How to choose pants for a jacket. Women's jacket: what to wear? The best combinations for any occasion

Combining a blazer and trousers (or jeans) is a good, less formal alternative to a classic suit. However, according to observations, not everyone knows how to correctly create such combinations. The main problem is the lack of proper contrast between the top and bottom. In the article discussing the options for combining them (“ ”), we only mentioned that they should not match in color. However, it seems necessary to give some clarification.

Let's start by touching on the origins. The progenitor of the modern unpaired jacket is the Norfolk jacket, which first appeared in the sixties of the XIX century and was created for outdoor activities, in particular, for hunting. Initially, they mainly tried to combine it in color with the bottom - trousers or breeches, but since the 1930s it has become fashionable to wear this element of men's clothing with trousers of a different color. The trend has continued to this day. And no wonder: it makes the image elegant, sophisticated and interesting. True, only if you approach the issue with knowledge of the matter.

Often on the street you have to watch men who wear a jacket and trousers barely differing in color from each other. This “barely” is the root of all evil. One gets the feeling that many deliberately select jeans or trousers as close as possible. This is mistake.
Why create contrast? To bring clarity to your image. Until you achieve the required difference in shades, you are at a crossroads: one path leads to a suit, the other to a blazer-pants set. To avoid this ambiguity, one needs contrast.
Here are examples of unsuccessful combinations. Let's start with the obvious.

Here, the trousers are almost identical in tone to the jacket, but have a slight brownish tint, while the jacket is pure gray, plus it has a barely noticeable pattern. I would like to replace one or the other.

Here, too, as you can see, the top and bottom merge - and there and there there is equally much brown.
In the next photo, everything is not so obvious, but I also want to add contrast: both the trousers and the jacket are very close in lightness and color tone.

We cited the following example as an error in one of the posts on social networks, but we will repeat.

Even though the trousers are slightly different in tone (there is some green in there), they are still very close to the gray of the jacket. Trousers of a light cream color, for example, would solve the problem.

Now we will give some examples of the correct combination of an unpaired jacket and trousers. Here, the contrast in clothing is achieved by playing with color tone and lightness. By separating two items of clothing by at least one of these characteristics, we achieve the necessary degree of contrast.
Let's say you have navy blue pants or jeans. They will easily be combined with a lighter jacket - beige or brown. But dark blue, as you know, would be a bad choice.

One of the most versatile options are gray trousers. Blue, brown, green - almost any color of the jacket will look harmonious with them.

Dark gray is also one of the basic colors (photo below). Pants of this color look great with jackets of a very wide range of colors. The only point is to let it be a couple of tones lighter.

Light creams or simply go great with dark (or medium) blue or brown mismatched jackets.

A mustard-colored bottom will be successfully combined with a dark blue or dark gray top.

Special mention should be made of the drawing. If it is present on one of the items of clothing (for example, your jacket is in a cage), then the trousers should be plain. And vice versa - even a modest pattern on trousers is best combined with a plain top.
You can better understand what contrast in clothes means, and you can also get a few ideas, for example,.

The rules are simple, but it still requires a little more skill than wearing a simple suit. Practice, spend a couple of minutes more on the process of getting dressed in the morning, and the result will delight you and those around you.

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Yes, yes, the experience will be personal, because. in our family, everyone is doing what they can do better than a partner. That is why I am responsible for my husband's clothes.

Since I lived in Italy and worked for several years with Italian manufacturers of classic men's clothing, it is the Italian approach to men's style that is close to me. Italians pay great attention to details, combine several colors in a suit, not limited to gray, black and blue, prefer narrowed, fitted silhouettes, and love prints. No wonder they are considered the main mods on the planet.

Initial data: office work without a strict dress code (a suit is required, but there are no requirements for the color of the shirt, for example), a managerial position in a large company, tall, large size of everything, including legs and head.

The wardrobe is divided into 2 parts: office wear And weekend wear. They may intersect.

Attention! Everything below is a personal opinion based on personal experience. You and your husband can dress however you see fit.

Office wear

The main thing in the wardrobe is everything that the husband wears to the office. It can be suits or jackets and trousers, which are purchased separately and can be used in several sets. There are more autumn-winter-spring clothes than summer clothes for objective reasons: our summer is much shorter than the cold season.

