • bangs shapes;
  • face type;
  • and other equally important factors.

When is bangs lightening necessary?

We list the main techniques, when using which lightening bangs is necessary:

Classic single color

Thus, an organic perception of the entire hairstyle is created. Recall a textbook case: Brigitte Bardot and her burnt bangs. To level out the sharp contrast, Jacques Dessange resorted to newfangled lightening of the strands and opened new page in the history of hairdressing.


Uniform overflow using 4-6 shades, differing from the main color by 1-2 tones, does not imply a sharp contrast.

Therefore, the bangs should be lightened according to the same principle as the main part of the hair.


A complex technique in which honey, amber and wheat strands are interspersed with the main hair color. A similar effect, with smooth transitions from one shade to another, can only be achieved in salons with experienced painting specialists. For the same reason, bangs are necessarily involved in the process.

French or Majimesh

fine Parisian women conquered the world with their voluminous hairstyles with the effect of radiance. At the same time, the paint itself is made on an ammonia-free basis and has a gentle effect on the structure of the curls. This technique looks especially elegant on straight, forehead-covering bangs.


Lightening of individual strands with subsequent coloring is distinguished by the use of delicate shades for toning. Even if blue, ash or burgundy colors, on the hair they look in contrast to the rest of the strands.

Multi-tonal glare

It differs from the previous one in more contrasting colors in relation to the main color.

A bright chaos of many shades is created on the head. In this case, highlighting is carried out on narrow strands.


Is used for dark blond hair, as well as a copper or coffee shade. Saturated colors red-brown colors will favorably represent the fair sex of the "Spring" type. Although rather contrasting colors are used, one should not forget about the bangs. A pair of strands of mahogany or chestnut color will add a touch of recklessness to even the most strict lady.


Contrasting bangs and ends of the hair are the distinguishing characteristics of this technique.

This color is preferred by ladies who are not afraid to experiment. As an antagonist color, bright trendy colors are often selected.


Regardless of the direction of the pattern (horizontal or vertical), the bangs should also be dyed.

An exception is if the colors are applied in a horizontal plane from the middle of hair growth to the tips.

Crazy colors

Extravagant and bright coloring hair has become a major trend for young people. Highlighting is applied under the stencil, and resistant neon paints are used as dyes. And although the effect lasts only 6-8 shampoos, this technique gained a lot of fans all over the world.

In what cases is it preferable to work only with the main strands?

In the practice of any hairdresser, there are cases when the saying “the best is the enemy of the good” works. Working with the main part of the hair gives such a refined result that the bangs in the same color will only enhance the effect.


Lightening the ends of long hair. It is strange to expect from the owner long, waist-length curls of highlighted bangs.

The only exception is if highlighting is applied to a short bob and the bangs fall below the border of the transition of shades.


Highlighting stripes does not involve working with bangs. As a rule, strands framing the face lend themselves to color.


Gradual transition from new color to natural shade hair is usually carried out without affecting the bangs. Otherwise, the pattern will change after 2-3 weeks after painting.


If necessary, return your natural hair color and gently avoid highlighting, bangs are not used.

Bye long hair on the back of the head will acquire a natural color, it will have time to grow several times.


It looks quite extravagant on the hair of a young girl. Older ladies with the help of this technique successfully hide the emerging gray hair.

To dye the hair near the forehead or not depends on the degree of "silverness" of your bangs.

Yes Yes. Among the many techniques, there are those in which it is the bangs that create that unforgettable charm that makes a good half male population turn around admiringly. These include:


Radical clarification of bangs by 3-4 tones is used by self-confident ladies who are used to shocking others.

Sometimes the rest of the hair is additionally dyed in a richer, darker color.


Owners short haircuts often focus on their bangs. Light highlighting of small strands perfect for bob, pixie, gavroche haircuts and the like. torn bangs, in which you can distinguish up to 3 shades of paint, visually rejuvenates and refreshes the face.


