Zodiac sign Libra: Marriage unions, compatibility of signs of the zodiac. Signs compatible with Libra. Compatibility Libra and Libra in a relationship

You are Libra according to the horoscope and you have finally met your soul mate! Check if you are compatible according to the horoscope. The zodiac claims that exactly half of the signs that Libra is compatible with.

Signs not compatible with Libra

  • There is always internal tension between Libra and Aries. Energetic Aries does not understand the calmness of Libra. This makes a marriage between them unlikely. But they have great sex!
  • Romantic Libra will not find understanding with the pragmatic owner of Taurus. He is jealous, and Libra is fickle. It can unbalance both. A long-term union does not shine for them!
  • Cancer is cautious and critical, Libra does not understand this, being carried away by their extravagant ideas. The marriage between them is very weak.
  • Virgo and Libra have a complete mismatch of characters. Virgos have rules, Libra rejects them. There is a difference of interests. They will have an extremely difficult and short marriage.
  • Capricorn and Libra will find mutual understanding in sex. And in everything else, complete denial reigns. Communication will end quickly, marriage is impossible.
  • Libra and Pisces both dislike leadership. Therefore, a complete misunderstanding reigns in the couple. It will not come to marriage.

Signs compatible with Libra

  • Libra and Gemini are ideal partners, they are both impulsive and passionate. Both are non-jealous and easy to communicate with. This will be the happiest marriage ever.
  • Libra and Leo are obsessed with sex! In bed they have a complete extravaganza! Leo loves to make decisions, Libra loves to give in. Relations will continue in a warm and strong marriage.
  • The passionate connection of Scorpio and Libra will be based on the same thing - on dominance and submission. The marriage will be just as stormy, but strong.
  • Libra and Sagittarius are similar in many ways. Both are independent, both are travelers. If they want, then the marriage will be very long.
  • Libra will suit Aquarius brilliantly. They are satisfied with life in society, an abundance of meetings and communication! In love and in feelings, they have complete harmony, leading to a strong marriage.

You have learned which signs Libra is compatible with. It turns out that there are not so few of them. And in conclusion, I would like to answer the question of whether Libra is compatible with Libra? Yes, they have a lot in common, but both are a bit out of touch with reality. If you include more practicality in the relationship, then the marriage will be very good.

Rida Khasanova July 22, 2018

Zodiac signs play a fatal role in the fate of every person. Relationships are especially interesting for those whose zodiac signs coincide. These couples include unions between a Libra man and a woman.

Astrologers cited statistics according to which marriages of two Libras are most often concluded in countries with a stable economy and a warm climate.

This is due to the fact that Libra in a pair cannot withstand difficulties, they are only called upon to decorate each other's lives.

Libra and Libra Compatibility Chart

Compatibility of Libra Men and Libra Women: Pros and Cons in a Relationship

Libra is perhaps the only representatives of the signs of the zodiac, which pay attention to all the beauty around. That is why the charm of a woman does not leave a man indifferent. The pluses in a pair of this zodiac constellation is that they necessarily have a lot in common, including interests, a combination of tastes and hobbies.

Libras pay attention to everything beautiful around them.

Often the two halves are so attracted to each other that they cannot control themselves. It is important for each of them to feel the physical presence of the other nearby, his sensuality and attention.

From cons you can notice that next to each other, Libra often lacks a sense of confidence in tomorrow. It is difficult for them to get rid of the doubts and indecision of each of the partners. Since both a woman and a man are rather passive, they are afraid to take responsibility for making important decisions to get rid of problems.

If a man feels dissatisfied with the life created by his partner, then he can turn into home tyrant and moral vampire. In this case, a woman needs to act as delicately as possible.

Much harder than cheating, Libra is going through financial difficulties. Both partners love to live on wide leg and enjoy luxurious things. Therefore, it is important for a woman to keep control over the couple's expenses.

The compatibility horoscope of the Libra woman and the Libra man tells us that such a union has all the prerequisites to create strong relationship. They can even last for the rest of your life.

Both in a man and in a woman there are many characteristic contradictions, but they do not at all prevent them from building a joint personal life. In everyday life, excessive emotionality can result in conflicts, but they do not reach a critical level. Thoughtful Libra rarely swear, because for this they need serious occasion.

In addition, the thoughts and feelings of Libra constantly leaning towards each other, and all the most petty manifestations of love are understandable only to both of them. They need harmonious union which will be calm and romantic.

Two Libras have all the prerequisites to create a strong relationship

Are they compatible in love?

At the very beginning of a relationship, partners constantly evaluate intellectual ability each other and often compete. Soon this period passes, and then there is a complete lull in which both the man and the woman feel comfortable.

For Libra women, it is important that the man was purposeful and non-conflict. In this case, she sees him as a partner who will be her companion for the rest of her life. Often a woman takes his side in any conflict situations and listens to him.

In love, it is important for spouses to create harmonious relationships in which each of them will respect the other so much that neither one nor the other wants to change.

In addition to sexual relationships in love, Libra sympathizes with each other in everything and experiences from communication real pleasure.

In a Libra love relationship, it is important that a man does not want to dominate a girl in everyday life and does not put pressure on her. If, nevertheless, this desire is there, then in order to establish harmony, the girl must establish certain limits. If this does not happen, then the negativity of both partners can immediately spread to all aspects of life. Libra expect from each other not only long-term, but also comfortable relationship where lovers make compromises and concessions as often as possible.

At the very beginning of a relationship, Libras often compete

Libra guy and Libra girl in sex

Will something get intimate if she is Libra and he is Libra? Yes, in fact, Libra is wonderfully combined in terms of sex. In bed, relationships are based on passion, harmony and sophisticated eroticism. Both partners are big fans of aesthetics and therefore try to diversify the poses and the process as much as possible.

A man, preferring to maintain an unassuming relationship, tries to bind a woman to himself and make her dependent on sex and himself physically. Such a desire to captivate and enslave is supported by the second half.

Financial and communication problems in business often sneak into sex life this sign. Therefore, it is important for Libra that sex be independent of financial problems.

Libra gets tired of sex in pure form. Therefore, such people often cheat on each other if there is no harmony in the relationship. For them sex is just satisfaction needs, not a gesture of love. Physical intimacy is regarded as relieving mental stress. Therefore, Libra women and Libra men will not be easy with each other. If they decide to be together, then such a romance can last quite a long time.

The sexual attraction of a couple is strong, for a man and a woman it is the most real passion , which is embodied in touch and tenderness. Since both are lovers of erotica, each of the partners brings variety to sex. Women need to be able to bind a man and interest him, while he himself wants to be an object of desire.

It is enough for these two to make sex with each other a little more mysterious, with notes of piquancy. This is not at all easy, but this is how you can interest Libra, thereby revealing the needs of each partner.

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

Two Libras are compatible in marriage, as this union is considered the most peaceful among the other signs of the zodiac. The husband in the family plays the role of protector and head with pleasure, while the wife tries to equip housing as much as possible, create comfort and a harmonious atmosphere.

