A strong conspiracy for luck in the game. How to win at the casino, roulette, cards, lottery, horse races or sweepstakes using magic and sorcery. Proven magical ways to win at gambling

An article with a form about witchcraft and magic by the magician-practitioner Samoilov A.V. Conspiracy to win in gambling, lottery, casino

When you see fit to do independent conspiracy to win the game, do not forget that for the effectiveness of the action you need to follow a number of rules. These rules include the time of the ceremony, your own belief in success, visualization of what you have done and letting go of the situation. Any free conspiracy to win the lottery, must be made during the growing moon, the time is the first week after the new moon, on the day of Jupiter - Thursday. Thursday is the day of profit, management of financial flows. The day of the Sun is also good - Sunday. This is the day of luck, good luck and happy occasion. Believe in the power of the conspiracy, otherwise your doubts will spoil the work, violating the integrity of the magical energy.

Now about the visualization factor. She will multiply strong conspiracy to win at cards. Visualize your winnings in the smallest details, those feelings, those emotions, those words that you say, try to feel and experience the delight of victory. Remember those happy moments when you achieved what you wanted, when your dreams came true, and what you wanted became yours. These feelings will help you visualize your winnings more carefully. And, when you read a simple conspiracy to win in a card game, try to relive your personal triumph again, fix your victory in your imagination. Give your visualization positive energy, emotions of joy. Keep a secret what you spent magical rite. The structure of the conspiracy is unstable, so any external negative influences can be destructive.

A powerful conspiracy to win the lottery through the attraction of someone else's luck

For work you will need 7 photos of people with strong energy Good luck. These are the people who in the past have won large sums of money, valuable gifts and prizes in the lottery, are successful in gambling. But, the main thing is that subsequently these people should not have any negativity associated with winning. Note that this is very important, otherwise you can attract bad luck. Put your photo in the center of the table, and place photos of successful people at the ends of the rays of a mentally drawn seven-pointed star, the center of which is your photo. In addition, you need 7 colored candles that you need to place over each of the seven photos. And for the area solar plexus put a white candle on your photo. Light colored candles in a clockwise direction, saying a free conspiracy to win and good luck in the game: “Your luck, your luck for my victory is a joy. You are lucky, and I am seven times more lucky, my luck will find me. Amen!".

After reading the plot to win, light a white candle, and visualize the moment of victory for seven minutes. This rite must be performed for seven days in a row at the same time, not forgetting to visualize your winnings.

What to use conspiracies of magic for luck in gambling. Psychologists have long sounded the alarm about the fact that much of our society has become addicted. A person often depends on alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and much worse from gambling. Unfortunately, the excitement turns off his mind so much that he is ready for various crazy things. Sometimes a player loses everything: family, money, honor and his face. This is the dark and not very pleasant side of gambling. But at the same time, there are those to whom gambling brought a lot of money, with the help of which they were able to arrange a war. later life or solve some problems. There is also a bright side to this issue, but it is much less common than we would like. Many people ask me if it's possible apply magic to win at gambling, I answer them that it is possible.

Strong conspiracies for good luck in the game have existed for several centuries.

Little is known in practice. specific cases when strong spells for luck in the game applied. All because a person who is in a passion is far from magic. It is embraced by one single purpose. Today everyone knows that gambling often
built on deceit. It seems very difficult to beat the casino. But fans of games for money have a chance to fix this. Magic is much stronger than human tricks. Although it is quite dangerous. And issues related to gambling and money in general in magic occupy a special place. The fact is that the Devil himself is in charge of the decision in magic.

  • In practice, hundreds of cases are known when people sold their souls to the Devil for money and enjoyed sweet life on the ground.
  • We do not know what happened to the souls of these people after death. But during their lives they did not regret anything.

