Hair coloring using Shatush technology - “Our hearts require changes ❤ ❤ ❤ My story of reincarnation. Does the newfangled gentle coloring spoil our hair and how to care for the hair after bleaching! Plus a lot of photos. Safe Coloring: Rack

It is difficult for a modern woman who takes care of her appearance today to do without a hair coloring procedure. Many women at least once in their lives wanted to change their hair color. But any paint brings great harm to the hair, and the curls lose their natural shine.

The beauty of hair requires constant care. Hair coloring is a great way to change something in yourself. As practice shows, this is a complex cosmetic process, so many people prefer to trust a professional. And yet, renewal of hair color at home is becoming widespread. What you need to know to do it beautifully and safely?

Frequent change of image adversely affects the condition of the hair. Chemical dyes, despite the fact that paint manufacturers claim that their products are harmless, undermine the hairs from the inside, dry out and weaken.

Therefore, it is strongly not recommended to paint with a product chosen at random. And finally, very often after painting, the curls acquire an unnatural shade. Therefore, more and more often modern women use the recipes of beauties from the past and prefer natural dyes.

Safe hair coloring with henna

Since ancient times, henna has been considered the most natural dye that does not have any side effects. It is made from the leaves of the shrub plant Lawsonia inermis, grown mainly in India, Arabia, Tunisia and Iran. The main components of henna are natural naphthoquinones (lausons) and tannins. Lawson is found in the leaves of the plant (about 1%) and is responsible for the coloring properties of henna. Tannin has a tannic effect and gives the hair a certain stiffness.

As a dye, dried leaves of a shrub, crushed to a powder, are used. They have amazing properties: they do not destroy the natural pigment present in the rod, but “envelop” the hair from above, creating the thinnest protective layer. As a result, the hair is compacted and leveled, resistance to the effects of the sun and other negative natural factors increases, shine and strength appear. Henna also avoids the effects of "chemistry" on the entire body.

Seasonal features of maintaining the beauty of hairstyles

On the threshold of the end of summer, rains, high humidity in the air, and the beauty of the hair for some reason becomes dull, like the approaching autumn itself. Want to change your image? Then it's time to add some color to your hair. Nothing emphasizes female beauty like the right hair color. In order to avoid damage to the skin of the head, and to give the hair a uniform and high-quality color, it is desirable to take into account such factors when dyeing: the time of year, the composition and quality of the coloring matter, and general well-being.

It is better to change the color of the hairstyle during the period when there are no sudden changes in temperature. Winter cold and summer heat have a negative impact on the beauty of hair. In frosty time, their dryness increases, since during the heating season the air humidity in the room in which we spend most of the time is low.

Drying with a hair dryer adds brittleness to the hair, because in winter you have to use it more than in the warm season. But at the end of summer, increased attention does not hurt.

Women's beauty with the onset of cold weather requires careful care. During this period, it is recommended to dye your hair in dark colors or to completely abandon the use of dye and switch to tinted shampoos. Their difference is that the beauty of the hair after such dyeing is short-lived, since the resulting shade disappears somewhere after the fifth wash. In winter, it is advisable to correct the beauty of the hair no more than once every two months.

Safe hair coloring with henna and basma

The beauties of Egypt, Persia, Abyssinia and India have practiced hair coloring with basma and henna since ancient times, which they used to emphasize their gracefulness of hair.

Henna and basma are natural dyes that do not penetrate the hair. They are able to bind to keratin and are fixed at the level of the cuticle, envelop the shaft and are superimposed on top of the main hair pigment. Therefore, the color after dyeing will depend on the original tone of the hair. Also, with henna and basma it is impossible to get a lighter shade.

Depending on the proportions of henna and basma, you can get a variety of shades. If you prefer natural dyes, then you should not discount the structure of the hair, its original color, the presence of gray strands and many other equally important factors.

When dyeing your hair with natural vegetable dyes, especially if you are doing it for the first time, it is impossible to immediately correctly predict what the final result of dyeing your hair with henna and basma will be. The ratio between the dyes and the time of contact with the hair is selected individually and depends on the thickness, thickness, length and initial color of the hair. Henna and basma are rarely used separately.

Henna will give the hair a red tint (from golden to orange), and basma guarantees a greenish color. The use of these dyes in the complex contributes to the production of a wide variety of tones: dark chestnut and light brown, bronze and black.

