Homemade lip care. Regular moisturizing for fresh lips. Therapeutic lip balms and their purpose

Apply a nourishing lip cream every night before bed. At night, our skin is involved in the process of cell regeneration and repair. This happens with the lips, so rub a nutrient with vitamins into them at night, and in the morning, before use, moisturize with a non-greasy balm. Lipstick in this case evenly and hides small ones.

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If your lips are often chapped, then scrubbing might not work for you. To remove dead cells, find a softer and more gentle product, such as a cream with the addition of exfoliating particles.

Helpful advice

To enhance the natural color of your lips and get rid of dryness, lightly rub them in a circular motion with a damp terry towel or toothbrush. Then be sure to lubricate with a nourishing cream. Follow these simple recommendations, take care, and your lips will always be in excellent condition, attracting the attention of others.

To skin lips was soft and smooth, it needs to be looked after. In winter - to protect, in summer - to moisturize and nourish. For this, there are balms For lips. You can buy them in the store or make them at home with your own hands.

You will need

  • - beeswax;
  • - vegetable oil;
  • - natural honey;
  • - essential oils;
  • - vitamin A and E.


You can take the base as a basis. Place a tablespoon of beeswax in a glass dish. It will become the basis of the balm, as it not only has bactericidal and protective properties, but also, when solidified, gives it the necessary shape. Melt it in a water bath or microwave (2-3 minutes).

When the wax melts, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil there. It can be any liquid (almond, olive and others) or solid oil. The choice of type depends on your requirements. Cocoa butter will moisturize and soften the skin well. lips. Jojoba cares for dry and chapped lips ami. Avocado oil softens, nourishes and also protects lips s in the cold season. Shea butter can be used as sun protection.

At the end, add a few drops of essential oil and vitamins A and E. To quickly and effectively cracks and wounds, you should add essential oil or lavender to get rid of inflammation - tea tree. In the hot season, it will be pleasant to “cool” the balm with peppermint essential oil.

Thoroughly mix the resulting mixture and pour it into a bottle for lips twist-on lipstick or a glass jar.

Cool down. The finished product should preferably be stored in the refrigerator.

Balm for lips with aloe softens and soothes irritated skin lips. In liquid beeswax, add a teaspoon of aloe juice, petroleum jelly and half a teaspoon of coconut oil. Mix all the ingredients and cool in the refrigerator in a glass jar.

Balm for lips with not only nourishes the skin lips vitamins, but also gives them a beautiful shade. Mix 10 crushed cranberries with a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of almond oil. Heat the mixture and strain to separate the cranberry rind. Mix a small amount of melted wax with the resulting mass and a teaspoon of vitamin E.

Balm for dry skin lips. Melt half a tablespoon of beeswax, semolina oil and three-quarters of a tablespoon of cocoa butter. To the liquid mixture, add half a tablespoon and three tablespoons of shea butter. Optionally, you can add a natural sweetener - stevia. From this amount, 13 jars are obtained.

Healing balm for lips. Mix 1 g of beeswax, 2 g of cocoa butter, 3-5 drops of sea buckthorn oil, 1 ml of wheat germ oil. Mix everything and pour into the mold.

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When a man looks at a woman, the lips are the first thing that the eye falls on by itself. Lips are one of the most seductive and attractive features in the appearance of a woman, they have attracted attention at all times. Lip care requires no less effort than cosmetic procedures for the skin of the face or eyes. In addition, the skin on the lips is very sensitive. It is thin, does not have sebaceous glands, dries up from the wind and sun, cracks in the cold.

To care for lips, you need not only decorative cosmetics, but also medical ones, which would provide them with hydration and intensive nutrition, as well as vitamins necessary for sensitive skin. Many people think that just using a good lipstick is enough to ensure that the skin of the lips is always in order, but there is something else to consider. It is desirable to choose a lipstick such that it contains vitamins A (provides moisture, contributes to the disappearance of microcracks in the skin), E (prevents aging of the skin of the lips, fights against an aggressive environment). It must be of high quality and not cause an allergic reaction. You need to clean your lips from lipstick with cosmetic milk, you should not use soap and water.

The skin of the lips starts even earlier than the skin around the eyes. Many care for the skin of the eyelids, but the lips require no less attention. Today, there are many different lip care products. It is useful to exfoliate the lips from time to time. Every day it is worth doing a light massage, this will improve their blood supply and prevent aging.

It is extremely useful to do exercises for the lips. There are some simple and useful exercises:

1. Pretend to blow out the candle. Then blow slowly and lightly. Alternate these exercises ten times.
2. Blow forcefully for a few seconds. Then relax and smile.
3. Pull your lips forward like a fish and open your mouth, do this several times.
4. At the end of the exercise, relax and smile at yourself in the mirror.

It is also very useful ... to whistle! Of course, not at home, but in nature you can give yourself free rein!

