DIY flags: how to make a variety of designs using different techniques for beginner needlewomen. DIY textile garland of flags

For a birthday made of paper and cardboard - as easy as shelling pears. A maximum of an hour of work - and an elegant decoration for the holiday is ready. In our master class, you will learn how to make such flags with minimal time and materials.

To make your own birthday flags, you will need:

color cardboard A4;

printed letters for the inscription (can be drawn by hand);

any bright stickers - in our case - these are glue-based foamiran stars;

soutache or any ribbon of a suitable length for hanging flags (we have twice 3 m of soutache);

glue stick;


How to make birthday flags: job description

Calculation of the amount of cardboard

First, I cut out a few circles with letters to determine what size flags I would need. The diameter of the circle is 6.5 cm. Accordingly, such a circle fits into a triangular flag (an isosceles triangle with a base of 10 cm). The height of the flag is half of the long part of the A4 sheet.

On a piece of A5 cardboard, I double-checked the theory, at the same time I found out that three flags would fit on such a sheet.

Therefore, there will be as many as 6 of them on sheet A4.

I made the flags one-sided to hang the garland on the wall. If you want to hang flags from the ceiling, then the flags must be double-sided. There are two options here: either use double-sided colored cardboard, or glue the flags in pairs.

So, let's calculate how many flags we need in order to place the intended inscription. We count spaces between words.

So, I have:

KATYUSHA = 6 flags;

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! = 16 checkboxes.

Those. in total, 22 flags are needed, plus a few additional ones - as many as you can - to hang them around the inscriptions. So, we consider. There are 6 flags on one sheet. 22 is not divisible by 6, but is divisible by 24 (round up to the nearest higher number that is divisible by 6). Total: 24:6=4. We need 4 sheets of A4 cardboard.

I took 4 different colors: yellow, blue, green and pink. They are quite bright and festive - and go well with each other.

How to draw a sheet of cardboard for birthday flags

We put a sheet of A4 cardboard in front of us vertically. On the upper part we make two marks: at a distance of 10 and 20 cm from the upper left corner. From the lower left corner we also set aside twice by 10 and put marks.

We connect our marks, as shown in the following photo.

We connect in pairs the marks in the other direction.

We connect the places of intersection of lines.

We also connect the upper and lower marks 20 cm from the left corner, i.e. the line will run parallel to the longest part of the sheet.

Thus, we draw all the prepared sheets, and then cut the cardboard along the drawn lines.

Pay attention to the "cuts".

If we add them two by two, we get a few more multi-colored flags.

We connect the halves of the flags on the back side with a piece of tape.

The checkboxes are ready. Let's put them in the order they are supposed to be used. I kept the order, laid out the colors strictly in turn: yellow, blue, green, pink. So I took them in order to stick the letters of the inscriptions.

We cut out circles with letters, each from the inside we smear with glue-pencil, abundantly and evenly, without lumps, and glue it on the flag.

We press.

Punch two holes.

The checkbox is almost ready.

Similarly, we make the remaining flags, not forgetting to leave a flag for spaces between words.

We lay out the inscriptions in front of us and decorate.

If you have ready-made stickers, then it will take just a few minutes to decorate.

Assembling a garland of birthday flags with your own hands

To distribute the flags evenly over the garland, leaving the ponytails of equal length for fastening, it is best to fold the suspension in half, and also divide the inscription “in half”, determining the middle.

We shift the first flag from the middle of the inscription to the center of the ribbon or soutache and string the entire half of the inscription. We do the same with the second part of the garland.

Do not forget to use our "half" flags.

Before the holiday, it is convenient to store the garlands folded, like this.

A hand-made elegant garland of birthday flags is ready!

What else can be done?

  • letters from circles can be carefully cut out with a clerical knife, leaving the circle itself intact, and in this form, stick it on the base of the flag; letters will be colored;
  • letters can be cut directly from the flag, then the wall will shine through it;
  • such garlands are appropriate even for the 18th anniversary: ​​instead of letters, you can stick photos of the birthday person by year.

Eva Casio specially for the site

When you start preparing for a holiday, whether it's New Year or a birthday, you always want to decorate your house in a special way every time. And what could be better than handmade jewelry!?

For example, flags made of fabric! They will last for several years, and if the garland is just bright (without a specific theme), then you can decorate any holiday throughout the year! And also, use it as a daily interior design for a nursery - and the holiday will never leave the house!