Strands are taken of medium thickness, right at the forehead. When staining, saturated cornflower blue, cherry, chestnut or black colors are used. The result is strict contrasting areas that stand out from under the cap of the hair of the main color.

Methods for the procedure

The level of professionalism of the stylist directly depends on the materials which he uses in his work.


In the budget hairdresser, you will still see stylized rubber caps that resemble an accessory for going to the pool. More modern models are issued for one-time use and are made of a transparent polyethylene basis.

Highlighting in this way is considered the most elementary.
What is easier: put on a hat, pulled out strands with a crochet hook - and lighten them. Therefore, at home, this method is most often used.


The second most common method is considered to be using foil or paper. It allows you to paint over individual strands without causing much discomfort during the procedure.

Every self-respecting master is perfectly familiar with this technique. With the help of foil, it is good to color the curls to the very roots.


A more complicated way, since only an experienced stylist will be able to accurately predict the expected result. The process, although it seems simple, can actually turn into a failed highlighting. A solution is applied to a comb with large teeth and distributed through the hair.

This method is usually resorted to when they want to smooth out the contrast between different shades and give natural hair.

By hand

Suitable for curly or short hair.

  1. In the first case, the effect is small, because the method is often called "Hoarfrost".
  2. In the second case, the shades are more noticeable and it is called Glazing.

Reference. The hair is moistened with a special mousse. Then the head is lowered down and the master, with the help of paint applied to his hands, paints individual curls.

Photos of hairstyles "before" and "after"

Here are photos before and after highlighting on light brown hair of different lengths.


Whether to highlight light brown hair with bangs or separately depends on the result you expect. If this is your first time using this staining method, you should at least consult with a professional master.

at home and the first time it is difficult to achieve a unique effect. In any case, do not forget that a first-class stylist will not only be able to restore your old look, but also significantly improve your hairstyle, in case of a failed attempt.

Every second fair-haired girl is unhappy with her appearance because the natural shade is not as expressive as we would like. Therefore, for many masters and hairdressers, there are endless possibilities for changing the image of the owners of fair-haired curls. For those who do not want to completely change the image of the hair, they resort to such methods of repainting as highlighting - partial or complete coloring.

With the help of blonding agents, highlighting individual strands changes the shape of the hairstyle, adds volume and visually makes the hair more magnificent and beautiful. At the same time, it does not spoil the natural naturalness, which modern fashionable beauties are so striving for. The latest fashion trends dictate very contrasting moods in hairstyles - from acid bangs with shaved sides to natural chestnut. light blond strands, painted using the highlighting technique is a real find for those who want to look perfect at any time of the year.

Types of highlighting on light brown hair and photos before and after

It all started with classical technique- when the paint is applied along the entire length and evenly distributed, when individual thin curls are painted in lighter colors, without losing commonality with the main color. At zonal dyeing usually dyes only individual strands, so there are many types, among which you can choose the most suitable for yourself. Look at the photo with creative highlights, asymmetric, basal, diagonal, avant-garde and analyze, taking the density and length of the hair as a basis.

Types of highlighting - photo examples:

Californian - Venetian

Highlighting on light brown hair photo before and after:

Fashionable highlights on light brown hair

Ladies who have previously tried the technique of painting individual curls on themselves are aware of the existence of several methods. The first and most common is bouffant during dyeing using foil. It works unconditionally and the result is magnificent, but it has Negative consequences for the structure of the hair. Therefore, today fashionable hairdressers offer shatush - work exclusively with a brush without the use of thermal paper.


Highlighting on light brown hair is Californian - this type of gentle effect on the hair is also called Venetian. This universal way good not only because it minimally damages curls, but also suits absolutely anyone fair-haired color ranging from dark to light. The palette of applied shades is very large and that is why in this case using several tones at the same time. At the same time, the emphasis on naturalness remains unchanged.

