How to beautifully and evenly make up lips. How to paint lips with matte lipstick. Choosing the right shade

Beautiful eye makeup is definitely one of the most important parts. perfect image, however, do not underestimate the role of such an element as lips. Every day we meet many people who, while communicating with us, look at their lips as often as they look at their eyes. Juicy and attractive lips"bow" - isn't this the dream of many women and the ideal of all men?

But what to do if nature has endowed you with a shape of lips that is far from ideal? If they seem to be plump, but not very “bow”, or not plump at all, but thin and colorless? ... Of course, learn how to properly paint your lips with a pencil, lipstick and gloss, and then skillfully apply your knowledge in practice!

Lip makeup like any other cosmetic procedure, requires compliance with a special sequence of operations. And the absence of one of the elements or its incorrect implementation can lead to the fact that the result will be far from ideal and you will have to repaint everything again. Or the lip makeup will not last long and will “float” at the most inopportune moment, spoiling the whole image, and at the same time your mood.

To prevent this from happening, you need to strictly adhere to the "action plan" and, of course, use quality cosmetics, for example, from the company Oriflame. But before looking for answers to questions like how to paint thin lips or what to do to make them seem a little smaller, you need to learn the basic rules of lip makeup.


The first and most important step is high-quality cleansing skin from dirt, dust and coarsened cells, if any. Cleansing must be done with a tonic or facial cleanser - this will help cleanse the surface of the lips from an invisible film consisting of sebum, particles of dirt, dust and bacteria.

If this is not done, the makeup will not be durable and will very soon begin to “float”, which is not a very desirable phenomenon. Why do women paint their lips? In order to feel confident and attractive throughout the day, or at least for as long as possible, and not at all to worry and worry, looking in the mirror every 10 minutes and checking the condition of the lipstick. Therefore, do not neglect this procedure if you want your lip makeup to be always on top.

If your lips are not lucky, and they have undergone harmful effects wind, frost or sun that led to their cracking or peeling, they need help to get rid of all these irregularities and roughness. This must be done in order for lipstick or gloss to look neat. A special lip peeling scrub with small granules will help in this matter; a body or face scrub will not work.

If the condition of the lips is completely deplorable, and they are covered with a crust, a cream with lanolin will save the situation, which will effectively soften the resulting crust, and you can then easily remove it with a scrub.

At the end of the cleansing procedure, a small amount of moisturizer, such as a balm, is applied, this will help prevent re-chapping.


When your lips are cleansed and moisturized, you can proceed to the next step - applying a tonal foundation, or as cosmetologists like to call it a primer. Do not skip this stage - because it is thanks to this base that the lipstick will last longer. It is important to pay attention to the composition of the product, it is very desirable that it includes glycerin that effectively retains moisture and permaline that has fixing properties.

The foundation is laid even layer with the help of a sponge, it is important to fill in every crease of the surface of the lips, only then it will become perfectly even.


The beauty and accuracy of lip makeup largely depend on how well the contour is made. Why paint lips with a pencil? With the help of a contour pencil, you can correct the original shape of the lips and make them plump and seductive. In addition, the contour is an additional barrier for lipstick and gloss, preventing the spread of these products.

Important to choose correct shade contour pencil, it should either be a tone darker than lipstick, or ideally match it in color. The application of the contour begins from the middle of the upper lip from the center to the edges, after which the center contour is applied lower lip and finally, the corners of the lips are formed.

To give some swelling, as well as to ensure that the lipstick lasts longer and is not eaten inside the lips, makeup artists recommend shading the entire surface of the lips with a contour pencil.


How to paint lips with lipstick, and what shades to choose? If daytime makeup is performed, it is recommended to give preference to matte or satin lipsticks that repeat natural color and make it richer. At the same time, it is best to refuse lipsticks of a lilac-violet range, since with daylight they look unnatural.

For evening make-up you need to choose bright and very dark shades lipstick, it is important to remember that dark tones visually reduce lips, and lipstick with mother-of-pearl increases. To apply lipstick professional makeup artists it is advised to use a brush, with which you can not only better paint over the surface, but also mix several shades. Apply lipstick from the center to the edges, which will help prevent its accumulation in the corners.

If you prefer to use lip gloss, then you need to know how to properly apply lip gloss. Like lipstick, gloss should be applied at the final stage of lip makeup. This can be done using the built-in applicator, however, in most cases, the included applicators are not very convenient to use. Therefore, it is best to use a special brush. It is necessary to apply gloss in small portions - you can always add a little more, but to remove the excess you will have to work hard.