Once upon a time, lotteries were very popular. Hundreds, and even thousands of people wanted to get rich quickly and easily. Today, the lottery in our country is not so popular, but still they
exist, and many people continue to tempt fate. With each draw, a person subconsciously hopes that luck will be in his hands, and some, on the contrary, set themselves up to lose. The position of the latter is initially incorrect. Surely many thought, what kind of trick to come up with, how to beat or cheat the lottery. But the lottery is a lottery, which is very unpredictable. But black magicians and sorcerers claim that the lottery outcome can be affected by a conspiracy to luck in the lottery. Conspiracies to win the game generally able to influence a person's life, not to mention a simple lottery. I personally do not play the lottery, but magic has helped me in many other ways. But I know people who claim that it was the conspiracy to win in the game for money that helped them meet with luck.

What a strong conspiracy for good luck and success in the lottery is better

If we are talking about a ritual for a lottery win, then we mean, of course, money. The material side is an important side of our life. Everything seems very easy and simple. But the trouble is, we cannot make such strong conspiracies for success in the lottery on our own. This absolutely cannot be done. Just because we don't know how to do it. And blindly trusting the advice of friends, or, even worse, on the Internet is also not worth it. For this, there are specialists, experts in their field, so that you win the lottery. Our business is only to find such a person and trust him completely.

I know that many people are seriously addicted conspiracies for a big win in the lottery. They are even equated with gambling. Rather than waste money, it would be good to realize that there is invisible help that will definitely help us.

It is believed that excitement and money are the work of Satan, and only he can provide them to a person. More detailed information about this, you can get from experts. He will also be able to help you in conspiring to succeed in the money game.

Watch the video how best to win the lottery

Any free conspiracy to win the lottery must be done during the growing moon, the time is the first week after the new moon, on the day of Jupiter - Thursday. Thursday is the day of profit, management of financial flows. The day of the Sun is also good - Sunday. This is a day of luck, good luck and a happy occasion. Believe in the power of the conspiracy, otherwise your doubts will spoil the work, violating the integrity of the magical energy.

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Powerful conspiracy to win the lotterycasino, roulette or sweepstakesthrough the attraction of someone else's luck

For work, you will need 7 photos of people with strong luck energy. These are the people who in the past have won large sums of money, valuable gifts and prizes in the lottery, are successful in gambling. But, the main thing is that subsequently these people should not have any negativity associated with winning. Note that this is very important, otherwise you can attract bad luck.

Put your photo in the center of the table, and place photos of successful people at the ends of the rays of a mentally drawn seven-pointed star, the center of which is your photo. In addition, you need 7 colored candles that you need to place over each of the seven photos.

And put a white candle on the solar plexus area in your photo. Light colored candles in a clockwise direction, saying a free conspiracy to win and good luck in the game: “Your luck, your luck for my victory is joy. You are lucky, and I am seven times more lucky, my luck will find me. Amen!".

After reading the plot to win, light a white candle, and visualize the moment of victory for seven minutes. This rite must be performed for seven days in a row at the same time, not forgetting to visualize your winnings.

prosperity ribbons

3 new ribbons half a meter long yellow, green and blue flowers. Put them together, tie one end with a woolen red thread and braid a pigtail out of them. At this time, say:

“Luck, abundance, prosperity, happiness, come to me! I weave-weave you, I call to myself. One is success, two is success, three is success. Truly!”

When the pigtail is ready, tie the other end with a red thread so that it does not unravel. The talisman is ready. Keep it always with you..
For good luck in business

When you start a new business from which you expect profit, do the following: bring to the place of work wool thread red (about 1 meter). Tie 3 knots on it, then put the thread on the floor, step over it and say the plot aloud:

“Just as these three knots are tied tightly, so is my business (to say which one), the servants of God ( your name) will run profitably and smoothly. Let it be so!"
Light the red candle and burn the thread in the flame.
When you consider it necessary to make an independent conspiracy to win the game, do not forget that for the effectiveness of the action you need to follow a number of rules. These rules include the time of the ceremony, your own belief in success, visualization of what you have done and letting go of the situation.

Any free conspiracy to win the lottery must be done during the growing moon, the time is the first week after the new moon, on the day of Jupiter - Thursday. Thursday is the day of profit, management of financial flows.

The day of the Sun is also good - Sunday. This is a day of luck, good luck and a happy occasion. Believe in the power of the conspiracy, otherwise your doubts will spoil the work, violating the integrity of the magical energy.