The basis - suits. Wool only (no one takes suits made of other materials seriously, right?), gray or blue. The density of the fabric varies depending on the season - thinner and slightly lighter suits for the summer, darker and denser suits for the winter. Solid color fabrics, thin stripe, wider stripe. Single-breasted, 2 buttons or giacca 3 bottoni stirata a 2 - "3 buttons, ironed like 2", I'm sorry, I don't know how it is called in Russian, a modification popular with Italians. Trousers of standard width, rarely narrowed. Most often with a cuff of 4-4.5 cm. Sometimes - with folds at the waist.

Below are options for what looks dignified, relevant and appropriate from a stylistic point of view. Note that no one is wearing black shoes: even the ones in the middle turn out to be dark brown. However, about shoes below.

Suits are bad because trousers wear out much faster than jackets, so I prefer to either buy suits in those brands where it is possible to buy 2 trousers at once, or negotiate with sellers to supply a second pair from the factory. When I was doing menswear myself, I bought paired trousers from the factory I worked with.

Precisely because trousers live much less than jackets, I really like to combine jackets and trousers in different fabrics. Attention! It should not be a jacket and trousers from different suits or a jacket from a suit that ruined the trousers! The classic option is a blue blazer and gray trousers, plain or striped. Or a fuzzy wool gingham blazer and navy blue wool trousers. Or a cashmere gray herringbone jacket and dark charcoal trousers. As an option for Friday, a thick wool camel jacket and navy blue or charcoal trousers. In summer, on days when there are no negotiations or meetings, it can be gray or gray-beige, medium-tone lightweight wool trousers and a navy blue unlined blazer or linen-wool blend jacket. Attention! Linen jackets are not worn in the office with a dress code! In order for me to feel calm, I need to hang in my husband's closet 4-5 suits for the season and 2-3 pairs of jacket+trousers, then I will have time to take them to dry cleaning and repair, if it is required, the clothes will be able to take a break from wearing and last longer

For suits and jackets shirts. I think everyone is well aware that shirts with short sleeves in office colors are worn only in Russia and Germany and they do it in vain. The sleeve is only long, even in summer. The density of the fabric depends on the season - denser in winter, lighter in summer. Primary colors - light blue and white. You can play with the texture of the fabric, with the width of the strip and its contrast, with cuffs (with and without cufflinks), with the width and shape of the collar (wide unfolded French or narrower Italian), with stitching, with collar and cuff lining, with initials. My husband is very fond of blue, plain, striped or even plaid shirts with white cuffs for cufflinks and white collars. A little kitsch, but I generally welcome it, I think it suits him very well. I don’t know how many shirts my husband has, more than thirty for sure, they occupy 2 large drawers in the closet.

Needed for shirts ties. The husband's love for them is boundless, there are a hundred of them in the closet, if not more. The most numerous are silk ones, although there are also woolen, cashmere and even knitted ones (on Friday). There are all kinds of drawings - and bunnies, and elephants, and polka dots, and a cell, and a stripe, and a dot, and a squiggle, and cucumbers. The tie should be in contrast with the shirt and suit, this is actually the main accessory, so if the dress code is not strict, then you can play as you like.

Required for a tie handkerchief. I asked my husband about how men look in their office, he answered me that almost no one wears handkerchiefs in their breast pockets. But in vain! In my opinion, this is a very important accessory. Attention! No need to use paired scarves and ties! I choose scarves and ties from different fabrics, with different patterns, but in harmony with each other in tone and color. Something one may be brighter than the other: For example, a light blue plain tie with a jacquard pattern and a handkerchief that uses navy blue, light blue and orange in a floral or abstract pattern. A red tie with an oblique blue and white stripe and a blue scarf with red edging and small anchors as a pattern (in summer, of course). Linen white scarves with different edgings are very good - they fit almost all ties and very refresh the whole image. On Fridays, when a tie is optional, I use only a handkerchief and choose the brightest one. A man in a suit, but without a headscarf, looks, in my opinion, half-dressed.

