What is the husband's mother called? Who is a son-in-law and in what cases is it appropriate to use this definition of kinship

When we get married or get married, we immediately have twice as many relatives. And they all have a name. You won't remember right away. No, well, you can’t confuse your mother-in-law with anyone! And now we'll deal with the rest ...

New relatives of the wife (bride)

mother in law is the husband's mother. For the mother-in-law - her son's wife will daughter-in-law.

father-in-law is the husband's father. For the father-in-law - his son's wife will daughter-in-law.

sister-in-law is the husband's sister. For the sister-in-law, her brother's wife will daughter-in-law.

brother-in-law is the husband's brother. For a brother-in-law, his brother's wife will daughter-in-law.

New relatives of the husband (groom)

mother-in-law is the wife's mother. For the mother-in-law, her daughter's husband will son-in-law.

Who is father-in-law

father-in-law is the wife's father. For the father-in-law, as well as for the mother-in-law, the husband of their daughter - son-in-law.

brother-in-law is the wife's brother. For the brother-in-law, the husband of his sister, as well as for the parents - son-in-law.

sister-in-law is the wife's sister. For the sister-in-law, as for the brother-in-law, their sister's husband will son-in-law.

New family ties between the parents of the bride and groom

Svatya- this is the mother of one of the spouses for the parents of the other spouse.

Matchmaker- the father of one of the spouses for the parents of the other spouse.

brother-in-law is the husband of one sister in relation to the husband of another. Any brother-in-law is also called family ties between people who are not closely related.

Who are godfathers

Qom And godfather - godfathers and mother, but not for the godson, but among themselves and in relation to the parents and relatives of the godson.

Other relatives

All other relatives of your husband/wife will be called for you in the same way as for him/her. If your husband has a niece, she remains a niece for you too. And you will be her uncle's wife for her.

People now communicate less and less. Sometimes even sisters and brothers stop seeing each other, in best case, use the telephone and the Internet to communicate, since now you can see each other on the monitor screen, even if you are thousands of kilometers away from your interlocutor.

Narrowing the circle of relatives

More recently, close people lived big families, trying to settle, if not under the same roof, then at least in the neighborhood. Relatives were united by common interests, they helped each other cope with difficulties, celebrated holidays together.

Now native people communicate in a narrower circle. Mostly grandparents, children, grandchildren.

Why do we not know our own people and ask ourselves: “The brother-in-law is who in a related way?”

The fact is that with the easing of living and working conditions, people have become more independent of each other. Previously, for example, to wash clothes, it was necessary to find two or three hours of free time, now this issue is solved by simply pressing a button. People communicated more closely, because help was needed, it was hard to live without the support of relatives and friends.

Family ties

When two people decide to start a family, not only they become relatives, but also their loved ones.

A young wife acquires a father-in-law and a mother-in-law, which her husband's parents become for her. For them, she will be a daughter-in-law, or daughter-in-law. in the face sister the wife of a young woman acquires a sister-in-law, and her husband's brother will become her brother-in-law. The newly-made spouse will intermarry with the father and mother of the wife, who will acquire the status of caring father-in-law and mother-in-law. The brother of his soulmate and his wife will now be his brother-in-law and daughter-in-law. and her husband is a sister-in-law and brother-in-law. Yesterday's fiance will become father-in-law and mother-in-law. If the newlyweds live in the family of the spouse, then he can also be called a primak, that is, one who was accepted. After the wedding, the parents of the young become matchmakers to each other.

Three groups of kinship

  1. Kinship by blood - this group unites immediate relatives. For example, mother and son, brother and sister, father and daughter.
  2. Owners - that is, people become "their own" through marriage. Hence the names such as sister-in-law, brother-in-law.
  3. Kum connections. In this case, relatives become according to the rite of baptism ( godson and godmother).

Brother-in-law - who is related?

So, the brother-in-law is none other than the wife's brother. From what word did this name come from?

"The brother-in-law squints his eyes." This proverb probably means that loving brother wife closely observes whether the young husband offends his sister.

The word brother-in-law most likely has a common root with the word "sew". That is, this is a relative who is “attached” to a young family through the marriage of a sister.

Interestingly, in English language there is the word sure, which should be translated into Russian as faithful, reliable.

A brother-in-law is someone related to your family. In most cases, he supports the young, helps them. This relative can become the godfather of the couple's child, which will further strengthen intra-family ties.

