Ash curls. Who should be avoided. We combine pastel and ashy shades of hair

Many girls dream of getting ash-blond hair color, is it so difficult? Most women believe that for this it is enough just to buy paint with the appropriate name and use it. How many unfriendly remarks are then made about the quality of the paint and its manufacturer! If you decide to go down this path, then it is better to stop in time. Most reliable way purchase desired shade- seek help from a professional master or carefully study the following tips.

Preparation before staining

It is very difficult to get an ash-blond hair color if by nature the hair is reddish or golden color. Sometimes it is impossible to achieve this even with the help of experienced craftsman. Is it worth it? Indeed, when growing back, the roots will create a sharp contrast in a couple of weeks. hard to get desired shade and in the event that you stained your strands with henna or basma. After using the dye, the hair may acquire a greenish tint.

To avoid this, the hair must be pre-treated with a special composition - a wash. If the degree of previous staining is too intense, then washing is done repeatedly, with breaks of several days.

If your hair color is too dark, you need to pre-bleach. Otherwise, after using ash-blond paint, the hair, on the contrary, will darken or not change color at all. Sometimes, in order not to damage all the curls, it is better to highlight, that is, bleach only 1/3 or ½ of the hair.

Ash pigment clings very strongly to damaged hair. Therefore, the split strands after dyeing can become lilac or even purple. Eliminating this defect will be very difficult. This is especially true for blondes. Therefore, damaged strands must be cut off. If the condition of the hair is not very good, then you should take a course medical masks that can repair the damaged structure.

The choice of paint for ash-blond hair color

It is advisable to purchase paint for ash-blond hair color in a specialized store. If the hair is very lightened, then it is better that the word “ashy” is not in the name, you should choose “pearl” or “silver”. Carefully look at the layout, if in doubt, then ask for advice from a consultant.

If your hair is light brown, then it is not necessary to buy paint, it will be enough to use a tinted shampoo or balm. The tint balm is also useful for women who have already dyed the strands in an ash-blond color.

The ash pigment is washed out very quickly with healthy hair, so the effect must be maintained using a tint balm once a week. It will prevent the appearance of yellowness and redness. Using it is quite simple: mix not a large number of balm with regular shampoo(at first it is better to experiment on a separate strand to find the right proportions) and wash your hair. After some time, the pigment will accumulate inside the hair and the procedure will have to be repeated much less frequently.

How to get the right hair color

Ash shade has retained its popularity since the end of the last century. Noble steel overflow is chosen by women of all ages. However, it should be remembered that it is not suitable for everyone, and in some cases it can even age a little, emphasizing imperfections on the skin. Ash-blond hair color is the most difficult to get for natural brunettes. To achieve it, in advance. You can start painting in the desired color only after 2 weeks. It should be remembered that such procedures will greatly damage your hair, so you need to provide it with special intensive care. For the perfect appearance you should regularly tint the roots and use restorative masks.

Women who naturally have a chestnut or light brown color are much easier to get the desired shade.

There is no need to bleach curls if the difference does not exceed 1-3 shades. If the hair has an appropriate tone, then it is enough to use tint shampoo or balm once a week.

How to achieve desired color blondes? It is best to try to color the curls 1-2 tones darker than natural. When painting, it is better to use gentle paints without ammonia. The exposure time of the paint must be strictly observed, since overdoing it, you will get a tone much darker than required.

If this still happens, you should apply a large amount to the hair. nourishing balm, massage well, hold for 10-15 minutes and rinse with shampoo. If necessary, the procedure should be repeated. If this does not help, try moistening the hair with lemon juice, walk like this for 1-2 hours and rinse with warm water.

Fashion is constantly changing, so girls are buying up various clothes, then they lose weight, then they go to the gym, then they change their hair color. But no matter what, the color that will never lose its popularity is black.

And also in Lately ash shades are also fashionable. Therefore, we combine two relevant topics and answer main question that worries the majority modern girls- how to make ash-black hair color? Attention to the photo:

Who suits a dark ashy shade of hair?

Burning brunettes always attract the eyes of millions of men. Sexuality, independence, determination, self-confidence - that's what comes to mind when you see black-haired beauties.

But does this color suit everyone? The main thing to be guided by is the eyes and skin.