In marriage, both partners are accustomed to resolve all disagreements together through ongoing negotiations. They rarely have even the smallest conflicts, and small quarrels immediately lead to reconciliation. It’s just that both representatives of Libra understand how many moral and physical strength will need to be spent to restore a shaky truce.

In addition, Libra does not tolerate loneliness, therefore, in conflict situations, it is easier for them to remain silent or swallow resentment, but maintain a friendly atmosphere.

It is quite difficult for Libra women to endure a midlife crisis and this is the only thing that can cause big scandals within the family. As a rule, during this period, betrayal by both spouses is possible.

In everyday life, the husband and wife share all the problems and responsibilities with pleasure, and during their execution they discuss the books they read, pressing problems and films they watched together. Sometimes they are able to arrange heated arguments, defending their point of view. At the same time, everyone understands that it is not worth crossing the border.

Libras do not tolerate loneliness well and try to avoid conflicts.

The marriage union of Libra is good because they become for each other not only an object of love, but also a strong friendship. A man likes to brag about both his own achievements and the success of his wife. This further develops their relationship and makes them improve each time. Reviews about their marriage are only the most positive. After all, the spouses themselves and their children live in harmony and love.

Is there friendship if he is Libra and she is Libra?

Between Libra, as well as between other signs, there are differences. The friendship of these two people is quite rare. If a woman and a Libra man communicate, then most likely these relationships are based on joint interests: going to the theater recreational activities or business.

If friendship does arise, then each of the Libra friends will always respect the interests of the other. If necessary, they will sacrifice their own principles

The Libra girl and the Libra guy are friends so as not to create inconvenience to each other, because they themselves know firsthand about the duality of their character, which every year becomes strong and unpredictable in its duality. Together they spend fruitful leisure and try to diversify it in every possible way. If at the very beginning of friendships it was possible to establish boundaries and frameworks that cannot be crossed, then the guy and the girl will develop their friendship based on common interests and desires.

Bypassing social conventions, Libra can tell each other their opinions, tell the truth about actions and own desires. This greatly simplifies their life. At the same time, each of them is not ready to assume obligations in case of problems of the other: friendship is friendship, but each solves his own problems.

Each of the Libra friends will always respect the interests of the other.

How to win Libra men?

A lot is said in horoscopes about how to win Libra men and build relationships with them, but few people really use these utopian tips. With men of this zodiac sign should be handled delicately, courteously and beautifully. They love everything luxurious and chic, so they demand the same attitude from others towards themselves.

Libra men are constantly popular among the opposite sex. It will not be easy for the one who wants to stay with him until the end of her life.

Tips for conquering Libra men:

  1. For success, the girl will have to become an irresistible special which is virtually unrivaled. A woman should be spectacular and look beautiful, because Libra men are able to become interested only in that special one who will surpass the rest in everything. To attract the attention of a man, you have to spend a lot of money and effort.
  2. Be prepared to be intellectually advanced, as a man loves to make small talk. He demands the same from the second half.
  3. Each spoken word should be as precise as possible, and the gesture should be harmonious and confident. Be prepared to play sports as men can't stand fat ladies.

The Libra man must be treated delicately, courteously and beautifully.

How to get the attention of a Libra woman?

Impressing a Libra girl is not difficult. It is much more difficult to interest her for a long time, that is, to keep this lady's attention on her person. Of course, she is flattered by both open compliments and unusual signs attention, but the real feeling cannot be revealed by such tricks.

Many men ask themselves if it is possible to fall in love with a Libra woman? This is really possible if a man manages to convince her of the seriousness of his intentions. To do this is simple:

  1. Introduce a girl to your friends not only as a friend, but as a soulmate with whom you are going to live the rest of your life. Every Libra woman will appreciate this. She also does not like comparison with others, so it is important for a man to keep his mouth shut.
  2. A little more "points" in her eyes will add the generosity of a man. A woman does not like to be saved on her, and therefore she will prefer a richer partner.

Compatibility horoscope: Libra zodiac sign best compatibility - most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

In the first half of life, your ideal partners are Gemini and Aquarius, soul mates by the element of Air. It is only necessary that the first ones study, master a promising profession, and not rush about in search of a better life. And only one thing is required from Aquarius: the desire to host many friends of the young wife, including representatives of the opposite sex, in their house. In the second half of life, Libra needs Leo or Sagittarius. The first, however, is suitable with one caveat: it should not have a weakness for gambling and expensive clothes. Libra will not tolerate a wife wasting family money. And Sagittarius is suitable for the role of an ideal couple for Libra, only if it has a high social status.

Best Couple for Libra

Aquarius: This couple is waiting for love-friendship and love-entertainment. Libra and Aquarius enjoy each other primarily on an intellectual level, Libra is genuinely thrilled by the wit of Aquarius, who in turn will be inspired by Libra. This pair can make a productive creative tandem. They will always enjoy each other's company and for a long time will not lose mutual interest. As the compatibility horoscope of Libra Aquarius predicts, the marriage of this couple promises to be extremely successful.

Twins: If these two signs of the zodiac meet, then usually the motto of their novel becomes “even a flood after us”, this confirms the compatibility horoscope. Gemini and Libra love entertainment and are constantly on the lookout for exciting experiences. They don't burden themselves domestic problems and prefer quick pleasures to deep feelings. But, despite the seeming frivolity, they understand each other perfectly and create the impression of an ideal couple. The novel can end in a successful marriage, as the Libra Gemini compatibility horoscope predicts.

Sagittarius: The novel promises to be delightful. As the compatibility horoscope predicts, Libra and Sagittarius are a beautiful and romantic couple. Libra attracts Sagittarius with its tenderness and easy attitude to life, and for them, Sagittarius is an eternal adventurer who brings an element of diversity and brightness to life. Libra is an ideal companion for Sagittarius, as they manage to constantly stir up his interest in themselves, and in the end even such a loving anemone will let himself be tamed. As the Libra Sagittarius compatibility horoscope promises, marriage promises to be successful.

Worst Couple for Libra

Fish: The beginning of the romance of this couple will be fabulously beautiful: strawberries in chocolate and champagne on ice. Both of these zodiac signs love tender confessions and sentimental words, and also do not want to get out of the sweet pink cotton wool of their romance. But, as the compatibility horoscope warns, Libra and Pisces may begin to conflict precisely on the basis of the manifestation of their feelings. Pisces needs protection and support, but Libra is not ready for this and considers this a routine obligation. As the Libra Pisces compatibility horoscope predicts, this relationship will be beautiful, but fragile.

Cancer: In the relationship of this couple there will always be some understatement, this is indicated by the compatibility horoscope. Cancer and Libra are slightly different in emotionally which can lead to exclusion. Sensitive Cancer is waiting to be appreciated and protected, but a little more superficial Libra is more focused on himself and does not notice the changeable mood of his partner. This is precisely the reason for future quarrels, the Libra Cancer compatibility horoscope warns.