The sister's husband - the brother-in-law must understand this - needs his help in establishing relationships with his wife and her parents. These two men can get along well, especially if they have a small Common interests will make them true friends, and the family will be stronger, friendlier, stronger.

The strengthening of such a connection, of course, is influenced by the intra-family mentality. For brother and husband to become closer and kinder friend to a friend, the sister should remember that there are holidays that they can celebrate together. If she communicates more with her brother's wife, organizes common feasts, invites her children for walks, then men will definitely communicate better with each other. The brother-in-law's wife, by the way, is the daughter-in-law of a young family. If a brother does not have a wife, then his sister can take care of introducing him to a pretty single friend who can become his soulmate.

Who is the brother-in-law

A brother-in-law is the sister's husband. Relatives, as a rule, are reliable, because they both became relatives after marriage and equally feel the character traits of their father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Relationships between brothers-in-law can develop in different ways. In some families, they become friends, communicate "in their own way" and even make friends. Rarely, but it happens that the relationship of these relatives by marriage does not add up.

It is normal if there is a slight rivalry between brothers-in-law, which is expressed in mild jokes during joint gatherings.

A spouse and sister can do a lot to strengthen the relationship between these men. For example, you can go together with families to nature or recreation. However, do not organize such events too often and intrusively. It is much better if communication is desired, and for this you need to have time to miss each other.


A sister-in-law is the wife's sister. She is the wife of a brother-in-law. Basically, the sisters communicate very well with each other, support each other. This is especially true when they both have children.

Sometimes, however, two women can compete a little with each other. It's not scary. Healthy competition leads to improvement in the relationship between husband and wife.

Kum connections

Both close relatives and family friends can become godfather and godfather for a child. Definitely give advice on who to choose as godparents, cannot be given.

If, for example, they are one of your relatives, then when asked who the brother-in-law and brother-in-law are, you can always answer that this is the godfather of your son or daughter. They will become even more dear to you through the rite of baptism of your child.

Close friends may also be good godfathers. Such a “kinship” will contribute to your rapprochement, strengthening friendly ties.

How to communicate with in-laws

These are people who, it would seem, are not immediate relatives for a young family. However, contact with them can significantly affect the relationship between husband and wife.

When a spouse communicates with the brother of his soulmate, he must remember that a brother-in-law is someone who is related to his wife, which means that misunderstandings in interaction with him can adversely affect his relationship with his wife.

It is important for newlyweds to support each other and not talk badly about relatives. They are now one family. Just as a husband should remember who his wife's brother-in-law is, so a young wife should not forget that a brother-in-law is brother her husband.

  1. Husband (husband)- a man in relation to a woman with whom he is married
  2. Wife (wife)- a woman in relation to a man with whom she is married. Married woman.
  3. father-in-law- wife's father
  4. mother-in-law- wife's mother
  5. father-in-law- husband's father
  6. mother in law- husband's mother
  7. brother-in-law- Brother husband
  8. brother-in-law- brother-in-law
  9. sister-in-law- husband's sister
  10. brother-in-law- sister-in-law's husband
  11. sister-in-law- wife's sister
  12. son-in-law daughter's husband, sister's husband, sister-in-law's husband
  13. daughter-in-law- the wife of a brother, the wife of a son for his mother, the wife of one brother in relation to the wife of another brother; also used instead of daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, sister-in-law
  14. daughter-in-law- son's wife in relation to father
  15. Matchmaker- the father of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other
  16. Svatya- the mother of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other
  17. grandfather (grandfather)- the father of the father or mother.
  18. Grandmother (grandmother)- the mother of the father or mother.
  19. Great Uncle- father's or mother's uncle
  20. Great-aunt- mother's or father's aunt
  21. Grandson, granddaughter)- son (daughter) of a daughter or son in relation to a grandfather or grandmother. Accordingly, a cousin (granddaughter) is the son (daughter) of a nephew or niece.
  22. Great-nephew (niece)- grandson (granddaughter) of a brother or sister.
  23. uncle (uncle, uncle)- the brother of the father or mother, the husband of the aunt.
  24. Aunt (aunt, aunt)- the sister of the father or mother in relation to the nephews. Uncle's wife in relation to his nephews.
  25. Nephew niece)- son (daughter) of a brother or sister (relatives, cousins, second cousins). Accordingly, the child of a cousin (sister) is a cousin-nephew, second cousin(sisters) - second cousin.
  26. One womb (brother, sister)- having a common mother.
  27. Half-blooded (brother, sister)- having common father but different mothers.
  28. Consolidated (brother, sister)- being a brother (sister) by stepfather or stepmother.
  29. Cousin- the son of a native uncle or native aunt.
  30. Cousin- the daughter of a native uncle or native aunt.
  31. Second cousin- the son of a great-uncle or great-aunt.
  32. Second cousin- the daughter of a great-uncle or great-aunt.
  33. Kum, kuma- godfather and mother in relation to the parents of the godson and to each other.
  34. Stepfather- mother's husband in relation to her children from another marriage, stepfather.
  35. Stepmother- father's wife in relation to his children from another marriage, stepmother.
  36. Stepson- a non-native son of one of the spouses, who is related to the other spouse.
  37. Stepdaughter- a step-daughter of one of the spouses, coming native to the other spouse.
  38. Adoptive father (mother)- adopting, adopting someone.
  39. Adopted son (daughter)- adopted, adopted by someone.
  40. Adoptive son-in-law (primak)- son-in-law adopted into the wife's family, living in the wife's house.
  41. Widower A man whose wife has died.
  42. Widow A woman whose husband has died.
  43. twin cities- brothers, mostly cousins, friends who happened to help each other out in difficult times.

