Conspiracy to lose weight green onions. Self-conspiracy for soap to lose weight soon. Pig weight loss spell

A weight loss conspiracy is an effective way to lose extra pounds, but you should not forget about training. Magic will help if you believe in it and follow the recommendations, alternating them with going to the gym, dieting, counting calories, or at least with regular walks in the evenings.

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General rules for the ceremony

Before starting weight loss rituals, it is worth carefully studying the conspiracy used and its meaning.

When resorting to the help of magic, you must:

  • strictly observe the sequence of rituals;
  • believe in the result;
  • perform magical manipulations on an empty stomach;
  • be in a good mood;
  • be able to wait.

Conspiracies to lose weight

There are many strong conspiracies and rituals that have come from the depths of centuries and have been tested by not a single generation who want to part with excess fat.

To the waning moon

Almost all spells are read on the waning moon. It is believed that it was at this time that she was able to pick up or weaken something. You need to read the plot, looking at the luminary, on the street, without looking away.

To the growing moon

This is the only working ritual performed on the growing moon. To carry it out, you need to start preparing before the new moon. At this time, before going to bed, those who want to lose weight should pray three times, reading "Our Father", until the day before the new moon. Then, for three nights, looking at the growing month, stroke problem areas clockwise and sentence.

On the water

Water spoken for a good figure:

  • drank;
  • bathed in it;
  • washed the body;
  • face.

Some of the strongest spells and rituals are made on the water. Because she absorbs magic and is able to transmit information, helping to achieve the goal.

A strand of hair

On a full moon, a glass of water is placed on the window so that the moonlight is reflected in it. The next night, a strand of hair is cut off. It should be soaked in this water and run with a wet strand in all places where you want to remove excess. After that, the strand will need to be wrapped in paper and burned. The ashes are thrown into the water and the plot is read nine times. After that, the water is poured onto the ground so that it is quickly absorbed. Repeat the steps for 9 days.

Glass of water and moonlight

They speak water in a glass exposed to the open sky. Ideally, catch the reflection of moonlight in the water. A plot is read over the water seven times, after which the glass is placed in the refrigerator. You need to drink it before meals for about half a glass.

It is believed that this procedure will help to feel less hungry and reduce appetite.

To reduce appetite

Another water conspiracy is designed to reduce appetite. To perform the ritual, you need to pour water into an uncut glass and read the words three times.


In this case, those who want to find a flat stomach pour a bath, draw hot or warm water, put a pectoral cross.

Then, the cross is taken out and added to the bath:

  • a glass of cow's milk;
  • a glass of holy water;
  • petals of three different roses (color is not important);
  • thread or braid (15-20 cm).

Those who want to lose weight go to the prepared bathroom and lie there until the water temperature becomes comparable to body temperature.

After the water in the basin has cooled, it is collected in a container.

After the twelfth reading, stand in the basin and pour the water over yourself. All the remaining liquid must be collected and poured out at three intersections.

For washing

Another conspiracy for water is read during the waning moon. To do this, you need to pour water into the basin, and whisper on it so that the breath touches the water.

With charmed water, they wash themselves very diligently and abundantly and go to bed, the rest is drained.

Prayer for the growing moon

In addition to conspiracies, prayers also help to lose weight. You can ask for higher powers arbitrarily. However, believers testify that the most powerful prayer for weight loss is a request for the taming of the womb, addressed to the Lord.

On the toilet

They read a conspiracy to lose weight and while in the toilet. In the process of defecation, those who want to lose weight read the following words.

The plot can be repeated regularly.

On the snow

Another effective plot for harmony is read on the first snow, which was collected from tree branches. They rub problem areas by saying the words below.

For bread

They talk about weight loss and bread, which in the future will be given to the birds.

A strong conspiracy, designed to help lose weight, is read on water, which is splashed on a stove or on a steam stove. Read it, leaning over the ladle.

Rinsing in the bath, the saying below will help you lose weight.

On wool thread

Magicians perform an effective weight loss ritual with a thread. A powerful plot on a blue woolen thread is carried out on the waning moon. It is read fifteen times over a glass of water and thread.

Then the thread is tied around the base of the ring and middle fingers. The charmed water must be drunk, divided equally, in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed.

Green tea conspiracy

According to the reviews of those who lose weight, a conspiracy to green tea effectively helps. It is read over a cup at least 2 times a day. The drink for the ritual should be without sugar, honey, sweets and any additives. They drink it confidently while pronouncing a conspiracy.

The ritual should begin from the first day of the waning moon. Spend it daily for a month.

apple conspiracy

A magical rite is also performed over an apple. They speak it every time they want to bite off a piece.

Comb conspiracy

Another strong ritual for quick weight loss is carried out on a comb and two red candles. The comb for the ritual is bought on Saturday, and the action itself is carried out on Friday or Monday morning.

In the morning, those who want to lose weight should wash themselves with cold water, put lit candles in front of them, and a purchased comb in front of them. Looking at her, you need to imagine your body slender, take a look at yourself with an inner eye. At the same time, it is important to maintain a positive attitude and high spirits. It is important to see yourself as if losing weight has already happened. Visualization should be continued until the imagination builds a picture as realistic as possible. Then you should open your eyes and, looking at the comb, utter a conspiracy.

You will need to repeat the procedure once a month, reciting the spell.

For a candle

A candle helps those who wish to lose excess. You need to read the plot on it at sunset on the first day of the waning moon. It is important that a clear, clear sunset is visible from the window. Words must be pronounced when the solar disk touches the earth and finish at the moment when it disappears beyond the horizon.

For the ritual, a red wax candle is taken and lit at the moment the plot is recited.

At the moment when the sun hides behind the horizon, the candle must be extinguished with the thumb of the left hand and the little finger. The remaining fingers should be pressed against each other, if it was not possible to extinguish the candle, then excess weight is the result of damage.

After the ritual, the stub of the candle should be placed under the pillow and not told to anyone about it. Before going to bed, you should read "Our Father". Sleep this night should be strong.