In order to slightly revive the hair, it is enough to treat it with a weak solution of henna. For example, in order for light blond hair to get a pleasant golden hue, it is enough to dilute half a bag of henna in 100-150 ml of hot water and thoroughly moisten pre-washed hair with the resulting composition. After 10-15 minutes, rinse your hair with warm water.

Henna combined with basma. Basma is a powder from indigo leaves, the ratio of adding basma to henna depends on the desired shade and the original color of your hair, but the approximate proportions are as follows:

  • Bronze shade - 1 part basma + 2 parts henna
  • Chestnut shade - 1 part basma + 3 parts henna
  • Dark chestnut shade - 1 part basma + 1 part henna
  • Blue-black shade - 2 parts of basma + 1 part of henna.

When starting to dye your hair with a natural dye, do not forget to throw an oilcloth or polyethylene cape over your shoulders, and put on rubber gloves. At the same time, divide the hair into partings and lubricate with natural paint from the roots to the ends. As they grow, paint over only the roots.

Pros of hair coloring with henna and basma

Hair is strengthened, their loss stops. Dandruff disappears. Hair acquires a bright, beautiful, rich color; and no allergies, since both henna and basma are absolutely harmless. Gray hair is beautifully covered. The color lasts for a long time and is not washed off, as after conventional chemical paints. Only from time to time it is necessary to tint the hair growing at the roots.

Cons of dyeing hair with henna and basma

On chemically dyed hair, henna and basma behave unpredictably, so you have to wait until the dyed hair grows back. The same applies to chemical perms. Coloring with henna and basma usually lasts for several months, but it can gradually acquire a red or blue-violet hue, therefore, in order to maintain the desired color, it is necessary to tint the hair in a timely manner.

After the procedure for dyeing your hair with henna and basma, try not to wash your hair for at least 2-3 days. The color over these days will have time to change slightly and “shine” brighter. Thanks to the drying properties of basma and henna, the hair remains fresh for a long time. Therefore, there is no need to wash your hair the next day.

Safe hair coloring at home

Hair coloring in a beauty salon is the best way to get the desired result. If you do not have such an opportunity, it is worth trying at home. But at the same time listen to the advice of experts. So that your hair does not suffer and be beautiful for a long time.

Experts believe that you should dye your hair no more than once a month, gradually changing their shade. Otherwise, they will thin out and become brittle. After such dyeing, it is difficult to resurrect hair - restorative procedures, masks, shampoos, balms, and so on will be required.

When preparing and using the coloring composition, strictly follow the steps that are described in the instructions. You can use unstable products for staining, their effect will not last long. There are risks in doing your own hair coloring. The color on the package will not be one hundred percent the same as the final color. And poor-quality paints can contain toxins that will harm your health.

Therefore, it is still better to entrust hair coloring to professionals who can achieve high results and give you beautiful hair.

Rules for safe hair coloring

In order to remain beautiful and attractive, women are ready to sacrifice a lot, including their natural hair color. Manufacturers of hair dyes assure customers that their products do not harm hair, but only strengthen it. Are their words true? How often can you dye your hair so as not to cause irreparable damage to it?

Already in ancient Egypt, women resorted to henna to give their hair a reddish tint. To paint over gray hair, various mixtures were used, including a mixture of oil with cat's blood (apparently, the Egyptians had their own reasons to torment unfortunate animals). The Celts "whitened" their long hair with special lime water, and in ancient Rome, in addition to the alkaline solution, they also used sunbathing - it was assumed that the hair would acquire a shade of a noble silvery ray with a copper sheen. In general, the Romans loved golden hues. The rich even sprinkled their curls with special gold shavings - their desire to follow the fashion trends of that time was so great.

Fortunately, modern women do not need to collect flower pollen or extract calf kidneys (the fashionistas of the Middle Ages actively used them to give saturation and shine to their hair), just go to the store and buy a specially designed hair dye. However, the question arises: are such paints safe? How to choose the one that is right for you?

Paint types:

There are three types of hair dyes: natural, chemical and physical. Each of them has its own levels of durability (from a temporary effect to a long one) and its own characteristics. Based on the comparative characteristics of each type of coloring matter, you can choose the one that is right for you.