In ancient times, it was customary to know your ancestors, honor their memory and remember the names of the grandfather and grandmother of your grandfather and grandmother. Today, often people do not even know what kind of relative they are to each other and what is the correct name for this

Kinship history

Kinship is divided into consanguineous, close and distant. Even 200 years ago, it was customary for blood relatives to live in the same yard. For this, a house was built for the son, where he brought his young wife, next to his father's shelter. It used to be that houses of the same family clan lined up along the street, and such a concept as great-nephews (these are the grandchildren of a sister or brother) was quite common for understanding the depth of kinship.

Family ties were so strong that mutual assistance was not considered something like a favor, but was natural for the survival and preservation of the family. With this approach, people knew not only their blood and relatives, but also distant relatives, such as fourth cousins ​​and brothers, and even deeper.

Nowadays, parents and children can live in the same city and see each other infrequently. Blood ties are no longer supported by the common way of life, the survival of the family is not under threat, so the more distant relationship is no longer tracked. Thus, the spiritual family connection is lost. People who are relatives among themselves are actually strangers to each other, and it is sometimes difficult to understand who belongs to whom.

Blood relations

Family ties by blood are divided into:

distant blood relationship

  • The fourth degree of consanguinity, but more distant relationship includes cousins and brothers great aunts and grandmother, as well as great-nephews are the grandchildren of siblings.
  • The fifth degree of consanguinity, but distant relationship - great uncles, aunts and nephews.
  • sixth degree - second cousins and brothers. They are the children of cousins ​​of their parents.

Further kinship is considered even more distant, therefore, it is possible to determine who belongs to whom only by digging into the pedigree.

Non-blood relatives

Each family where children grow up and marry acquires new relatives that do not belong to the category blood relatives, but are called properties. For each representative of in-laws, there are names of kinship, which are forgotten by many today.

Phrases like "brother of the wife of the brother of the husband" sometimes make one think about their meaning.

In fact, everything is very simple:

  1. For the bride:
  • husband's mother - mother-in-law;
  • father - father-in-law;
  • husband's sister - sister-in-law;
  • brother - brother-in-law;
  • brother-in-law's wife - daughter-in-law;
  • sister-in-law's husband is son-in-law.

2. For the groom:

  • wife's mother - mother-in-law;
  • wife's father - father-in-law;
  • wife's sister - sister-in-law;
  • wife's brother - brother-in-law;
  • brother-in-law's wife - daughter-in-law;
  • sister-in-law's husband - son-in-law.

The brothers' wives are Yatrovkas, and the sisters' husbands are brother-in-laws. Thus, it sounds in a new way - "brother of the husband's daughter-in-law." All relatives of the bride or groom of the second and subsequent degrees are the same relatives as blood relatives, but in-laws.


Nephews are blood relatives, and sometimes they replace their own children. So called the offspring of sisters and brothers. Among themselves, these children are cousins and sisters, they are also called cousins ​​and cousins.

There were times when between such arose marriage unions accompanied by the birth of children with genetic abnormalities. In many countries marriages between cousins and brothers, but such unions do not experience any persecution.