Vanga's conspiracy

Another strong conspiracy is attributed to the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, who, in addition to global problems, helped people solve daily ones.

They read the plot at midnight, every day, while the moon is waning. The effectiveness of words is enhanced by imagining the result. The brighter the visualization, the faster the result will be visible. The clairvoyant also recommended working on the perception of the world, which is the cause of all troubles, including being overweight.

On the talisman

You can also say weight loss on a talisman that is tied around the body (belt, thread, chain, etc.), the item must be suitable for constant wear.

At midnight, looking at the subject, they read the plot.

On honey

For those with a sweet tooth who want to lose weight, a conspiracy for honey is suitable. For these purposes, liquid natural honey is chosen. He is slandered on Monday on the waning moon.

Every morning you will need to dissolve a teaspoon of charmed honey in water and drink it.

Powerful doll ritual for quick weight loss

A quick weight loss is guaranteed by the doll ritual performed on the night of the waning moon. It is molded from wax (hard dough, clay, plasticine) with forms of obvious obesity and is called by its name. Until the wax has hardened, you should start reading the plot.

This must be done in such a way as to have time to tear off pieces of wax from the abdomen, sides, thighs and buttocks. When conducting a magical ritual, one should imagine how the body becomes slim and beautiful.

At the end of the ritual, everything torn off must be burned. The doll must be hidden and not shown to anyone. No one should be told that such a ritual was carried out at all. Magicians recommend forgetting about the manipulation and just enjoy the result.

What could be the consequences?

Before you start trying conspiracies and magical rituals on yourself, you need to understand that magic is an ancient force based on genetic memory. Not many people know that the word "weight loss" for our ancestors was akin to damage. "Bad" was sent to enemies, and by reading the wrong plot, you can attract not harmony, but endless problems. Moreover, conspiracies that send “bad” to a person are black magic, which means they need to be used with caution.

After studying the reviews of those who performed the ritual for weight loss, experienced magicians recommend not using all magical means at once. It is necessary to conduct at least one of them and look at the consequences. The first reaction will show how the body perceives interference in the aura.

If the weight began to go away too rapidly, the ritual is no longer necessary. However, if, after magical manipulations, the figure on the scales began to grow, try to analyze what could cause such an effect.


A weight loss conspiracy is one of the tools to combat excess weight. They resort to it after diets, increased loads do not give a positive result. A person eats in small portions, tries not to eat after 18.00 in the evening, runs in the morning, and the weight remains in place or is added. It would seem that this cannot be, but the reviews say the opposite.

The problem of excess weight is dealt with by black and white magicians. The end goal is the same, but the methods to achieve it are different. It should be noted right away that black magic conspiracies act faster, but the consequences can be unpredictable. White magic calls for the help of saints, elements, heavenly bodies, dumps negativity on water, trees, swamps, stones, earth. Black magic turns to the dead, demons, dark spirits for help, dumps negativity on another person.

Is it possible to remove fat with the help of a weight loss plot - yes! But for this, certain conditions must be met. It is worth resorting to magical actions when all the options have been tried - diets, sports, but the result could not be obtained. There is no reasonable explanation for where the excess weight comes from, why it does not go away. In this case, they say that it was not without magic, and the situation should also be corrected by magical actions. Otherwise, success will not be seen.

Do not think that after the ritual you can fold your hands, just wait. You need to continue to stick to a diet, exercise. Only in this case, the result will be visible, and extra pounds will come off in a matter of days.

Rules for holding

It is necessary to clearly understand for yourself that magic affects the fate, well-being of a person, health, even if he does not really believe in it, he performed a ritual for the sake of interest. So don't get into it if you're not ready.

Do not use rituals, conspiracies of black magic. Because she doesn't make mistakes. Any incorrectly performed ritual, a conspiracy read with errors, can lead to serious consequences. The simplest thing that can be is uncontrolled weight loss after the desired result has already been achieved. If you have already decided to resort to the help of black magic, you should contact the experts. But you also need to remember that magicians relieve themselves of all responsibility, and only you will have to pay to higher powers.

White magic also has its own rules. Violation often leads to the fact that the desired result does not occur.

  • Rituals should be performed during the full moon or on the waning moon. Everything that a person wants to get rid of is carried out during this period. Then, as the size of the heavenly body decreases, excess weight will disappear.
  • It is allowed to read from a piece of paper, where the words are written in one's own hand, in legible handwriting, so that there is no hitch. Reading from screens, monitors of a phone, computer, tablet, laptop is not allowed.
  • You need to carry out the ritual all alone or find a room where no one will interfere. The best option is when the rest of the family will sleep soundly.
  • In the process of selecting an effective conspiracy, ambiguous phrases should be avoided. It is necessary to indicate exactly how much the body should lose weight, which figure is desired. Otherwise, the magic will continue to work, a person instead of an ideal figure will receive skin and bones.
  • You need an inner mind. You must firmly believe that the conspiracy will work, the weight loss program will work.
  • Carrying out a weight loss ritual in most cases involves a cycle of repetitions - from 3 days to a month. Interruption is not allowed.

Finding the right plot is not so difficult. All of them are effective, if backed up by their strong energy, do everything right. What ritual to carry out, the subconscious will tell. Read whatever you like - yours. And one more nuance - if the ritual did not work, perhaps it did not have enough strength. This happens if the damage was caused by a specialist in black magic. In this case, several rituals are required or the help of an experienced magician.

Strong conspiracy to lose weight

You need to start the ritual a week before the full moon. You will need a church wax candle. With the onset of darkness, it is melted, then a cylinder is formed. They cut off parts from it, exactly as much as you need to lose kilograms in a month. Put the pieces together again, melt. Form a ball, put under the pillow before the full moon.

On a full moon, choose a room where the light from the heavenly body falls. Take a ball in the palm of your hand, close your eyes, mentally imagine how excess weight disappears. Draw a circle with chalk in a room where the light of the moon falls well. Allowed on the windowsill. A ball is placed in the center, left until the morning.

