How to increase the energy of the body of a woman. I am the Manipura chakra, the solar plexus chakra. Reading your favorite book

If you are suffering from an energy crisis, another cup of coffee will not save you. Headstand, orange goggles are just some of the strange ones effective ways boost energy quickly.

Ear massage

When you massage your ears, you stimulate acupressure points that give energy to the whole body and improve blood circulation. You don't need to use any specific methods. As soon as you feel tired, massage your earlobes, and then upper part ear.

Wear orange lenses

If you're used to watching TV before bed, the blue light that your monitor emits can interfere with the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. To combat blue light and protect your sleep, try watching TV with orange lenses to help you relax and forget about tiredness.

Take a cold shower

Hot shower in the morning good idea, but a cold shower will give you a huge burst of energy. Flow cold water will improve breathing rate, it's kind of a response to shock, increase oxygen consumption, increase heart rate as your body works to keep warm.

Eat two kiwis

This fruit is fortified with vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C and potassium that boost energy. Research shows that eating two kiwis a day is enough to relieve fatigue and depressive symptoms and boost energy.

bee pollen

Bee pollen is simply chock-full of essential nutrients that have been proven to increase stamina and focus. Great product.

Do a headstand

Your colleagues may think you're crazy if you do this in your office, but inversion therapy is fast way improve mental performance. This exercise improves brain health by increasing blood flow. If blood flow to the brain increases, then more oxygen and glucose will enter it.

Mow the lawn

Just the thought of having to mow your lawn can fill you with dread. But research shows that the smell of freshly cut grass can overwhelm Bad mood and promote feelings of joy, calmness and well-being.

Keep a journal

Writing down everything you're grateful for can help you feel rested and happy, as well as improve your sleep. This is an efficient way.

Listen to loud music

If you are to long haul to work, grab your headphones and download your favorite playlist to your phone. Loud music has been known to increase energy and improve your mental condition. Also, cheerful music evokes positive memories.

Don't forget to have breakfast

It doesn't matter if you consider breakfast an important meal or not, many scientists are, so to speak, on his side. They have proven that those who don't skip breakfast feel much better, are less stressed and more resilient throughout the day than those who skip breakfast.

wash your face

Need a quick boost of energy? Instead of brewing a pot of coffee, try washing your face. cold water, and you will cheer up much faster than if you drank a cup of coffee.

Pay your loans on time

Financial matters are always stressful, sometimes it is impossible to escape from it. Credit debt affects our mood and lowers our energy levels. Try to pay all bills on time.

Eat eggs


Sedentary work can drain your energy and leave you depressed. However, not too long a walk can make you a little happier and more energetic.

Eat yogurt

Yogurt is enriched with complex carbohydrates, protein and fiber. And these components provide a steady burst of energy.

Smell rosemary sprigs

As has been proven, this aromatic herb improves physical state relieves mental fatigue. Rosemary is believed to improve memory and soothe headaches.

Try to get as much magnesium as possible

If you constantly feel tired, then the body does not have enough magnesium. When a person does not get enough magnesium, the body starts to work harder to regulate the heart rate and convert glucose into energy. As a result, you feel exhausted. Nuts, whole grains and fish are all good sources magnesium.

Consume Chia Seeds

Add two tablespoons of chia seeds to a cup of unsweetened almond milk, then refrigerate. Sprinkle some cinnamon on top for a delicious appetizer.

Give up alcohol

A glass of wine before bed can ruin your rest and slow down your energy levels. While alcohol may initially make you sleepy, it also increases the production of stress hormones that will lead to insomnia.

Mint chewing gum

Such an elastic band will give not only fresh breath, but also make you feel cheerful. Peppermint is known to increase alertness just as effectively as cold water.

Orange juice

It's not as stupid as it seems. Research shows that people who drink orange juice for breakfast are less tired and generally feel more alert.

Eat Indian food

Many Asian dishes contain spices that have medicinal properties, improve blood circulation, mood. They also increase energy.

Stress can drain your energy and this can affect your mood. Some researchers consider laughter the best medicine. So take the time to look through all those funny animal videos that your friends throw at you on social media, and you will see how good laugh will help get rid of lethargy.

Tea with cinnamon

Instead of running for another can of Red Bull, the next time you feel sleepy, make yourself a cup of cinnamon tea. The aroma of the spice improves memory and attention.

Take vitamins

Vitamin B is essential for energy production, but about 40 percent of people don't get enough energy. B 12 deficiency can lead to fatigue, sharp drops mood and dementia.

Have a Mental Health Day

If you are constantly stressed at work, you may feel tired, cranky, and exhausted. To restore energy, take a short break and take a day off. Day mental health will allow you to leave your office work and focus on your happiness, which will restore energy. Be sure to plan your day so you don't start doing household chores. Instead, spend some time reading, walking, or anything that makes you feel upbeat and energized.