If you have a habit of licking your lips, it usually means that they are not moisturizing enough. In this case, you should start lip care with your body - it is advisable to drink about 1.5-2 liters of liquids every day, the amount of water should be at least a liter. It is very useful to use hygienic lipstick. Various lip balms are also able to perfectly protect delicate skin. There are also special creams for sun protection. Overnight lip creams promote round-the-clock care. While applying the cream, pat your lips a little with your fingers - this is useful for maintaining the elasticity of the lips.

Lip masks are very helpful. To make lips smooth, you can mix cottage cheese, cream, add a couple of drops of peach oil. The mask requires about a teaspoon of the mixture, you need to keep it for about 10 minutes. The tea compress refreshes not only the eyes, but also the lips. A honey mask applied for a few minutes works better than many nourishing creams. Very good butter mask.

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Tip 5: How to make tea tree oil lip balm

Tea tree leaves lips soft and radiant. Try to prepare such a balm at home and you can fully enjoy its wonderful properties.

You will need

  • - 1/4 cup beeswax
  • - 3/4 cup coconut oil
  • - 1 teaspoon wheat germ oil
  • - 1-2 drops of tea tree oil
  • - 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • - container for storing balm


Mix beeswax and coconut oil.

Melt the mixture from step 1 in the microwave.

Add all oils and stir. Look at the consistency of the balm. If it's too dry, add more olive oil, if the consistency is too greasy, add more beeswax.

Transfer your balm to a storage container. Now it can be used.

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Proper lip care, which includes three steps: cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing, will allow your lips to look healthy and flawless.

In everyday life, many do not think that the lips, as well as other areas of the skin, need cleansing (peeling). There are quite a number of products on the market for skin care products designed specifically for exfoliating the skin in this special area.
Cleansing, including with the help of scrubs, will allow the lips to look perfect, and the lipstick will lie on them just perfectly.
Lip scrubs have a gel or cream base with the addition of small synthetic balls or microcrystalline sugar. It should be remembered that the main function of the scrub is to effectively exfoliate. At the same time, such peeling should be as delicate as possible so as not to injure the delicate skin of the lips and not disrupt blood microcirculation. Extracts of coconut or cornflower will be excellent helpers for peeling.

Like other areas of the skin, lips after peeling need special hydration and nutrition. Waxes with rose or jojoba oil, as well as a variety of essential oils, are most effective.
Quite often, the fair sex faces a difficult choice between lipstick or balm. Since hygienic lipstick is a cosmetic product, its main function is to soften and protect. The balm at the same time has slightly different properties. It perfectly moisturizes, nourishes and normalizes the structure of the lips, so it is more of a therapeutic drug, and not a cosmetic product.

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Tip 7: How to make lip balms at home

Lips need constant care and hydration, regardless of the season. For these purposes, lip balms are great, which can be easily made at home. They are designed to protect the lips from external negative factors (frost, wind, sun), as well as for treatment and nutrition.


Moisturizing balm with almond oil
- beeswax (1 tsp);
- almond oil (5 teaspoons);
- honey (1 tsp);
- orange essential oil (8 drops).
To prepare the balm, you must first melt the wax in a water bath. Then add almond and orange oil, as well as honey. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and pour into a container.

Chocolate lip balm
- beeswax (2 teaspoons);
- cocoa butter (1.5 teaspoons);
- avocado oil (3 teaspoons);
- cinnamon oil (6 drops).
Cocoa butter, which is part of the composition, nourishes and moisturizes the skin and, in addition, has a pleasant aroma of chocolate. The balm is made extremely simply - essential oils are introduced into the melted wax, then all the ingredients are mixed and placed in a small jar (it is undesirable to use metal containers).

Vitaminized Lip Balm
- beeswax (2 teaspoons);
- almond and olive oil (2 teaspoons each);
- honey (1 tsp);
- capsules "Aevit" (8 pcs.).
Honey softens the skin of the lips well, and vitamins increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin, relieve peeling. To prepare the balm, it is first necessary to melt the wax, then add vitamins and oils to it, and at the very end, add honey. Pour the composition into a container and leave to harden in a cold place.

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It is necessary to use balms daily, before going outside.

Helpful advice

Store lip balm in the refrigerator. The maximum shelf life is 12 months.
To make the balm more oily in texture, it is worth increasing the amount of base oils to 40%.

There are no sweat and sebaceous glands on the lips, and the skin is thin and especially sensitive. Therefore, very often, in the absence of proper care, the lips become dry and ugly. First of all, lips should be moisturized, and then they will look juicy and appetizing.

You will need

  • - honey;
  • - butter:
  • - pork fat:
  • - soft toothbrush;
  • - lip balm:
  • - hygienic lipstick:
  • - moisturizing lip cream


Before you start the fight for moisturizing your lips, be sure to remove all scales, that is, dead skin elements. To do this, use a soft scrub, produced specifically for the lips.