  • Firstly, black fit or owners of dark skin, or, conversely, pale.
  • Secondly, it is desirable that the face does not have problem areas, because such a shade of hair will only emphasize them.
  • Thirdly, with green and brown eyes, clearly black will look much more advantageous.
  • And fourthly, dark color will make the curls visually more voluminous.

It will look incomparable with gray-blue, marsh and brown eyes.

The main thing to remember when choosing such shades is that girls with a cold color type of appearance clearly win.

Combining black and ashy, you get pretty interesting game colors. Photo:

Ash ombre on dark hair (with photo)

Those brunettes who are afraid to completely dye their curls in an ashy shade, but still want to experiment a little, can consider an ombre - a gradual transition from one color to another. IN this case, by the way, a little less harm will be done to the hair.

Ombre for black hair ashy color suitable for girls, whose hair length is below the shoulders.

This technique has a number of advantages:

  • With it, you can hide the gray hair that appears, often this problem happens in young girls who, due to heredity or some other reasons, turned gray early.
  • The second reason is that the ombre will help mask the yellowish strands that can appear as a result of lightening the hair.

This coloring technique is perfect for ladies with a cold skin tone and gray-blue eyes as well as girls who have pale skin and green eyes. Photo:

Ash color hair with black roots, of course, great option, but the most adventurous dark-haired ladies can try to completely change the color of their hair.

To get out of the black color, of course, it will take a lot of effort and time. It is better to contact the salon, because. professionals are much more efficient this work than amateurs. After all, no one needs suddenly appeared green or blue shades, and even more so spoiled curls in the form of a washcloth.

The main thing that will be required is patience and a certain amount of money (especially if the hair is long enough). Currently qualified specialists are not cheap.

Step-by-step instructions for ashy painting

No matter how difficult it is to get out of dark hair color, it is still possible, especially if you have the initial skills in painting.

First you need to bleach your hair, this will help 20 percent peroxide, and then the usual bleaching color.

  1. Peroxide and bleaching powder are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1.
  2. The mass is thoroughly mixed to avoid the formation of lumps.

  1. Then it is evenly applied to the hair.

  1. A hat is put on the head.
  2. After an hour, the hair is washed and dried.

Then, after clarification, you must use the dye level 10 of the desired color.

  1. Now the same peroxide is mixed, but with paint in a ratio of 2: 1.

  1. Everything is stirred.
  2. Next, steps 3-5 from the previous paragraph are repeated.

To achieve a more pronounced ash color, a purple semi-permanent dye can be used. It is mixed with conditioner so that it does not turn out unwanted purple hue.

After completing all the steps, a beautiful ashy color as in the photo is clearly provided.

Proper hair care with ashy effect

In order for the color to remain as long as possible, and also so that the condition of the hair after the stress in the form of dyeing does not deteriorate significantly, you need to properly care for the hair.

  • It is advisable to give preference to shampoos without sulfates.
  • Regular nourishing masks will return the hair to its former appearance.
  • The use of tint products: shampoos, balms, tonics.
  • It is better, of course, to reduce the use of all kinds of hair dryers, irons, at least for the first time, because. they dry out your hair a lot.

Do not be afraid of experiments (within reason, of course), life is one!

Photo selection:

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  • 1. Who prefers steel color
  • 2. Who won't it suit?
  • 3. Shades of dark ash
  • 4. Coloring composition of dark ash color
  • 5. Features of painting in ashy color
  • 6. Care for hair after painting
  • 7. Conclusion

Recently, the dark ash color of the hair is an undeniable trend. fashion catwalk. It is quite popular among celebrities and fashion bloggers, it is extremely beautiful and comes in many different shades.

Today we are going to take a look at all the trendy shades of this season and who they are best suited for!

Ash-colored curls are literally associated with ashes. If you look at color tone, can see grey colour hair with black and silver notes. Of course, it is not difficult to guess that the ashy color can be attributed to the natural palette of colors. Although it is quite rare in nature, it does exist. The most common ash shades for Europeans are light blond, blond, dark blond or dark brown.

Who prefers steel color

to traditional bright colors include a blond in an unnatural white color, as well as a burning brunette, but this does not mean at all that there are no other less catchy variations. Among them there are ashy hair, which can contribute to the image cardinal changes, transforming a gray mouse into a real socialite. But it is important to remember that this shade is not suitable for every beauty. Of course, dark ash is unusual and extremely beautiful, but this does not mean that it suits every woman and girl. Would you like to focus on natural beauty? In this case, you need to wisely approach the issue of staining.