Taurus: The relationship of this pair of zodiac signs cannot be called simple: they differ in too many ways, the compatibility horoscope assures this. Libra and Taurus sometimes look at life under different angles review. Libra likes light entertainment, and Taurus prefers not to waste time. He considers his companion a spender, while Taurus seems to Libra to be a cheapskate. This novel will gain the right to a long existence only if Libra comes to terms with the tyranny of Taurus, but this is unlikely, as the compatibility horoscope of Libra Taurus confirms.

Strained relations

Scales: The relationship of this couple is reminiscent of a movie about love, but in the end they become too revealing due to the game on the public, which Libra is too fond of. The compatibility horoscope predicts a fascinating and vivid romance, which both participants will treat as an eternal celebration of life. The reins of power in such an extravaganza are usually taken by the Libra man. The compatibility horoscope portends: perhaps at some point it may seem to Libra that they are communicating with themselves, and this will nullify all interest. To avoid this, it is worth finding abstract interests. According to the compatibility horoscope, Libra woman is more loyal to her partner, and it is she who often eliminates all conflicts and quarrels.

Aries: This couple is attracted to each other by what they do not see in themselves. Impulsive Aries is fascinated by the exquisite restraint of Libra, and they, in turn, are attracted by the cheerfulness and energy of their partner, this is confirmed by the compatibility horoscope of Libra Aries. Conflicts can arise due to Aries' stubbornness and unwillingness to compromise. But, as a rule, Libra manages to persuade his half to a reasonable agreement, this is evidenced by the compatibility horoscope Aries Libra.

Libra Man with other Zodiac Signs

Libra Compatibility

Libra refers to the dual signs of the zodiac, in the nature of which several opposites are intricately intertwined. Very often, Libra remains misunderstood, because in different time they bring to light completely different ideas, actions and thoughts that sometimes contradict each other. For Libra, the most important thing both in work and in personal life is to maintain balance, balance, stability, therefore everywhere and in everything they are looking for something that will give their life more stability.

The representative of the zodiac sign Libra is undoubtedly a creative and extraordinary person. He tends to idealize both the relationship with a partner and the personality of his chosen one, living more in a fictional world than in reality. Libra does not like fighting, conquest. When difficulties approach, they will prefer to wait them out somewhere on the sidelines, or even disappear from the “battlefield” than to counteract. Libras are always great friends who will support in Hard time will never betray. They would rather sacrifice their own claims than allow loved ones to experience need and deprivation. In their desire to make their life partner happy, Libra goes so far that sometimes they turn into the shadow of a loved one, completely dissolving in his desires. But if someone dares to humiliate, put pressure on Libra, the offender will receive an unexpectedly strong and unyielding rebuff.

The Libra woman follows fashion and style, she is always irresistible, and has many admirers. She will never choose a rude, cheeky person as her life companion, because more than anything in the world she does not like vulgarity and vulgarity. The Libra man is always smart and elegant. Outwardly, he is always calm and balanced, but the temperament of the representative of this zodiac constellation is truly unbridled. Before creating a lasting union, the Libra man will survive more than one love story enjoying flirting and adoring women. In his chosen one, the Libra man is looking for external attractiveness, and he tends to put feelings and relationships in the background. He cares little about how many broken hearts he left behind - he only cares about his own feelings and experiences.

The most compatible signs with Libra are Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius. The least compatible signs with Libra tend to be Cancer and Capricorn.

Scale Compatibility Chart

This table shows the average results of Libra's relationships with each of the signs of the zodiac. The links in the table lead to additional Libra compatibility articles that describe in more detail this species relations.

Libra in love relationships with other zodiac signs

Relationships of Libra with other signs of the zodiac

Libras are endowed with refined taste and incredible charm. These people are oppressed by monotony and routine, and they always know how to avoid boredom.

Representatives of this sign are flexible and easily adapt to life situations, which is why they can make a successful relationship with many signs of the zodiac.

Can a representative of this sign compromise in a relationship?

best couples for Libra

Libra has the best compatibility with Aquarius, with which he will be born a real spiritual and physical connection. The beauty of this relationship is that both of them do not pay attention to the little things and are ready to compromise.

An excellent ally for a representative of this sign can be Calf, with which he will be connected by the desire for comfort and everything beautiful. In addition, both partners are endowed with excellent taste. In this marriage, they will both be ready to turn a blind eye to the partner’s minor flaws, and that is why such an alliance can last a very long time.

WITH twins Libra will be bound by intellectual compatibility, which to many will seem like friendship. But it is this friendship that will become the basis of a long and lasting relationship.

With representatives of the fire element, quite beneficial relationships can develop. WITH Aries And lion he will be connected by passion and sex, but a charming Sagittarius will become an excellent ally in terms of adventure and travel.

Is it better for representatives of this sign to live with their complete opposites or with people similar to them?

With whom will Libra never build happiness?

Capricious Cancer will not be very good partner for the representative of this sign, since Libra tends to surround himself only with positive people.

Libra could make a good alliance with a representative of his own sign, but it should be understood that such a relationship will not move forward, since both partners do not like to take on the role of initiator.

Libra's inactivity will be annoying Capricorn, despite the natural attraction between them, but oversensitivity Fish will cause many conflicts, which sooner or later will lead to a break in relations.

Relations between the representative of this air sign and Virgo will very soon be at an impasse, because Virgo will not be able to satisfy all his needs.

Libra has poor compatibility with the jealous scorpio, which will create many problems in marriage with Libra, who are looking for a harmonious relationship. As a result, they will constantly try to change each other, but not one of them will achieve their goal.

Is the representative of this sign able to put up with the shortcomings of his partner?

Scales: characteristics and description

Find out all the most interesting things about Libra. This information will help you succeed in relationships with a representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.


Optimistic and friendly, sweet and cheerful - these characteristics are ideal for people who were born in the autumn months under the constellation Libra. Libra strives all his life for beauty and harmony, for justice and peace. The planet Venus, named after the beautiful and mysterious goddess of love, patronizes these amazing personalities. IN ancient greece Venus was called Aphrodite, she symbolized tenderness, passion and attraction. It is no coincidence that the pets of Venus are considered the most attractive among the other signs of the zodiac - Libra is simply impossible not to admire. The element of Libra is calm and cold-blooded air, main force which is a conviction. Air guys are full of all kinds of ideas and plans, Libra constantly lives in a world of thoughts and dreams.

Friends, lovers and partners, dear Libra, should be sought among air and fiery creatures. Although, if desired, patient Libra will get along with anyone. Clever Aquarius and restless Gemini will be an excellent match for the pets of Venus, Libra will quickly get along with these guys. Two Libras side by side is not bad, but air creatures will have to learn to make decisions - Venus's pets will not succeed in shifting responsibility to each other. Leo, Sagittarius and Aries will make the life of Libra bright, rich and interesting, and freedom-loving air signs will never regret choosing partners from the fire element. Scorpios, Pisces and Cancers will be fascinated by the life-loving Libra, but there is no need to hope for the perfect compatibility of water and air. Patient and stubborn earth signs can please Venus pets, but Libra will often get irritated by the stubbornness of Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus.