Nature has endowed not every woman with lips that are close to ideal, some want to reduce too large ones, and others want to enlarge small lips at least a little. How to paint lips far from ideal?

If by nature you got thin lips and you want to make them plump, you need to draw a contour a little further than the natural border (that is, abroad), and after applying lipstick, you need to cover it with a small amount of gloss. You can also just make light highlights in the center with a lighter shade of lipstick, while the transitions between colors need to be shaded.

Now about how to paint large plump lips. If yours seem too plump to you, you need to powder their contour and, drawing the contour of the lips, try to apply it several times. at the same natural boundary (that is, inside the boundary). After that, the line must be carefully shaded towards the center. From the use of glosses and mother-of-pearl lipsticks, the owners of such lips must be abandoned, for them ideal option are matte lipsticks.

Needs special attention frequently asked question"How to paint lips with red lipstick?" There are no special tricks in applying red lipstick, the procedure is quite standard. In this matter, it is not the application method itself that deserves the most attention, but the choice of shade and selection of the appropriate image.

So, for women with dark skin, red-burgundy lipsticks are suitable. For those with yellowish or beige shade warm tones of red lipstick are best suited in addition to a peach tone. If the face has a pinkish tint, then the ideal option would be a red tone with an additional blue or pink tint. If you are overcome by doubts, and you can’t decide which red color suits you, choose a lipstick with brown tint, it looks good on any lips without exception.

Having decided on makeup with red lipstick, remember that in this case it is necessary to paint the eyes as naturally and without frills as possible, that is, the emphasis should be on one thing, and in the case of red lipstick, it is on the lips. Also, do not forget to complete the look with some red wardrobe item or accessory, such as red beads, a scarf, shoes or a belt.

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With the help of a cosmetic pencil and lipstick, you can significantly improve the shape of your mouth. Seductively painted lips are a must-have finishing touch to any makeup. The final result is affected by the quality of cosmetics, but equally important are the right shades and how it is applied.

It is chosen by self-confident women who want to stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of the opposite sex. But not all ladies know how to correctly use such bright color, because of which sometimes cause puzzled looks. Red lipstick should be applied very precisely, any flaws will be very noticeable. It has many shades, making it versatile.

How to choose a shade according to hair color:

  • Most of all, red color suits brunettes. Owners of dark chestnut and black curls are recommended rich options, in particular, burgundy. How darker hair in a woman, the more vivid her lips may be.
  • Girls with very blonde hair, blondes and owners ashy curls there are strict, cold red shades. They should not use warm colors - carrot or brick. They will look strange and out of place.
  • If the hair has a yellowish or straw tint, then it is worth making up a more saturated red tone. So suitable for girls Matt lipstick. It is only necessary to maintain a balance so that the mouth does not stand out too much and does not look defiant.
  • Red-haired young ladies can use any warm shades in makeup. They should avoid cold and berry tones, they will look unnatural.
  • Owners of dark blond curls and brown-haired women should pay attention to coral, carrot and brick shades. But they are suitable for almost all tones. Many fashionistas prefer strawberry, raspberry and cherry shades, which will also suit them.

Lip cosmetics are also selected in accordance with skin color:

  • For those with light porcelain skin tone, matte cherry burgundy or plum color will suit.
  • Girls with olive skin go with almost any shade of red.
  • Owners of skin with a pinkish undertone should avoid too bright and cold tones. They will go with classic red lipstick.
  • Women with tanned skin can use the matte version neutral shade or muted red. Cold, bright brick and burgundy colors are undesirable for them.

After the shade is chosen, you need to learn how to apply cosmetics correctly.

How to paint lips with red lipstick?

Rules perfect makeup read:

  • To obtain a clear and even contour, it is not necessary to apply cosmetic pencil. You can use a light corrector, it is applied around the mouth.
  • The clearer the contour, the more beautiful the makeup with red lips will look.
  • After the lipstick is applied, do not immediately compress the lips to evenly distribute the color. It is necessary to wait for time, otherwise the cosmetics may be smeared and go beyond the contour.
  • In order to protect makeup from disappearing while eating, it is best to apply a base first.
  • To make thin lips look more plump, apply gloss. It is applied at the end to the central area.
  • If there are large mouths and you need to visually narrow them, then it is advisable to use dark tones.

