What does a spontaneous miscarriage look like. The negative impact of stress on early pregnancy. Why miscarriage occurs - causes and consequences

A miscarriage in the first trimester is such an event that no lady wants to face. After the pregnancy test showed the coveted two strips, a completely new period begins. Parents are now busy choosing a name for the child, planning the future children's room. Passing by shops, they involuntarily look at strollers, high chairs, clothes for the baby. Unfortunately, not every pregnancy ends with a favorable outcome. The thing is that many ladies have to deal with such a problem as pregnancy. What the embryo looks like (photo) in the first trimester can be found in the specialized literature. In this article, we will talk in more detail about miscarriage, its main causes and symptoms.

general information

A miscarriage is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy that occurs due to a variety of reasons. As a rule, this problem is diagnosed for up to 12 weeks. Late miscarriages are quite rare.

How is this problem developing?

A miscarriage is a direct rejection of the fetus by the female body due to the influence of any factors. The fetus can leave the mother's womb completely, which happens extremely rarely, or partially. The first option is found only in the very first weeks of the existence of the embryo in the womb. Women in some cases may be clear signs of a problem.

If there are any causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy, for example, an infectious disease, the woman's body begins to actively fight the fetus. As a result, the formation of the so-called placental mass, which is responsible for the connection of the little man with the mother, does not occur. In the body of the fetus, bodies are also successively formed, which by all means prevent the union with the female body and the receipt of various nutrients from it. As a result, the internal organs of the embryo receive all kinds of pathologies, and its shell is consistently destroyed.

As a result of rejection, the fetus leaves the uterus, which is a miscarriage. Depending on how the interruption of a new life occurs, specialists can determine its causes.

Types of miscarriages

  1. Incomplete miscarriage in early pregnancy. Symptoms in this case include sharp pains in the lumbar region, accompanying severe uterine bleeding.
  2. Complete type. The fetus leaves the uterus completely. Hemorrhages during this period stop, discomfort is minimal.
  3. In this case, the embryo dies, but at the same time it continues to stay in the mother's womb. This condition can only be confirmed by a specialist, when the child’s heartbeat is not heard during the next examination.
  4. Anembryony. In this case, fertilization occurs, but the formation of the embryo is not carried out. The egg cell independently attaches to the wall of the uterus, the gestational sac develops along with the yolk sac, but the fetus itself is not in the uterus.
  5. Repeated miscarriage. It is observed when a woman has already recorded similar cases of miscarriage in the first weeks. According to available statistics, approximately 1% of families are faced with this kind of pathology.
  6. chorionadenoma. In this case, the egg is fertilized, the genetic information changes, but instead of the embryo, a small piece of tissue is formed

Why does miscarriage occur in early pregnancy? Causes

  • Violations at the genetic level. According to statistics, 73% of miscarriages happen for this reason. It is important to note that such defects of a genetic nature are not hereditary in nature, but are a single mutation that occurred in the germ cells of one of the parents under the influence of negative environmental factors. Spontaneous miscarriage in this case is perceived as natural selection, that is, the destruction of weaker offspring. It is almost impossible to prevent the development of this problem.
  • Hormonal disorders are another factor that leads to miscarriage in early pregnancy. The reasons for the development of this problem lie in the lack of a hormone called progesterone. With the timely detection of such a situation, there is a possibility of saving the pregnancy.
  • Causes of immunological nature. As a rule, this problem is diagnosed in the presence of an Rhesus conflict. The embryo "takes" a positive Rh from its father, and the mother's body (Rh-negative) begins to actively fight the fetus, perceiving it as a foreign body. To prevent the development of the Rh conflict, pregnant women are recommended to take progesterone preparations.
  • Sexually transmitted infections (toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, herpes infection). Pathogenic microorganisms gradually infect the fetus and its membranes, resulting in a miscarriage.
  • Having a history of abortion. Abortion, according to experts, is not just an ordinary medical manipulation, but a serious stress for the body. This procedure very often provokes the development of ovarian dysfunction, contributes to the formation of inflammatory processes.
  • The use of herbs and certain groups of drugs. In the first trimester, doctors generally do not recommend taking medications. The thing is that many of them are able to provoke the formation of various kinds of developmental defects in the fetus itself. You should also be especially careful with such medicinal herbs as parsley, cornflower, St. John's wort, nettle.
  • The causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy can be hidden in frequent stress.
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle.
  • Falls, intercourse, heavy lifting. Contrary to popular belief, exercise alone rarely causes a miscarriage. However, they often become a trigger for spontaneous abortion in the presence of one or more of the above reasons.


How does a miscarriage occur in early pregnancy? What does a woman look like? If a miscarriage occurred in the very first weeks of gestation, the lady cannot avoid very unpleasant symptoms. Termination of pregnancy is almost always accompanied by discharge of a brown tint, as well as painful discomfort in the lower abdomen. If these signs appear, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. You should not postpone the visit for a more convenient time or wait until the morning.