The next day, they pinch off a piece of wax, throw it into a bowl, melt it, and say:

“As this wax melts, so the fat inside burns. It leaves me and doesn't come back. Amen!"

Magicians often turn to heavenly bodies for help. If the sun helps to gain wealth, self-confidence, make the right decision, the moon solves the problems of beauty, health, peace of mind, family well-being. With the problem of losing weight, you can turn to her. The rule is relevant when the plot is read on the waning moon.

To connect with higher powers so that they hear the request, they use a wax church candle. Lit in a room where the moon is visible. They walk with candles to the window, they say the words:

“You see the moon, you know all my secrets.

You see how I suffer, how excess fat prevents me from living.

You can do everything, you can do everything!

Take the extra weight off me, give me the perfect figure.

Do not ask for much, save me from (how many exactly) kilograms.

Remove fat from the abdomen, thighs, sides, buttocks, chin.

As you begin to subside, so the fat will melt.


With these words, the candle is extinguished. It is allowed to repeat the ritual the next month if the result is not very satisfactory.

It is allowed to conduct a ritual during a young month, but there is one feature. They ask not to get rid of excess weight, fat, but to add beauty. Each person has their own concept of beauty. Therefore, during the ritual, you need to visualize your future image, clearly present the picture, fix it in your memory.

The main attribute of the magical rite is a large mirror. In addition, you will need 2 wax candles. The ritual is performed in the nude. There should not be anything buttoned up or tied on the body. I'll have to take off my jewelry, let my hair down.

On both sides of the mirror, candles are lit, they look at their reflection, they imagine how the figure changes, becomes ideal. Words are spoken:

“In the ninth kingdom in the thirtieth state lives a beautiful princess.

Everyone admires her beauty, but marvels, but is touched.

The legs are slender, the arms are thin, the face is chiseled, devoid of a fat chin.

The figurine is slender, beautiful, but pleasing to everyone.

I will also be as beautiful as a queen.

Everyone will turn to me, be surprised at my beauty.

It is allowed to perform a ritual every month to maintain the result, self-affirmation.

Full moon spell for weight loss

A particularly strong ritual is performed on the night of the full moon. You will need a large wax candle, bought in the church specifically for the ritual. Held at 12 noon. They melt a candle, let it cool a little, make a doll. The figure should resemble you. Problem areas should be clearly identified. On the reverse side of the doll write their name with a needle. Start the ritual.

Read the plot, simultaneously perform actions. They form an ideal figure by pinching or cutting off the wax from the sides, on the stomach, hips, chin, and other places where there is excess weight.

“Wax melts, molds, and is easy to remove.

So my body fat goes away, disappears, the body is transformed.

Every day I am slimmer, prettier, thinner.

As this doll is slender and thin, so I should be like this until the next full moon.

No sooner said than done!"

The wax figurine is wrapped in black cloth and hidden in a secluded place. If someone finds it, picks it up, the ritual will be interrupted.

Soap conspiracy

Strong rituals are performed during bathing activities. It is recommended to resort to this method if extraneous magical influence is clearly felt. Water cleanses of negativity, and soap serves as a tool for the formation of a new program.

A piece of soap should be spoken by candlelight. Also, you should put an icon in front of you. Since there will be a removal of the negative. Protection must be present. They put soap in front of them, read the plot.

“Take it from me, but let it go through the water

Everything sent, everything sent, spoken, spoken.

Release me from bonds, take my body from the pool.

The fat on me is not mine, let it go sideways.

Give me back my body, save my beauty.

Let it be so!"

Blow out the candles. You will need to bathe with this soap every evening during the waning moon. If the skin does not perceive soap, you can speak the gel.

Being in the shower, say the phrase: “Words are strong, the will is strong. Do not interrupt anyone, do not change, as she said, it will come true! Amen!"

Most rituals are performed after dark, before going to bed. The peculiarity of this rite is that a person will lose weight in a dream. Bathing procedures are carried out, nightwear is put on, a wax candle is lit.

The spell is read:

“Like a little night hides all secrets, protects everything secret, but sends dreams.

As a person sleeps, yes, he rests in a dream.

So I will gain strength, get prettier, and prettier.

Wake up in the morning thinner.

The fat will leave me, but it won't come back.

I will become slim, beautiful for everyone to see.

Give me a good night's sleep, but soon lose weight.

Let it be so!"

They perform the ritual on the waning moon until a new month appears. The more the plot is read, the stronger the action.

Conspiracy on water for weight loss

There are several options. They drink the charmed water, sprinkle it on themselves, take a bath. For this ritual, you will need holy water or, in extreme cases, spring water. It takes a little, because speaking 1 glass, you can add a few drops to any drink, bath.

“Just as water washes away everything, so the fat in me will begin to destroy, relieve me of excess weight.

With each sip, the fat goes away, the body becomes slimmer, but prettier. Amen!"

Take a bath of water, add charmed water, a little drop of holy water. Ritual words:

"The fat man walked on the ground,

Yes, he ate everything, chewed everything, drank water.

By the time I got home, I was sweating all over,

Then he swam, but lost weight.

So I’ll go into the bath fat, and I’ll come out of it thin.

Let it be so!"

It is allowed to combine two rituals to speed up the effect.

Conspiracy of Appetite

If a person cannot control his brutal appetite, the desire to eat tightly, a special ritual is performed. You will need a wax church candle, a slice of black bread, water, salt. Perform the ritual early in the morning.

They light a candle. Put the bread on a plate, sprinkle with salt. Place a glass of water nearby. Read the plot, perform the action.

“I will pacify the hunger, I will persuade, I will speak.

He will not torment me, call me to food, and force me to chew.

As I eat bread and salt, so we eat. Enough for the whole day.

(bite bread)

As soon as I drink some water, I'll get drunk in full. I'm thirsty.

(Take a sip)

I will be calm about food, walk past, but not covet.

Let it be so!"

The charmed bread must be eaten completely, water should be drunk. During the day, you will want to eat, but not so much. The gluttony will stop.