Red lipstick must be applied twice. After the first layer is on the lips, they need to be blotted with a napkin. Then use powder, it will help fix the color. Impose the second final.

A step-by-step guide will tell you how to properly make up your lips:

  • In order for the lips to be smooth, and the cosmetics do not roll into lumps on them, the surface must be leveled. To do this, first apply a scrub, gently massage and wash it off. This will make your makeup last much longer.
  • Apply a light base and give it time to dry. In some cases, it is also necessary to use powder.
  • Outline the mouth with a contour pencil. Suitable remedy under the color of lipstick or colorless. This will keep the makeup from smearing.
  • Apply the first layer, moving from the center of the lips to the corners.
  • Wet with a napkin, removing excess makeup.
  • Lightly powdered.
  • Apply the second layer.

If step-by-step instruction did not help to do the makeup correctly, then you should visit the master class and do everything under the guidance of a professional makeup artist.

How to apply matte lipstick?

Step by step it looks like this:

  • Since on matte lips all the flaws are visible, it is recommended to carefully prepare. To do this, the night before, you need to remove peeling with a scrub or peeling.
  • Mouth smeared nourishing balm for the night.
  • In the morning, draw a contour with a matte cosmetic pencil.
  • Apply cosmetics with a brush, so the product will lie more evenly.

Makeup with matte lipstick should be performed especially carefully, as it highlights any imperfections in the skin.

How to use a lip pencil?

1. Give correct form impossible without the use of a pencil. It is recommended to apply it with short strokes, giving Special attention center top. In order to make the contour more even, it is best to put down small dots and draw a line through them. Then shading is performed inward. Apply lipstick or gloss of the selected shade on top.

2. How to put on makeup to make your lips look bigger? To do this, circle them, slightly going beyond the natural contour and highlighting the corners.

3. To make them visually too large, they are circled a little closer to the center. The line should not reach the corners, they should not be highlighted. And if you still use matte dark lipstick, then visually the mouth will appear smaller.

4. Using a pencil, you can also correct the lowered corners of the mouth by lifting them.

5. You won’t be able to make up your lips beautifully if you choose the wrong color for pencil and lipstick.

6. The main rule is that the color of the contour should not contrast with the main shade. For more natural makeup you can use two tones of a pencil. One should be slightly lighter than the other. The one that is darker circles the mouth along the outer contour. And the lighter one is the inner one. This line must be carefully shaded. The outer contour should be clear, so the makeup will look neat and natural.

7. When creating evening look use dark makeup. You can do ombre makeup. In this case, the contour will be several tones darker than the main color.

You can find lipstick in every girl's makeup bag. But not everyone knows how to properly paint her lips. Following the advice of cosmetologists and makeup artists, you can easily understand all the intricacies of this matter.

We select the color of lipstick

First of all, you need to choose the right shade of lipstick. For this, girls with fair skin should choose from shades in pink, owners dark skin- from shades with an orange undertone, and to dark skin the best way beige shades are suitable.
The same advice applies to choosing bright colors lipstick: for fair skin red shades with a bluish undertone are suitable, for a swarthy - orange shades, and for dark - plum red.

Lip preparation before makeup

The skin of the lips should be even and smooth. Therefore, before applying lipstick, you should clean it of keratinized particles. To do this, you can use a special lip scrub or any other soft scrub. In addition, use to exfoliate the skin of the lips. toothbrush or a clean eyelash brush. A light massage lasting about one minute will relieve you of roughness on the lips, give them softness and allow the lipstick to lie beautifully and evenly.

Applying lipstick on lips

In order to properly apply lipstick, you must follow a few rules:

  1. Apply foundation to lips to even out the tone of the lips with the tone of the face.
  2. Draw the desired lip contour with a pencil. Remember that the shade of the pencil should be as close as possible to the color of the lipstick.
  3. Walk along the contour of the lips from the edge inward cotton swab- this will help to eliminate the shortcomings of the contour and blend the pencil a little. Be careful not to stain the skin around the lips with the remnants of a pencil on a cotton swab.
  4. Fill in all the lips with a pencil inside the outline you have drawn.
  5. Apply foundation with a brush around the lip contour. This will help fill in the fine lines around the lips to create a "barrier" to the lipstick so it doesn't bleed.
  6. Apply with a brush lipstick all over the surface of the lips, without going beyond the boundaries of the pencil.