Unusually expressive ash curls look on young ladies with blue eyes and fair skin, and especially women with mature beauty. If you have cold features - this is also your shade, and young ladies with no perfect skin faces where there are scars, acne and pronounced wrinkles, it is advisable to choose another option for yourself, since the “ash” will only emphasize the flaws.

The best ally for a dark ash shade is a smooth White skin. But it is important to take into account the fact that this color of hair, as a rule, adds age.

Who won't it suit?

If you can’t boast of perfect skin, you should know that ash color is not for you. Against its background, even the most inconspicuous scars, pimples will catch your eye, and the skin itself can acquire an undesirable and not too pleasant earthy shade. This color also emphasizes mimic wrinkles, and, naturally, adds age.

A good result will also not work with a “warm” type of appearance - these are green or Brown eyes, red, chestnut or golden curls, pale or dark skin, but with freckles. An exception is ash brown, in some cases it is able to blend harmoniously even with too dark skin However, he is unusually capricious.

This steel color quite often adds a little extra age - if this bothers you, it is better to give preference to a different tone. It looks good in an original way on beauties with dark skin, but it is better to consult a professional stylist before coloring.

You should not dye red and golden hair ashes, because you still won’t be able to get the right shade, but there are great chances to ruin the curls.

Based on this, the warm-ash tint is not suitable for everyone, but if everything is done correctly, then you can look great. The owners of this chic shade are guaranteed the attention of others.

Shades of dark ash

If we are talking about trendy colors dark ash color of the hair, then in this case the leading position is occupied by a dark ash color, followed by dark blond and dark brown ash.

You will be surprised, but there are many various options dyed dark brown. This applies to both warm and cold shades of hair.

Especially stylists noted that the trend was the dark ash color of the hair with light brown notes. We propose to discuss these trends in more detail.

So beautiful, dark ash blond curls in their natural beauty are quite common. Hairdressers note that today many young ladies strive to get an ashy shade. After all, such an image looks extremely beautiful and elegant. Again, modern fashion beauties are increasingly chasing the fashion trends of alternative hair coloring. What does it mean?

First of all we are talking about coloring curls with ashy tones. So, for example, if the natural light brown color lacks an ashy tint, then you can give it an alternative coloring. This does not mean that aggressive coloring compositions must be used. It will be enough to use tinted hair dyes and you can do it at home, the main thing to remember is that in no case should ash be applied to a blond, there is a risk of getting a green or purple tint to the strands.

Fashion advice! Steel-colored curls are ideal for girls with gray, blue or brown eyes, swarthy or light color skin.

Also today, procedures for highlighting hair with ashy strands are relevant. In particular, highlighting with steel ash shades looks organically paired with cold chocolate, blond, dark blond tone. Many beauties also prefer the shade of hair brown dark ash or chestnut. It looks extremely luxurious and stylish, is a harmony of cold and warm colors. This option is an excellent solution for light, dark and olive skin, blue, brown and green eyes.

Coloring composition dark ash color

Nowadays, the cosmetic industry produces a huge amount of hair dyes, which are divided into dye with ammonia, natural, and also tinting paint. natural formulations hair dyes help strengthen hair, but achieve beautiful pigment many of them are not capable. Toning paints only give the curls a rich sheen, and dyes containing ammonia can radically change the color of the hair.

We tried to pick up more popular hair dyes with a dark ash tint.

  • L'Oreal Paris EXCELLENCE series number 5.15 color frosty chestnut
  • L'Oreal Paris CASTING CRÈME GLOSS series number 613 frosty gloss
  • L’Oreal Paris series SUBLIME MOUSSE number 600 color light chestnut pure
  • L'Oreal Paris EXCELLENCE series number 7.1 ash blonde

Get desired result Coloring is actually very difficult, especially at home. Very often, absolutely unexpected green, purple and pink colors are obtained.

This is especially true for previously bleached strands or those that differ from natural tones (red, brown).

In this regard, it is better to entrust such an important task as painting the hair in ashy color to a professional.

It is also desirable to select the paint together with the stylist, since the wrong paint can ruin the whole look of healthy hair.

The easiest way to dye in ashen color is gray curls or naturally light cold shades of hair.

It will be much more difficult for brunettes to achieve this shade, since at first they will need to lighten their hair, and only then proceed to dyeing.