Use good quality lip balms. Carefully study the composition and give preference to balms containing natural oils. Lubricate your lips several times a day, be sure to do this before going out.

Get rid of the habit of licking your lips. This can lead not only to dryness, but also to the appearance of cracks, especially if you lick your lips in the wind.

If you are not allergic to dairy products, lubricate your lips with butter. This simple and affordable remedy will help make your lips soft, smooth and hydrated.

A honey mask will help moisturize your lips. Prepare it by rubbing a spoonful of honey with a spoonful of melted lard. Such a mask will not only moisturize the lips, but also help to smooth them.

Use only high quality lipsticks. Pay attention to composition. It is good if the lipstick contains oils (jojoba, almond, coconut, cocoa), beeswax, vitamins A, B, E. Do not abuse persistent lipsticks - they not only cannot moisturize the lips, but also dry them out.

Drink plenty of pure non-carbonated water. Forget about alcohol and smoking for a while. Try not to eat spicy food, do not eat citrus fruits, chips and other foods that can cause irritation.

Eat right. Do not forget about vitamins and minerals. Vitamins C, E and B, and elements such as zinc and iron will help keep moisture in the lips. Eat fresh foods. Make sure that your menu is balanced and do not get carried away with rigid diets.

At night, massage your lips with a soft toothbrush. If your lips are too sensitive, massage with your finger after thoroughly washing your hands. After the massage, apply moisturizer or lip balm.

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A symptom of dry lips can be an increased density of saliva, which begins to stick to the lips. Saliva may become white.

Helpful advice

Lips become dry from sudden changes in temperature, as well as with too much physical exertion. Applying a rich balm will help your lips stay hydrated.

Modern stores offer a wide range of therapeutic lip balms. It is necessary to choose this tool in accordance with its purpose, as well as taking into account your own needs.

Therapeutic lip balms and their purpose

Medicinal balms help to solve problems associated with dryness of the delicate skin of the lips, its peeling, the appearance of herpes on the lips. You need to choose a balm based on the list of its therapeutic and protective properties, the needs of your own skin, as well as the season.

Modern manufacturers produce moisturizing, nourishing, anti-herpes, sunscreen balms. Owners of dry chapped lips need to pay attention to nutrients. They have a very dense oily texture and perfectly soften delicate skin.

When choosing a nourishing balm, you need to carefully study the composition of the product. The list of components should not contain such harmful substances as parabens, synthetic fragrances. The composition of an effective balm should include high-quality vegetable oils: shea butter, cocoa butter, jojoba. But the presence of mineral oil in the list of ingredients indicates the low quality of the cosmetic product. Vitamins, extracts of various herbs and other useful additives should be added to a good balm.

In the winter season, antiherpetic and wound healing lip balms are popular. They have bactericidal properties and help to quickly put the lips in order. Such a drug can be used not only as a therapeutic, but also as a prophylactic agent.

In the warm season, to prevent and treat dehydration of the skin, it is necessary to use a moisturizing lip balm, as well as a protective agent with ultraviolet filters.

Rules for choosing a lip balm

When choosing a lip balm in a store, it is necessary to take into account not only the purpose of the cosmetic product, but also its quality. Particular attention should be paid to the name of the manufacturer and the expiration date. The balm should smell good. A strong synthetic smell can cause various allergic reactions.

Preference should be given to a balm, released in the form of lipstick or packed in a polymer tube with a dispenser. Cosmetics released in miniature jars tend to deteriorate quickly due to the ingress of a large number of bacteria into them.

With weathered, flaky lips, you can opt for such an interesting medical and cosmetic product as a scrub balm. With it, you can first gently treat the skin with a light scrub, and then apply a nourishing composition to it.

It is advisable to purchase medicinal balms in pharmacies. It is such cosmetics that not only cares for the delicate skin of the lips, but also helps to heal cracks and eliminate peeling.

Medical balms of domestic production are often not inferior to expensive imported products in terms of their effectiveness, but such products are several times cheaper.

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Tip 10: How to make your own lip balm

Agree, in the store you can buy any lip balm. Why then are more and more people experimenting and making their own lip balm at home? Firstly, from natural ingredients, a natural product is obtained without harmful chemical additives. Secondly, by combining the components, you can easily create a product that you want and which best suits your skin. Thirdly, this is an interesting creative activity!

The main and most important ingredient is natural wax, which in the manufacture of lips is used as a thickener, and also protects the skin from adverse effects, nourishes, moisturizes.