Another option for Friday at the office or for the weekend is cashmere or wool jumper with a triangular neckline, worn over a shirt, sometimes complemented by a woolen, thick silk, knitted or cashmere tie. Combined with woolen trousers with creases and cuffs, blue or gray. Sometimes a jacket is put on over the jumper (not the one from the suit), but rarely, the husband complains, says that it's hot.

Outerwear. Autumn - classic beige trench coat, late autumn and warm winter - wool coat(it was black, this year I want to buy a new one, dark blue, gray or beige), in winter - dark blue coat with a small fur collar and warm lining, a la jacket parka. In autumn, a husband with a coat sometimes wears a Bavarian hat (I do not insist that this is a basic thing, rather, it is used for pleasure and a bit of shocking), in winter - a cashmere hat. But since he travels to and from work in a car, the hat most often lies in his pocket.

Shoes. Black shoes are absent as a class - with a daytime suit it looks very rude (especially if these are not John Lobb shoes, but inexpensive black shoes bought based on their versatility), and the husband does not have tuxedos, so there are no black shoes for that very reason. brown shoes, smooth leather, perforated or suede are chosen depending on the degree of formality of the suit and the situation. They are worn at any time of the year, except for a very severe winter. For a fierce winter, you need the same ones, only with fur or with a fur insole, in which case you should change shoes in the office.

Scarves- an important element of clothing. I love voluminous, with prints or beautiful texture, my husband has a lot of them. Most often - fine wool or cashmere. They are worn with outerwear and perform both a decorative function and protect from cold and wind.

I forgot one more important element - socks! Only long, ending at the knee, either matching the shoes, or matching the trousers, or moderately contrasting. I love brown, gray, blue, blue speckled or not too noticeable plaid, brown speckled or plaid, textured in elastic. In the warm season - cotton, in winter - cotton with cashmere.

Weekend wear

It is less than for the office, because, unfortunately, there are very few days off in the life of a husband.

Weekends are used jackets(those that are not from costumes), navy blue jeans(more dense for winter, lighter for summer), chinos gray or khaki, beige lightweight chinos (when it's really hot or in a resort), cashmere, woolen or cotton V-neck jumpers, shirts(both those that are suitable for the office, and those that have a brighter tone or pattern like a vichy check), polo shirts both short and long sleeves cardigans. Resorts use cotton shorts knee-length and basic white t shirts.

From shoes - boots with rough soles, leather sneakers. In summer - yacht boots, moccasins(on bare feet!).

Outerwear- jackets a la parka, wool down jacket (looks much more elegant than usual!), duffle coat, cropped double-breasted pea coats, trench coat. Hats, scarves - according to the situation.

To the exit

In a situation with a black tie or white tie did not fall, so the exit is most often used or a pair blue blazer+gray pants, or t dark gray or navy suit with a matching shirt and a bright scarf. Sometimes a pair of blazer + trousers is complemented by a bow tie (not silk, but more textured, woolen, for example). Always - a bright handkerchief in my pocket, matching in tone and mood with my clothes (if you plan to go out together). The way out is a trip to the theater, to the conservatory, to a restaurant, both in Moscow and abroad.

Briefcases and bags

I don't like black briefcases. The wardrobe has leather briefcases in brown, wine, bright blue, dark blue, and khaki. The portfolio must be in harmony with the overall tone and concept of the image, I have no other requirements. A briefcase on a long strap is worn to the office on Friday with more casual clothes, all the rest have one handle - on top. A backpack is also used on weekends, I stopped trying to wear it with a suit to the office despite the protests from the series “Everybody walks like this in the City”. I do not know anything! Of the necessary and available is also available: nice suitcase, one is smaller, the second is larger for business trips of different duration, holdall for costumes.

Cufflinks and watches

Husband wears wedding ring, no other decorations. cufflinks chosen according to taste and situation, there are wooden, metal, fabric-covered, glass, amber and even lava. Most often, basic metal ones are worn. Pro watch can spread for a long time, I will say one thing - a good and expensive watch has not made anyone's image worse, if, of course, they correspond to the status and costume.