Now about the visualization factor. She will repeatedly strengthen a strong conspiracy to win cards. Visualize your winnings in the smallest detail, those feelings, those emotions, those words that you say, try to feel and experience the delight of victory.

Remember those happy moments when you achieved what you wanted, when your dreams came true, and what you wanted became yours. These feelings will help you visualize your winnings more carefully. And, when you read a simple conspiracy to win in a card game, try to relive your personal triumph again, fix your victory in your imagination.
Give your visualization positive energy, emotions of joy. Keep it a secret that you performed a magical rite. The structure of the conspiracy is unstable, so any external negative influences can act in a destructive way.

A powerful conspiracy to win the lottery, casino, roulette or sweepstakes through the attraction of someone else's luck

For work, you will need 7 photos of people with strong luck energy. These are the people who in the past have won large sums of money, valuable gifts and prizes in the lottery, are successful in gambling.

But, the main thing is that subsequently these people should not have any negativity associated with winning. Note that this is very important, otherwise you can attract bad luck.

Put your photo in the center of the table, and place photos of successful people at the ends of the rays of a mentally drawn seven-pointed star, the center of which is your photo.

In addition, you need 7 colored candles that you need to place over each of the seven photos. And put a white candle on the solar plexus area in your photo.

Light colored candles in a clockwise direction, saying a free conspiracy to win and good luck in the game:

“Your luck, your luck for my victory is a joy. You are lucky, and I am seven times more lucky, my luck will find me.

After reading the plot to win, light a white candle and visualize the moment of victory for seven minutes.

Lotteries are instant ways to win a big prize - an apartment, a car or sum of money. The rules of the game are simple and the jackpot can be such that the consequences will take you to the Canary Islands. But the probability of winning money is not very high - there are many applicants for happiness. If you are thinking about how to win a large amount of money in the lottery, read the plot - everything is checked here.

White magic really helps to win money - subject to a number of conditions. Conspiracies and rituals require high accuracy of execution, you need to read prayers without hesitation. Best Rites to win the lottery - in front of you.

Money magic includes a plot for good luck in the lottery, the implementation of which is associated with technical subtleties. It is better to make a conspiracy to win in conjunction with the rite . If you want to be successful, look at the following points:

  • it is better to read prayers with a growing moon;
  • Thursday is considered the ideal day for the strongest spells, but some people perform rites on Wednesday;
  • lack of doubt (for winning the lottery, faith is crucial);
  • the secret of the rite (magic works if the attraction financial flows hidden from others)
  • visualization (to win the lottery, imagine the image of money).

Reviews about "lottery" witchcraft are contradictory. Some believe that the lotto can be won without any magic and stay away from conspiracies. Another category believes in charmed salt and a magical victory over a ticket. Whether to trust conspiracies for big wins, decide for yourself.

Overview of the simplest conspiracies

The most primitive plot to win the lottery involves the use of ordinary coins. After reading the spell, you can attract both a big lottery win and financial wealth. You need to do the following:

  1. Take out small coins in the amount of 3-5 pieces.
  2. Hide the coins in your clothing pocket (use things that you wear daily).
  3. The spell is cast when putting artifacts into pockets.
  4. Keep the winning set of coins carefully (it is forbidden to spend them on any purchases).

Daily prayer for money is repeated, it must be accompanied by stroking the charmed coins. Take out the metal rounds when washing, and then put them back in your pocket. The text of the plot for the lottery:

“Water rushes to the river bank, and money rushes to me. I want more silver and gold, let higher power will help with this. My desires are true and firm. Amen".

Candle and stone

Sometimes conspiracies to win the lottery are not required at all - it is enough to conduct a competent "white" rite. Go into the forest and look for a streamlined cobblestone there. Return home and hide with this cobblestone in the back room (while your relatives are working). Now you need to light a candle, and depict any money symbol on the cobblestone.