We start by cutting out our flags. Through a little experimentation, and after Google "monitoring", I deduced the most, in my opinion, the most harmonious "formula" of the flag. An isosceles triangle with sides of 18 cm and a base of 12 cm. I already made the pattern with seam allowances.

We glue the fabric with interlining. We make a pattern on cardboard (for reliability) and cut out the flags, it turns out very economically. On a piece of fabric measuring 17 by 50 cm, I got 3.5 flags.

Cutting out all our wealth)

Sew with a seam allowance of 0.5 cm on both sides.

We cut the corner

Turn inside out, using a sushi stick, straighten the corner.

And iron all the checkboxes.

We cut off the corners.

We prepare a slanting inlay: cut off the desired size, and process the ends with fire.

We leave the free end of the inlay, I left 50 cm each, maybe more, we pin the first flag.

We sew the left string (50 cm) and the flag itself. At the beginning and at the end of each flag, I made a small bartack for 2-3 stitches (for reliability).

When flashing the flag, we make a stop at the very end in order to determine the position of the next flag (I did it by eye, about 3.5 cm, but you can increase the distance to 5 cm - it turns out well too). We sew a piece of oblique inlay without a flag, and move on to the next one (I don’t use pins any more), do not forget to make a bartack at the beginning and at the end of each flag.

Next, we sew the entire garland in the same way, at the end we leave a tie of 50 cm.
For my flag garland, I used a 3 meter bias tape and 14 flags, sewing them at a distance of 3.5 cm. The garland turned out to be about 2 meters and two 50 cm strings.

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From paper

A paper garland is quite simple to make, it can be made for a child's birthday or just decorate a room for any holiday. It is not difficult to make the brightest and most spectacular paper garlands - the instructions will help you cope in just a matter of minutes.

We make a garland of flowers with our own hands.

Stylized flowers

funny roses

Another paper flower garland - this time it's stylized roses. Making such a flower garland out of paper with your own hands is quite simple - draw it yourself by hand or print out templates for cutting, and circle them on any paper (by the way, you can use paper with a pattern).

Make a lot of roses - you need to cut a spiral, and then glue the original rose from it. When there are enough flowers, we string roses on a rope, and a do-it-yourself paper garland for a wedding or birthday is ready!

or you can cut a spiral with a wave, you get this flower:

Print Template:

From felt

It is very easy to make a garland with your own hands from felt.

For this we need:

  • colored felt (it is better to take pure shades);
  • lace, ribbon or braid;
  • sharp scissors;
  • sewing machine (or thread with a needle).
DIY felt garland is done like this:

If you already have a flat garland, and now you want to make voluminous New Year's garlands, then you will like a garland of butterflies.

Making this original Christmas tree garland is very, very simple:
  1. we cut blanks (you can use diagrams - you can download them for free, you can cut them by eye);
  2. we collect bow ties - we sew a large rectangle with a thread across, tighten it, tighten the knot and close it with a small jumper;
  3. we string butterflies on a thread or a beautiful lace, you can also use twine or ribbon for a garland;
  4. we straighten the butterflies - a garland for a wedding with our own hands is ready!

From hearts

Garlands of hearts look very impressive - they can be used for any holiday, you can make a decoration with your own hands for a wedding or just decorate an apartment or office for Valentine's Day.

How to make a heart garland using colored paper and a stapler:

You can make a one-color garland - for example, in red or pink, or you can use paper of several shades (by the way, double-sided colored paper for a printer is well suited).

There is another version of a do-it-yourself paper heart garland. We need colored paper, a cutting template (you can download and print it), a pencil (to transfer the template to paper), scissors and a sewing machine.

This DIY heart garland is done like this:

By the way, a garland of paper circles is made according to the same principle - circles of colored paper are folded in pairs and stitched. You can fold three or four blanks, then you get multi-colored balls of paper.

From checkboxes

A flag garland looks very elegant - it can have an inscription happy birthday, or welcome, and a garland of flags can be used at any party or children's holiday.

How to make a garland of flags for a children's birthday with your own hands? Three easy steps: Simple, isn't it?

For those who want a little more complexity, a garland of flags and fabric. So, we have already understood how to make a garland of flags with our own hands, but at what stage to add fabric and what kind? Again, it's simple.