If a woman is not yet aware of the presence of a new life in her womb, she may take bleeding for normal menstruation. In some cases, there are no obvious signs of a problem, but there are indirect ones. How does a miscarriage occur in early pregnancy? Symptoms of an indirect nature may be as follows:

  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Nausea.
  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen.
  • The appearance of mucus of an uncharacteristic shade.
  • Violation of the usual work of the digestive tract.


If she feels unwell or has an uncharacteristic discharge from the vagina, it is recommended to visit the doctor immediately. There are various manifestations of this pathology, however, experts take into account only clinical symptoms.

Ultrasound is considered the main way to confirm a miscarriage. It also allows you to choose the method by which treatment will subsequently be carried out to maintain the pregnancy.

Miscarriage, as practice shows, can be prevented at some stages. If this is only a threatening stage, bed rest and antispasmodic therapy are sufficient. With a spontaneous abortion that has already begun, it is possible to save the fetus if all available measures are taken in a timely manner. According to experts, the specific treatment plan depends on the cause of the early miscarriage.

  • With isthmic-cervical insufficiency, for example, sutures are applied to the cervix, which are subsequently removed before the birth itself.
  • If the cause lies in infectious diseases, the doctor selects the appropriate antibacterial and / or antiviral therapy.
  • When hormonal disorders are observed, the endocrinologist prescribes replacement treatment.
  • The situation is much more complicated in the case of an abnormal structure of the uterus. The thing is that sometimes a woman simply cannot bear a child on her own. As for this kind of pathology, today doctors are increasingly practicing surgical correction.

What to do with the threat of a miscarriage?

If a woman has any of the above symptoms, then it is urgent to seek medical advice. Initially, the specialist conducts an ultrasound scan to assess the condition of the fetus, to determine the tone of the uterus. Then a number of tests are prescribed for intrauterine infection, a smear for mycoplasmas, etc.).

Miscarriage in early pregnancy. What to do after?

If a spontaneous abortion nevertheless occurred, then the doctor should tell the woman about further actions.

It is recommended to take a vacation for a while in order to restore the psycho-emotional and physical state. Taking into account the fact that not a single woman is insured against abortion, it is considered appropriate to pass the necessary tests to determine the possible causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy and prevent their occurrence in the future.


If a woman had a miscarriage at the beginning of pregnancy, then appropriate treatment was prescribed, then the likelihood of complications is almost zero.

On the other hand, a miscarriage in early pregnancy without cleaning (curettage) can lead to the formation of inflammatory processes. As a result, infertility may occur due to the lack of normal functioning of the appendages.


Unfortunately, it is beyond the power of a modern person to change genetics, but absolutely everyone can make adjustments to their lifestyle. The recommendations below can help minimize the chances of miscarriage in early pregnancy, the consequences of which are often devastating for the whole family.

First of all, doctors advise to start planning a child in advance (approximately one year in advance). At this stage, both a man and a woman should give up all bad habits, try to eat as balanced as possible, undergo a diagnostic examination and pass the necessary tests.

When the desired pregnancy nevertheless occurs, the expectant mother is recommended to direct all her efforts to preserving the fetus. To do this, avoid passive smoking, heavy physical exertion and stressful situations. This is a great time to start doing yoga or swimming. Of course, you should not neglect visiting a gynecologist at all stages of pregnancy.


In this article, we talked about the causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy. Photos and stories of happy women who managed to survive this problem and later gave birth to healthy children prove that even after an abortion there is an opportunity to try on the role of a mother again. Be healthy!

Sometimes pregnant women have an early miscarriage. This event can unsettle for a long time. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to observe all precautions and carry out timely prevention.

Early Childhood Loss Stress
If you threaten to keep the doctor
listening comfortable heaviness

If you still have a miscarriage at an early date, be sure to consult a doctor to find out if cleaning is needed. The specialist will examine you and write recommendations. You may need to undergo treatment.

Often, women panic and search the Internet for photos to find out exactly what a miscarriage looks like in the first months. If trouble happens, a grayish-colored fetal egg with red streaks comes out of the uterus. In any case, you need to know what a miscarriage looks like so as not to be mistaken.

Symptoms of a Problem

When a miscarriage occurs during pregnancy, it causes certain symptoms. The interruption is accompanied by brown or red discharge and discomfort in the lower abdomen. If you notice the appearance of discharge with an admixture of blood, you should consult a doctor. In the early stages, such discharge is one of the symptoms of a miscarriage.

The appearance of discomfort in the abdomen

Sometimes a girl does not recognize the signs of a spontaneous miscarriage that happened in the initial months. This is possible if she does not know about her pregnancy and regards the appearance of bleeding as the onset of menstruation. Therefore, you need to know what the signs of this trouble look like in order to call the doctor in time.

Sometimes in the first months there are indirect symptoms of a threatened miscarriage. These include.