It is better to act on the new moon or the day of some saint (for example, Natalia). Having coped with the drawing, imagine that the purchased ticket won, and the sign began to attract income. Place the boulder near the most visible spot in the room. Now it is a magical center that helps solve financial problems.

lottery slander

When buying a lottery ticket, you can perform a simple ritual that will increase your chances of winning. This is Vanga's famous plot to win the lottery, which is read on the full (or growing) moon. Light a green candle, take the ticket you bought, and read a prayer from Vanga:

“I am talking about a lottery ticket, I am attracting the greatest monetary benefit. I ask that I, God's servant (the name is called), always win and do not know grief. I turn to the heavenly matron intercessor, I repent of any sins. I attract wealth and prosperity, I attract any coins and prizes. Amen".

Conspiracies for lottery tickets are quite strong. Read the prayer seven times, and then extinguish the candle. After the end of the draw, hide the ticket in a secluded place.

The most powerful rites

The most powerful conspiracies and spells to win the lottery are associated with coins and mirrors. For lotto winners, this rite causes only positive emotions. You will need:

  • green candle;
  • mirror;
  • yellow coin;
  • clear sky;
  • the moon is in its growth phase.

Place a burning candle on the windowsill, open the frame and place a small mirror next to it. Make sure that the tongue of flame and the night light are reflected in the mirror surface. Squeeze the coin in your fist, read the conspiracy to win and put the money in your pocket. The coin will be used to purchase a ticket, but here is the text of the conspiracy to win more:

“A noble and rich merchant roams the earth in moonlight, offers goods, refuses money. A cunning merchant attracts crowds of people, takes their luck for free. That merchant is my brother. As I see the light of the night, I will ask the merchant for help. Take away the luck of strangers, help me get a ticket, get a lot of money. Amen".

Lunar rite

The strongest conspiracy is not read on the full moon, as many people think, but on the young month. The sorceress Natalya Stepanova recommends waking up at night and going outside. Take with you 12 coins of different denominations, the amount of which will be equated to your age. Pay attention to the following nuances:

  • the place for witchcraft should be secluded;
  • coins lie on the open right palm (you show them to the luminary);
  • it is necessary to read the spell seven times;
  • To obtain big win to the lottery, visualize future success.

Having finished with the spell, squeeze the money in a fist and take it to your home. Hide the artifacts in your wallet, let them mix with other money. From this moment on, the spell will begin to act, gradually pulling luck on you. Conspiracy text:

"Plants multiply from sunlight, and coins - from the moon. Be fruitful, money, multiply, come back to me more often. Enrich me (the name is called), give me your radiance. May my wealth never be transferred. Amen".

Seven tram tickets

Now you will learn how to win large sums of money in the lottery - the conspiracy has been developed relatively recently. When traveling by tram or trolleybus, keep some tickets - they will be useful to you for witchcraft. Lucky people call tickets, the sum of the three digits of which (on either side) are the same. For the ritual at home, you will need:

  • 7 tickets;
  • orange candle (can be replaced with brown);
  • your photograph;
  • green paper sheet(the side of the square is seven centimeters);
  • envelope.

The photo is placed on paper, you need to put a stack of tickets on top and pack it all in an envelope. Drops of wax from the orange candle seal the contents, and the witch casts a spell three times. The charmed envelope must be put in the left pocket and go for a lottery ticket. Prayer text:

“Happiness comes, luck by the hand leads. The numbers on the lucky tickets converge, and the lottery brings me income. I kindle with a flame, seal with wax. Amen".

Sewing coins

Another strong conspiracy to win was invented by Vanga, the Bulgarian healer, whom we mentioned above. Vanga's idea is to sew an enchanted artifact into a wardrobe item. A coin acts as an artifact, and a jacket or jeans can be used as clothing. You need to sew the amulet into the lining of your favorite thing - the one that you wear all the time. When sewing a circle, say:

“The needle and thread are inseparable, let the money be related to my wallet. The thread reaches for the needle, and wealth rushes through the threshold into my house. I sew up the lining - I sew on wealth. Come to my wallet different money, silver and copper, small and large, paper and gold. Grant me, Lord, grace. Amen".