Some lip makeup tricks

To visually increase or decrease the volume of the lips with a contour pencil, paint over the natural contour first foundation. It will not stand out and create the effect of sloppiness. In addition, do not forget that the deviation from your lip shape should not exceed 1-2 mm in order for the lips to look natural.

To emphasize the hollow above the upper lip, draw a cross in the center of the upper lip with a pencil, as shown in the photo. This will give your makeup a flirtatious look.

To make lipstick last longer and look brighter, apply a second layer of lipstick to your lips after blotting the first with a napkin.

Correct and high-quality lip makeup has many nuances, but having mastered them, you can easily master this art.

“Modern makeup should be simple and natural, so that we pay attention to the face, not the makeup. I am convinced that cosmetics are designed to enhance and emphasize the features given to you by God, and not at all to change them.

Robert Jones is a world famous makeup artist.

Professional makeup artists say that there are very few hard and fast rules in the art of makeup. They believe that beauty is the perception of the viewer, which is very subjective, as well as beauty itself. Each of us has own style, and someone is looking for it, experimenting. If difficulties arise, make-up artists will help you find your style, who together with you will reveal a self-confident and beautiful woman in you.

And although, as already mentioned, there are not so many immutable rules in makeup, we will try to pay attention to those basic rules that should still be remembered and applied. Now let's talk about the rules for applying lipstick.

How to apply lipstick. Let's consider several options.
To lipstick last longer on the lips, apply it over the base, which may be Foundation. Once you have applied the cream, blot your lips with a tissue, then outline the contour. Now you can apply lipstick. When applying, do not rub the upper lips against the lower ones, as the contour may be ruined. Wait a little while the lipstick or gloss is absorbed into the lips, and only then blot with a tissue. Next, powder lightly and apply a fresh coat of lipstick or gloss again. Now the lip makeup will be stable and can last all day. If you use long-lasting lipstick, after applying it, it is not recommended to stretch your lips and get them wet, at least 30 seconds after applying lipstick.

You can also try this option - to make your lips look juicy, use a balm or moisturizer before applying lipstick. This will help the lip liner and lipstick blend smoothly and more evenly onto the lips. Apply the lip balm and blot the excess, then trace the contour and rub it over your lips with a brush so that when the lipstick wears off, you do not have one contour on your lips. If there is a temptation to increase the size of the lips by drawing a contour slightly higher than natural, this can be done. But do not go too far beyond the contour line, it will already look unnatural. Then completely paint over the entire surface of the lips with a contour, and apply gloss on top. You'll get saturated color And full lips.

And another option for applying lipstick. First, we clean the lips with a special milk or tonic, apply on them thin layer cream. 20-30 seconds is enough for the cream to be absorbed. Next, use a contour pencil close to the shade of lipstick or to natural color your lips. Choose a pencil that is soft, but not too greasy. The contour is always better to shade with a brush, you can use a cotton swab. Apply lipstick: Wet the first layer of lipstick with a napkin, then powder the lips and apply the second layer. You can use the same foundation for the lips as for the face. First we tint the lips, then we powder, and then we apply lipstick.

Is it necessary to apply lip liner? It depends on personal preference.

But, it should be remembered that the lip contour helps to emphasize the line of the mouth and change the shape of the lips.

contour pencil prevents the lipstick from rubbing off the edge of the lips and flowing, and also helps the lipstick stay on the lips longer (this is the case if you apply the contour first, and then the lipstick). The contour pencil has great importance. To make lips look fuller, choose a white or skin-colored pencil. A dark pencil visually reduces the volume of the lips. When the lipstick is applied, to increase the volume of the lips, add a drop of gloss or light pearly lipstick to the center of the lower lip.

To properly contour, start at the middle of the curve of the upper lip. Then, starting from the outer corners, draw short strokes that will meet in the middle of the upper lip. Then proceed to the contour of the lower lip. On it, emphasize the lower bend, then move from the outer corners of the mouth to the center with the same short strokes. Draw the contour not with a sharp one movement, but with soft short strokes. In the second case, the contour will be more correct.

When applying lipstick, you can use a brush or tube, or you can use your fingers. Makeup artists claim that if lipstick is applied with a brush, it lasts longer. Sweeping the brush over the lipstick, apply it to the lips, starting from the center of the upper lip, spreading up and to the sides. Then paint over the middle of the lower lip, and from it reach the corners of the mouth. Finish applying lipstick should be carefully outlining the contour of the lips.