Libra is able to charm anyone, sentimental air creatures know a lot about romance and beautiful courtship. Pets of Venus are good conversationalists, next to them it is never boring, and usually Libra is surrounded by pleasant and positive people. More than anything, Libras value peace, they hate to sort things out and argue over all sorts of nonsense. Wards of Venus can be selfish, but people forgive Libra this little weakness - no one will be offended by good-natured and affectionate air guys for a long time.

Compatibility of Libra with zodiac signs

Libra and Aries

Cheerful air creatures will be able to please energetic Aries - fiery guys will be delighted with positive Libra. The immediate pets of Venus and the frivolous wards of Mars - here it is the long-awaited perfect compatibility. If there are any quarrels and disagreements, then the detailed Libra will instantly resolve these problems. Next to Libra, Aries will even forget about their desire to rule - you want to carry air guys in your arms, and there is no time for commands and orders.

Libra and Taurus

Patient Taurus will conquer any fortress, and of course, the earthly guys will be able to win the favor of Libra. Venus will help air-terrestrial pets get along. At first, it will be difficult for Libra to adapt to all the rules that stubborn Taurus will overwhelm them with, but if love comes into this relationship, then there is nowhere to go. Any quarrels in the earth-air union will fade into the background, because the wards of Venus have an incredible physical attraction to each other.

Libra and Gemini

Charming Gemini and cute Libra will like each other in the first minute of their acquaintance. Pets of Mercury will stir up any modest, and Libra will instantly forget about their shyness. We are not talking about harmony in relationships, but Libra lacks idylls in the world around us, and Gemini does not at all strive for some kind of perfection. The main thing is that the relationship should be easy and fun, and everything else will follow. Such dissimilar air creatures themselves will not notice how they become attached to each other.

Libra and Cancer

Impressive and vulnerable Cancers will certainly notice kind and sympathetic air guys. The compatibility of the pets of the Moon and Venus is in question, but there is no doubt that the relationship between Libra and Cancer will be bright and interesting. Libra and Cancer will always find something to learn from each other. Mutual understanding in water-air pairs is rarely achieved, but the union of the wards of Venus and the Moon can be strong and reliable, precisely due to the dissimilarity of the elements and characters.

Libra and Leo

Eccentric Leos will initially avoid Libra, as they see them as competitors. But is it possible to refuse the joys that the lovely pets of Venus give people. Sociable and cheerful air guys can be trusted - after a while, fiery creatures will purr like kittens, naively believing that they have found ideal partners. Maybe that's the way it is? Indeed, next to Libra it is difficult to think differently, and the proud pets of the Sun will even learn to compromise.

Libra and Virgo

Wise pets of Venus can get along with Virgo if the pets of Mercury do not start criticizing Libra on the very first day of their acquaintance. But can earthly guys be able to refrain from remarks? Of course not, really, Virgos will have to try, because Libra strives for perfection in everything, and has practically no flaws. But the air-earth creatures have nothing to worry about - relationships are easy to save, you just need to become lovers (the physical compatibility of Libra and Virgo is almost perfect).

Libra and Libra

Sociable and sociable creatures will understand each other perfectly, and in bed with two Libras everything will be in perfect order. But perfect match everything is no and no. Most likely, the matter is in the eternal desire of the pets of Venus for harmony and perfection. Why does Libra need a similar partner if you can just look in the mirror and admire your unearthly beauty? But, of course, there is a way out - air creatures can take turns carrying each other in their arms, the main thing is not to mix up the schedule.

Libra and Scorpio

Jealous Scorpios will drive calm and peaceful Libra crazy - the air-water union can break up in the first week after meeting. But it is almost impossible to resist the charms of Pluto's pets - amorous Libra will forgive Scorpions everything and even learn to swear (what to do if the water guys cannot live a day without a showdown). But in sex, everything is fine and wonderful - if the pets of Venus and Pluto become lovers, they will not regret it.

Libra and Sagittarius

Libra and Sagittarius are addicted guys, and air-fiery creatures will certainly make friends. Relationships will be bright and cheerful, but this is probably not enough to go to the registry office. Pets of Jupiter and Venus are unusually freedom-loving - and it is impossible to predict which of them will be the first to take a serious and responsible step. Ever-doubting Libra and frivolous Sagittarius can tune in long years until they realize that everything has already been decided for them somewhere.

Libra and Capricorn

Practical and stubborn Capricorns are impossible to confuse - they know what they need to be happy, and almost never back down from obstacles. However, next to the cheerful and sociable Libra, it is difficult to remain serious - the earthly guys will get out of the shell and allow themselves to be a little weird. Pets of Venus and Saturn can only dream of perfect compatibility, but reliable and strong friendship calm Capricorn and sentimental Libra is provided.

Libra and Aquarius

You can still look for such idealists as Libra and Aquarius - the airy guys know how to achieve universal harmony. Pets of Uranus and Venus will never get acquainted with the routine, they can become both friends and lovers, and will never regret their choice. Love in this union will come first, but air creatures will not calm down - there are so many interesting and unknown things in the world, and Aquarius and Libra will enjoy every moment spent together.

Libra and Pisces

Pets of Venus and Neptune can become true friends- there will be more than enough respect in this union. But before ideal relationship air-water creatures are far away - the difference in the elements will not go anywhere. Restless Pisces will frighten the impressionable Libra, but the air guys can shift all responsibility for the decisions made to the water partners. Eternal love? Why not, and if she visits Rybok and Libra, the guys can go to the registry office without hesitation.

Who is Libra compatible with?

You are Libra according to the horoscope and you have finally met your soul mate! Check if you are compatible according to the horoscope. The zodiac claims that exactly half of the signs that Libra is compatible with.

Signs not compatible with Libra

  • There is always internal tension between Libra and Aries. Energetic Aries does not understand the calmness of Libra. This makes a marriage between them unlikely. But they have great sex!
  • Romantic Libra will not find understanding with the pragmatic owner of Taurus. He is jealous, and Libra is fickle. It can unbalance both. A long-term union does not shine for them!
  • Cancer is cautious and critical, Libra does not understand this, being carried away by their extravagant ideas. The marriage between them is very weak.
  • Virgo and Libra have a complete mismatch of characters. Virgos have rules, Libra rejects them. There is a difference of interests. They will have an extremely difficult and short marriage.
  • Capricorn and Libra will find mutual understanding in sex. And in everything else, complete denial reigns. Communication will end quickly, marriage is impossible.
  • Libra and Pisces both dislike leadership. Therefore, a complete misunderstanding reigns in the couple. It will not come to marriage.