Drink more water

Humans are 60 percent water, and even moderate dehydration can lead to an energy crisis. To keep your body functioning properly, try to drink eight to ten cups of water a day.

Get moving

A sedentary lifestyle leads to health problems, including cancer, depression and diabetes. It can also cause feelings of lethargy. To boost your energy and protect your heart, try getting up from your desk more often and doing some stretching. This will increase your heart rate and energy level while reducing the risk of serious problems with health.


Trampolining has been known to improve mental clarity and generate positive energy that lasts all day. You will definitely like it.

Eat blueberries

When the tide of fatigue hits you, fight it with sweet, delicious blueberries. The berry is known to boost energy and promote brain function due to its rich concentration of phytonutrients and antioxidants that improve brain function and memory.

Ecology of life: Life energy is such a strange thing that no one sees, but can easily feel. When you have a lot of it, the mood splashes over the edge, and you understand that you can turn the mountain without being out of breath

Life energy is such a strange thing that no one sees, but can easily feel. When you have a lot of it, then the mood splashes over the edge, and you understand that you can turn the mountain without being out of breath. And, on the contrary, when the energy ends, thoughts and movements become lethargic, you feel tired, and gradually realize that you have only two urgent needs: where to sleep, and how to make sure that no one interferes with this.

The Chinese call it "Qi", and even created the whole Chinese medicine Qigong, which translates as "control of Qi". But, perhaps, today I do not have enough Qi to write an article about Qigong, and I will simply tell you about several ways available to everyone to pump their life energy.

Exercise every day

Regular exercise is the easiest way to increase vitality. Exercise increases breathing and blood flow, which means that every cell in your body receives more oxygen and nutrients than at rest. And the better your cells feel, the better you feel, and the more energy you have.

If you are not a sports fan and your goal is only to increase energy, then you do not need to stick to the system. Do any exercise that puts a strain on your muscles, but do it regularly. Fulfill morning exercises, run, jump rope, swim, ride a bike - any activity is good.

healthy eating

Your life energy is directly related to what you eat. Stuff your mouth with junk food and your energy level will drop. If you regularly eat unhealthy and artificial food, then depending on your attitude towards religion, your energy will either be deposited in the fat compartments of the body, or flow out through special point in the middle of the forehead.

Products that have gone through a long and complex cycle of industrial processing cannot contain many vitamins, minerals and other useful substances, So necessary for the body. If they can be there at all. And that is why you should pay attention to the most natural and healthy food. If you want meat - take raw chicken breasts and cook instead of buying sausage or sausages. If you want milk - take ordinary cottage cheese instead of the beautifully packaged “Miracle Curd”. And, of course, your biggest friends should be fruits and vegetables. They will increase your vital energy.


Our body has two states: hungry and full. In a hungry state, the body supplies energy to all systems and organs harmoniously and evenly, while cleansing and removing toxins. In a full state, almost all the energy goes into the stomach, and this explains the sleepy and dull state of satiety after a hearty meal. Intermittent systemic fasting will allow you to better cleanse the body, and not spend most of the energy on digesting food (especially the harmful ones from point 2). I didn’t just say systemic - you need to starve according to your mind, and not at random, and this is a topic for a completely different article.

drink water

It would be logical to write “drink coffee” at this place, since coffee is a well-known and simple energy drink. However, I am opposed to increasing some parameters of the body at the expense of the deterioration of others, and coffee in this regard is a very controversial drink. That's why the best drink for increase vital energy I can name the usual drinking water. Water helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, water is a source of oxygen and nutrients, after all, our body is largely made up of water. Therefore, to increase energy, instead of alcohol and coffee, drink plain water, and not less than a liter and a half a day.

normal sleep

This is another prerequisite for maintaining high level energy. The body of a person who does not get enough sleep does not have time to properly cleanse, recover and prepare for a new day, and as a result, every such day is given more and more difficult. The presence of a computer, the Internet, and a lot of entertainment in it, such as games and social networks, gives many temptations not to go to bed. It even comes to information addiction - this is when you are sitting at the computer, you have done everything, you seem to get up and go to bed, but you cannot tear yourself away from the screen and climb to read or watch at least something else. In this case, weak vital energy is provided to you - and not only due to lack of sleep.

Multitasking exception

All sorts of energy gurus are often silent about this, but I am not a guru and I will say it. An obscene amount of energy is consumed by our multitasking when we take on several things at once. Therefore, if such situations often occur to you, think about how this can be avoided. Perhaps some time management and organization techniques will help work activities. In general, do things in order, do not start the second case without finishing the first, and you will be happy.