  1. Nausea.
  2. Diarrhea.
  3. Back pain.
  4. The appearance of mucus with a strange shade.
  5. Abdominal pain.
  6. Strong weight loss.

In addition, a spontaneous miscarriage that occurred at an early stage is characterized by another symptom: rejection of the fetal tissues. It doesn't happen right away. Only about 2 weeks after the death of the child, the body begins to remove the dead tissues. In this case, there is either heavy bleeding, or spotting, spotting.

Causes of spontaneous abortion

According to statistics, about 15-20% of women have a miscarriage in the early stages of their pregnancy. There are several reasons for this. Often this happens when a woman does not yet know that conception has occurred.

The most common reasons include:

  1. genetic disorders of the fetus;
  2. hormonal disorders;
  3. a large number of male sex hormones;
  4. immunological causes;
  5. STD;
  6. infectious pathologies;
  7. history of abortion;
  8. uncontrolled medication;
  9. stress;
  10. strong physical activity;
  11. wrong lifestyle.

Be sure to consult a doctor and find out from him how a miscarriage occurs during pregnancy. In this case, you need to know as much as possible about the possible trouble.

One reason is genetics.

According to statistics, approximately 73% of women have problems due to genetic disorders. Usually they are the result of mutations that occurred in the germ cells of the mother and father due to the harmful effects of the external environment.

Often there are hormonal disorders. A miscarriage can cause hormonal imbalances, including a lack of progesterone, which is the main pregnancy hormone. If the problem is detected in time, the situation can be saved.

The problem may lie in the large number of male hormones that suppress the production of progesterone and estrogen. Androgens are often the cause of trouble. In addition, thyroid and adrenal hormones affect the formation and development of the baby. Violation of the work of these glands can provoke spontaneous abortion.

Sometimes immunological causes are to blame, for example, an Rhesus conflict. The fetus inherits the father's Rh negative, and the mother's Rh positive begins to reject foreign tissue. To prevent this from happening, progesterone preparations are used, which has an immunomodulatory effect.

Carefully monitor your health, because various sexual infections can affect the fetal membranes and spontaneous abortion will occur. Treatment of possible syphilis, toxoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, cytomegalovirus, herpes infection should be carried out before the planned conception.

Pneumonia, pyelonephritis, chlamydia, rubella, syphilis can also cause a problem. They are a big threat to the baby, especially when the infection occurs either before conception or at the beginning of the first trimester. The expectant mother can catch a mild form of tonsillitis, but even this disease can negatively affect the child. An increase in temperature, which is very dangerous for the normal course of pregnancy, accompanies many diseases, so you need to carefully monitor your health.

Stress and depression

It is very dangerous if a girl had an abortion. You need to know that this is not an ordinary medical procedure, but the strongest stress for the body, which provokes dysfunction of the adrenal glands and ovaries. Abortion can cause severe inflammatory pathologies in the genitals.

You should not uncontrollably take medicines, medicinal herbs. During the first trimester, drugs should be avoided. They can cause spontaneous abortion or the formation of defects in the development of the baby.

Strong grief, stress, fear, mental overstrain will not bring anything good to your baby. If you have to constantly be nervous or have poor physical health, be sure to talk to your doctor and ask for sedatives.

Stick to a healthy lifestyle. Frequent consumption of coffee, alcohol, regular smoking and poor diet also cause miscarriage. Be sure to pay attention to this and try to eradicate bad habits.

In order not to search the Internet for a photo of an early miscarriage, control physical activity. Sometimes severe toxicosis can be the culprit. Trouble can manifest itself even due to a long journey by car, flight by plane. Therefore, girls with poor health are better off avoiding long trips during the first trimester.

How to prevent this situation?

During pregnancy, you should regularly visit a gynecologist and ask him how you can prevent the risk of miscarriage. First of all, it is necessary.

  1. Carry out prevention.
  2. Take medication.

If in the early stages there is a threat of miscarriage, only a doctor should prescribe medications. Doctors often prescribe hormones that regulate pregnancy. Utrozhestan, Dufaston are especially effective. They are prescribed when there is a lack of progesterone in the body, which is responsible for the development of the placenta, the preparation of the endometrium, and the safety of the fetus.

There are also glucocorticoids, which are hormones produced by the adrenal glands. They are necessary if the body of the expectant mother begins to produce a large number of male sex hormones. Doctors prescribe Dexamethasone, Metipred.

With uterine bleeding, antihemorrhagic and hemostatic drugs are prescribed. For example, Dicinon is effective. Antispasmodics will not interfere - drugs that relax the muscles of the uterus, which are in good shape. Baralgin, Papaverine, No-shpa are commonly used. Also, specialists can prescribe vitamin complexes and trace elements:

  • folic acid;
  • magne B6;
  • sedatives from plant extracts (motherwort, valerian).

When threatened, you should take your prescribed vitamins and medications.

Various methods of prevention

Even in the early stages of pregnancy, ask your doctor to talk about the threat of miscarriage, the symptoms that appear, and the necessary treatment. Every mother-to-be needs to know this information.