A ritual is performed with church wax candles. Which moon in the sky does not play a role here. Coming at nightfall. The ritual is performed in complete solitude. They scratch their name on the candle with a needle. Light up, read the plot:

“As the wax melts, melts, the candle decreases in size,

So the fat from my body will come off, melt, and disappear.

The candle will burn, go out, and with it my fat will cease to be deposited.

It will decline, I will return a slender body.

Let it be so!"

Leave the candle to burn out completely.

Strong conspiracy from Vanga

The healer advised everyone to forgive, not to wish harm to anyone, not to envy. Under these conditions, my conspiracy to act with extraordinary force. The most effective way to quickly remove fat from Vanga is with water at bedtime. There must be a full moon in the sky or a waning period. Go to the window with a glass of water, read the plot:

“The moon is waning, and the body is losing weight.

Let the night luminary be full and round, and I am thin and slender.

All my fat will go to the moon, she will add beauty, and save my body.

My word is firm, my will is strong.

Drink water, go to bed. You can repeat the ritual every evening, while the moon is waning.

The drink has the ability to increase metabolism, burn calories, stimulate metabolism. To make its action even stronger, they read the plot.

“The tea is warm, the tea is delicious. Yes, not for completeness, for the benefit, for thinness.

As I drink a sip, the fat will shake, as I drink another, it will dissolve.

And with the third sip it will leave the body, but will not return back.

Let it be so!"

You can read the plot every morning at breakfast. Words are simple, easy to remember, easy to memorize. Within a week, changes in appearance for the better will begin.

Conspiracies from the movie "The Fortuneteller"

In one episode there was a story about how a young girl began to rapidly gain weight. Literally in a month she turned into a fat woman, although she had not suffered from excess weight before, she was always slim. The fortune-teller saw on her the damage that a friend brought through her black envy. Later it turned out that this was done through a small mirror.

To stop the action of magic, the fortuneteller advised to perform a simple ritual.

“Like water destroys everything, carries it away with it, and fills it with new water.

So take away the fat from me, take away my fullness.

Let it be so!"

At the next session, the fortuneteller figured out who sent the damage, who should have returned the mirror. And in order for the magic to finally dissipate, it was necessary to perform a ritual with a candle.

Light up after sunset, say the words:

“As the candle melts, so the fat drains from me.

As wax melts, so fullness comes off on me.

Don't come back.

Candle burn with fire, protect me, save me from evil,

Give me beauty, thinness back!

It takes 3 days to burn the candle. Repeat the spell. On the third day, leave to burn out completely.

Consequences of conspiracies

How quickly the desired result will appear depends on several factors. The correctness of the ritual, the reasons for completeness. If a girl is subjected to severe damage, it is necessary to initially neutralize it, and only then proceed to reading conspiracies for weight loss. Otherwise, the result will either not be at all, or it will be short-lived. With the right ritual, fullness, excess weight go away within 2 weeks, a maximum of a month.

Many girls, in pursuit of a beautiful figure, follow a certain diet or want to go to the gym. However, you can also use an extraordinary way to lose weight - read the plot.

Women have been using the conspiracy to lose weight for a long time. Slender legs and a wasp waist have always attracted men, but not every girl was ready to endure diets. Then white magic came to the rescue.

In theory, with the help of magic spells and rituals, diseases of various kinds can be treated, including diseases associated with gaining excess weight. However, some conspiracies can carry the strongest negative consequences.

Weight loss conspiracies have the same power as love spells, therefore, if you decide to try prayers and conspiracies as an analogue of a diet, this issue must be approached seriously and with caution.

Weight loss rituals should be made by experienced professionals. Magician Samir Ali, sorceress Karina Taro and esoteric Martina are among the most sought-after professionals in this field. Their plots are tested and effective. If you are a beginner and unfamiliar with magical rites, be careful about choosing a ritual so as not to harm yourself with advice from unreliable sources.

Weight loss options with the help of magic

There are many rituals for weight loss that can be performed without experience in magic:

  • Simoron rituals for weight loss.
  • A magical conspiracy to lose weight on the old New Year, on Epiphany or on Christmas night.
  • Transfer conspiracies - with their help, the weight is shifted to another person.
  • Conspiracies carried out by a fortune teller. Fortune telling can suggest the right course of action for a quick positive result.
  • A conspiracy on a personal item that is used everyday. A comb, soap or belt is used more often than a candle, so it is better to make a ceremony for something that is more convenient and practical.
  • Oil magic rite for weight loss.
  • Conspiracies for food: apple, green tea, carrots, onions, honey. Magic can affect food and make a powerful fat burner out of an ordinary product.
  • Conspiracy for potato juice. It is necessary to wipe the problem areas with a small amount of potato juice, mentally imagining how the juice burns fat, and saying a prayer: “Fat is gone forever, far from me. Won't come back for anything, ever. Only me and my thinness remained here. I will always be slim, this is my destiny. Amen".
  • Magic ritual for a pig. The figurine of a pig must be spoken and buried in the ground.
  • Voodoo doll ritual You need to be able to handle the doll so as not to cause damage, so you should not perform it yourself.

Conspiracy from the Great Vanga

One of the most effective rituals is considered to be conspiracies from the healer Vanga for weight loss. An effective weight loss ritual from Vanga can be done at home. It will help you quickly remove fat on the abdomen, hips and legs, and also completely heal the body, help you gain the missing pounds. You can cancel the ceremony at any time. It is the simplest and most harmless, helps to achieve a quick effect.

Conspiracies from Vanga are read on the waning moon.

The best time for the ceremony is Saturday, at midnight, well at Christmas. In order for words to have the desired magical properties, they must be positively charged. To achieve the goal, it is very important to properly reconfigure your thoughts. Also, no one should know about the ceremony.

To attract magical power and result, it is necessary to carry out at least 2-3 rites. The current rituals at night before going to bed for 9 days are one of the most effective.