Usually, three types of wax are used for the manufacture of cosmetics: bees, carnauba, and candelilla. Moreover, they are used both separately and several types are mixed. Each wax has unique properties.
Beeswax has a strong bactericidal effect.
carnauba wax- hypoallergenic, therefore it is recommended to use it in children's cosmetics and in the production of cosmetics for sensitive and prone to irritation and allergies skin.
Candelilla wax It has an antibacterial effect, relieves inflammation, and is effective for skin diseases.

Prepare a glass jar in which you will mix all the ingredients, put one part of the wax. Use a ratio of wax and other components of 1:2 or even 1:2.25 or more. If you take 1: 1, then the balm will turn out to be very hard. The classic ratio of ingredients: 30% wax + 40% solid oils + 30% liquid oils. Over time, you will learn how to easily vary the ratio of components depending on whether you want to get a harder (wonder is ideal) or softer (optimal for summer) product, as well as focus on your personal preferences.

The next step is the addition of solid oils (butter): one or more.
The following oils are commonly used: cocoa butter, coconut oil, palm oil, shea butter, aloe vera and others. Each oil has its own unique properties, so when choosing a butter, consider your skin type and focus on personal wishes.

Let's take a quick look at the butters that are most commonly used in the manufacture of lip balm.
Cacao butter- it not only has a lot of useful properties (softens, moisturizes, nourishes, revitalizes, tones, smoothes the skin), but also gives the balm a pleasant color and smell.
Shea butter (shea butter) moisturizes the skin, nourishes, restores irritated skin, perfect for dry skin, sensitive, problematic skin, gives a rejuvenating effect, promotes tissue regeneration, protects against aggressive sun exposure.
Coconut oil has moisturizing, nourishing, protective, anti-inflammatory effects, softens the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles and is suitable for all skin types.

Prepare butters for the preparation of our product: approximately 30-40% in relation to other components.

To melt solid ingredients, use a water bath: boil an incomplete pot of water, put a jar or mug of wax in the center and carefully monitor the melting process. In the process, add solid oils (butters) in the desired percentage, melt them. Get a liquid mass. Remove the jar from the fire.

At the final stage, add liquid oil: one or more.
What liquid oils can be used? The choice is large: argan oil, glycerin, olive oil, apricot kernel oil, peach kernel oil, sweet almond oil and others. Of course, each liquid oil has unique properties, so when choosing an oil, pay attention to the type of skin, the desired properties of the future product and your preferences.

Quite often, in our case, olive oil and peach seed oil are used.
Olive oil softens the skin, nourishes, moisturizes, promotes regeneration, rejuvenates, maintains tone, protects against aggressive environmental factors and their consequences.
Peach oil rich in useful substances and vitamins - nourishes the skin of the lips, moisturizes, softens, rejuvenates, significantly improves the appearance, especially recommended for dry and sensitive skin. In a word, peach oil is ideal for lip care.

Add liquid oils to the total mass (approximate ratio - 30%) and mix.

If desired, other ingredients can be added. For example, honey, vitamin E (a few drops), natural dyes (for example, a little sea buckthorn oil will give the balm a pinkish tint).

Prepare containers for balm: wash and wipe with alcohol or vodka. Pour the finished mass into containers and let it harden. Balm is ready!

And some helpful tips:

(1) Notice: before you start preparing the balm, do an allergy test: on the skin of the arm at the elbow, apply the components in small parts and observe during the day. If there is no swelling, rash or itching at the site of application, then the component is suitable for you. It is better to test each ingredient separately so that in the event of an allergic reaction, you know what exactly needs to be replaced.

(2) Keep the finished balm at room temperature, and the one that you do not use in the refrigerator. Keep in mind that The shelf life of homemade lip balm is half a year.

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Lip balm is one of the products that must be present in a woman's cosmetic bag. This is an indispensable assistant in the struggle for the beauty and tenderness of the skin of the lips. Unlike hygienic lipstick, which only protects the epidermis from ultraviolet radiation, wind and other negative factors, the balm treats delicate skin from inflammation and dryness.


Lip balms are traditionally used when conventional lip balms no longer help. In other words, these cosmetics are used to eliminate such problems as wounds, peeling of the skin of the lips, excessive dryness. The name of such products comes from ancient times, when balms were made from the resin of a special balsam tree that grew in the Middle East.

To choose a lip balm, you must first pay attention to its composition. A cosmetic should provide effective care for the skin of the lips, so its formula should include nourishing oils. They soften, moisturize the epidermis, make it elastic. The composition of the balm may contain shea butter, cocoa, shea butter, almond, jojoba, etc.

Ideally, the base of the balm should consist of natural wax. This is a safe raw material that will help protect the lips, restore skin elasticity. Natural wax forms a film on the surface of the lips, which serves as a barrier against the action of wind, sun, water.

A high-quality balm should also contain vitamins - E, A, B and F. These substances are responsible for the beauty of the lips, they have an anti-inflammatory effect. Pay attention to the presence of plant extracts, they contribute to the speedy healing of the skin. The balm may include aloe extract, chamomile. Healing products should also contain antioxidants that prevent early aging of the skin of the lips. These ingredients also increase the immunity of the epidermis, resist the appearance of microcracks.