It is important to remember the detrimental effects of staining after clarification. In this regard, it is important to use professional care balms and shampoos. It is recommended to make nourishing and moisturizing masks.

A huge role in this matter is played by the experience of a specialist, because it is he who will be able to achieve an ashy shade directly as the girl herself represents it.

To achieve a unique dark ash shade, you can use the popular 3D coloring technology. It involves mixing several colors during the procedure, so that the color turns out to be iridescent, multifaceted and original. For example, take a dark blond color, silver and dark ash. The result is a bright, rich and vibrant color.

An important point is also right choice colors, as we have already said. Today, manufacturers are actively working on the creation of new types of dyes, therefore, the range of hair coloring compositions is rapidly expanding.

Conventionally, all dyes can be divided into three types:

  1. natural paint;
  2. Resistant cream paint with ammonia;
  3. Toning compositions.

Natural paints are created on the basis of vegetable natural components. They are able to have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, however, it will not work to get the necessary shade, especially with notes of silver.

Toning balms, paints, tonics endow hair color with saturation. They do not damage the structure of the hair and do not dry out the ends at all. But there is also a significant drawback - the result of toning is quickly washed off.

Good tinting balms that will give the hair notes of warmth can be found among domestic manufacturers: Tonic, Every Day, Irida. In addition, there are global brands "Estelle" and "Loreal", which produce tonic shampoos. You can use these products not only to give a shade, they help maintain the result of painting. It is enough to use the shampoo once a week, this will help the coloring effect last longer on the hair.

The most reliable way to change the original color of the hair to dark ash is permanent staining. Undoubtedly, resistant paint contains oxidizing agents and ammonia, which can adversely affect the structure when penetrating deep into the hairs. However, at correct use dye and extra care behind the hair after dyeing, you can save healthy state hair.

Loreal paint is very popular and in demand, which has many options. "Cream Gloss Frosty Glyase" is an excellent option for gentle coloring of curls. This composition is applied very simply, includes many useful components, does not spoil the structure of the hairs.

Sublime Mousse Pure Light Chestnut is part of a range of soft-touch mousse texture formulations. It is easy to apply, it does not spread and it is washed off the skin with water.

The Loreal Excellence Creme collection contains ceramides and procreatins that can create protective layer on every hair. This helps to protect against the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation and other harmful factors. environment. This collection provides such shades as frosty chestnut and ash-blond.

Professional coloring composition Estel De Luxe in ashy dark blond color contains a protective emulsion, vitamins, chitosan and plant extracts. Apart from permanent staining, curls become silky and shiny.

Whether it is worth dyeing your hair ashy is a personal matter for every girl, however, you should always monitor the health of your strands.

Features of painting in ashy color

Almost every girl is used to painting on her own - she applied the composition, washed off and that's it, the coloring is over. But with ashy tones this will not work, to achieve the desired shade, you will need to perform a series of procedures:

dark hair in without fail needs to be clarified.

The paint must be applied in the usual way or on individual strands - it all depends on the preferred painting technology.

If your hair has been dyed before, the hairdresser will give Special attention the choice of paint, will follow the process of color development.

Hair care after coloring

Ash-colored paints contain quite aggressive microcomponents that have an adverse effect on the structure of the hairs. To give the hairstyle a beautiful and healthy look, after painting it needs to be intensively looked after. Will come to the rescue:

  • Professional balms and shampoos.
  • Recovery masks. You can use homemade recipes, they are useful for hair, but they can change color, so their use is not advisable.
  • Restorative procedures in the salon.


Steel color is extremely beautiful, unusual and rather whimsical. To achieve it, you will have to try hard, and it is best to immediately contact the master. Its most popular and sought-after shades are chestnut-ash, dark ash and light brown. If you possess clear skin, strict features and blue eyes, and you also have no fear of growing up for a few years, you can choose ash, such a beautiful and noble color!

Chapter: Fashion trends 2019-2019 winter and summer Additional section: Women's haircuts and trendy hairstylesTags: Shades of hair

Ombre coloring opens up huge opportunities for experiments for dark-haired girls. For example, the ends of the hair can be dyed in shades of ash and silver, which will look very interesting and unusual. Increasingly, women of fashion choose for themselves the mysterious and actual ash ombre.

Who will suit

Best of all, this coloring suits dark-haired ladies. with a cold appearance, namely a bluish tint of the skin, blue or gray eyes.