Highlighting with dark strands on light brown hair

Light hair is a real find for hairdressers, because on such a head you can think of anything. After all, repainting curls in different colors is much more convenient and easier if they are naturally light shades. Girls should pay attention to French and reverse highlighting, as well as armoring. At the same time, naturalness is again preserved. Combined with white skin and bright eyes gentle and romantic image will become everyday, because the effect of such staining remains for a long time. You can repeat the procedure after 3 months.

Frequent highlighting

Frequent highlighting on light brown hair is a contrasting and bright technique that is usually chosen by women whose hair color is dark in order to gradually lighten or just to make the image bright and catchy. But such coloring can decorate not every lady.

Fair-haired is easy, because their natural color is the basis for further painting, and in order to achieve desired effect just enough to slightly lighten the strands. But if you still want to stand out from the crowd, then use a coloring agent to give contrast to individual curls. A feature of the frequent technique is that re-staining should be done once a month, because the roots with their native color will be very noticeable against the general background. Therefore, clearly decide for yourself what you are ready to face after image changes.

For short hair

For carriers short curls do not be upset that they cannot afford to diversify their hairstyle. The clarified tips began to fade into the background, so in Lately for short blond hair, highlighting has become more and more popular.

Hairdressers are increasingly using fashion technology balayazh, French and Californian techniques. Each of them gives the head extra volume. The only thing you should pay attention to before painting is the base color, the length of the strands and facial features.

Kare with bangs and highlights on light brown hair

A long or medium bob with bangs can also be found in the photo using the partial staining technique. An absolute novelty in this area is 3D coloring, which goes beyond the usual. Exactly sparse hair It is suitable. But this procedure is expensive and not everyone can afford it. On fashion square with elongation apply partial painting small curls starting from the middle of the haircut. And the ombre and light highlights on the head will complete fashionable image.

Video how to make highlights on light brown hair at home?

Highlighting at home can be done by yourself, the main thing is to remember a few tips from experts. Try to look stepping on the video and repeat at least one simple technique to see if you can do it or not. The foil option is suitable for those who have long hair, and with a cap for short haircuts. The simplest and easy way this is with a hat, for the implementation of which you first need the hat itself, which should be put on your head and, depending on how often you are planning to dye, pull the strands through the holes with the tip of a small crochet hook. Paint the elongated strands with paint and hold for 15 minutes if you want to achieve a light lightening and 45 minutes for an intense one. Rinse with warm water after the time has elapsed.


The fact that blondes are ahead of brunettes in the battle for male attention is scientific fact. To become even brighter and more seductive blonde beauty will help highlighting on light curls. This is a gentle procedure that involves dyeing part of the strands. It allows you to create spectacular images thanks to the many techniques of execution and a variety of shades.

Fashionable types of highlighting

Happy owners of blond hair can experiment with different highlighting options.


It is always at the peak of popularity. The upper strands are evenly painted along the entire length, while their width may vary. The rest of the hair retains its original color. Thick highlighting looks best on thin curls, it is the most time-consuming for the master.


It is delicate in one - four tones. Apply delicate shades blond, warm or cold. Suitable for girls light brown hair. Its main feature is the use of sparing, ammonia-free wax-based paints. After such highlighting, the hair becomes silky and shiny.


The hair of Californian beauties acquires a beautiful caramel color. This observation prompted American stylists to create the new kind highlighting, popular among Hollywood stars. For him, sparing preparations based on wax are used, which allows you not to worry about the condition of the hair.

The strands are dyed along the entire length in natural tones - beige, walnut, coffee, honey, cognac, wheat, sand and others. It is noteworthy that the usual foil or thermal film is not required. The master paints the strands randomly, applying up to 5 shades and without affecting the root zone. After mixing with the rest of the hair, a natural, natural color without bright borders is obtained.


Invented specifically for light blond women. Looks long and short hairstyles. Individual strands are lightened and then tinted with the selected shades. The main goal is not change natural color hair, and their underlining.

It turns out an interesting multi-colored highlighting. The roots are usually not stained, which looks natural. Subsequent correction is carried out once every 4 months, and sometimes once every six months.