  • natural paints

Sometimes they are also called "vegetable". They consist of natural ingredients that do not harm the curl, but on the contrary, are able to strengthen and improve their condition. The most common natural dyes are henna and basma. If henna gives the hair a red tint, then basma colors the curls in dark blue with green tints. Ready-made formulations are sold, where henna and basma are already mixed by the manufacturer so that the buyer gets a dark chestnut color.

However, not only basma and henna are natural dyes. Chamomile decoction, walnut peel decoction (walnut is very persistent, it is rather problematic to wash it off your hands), various tea infusions, oak bark and so on will help to give your hair an exquisite shade.

Pros: Absolute safety and even benefits for hair (natural dyes strengthen and heal them), low cost and the absence of allergic reactions.

Minuses: Natural paints are quickly washed off, so you should not count on the duration of their action. The color variety of such paints is also quite scarce. Owners of dark hair can fail when dyeing their hair with chamomile, onion peel or other natural ingredients - they simply will not be noticeable on such hair, the maximum that should be expected is a light honey shade.

  • physical paints

This includes gels, powders, shampoos, mascaras, crayons, tonics and foams, which are designed to give the hair a particular shade. They are not able to penetrate deeply into the hair structure. These funds only “envelop” the hair with a thin colored film, which quickly becomes thinner and washed off.

Physical paints are harmless and do not contain chemical elements harmful to health. They are especially popular with teenagers - you can change your hair color weekly, color individual strands without fear for the health of your hair.

Pros: Such paints do not harm the hair, are well pigmented and do not require special skills in application. They can be used by both adult women and children. They have a rather impressive color palette, including the most "flashy" colors (pink, bright green, orange, blue, etc.).

Minuses: Wash off after the second or third wash. They cannot penetrate deep into the structure of the hair and change it, therefore, with the help of a tinted shampoo, a sultry brunette will not be able to become a blonde.

  • Chemical paints

These colors need to be discussed in more detail. They are divided into two subtypes: paints that contain ammonia (permanent) and those that do not include it (semi-permanent). First, let's figure out what ammonia is and why some people are wary of purchasing paints where this element appears.

Ammonia is an active chemical substance designed to ensure the penetration of dyes into the hair by destroying its structure. It is because of ammonia that hair dyes have a specific pungent odor that some women do not like. Very often, ammonia is in alliance with hydrogen peroxide, which dries the hair, making it brittle and unruly. But why, then, despite such an obvious “wrecking” of hair, manufacturers do not abandon these elements? The answer is simple: ammonia and hydrogen peroxide provide that long-lasting color effect that every woman strives for.

So, permanent hair dyes are widespread in the cosmetology market. They are sold in all cosmetics and perfume stores. A fortune has been made on these paints, their manufacturers do not even think about abandoning ammonia and looking for alternative ways to replace it.

Pros: An impressive choice, every woman will be able to choose the most suitable shade. Long-lasting effect, the color stays on the hair for two to three months. The ability to radically change the image - a brunette can become a natural blonde in just one or two stains. Affordable price.

Minuses: Damage to the structure of the hair, the hair becomes like straw, if you constantly dye it and do not use various care products that nourish and moisturize the curls. An unpleasant odor, a possible manifestation of an allergic reaction to the chemical components that make up the paint.

Semi-permanent paints do not contain ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. They are replaced by similar, but more “gentle” components. They stay on the hair for quite a long time and allow you to maintain smoothness and silkiness.

Pros: Coloring also implies hair care: they do not split, they look healthy. Semi-permanent paints do not completely destroy the natural color pigment, which greatly facilitates the process of returning to the "native" color shade.

Minuses: Such paints do not paint over gray hair very well, they require skill in applying and mixing the right proportions. They do not last very long, especially if they are not cared for and maintained with special products designed for colored hair. The cost of ammonia-free dyes is much higher than any other - they belong to the category of professional hair dyes and are used in beauty salons.