Ritual on the water

For the ceremony, you need a container with water from a spring or well. At night, when the moon is shining in the sky, you need to sit near the window and focus on your main desire - to lose weight. Looking at the water, say this spell:

“As the moon wanes, so I (my name) lose weight. The moon will become full and round, I will be thin and slender. As you, the moon, decrease, so I (name) lose weight and become good. The moon took my extra weight, I lost weight. Slenderness came to me forever. I back up my words with strong will and fire. Yes, it will be as it is. Amen".

After reading the plot, you need to drink water and go to bed.

Ritual to the Moon

To use the magical power of the moon, you need to start reading one of the current conspiracies:

  • “The moon burns brightly in the sky, taking away my excess weight forever. As it decreases, so my fullness disappears. Take my fat, dear moon, you will do it today in full. A new image is waiting for me. So be it, it is my will. Amen".
  • “How beautiful are you the moon! You don't want to eat, which is good. Tell your secret, help for ages. Let the trouble go away - my fullness. Let the appetite go away, I will become slim. No wonder you come, you take away my fat, you bring harmony. Thank you. Amen".

Adhering to the accuracy of the said text of the prayer, you can avoid the bad consequences of weight loss conspiracies.

Conspiracies for the night

This is the safest option for a weight loss ceremony - to speak a shower towel. After finishing the water procedures before going to bed, you need to say the following words on a towel:

"Because I'm wiping water off my body, I'm also removing excess fat now."

After that, you should wrap yourself with this towel, rubbing each problem area with it and constantly saying:

“I wipe myself with you, I remove excess weight. I become slim, I become beautiful, oh, how wonderful, oh, how wonderful.

After you have completely wiped yourself from the water, holding a towel in your hands, you need to say:

“As I shake the towel, so I drive off excess fat. Get away! Get away! Get out! After repeating this several times, you need to shake the towel and leave it to dry.

This weight loss conspiracy should be repeated every evening for 7 days.

Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova

Another effective way to defeat obesity is to use a strong conspiracy from the famous healer Natalya Stepanova. This weight loss conspiracy is simple, practical and effective. The secret lies in the fact that Natalia charges the words of prayers with powerful impulses that have a strong effect on the subconscious, which leads to changes in the body and relieves it of excess fat.

You can use a strong conspiracy of a Siberian healer to lose weight in conjunction with other rites for weight loss. This is a good way to enhance the effect of the process of losing excess weight, remove fat quickly and permanently.

  • The ceremony should coincide with the period of the waning of the moon. Its duration is 3 days.
  • Before going to bed, you need to pour spring water into a glass.
  • Put a glass of water near you, light a candle nearby and in such conditions, looking at the water, say: “Water gets into me and displaces everything unnecessary. Extra pounds decrease, and beauty arrives. The moon has gone and taken the excess with it. A new moon is born, a new life begins. Amen".
  • You need to pronounce the plot 3 times, then drink water and fall asleep.
  • The rite must be kept secret and not told to anyone about it, so that the conspiracy is strong. Otherwise, you will not achieve the desired results.

Conspiracy to lose weight in the toilet

An effective ritual to reduce excess weight with the help of a toilet, which does not force you to give up your favorite food by force - after this rite, your appetite will disappear by itself. It is important to properly prepare for the ceremony.

The ritual for losing weight in the toilet does not require much time - you only need to read the plot once a day. You can also spend it in the bath.

To perform the ceremony, you need to retire to the toilet, focus on your desire to lose weight and read aloud such a conspiracy:

“I went to the toilet, threw off the fat. Fat comes off my body, like unnecessary leaves. It does not grow, but floats faster and faster. Forever floats away."

After the end of the rite, the magic begins to act. The water in the toilet must be flushed, after throwing some toilet paper into it.

Conspiracy on yourself

A proven conspiracy for weight loss, which requires compliance with all stages and recommendations:

  • 7 days before the full moon, you need to determine the desired results.
  • Visualize in numbers how many kg you need to lose.
  • Take beeswax and roll it into a cylindrical figure of medium thickness.
  • Cut off a small piece from the figure, saying: "1 kilogram, 2 kilograms, 3rd." You need to cut off the number of pieces you need for weight loss.
  • The cut off wax parts should be melted down and formed from them into a common mass in the form of a ball. This mass will symbolize extra pounds.
  • You need to put a mass of wax under your pillow, tie a red thread on your hand. On the full moon, you need to get the wax, hold it in your palms, close your eyes and imagine that this is unnecessary fat. Then visualize the picture: you are thinner, beautiful, you feel light and free. Absolutely happy and satisfied, got the desired result!
  • You should choose a place in the apartment with good moonlight. Here, using chalk, draw a small circle, inside which you need to put wax. From above, for the best effect, you can draw a runic becoming - a special sign that helps in the fulfillment of desires.
  • In the morning, you should cut off a small piece from the left wax mass, melt it, mentally imagine that this is excess fat melting. Uncured wax must be thrown out the door.

It is necessary to repeat the ceremony every day. Calculate your actions so that there is enough wax for the beginning of the new month of the moon.


In the fight against excess weight, when diets, fitness and medications do not help much, you can turn to magic for help. In order for magical rites to really help, they must be carried out in accordance with all requirements, regularly and correctly. To achieve the desired result, you need to put a lot of effort and effort even in working with magic.

Everything that surrounds us: the trees around, the water in the rivers, the earth under our feet - everything is interconnected by some threads of energy, having learned to manage which, you can change life for the better. The control of these threads is called magic.

Magic is used by people for different purposes:

  • to cure diseases;
  • to conquer love energy;
  • for money and good luck.

But, no doubt, every person has a desire to be beautiful. Many women and men daily struggle with excess weight, not even realizing that some magical knowledge could greatly facilitate their task in this difficult competition with themselves and with their bodies.

Of course, having agreed to use magic for weight loss, a person needs to know exactly how higher powers will help him transform and change his life forever. In fact, any conspiracy or rite for weight loss not only helps to lose weight, but also modulates the human subconscious to a new lifestyle that will help him maintain the result. That same energy will be directed to removing the desire to have a bite, as well as to calm the nervous system and harmonize the work of the entire body of a person who is losing weight.