This type of highlighting is preferred by lovers short hairstyles. Using foil, the ends of the hair are dyed in contrasting shades. Effective, eye-catching transitions are obtained. Non-standard colors are often used - light green, purple, blue.


If a woman visits several hairdressers or misses appointments, her hair may be dyed in different tones. Frequent problem- when the roots are darker than the curls, which makes the hairstyle look messy. Especially for these purposes, reverse highlighting was invented.

Depending on the natural color of the hair, their condition, the root zone is lightened or discolored. For the rest of the hair, the coloring technique is used. Curls are stained in the original, native color.

Some ladies prefer a combination of light and dark tones. To obtain a similar effect, one strand is dyed dark, and the other is lightened. Light blond beauties usually pick up honey, wheat or golden tones.

Highlighting: advantages

Highlighting on blond hair is a popular procedure. There are a number of reasons for this:

Less harm to the hair, because the main part of the hair is not processed with paint.
In addition, blond hair does not need to be bleached, unlike dark hair. Hence, natural pigmentation is not burned.
Highlighting looks good on any head, regardless of the length and quality of the hair, as well as the chosen haircut. The main thing is to trust a professional.
It is not required to visit the hairdresser every month to freshen up the color. It is enough to come to the master once every two or three months. Growing roots at the same time look natural.
Suitable for women who want to return to their native hair color.
Rare and after highlighting look more voluminous.
Gray hair is excellently camouflaged.
Thanks to highlighting, a woman looks younger and fresher.

Highlighting: disadvantages

However, this procedure also has some disadvantages that should be kept in mind.

Not suitable for hair damaged by other procedures, brittle, split ends.
High cost if you turn to professionals. In salons, highlighting on average will cost from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles.
The procedure itself will take you at least 2 hours.
At bad result correcting the situation will be difficult.
Any drugs, even the most gentle ones, have a bad effect on the condition of the strands. Therefore, there may be problems with combing and styling hair. In any case, the hair will need additional care.

Highlighting technologies used in salons

Girls who dream of fashionable highlighting better to trust a professional.

An experienced master will be able to correctly assess the condition of the hair, their original shade, select the right color nuances for your hairstyle, and also choose the best way to apply the dye.

With foil

The classic way for . The foil is cut into strips, placed under the selected curls. The paint is applied with a special brush. The foil is then folded and secured with clips. It is important that the width of the dyed strands be the same.

After exposure, each strand is rinsed separately, turning the foil in turn. This allows you not to paint nearby strands, as well as to withstand the paint on all curls for the same amount of time.

With a rubber cap

Suitable for short hair. You will need a hat with many holes. Usually they are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. Through them, with a crochet or comb, the hairdresser takes out strands that will be dyed.

The composition is applied with a brush according to the instructions. Wash off the paint without removing the cap. And only after that they wash the whole head with the application of a special balm.

Comb highlighting

The main tool is a comb with rare, wide teeth. Dip it in the solution and run through combed hair. It is important that the head is dry and unwashed. clear color transitions between the curls will not work, but you get an excellent Californian highlighting.


The paint is applied to the strands with your fingers or a paint brush. This technique has 2 subspecies:

Glazing. Invented for short haircuts. The hairstyle is fixed with mousse, then the selected color is applied with the fingers. The procedure is repeated 3 or 4 times at regular intervals.
Frost. Used for coloring wavy curls. Gives hair shine, dynamics and volume. The hair is wetted, then dried upside down. The coloring composition is gently applied with fingers, reproducing the natural movement of the strands.

Home highlighting

It is preferable to do highlighting in professional salon from an experienced master, because it requires experience and skill. But in the case of a tight budget or other reasons, you can experiment at home. In order not to be disappointed with the result, you should prepare everything you need in advance and study the chosen technique.

You will need:

a cape or towel to protect clothes from stains;
a container made of glass or plastic in which the paint will be located;
brush for applying paint;
special balm.