The tips above are just the beginning. Choose what is most convenient for you, and soon your energy will increase. But if you do not know where to start, I will offer you something that has helped me a lot - follow a normal sleep pattern, point 5. Perhaps sleep provides the most significant influx of energy. published

Do you want to be full of energy throughout the day? Below are 6 ways to boost energy and look great without coffee and energy drinks. Our lifestyle and nutrition are directly related to the feeling of cheerfulness. Lightness + sea of ​​energy or heaviness + desire to lie down? The choice is yours.

1. Eat more vegetables and fruits

Ice cream, cookies, coca-cola, chips not only destroy our health and beauty, but also deprive us of energy! Sugar charges the body with fast energy for short term, after which the forces remain even less. After a few hours, the desire to have a snack of cookies or Snickers appears again. If you exclude such foods from the diet, then the body will not spend invaluable energy to digest empty heavy food with zero benefit.

It is better to eat a plate of brown rice or whole grain pasta (if you are not sensitive to gluten) with a large portion of vegetables, which will provide the body with slow energy for the whole day. Don't forget superfoods for an energy boost - bananas, almonds, ginger, green vegetables and hot peppers.

2. Eliminate caffeine

Caffeine stimulates a burst of energy, at the same time depriving us of energy. Coffee, energy drinks and Coca-Cola are both physically and psychologically addictive. One cup of coffee is not enough to charge you with energy from morning to evening, so after a few hours the desire to drink a cup arises again. Coffee provokes such side effects, How headache, fatigue, irritability. How more coffee you drink, the more side effects appear.

Try several times a week instead of coffee for breakfast, drink green smoothies made from greens and fruits, which are full of vitamins and minerals.

Green smoothies are easily absorbed by the body, unlike junk food, and make us beautiful and healthier. Nutritional composition Such mixes energize for the whole day!

3. Get enough sleep

Sleep is essential for physical and mental health. You can read more It is very likely that you lack energy due to insufficient sleep.

Watch your feelings right after waking up! It is very important to fully recover at night. And wake up with renewed vigor and a desire to move mountains.

A few hours before bedtime, put away electronic devices that can disrupt the daily biorhythm. And on the day off, turn off the alarm clock, trust your body and sleep as much as you want.

4. Drink water

Dehydration reduces our energy levels. Drink pure water, herbal teas, eat fresh vegetables and fruits to nourish the body and maintain water balance. Add some lemon wedges for flavor.

5. Go in for sports

And you knew that physical activity Increases energy levels many times more than caffeine? Just a 40-minute walk before breakfast will fill you with energy for the whole day! Regular physical activity makes us stronger, positive and energetic.

6. Don't be nervous

When we get tired emotionally and psychologically from daily tasks and stressful situations we feel physical fatigue. Stopping for a few minutes during the day to calm your mind will help you completely reset yourself. Taking a few deep breaths before answering a phone, meditating for 2-3 minutes on the way home or taking a bath after a weekday are small steps that each of us can try.

Switching from a restless mind to a body will save precious energy will radically change you and your way of thinking! You will become calmer, more balanced, peaceful and feminine. Thanks to moments like this, you find answers to exciting questions and any problem is easy to solve.

Take the first steps, gradually changing habitual image life. Several times a week, replace your morning coffee with a glass of freshly squeezed green juice or a smoothie. Try snacking on fruit instead of sweets when your energy is low. Always listen to your inner feelings.

When we nourish the body with healthy food, dedicate a few minutes a day only to ourselves, we not only feel a sea of ​​energy and internal balance but we look great! After all, beauty reflects physical health! It doesn't happen otherwise.

With love,

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Set goals.
Clear, motivating, realistic goals invariably communicate to the body energy for their successful achievement. Connect a creative look to everything that exists, fill your goals positive emotions. To do this, imagine that you are already safely to the intended task: how do you feel? What do you see and hear around? What do you think of yourself at this moment? Are you ready to set your next goals and be ready to achieve them? Each time at the moment of loss of faith in oneself (i.e. in the decline internal energy) imagine yourself a winner over and over again. Helps, checked.

High-quality is able to accumulate a huge amount of invigorating energy. Alas, our life today and the term "stress" very often become synonymous. We do almost everything in a state of extreme tension - we work, move, even sit and lie down. At the same time, a danger signal is constantly sent from the body to the brain, and a huge amount of energy is allocated to this function. Is it possible in such a state to talk about creativity, good intentions, vitality, good health? Of course not. The only way out is relaxation - conscious, regular, high-quality. Everyone chooses ways and methods for himself, it can be meditation, music, floating, massage, passive rest, communication with animals, etc.

Get enough sleep.
Sound sleep invariably fills our body with energy, promotes cell renewal, restoration of the central and normalization of the work of all organs.