Human, dieter, must understand that a change in the usual way of life and a previously established diet will irreversibly cause stress for the body. Most failures in weight loss occur for this reason. As you know, long-term attempts to lose weight, which are periodically replaced by breakdowns and overeating, turn on the “fat reserve” mode in the body, which leads to even more weight gain, not to mention harm to health.

The most powerful conspiracies

The topic of weight loss is very relevant today., because from TV screens and web pages on the Internet, we are not advertised by Ruben's women with their curvaceous forms, but slender and long-legged beauties.

Due to demand, it’s easy enough to find a lot of weight loss conspiracies, weight loss rituals and other magical methods on the network that can be quite effective in the fight against hated kilograms.

The most effective of them is considered to be magical prayers for personal items and water. It is quite simple to explain this, because a person’s personal thing, especially the one that he often uses, absorbs his energy, respectively, with a magical effect, it will be easier to redirect it to losing weight. As for the water, then knowledgeable magicians know that it is this substance that has a special ability to remember and transmit the necessary information.

Before bedtime

Before you start getting ready for bed, you should conduct a special home ritual, for which you will need a sponge and a bowl of water. Over the same basin, you need to wash your body with a sponge soaked in water, trying to return as much liquid as possible to the basin. Further, water should be drawn from it into a glass, which is placed at the head of the bed. Above the glass you will need to read the following prayer:

“What makes me fat, what wanders in my body - let it go into water. Just as this water has rolled down from my body, so will my fullness roll down. Let it be so!"

At the onset of the morning, as soon as the losing weight wakes up, he should comb his hair, and then take the previously mentioned glass in his left hand in order to say the following prayer over it three times:

“Damn brothers, children, children, I call you all, I invite you all. Go around me, take my zhor, take it away for 33 miles to the red eel, take it to the demonic courtyard, block the way back to me. So that he didn’t call me to the table, didn’t embarrass my mind, didn’t torture me with the smell of food, didn’t tear my guts, didn’t growl in my stomach. The strength of demons - lay off the hungry strength from me, that which beckons to food, that which draws to food. As this water, spilling, dries up, so let my hunger dry up from me, burn out, melt, no longer shake my soul. Let it be so."

Repeating the plot for the last time, after the words “so be it”, the water from the glass is splashed onto the ground or wall, where it can dry faster. At the conclusion of the ritual, the losing weight should turn around and throw a coin at the place where he spilled water over his left shoulder, saying “paid”. The ritual should be carried out for 13 days. On the 14th, a glass from which water poured out, they fill it with vodka and take it to the crossroads, while saying the following words:

"To hell - damn, but to me - mine."

For a glass of melted water

To carry out this ritual for weight loss, you should wait for the waning moon. It is during this period that weight loss conspiracies are considered the most effective. pronounced over a glass of water, which losing weight will have to drink. This ritual is carried out for 9 days in a row.

“The waning moon is for me to lose weight. The moon has beautiful horns - I have a slender body. By my word. Deed, Luna, yours.

To the growing moon

This ritual is performed on those days when the moon begins to grow in the sky. Before going to bed, losing weight takes a glass of water with him, over which he reads the following words:

"Moon, and I'm losing weight." Let it be full and round, and I will become slim and good, cheerful and thin. And let the moon take all my fat, and lose it from me. My word is strong, so be it. Amen."

At the end of the prayer, the water is drunk. Thinness will show itself soon enough.

On a full moon

This effective ritual from extra pounds is carried out as often as the person who is losing weight wishes, however, the frequency of its implementation is more effective for losing the hated excess weight.

To read a prayer, you should close yourself in the bathroom. A large mirror is hung on the door of the room. Before reading, 7 candles are lit, after which the losing weight must completely undress. Look closely at your body fat, imagining that they are not there. When reading magic words, you need to stroke the problem areas of the body.

The spell itself looks like this:

“As a candle smolders on a full moon, so my body becomes prettier. I am losing weight from faith in luck, and I no longer cry from gravity. The sides and stomach will lose weight, without effort and any hassle. As the moon grows fat in the sky, so my body will lose weight. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

To improve the effect, you can additionally say the following whisper:

“Full moon, burning candles, my weight loss is not far off. The fat will melt, go to hell. My old beauty can handle it. Appetite and health will recover, my body will get rid of ailments. As the moon gets fat again, I will begin to lose problematic weight. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

At the end of the reading, losing weight should get dressed and throw away the stubs of candles..

Soap for weight loss

For a soap plot to get rid of extra pounds, any bar of soap bought in a store is suitable. The conspiracy of the magical remedy should begin at midnight, in a locked bathroom, while the prayer is read, undressed naked. Holding the soap in your hand, you should say the following words, stroking the problem areas:

“Like soap on a calf, I will spend all my fat sagging to hell. I’ll lose weight, I’ll lose weight, but I’ll glorify this conspiracy in my thoughts. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

I will erase my obesity with soap, I will become two hundred grams lighter by morning. Legs, sides, chin, stomach, I will lose weight without any hassle. Let it be so. Amen!

“For weight loss, I read the lines, I wash off the sebaceous fat with water. As fragrant soap becomes less, so let my appetite calm down. Let it be so. Amen!"

Methods of magical weight loss on water

In fact, the conspiracies of the fortuneteller from the series, as well as the famous soothsayer Vanga, are considered the most effective prayers for weight loss. These rituals for weight loss are able to get rid of extra pounds quickly and effectively.

Vanga's conspiracy method

They read the prayer recited by the great Vanga before going to bed for nine days. Before you start reading, you should prepare a glass of clean water, which is placed by the window. Before you begin to pronounce the magic text, you should take a glass in your hands and peer closely into the outline of the moon.

The very prayer for weight loss looks like this:

“Just like the moon to stay - I follow the weight loss. The moon is round and full, and I will be thin and slender. My fat goes away and sticks to the moon. Let the moon grow, and I'm good. So it will be. Amen!"