How to dress a big man

In principle, the rules here are the same as with a big woman - tight-fitting silhouettes, lack of bagginess, precisely matched clothing, which is neither small nor large anywhere. I choose well-fitting jackets, trousers with clear rips, slightly cropped (no folds in front of the shoes), be sure to cuff the trousers, the sleeves of the jacket should allow you to see the cuffs on the shirt. In short, the less sloppy the better, which is why I choose my accessories carefully, believing that they make the look more complete. What on a thin person looks like slight negligence, on a citizen (or citizen) with forms will look like slovenliness.

Brands and shops

We rarely buy clothes in Moscow due to our inadequate prices. I love Bosco and Microdyne discounts, it’s really possible to find a size 58-60 there, which is not available, for example, in the Central Department Store. Sometimes we can go to lady&gentleman. We don’t buy shoes in Moscow, because only Scamander and others like them fit size 47. The last few pairs were bought in Paris. We buy suits in Italy, in Germany, but most of all I love men's shopping in London. There are no sizing issues, great selection of both fabrics and silhouettes. Of the London shops, the most favorite - Marks & Spencer, which has nothing to do with the nightmare that is sold in these stores with us. There are suits made of good wool, and cashmere jackets, and excellent coats and shirts for every taste and size, as well as a lot of socks, underwear, gloves, belts and everything a gentleman needs. In addition, it is very convenient - I took my husband to the fitting room, took one consultant and bought everything I wanted in one store in an hour - and went to buy dresses! Good selection of menswear John Lewis and Peter Johns. There is often not enough time for all the cool British men's brands located in individual stores in London.

We buy in Italy Pal Zileri, Corneliani, Canali, Brioni, Ermenegildo Zegna and Boggi Milano, shirts, ties and knitwear we take in different local shops. In Berlin and Vienna we go to Peek&Cloppenburg for casual clothes and Hugo Boss suits, although I don't really like Hugo Boss suits. Barcelona, ​​Madrid and Porto have a great selection of plus size menswear in El Corte Ingles, there is a special department. We buy accessories like scarves, shawls and bags wherever we like - from Hermes to small local niche brands.

As a conclusion, I want to say that we need to stop buying costumes, must be made to order- here, in Italy or in the UK. It is much better and cheaper than running around the shops looking for the right thing.

If you are tormented by questions about the compatibility of socks and shoes, how to choose a tie for a suit, whether it is possible to wear the same suit that is suitable for the office in the evening, as well as any other style issues, then I highly recommend the rubric

Ekaterina Malyarova

(excerpt from the workshop "Basic Wardrobe Items")

Today we will look at such a basic wardrobe item as a jacket, with examples and variations of how to wear it correctly and what to combine it with.

Three or four years ago there was an exhibition in the Kremlin entitled "English Costumes of the 17th-20th Centuries". After visiting this exhibition, I came to the conclusion that men's clothing has changed very little. And women's clothing has changed dramatically, in addition, women have taken almost everything that is in the men's wardrobe. The jacket is one of the things that smoothly migrated into the women's wardrobe from the men's.

Let's look at why it is important to use a jacket in your daily wardrobe? Often, when sorting out the wardrobes of my clients, meeting people for the first time before, and at image trainings, I notice that very few people have jackets. By the way, in the men's version, the jacket remains a jacket, in the women's version it can be called a "jacket". In principle, in various magazines and books, you will meet both options: a jacket and a jacket. So it's the same thing.

I often have to observe what jackets are usually combined with in people's wardrobes. They wear them entirely in a suit - a jacket with a top, with trousers or a blouse. In this case, the image is quite boring. Most of my clients work, and many have a so-called dress code at work. But the dress code can be within reason. That is, it is not at all necessary to wear full suits, it is possible and necessary to “break” a jacket with trousers among themselves.

The first option that we will consider with you is how to combine jackets with trousers. The main rule when choosing a jacket or jacket: firstly, try to break down the top and bottom according to the color and texture of the material. This means that the jacket should differ from the trousers in color and in the texture of the material. Secondly, try to take jackets that are more interesting in terms of cut. It should be not just a classic jacket, but a jacket with a more interesting cut or with decorative trim.

In the picture above you see a jacket that can hardly be called classic. Firstly, there was a breakdown by color between the top and bottom in terms of color and texture of the material. Secondly, this jacket has a non-classical sleeve length, it is shortened, and there is also trim. Both collar and lapels are missing. These are the main features of a non-classical jacket.