Can be mixed with a brush different shades lipsticks, creating new ones. But if you need to enhance the color, apply from a tube. Using a tube, it is more difficult to cover small areas on the lips. Brush or tube - the choice is yours. The clarity of application is checked along the line of the lower lip and corners of the mouth. If there are any errors, take a brush and a dense corrector and draw a clear line.

Before going to bed, the remnants of lipstick must be removed using a special cosmetic milk or makeup remover. Just don't use soap and water because soft skin lips will start to crack.

A few basic rules for applying lipstick on the lips
To keep lipstick on your lips longer, apply it over the base.

The liner prevents lipstick from rubbing off the edge of the lips and from flowing, and also helps the lipstick stay on the lips longer.

Rub the applied contour over the entire surface of the lips. Apply lipstick, then wipe off and reapply.

You should not set yourself the goal of buying a lipstick that lasts all day. It must be remembered that they are persistent and last a long time, but their composition gives the lips a somewhat dry look.

Whatever the season or events beautiful make-up improves mood and self-confidence.

To paint lips is a whole art, you can transform your entire face in a few minutes with the right and carefully applied lipstick. Or spoil the impression by drawing a curved path, choosing not to suitable color. Therefore, it is worth considering all the nuances proper makeup lips, the secrets of applying and the subtleties of color matching.

Lip makeup

There are several basic tools:

  • Lipstick is the most common option. Its texture is soft and moisturizing. It is convenient to paint, the tube fits in the smallest handbag, you can literally fix your makeup on the go. Care products have been developed, they combine the functions of a balm;
  • Pencil - used to be used to create a contour so that the lipstick stays on better. But now, many use the pencil as independent remedy- it is resistant, the color is matte, the pencil lasts for a long time;
  • Glitter - used to give shine. In summer, on a hot day, it is more comfortable with glitter than with a full-fledged make-up. It is possible to paint with glitter over lipstick to make the image brighter;
  • Liquid lipstick - the packaging is similar to gloss, but the color is not pale, but rich, bright. Especially popular are liquid matte lipsticks that dry out and last 3-4 hours;
  • Tint is a novelty in the field of make-up. The tint is applied like a gloss, then dries, removed with a film. After removing the film on the lips remains a shade that mimics the natural color. The tint lasts for several hours, being removed with a make-up remover.


Before applying makeup, it is useful to perform a number of procedures, then the final result will be better:

How to paint lips with lipstick

There are several secrets on how to make up lips with lipstick. If the makeup is daytime and you do not need to adjust the shape, then you can do without a pencil. If the exit is planned for the evening, then without a pencil anywhere. To make up the lips evenly, you need to draw a shape with a pencil with neat short strokes. First you should make up a tick on the upper lip, on the lower strip. After filling the corners, and already from them move to the center. Movements are slow and precise. Having drawn a contour, you should move on to lipstick. More comfortable to paint lips special brush, or apply lipstick from a tube, but then shade. In this way, the color will be more uniform, make-up will last longer. To improve durability, you can blot the first layer with a napkin. Then powder, apply lipstick again.

How to paint lips with a pencil

If planned solemn event, it is necessary that the makeup lasts for a long time, you can paint your lips instead of lipstick with a pencil. Soft pencils are suitable for this purpose. If the pencil is hard, you can injure the skin. If there is no other, you can soften it. You need to hold the lead for a couple of seconds over the fire, for example, matches, lighters. The pencil will become much softer. Now you can paint. You need to draw a contour, then proceed to fill the entire area. The pressure on the pencil is minimal, the strokes are short. If you need to make up your lips to make them look plump, then you need to apply strokes crosswise. It is necessary to paint with strokes diagonally in one direction, and then in the other. To add shine, you can apply gloss on top, but this will reduce the durability of makeup.

How to paint lips with gloss

It is not difficult to beautifully paint lips with gloss. Usually in a tube there is a good applicator, which is convenient for applying gloss. You can avoid applying a pencil with this method of creating makeup. The shape of the lips is not ideal - you can use a flesh-colored pencil. After applying the gloss, you need to take it with you - the durability is low, after an hour, an hour and a half, you will need to paint it again.