However, if some girls are looking for how to have a miscarriage in early pregnancy, others want to avoid this by all means. It is very important to monitor your lifestyle and take preventive measures. This will help eliminate unwanted consequences.

Prevention is a very difficult task, because it is necessary to take into account a large number of reasons for this situation. To prevent a miscarriage at an early date, it is necessary to prepare for conception in advance and eliminate risk factors.

about the author: Andrey Fergert

gynecologist, pediatrician

Not really

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The information published on the site is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice! The editors of the site do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your doctor! Remember that only a complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help to completely get rid of the disease!

What to doessence
Visit a medical facilityBefore conception, it is necessary to cure infectious pathologies, if any. It is necessary to pass tests, including for genetic compatibility.
Check your health regularlyAt least 6 months before the intended conception, you need to give up bad habits, review your daily routine and diet. It is very important to avoid stress. If you can’t protect yourself from worries, you should consult a doctor and start taking sedatives. The usual tincture of motherwort or valerian will do.

Since 15-20% of pregnancies end unsuccessfully in the early stages, you should know what kind of discharge occurs during a miscarriage. It is not uncommon for a woman to not even realize that she has lost a child. The blood-containing discharge that accompanies a miscarriage is mistaken for menstrual flow, as time converges. Signs that signal the likelihood of an involuntarily terminated pregnancy allow you to pay attention to health and make an appointment with a doctor to save the fetus.

miscarriage or menstruation

It is not easy to distinguish the loss of a child from menstruation, since the nature of the discharge depends on the health of the woman, her lifestyle. Menstrual bleeding that begins on time makes you think that fertilization did not occur. But pay attention to the calendar: if there was a delay of only a couple of days, this may not indicate an irregular cycle, but a spontaneous abortion. During such periods, a woman suffers from pain more than usual.

If a spontaneous abortion occurs, the menstrual cycle is delayed, lengthened, the volume and color of the discharge changes. On closer examination, elements of the fetal egg are found.

It is possible to distinguish a fetal egg from other secretions by density and size. The appearance of a large muco-blood clot may indicate an interrupted pregnancy.

Women rarely pay attention to this, so at home it is almost impossible to understand that a miscarriage has occurred.

If menstruation does not come on time, while unusual pains are noted in the lower third of the abdomen, in the lumbar region, a spontaneous abortion is likely to occur. In a situation where a woman regularly suffers from pain during menstruation, it will be quite difficult to recognize a spontaneous miscarriage.

Determine exactly what is happening by one of two methods:

  • hCG analysis.

With an ultrasound examination, the doctor sees if a fertilized egg is present in the uterus, checks the heartbeat, and controls the degree of development of the embryo. The gynecologist will tell you exactly if there is a high probability of losing the fetus. Ultrasound allows you to assess the condition of the cervix and the organ itself.

The first days after fertilization, the egg is so small that even ultrasound will not give accurate information. A blood test for chorionic gonadotropin comes to the rescue. This is the name of the hormone produced by the female body during childbearing. If a miscarriage occurs, the level of hCG in the blood remains for 5-7 days. The concentration of hCG with a threat of miscarriage or an abortion that has begun will be lower than it should be at this stage of pregnancy.

If the gynecological examination showed that the cervix is ​​open, the pregnancy cannot be saved. With a closed cervix and a live embryo (according to ultrasound), there is a chance of maintaining pregnancy. For this, hormone therapy, antispasmodics and other drugs are prescribed.


For a barely born fetus, the most dangerous period is the time when menstruation was supposed to be, that is, 2-3 weeks of development. A miscarriage at such an early date goes unnoticed, without specific sensations. The first sign is spotting, which differs slightly from menstrual flow.

Typical symptoms:

  1. pain in the lower back, sacrum, coccyx;
  2. cramps in the lower third of the abdomen;
  3. discharge that occurs after a slight delay in menstruation;
  4. the appearance of blood clots and mucus.

It happens that bleeding does not open during a frozen pregnancy. The woman does not notice discharge, she is not tormented by pain, rejection does not occur. The condition is life-threatening, as there is a high risk of infection of the uterus. The fading of the fetus in the mother's womb is associated with a high probability of blood poisoning. Timely made ultrasound allows you to diagnose the condition and take timely measures.

Fetal rejection during a missed pregnancy can occur, but this rarely happens, symptoms:

  • spasms, sharp pain in the lower third of the abdomen;
  • elevated temperature;
  • heavy bleeding.

The volume and color of discharge during a missed pregnancy varies.

Threat of abortion

In a situation where there is a high probability of rejection of the fetus, but this did not happen, there is a threat of miscarriage. The diagnosis is made with an increased tone of the uterus. Against the background of a delay in menstruation, pulling pains in the lower abdomen appear. There are no hemorrhages. The development of bleeding indicates a miscarriage that has begun and requires a different approach to treatment.