Paint choice:

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a hair coloring product and not be disappointed in the end result, try to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Understand what you want. If you just need to “refresh” the color or color a couple of strands in certain shades, feel free to purchase tint shampoos, coloring crayons, pay attention to natural dyes. If you want a lasting effect - immediately give preference to chemical paints. Read more:
  2. Consider your hair type. Dark and thick hair is dyed longer and harder than light hair. It may take several steps to achieve the desired result.
  3. Read the composition. It is good if the chemical paint contains natural oils, B vitamins, and proteins. On the contrary, refuse to buy paint where lead, manganese or zinc are present, and also make sure that the percentage of hydrogen peroxide does not exceed 9%.
  4. Watch the expiration date. If the paint is overdue for at least a week, it is better to refrain from such a purchase. No one knows how the chemical elements that make up it will behave. What if your hair turns bright orange instead of hazel? Most likely, you are not ready for this turn of events.
  5. Don't buy cheap hair dyes. Of course, the dye for 50 rubles will dye your hair in the desired dark color. But no one guarantees you that harmful salts and substances dangerous to human health will not be found in its composition.

Video: safe hair coloring

Women like to change their image often. The easiest way to create an updated look is to change the hair color. For this, there are many cosmetic products. The most common is ordinary paint. If earlier it included harmful substances, after the use of which the hair deteriorated, fell out, irritation and allergies appeared, then today experts have found a solution to these problems. Preparations of the modern market are able not only to effectively color, but also to restore, strengthen curls. Such paints are called sparing. Various brands offer a wide range of these products, often attributing non-existent advantages to them.

It is better to choose professional tools. They have excellent quality characteristics and have a lot of positive feedback from buyers and leading stylists. Below is a rating of the best gentle hair dyes according to experts and consumers themselves.

Top 10 Best Gentle Hair Colors


deep recovery
Country: Germany
Average price: 270 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

One of the most popular and popular paints without ammonia. The main advantage is the presence in the structure of natural aloe vera oil, wheat germ proteins and B vitamins. Thanks to the caring components, the product penetrates deep into the hair and enhances the color. Nourishes and restores damaged curls.

Gamma includes 12 shades. Recommended more for natural strands. Those who have already tried the properties of Syoss were satisfied. Of course, the result is not durable enough, but this applies to all sparing paints. In the reviews, buyers note the main advantages: protection against damage, rich color, harmlessness, healing effect.

9 Kapous Hyaluronic Acid

Contains a modernized caring complex
Country Russia
Average price: 239 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The tool is designed with the latest technology, carefully treats the hair and cares for them. The creamy structure product is easy to apply and does not spread during use. Thanks to the extensive and rich palette, you can choose any shade, from dark chocolate to golden blond. Thanks to the modernized caring complex contained in the composition, Kapous Hyaluronic Acid provides sufficient hydration and protection for each curl during coloring.

Users note that the mixture does not have a sharp and specific smell of ammonia, and special components help align the cuticle and give the hair a healthy and well-groomed look. Due to the large volume of 100 ml, one tube is enough for owners of squares or strands to the shoulder blades. For tinting, it is recommended to use 1.5% oxide, for tone-on-tone or darker coloring - 3%, for lightening - 6 or 9%.

8 Londa Professional

The most popular
Country: Germany
Average price: 248 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The most durable and most gentle paint has a creamy formula, thanks to which the mixture is easily and easily distributed, without missing a single area. The special latest Vitaflexion technology is designed for a bright and rich result, which, even with frequent shampooing, will delight its owner. Londa Professional guarantees 100% gray coverage. The formula enriched with lipids allows you to take care of the cuticles, gives the hair an unprecedented shine and silkiness.

According to numerous user reviews, when diluting a tube of cream paint and oxide, an optimal structure is obtained for comfortable work. But there is a slight smell of ammonia during the dyeing process. As a result, the curls do not turn out to be overdried if you use Londa Professional strictly following the instructions and working on oxides that are comfortable for your hair.


The best care formula
Country: France
Average price: 309 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

One of the best safe paints. The main caring ingredient is royal jelly. Promotes nutrition and hydration of curls during staining. Regenerates and gives silkiness. Strengthening of the structure occurs not only outside, but also inside each hair. Provides color uniformity, does not cause allergic reactions. Works great as a natural hair tone enhancer.

Gamma contains 28 tones (natural and exotic). Creme Gloss is not recommended for gray strands and for lightening. Gentle formula perfectly cares for curls. The final touch is restoration with a balm based on royal jelly. In the reviews, buyers note the ammonia-free composition, economical consumption, ease of use and brilliant results.