For the summer period, it is better to choose a lip balm with UV filters, it can be moisturizing. Whereas for the winter you need to take a nutrient, with a thick consistency, so that the lips do not dry out. For spring and autumn, when the period of colds sets in, a balm with antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic components is suitable.

It is necessary to apply lip balm 1-2 times a day, for this it is more convenient to use products in the form of sticks. You can give preference to a creamy balm, which must be distributed with a brush. Such balms can be not only transparent, but also with a certain shade. When buying a product, be sure to check its expiration date, as well as evaluate the aroma. Poor-quality balm will have a strongly pronounced smell. In order not to encounter a fake, it is worth buying medical cosmetics in pharmacies.

Lip balm is a beauty product that every woman needs. Its use helps to eliminate dryness, peeling, cracking.

In order for the application of the balm to be most effective, you need to choose it correctly. In the summer, a product with a sun protection factor should be used. For winter colds, a fat nourishing balm is ideal. If cracks often form in the corners of the lips, you should give preference to a cosmetic product with vitamins and nourishing oils.

Before applying the balm, you need to thoroughly clean your lips. If they still have the remnants of lipstick, you need to remove them with a napkin dipped in a special product designed to remove cosmetics. If the surface of the lips is uneven, they have peeling, you can treat it with a special scrub. On sale there are cosmetic products that are designed specifically for exfoliating the delicate skin of the lips. Some of them are released in the form of lipstick.

In the absence of a special scrub, you can apply a little candied honey to your lips and massage your delicate skin with a toothbrush. This will help prepare the lips for the application of the balm by smoothing their surface.

The balm should be applied with patting movements, lightly driving it into the skin with your index finger. If it is released in the form of lipstick, you can apply the product directly from the tube.

The balm must be used several times a day. A protective cosmetic product must be applied to the lips 15 minutes before leaving the house. The nourishing agent can be applied during the day or at night.

How to increase the effectiveness of the balm

In order to enhance the effect of using lip balm, you can add a solution of vitamins to it. For this, capsules with vitamins A and E, which can be bought at a pharmacy, are perfect. In a small jar of balm, it is enough to add just a few drops of vitamins.

You can apply the lip balm in a thick layer, using it as a mask. It is best to do this at night. The skin must first be cleaned, and then applied to it with a thick layer of balm for 15-20 minutes, then remove its excess with a paper towel. This method of application is suitable for very dry, chapped skin.

Over the years, the amount of collagen and elastin in the tissues of the lips decreases, therefore folds appear, the lines become no longer so clear. To avoid early age-related aging, creams with retinol and a variety of masks, massage and lip exercises will help.

Herpes on the lips

Herpes causes a lot of trouble. If the virus enters the body, then it settles in it forever. Herpes appears during the period of the disease, as immunity decreases, also from hypothermia in winter or, on the contrary, with prolonged exposure to the sun in summer.

For the treatment of herpes on the lips, in addition to ointments purchased at the pharmacy, you can use folk remedies. Unlike drugs, they do not have side effects and addiction. Among the effective remedies are: fir oil, garlic, sea buckthorn oil, aloe and Kalanchoe juices, chamomile decoction. For preventive purposes, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, not to expose the body to stress and hypothermia.

There are three principles of lip care: cleansing, nourishing and protecting. Lips must be polished with special means, or in the absence of such, with a toothbrush, massage and polish dead cells. After this procedure, it is necessary to apply a nourishing cream.

To give lips freshness, you need to make a nourishing mask. To do this, mix carrot juice and a little sour cream, apply on lips for 10 minutes and rinse with water.

When caring for the skin of the lips, it is necessary to take into account the time of year. In the winter season, fatty, nourishing creams are needed that protect against frost and wind. And in the summer - creams and balms, moisturizing with a UV filter, protecting from the sun. To keep lips soft and tender, you need to apply daily a nourishing cream or moisturizing balm, which contains glycerin, beeswax, shea butter, vitamins A and E. And before going out, use hygienic lipstick. It protects, softens and prevents cracking.

Many may have heard the common misconception that store-bought balms dry out lips, forcing the wearer to reapply over and over again. Alas, there is some truth here: some hygienic lipsticks may indeed contain dangerous substances that are addictive. You should especially beware of products containing phenol, camphor or menthol, as these are the ingredients that lead to even more dryness, bringing only temporary relief. Also a big minus is the presence of alcohol in the composition (usually labeled as "OL") and salicylic acid, which is added for better exfoliation.

Homemade lip balm will help not only get rid of dryness, but also provide sufficient long-term hydration. Plus, unlike most store-bought products, it won't leave a greasy or sticky feeling.