Discharge during miscarriage

Uterine bleeding is the most dangerous symptom of a miscarriage. Allocations are weak at first, then intensify. If you visit a doctor at this time, there is a chance to save the fetus.

The deterioration of the condition occurs without prerequisites, suddenly, many factors can provoke a miscarriage. Observing pieces of tissue in such menstrual flow, it is urgent to visit a doctor.

Practice shows that in 80% of cases, the death of the fetus occurs long before the removal of its particles from the female body. For this reason, pieces of tissue, elements of the fruiting egg can be observed, that is, the uterus is cleared gradually. If complete rejection occurs, a grayish bubble is found among the blood-containing secretions. Rarely fix white particles. Pain and bleeding stop 2-3 days after cleansing the body.

If the uterus has been cleaned without drugs and medical procedures, you will not have to be treated. If the ultrasound showed that elements of the fetus and placenta remained in the body, these tissues are urgently removed to avoid infection.

After a spontaneous abortion, menstruation is expected in 1-1.5 months.

If a miscarriage provoked by the unpreparedness of the body for pregnancy occurred at 7-8 weeks of gestation, an egg similar in size to a quail is found in the secretions. The fruit is gray in color with reddish veins.

If rejection occurred at 8-12 weeks, the discharge contains a formed egg, close in size to a chicken, somewhat elongated. The fruit is flesh-colored, with veins.

At an even later date, the fetus leaves the uterus with fragments of the placenta.


A miscarriage indicates that the body is not ready to bear a fetus. But pathology does not put an end to motherhood. Supportive therapy, regular visits to an experienced gynecologist and attention to the body allow a woman to know the joy of having a baby, even in a difficult case.

Risk factors:

  1. emotional stress;
  2. anomalies in the development of the genital organs;
  3. previous abortions and miscarriages;
  4. hormonal disbalance;
  5. pathology of the hemostasis system;
  6. infections;
  7. diseases of the uterus and appendages;
  8. malformations of the fetus.

The beginning of pregnancy is a difficult period for the female body, various factors cause a sharp reaction that provokes rejection of the fetus. Being pregnant and surviving an abortion without complications, one or more children can be easily carried in the future. Knowing in advance what kind of discharge women have with spontaneous miscarriage, the expectant mother can determine that there is a cause for concern.

Do not be afraid!

Rejection of the fetus in the early stages shows that something is wrong with the body. There is no reason to be upset: if the fetus survived, development would most likely go wrong, and the child was born with abnormalities or died during childbirth. Early miscarriage is an evolutionary mechanism that allows strong individuals to survive.

It is important to understand in time that what happened is not menstruation, but the discharge accompanying the miscarriage. This makes a woman take care of her health and exclude such a situation in the future. Once realizing that a miscarriage occurred in the early stages, the expectant mother is more attentive to herself, carefully monitors the symptoms, controls the discharge, knowing what to expect, what to fear, and what signals the normal course of pregnancy.

Summing up

Noting the changes taking place in the body, the changing nature of the discharge, visit a doctor. In the early stages of pregnancy, even if the body is not ready for this, it can be saved. If there are gynecological or hormonal diseases and preservation is impossible, do not panic - rejection of a non-viable fetus does not mean that it will not be possible to give birth in the future.

If a woman has had a natural abortion, plan a new pregnancy in advance. In this case, they register with a gynecologist, regularly undergo examinations and take tests, and strictly follow the prescribed drug support program. This minimizes the risks and allows you to endure and give birth to a healthy baby. You can plan a new pregnancy 3-6 months after the miscarriage and the treatment.

Miscarriage in early pregnancy is a common occurrence in women. Many of them are not even aware of their position. Every girl needs to know how a spontaneous miscarriage occurs in the early stages in order to know how to act in a dangerous situation and prevent serious consequences.

Causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy

Experts identify the following causes of miscarriage:

  1. genetic disorder. In the first weeks of pregnancy, it is important that the fetus has all the organs laid down correctly, which requires 23 chromosomes from the mother and father. If a mutating element is present in one of them, then it is considered incompetent, as a result of which the pregnancy is terminated. Such an element can occur with unfavorable ecology, viruses and occupational hazards.
  2. Hormonal disruptions. Hormones are responsible for a woman's well-being and health. Their imbalance can provoke a miscarriage. Deficiency or excess of the male hormone progesterone also causes this phenomenon. It is important to diagnose hormonal disorders before pregnancy in order to undergo hormone therapy prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Rhesus conflict. In order to avoid termination of pregnancy, before conceiving a child, a man and a woman must take a blood test to determine the group. If a woman has a negative Rh factor, then it is important that the man has the same Rh factor. Otherwise, a Rh conflict may occur when the fetus inherits a positive indicator from the father, and the mother's body perceives its tissues as foreign and does not accept it, thereby saving itself. To eliminate this risk, you should take the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for protecting the embryo during pregnancy.
  4. Infectious pathologies. In the presence of a sexually transmitted infection, it is necessary to cure it before pregnancy, otherwise the fetus will become infected and rejected by the body.
  5. abortion. If a woman has had an abortion before, then there is a high probability of spontaneous miscarriage or infertility.
  6. Taking medication. In the first trimester, it is forbidden to use any drugs to prevent defects in the development of the fetus. You can also not take decoctions based on parsley, nettle and tansy.
  7. Frequent stress and emotional overstrain. Severe stressful and unstable mental state can lead to sudden termination of pregnancy. A patient with such a threat is prescribed sedatives.
  8. Lifestyle. A woman is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol and smoke. You should also adjust the diet and make the diet balanced.
  9. physical impact. Strong loads in the form of lifting weights, unsuccessful falls can lead to miscarriage.
  10. Systemic pathologies of the mother. If a woman has a thyroid disease or autoimmune disorders, then she has an increased risk of spontaneous abortion.