In a classic jacket, the sleeves are full length, the pockets are welted or welted with flaps. There is no decoration, there is no lack of lapels, no collar, and there are no patch pockets. In a classic jacket, the so-called constructive seams, the seam was torn off - the sleeve fell off and the jacket ceased to exist.

As soon as some non-classical elements appear in the jacket, there are more decorative seams. I ripped off the seam - some patch pocket fell off, or some kind of trim, but the jacket did not cease to exist from this. Decorative seams do not change the design of the jacket in any way. Therefore, try to choose a jacket that is more interesting than just a classic one.

And you can combine it with trousers, for example. Here we see trousers combined with a blouse. Moreover, the blouse is not classic, but with a paisley pattern that is relevant this season. And completed with a jacket. The belt is taken in the color of the jacket trim, plus a bright, interesting bag. Not just classic, but with a brighter, more interesting combination of colors - gray with purple and brown.

A rather complex color scheme here is done in contrast. Achromes were taken - white, black, gray, so the overall tone of the jacket eventually turns out to be gray due to the combination of black and white. Of the colors, in fact, yellow was taken, like the color of a blouse, and in contrast to it, purple. According to the rule of opposite harmony. Moreover, there are a lot of blouses in area, yellow is the background. Purple color in the form of trim on the bag is a bright accent. It is due to the interesting color combination that the sets often look less classical, more interesting, refined, feminine and stylish.

Moreover, the layout remains the same - trousers, blouse and jacket. But the fact is that you can take trousers, a blouse, a jacket and at the same time look like an airport worker. And you can take trousers, a blouse and a more interesting jacket than a classic one, with some kind of trim and an unusual color combination. In this case, you really get the effect as in the picture above. Agree, it is elegant, it can be worn to work, it does not look boring, and there is individuality in it.

The following topics were also discussed at the meeting:
-What to look for when breaking down the top and bottom of a costume ensemble by color
-How to apply color detailing correctly
-How to effectively use classic jackets in your everyday wardrobe
How to match a jacket with skirts and dresses
Why is it important to know the principles of layout and color combinations
-How to beat a jacket to create a feminine style
-How to use blazers to create a sporty style
Why you shouldn't rush to buy a three-piece suit
-How a jacket can help make jeans look elegant and stylish
How many jackets should you have in your wardrobe?
Why does the jacket never go out of fashion?
- Why you should actively wear jackets

A jacket is the basic item of an ideal wardrobe. Without it, today it is difficult to imagine not only official, but also everyday images. There are so many tempting and stylish design proposals that the questions of how to choose and what to wear with women's jackets are more relevant than ever.

What to wear with a black and blue women's jacket for girls: photos of successful images

The jacket is considered to be a universal piece of women's wardrobe, the same model can be used in a variety of outfits. Moreover, to create successful images, the wardrobe itself does not have to be replenished; there will definitely be things in it that allow you to create excellent fashionable sets.

The reference item is a black jacket in a classic men's style, which suits everyone and perfectly supports a variety of looks - from office to evening. But you should wear it only with things that will make your look obviously softer and or simply balance the too strict style of this model. What to wear under such a women's jacket?

Choose in such a set a light dress with a print as short as possible for you, jeans and a simple white T-shirt, shorts and a stylish top. By the way, in evening looks, black models are worn on a naked body - a strict and at the same time very sexy image will not leave you unnoticed at any party. What to wear with a women's black jacket - look at the photo:

No less good, and most importantly, fashionable is the blue color, it is softer and more in demand than black in today's trends. The model in blue will perfectly cope with the task of making your office and everyday look flawless. It is only important to accurately select the colors of companion items.

Blue color goes well not only with blue or white. Beige, soft gray, orange, pink and green - there are more than enough options for successful shades for the kit. It is only important not to mix more than three active colors in one outfit. These photos will help you choose what to wear with a blue women's jacket:

Blue color is not in vain considered universal. The same model is perfect for both office attire and informal outings.