· beeswax,

· Coconut oil,

Vitamin E capsules

essential oil (optional).

Beeswax effectively protects against environmental influences and acts as an excellent moisturizer. But the most important thing in this recipe is that it is he who will give the balm a solid consistency.

Coconut oil does not leave an impenetrable film on the skin, unlike products based on petroleum products. The fatty acids included in its composition moisturize the skin of the lips and promote cell regeneration.

Honey is rich in vitamins and useful trace elements, it is a natural moisturizer and effectively cares for even severely dehydrated lips.

Finally, vitamin E contains antioxidants and neutralizes the action of free radicals that damage healthy skin and lead to dryness.

You will need:

grated beeswax - 1 tbsp;

coconut oil - 1 tbsp;

vitamin E - 2 capsules;

a drop of honey

A few drops of essential oil (optional)

The recipe for the balm is extremely simple. Melt the beeswax in a saucepan, start mixing in the oil when half of the existing wax has melted. Then add the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. Remove the resulting mass from the heat, pour into miniature jars or containers and set to cool. After a few hours, you will be able to enjoy the resulting balm!

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Tip 15: Moisturize and nourish lips at home: how to choose the best lip balm?

On the modern cosmetic market there are a large number of different balms that nourish and moisturize the skin of the lips. Usually they include components such as natural wax, extracts of medicinal plants, vegetable oils, antiseptic agents and ultraviolet filters.

Lip balm is a must have in every woman's makeup bag. In the process of choosing it, it is necessary to take into account the time of year.

For example, in winter, lips are constantly exposed to cold winds and low temperatures. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a fat and sufficiently nourishing balm with a UV filter.

But the main spring problem is beriberi. Also, high humidity can adversely affect the lips. Therefore, you should try to buy balms containing vitamins, vegetable oils and antibacterial ingredients. As for summer lip care products, the best option would be a balm with moisturizing ingredients and UV filters.

If your lips are very dry, use a special exfoliating scrub or ointment before applying the balm.

In autumn, sponges must be prepared not only for adverse weather conditions, but also for a lack of vitamins. This means that it is better to buy complex action balms that combine vitamins, plant extracts, antibacterial and antiviral components.

One of the most sought after lip balms getting good

Beautiful lips are the dream of any girl, woman. But how to make them always remain tender, smooth and attractive? This question is relevant for both very young girls and ladies of an older age category.

Unfortunately, the physiological aging of the female body begins at the age of 20-25 years. By the age of twenty-five, the lips begin to lose their natural pigment, turn pale, the outlines become not so clear, by the age of thirty wrinkles appear, the skin of the lips becomes thinner, dryer. And then the picture does not become more rosy ...

Therefore, the sooner a woman begins to monitor the skin of her lips, the longer she will be able to preserve their beauty and youth.

How to properly care for your lips to help, not harm

Sun protection

Everyone knows about the dangers of ultraviolet radiation. Lip skin just needs to be protected from harmful effects - use cosmetics (lipstick, balm, cream, etc.) containing SPF filters. So you save delicate skin from photoaging.

Quit smoking

This bad habit negatively affects the condition of the skin in general, but especially on the lips due to direct contact with a cigarette.


One of the most common causes of dry lips is dehydration. Drink at least one and a half liters of pure water a day.

The use of fiber. This is a very important product for the entire female body, and the skin of the lips in particular.


Once every six months, this specialist must be visited. The appearance of the lips directly depends on the condition of the teeth and gums. Their shape can be especially affected, because due to diseases of the oral cavity, the bite often changes, and the corners of the mouth can drop.

make-up removal

Before going to bed, be sure to remove makeup from your lips, no matter what the factors. This is a very important rule! You can use a special product (micellar water, milk) or warm water.

How to care for lips at home

Tea bag

Slightly cool a freshly brewed green tea bag and apply to your lips, hold for a few minutes - with this simple manipulation, the skin will be toned, blood circulation will be improved, and water balance will be restored.

Vegetable oil for removing cosmetics from the lips

Olive oil is ideal, but sunflower is also suitable. A few drops applied to a cotton swab will perfectly dissolve the lipstick without damaging the delicate skin.


For lip peeling, you can use both a professional product bought in a store and products that are on hand. For example, a mixture of yogurt and oatmeal will give an excellent result.


To give the lips the desired swelling, you can, of course, resort to filler injections in a specialized salon, but there are also homemade recipes. The simplest is a mixture of cosmetic vaseline with cinnamon essential oil. In a small container, mix a tablespoon of petroleum jelly with two drops of oil, apply a thin layer on the lips, blot with a napkin after 15 minutes.

Scrub with honey

If you mix honey and cane sugar and massage your lips with this substance, you will notice that they have become smoother. Important: the procedure can be repeated no more than once a week.