But, since often natural dark hair found in ladies with dark skin and brown eyes, they can also experiment with such painting.

The only thing is that, with a warm color type, it is worth choosing not cold ash-blond options, but softer ash-brownish ones. They perfectly complement the chestnut or chocolate tone of the curls..

The ideal length for a silver ombre is below the shoulders.. It will help to reveal all the beauty of such painting to the fullest. On the average length, you can also try to implement such a solution.

Keep in mind that a gray ombre will emphasize the shape of the face and the condition of the skin, so consider if you are ready for this.

Who should not resort to this coloring

Cold tones of gray should not be used by girls of a warm color type, and vice versa. Also sensibly assess the condition of the skin. If it has a lot of acne, scars and other imperfections, like color solution will make them much more noticeable.

gray and ashy tones are associated with gray hair, therefore visually they are able to age. Because the ladies who have already begun to show age-related changes, you should not experiment with such shades, otherwise they will visually add a few more years.

Ash ombre on dark hair, it tends to focus on all the shortcomings, so it is suitable only for ladies with good skin condition and a beautiful oval face.

The choice of colors and successful combinations, photo

There are several options for ashy gradient staining, and you need to decide which ones are suitable for dark hair. You can choose from a very light silver blond or dark gray. On brunettes, the following options will look good:

  • Ash-white transition. Very good option if your hair is long enough, otherwise smooth transitions will not work. The idea is that black at the roots gradually becomes ashy, and towards the tips it turns into snow-white. This coloring looks very beautiful, but sometimes it is quite difficult to lighten the strands so much.
  • Ash blonde ombre. A fairly common option, since it does not imply such strict requirements as in the previous version. dark roots and ends in ash-blond color look very harmonious if the transition is smooth enough.
  • Saturated gray gradient. One of the best options for women with intense dark color hair. The ends can simply be made gray. For those who like experiments, the idea of ​​​​transitioning colors from black to silver, and from it to blue or lilac, is suitable.

Features of staining depending on the length

Choosing a color option consider your hair length:

  • Ash ombre - perfect solution for long curls.

    On them you can create beautiful transitions of two or more colors.

    So, you can prefer the combination of black-ash-white.

    If you want to create brighter options, pay attention to painting the tips in blue, blue or another cold color in harmony with ashen.

  • Grayish tips can decorate hairstyles middle length , for example, the actual elongated caret. Coloring will look harmonious with the beginning of the transition approximately in the chin area.
  • On short curls quite difficult to implement the idea smooth transition dark to silver.

But if you prefer creative haircuts, you can try to dilute them with an ashy glow.

Execution technique

For those whose hair is blond or gray, it is much easier to perform such an ombre than for brunettes.

Dark-haired ladies will have to try hard, because to get ashy from black, you will need to lighten your hair with high quality.

The sequence of actions in this case will be as follows:

  • First, the curl must be prepared for staining. because they will be heavily burdened.

    Therefore, you should first use restorative hair products.

    Do the painting the day before nourishing mask which can be based, for example, on natural oils.

  • Requires pre-bleaching.

    It can be done in several stages, since it is impossible to withstand the clarifier on the strands for more than half an hour, and during this time the strands may not lighten enough.

    Apply the bleach only to the areas that will be stained.

  • After that, paint is applied to the clarified curls. It can also be used in multiple steps. First, it is applied to the entire clarified surface, then aged in foil. After that, the tips are painted again.

If you need to adjust the color, you can use a silver or ashy tonic, which will give the desired shade.

How to make at home

Ombre coloring for dark hair with ashy color - very complex and laborious process which takes time and money.

You can do it at home, but the result in this case may turn out to be completely different from what you want, and the risk of spoiling the curls is very high.

If you decide to do so, try to minimize the damage by considering the following tips:

  • Before ombre, it is not recommended to paint for several months.

    If the curls have been dyed, let them grow to the maximum.

    So after clarification it will be possible to get even tone which will be easy to work with.

  • Even the most gentle lightening still dries the hair, so 1-2 weeks before painting it is worth starting to actively and regularly moisturize it.
  • Spend staining on dirty curls. Do not wash them for two days before the procedure. The natural fat will help prevent scalp irritation.
  • Be prepared for the fact that the ends affected by lightening may have to be cut off.
  • After clarification, some experts advise using purple toner. It is needed in order to hide the yellowness and give the strands a white-gray tone, on which the desired shade of ashen will fall successfully.
  • Keep in mind that it may take at least 6-7 hours to create an ombre ash color on dark hair, so color when you have enough time.
In our following material you will find detailed video tutorials according to the execution technique balayage coloring for dark hair.