In the first case, put on a sheath dress of any suitable color or neutral shades with such a jacket: a blouse with a skirt or trousers. The blue color of the jacket in such ensembles should not be maintained in the same shade with accessories or shoes. In everyday looks, such a model will perfectly support any things with a bright pattern, whether it be your favorite vest top or stylish trousers with a floral print. See how elegant the looks for girls with blue jackets are in these photos:

Women's jackets for jeans and photos, what to wear with sleeveless models

Complete with all your favorite jeans, it is not so much the color of the jacket that is important, but its style.

Contrasting solutions will look most advantageous, for example, loose-fitting, elongated women's jackets will go well with tight-fitting jeans, such as skinny.

For wide and loose jeans, such as boyfriends or flared jeans, you should definitely try on a petite, well-fitted model of a classic cropped length or a Chanel-style jacket. It will be enough to add a snow-white blouse, shirt or neutral top to your set to your taste and you will get a definitely stylish and versatile outfit. Pay attention to how women's jackets are matched to jeans in these photos:

The current style that claims to be the most fashionable is a women's sleeveless jacket, choosing what to wear with such models, first of all, you should not confuse them with vests. The rules for selecting a successful kit for them are their own.

They allow you to make the usual summer looks brighter and more expressive with shorts, skirts and perfectly “collect” any outfit, giving wholeness and completeness to the image. They look most expressive in combination with mini-length clothes, cropped jeans or sleeveless tops. Be sure to choose a thin-to-tone jacket for this outfit, it is not necessary to tighten it at the waist - you can simply designate it.

When choosing tops and in such a set, give preference to models with tight or short sleeves, the combination of bare arms and a strict, almost official jacket is an indispensable condition for a successful slightly sexy look with such a model.

What to wear with a classic red and white women's jacket: photos of impeccable sets

The classics are invincible and, despite the fact that every year models of various styles appear in the trends, it is the classic style and cut that is the most interesting, tempting, and most importantly, a win-win sharia for owners of any type of figure. It remains only to choose what to wear with a classic women's jacket.

You can’t call a boring modern version of the classics in any way; designers combine canonical styles and silhouettes with bright colors of fabrics. One of the most expressive and fashionable colors is red, with what to wear such a women's jacket? Whether you want it or not, it will still become the main focus of your image, so any things and accessories for it should be selected only as additions.

Such models go well with dresses in neutral colors or sets that match in color: tops with skirts or trousers.

Red does not tolerate competitors, so it is better to refuse bright shades in such a set immediately. Snow-white and pearl-gray colors will create an impeccably expressive solution for the set. In no case should you wear such a jacket with black clothes - this is too banal and old-fashioned.

An original and fashionable bright combination will give you clothes of pale pink or bleached orange, of course, denim items, they perfectly balance the expressive and bright red color. With what to wear a red women's jacket, these photos will tell you:

White models are just as categorical. When choosing a set with them, do not create contrasting colors, but try to beat any delicate pastel shades in the outfit. White will emphasize bright and complex prints on a dress or top, designed in pure bright colors. But such models are literally lost in a set of things in black or red - white loses its attractiveness, but it goes well with all shades of blue. Take advantage of this successful combination and put together a fashionable outfit in a marine style.

These models fit perfectly into any summer outfits, adding a touch of elegance to the outfits, and you can combine literally everything with them - from frivolous to denim shorts and.

But companion things in such a set should by no means be too conservative. What to wear with a white women's jacket, these photos will tell you without further ado:

What to wear with a blue and beige women's jacket: photos of elegant sets

When deciding what to wear with a blue women's jacket, pick up things in the set just like snow-white models. You can make a very elegant outfit by collecting things of exceptionally light, pastel shades - bleached mint, tea rose, lilac, and, of course, things in white or light gray will look great in such an outfit.

The blue model will perfectly support and make any denim look more elegant, it is enough to complement it with a bright top in purple, dark green or blue. And the canonical combination in such sets will allow you to create a regular white T-shirt.

Beige also belongs to the summer range, and, choosing the colors of companion items for it, it is worth playing with combinations of pastel shades just like with white models.

This is especially true for summer outfits, but beige models fit perfectly not only in summer, but also in demi-season looks, adding lightness, brightness and elegance to them.