Giving color

Massage your lips with a slice of tomato or half a red grape.

Fight against dryness

If there is dryness of the skin of the lips, at night they should be wiped with a cotton pad with a couple of drops of shea butter or grape seeds.

Now you know how to take care of your lips. Start applying these tips right now, and in the very near future you will notice that your lips have become prettier and more well-groomed!

The sun, cold and wind have a negative effect on the skin of our lips. Therefore, lips need systematic care that will help maintain freshness and beauty for many years. To do this, it is not necessary to resort to the help of specialists and visit expensive beauty salons. It is enough to take care of your lips at home.
Lips are of great importance in our appearance, they can both increase beauty and ruin everything. Lips cannot be hidden, they are always in sight, therefore, when lips become weathered, dry and cracked, even the best decorative cosmetics cannot save.
The skin of the lips is devoid of sebaceous glands, so their surface is very prone to drying out and peeling. Meanwhile, we know that well-groomed lips make a woman more seductive and younger.

How to care for lips at home?

Before going to bed, be sure to remove cosmetics present on the lips with a sponge dipped in a special cleanser or warm water.
Twice a day, after brushing your teeth in the morning and evening, massage your lips with a soft toothbrush or a corner of a soft terry towel again with rotational movements.
After performing a lip massage, lubricate them with butter or a special balm, thanks to which chapped lips will stop peeling and become soft.
If your lips are prone to dryness and chapping, protect them from external aggressions with vegetable oil or oil solutions of vitamins A and E. Apply any of these products to a cotton pad and blot your lips 30 minutes before leaving the house.
Then remove excess oil with a tissue and cover your lips with a cosmetic or hygiene product - lipstick, gloss or balm, this will protect your lips from dryness and cracking. After that, you can apply lipstick or gloss. A similar procedure can be done before going to bed, but in this case, do not wash off the applied oil until morning.

Lip masks

To smooth the skin of the lips, give freshness and natural shine, try making lip masks.
Weathered, chapped lips are perfectly refreshed and moisturized by natural honey. Just do not lick it off immediately, but hold it on your lips for at least 5-7 minutes.
Nourishing lip mask - mix a small amount of sour cream and carrot juice, apply to lips, rinse with cool water after 5-7 minutes.
A nourishing effect is provided by masks based on honey and melted pork fat. Mix well 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and a half tbsp. tablespoons of pork fat, melted in a water bath, or simply on a stove, and transfer the resulting mixture to a jar. This mask will last you several times. It is recommended to store it in the refrigerator.

To prevent dry lips, use the following lip mask: apply a mixture of cucumber or carrot juice, honey, sour cream, cottage cheese. After 15 minutes, lubricate your lips with vegetable oil.
To soften the skin of the lips, mix a finely grated apple with 1 tsp. butter, then apply the mass on the lips for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask with cool water.
In conclusion, it is important to recall two more important rules - never lick your lips while you are outside, and also never start smoking. If you have already acquired this bad habit, try to part with a cigarette as soon as possible. Smoking does a lot of harm, not only to the lips, but in return gives a fleeting and very dubious pleasure.
The sun, cold and wind have a negative effect on the skin of our lips. Therefore, lips need systematic care that will help maintain freshness and beauty for many years. To do this, it is not necessary to resort to the help of specialists and visit expensive beauty salons. It is enough to take care of your lips at home.

Lips are of great importance in our appearance, they can both increase beauty and ruin everything. Lips cannot be hidden, they are always in sight, therefore, when lips become weathered, dry and cracked, even the best decorative cosmetics cannot save.

The skin of the lips is devoid of sebaceous glands, so their surface is very prone to drying out and peeling. Meanwhile, we know that well-groomed lips make a woman more seductive and younger.

How to care for lips at home?

Before going to bed, be sure to remove cosmetics present on the lips with a sponge dipped in a special cleanser or warm water.

Twice a day, after morning and evening rotational movements, massage your lips with a soft toothbrush or a corner, again, of a soft terry towel.

After performing a lip massage, lubricate them with butter or a special balm, thanks to which chapped lips will stop peeling and become soft.

If your lips are prone to dryness and chapping, protect them from external aggressions with vegetable oil or oil solutions of vitamins A and E. Apply any of these products to a cotton pad and blot your lips 30 minutes before leaving the house.

Then remove excess oil with a tissue and cover your lips with a cosmetic or hygiene product - lipstick, gloss or balm, this will protect your lips from dryness and cracking. After that you can apply. A similar procedure can be done before going to bed, but in this case, do not wash off the applied oil until morning.

Lip masks

To smooth the skin of the lips, give freshness and natural shine, try making lip masks.

Weathered, chapped lips are perfectly refreshed and moisturized by natural honey. Just do not lick it off immediately, but hold it on your lips for at least 5-7 minutes.