6 Constant Delight Olio Colorante

Deep Nutrition
Country: Italy
Average price: 216 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The tool includes olive oil, which helps not only to give the right tone, but also turn the strands into a chic and well-groomed canvas. The ammonia-free formula is recommended for previously bleached or color-treated hair. Constant Delight Olio Colorante has a fluid texture that is more like oil. When mixed with an emulsion, a delicate creamy consistency is obtained, which is easily distributed and does not cause discomfort during use.

The smell is delicate, fruity. After staining, the curls are elastic and nourished. If you have already used some product once to give color along with an oxidizing agent, then over time the brightness will decrease, the color will become more faded and will no longer please the owner with juicy and bright tones. It is recommended to renew the shade along the length once a month with ammonia-free formulations on low oxide. Customer reviews assure that this is really the best and most gentle remedy.


tone correction
Country: USA
Average price: 450 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Gentle paint designed specifically for natural or dyed curls without lightening. Restores hue with tone correction. The complex of ceramides present in the composition levels the porous surface of the hair, contributing to the penetration and manifestation of color. Does not open scales, therefore it is absolutely harmless. Ammonia-free product preserves the natural health of the hair.

Users note that MATRIX provides bright juicy shades even on gray strands. Modern ColorGrip technology helps to achieve this. The color includes a natural base and a dye that adapts to the natural pigment of the hair. It is evenly distributed, qualitatively paints. The result is always amazing. Curls look well-groomed, become denser and silky, as evidenced by numerous customer reviews.

4 Estel Deluxe Sens

The best combination of price and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 365 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Estel Deluxe Sens is suitable for gentle toning and perfectly cares for the painted canvas. Ammonia-free product is used when working with low oxides, smoothes the cuticle and gives the desired color without harming the curls. The composition contains avocado oil, olive oil, panthenol and vitamin B5. The special formula does not injure the hair and gives unprecedented shine and beauty. Tinting cannot be called a stand, but it is really the best sparing paint.

Users note that Estel Deluxe Sens does not injure the scalp, no sharp and unpleasant chemical odor is heard during operation, and it is quite easy to buy at an affordable price. In addition, the brand has long established itself in the market of professional products, it is trusted by many hairdressers and buyers who use them for home toning and maintaining the desired shade of hair. After dyeing, you should use a special shampoo and balm, which have a low ph balance and stop the chemical reaction, closing the scales and smoothing the canvas.


High quality
Country: Germany
Average price: 435 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Popular cream-color without ammonia. It has earned the recognition of a large number of consumers. She is preferred by both leading stylists and the fairer sex. Stable intense color and glossy shine is achieved thanks to Triluxiv nanotechnology, and an even, homogeneous structure is achieved thanks to lipids. Both natural and exclusive tones are in demand.

One of the few Wella Professionals sparing products has excellent staying power. This is the main advantage. Other benefits include guaranteed staining, intense color, natural shine, excellent care, high quality ingredients. Koleston Perfect is approved by the Trichology Institute and has won the SalonStar Best Color award 5 times in a row.

Joc Color Barex Italiana

Exclusive Ingredients
Country: Italy
Average price: 596 rubles.

Joc Color Barex Italiana is the embodiment of unsurpassed Italian quality. The composition, enriched with jojoba oil and wheat proteins, is suitable for previously dyed and damaged hair, as well as for natural strands. The formula does a great job with gray hair. Professional hairdressers note an expanded palette: as many as 80 modern bright shades to create a unique look. Paint is preferred not only by experienced stylists, but also by ordinary customers. The latter especially appreciate it for its ease of use and excellent results.

The product comes in tubes of 100 ml, which is enough for 2 coloring of medium length hair. It turns out quite economically, given the high resistance. Thanks to the caring components, the curls become soft and shiny. The composition covers each hair with a thin film that protects from UV rays. Thick consistency lays down and distributes well, providing uniform coloring.

2 Kaaral Baco

Persistent result
Country: Italy
Average price: 462 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The composition includes restorative components - silk and rice proteins. They help maintain the integrity of the structure, do not destroy the cuticle and allow you to maintain a healthy and well-groomed hairstyle. You can get the most persistent and bright colors thanks to a concentrated complex that penetrates deep into the hair structure. Gentle Kaaral Baco is recommended to be used with native Dev Plus emulsion.