At all times, conspiracies for money and wealth were used in magic. Today, just like our ancestors hundreds of years ago, we want to live in happiness and prosperity. It is difficult to deny the fact that we are addicted to money. We live in an era when money dictates what we do and how we should be. And everyone wants to manage money, not obey it.

Money magic, conspiracies for money are used in traditions different peoples. We have come down from antiquity ancient Slavic conspiracies and spells aimed at attracting wealth. When you receive money in your hands (when returning a debt, paying a salary), you must quietly say the following words: “Your money is in my wallet, your treasury is my treasury.”

A magic plot for money can be done on many things, from coins to bread. It is important that the charmed object has one of the following properties: it can grow, increase in size, or represent a plurality of something (for example, stars in the sky),.

Often in magic, conspiracies for money, the so-called money trees are used.

There are such trees in many houses, and their scientific name is fat woman. However, in addition to direct money tree Other representatives of the flora also have power: trees, flowers, herbs. There are conspiracies that need to be repeated from time to time, there are long-term conspiracies for wealth. There are even special conspiracies for new things. When shopping, we do not just spend money, we support the money cycle, let go of part of our wealth, but we are sure to wait for it to return to us again. Need to spend money on good mood, without regret, without deceiving - although you can bargain. Getting for your money new thing, we can talk about even her future wealth - there are certain conspiracies.

To increase wealth, you can conspire money for a coin or small paper bill. The charmed money should be carried with you for a month, after their validity period expires. You can also read the plot at the time when buns and bread are baked. In this case, you need to speak the dough. Rising, increasing, it will contribute to an increase in your income.


In magic for money great importance has a phase of the moon during which this magical action. So, for example, use monetary magic and spells for money follows the growing moon. And if the purpose of the rite is to get rid of debts, then more suitable waning moon.

Free conspiracies for good luck in the game will help lovers of not only lotteries, but also lovers of gambling in casinos, cards. If you play cards, bet on horse races, then you need to stroke the black cat's tail very slowly, pet it nine times. If the cat breaks out of your hands and runs away, then do not play, otherwise all the money will leave you by morning.

If you plan to play cards in the coming days, then perform a strong conspiracy for good luck in card games. Rub it into a dried fern root to make a powder, while pronouncing a conspiracy to win games: “May wisdom and the strength of forest grass come to me. Mother Earth raised her, endowed her with the sacrament for wealth, for profit, for my dream. When you sit down at the gambling table, quietly sprinkle three pinches of fern root powder on the floor near your feet, sprinkle as follows: one pinch on the right, the second on the left, and the third in front of you.

You need to fulfill this conspiracy for a successful win in the game on Thursday, during the full moon.

For this you need: green, orange, white, black candles, mint leaves and cinnamon oil. Light a green candle and put it on the table. Rub black, white and orange candles all over with cinnamon oil. Then, on the white candle at the base, scrawl your initials. Arrange all the candles on the table around the green one. Scatter mint leaves on the table. Light the candles in the following order: white, black, orange. Speak the plot at least three times ( odd number times) and present clearly and clearly the winnings. After that, say three times the words of a conspiracy for good luck in the game: "I am grateful for what I have acquired." Let the candles burn out completely.

Read the words powerful conspiracy good luck in the game: Money, flow to me like a river. As candles flare up, so luck flares up in my life. I, (name), am lucky and free. My wallet is filling up fast with money. I am grateful to fate for the luck in my life. As the candles burn out, so leave my problems. Amen".

You need to carry out an independent plot for good luck in gambling with what you carry on your hands:

It can be a ring (should not be engagement or silver), a bracelet, a watch. You can even wear a glove, provided you wear it all the time. You need to take three days before the game required item, tie a white ribbon around it, tie it in the shape of a bow and read an independent plot on udau in the game: “I give myself (name a thing), not ordinary, but happy. As long as I wear it, so much will I carry. From the evil eye, from time to time, from a damn catch, from a stupid word, from bad luck, from boredom, I can play successfully, collect winnings. Strongly, tenaciously, precisely, forever. Amen". Put this item on the table, and before the game, dissolve the bow and put the thing on right hand. On this day, do not eat anything red, otherwise it may not work.

Watch the video on how to win the lottery