Signs compatible with Libra

  • Libra and Gemini are ideal partners, they are both impulsive and passionate. Both are non-jealous and easy to communicate with. This will be the happiest marriage ever.
  • Libra and Leo are obsessed with sex! In bed they have a complete extravaganza! Leo loves to make decisions, Libra loves to give in. Relations will continue in a warm and strong marriage.
  • The passionate connection of Scorpio and Libra will be based on the same thing - on dominance and submission. The marriage will be just as stormy, but strong.
  • Libra and Sagittarius are similar in many ways. Both are independent, both are travelers. If they want, then the marriage will be very long.
  • Libra will suit Aquarius brilliantly. They are satisfied with life in society, an abundance of meetings and communication! In love and in feelings, they have complete harmony, leading to a strong marriage.

You have learned which signs Libra is compatible with. It turns out that there are not so few of them. And in conclusion, I would like to answer the question of whether Libra is compatible with Libra? Yes, they have a lot in common, but both are a bit out of touch with reality. If you include more practicality in the relationship, then the marriage will be very good.

Compatibility of Libra with other signs of the zodiac circle

Compatibility of Libra with other signs depends on many circumstances. Relationships are influenced by the Moon and the Sun, the elements and planets, the year of birth. This zodiac sign is looking for balance and harmony in everything, therefore he has a good understanding with many people. Whoever Libra meets, their compatibility will be possible only when both partners want to find a common language. Astrology only tells you how best to do this.

Compatibility of Libra with other signs

Character Libra

The compatibility of the Libra sign directly depends on their character. These people are calm, good-natured, trying to be in touch with everyone. normal relationship. They are born diplomats and peacemakers. Sociable, Libra does not tolerate loneliness. They can be very efficient, but periodically suffer from bouts of laziness. Quite stubborn, achieve goals, following the path of least resistance. Here are the main character traits of this sign:

  • calm;
  • equilibrium;
  • good nature;
  • sociability;
  • delicacy;
  • diplomacy;
  • stubbornness;
  • indecision;
  • elegance;
  • developed intellect;
  • purposefulness.

Scales are cruel and ruthless, if their interests are affected, someone crossed their path. Periodically capricious, irritated and nervous. There are many egoists among the representatives of this sign. When they don't want to do something, they can't be forced. Responsibility is always shifted to others. Libra compatibility with other signs of the zodiac is easy to find, despite the negative character traits. They are always ready to seek a compromise first.

Libra Compatibility with Air Signs

The element of air endows the signs of the zodiac with lightness, developed intelligence. These people do not like to make commitments and build strong bonds. Air signs are:

Who is more compatible with Libra than their counterparts? In fact, in these relationships, not everything is so simple: air signs are very freedom-loving and independent.

Libra Compatibility Gemini

When they meet, these people quickly find mutual understanding. They have similar interests, temperaments, life views. The couple have a great time traveling, parties, exhibitions and other great places. They are compatible in friendship and work, but family life may not work out.

The compatibility horoscope for the signs Libra and Gemini promises them many difficulties. They absolutely do not want to take responsibility. Between them there can be a strong sexual attraction and even real love. But relationships are broken about everyday life, the slightest difficulties can destroy them.

Compatibility of Libra with each other

Relations between two representatives of the same zodiac sign are wonderful. This is an ideal couple in which love, respect and mutual understanding reign. Both partners - creative personalities pay much attention to their spiritual development. They do not tolerate conflicts, so they very rarely quarrel with each other. Even when the marriage is not all right.

Problems arise when important decisions have to be made. None of the partners wants to take responsibility. In such a situation, the compatibility of the two Libras can easily be shaken, mutual claims and accusations will appear. Often a couple experiences financial difficulties: both love to spend money, but they are not good at earning it.

Libra and Aquarius Compatibility

This is a wonderful couple of two spiritually close people. They already at the first meeting feel how they fit each other. Between two representatives of the air element there is love at first sight, followed by a stormy romance and a beautiful wedding. Family life promises to be happy, such a couple rarely gets into the percentage of divorces.

No matter how good the compatibility of Aquarius with the sign of Libra, there are quarrels in a couple. Aquarius loves freedom more than his partner. For him, family is a very relative concept. Also, this sign is stingy with emotions; for him, the intellectual component of the relationship is important first of all. Often, Libras have to take full responsibility for the family, which they really do not like to do.

Libra Compatibility with Fire Signs

The element of fire is energy, passion, emotions. The people she manages are born leaders, they can't live if they don't practice. important things and do not set themselves high goals. The signs of the fiery element include:

The compatibility of air Libra and fire signs is not bad. It is important that the fire does not overheat the air, and he does not blow it out. But since our zodiac sign seeks balance in everything, this rarely happens.

Libra and Aries Compatibility

These signs are complete opposites. However, they attract each other like Venus and Mars, their planets. Air inflates the fire, makes it burn. The fire heats the air and it rises. Approximately this is how relations are built in this union. The compatibility horoscope of the signs Libra and Aries promises them an interesting family life full of emotions, ups and downs.

There are quarrels in a couple, and often. Aries cannot understand the torment and indecision of the air sign, trying to stir up his partner. In response, he receives resistance and a complete unwillingness to do anything. It also happens the other way around: the air sign takes on all household chores, while its fiery partner catches a crane in the sky.

Libra and Leo Compatibility

Leo is quite compatible with Libra, any astrologer will confirm this. The air sign has a calming effect on Leo, keeps him from reckless actions and decisions. Leo becomes a protector for his partner, takes responsibility for the family and relationships in general. Such a tandem can be quite successful if the partners learn to find compromises.

Compatibility can be broken by the air sign's passion for disputes. He likes to object out of the blue, which Leo organically cannot stand. The aggressiveness of the fire sign has a bad effect on relationships. He can turn into a real beast, terrorize loved ones if something goes wrong in his affairs. Whoever the lion is domestic cat or a wild animal, he wants to be the leader in a pair.

Libra and Sagittarius Compatibility

Two creative personalities quickly find a common language with each other. Sagittarius likes an easy disposition, sociability, wit of a partner. The air sign is fascinated by the energy, optimism, and determination of Sagittarius. They can be friends, work, but love still arises between a boy and a girl. They very quickly find themselves in marriage, more often at the initiative of Libra.

The family of these signs is strong and happy, although not without problems. Most often, disagreements arise due to the indecision of the air sign and the aggressiveness of the fiery one. Libra is mainly engaged in household chores, which they also do not really like. But important decisions are made by Sagittarius, not always taking into account the opinion of their soul mate.

Libra Compatibility with Earth Signs

The element of earth symbolizes prosperity, stability, patience. The signs she rules are conservative, calm and solid. Here is their list:

Compatibility with the sign of the earth Libra builds themselves. Only from them will depend on how the relationship develops.

Libra and Taurus Compatibility

These signs are able to unite their patroness - Venus. She gives them love, sensuality, rich inner world. Both love comfort and homeliness, they are not afraid to work for this. Partners are perfectly compatible in sex, there is a very strong physical attraction between them. But the compatibility horoscope of the signs Libra and Taurus does not promise them an easy life: there are many contradictions between partners.