According to customer reviews, it is clear that the paint really takes care of the curls; when stained, there is no persistent chemical smell. But it is recommended to take a shade lighter than the desired color, since the product gives a darker result when using low-percentage oxidizing agents - 1.8 or 3. Kaaral Baco should not be kept longer than the time specified in the instructions. Ears, forehead and neck should be treated with a special cream, as the composition gives a really lasting result and is poorly washed off the skin.


Better Efficiency
Country: Germany
Average price: 350 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Recognized as one of the best sparing paints. Easy to use, it has a soft creamy texture that is easy to apply and rinse off. Provides deep, even color. The peculiarity lies in the use of nanotechnology of multilayer pigmentation. Staining occurs by overlay method. Thanks to this, an intense bright shade is achieved without the effect of regrown roots.

Belongs to a series of professional preparations. However, it is often purchased for home use. Contains a large number of useful ingredients. Among them: extracts of Gardenia, Lychee, white tea and Polynesian oil. Due to them, the hair structure is smoothed and strengthened. Despite the fact that the product is gentle, it perfectly paints over gray hair. It has a pleasant aroma and a varied palette.

Many went through all the circles of hell in an attempt to get the right color, but so as not to spoil the hair too much. Unfortunately, even professional ammonia paints literally undermine the natural structure of the hair during the dyeing process. And this happens due to the fact that the coloring pigment must get inside the hair, while destroying the upper scales and the most important keratin layer. Hence - dryness, brittle ends, untidy look of curls and even dandruff. Cream-paint, on the other hand, works in a completely different way, we understand what's what.

Persistent hair dye cream: how it works, expert reviews

Firstly, cream paint does not destroy the outer layer of hair, but acts in an enveloping way. It does not change the structure of the entire hair and does not damage its core.

Cream paint has a cumulative property: with regular use of cream paint of the same tone, you can easily achieve a more stable and long-lasting staining result.

According to experts, it is best to work with cream paint within your color type, without deviating too far from the natural shade. At the same time, cream paints of different brands usually have a wide color palette. With its help, you can discreetly hide regrown roots with the effect of a smooth color transition.


The composition of the cream paint contains natural oils that carefully care for your curls during the dyeing process and after. Argan or jojoba oils make hair smooth and shiny, jasmine, rosehip, shea, almond, walnut give softness and manageability. And burdock oil in the composition will help grow long and thick hair.

Cream hair dye with henna in the composition is suitable not only for red-haired people: colorless henna can harmlessly stain curls of absolutely any color.

  • Persistent cream hair dye: how to use it
  • Cream paint is quite easy to apply to hair, here are a few recommendations for use at home:
  • Start staining from the back of the head, go up to the forehead and temples.
  • Apply cream-color to clean and dry hair without varnish / spray and other fixing or care products.
  • Wash off the cream-paint in time, clearly following the instructions on the package.

Cream-hair dye «Estel»

Cream-hair dye "Estel" (often used in Russian reading "Estel") has a large palette of 98 shades, is easy to apply to hair and keeps hair healthy. Estelle cream-paint qualitatively stains natural hair and gray hair thanks to the special VIVANT SYSTEM complex. It includes a powerful dose of keratin, beeswax to nourish the hair and scalp, guarana seed extract for elasticity and shine.

Estel cream paint palette

A wide palette of cream paint "Estelle" is divided into several color series:

  • Essex Extra Red - rich tones of the red color spectrum. Thanks to the Red5 molecule, the color lasts 25% longer and does not lose brightness for a long time.
  • Essex Fashion - outrageous colors in 4 tones: pink, violet, lilac and lilac for those who love experiments.
  • Essex Lumen - suitable for highlighting without pre-lightening the strands.
  • Essex Correct - corrects existing shades based on the finished palette.
  • Essex S-OS - shades of warm and cold blond.
  • Essex Professional - permanent coloring and toning, ideal for gray hair.

Cream-hair dye "L" Oreal Paris Casting Creme Gloss"

This cream paint is intended for home use. "L" Oreal "does not contain ammonia in its composition and is one of the best cream paints on the market today. Firstly, it is harmless even for pregnant women, and thanks to the gentle composition, which consists of natural ingredients, and secondly, stains from This cream-paint can be easily removed both from the skin and from clothes! Ideally paints over gray hair and works according to the cumulative effect system: with regular use of L'Oreal Paris Casting Creme Gloss "hair can be quickly dyed and keep the resulting shade longer even with frequent washing .