At the end of the reading of the prayer, they slowly drink the water and go to sleep. Already on the ninth day the effect of this conspiracy can be seen in the mirror.

Conspiracy for weight loss on water

In one of the famous series called "The Fortuneteller" you can also find a strong and effective weight loss conspiracy. It will be possible to verify its effectiveness in a week. The main conditions for its fulfillment are faith and the waning moon outside the window.

To carry out the ritual for weight loss, you should collect clean water in a three-liter jar. Before you start reading the magic text, you should write some kind of motivating text on the jar itself, for example: "I'm losing weight" or "Water from extra pounds." A candle is lit near the jar and the following prayer begins to be read:

“Water-voditsa, wash me, sister, cleanse me and help me, return my former body to me.”

You need to read these words nine times. After that, the jar is closed and left on the windowsill. For nine days, you should drink a glass of water half an hour before meals. As soon as the jar is empty, they break it, while whispering:

“I get rid of fat, I renew my whole body.”

For this method to work, two main rules should be remembered:

  1. No one should interfere with you during prayer.
  2. In the help of magic words you need to believe.

On the red thread

In addition to water for weight loss, in order to remove fat, magicians often use a charmed red thread that makes the reader actively lose weight.

For the ceremony, two equal lengths of red and blue threads should be prepared. First you need to tie a red thread with three knots, it should be placed on the middle finger of the right hand. The thread is worn without removing for a month. At the end of this period, the same is done with a blue thread, but on the left hand. Also, for a month you can not remove the thread. When the second term comes out, both threads are removed and buried in the ground. Since the threads will rot, the extra pounds will go away.

Consequences of conspiracies for weight loss

It is known that any magic entails consequences, and sometimes quite deplorable. Although in conspiracies aimed at one's own energy for positive purposes, magic will not require any terrible payment. There are practically no negative consequences, a negative can appear in the absence of a result if:

  • losing weight hopes to lose kilograms by continuing to eat sweet and fatty foods;
  • losing weight does not believe in the power of the conspiracies he uttered.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will offer you simple and effective, not harming a person, magical conspiracies for cleansing and losing weight, which can be done at home. Even without being a practicing magician, one can successfully apply magical rites to change and improve oneself and one's life.

Some people claim to have lost weight with the help of conspiracies. Is it possible? Yes, why not! There are conspiracies for weight loss, health, youth and beauty in any witchcraft tradition. But how! Surely sorcerers will not take care of themselves! Of course, there are different approaches to this issue, different rituals for solving it.

After all, you can steal beauty and health from another, you can exchange or give your illnesses and old age to a random person - someone whose defenses are weak, or greed is exorbitant. No, you will not find such methods in this article.

Self-conspiracy to cleanse the intestines and lose weight on a peach

A simple, effective conspiracy that provides weight loss within a week by several kilograms. If desired, the plot can be read throughout the waning moon, and repeated every month until you lose weight to the desired rate. Take a medium sized ripe peach. At sunrise, in a whisper, read the words of a conspiracy on a peach in order to lose weight:

“As the clear sun rises, so I wake up. As the day subsides, so does my fat, mayata, decrease - for my joy, peach for sweetness.

Speak a peach, and then eat it. You will be surprised, but with the help of a harmless conspiracy, it is quite possible to lose weight.

Homemade conspiracy to lose weight on green onions

Do it on a waning moon. Take 3 feathers of fresh green onions and say a simple onion weight loss plot on it:

“Godomun meregach, help, help out. I will lose weight, my father, help me, I want to lose weight. Godomun meregach, I will pay the price, but not any price, help me.”

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, draw your attention to an important point in witchcraft: to read a conspiracy to lose weight on green onions, like any other spells to get rid of something, should be on the waning moon. There are rites and rituals for weight loss that need to be done in other lunar phases, but this is always specifically stipulated in the rite.

Text of a free conspiracy to lose weight on a ripe apple

To get something, you need to be able to give something up. This rule, operating in the world, and in magic as well, is fair and true. A person cannot and should not have everything, because not everything is useful to him. Many existing things, with the wrong attitude towards them, become dangerous, become poison, and they need to be disposed of.

This approach should be both to food and to lifestyle in general. Use simple weight loss spell on a red apple. The energy of the magic word brings, provides positive changes, but this does not mean that you yourself should not make efforts so that your body weight decreases.

Wait for the waning moon. Take a red apple and read the text of the conspiracy on it to lose weight quickly, then eat the cursed apple:

“The apple is round, the apple is red, help me lose weight. I ask, I offer a strong sacrifice, I carry what I can, I will give what you take. The apple is round, the apple is red, help me lose weight.

Of course, it is necessary to carry out a magical ritual more than once, so that the matter gets off the ground, and the body weight begins to decrease. About this I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, tell you quite definitely. The same people can say who lost weight from the independent use of conspiracies for weight loss. To lose weight evenly and harmlessly, read the words of the spell for at least three days in a row.

Self-conspiracy on soap to lose weight soon

The white conspiracy of soap for thinness before the bath is another simple ritual that, under certain conditions, can give a result that will please you. Read this independent soap plot to lose weight, just before you go to the bath.

Soap, take a simple, inexpensive, without a strong perfume smell. Naturally, you need a new bar of soap, which no one before you, nor you yourself, used. If you make soap yourself specifically for the ceremony, it will only benefit your magic.

“Soap, wash harder, soap, come out with soft foam. I will rub my body with soap, I will lose weight every hour.

Washing in the bath, use the charmed soap. Repeat the magic rite several times on the waning moon. If you consider it necessary, this ritual can be practiced constantly, but do not forget - only when the moon is waning.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

A good conspiracy to quickly lose weight on green tea

The homemade green tea slimming conspiracy is not original, and works in the same way as most of the rituals of this plan. A multiple daily repetition on the waning moon is welcome, then it will show a positive result.

Brew green tea (this is a good energy drink that invigorates and activates the brain, an excellent antioxidant, in addition, green tea contributes to the proper functioning of everyone and strengthens the immune system). Above the glass, read the text of the conspiracy for green tea for weight loss, then drink immediately after eating. Sugarless.