For nephews, the sisters and brothers of the parents are aunts and uncles.


Such kinship as great-nephews is a deepening of the branch of the clan on the part of sisters and brothers. When a brother or sister has their own children grow up and get married, it gives a new branch to the family tree.

The more children in the family, the more beautiful and magnificent the generic “crown” will be, and the degree of kinship is determined solely by the depth of the “roots”.

To understand, for example, who a great-nephew is, it is worth considering in detail family life women who have brothers and sisters. The children of a woman for her blood brothers or sisters are nephews. When they grow up, get married and have children themselves, these kids become grandchildren for a woman. For her siblings, a sister's grandson is a great-nephew. Thus, the entire depth of the clan will be called tribal - grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren, etc.

Genus Depth

The number of generations of children who are related by blood determines the depth of family family tree. crown or branches family tree make up the families of these children. Sometimes it is difficult to trace all weddings, divorces, births and deaths, so in the old days it was customary for aristocratic families to keep their own family chronicles.

Nowadays, it is not customary for most families to enter names and dates of births into the chronological table, so the degree of relationship cannot be traced deeper than the third or fourth generation. When, for example, a child is born in a sister's family, some loving uncles and aunts ask themselves: “The son of a nephew - who is to me”?

In fact, all children born on the part of nephews are called nephews. This may be a niece grandson or granddaughter, great grandson or great granddaughter, and further down the depth of birth. In turn, the nephew's uncle or aunt becomes nephew's grandparents.

A brother's grandson can overnight make a pretty young aunt and uncle a grandma or grandpa. It often happens that the grandson (granddaughter) of a brother is of the same age or even older than the youngest child of his sister. Such children grow like the weather, and are often called sisters and brothers.

Although this is not as close blood relationship as the offspring of their own children, nevertheless, great-nephews are still grandchildren.

Cousin Depth

Cousins ​​and cousins ​​of parents are great uncles and aunts for their children. Accordingly, the children of a cousin or cousin are called great nephews. child great nephew called a cousin.

This is a category of consanguinity, but distant relationship. For aristocrats, keeping track of all branches of the family is important in connection with the proof of aristocratic origin. Even 200 - 300 years ago they knew not only their main roots, but also their offshoots - families living in other cities and provinces. The same became applicable then to the merchants and wealthy townspeople.

Until now, families whose ancestors were their founders still live in the ancient cities of Europe. Usually the pedigree is traced from the father and passed on to the son. Therefore, the birth of an heir was so important for most royal and aristocratic families. If it was not there, then the family surname faded away and a new branch began with the surname of the married daughter.

Nowadays, such deep roots are no longer traced, and the inheritance is transmitted regardless of the gender of the child.

When we get married or get married, we immediately have twice as many relatives. And they all have a name. You won't remember right away. No, well, you can’t confuse your mother-in-law with anyone! And now we'll deal with the rest ...

New relatives of the wife (bride)

mother in law is the husband's mother. For the mother-in-law - her son's wife will daughter-in-law.

father-in-law is the husband's father. For the father-in-law - his son's wife will daughter-in-law.

sister-in-law is the husband's sister. For the sister-in-law, her brother's wife will daughter-in-law.

brother-in-law is the husband's brother. For a brother-in-law, his brother's wife will daughter-in-law.

New relatives of the husband (groom)

mother-in-law is the wife's mother. For the mother-in-law, her daughter's husband will son-in-law.

Who is father-in-law

father-in-law is the wife's father. For the father-in-law, as well as for the mother-in-law, the husband of their daughter - son-in-law.

brother-in-law is the wife's brother. For the brother-in-law, the husband of his sister, as well as for the parents - son-in-law.

sister-in-law is the wife's sister. For the sister-in-law, as for the brother-in-law, their sister's husband will son-in-law.

New family ties between the parents of the bride and groom

Svatya- this is the mother of one of the spouses for the parents of the other spouse.

Matchmaker- the father of one of the spouses for the parents of the other spouse.

brother-in-law is the husband of one sister in relation to the husband of another. In-laws are also called any family ties between people who are not closely related.

Who are godfathers

Qom And godfather- godfather and mother, but not for the godson, but among themselves and in relation to the parents and relatives of the godson.

Other relatives

All other relatives of your husband/wife will be called for you in the same way as for him/her. If your husband has a niece, she remains a niece for you too. And you will be her uncle's wife for her.