The earth sign is slow, it does not keep up with the dynamic air partner. This becomes the cause of irritation of the latter. In turn, Taurus is surprised at the ease with which Libra changes his mind, forgets about his own promises. Both experience their love in different ways: one sign is in the clouds, and the other stands firmly on the ground. The stubbornness and intransigence of both signs will lead the relationship to collapse.

Libra and Virgo Compatibility

Compatibility of air Libra and earth Virgo is bad. There is very little in common between them. Love for order can unite partners, good taste and sexual attraction. Virgo is not charged with such optimism with anyone as with Libra. But this is not enough to build a strong relationship. Conflicts and quarrels in this union are common and familiar.

The air sign is too lazy, according to Virgo. She certainly tells him about it at every opportunity. The partner's indecision infuriates Virgo, deprives her of peace. In turn, Libra cannot stand the constant criticism of the Virgo and begin to seek solace on the side. Lies, betrayals, nit-picking destroy relationships, partners scatter in different sides and never meet again.

Libra and Capricorn Compatibility

To build a relationship, these signs will have to make a lot of effort. They can give each other a lot: Capricorn - confidence and stability, air sign - useful contacts, dynamism. But partners rarely reach the stage in a relationship where they can appreciate the merits of their union. They break up very quickly, if they start dating at all.

The closed, self-centered Capricorn is the exact opposite of his partner. He hardly understands his changeable nature, mental anguish. The earthling is annoyed by the indecision of the air sign. He, in turn, is afraid of the coldness and callousness of Capricorn, his assertiveness, bordering on aggression.

Libra compatibility with water signs

The element of water is mysterious and mysterious. She gives her children supernatural intuition, emotionality, the ability to hide thoughts and feelings. Here are the signs that belong to the water element:

Compatibility with water signs Libra is not very good. But relationships are possible if partners want to build them with their own hands.

Libra and Cancer Compatibility

The compatibility horoscope for Libra and Cancer is complex, but they can reach a compromise. Both signs try to avoid conflicts. They value family relationships, home comfort. These are creative personalities with a rich mental organization and subtle sensuality. It is on this basis that they converge with each other.

Problems arise between signs frequently. Cancer is the owner, and his partner values ​​​​freedom above all else. Both like to withdraw into themselves, to harbor grievances for a long time. The air sign acts as a peacemaker in the family, but he soon gets tired of picking out the offended Cancer from the shell. Partners can improve relations only when they appreciate the positive aspects of their union.

Libra and Scorpio Compatibility

Between these signs there is karmic connection, their compatibility is quite high. Scorpio acts as a mentor in such an alliance, and his partner is a diligent student. They can support each other difficult situations Their friendship is envied by many. But in the love relationship between the signs of water and air, not everything is so simple, they have many contradictions.

The air sign is indecisive and contradictory, at the same time he is a great optimist, he sees only the good in people. Scorpio is also not without controversy, but his views are already well-established. In addition, he does not share the optimism and gullibility of his partner. On the basis of a different perception of the world, conflicts arise between them.

Libra and Pisces Compatibility

Building a relationship with these two signs is very difficult. At first, Libra and Pisces interpret their compatibility horoscope optimistically. Love arises between them, a romantic connection, they can drown headlong in their feelings. Very soon, the difference in characters and temperaments makes itself felt. Partners either run away, or torment each other all their lives.

Each of the signs tries to shift responsibility to the other. As a result, Pisces take on all homework, and their air partner is trying to save family boat in the stormy sea of ​​the outside world. But this distribution of roles does not suit them, internal tension is growing. As a result, both close in on themselves, feelings cool, spouses live out of habit or part.

Influence of the Moon and Year of Birth

Compatibility horoscope Libra can change if they themselves make an effort. They know how to find a compromise with anyone. If this sign is really interested in relationships, he will definitely build them. The astrological compatibility table can only help you find the right approaches.

The solar horoscope is influenced moon signs. If they are in the earth element, Libra will become more calm, serious and responsible. Fire will add energy, determination and self-confidence, and water - sensuality and emotionality.

00:06 - Characteristics of Libra 01:40 - Libra - Aries 03:02 - Libra - T


Compatibility of Libra with other signs http://goroskopna.com/vesy

Sexual Compatibility Horoscope for LIBRA https://youtu.be/lT

Libra compatibility signs. #Sex. Reciprocity. #Astrol�

Horoscope of sexual compatibility of Libra with others

Secrets and secrets of the seventh sign of the zodiac ♎ LIBRA (Libra). C�

Compatibility Libra man and Aquarius woman. Together

Libra Woman and Libra Woman Compatibility with Others

Compatibility Libra man and Pisces woman. Together

Compatibility Libra man and Scorpio woman. In the Soviet Union

Compatibility Libra man and Libra woman. Together

Conversation with astrologer Eduard Falkovsky.

PISCES Sexual Compatibility Horoscope https://youtu.be/wKMF

00:06 – Characteristics of the representatives of the Zodiac sign St�

Year of birth also has a lot to do with relationships. Monkey, Rooster and Pig are best suited for Libra. Relationships are good if the partner is from the Tigers, as well as good compatibility with the Dragon and the Horse. Union is possible when the partner's year of birth is Snake, Rabbit or Goat. The situation is worse when the air sign has to communicate with someone who, according to the Chinese horoscope, is a Rat, Ox or Dog. Here the relationship is not the best way.

Zodiac sign Libra compatibility: what zodiac sign is Libra in a relationship, which zodiac sign suits Libra, problem solving

What is the zodiac sign of Libra in a relationship

Libra is very cautious, trying not to make irreparable mistakes or actions. Therefore, in love, they are rarely catastrophically unhappy. However, often with Libra, prudence develops into indecision, they waste time where a simple solution is required.

Libras have the ability to love, but they think about each of their actions for too long, analyze any word of their partner, finding subtexts where there are none.

This inclination in relationships can have an ambiguous interpretation. Of course, it allows you not to regret the acts committed in haste and not to offend your beloved over trifles. On the other hand, long reflection makes it impossible to correct the direction of events in time, to be active. Libra may be faced with an uncomfortable choice: either approve the actions of the chosen one, whom they do not have time to interfere with, or leave just because he makes decisions faster.

Libra should learn to take a leading role more often, not forgetting to take some of the responsibility for relationships that are dear to both on themselves. And do not be too demanding: expecting complete unconditional happiness and finding reasons to be disappointed, you can miss really wonderful moments. The first years of marriage can be the most difficult in this sense.

Libra usually has many friends, and in formation love relationship they adhere to the principle of friendly relations, preferring intellectual partnership. Choose Libra meticulously. Charming, they easily conquer others, but they themselves are difficult to get carried away.

What is the sign of the zodiac Libra in erotic life. Libra gets pleasure from everything that they give sexual relations, however, do not surrender to passion recklessly. They may well have several novels at the same time in order to choose the best partner.