Do not provoke a miscarriage moderate physical activity, sex up to 13 weeks, as well as flying on an airplane.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, special attention is paid to the healthy laying of all organs of the future person, which requires equal 23 chromosomes from mom and dad. And if a mutating element suddenly appears in one of them, then it is recognized as incapacitated, and a miscarriage occurs.

Signs of a miscarriage

Early miscarriage symptoms include:

  • pain syndrome in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • bleeding from the vagina with or without pieces of tissue;
  • excretion of amniotic fluid.

With minor discharge, there is a chance to keep the pregnancy. If the bleeding was accompanied by parts of the embryo, then this indicates a miscarriage that has already occurred.

You can avoid an unpleasant outcome of events if you consult a doctor in a timely manner. This must be done in such cases:

  • spotting at any time;
  • severe pain attack in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort in the groin area, which was not there before;
  • the release of a large amount of fluid;
  • weak state of the body;
  • heat.

To diagnose the symptoms of miscarriage in early pregnancy, the following research methods are used:

  • PAP test.

With ultrasound, the doctor can identify the fetus from 3-4 weeks of pregnancy. A few weeks later, a pronounced fetal heartbeat appears. If, with minor spotting, a specialist detected a fetal heartbeat, then the probability of carrying a pregnancy to term exceeds 95%. If bleeding is combined with a damaged fetus, the embryo is too small, and there is no heartbeat, then abortion is an inevitable procedure.

Important! Quite often, with bleeding, ultrasound shows a retrochorial hematoma. It is not dangerous unless it is large. In the case of severe detachment and large hematoma, the risk of abortion and heavy bleeding increases significantly.

The study of chorionic gonadotropin is usually carried out only in the early stages, when ultrasound does not yet show the vital activity of the embryo. If the period is no more than 4 weeks, and the fetus is not found, then there is a need to determine hCG 2 times, with an interval of 2 days. Depending on the results obtained, an ultrasound is prescribed or a termination of pregnancy is ascertained.

In some cases, with bleeding, a smear is made for oncocytology. Such a measure is necessary if a live embryo was detected on ultrasound, a hematoma in the chorion region was not detected, but the bleeding does not stop. A smear helps rule out cervical cancer.

If you still have a miscarriage at an early date, be sure to consult a doctor to find out if a cleaning is needed. The specialist will examine you and write recommendations

How does an early miscarriage happen?

At first, the woman feels weak and dizzy. She is worried about pain in the lower abdomen. Such symptoms should not be ignored. If a slight bleeding has begun, then timely seeking medical help will help stop it. Usually, a miscarriage occurs at home according to this scheme - a slight delay in menstruation, the test shows 2 strips, then slight spotting appears.

Important! When a woman realizes that she has lost a child, she should consult a doctor, since an early miscarriage without cleaning is almost impossible. Removal of the remaining tissues from the body will be required. If this procedure is not performed, then the remains of the fetus will begin to decompose, which will lead to the spread of harmful microorganisms and the appearance of an inflammatory process.

Cleaning is carried out 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation (after a miscarriage, this is not always possible). Scraping of the remnants of the fetus is carried out on a gynecological chair. First, anesthesia is required, after which the doctor inserts a special dilator into the vagina, which allows you to visually observe the condition of the cervix. Then a probe is inserted into it to inspect the cavity using a portable video camera. For scraping, a surgical instrument is used that looks like a spoon. The specialist carefully removes the surface layer of the uterus, then the resulting material is used in a histological examination. The operation takes an average of 30-45 minutes.


Treatment for a threatened miscarriage depends on the underlying cause. It is impossible to influence the course of events before 3 months of pregnancy. Often, doctors prescribe Tranexam to patients to stop bleeding. If a woman had experience in unsuccessful pregnancies, then Utrozhestan is prescribed to her.

The following drugs do not bring any effect on bleeding:

  • Baralgin;
  • Magne B6;
  • Vitamin E

With a high level of male hormones, a woman is prescribed medication for hyperandrogenism. You can not do without certain drugs with the threat of Rhesus conflict. If the Rh conflict nevertheless arose, then the therapy includes intrauterine blood transfusion to the fetus through the umbilical cord. After birth, the baby will need treatment for jaundice. To do this, it is placed under special blue lamps. Sometimes such treatment is not necessary.