How to paint lips with matte lipstick

Matte textures are the most capricious - it is difficult to paint, the durability is less. Before applying lipstick, you need to make sure that the lips are perfectly smooth - every flaw will be visible. It is better to use a scrub before painting your lips, and apply a balm in minimum quantity. If this is not done, then the product will lose its dullness. Matte lipstick is liquid - you should paint more carefully, after drying, you will not be able to correct the flaws. It is necessary to remove a persistent agent vegetable oil or micellar water.

How to paint with tint

This tool is gaining popularity, so not all girls know how to paint their lips. It is important to paint with a tint for the first time when there is no need to go anywhere. It is better to practice, see what the result will be, and after that apply it “to the exit”. Tint should be painted carefully - if you go beyond the boundaries, then the final result will be sloppy, as if the lips are crookedly made up, inflamed. After you need to let the tint dry for 15-20 minutes, remove the film with a gentle movement. Apply lip balm on top. If you do not need to remove the tint, then after absorption - the makeup is ready.

Makeup for various lip shapes

Each girl has her own unique lip shape, but there are several main types. Each type differs in features in applying lipstick.

How to paint thin lips

The main goal in this case- to paint lips so that they seem more. You will need to apply a dense foundation, concealer to the area around. Next, paint the outline with a pencil slightly departing from the natural border. It is important to observe the proportions: upper lip usually slightly less than the bottom. You should not radically change the shape - it will look unnatural. Carefully paint over the outline, there is also an option to add a drop of gloss. You can paint small lips with a special lipstick to increase volume - such products burn a little, due to this, the lips become plumper.

How to paint big lips

If by nature the lips are plump, then there should be no difficulties in applying makeup. If there is a desire to reduce their volume, then you need to paint over the lips, the area around them with a concealer, a dense foundation. Use a pencil to make up the shape, reducing the volume. You should not step inside strongly - there is a chance of overdoing it, making it unnatural appearance. It is better not to paint with gloss, leave the tone matte - this way the lips seem thinner.

Heart lips

This form looks very attractive, sexy. But if the incision is too small, then you can visually enlarge it. You just need to draw out the corners. We apply the cosealer to this area, after which we paint the corners with a pencil a little wider than usual. Do not stretch the shape too much - the Joker's smile will not decorate anyone.

Protruded lips

If the incision is too large, then you can reduce it a little. You need to draw a contour with a pencil already. By the way, you can apply tips for narrow lips - by increasing the volume, you can visually narrow them.

Color selection rules

Choosing the right lipstick color is not easy. It is necessary to take into account the color of the skin, eyes, hair, type of makeup.

classic rule: one accent in makeup.

For example, the eyes are made up brightly - lipstick should be chosen pale. If a bright color is chosen, then the eyes should be painted more modestly. But fashion trends often advised to break the rules. Therefore, you need to choose a color based on personal preferences.

  • For day makeup fit light shades, pale pink, nude shades.
  • In the evening it is permissible to paint lips with lipstick bright colors- from red, to the most daring berry shades.
  • Fair-skinned girls will suit light shades of pink, brown, light brick shades. All cold shades are the right choice.
  • Dark-skinned people can choose brighter colors - red, dark colors: brown, dark pink, berry. warm shades Here's what you need for these girls.
  • Blonde girls or bright eyes it is worth choosing peach, coral colors.
  • Dark-haired, dark-eyed girls can freely choose any bright or dark color. The darker the hair color, the bolder the color choice can be.

How to paint lips with red lipstick

Red lipstick is truly the queen among all other lipsticks. Having painted her lips, not a single girl will go unnoticed. The main thing is to choose the right shade - classic red will suit almost everyone, dark colors(for example, dark wine) suitable for brunettes, and light shades are created for blondes and red-haired girls.

Also, if you make up your lips with red lipstick, your teeth will also look brighter. Therefore, you should think twice before choosing this color - if the teeth are not perfectly white and even, the whole effect of red lipstick will disappear.

Basic Rule- if the lipstick is red, then all makeup should be neat, thoughtful.

Uneven complexion, pimples on the skin, poor choice of shadows - all this is more noticeable when choosing a red color. The method of applying red lipstick is not difficult. It is important to paint a neat outline, then fill the entire surface. To make the outline look clearer, you can resort to tricks. After applying lipstick, you need to walk along the border with concealer, shade. So the outline looks brighter, neater.

How to paint lips on video

To fix all the rules for applying lipstick, you can watch the video. The expert will show you how to paint lips correctly, how to make a neat contour.