Cream paint palette "L" Oreal Paris Casting Creme Gloss ""

  • The L "Oreal" cream-paint palette includes a unique series for blondes "Shining Blondes", which consists of 6 shades from the lightest to dark ash.
  • The spectrum of colors for brown-haired women “Ice Chocolate”: cold shades of caramel, chestnut, red and light brown overflows.
  • Collection of colors "Chocolate Glaze": warm chestnut shades, noble brown with honey tint and others.
  • Dark tones for brunettes in the Silk color spectrum: black cherry, black ginger, dark chocolate and others.

Many of the fair sex want to change their hair color. But paints spoil curls, make them dry, brittle, dull. How to prevent this? You should choose products that do not cause great harm to health. How to dye your hair without harm, is described in the article.

Before staining, you should consider some recommendations:

  1. With the help of natural recipes, it will not work from a brunette to become a blonde. With them, the color changes no more than 2 tones. Brown hair changes by 1-1.5 tones.
  2. To achieve the desired result, several procedures are usually required. Due to the mild impact, a long processing time is necessary.
  3. For blondes, you should not choose products with cocoa, coffee, onion peel, walnuts. After the procedure, a strange tone will appear, such experiments will only spoil the mood.
  4. The effect of the composition for light strands should be checked on a small area.
  5. Strengthening the penetration of active substances provides a warming cap, consisting of a shower cap and a terry towel.

Paint selection

Hair dyes are divided into:

  1. Natural.
  2. Physical.
  3. Chemical.

Henna and basma are natural. The components are not harmful to the hair, on the contrary, they have a nourishing effect. But they cannot provide a variety of shades.

Physical dyes do not contain ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. The coloring pigment only envelops the hair, but does not penetrate inside. Chemical paints include a coloring paste and an oxidizing agent. These funds are divided into:

  1. unstable- tinted shampoos and balms.
  2. Medium resistant- include oils and nourishing care ingredients.
  3. Persistent- include chemical components, but the color is not washed off for a long time.

Chemical paints should be applied no more than once a month. Roots should be touched up every 2 weeks. If you want to change the image, the shade should differ by 1-2 tones.

Safe means

Harmless coloring means that the quality of the hair does not deteriorate after the procedure. Previously, this happened only with the use of natural dyes. Now there are many different products that can be used in the salon and at home. With them you can get the desired color. How to dye your hair without harm? You should choose products without ammonia, as they do not contain harmful, destructive components.

Safe dyes include:

  • henna and basma;
  • folk remedies;
  • tinted shampoos and mousses;
  • harmless dyes.

organic paints

How to dye your hair without harm to their condition? Henna and basma have been used since ancient times. Such staining is considered the safest. In addition to color, the components have other properties. Hair acquires splendor and volume, shine and strength. Have a positive effect on the scalp with dandruff. If you use these products regularly, you can forget about split ends.

Henna is the powder of the leaves of the shrub Lawsonia inermis. without harm to hair? The powder must be brewed with hot water in the required ratio depending on the color, and then it can be applied. The color will be bright and saturated, it lasts a long time. Although henna is sold in different shades, it is still better to choose red and reddish ones.

Basma is called the crushed leaves of the indigo plant. With it, you can dye your hair in dark colors. Often basma is mixed with henna to get dark tones. You just need to choose the right ratio.

It should be borne in mind that basma is a strong tool with which a lasting color is obtained. After the first procedure, the result can be unpredictable, and it will not be easy to wash off the paint. If the curls were previously dyed with a chemical dye, there is a chance of getting a blue or green color. To avoid unpredictable results, you first need to color a separate strand.


The proportions of henna and basma differ depending on the color. Before dyeing, it is necessary to carry out an allergy test, since even natural dyes can cause this unpleasant reaction. It is important to observe the proportions:

  1. chocolate color. It is necessary to mix henna and basma in a ratio of 1: 1. The amount is chosen individually, it all depends on the length, thickness and previous tone of the hair. Light curls are perfectly painted - light brown, red.
  2. bronze tones. In this case, you will need henna and basma in an amount of 2: 1. It turns out a copper, brown, coffee shade. Reddish color appears on blond hair.
  3. How to dye your hair black without harm? If the curls are dark, then it is better to choose a combination of basma and henna (2: 1). The original shade will noticeably correct the result. For example, red hair will not turn blue-black, as there is a big difference between the colors. It is necessary to increase the remedy to 3-4 parts to 1 part of henna.