Most patients with a threatened miscarriage in early pregnancy are treated in a hospital setting. In some cases, therapy begins in a hospital, and then the woman may be allowed to go home.

Quite often, the doctor prescribes the drug Duphaston with the threat of miscarriage in the early stages. It is a synthetic analogue of progesterone in tablet form. The dose of the drug is prescribed in each case individually, focusing on the condition of the expectant mother and her hormonal disorders. It should be taken at the full rate until all the symptoms of an early miscarriage disappear. When a woman feels better and there are no signs of a threatening abortion, she is prescribed a “maintenance” dosage of the drug. In case of a repeated threat, the course of treatment must be repeated.

Side effects of the drug Duphaston include:

  • violation of the chair;

With the appearance of pain in the right hypochondrium, as well as with obvious signs of jaundice, you should stop taking Duphaston.

Prevention of miscarriage

Pregnancy planning should be meaningful. A woman should undergo a medical examination to make sure that she is healthy and ready to bear a child. This significantly reduces the potential risks. Expectant parents need to timely stop drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes and uncontrolled intake of any medications.

A woman before conception must treat all existing infectious pathologies. Also, while carrying a child, you should avoid companies with infected people.

It is important for pregnant women to monitor their diet and once again not to be nervous over trifles. If for some reason stressful situations cannot be avoided, then you should take sedatives that your doctor will recommend. Strong physical exertion and blows to the stomach should also be avoided.

If a woman has her first pregnancy at the age of 30-35, then she should especially carefully monitor her health and regularly undergo examinations.

What to do after a miscarriage?

In many cases, abortion cannot be avoided. This situation becomes a huge tragedy for the woman and her loved ones. The natural reaction then is the speedy conception of a new child. However, doctors strongly recommend planning a pregnancy only 6 months after the miscarriage. It is important to take the correct contraceptive during this period. According to statistics, a pregnancy that occurs immediately after a miscarriage has a high risk of also ending with an interruption.

If a woman has a sexually transmitted infection and the bleeding is prolonged, then after a miscarriage it is necessary to take antibacterial drugs. With abundant spotting, you can not do without the use of drugs, which include iron for therapy.

In case of repeated miscarriage (the woman had more than 3 of them), additional procedures are required and all necessary tests must be passed.

Miscarriage is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy, which is accompanied by premature birth of the fetus. This phenomenon most often occurs before 20 weeks.

Classification of miscarriages

Pregnancy is a quivering and full of pleasant expectations time. But sometimes it happens that this state is interrupted. How to determine an early miscarriage? What are its causes and how to prevent it? These questions are asked by many expectant mothers. To prevent complications and unpleasant consequences, you need to know the answer to them.

There are the following types of miscarriages:

  • threat characterized by bloody discharge and uterine contractions. Such spontaneous abortion in most cases can be stopped, and the pregnancy is maintained;
  • an abortion that has begun is characterized by profuse bleeding and cramping pain. It is not possible to save pregnancy in this condition;
  • incomplete abortion occurs in cases of partial rejection of the fetus;
  • complete abortion is carried out with complete rejection of the fetus, in which the uterus contracts and the bleeding stops completely;
  • An ordinary miscarriage is a situation in which a woman has an arbitrary termination of pregnancy for the third time in a row with rejection of the fetus.

Septic miscarriage

This type of spontaneous abortion occurs as a result of infection of the contents of the uterus.

How to determine a miscarriage of a septic nature? The symptoms of this condition cannot be confused with anything. Vaginal discharge acquires an unpleasant odor, bleeding appears, the woman experiences a feverish condition and pain in the lower abdomen. It is impossible to delay calling an ambulance for a septic miscarriage.

What causes a miscarriage?

A miscarriage occurs in 1 out of 6 pregnant women, and most often in the early stages. Experts identify the following most common causes of spontaneous abortion:

  1. Anomalies in the development of the fetus.
  2. Diseases of the immune, cardiovascular, endocrine, excretory system of the mother.
  3. Bad habits.
  4. Rough intercourse.
  5. Wrong way of life.
  6. Viral or bacterial infection. It penetrates the fetal membrane and infects the fetus.
  7. Nervous disorders and quarrels;
  8. Maternal overweight or underweight.
  9. Excessive physical activity and too active sports.
  10. Hormonal disorder.
  11. abortion. Previous abortions can lead to both miscarriage and infertility.
  12. Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  13. Toxic effects on the body (harmful production, poor ecology);
  14. Rhesus conflict, as a result of a mismatch between the Rh factor of the child and the mother.
  15. An accident in which the body primarily fights for the life of a woman.
  16. Age over 35 years (the optimal age for bearing a child is considered to be 20-35 years old) or a recent IVF procedure.
  17. Eating herbs with abortive properties (tansy, thyme, parsley).
  18. Anomalies of the uterus.
  19. Some medicines.