It is clear that paper garlands are not very durable - they will endure a maximum of one or two uses, but what if you want to make something more durable? For example, for a kindergarten, you can make a flag garland of fabric.

How to sew a garland of flags in stages:
The decorative braid with flags made in this way can be used at home and in the garden, you can make a special decor for the street (especially kids like it for the new year).

For the new year

Making Christmas garlands is fun and exciting! To make a beautiful and original garland, you will need small candle lamps, narrow tinsel and a couple of cans of paint - special for glass or ordinary acrylic. Light bulbs are alternately dipped in paint and dried on a cardboard stand (the plinths can be wrapped with cling film so as not to get dirty). Then the bulbs are glued to the tinsel in a chaotic manner, and the unusual Christmas tree garland is ready!

Making another Christmas tree garland is also not too difficult - the main thing is to stock up on a template. For printing, you can use colored paper right away, or you can make one general template and copy it onto paper of any color. Printed or redrawn templates must be cut as shown in the diagram and strung on a bright twine.

A garland of felt balls looks very cozy and very Christmas-like. You can do it with your child - you just need help. In order to make such an interior decoration, you will need felt balls. No, not even that - LOTS of felt balls.

Making them is quite simple - we take a little wool for felting in the palm of our hand, and wet it under the tap, and then roll it slightly into a ball. Add foam or soap, and continue to roll. When the ball begins to form, you need to make a little effort.

If the coat is acting up, try changing the temperature of the water several times - after a couple of changes from cold to hot water and back, the fibers begin to fall off. The future ball must be thoroughly washed from soap. The ball is ready when it becomes firm.

Make a lot of these balls - they can be of the same color (then it is better to take a contrasting thread for stringing) or different shades, and then just string them on a thread with a needle, and your cozy winter decor is ready. By the way, with such balls you can decorate a Christmas wreath on the door and a New Year tree.

Christmas tree patterns:

Well, I infected you with my needlework enthusiasm and you also want to make all kinds of garlands of flowers, felt balls, flags and other things? Then it's time to see what other decors are.

For example, you can make chic wedding garlands with your own hands.

How to sew a garland of artificial flowers in half an hour on a typewriter? There's an answer. By the way, if you want, you can make paper butterflies and alternate them with flowers.

When I was ordered another garland of flags for kindergarten, I thought: “why not make a master class on “lazy” flags?”

For checkboxes you will need:

- Oxford tourist fabric (you can take the height of the flag, but in our store they sell from 30 cm);

- hardboard (or other material that can withstand the high temperature of the soldering iron);

- soldering iron;

- chalk / remnant;

- a metal ruler;

- sewing machine.

Why are checkboxes lazy? It's simple - no need to process the edges of the flags, trim the allowances curly, turn them inside out.

My kit for creativity (there is no sewing machine in the photo).

I have the cheapest soldering iron, bought in one of the chain stores, where everything is at the same price. The soldering iron has a thin tip (well, or a spout).

The height of the flags is 21 cm. We mark the width we need and draw a limiting line.

The base of the flags is 14 cm. Turn on the soldering iron (let it warm up), but for now we mark the fabric and enjoy the almost waste-free production.

Note: if the fabric is wrinkled, you can iron it with an iron (low heat), from strong heat the fabric melts or changes size, because it is synthetic.

The soldering iron is hot. We apply the ruler to the side cut of the flag, press it so that the ruler does not move out, and draw a soldering iron along the ruler along the side line of the future flag. The fabric is synthetic, it melts well, thereby securing the edges of the flag from shedding threads.

The photo shows that one flag "side" I have already "cut" with a soldering iron.

The checkbox is ready! Everything is fast and easy.

And so another 40 pieces.

The width of the strips is 2.5 cm.

The width of the fabric itself is 150 cm, and the length of the garland is 780 cm (including ties of 50 cm on each side). We cut the required amount (I had 5.5 strips per garland).

A bunch for two garlands.

We sew them together. I sent the black fabric side inside, I left the white rubberized coating outside.

The total number of flags is 40, 10 of each color.

We fold the mega-long strip so that the lower part protrudes. This way I don't think about whether the bottom fabric is caught or not. Checkboxes are lazy. Do not forget to put flags inside the folded strip.

At the beginning and at the end of each flag, I made a bartack.

The distance between the flags is about 3 cm, but I measured by applying two fingers of my hand.


Now the flags are hanging on the verandas for walks in the same kindergarten.