A beige jacket will make the perfect ensemble with things in complex colors, such as ultra trendy brown, in all its shades, burgundy, red and of course gray. So that the model herself is not “lost” against such a bright background, add a white item to the kit - a blouse, shirt or elegant silk scarf. What to wear with a beige women's jacket - see the photo below:

What to wear with a gray and brown women's jacket: simple ideas with a photo

In images with gray models, everything is much simpler. Designers do not call gray the most contact color in vain. In this case, it is not the color itself (one of the most fashionable) that comes to the fore, but the style of the model itself, its cut, and the impeccable elegance of its fit. How to wear such a women's jacket? It is not worth introducing too bright things into a set with them, use clothes of any style that do not compete with gray, but colors that blend beautifully with it.

White, sky blue, as well as all bleached shades of floral and fruit colors are flawlessly combined with light gray and pearl. With dark gray and graphite shades, black and even dark brown items will make an ideal pair. Take a look at the photo, the ideas of what to wear with a gray women's jacket are simple and flawless:

It is much more difficult to make the right choice for models of complex colors, such as trendy brown. But the designers themselves give a professional hint on what to wear with a brown women's jacket, collecting images for catwalk shows with such models.

Brown is considered an autumn color, and all autumn colors and shades are ideally combined with it: burgundy, cherry, amber, dark green, gray and sky blue.

These colors can be paired with skirts or trousers paired with a snow-white top, it will not only add freshness to the image, but also enhance the impression of sophisticated and complex color combinations. A completely different stylistic solution is a combination with things, for example, dresses in pastel shades of beige-gray or blue. It is important not to overload such ensembles with dark and saturated colors, leaving behind a brown jacket to be the main detail of the image.

What to wear and what to wear under a long women's blazer coat

Models elongated to the middle of the thigh are hits of demi-season looks; they successfully replace light coats and raincoats. This trend should never be missed. But when deciding what to wear with a long women's jacket, you should definitely beat the contrast of lengths and volumes.

Optimal sets will allow you to assemble tight trousers, jeans, as well as knee-length and above skirts of any style. This model looks great paired with a pencil-style skirt or mini-length.

Skinny and cropped trousers, as well as short ones, go well with such models.

When deciding what to wear with a women's jacket coat, in no case should you include wide, voluminous things in sets with it, even ordinary straight-cut trousers can distort the silhouette and make it squat. Therefore, flared trousers and midi-length skirts or " maxi" are not even considered as companion items. Elongated coat-like models make a great set with a frivolous summer dress in a romantic style and or a pleated skirt paired with a laconic top. Try not to include things in the same style as your jacket in such sets, and then the image will turn out to be more multifaceted and brighter.

How to wear a women's corduroy, tweed and velvet jacket: photos of expressive looks

A model made of inexpensive and dubious fabric is not even worth trying on. Classic costume wool and thick cotton are the standard for summer models, but velveteen, velvet and tweed are no less expressive.

Tweed, by the way, both traditional, seasoned in black and gray tones, and sharply fashionable - colored - is one of the most sought-after materials from the world's best designers. It remains only to decide what is better to wear a women's tweed jacket with.

Such a model is an element of the urban chic style, which means that it must be combined with expressive and bright things designed in a completely different style - a romantic dress or a classic skirt paired with an elegant blouse.

Exactly the same principle of choosing companion items of contrasting style will give you many answers to the question of what to wear with a corduroy women's jacket. You should not simplify the sets with it, wearing jeans and any other things of casual style, an informal but elegant ensemble will allow you to create companion things, designed in a classic way.

Velvet models require a completely different approach when compiling a set. Velvet has returned to trends again, and not only as a material for evening-style items, designers offer to actively wear it during the day, complementing the most ordinary everyday outfits with such models.

The refinement of such models will be balanced by torn jeans and simple T-shirts, plain pastel-colored shirts and blouses. In such sets, it is better not to use things with a print, the texture of velvet itself is a bright accent, so the rest of the things should be selected as an addition. What to wear with a velvet women's jacket - look at these photos:

How to wear a women's leather and knitted jacket

Genuine leather never leaves fashion trends, and the question of what to wear with a women's leather jacket does not lose its relevance.