Even if feelings have faded, Libra will not refuse sexual intercourse, finding a lot of arguments proving that it is too early to part. Libra simply does not want to hurt even those who have long ceased to love. Libra knows how to not take romantic disappointments seriously.

What zodiac sign suits Libra

It is very difficult, even pointless, to convince Libra who has treated you unfavorably, it is better to forget: they are led through life by a rigid system of values. This dignity is the result of the influence of the energies of Chiron, Venus, Saturn. The absence of the influence of Mars, Pluto, the Sun deprives Libra of perseverance in achieving goals. Failures cause Libra anger, rudeness, aggression.

This unstable character needs a companion that stabilizes his life. These are Fiery representatives:, and. The best missionary in this sense is Aries, who has plenty of the energies of Mars, Pluto, and the Sun that Libra lacks.

Which zodiac sign suits Libra to a lesser extent

The union of two Libras cannot be said to be bad, but rather unlikely: both will doubt for too long until someone decides to take the first step.

With Gemini, the union is unsuccessful: the variability of one and the fluctuation of the other do not contribute to heart harmony.

What zodiac sign suits Libra a little

Alliances with representatives of the elements of Water and Earth are basically unpromising for Libra: Air actually does not interact with these elements in any way. Unless it can dispel the potential of earth signs around the world. Water humidifies the Air, making it heavy. "It's difficult to breathe".

But Libra, perhaps, will be able to balance the energy of Scorpio, and in special cases - to decorate the lonely closed life of Cancer.

But these recommendations are rather a generalization. To find out the true compatibility in a couple, you need to know the names, eye color, time of birth, date, hair color, and more. It is believed that knowing the necessary parameters, you can find the perfect companion.

Zodiac sign Libra compatibility: solving problems

The suffering of loneliness

Libra has a great desire to find "their soul mate", they cannot stand and do not know how to be alone.

Many Libras, representing the beginning of a relationship in theory, in practice, patiently wait for "favorable circumstances", doing nothing to bring the desired situation closer. Having become interested in someone, Libra will find a sea of ​​\u200b\u200breasons not to take the initiative. In fact, the beginning and development of relationships becomes real only if a person who is attractive to Libra takes the initiative himself.

Libra needs to be more decisive, remember that the world will not fall apart, even if they suddenly receive a refusal.

Libra takes relationships too seriously: before asking for a date, Libra will consider whether they can get along with this person, whether their views on material problems will coincide, what marriage will be like.

Libra does not need to look so far ahead. Having a wonderful time with a pretty person does not impose the obligation of marriage, life together. Libra needs to trust fate, let events take their course, rely on intuition.

Suitable partner

Libras can't stand being alone, so they can get involved in unpromising, painful relationships. Afraid to take the initiative to get closer to those they like, Libra falls into the trap of those who know how and love to command. At first, Libra may even enjoy company. strong man able to lead them. But then comes the disappointment. However, all the same, Libra is in no hurry to break, preferring. If the situation becomes unbearable, Libra will take a decisive step, but will suffer again - this time from loneliness.

Libra needs to understand desires, emotional needs, learn, learn to respect. No need to grab onto the first meeting, because Libra themselves have enough stamina and energy, they strive for harmony and love. It is necessary to resist the temptation to enter into relationships just for the sake of getting rid of loneliness. Libra has developed and men's logic, and female intuition (in both sexes), they should be used to good use.

We don't feel happy

Even in sincere love Libra is concerned about the need for responsibility in relationships, where it is necessary, the results of which are impossible to predict.

Young Libra does not need to rush into a romantic whirlpool until they are sure that they are independent in making decisions, independent.

Mature Libra is able to deal with negative tendencies, with situations that bring spiritual discomfort.

It's important not to get too wrapped up in yourself. deep, not to search for the origins of all problems, thereby isolating yourself from your partner. Otherwise, the feeling of lack of happiness will be replaced by a real wall separating the lovers.

The condition for the indispensable happiness of the couple will be inner harmony each, which can be achieved together. If Libra has no reason to doubt the chosen one and think that he is a manipulator, you need to openly talk about what worries you, without stopping working on yourself. And to feel happiness, you need to try to embody your desires, dreams, realize plans, ideas.

Misunderstanding in a relationship

Libras trust their partner, openly talk about mental problems and confess their desires. Resentment may arise from the impression that the intelligible, understandable words of Libra do not have the expected effect, it seems that the partner does not listen to them, passing them by.

It's all about the impression made by Libra of cold-blooded prudent people. A story about feelings may sound dry for them, like a scientific report, emotionally colored speech is not very characteristic of Libra. The partner takes this as a sign of Libra's disinterest in the topic of conversation or unwillingness to discuss it.

Libra needs to learn not to be afraid of discussions and disputes! This is a way to show that there are imperfections in a relationship. Peacemaking Libra - their forte, but because of it, the sacrifice of this sign is increased. Libra is infinitely inferior to a partner, expecting equivalent steps, and he does not even suspect how expensive agreement and peace have been achieved.

I am a victim of a partner

Libra is emotionally strong enough and mentally strong, but not when it comes to love. Libras are sensitive, smart, avoid confrontations, and therefore become a coveted trophy for various manipulators.

If it seems that one has to act only as the partner wants, one should not immediately suspect him of mortal sins: perhaps he only cares about the common good, as he himself understands it.

This problem requires a lot of time to solve: with the help of logic and intuition, it is necessary to analyze the situation, evaluate your partner without excessive emotions, but without forgetting about criticism. It is necessary to try to find the reasons for the behavior of the partner, to decide whether an open discussion of the situation is necessary. If this seems difficult, it is worthwhile, defending your interests, to start with little things: do not be afraid of disputes, be persistent, purposeful. No need to follow the retaliatory tactics: this will confuse an already difficult situation.

End of relationship on time

Falling in love and getting married quickly, Libra thinks little about the consequences. The decision to leave is difficult for Libra, especially if there is nothing to reproach the partner for.

Libra must remember: relationships require decisions to be made and followed. When a break is needed, Libra's peacefulness can become a dead end. Everyone has their own right to happiness - you should not always listen to others and obey your own feelings of guilt.

Going with the flow, the situation cannot be resolved, action is required. Tact is needed, you can’t offend a once beloved person, but you don’t need to blame yourself too much.

It is necessary to try not to make old mistakes in new relationships, to become more confident in future happiness.

Harmony with the only

It happens that Libra, even concluding a marriage, is subconsciously sure that it will not be long, and they are waiting for the appearance of the one for whom they will part with a real partner. Serious relationship for Libra, it is security and tranquility, and not necessarily for a long time.

It is not easy for Libra to start romantic relationship, and even more difficult - a novel that has grown from a fleeting hobby into something more serious. The worries of everyday life are not the best environment for Libra, they are more interested in bright impressive moments.