Nourishing lip mask - mix a small amount of sour cream and carrot juice, apply to lips, rinse with cool water after 5-7 minutes.

A nourishing effect is provided by masks based on honey and melted pork fat. Mix well 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and a half tbsp. tablespoons of pork fat, melted in a water bath, or simply on a stove, and transfer the resulting mixture to a jar. This mask will last you several times. It is recommended to store it in the refrigerator.

To prevent dry lips, use the following lip mask: apply a mixture of cucumber or carrot juice, honey, sour cream, cottage cheese. After 15 minutes, lubricate your lips with vegetable oil.

To soften the skin of the lips, mix a finely grated apple with 1 tsp. butter, then apply the mass on the lips for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask with cool water.

In conclusion, it is important to recall two more important rules - never lick your lips while you are outside, and also never start smoking. If you have already acquired this bad habit, try to part with a cigarette as soon as possible. Smoking does a lot of harm, not only to the lips, but in return gives a fleeting and very dubious pleasure.

The lips are considered to be the most sensual and seductive part of the face. But it is worth noting that only in a well-groomed condition they are able to give the image of femininity, alluring mystery and attractiveness. Every self-respecting woman devotes a certain amount of time to caring for her body, hair, facial skin, but the vast majority do not pay attention to the skin of her lips at all. And in vain, because they have a very thin surface, so they are more susceptible to the negative effects of the external environment.

If lip care is not carried out to the full, then they will quickly lose their beautiful appearance, and with all your desire, you will not see the perfect appearance. To fix the problem, it is important to find the source of its occurrence. Therefore, now let's talk about the possible factors that affect the appearance of the lips.

Reason 1: Weather conditions

Heat, strong wind and frost adversely affect the skin of the lips. As a result of prolonged exposure to such weather conditions on their delicate skin, you are guaranteed to face the problem of peeling, dryness and bleeding. A useful tip that will help you avoid the undesirable consequences of being outdoors and at the same time provide appropriate care for your lips is to apply a moisturizing or nourishing balm cream to their surface before each exit from the house, and sunscreen in summer.

Reason 2: Insufficient amount of vitamins in the body

The lack of a certain group of vitamins in the products that make up your daily diet negatively affects not only the condition of the lips, but also the entire appearance as a whole. Therefore, carefully compose your daily menu and periodically replenish the supply of necessary elements with special preparations, with a complex of vitamins necessary for the body.

Reason 3: Bad habits

Sometimes a woman herself damages the skin of her lips by constantly biting and licking their surface. As a result, the delicate skin dries out, which inevitably leads to peeling and the appearance of microcracks. To solve this problem, it is enough just to carefully monitor your behavior and actions until such time as they completely disappear.

Now let's look at ways and means that will help keep your lips in perfect condition.

Lip masks

The mask recipes below are very easy to prepare and will take a minimum of your time and financial costs.

To provide the necessary care for the lips in winter, to protect their delicate skin from drying out and chapping, a mask based on honey, sour cream, and cottage cheese will help. Mix the listed products in equal proportions and apply on the surface of the lips. After 10 minutes, wash off this mass and apply a moisturizer in the form of a cream or a simple vegetable oil to the lips.

The following mask will save your mouth from cracks. The cooking method is very simple: add a teaspoon of butter to a grated apple. Again, apply the resulting mixture on the skin of the lips and rinse after 20-25 minutes.

The lack of vitamins is compensated by a vitamin mask, which includes: 0.5 tsp each. honey and olive oil, one capsule of Aevita. The application procedure is identical to that described in the recipe for the first mask.

To consolidate the result and increase efficiency, such procedures should be done regularly with a frequency of one day, and only in spring and summer you can use masks a couple of times a week.

Gymnastics for lips

As you know, physical exercises work wonders, they make the figure toned, and the skin supple and elastic. Special exercises for the lips have no less beneficial effect. You can develop a set of exercises yourself. Ideal for such gymnastics, stretching and retracting alternately and simultaneously the upper and lower lips, sticking out the tongue, pronunciation. This is just a small list of possible exercises that provide the necessary lip care at home. Go back to childhood, make faces in the mirror, make faces. Such childishness will benefit your lips - it will give them the necessary tone.

Lip peeling

Lip care includes peeling procedures that can be done in any modern salon. In addition, this procedure can be practiced at home. Several recipes:

  • mix equal parts of honey and soda thoroughly and add a few drops of olive oil;
  • combine a teaspoon of honey and a spoonful of oatmeal;
  • mix equal amounts of sugar and olive oil.

The procedure for applying various types of peeling is almost the same: we apply the resulting mass to the surface of the lips, massage for several minutes, then rinse with water and moisturize the skin with a special agent.


There are many ways to take care of your lips. Choose the one that best suits you. And let a happy smile, framed by well-groomed and beautiful lips, become the hallmark of your success and self-confidence.