You can buy ready-made highlighting kits. They are equipped with a silicone cap, foil or thermal paper, as well as other necessary tools.

The choice of dye requires special attention. Take the most gentle one. The shade can differ from the natural hair color by 3 levels. For cool blonde the right choice will become ashy tones, for warm - golden.

Young girls can afford dark shades at the ends of the curls. This will give their image brightness and expressiveness. Darkening strands near the face is dangerous, often it looks unnatural.

If there is no experience, it is better to choose one shade for highlighting. A combination of several colors - complex technique with which a beginner is unlikely to cope.

Attention! If the hair is dyed or bleached, there is a high risk of “burning” it or getting an unexpected shade at the exit, in this case it is recommended to contact the salon or wait a week.

Execution technique

It is better to have an assistant on hand, because it is difficult to apply paint to your hair. Otherwise, two mirrors are installed opposite each other. A person sits between them so as to see all the areas on the head.

Most often, two methods are chosen for home highlighting: through a cap and using foil. It is important to paint over the strands evenly, otherwise ugly transitions will remain.

For those who doubt their skills, there is another easy technology: using rubber bands. Hair is divided into zones: occipital and lateral. Then small ponytails are made. The coloring composition is applied to the strands. If you apply it on the tips, you get the effect of fashionable "feathers". When washing off the paint, the elastic bands remain on the head.

For curly girls, an interesting option is “pigtail” highlighting. It allows you to create spectacular highlights on the hair. First you need to braid a lot of braids, and then paint over upper part from the beginning of the braid to the end. having withstood right time, wash off the composition, unplait the hair and rinse again.

Precautionary measures

Highlighting should be postponed if there are wounds or inflammation on the head.
On already dyed hair, it is better to apply formulations from the same manufacturer.
When buying paint, do not forget to do a skin test for an allergic reaction.
Keep the paint on your head for the time specified in the instructions. Do not leave it on your hair for more than 45 minutes.
Stop the procedure immediately if you feel a burning sensation on your head.
When re-highlighting coloring composition apply only to regrown roots. Before rinsing, it is distributed over the rest of the hair for several minutes, evening out the color.

After the procedure, curls need three things:

structure restoration;
maintaining rich color.

It's not that hard to ensure this. Buy products specifically designed for this from a hairdresser or cosmetics store.

You should start by choosing a shampoo for highlighted hair. Look for a plant-based product that is free of ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, and alcohol. It is recommended to wash your hair with this shampoo once every 7 days, and then the shades will remain as bright as on the first day for a long time.

If the scalp is oily, too sensitive or there are other problems, a special shampoo is used for the first time after the procedure. Later instead of it or indelible vibes.

It is important to restore the structure of overdried fibers. They'll come to the rescue here. They should be applied once or twice a week. Masks based on cosmetic oils help well.

Oils themselves (burdock, almond, coconut, wheat germ) can also be applied to the scalp. This is done an hour before washing. Or cook home mask from yolks with, kefir, fruits (mix kiwi with half an orange, grapefruit or banana to choose from). As a rinse, a decoction of chamomile, calendula is useful.

Prevention measures to remember

These simple rules should be observed by all women. Especially if your hair has undergone a highlighting procedure and needs additional care.

Wash your head with warm water. To add shine to the curls, pour cold water over them at the end.
Buy massage brush massage your scalp for 10 minutes a day.
In summer, protect your hair from the sun by wearing a hat. In addition, there are special means from ultraviolet radiation, which are applied to the hair.
Limit the use of hair dryers, flat irons and curling irons. Highlighted hair is very sensitive to elevated temperatures. Take time to dry your hair natural way. In extreme cases, carefully dry the curls with a towel, and then select a gentle cold air mode.

Highlighting on blond hair right approach will help create a new, fashionable image for a woman. It suits everyone, does not require drastic changes, has many interesting modifications. When referring to experienced master the risk of hair damage is minimal. That is why this procedure remains popular among the fair sex.

April 20, 2014