Libra needs to learn how to overcome troubles and practicality, otherwise with any partner it will seem to them that they can be happier with another. This tactic is futile, there is a great risk of getting confused in relationships, each of which will not be harmonious and happy.

It's only General characteristics Libra, and not something specific for people of this sign, everything is individual

This union has all the prerequisites to be long-term and durable. In each other, contradictory Libras find their second "I". According to the compatibility of Libra women and Libra men, they have a good mutual understanding and excellent sexual compatibility. They perfectly understand the thoughts, feelings and aspirations of each other. But, there is a minus in this marriage - their emotions are also not inferior in strength to each other.

In everyday life, they can result in conflicts, which, however, rarely lead to a break. Thoughtful Libra needs a very serious reason to dare a divorce. That is why, not only long-term, but also comfortable relationships, they should learn to compromise and give in to each other more often.

It is worth noting that in the Libra-Libra compatibility pair, they believe that they were created not to deal with difficulties, but to decorate our lives with themselves.

Compatibility female Libra - male Libra - PLUSES

IN perfect couple Libra women and Libra man are real aesthetes. They get real pleasure from beauty, comfortable life and communication with each other. They often visit exhibitions and do not miss a single premiere in the theater.

Even if they grew up in the countryside in a simple peasant family and are not accustomed to the theater, opera, etc., they still live beautifully. The people around them get the impression that they have no worries and problems. In fact, this is of course not the case. Everyone has problems, ups and downs. It’s just that neither the Libra woman nor the Libra man will ever show it to others. But, of course, due to their easy nature, they are really easier than many other signs to be able to throw thoughts about unpleasant things out of their heads.

In an ideal pair of two Libras, partners have excellent mutual understanding. A woman in this union receives the support of a man who will understand her like no other. Likewise, she understands true motives and actions of his partner.

Compatibility female Libra - male Libra - MINUSES

The most characteristic of this cultural union is the refined, refined communication between partners, as well as their claims to life, love for beautiful, elegant, expensive things.

The sign of Libra has always symbolized the ability to live and cooperate, and its dominant - Venus - the ability to spend money and enjoy all earthly joys. The problem of Libra-Libra compatibility arises when there is nothing to enjoy. How to be then? From physical and menial work, from any tedious work, both of them categorically refuse. Neither a civilized way of life, nor a cultural way of life, nor a diplomatic talent helps here, which in other cases could really create suitable conditions for a harmonious and even prosperous married life.

All Libras are sensitive to everything beautiful. Therefore, Libra women. At first, this will not leave him indifferent. Well, then a lot will depend on the acting talent of the Libra woman. The fact is that both representatives of this sign are drawn to energetic, strong, active partners of the Mars warehouse. that she has strength and fire, then she will be able to conquer this man. But it is not at all necessary to open the soul: if the Libra man sees in her many of those features that he himself has, then he will automatically attribute his own shortcomings to her.

Libra-Libra - compatibility horoscope and harmony

According to the Libra-Libra compatibility horoscope, creating family union it is worth remembering that their joint boat may crash if their family encounters financial difficulties. The main danger that awaits this union is financial. No one can be insured against unemployment and lack of money, but people born under the sign of Libra have the hardest time enduring these problems. Therefore, in order for harmony to not cease in the family, it is necessary to insure yourself and have some additional source income, such as a bank account or real estate, which can help out in difficult times.

If the Libra family is created in young age, then they need close people who will help manage financial affairs, since Libra does not know how to save.

A Libra couple knows how to enjoy all the joys of life, they are gourmets of life, consuming only exquisite and beautiful sensations. In a relaxed atmosphere, doing what they love, Libra rarely loses a job. Therefore, often their money problems are associated with crises in society, when enterprises break up and jobs disappear. In periods when only those who have assertiveness and rigidity survive, who do not shun " menial work» in unskilled positions, Libra will be helpless. Reproaches will begin in the family, the refined behavior of Libra alone with each other will disappear.

It is worth noting that the Libra woman copes better with the situation of lack of money than the Libra man. She has the ability to find the right people V right time. Therefore, if suddenly difficult times have come in the family, then the Libra man should temporarily give up leadership in the pair to his woman. And at this time he should direct all his efforts to preserve the love and interest of his wife in himself. Otherwise, she may decide that “a suitcase without a handle” is an unnecessary luxury for her.

How can a Libra woman conquer a Libra man?

Despite the fact that the Libra man prefers more energetic ladies, the charm of the Libra woman will not leave him indifferent. Of course, in order to win this man, the Libra woman will have to create the necessary “strong” image. But, even if she fails, a relationship can still begin between them. The Libra guy is unlikely to refuse a beautiful romance with a Libra girl, seeing in her the one who understands and approves of his desire to live beautifully. And if the Libra woman is not yet poor, then he will think about marriage with her. After all, he really likes to live with someone who understands him perfectly and does not make him worry about his daily bread.

Compatibility of Libra woman and Libra man in friendship

There is rarely a real relationship between a Libra woman and a Libra man. sincere friendship. Communicating together, they find companions in each other for going to theaters, cinemas, museums and other cultural events. They have a good mutual understanding, and they do not create inconvenience for each other with their problems. They are united by a common interest in art, but nothing more. Each of them pursues their own interests and will not sacrifice them for the sake of friendship. They break off relationships easily and beautifully, without feeling embarrassed. By the way, the second partner is not offended, because he would have acted in a similar situation in exactly the same way.

Compatibility of women-Libra and Libra-men in the business sphere

Working together, the Libra woman and the Libra man experience sincere sympathy for each other and mutual attraction. A Libra man will always choose to communicate with a Libra woman, and not with male partners. The Libra woman, in this business union, feels that the Libra man sees and appreciates her work like no other. Well, the result and efficiency of their work will largely depend on what kind of people they are surrounded by.

When a Libra woman and a Libra man are colleagues or partners, this is a good business alliance. Both partners look in the same direction and work in the same direction. They have the same pace and rhythm of work. Both know how to make useful and necessary connections. Difficulties can await this couple in those situations where the ability to take risks and take decisive steps is required. During the period of emergency and crises, both the Libra woman and the Libra man will be quite helpless. In this case, they can be helped by a companion of the Fire Sign, who has determination, courage and pressure.

When the Libra woman is the boss, and the Libra man is the subordinate - good combination. The Libra woman is a good boss for the Libra man. She respects him for his benevolence and calm nature. She perfectly understands what the Libra man is capable of and does not entrust him with those tasks that are difficult for him to complete. Difficulties in this union may arise in the event of an emergency, when a subtle mental organization becomes less significant compared to the ability to work hard.

When a Libra woman is a subordinate, and a Libra man is the boss, this is a good combination. The only thing that a Libra woman should not test her charms on him. The Libra boss appreciates his employee, but if she starts to flirt, he will not like it. The Libra man most often feels insecure in the role of the boss and therefore makes an impregnable and businesslike appearance. And from employees, he requires the same - if not business relationship to work, then at least the appearance of it.