To begin with, try not to combine them with jeans - just such a duet has become too popular, and you will not succeed in emphasizing your own individuality with it.

Choose classic-style items for such a model - elegant trousers or a complex cut skirt and a very concise top. The texture and color of the skin are quite bright accents that should be emphasized, not drowned out.

Another material that is actively used in new collections is knitwear. Solid or decorated with a print, it allows you to perfectly reproduce any style - from classic to sporty. What should I wear with a knitted women's jacket? It will be a great addition to everyday looks, if you do not include knitwear in such sets.

Opt for classic or casual styles in cotton or wool. A stylish combination will turn out with jeans or leather trousers, knitted models are less formal than classic ones, and you can complement this look with any things of bright and expressive styles.

How to wear a stylish women's plaid jacket

Plaid models, also focused on sophisticated but stylish casual looks and informal business outfits. Therefore, when choosing what to wear with a women's plaid jacket, give preference to single-photon things, choosing them to match the color of the pattern itself.

In no case should you try to make such images simpler and, choosing between jeans and trousers, give preference to trousers. These models will allow you to beat the "dandy" style in your own images.

Pick up a snow-white shirt, well-fitting trousers and stylish boots, and you will get a non-trivial and very expressive fashionable look. A few good answers to the question "what to wear with a women's jacket?" - in the photo below:

    see also

    • You can create a sexy look with the help of a basic wardrobe if ...

    • Images and photos of gangster clothing style Gangster clothing style ...

My Suit

The ability to elegantly combine unpaired and trousers causes, at least, respect. We are used to seeing stylish men in prefabricated ensembles during leisure activities, that is, at all kinds of informal events. However, it is curious that before the First World War, suits were considered sportswear, and a combination of an unpaired jacket with trousers was a strict uniform. Yes, today it's the other way around. Resorts, informal business or friendly gatherings, and any non-business events are good reasons to choose an unpaired ensemble.

The informal business style is rapidly conquering men's wardrobes, and there are fewer and fewer reasons to wear tailor-made clothes ... As a result, if a person comes to the atelier, he orders a jacket, believing that this is a more versatile option for those rare cases when it is necessary to look with needles. In extreme cases, they order blue - another unpretentious element of the men's wardrobe, which can easily be combined with almost any casual thing. The trend is sad, because the possibilities of individual tailoring are inexhaustible, and the general level of culture (or well-being?) does not allow us to evaluate this.

7 principles to consider when choosing an unpaired jacket

  1. Unpaired jackets are worn when a suit is not required.
  2. It is advisable to have several jackets from different fabrics: tweed - for the autumn-winter period, linen - for the summer.
  3. Unpaired is a good choice for extravagant men, because any whimsical combinations are allowed here. Spectacular, non-trivial colors and patterns, unlike jacket suits, this is an endless field for fashionable experiments.
  4. The main thing is to create a contrast between trousers and an unpaired jacket. Otherwise, it may seem that you have confused the costumes half asleep. Contrast is a combination of different fabrics and patterns. For example, “wool + linen”, or “velveteen + tweed”. Plain trousers in combination with a patterned jacket or vice versa. Do not try to combine colorful drawings of unpaired elements into one ensemble: even if the drawings are different, due to their combination, it can ripple in the eyes. Want to stand out from the crowd? Try to create an image based on a plain unpaired jacket in combination with large-check trousers. This rare combination will attract attention without causing irritation.
  5. We also choose color combinations according to the principle of contrast and remember that gray trousers go with all jackets, except for gray ones. Gray jackets love brown, white and blue trousers. If you want to choose a combination in a single palette, find different shades of the same color. For example, “mustard + brown-beige”.
  6. Buttons on unpaired jackets usually have two holes, while suit jackets have four. But there are no strict rules here. By the way, you can see that now jackets with five working loops are very popular.
  7. The choice of shoes for an unpaired jacket is limited to only one recommendation - forget about black shoes. Black shoes are not worn with mismatched blazers, unless you're a Parisian who seeks to combine the formality of a suit with the style of a mismatched blazer. In this case, black shoes + blazer + gray trousers + strict shirt + tie are going to the ensemble.