How to care for strands after painting

To ensure the durability of the result and maintain the beauty and health of the hair, you need to update the painting in a timely manner and provide strands proper care . It will include the following measures:

  • Pick up For regular care for curls sulfate-free shampoo and air conditioning.

    Products containing sulfates quickly wash out the color and do not in the best way affect the condition of the strands.

  • Periodically pamper your hair with regenerating and nourishing masks.

    Can be used already finished products, or prepare compositions according to homemade folk recipes.

  • Silver colors tend to wash out quickly, so you can use tint balms or tonics that will help update the shade.
  • If you dyed the tips, and the color is your own on the roots, you do not have to constantly visit the salon and renew the coloring.

    It will be enough to go to the master no more than once every three months as the color is washed out and the split ends are sheared.

    If there is paint on the roots, then you need to tint them about once every 6-8 weeks.

In this video you can see how the ombre dyeing technique is performed on dark hair in a beauty salon:

Ash ombre - good way diversify hair and freshen up dark shade strands. If the tone was chosen correctly, and the coloring itself was done at a professional level, it will look just gorgeous. Therefore, decide what is still better: dye your hair yourself or immediately give it into the hands of professionals.

Highlighting - one of the most popular techniques hair coloring since the fifties of the last century. Last years ash-gray shades are especially popular, and thanks to this, so many variations of ash highlighting have appeared.

Given the characteristics of your type, you can use ashy highlighting with success correct shortcomings hair and emphasize the dignity his appearance.

What type of ash highlighting to choose and is it possible to independently perform this procedure at home? Let's talk about all this and consider all the nuances of this staining technique.

Basic principles of ash highlighting

The specifics of ashy highlighting

  • Choose cool shades of gray dye.
  • Light and light brown curls must first be discolored.
  • To make the tone of gray paint natural, add 3% hydrogen oxide to the coloring composition twice as much.
  • For dark and thick hair use 12% hydrogen oxide.
  • For light brown hair, use 8% hydrogen oxide.
  • For dark curls first, wash the color, and then discoloration.
  • Ash strands should be made thin, so they better shade the main color.
  • Wide strands can make the main tone faded.
  • The transitions between ashy strands and the main color should be smooth, almost blurry.
  • Don't do it zonal highlighting in ashy color - the hairstyle will look ridiculous.
  • Ash highlighting can be combined with ombre.
  • Part of the ashy strands in highlighting should not exceed 40% of all hair.

Highlighting has been popular for many years among Hollywood beauties. Jennifer Aniston, Fergie, Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Alba and many other fans of hair highlights.

How to do ashy highlighting at home

Variations of ashy hair color with highlights with a photo

The use of ashy shades in highlighting hair is very much. You can do highlighting on ashy hair, or you can use silver shades to highlight the strands themselves. Consider how these techniques look on different types of hair.

Highlighting on ashy hair

Very elegant and gentle version you see in the photo - this is highlighting on ashy hair. Looks good on long hair. Light strands You can not only refresh your face, but correct its shape.

Ash-graphite highlighting

This is an option for the bold and extraordinary. In the photo you see that ash-graphite highlighting looks very extravagant.

Ash highlights on blond hair

In the photo you can see that even fair hair highlighting with an ashy tint looks harmonious. The main thing is to choose the right shades of dyes and take into account all the subtleties of their application.

Ash highlighting

Ash highlights, which you see in the photo, will look good with any hair color and can be a stylish accent to your hairstyle.

Highlighting white with ashy

This color combination is highlighting is suitable owners of very fair skin and gray or blue eyes. Looks elegant and aristocratic.

Ash blonde highlights

This is a very gentle version. ashy staining with highlighting. highlighting ash blonde, as in the photo, perfect for young girls.

Precautionary measures

  • Before highlighting damaged and brittle hair should be restored.
  • Use only professional dyes.
  • Avoid highlighting on recently dyed hair (the color may change).
  • Refuse highlighting if the hair has been dyed with henna (it is possible to dye the hair green).
  • The ash highlighting procedure is best done by a specialist in the salon.
  • To eliminate green or red pigment after ashen highlights, use a purple tint shampoo 2 times a week.