For the most part, spontaneous abortion occurs in the early stages, when a woman is not even aware of the pregnancy that has begun. In this case, the fetal egg is excreted from the body along with menstruation.

Future parents should responsibly approach the process of preparing for childbirth, change their lifestyle and treat all existing diseases.

Symptoms of a miscarriage

If symptoms of spontaneous abortion are detected, a woman should immediately seek medical help. Spontaneous abortion can be evidenced by:

  • unexplained and sudden weight loss;
  • disappearance of pregnancy symptoms (breast swelling, toxicosis, drowsiness);
  • false contractions;
  • real contractions, accompanied by severe pain and periodicity;
  • violations of the digestive tract;
  • red, brownish or dark brown discharge;
  • bleeding of increased intensity with clots, cramps and pain in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region;
  • any unusual vaginal discharge.

The most basic signs that help determine the onset of a miscarriage are pain and bleeding. Threat discharge may not be red, but brown. But this factor should not embarrass the expectant mother and force her to seek help from a doctor.

An increase in the tone of the uterus is also a sign of an imminent abortion, but only in cases where it is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen. To avoid such a combination of circumstances, you can refuse to lift weights and exercise.

With a frozen or ectopic pregnancy, a complete miscarriage does not always occur, so a visit to the doctor with the symptoms described is mandatory.

Early miscarriage

How to identify an early miscarriage and not confuse its symptoms with the usual pregnancy companions? Very simple: you need to try to know the exact symptoms.

Rejection of the fetal egg can occur in the early stages of pregnancy without any, at first glance, reasons. However, it often happens that the rejection of the fetus occurs already after a few weeks from the moment the development of the embryo stops. The reasons for this may be:

  • incorrect implantation of the embryo to the wall of the uterus;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • chromosomal mutations;
  • pathology of the uterus;
  • intrauterine infection;
  • mechanical damage to the fetal bladder under impact;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • previous spontaneous abortions.

It is possible to determine unequivocally a miscarriage in the early stages by the occurrence of convulsions, bleeding and blood clots in the discharge. If a piece of tissue is observed in the discharge, similar to a burst bubble, then it can be argued that the miscarriage has already occurred.

When does a miscarriage occur?

Most often, miscarriage occurs in the early stages of pregnancy (2-3 weeks). The woman does not even suspect that it happened. It is almost impossible to determine an early miscarriage on your own, it resembles normal menstruation and is accompanied by the same symptoms (pain in the lower abdomen and bleeding).

Much less often, a miscarriage occurs from 3 to 20 weeks of pregnancy. And if spontaneous rejection of the fetus occurred after 20 weeks, then this phenomenon is called stillbirth.

How to determine a miscarriage?

In order not to get confused during a spontaneous abortion and thereby not cause complications, you need to remember that:

  • miscarriage does not occur instantly, but lasts for several hours or days;
  • at the stage of a threatened miscarriage, a woman should consult a doctor with spotting or pain in the lower abdomen, then the pregnancy can still be saved;
  • the inevitable abortion can no longer be stopped, but you can call an ambulance.

How to determine what is happening - miscarriage or menstruation? If a woman is not yet aware of her interesting situation, but is waiting for the imminent arrival of menstruation, then the delay should be the first wake-up call. When the arrival of menstruation has shifted by several days, and after the start, blood clots are observed in the discharge, this indicates a miscarriage in the early stages. Postponing an appointment with a doctor can be dangerous for a woman's health.

The doctor will be able to determine the miscarriage that has occurred by conducting an ultrasound diagnosis, listening to the fetal heart rate, and passing an analysis to determine the level of hCG in the blood.

If there are pieces of tissue in the spotting of a pregnant woman, then it is advisable to put them in a sterile container and take them to a doctor, this will help the doctor determine a possible miscarriage and prevent the development of complications.

If an incomplete abortion has occurred, then medical or mechanical cleaning may be prescribed to free the uterine cavity.

When the threat of fetal rejection is associated with a loose closure of the cervix, then special rings are placed on it. Shortly before the baby is born, the doctor will have to remove them.

Treatment after determining a miscarriage

If a threat of miscarriage is detected in the early stages or later, the doctor recommends that the patient observe bed rest, sexual rest and try to move less. At this time, a woman should try to avoid stressful situations and be less nervous in order to maintain a pregnancy. If the patient is too impressionable and emotional, then she is prescribed drugs that calm the nervous system (valerian or motherwort).

The next step in treatment should be getting rid of the cause of the miscarriage. Hormonal drugs (Dufaston, Utrozhestan) or even surgery can be used.

But one of the factors contributing to the speedy recovery of the body, doctors consider a positive attitude. Thanks to him, it is possible not only to save the pregnancy, but to facilitate the process of childbirth.


To minimize the risk of miscarriage, you must follow the following rules.