Folk recipes

How to dye your hair without harm, in order to also improve them? For this, herbs, flowers of plants are used. Lightening is done with honey, lemon juice. A light blond color will be obtained by rinsing the head with rhubarb root in white wine. If soda (1/2 tsp) is added to the broth, there will be a reddish tint.

Golden brown color is obtained by decoction of onion skins. They should be used after every wash. Chestnut colors are obtained after decoction of crushed leaves and twigs of linden or walnut peel. How to dye your hair without harming them with home remedies? Broths are usually rinsed with a head after washing. So there is a changed shade.

Home remedies are cheap, harmless, and take care of your hair, leaving it strong and shiny. But for some, these methods are complicated, especially since not after each procedure the desired tone is obtained.

Tinted shampoos

How can you dye your hair without harm if you don’t want to prepare natural formulations? There are no aggressive substances in tinted shampoos, so the hair structure is not damaged with them. Due to the content of nutrients, vitamins, oils, plant extracts, such products change the color of curls and also strengthen them.

You can use tinted shampoos regularly, as they are safe. It should only be borne in mind that an unstable color is obtained, it is washed off if you wash your hair several times. This is due to the fact that the tint shampoo does not penetrate deep into the hair, but only creates a colored film. It cannot be used after a perm, because the curls are vulnerable. You should wait 2-3 weeks.

Shampoo "Alchemist" and conditioner

This tint is produced by the Italian company Davines. The line has silver, copper, tobacco, chocolate tones. To get the maximum effect, you need to use these products in pairs, that is, after the tint shampoo, use the conditioner. Such cosmetics are expensive, but the hair looks luxurious.

How to dye your hair without compromising their beauty? Tinted shampoos are easy to use. It is enough to wash your hair with them like a regular shampoo, and then rinse with clean water. The exposure time is indicated in the instructions, which must be read before the procedure.


This tinted shampoo is based on natural ingredients. It is used to enhance dark cold shades, painting over warm tones. The composition contains extracts of mallow, aloe and black tea, so the shampoo gives the curls silkiness.

"Shimmering Blonde" by ALTERNA

This is a tinted mousse that allows you to update your hair color. At the same time, they become flickering. How to dye your hair without dye at home with this mousse? The product is applied to wet hair. Wash it off after 5 minutes. Hair takes on a changed shade.

Safe dyes

The stores sell harmless paints that allow you to get the desired color. They contain little or no ammonia, especially since they are enriched with components necessary for hair nutrition and health. Some paints also have a restorative effect.

What is the best way to dye your hair black at home? The procedure with ammonia-free paint can be performed in the salon and at home, you just need to read the instructions. According to its rules, it is necessary to dilute the composition using the devices necessary for the procedure. The duration of the procedure also depends on the instructions.

Materia by Lebel Cosmetics

This tool contains little ammonia, in addition, it is supplemented with a therapeutic cell-membrane complex, with the help of which curls are restored. Therefore, they will be shiny and natural. The color is sparkling due to the presence of liquid crystals. Persistence lasts up to 8 weeks. This paint still includes ammonia, albeit a little. If there are concerns about this component, then staining without roots can be done.

color sync

The paint of the American company does not contain ammonia. It contains a lot of caring substances, thanks to which the hair is kept healthy, a uniform color and shine is obtained. The range of flowers is rich. Moreover, it is possible to perform not only usually staining, but also toning, glossing, painting over gray hair.

Permanent CHI staining

This technology began to be used not so long ago, it is used in professional salons. Dyes made on the basis of the CHI system are of high quality and ensure color fastness. In addition, they restore and heal them.

The dyes contain silk cream and inorganic compounds. The retention of the coloring pigment is carried out due to the bipolarity of the ionic charges of the hair and silk cream. Safely with the help of a dye, coloring and lightening up to 8 tones are performed.

Thus, without harm, you can dye your hair in different ways. It can be both natural dyes, time-tested, and the latest cosmetics sold in stores. You should choose the right dye for yourself and use it based on the rules set out in the instructions.