“As the hot drink spills over my whole body, over all my limbs and veins, so the fat melts, my fatness leaves for damp forests, for wide valleys, for rusty swamps. I renounce my stoutness, I accept a slim, young body. My word is strong, like a stone Alatyr.

It is advisable to drink at least 3 cups a day, while for each cup read the words of the conspiracy for weight loss on green tea. With the help of green tea, you can regulate your appetite, which, of course, will have a beneficial effect on your desire to lose weight.

What plot to read to lose weight if these rituals do not inspire confidence in you and seem not effective enough? I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will offer you an old ritual of Siberian healers for healing, losing weight and rejuvenating the body.

Effective conspiracy for weight loss on honey and herbs

This old Russian method of rejuvenation is well known to real magicians who work with clients and practice magic and healing. For this ceremony take:

  • 3 liters fresh uncandied honey
  • oregano
  • succession
  • peppermint
  • radiola rosea (golden root)
  • patch of natural dark fabric
  • ritual knife
  • new towel

Dry magical herbs are mixed with honey, wrapped in a dark natural cloth, and left in the bath for 44 days. After the expiration, pick up the honey, go at sunset to a deserted forest lake, taking a ritual knife with you. Light a fire on the beach. Then strip naked, rub your whole body with an infused witchcraft honey mixture, and independently read an effective weight loss plot:

“I will stand without praying, I will go out without crossing myself, I will go to the western side, into the Urman forest, the impassable taiga. Oh, you, Queen of Fire, Queen of Vodyanitsa. I bow at your feet, I ask for help. I ask myself beauty for twelve years. The term will pass - I will begin to grow old, and from this day I will begin to look younger. I offer a scythe to your court. My word is strong. To be that."

Having uttered the words of rejuvenation - this strong spell for cleansing and weight loss cut off your hair with the knife you brought and throw it into the fire. Then wash thoroughly in lake water. At the same time, visualize how excess weight, fat folds, wrinkles and diseases are taken away by water.

After coming out of the water, dry yourself with a towel, and, like your hair, throw it into the flames of a fire. Wait until the fire burns out and goes out on its own. Go home without looking back. After the witchcraft rite, keep a fast for a year without eating meat. This point must be strictly followed.

How to lose weight with a conspiracy - reduce your illness to a thing

If you intend to lose weight with the help of a conspiracy, on the waning moon, go to an earthen crossroads in the shape of a cruciform. You must have with you:

  • any thing that belongs to you
  • 2 wax candles

Put the thing on the ground in the center of the cross, and light the witch's candles on both sides of it. Then read the effective weight loss plot 6 times:

“Depart from me all the troubles and misfortunes. Get out of me fat, maeta, bad luck. I take off from myself, I transfer it to (name the thing). Let this (name a thing) leave my fatness, maeta, failures. Whoever takes this thing, he will take everything for himself at once.

Leave without looking back. Throw 13 coins over the left shoulder, say:


As follows from the plot, the one who picks up the item you left behind will take on your problem of excess weight. Relationships are best done in a complex. The magical attitude works well when you need to remove the magically induced damage. But, even if there is no damage, but the person has a problem that he wants to get rid of, the ritual of attribution is quite appropriate.

A strong conspiracy to urgently lose weight - help from many diseases

This is an effective conspiracy against diseases. Excessive fullness, obesity is also a disease. And, if you look at this problem from this point, you can try lose weight with health magic. The conspiracy that I the magician Sergey Artgrom will give below, they are used for getting rid of, and it is quite applicable for safe weight loss. On the waning moon, go outside, stand facing the wind and recite the words of the spell to lose weight:

“I let you go, trouble (name), to where the wild gate is for the wind. You, sickness, come down with (name), and go to the violent wind. Fly to the windy gates, live and be you there, in a big house, in a high tower. You should be in the wind house, and (name) live without you, do not grieve. The key to my word. Amen. Amen. Amen".

For noticeable and lasting results, this effective weight loss spell and from many other diseases, you need to do at least 8 times. It doesn't have to be 1 cycle. It will be better if you do the ceremony for 2-3 months.
As long-term practice has shown, this magical ritual for health is very effective. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will note that if there is an emergency, then you can read on any moon. It is permissible to read the text of the spell to get rid of fullness every day, at least 3 times. However, if there is no strong need for it, then do the ritual yourself only on the waning moon. For the speedy onset of noticeable changes in the body, visualization of the result helps a lot. But it takes patience and perseverance.

With the help of a witchcraft conspiracy, you can significantly lighten your weight and improve your health. The problem, in particular - the problem of being overweight, may disappear altogether. Then the main task will be to keep the new weight, not to lower the bar.

What you need to know about the magic of beauty and reviews who made conspiracies for weight loss

Do not forget about the role of thought-form and intention. In magic, both are of great importance. The seriousness of the intention of the magician - the performer, will and visualization are indispensable components of a successful magical impact on anyone - whether on themselves, on other people, or on circumstances.

This applies to all strong conspiracies to lose weight urgently. But, in general, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, advise doing rituals for weight loss, firstly, in a complex way, and secondly, try to actively influence the problem during the entire phase of the waning moon, starting from the 17th lunar day and up to 28th.

On the 29th lunar day, the layman cannot conjure. This is a satanic day, the most difficult and destructive of the entire lunar cycle. The Dark Forces manifest themselves in their most destructive aspect. Black Moon Day is reserved exclusively for warlocks. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, advise ordinary people to listen to my words.

And finally, obesity is not always the result of any disease. Very often this manifests itself as a result of dependence on food, attachment, promiscuity and laziness. Excess weight manifests itself as a physical disease, but often the head needs to be treated. And if, besides, Bes is planted, which makes you eat all the products that are in sight, then you won’t be able to lose weight with the help of a harmless conspiracy. If a person has damage to obesity, it must be removed with ordinary cleanings, it would be nice with a shift. And then, at home, read conspiracies for cleansing and losing weight.