Eat right.
Eat more energy-intensive foods energy) - vegetables, fruits, nuts,. And reduce to zero the use of products that take away energy, - semi-finished products, chips and various "chemistry", the abundance of which is observed on the shelves of our stores. Drink a lot pure water.

Breathe properly.
Read the specialized literature, there you will find a lot breathing techniques. Choose what you think suits you best. By mastering the technique of proper breathing, you will save yourself from many health problems, and then the energy spent earlier on fighting diseases will be directed to creative and positive work.

Even the lungs physical exercise bring amazing results. It is known that after active training, i.e. physical activity, the body relaxes as much as possible, which serves as a triggering mechanism for energy production. The main thing is not to overdo it. Do not bring the body to overwork and exhaustion, during which all the energy accumulated earlier will go away.

Fall in love.
Love gives life special meaning, thereby filling the body and mind with creative energy. It is no coincidence that during periods of love, a person can turn mountains.

Thank the universe (God, nature, the universe) for the gift of life to you.
Gratitude and a sense of the joy of being, as you know, makes it possible to exchange energy with other people and even the universe (cosmos, the divine principle). There is such a law: we gave a lot - we got even more. Know how to create positive attitude.

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  • how to raise energy

What does a person need for a normal life? Of course, energy. But where and from what to draw this vitality, especially when it is weakened frequent colds, stress, harmful radiation and other negative environmental factors. But it turns out that sources of energy are present both in a person and around him. You just need to know how to use them.


Energy organism largely depends on lifestyle and environment. This includes nutrition, breathing, movement, purity of mind and body, harmony with nature. Use these factors wisely and you will always be full of energy.

Eat right! Nothing deprives the body of energy like frequent and plentiful meals. She focuses all her energy organism around the digestive organs. That is why after a hearty lunch or dinner, weakness and drowsiness are especially felt. But quite different sensations are brought by light food, which is without feeling.

Breathe fully! Proper breathing affects the state of organism and can cure many diseases. However, most people do not even notice how they are. And, meanwhile, their breathing is superficial, it ventilates only the upper, sometimes middle lobes of the lung. While the lower lobes suffer from chronic oxygen, which inevitably affects the functioning of the brain, and other vital important organs depriving them of energy.

Move constantly! It is not necessary to exhaust yourself with active physical activity to raise energy organism. Daily and long walks are quite enough, which will disperse the blood and lymph, as well as strengthen the musculoskeletal and bone system.

“And what is a person without energy? It costs nothing, absolutely nothing ... ”- so, perhaps, the writer, a specialist in American history Maurice Mendelssohn, in his biography of Samuel Clemmens, included in world culture under the name of Mark Twain. If he's even slightly right, it's especially frightening that complaints of lack of energy are among the most common today. To the questions asked by Samira Pavlova about what is the life energy of a person with psychological point of vision, what its lack may be connected with, how to help improve it, answers the psychologist and personal growth coach Alexei Pavlov.

On our website, zoom theme vitality attention has already been paid (in particular in the recently published article "Energy laws", or in published a year ago"How to save energy during the working day”), but these were all less deep and meaningful texts - not answering the main questions. So let's read and understand.

S.P.: I saw a few people with huge and obvious psychological problems, who, however, had a lot of energy. They constantly participated in some projects, organized something, protested against something, learned something, conquered something.

A.P. And it is quite possible that they did not think so: that is, they did not think that they had a lot of energy. Often there are people who subjectively feel their constant weakness and lack of strength, and on the outside they even look super-energetic. It is necessary to clearly understand the difference between appearance and internal state. At the same time, external observation is usually more objective.

Generally speaking, I believe that energy is always there! You just need to get to her. Everyone sits on his own gold mine of energy, these riches need only be mastered.

S.P. And what should a person do so that he subjectively feels himself full of energy?

A.P. Feeling “I don’t have enough energy” is usually due to the inheritance of previous experiences: lack of energy in childhood, for example. Feeling of powerlessness and depression. And this past experience is turning into reality. As with all psychological problems, the earlier such experience is acquired, the more difficult it is to work with the problem, since the conceptual mechanism has not been formed. But in these cases, body-oriented therapy usually helps, for which the verbal expression of feelings or previous experiences is not so important.

Usually the state of "no strength" occurs in children who were forced into some very undesirable actions, if these children were not prone to rebellion. Someone could resist when he was forced to play a boring violin, go to a hated school, or simply communicate with an unloved aunt, while someone unconsciously chose a roundabout way of resistance. Most often these diseases: constant colds, vomit, heat, stomach ache. The child seemed to say to adults, “Look, I’m submissive, I’m ready to do what you want, but I just can’t, because I’m sick.” The second most common defense after illness is constant fatigue. The same thing works here: "I'm ready, I agree, only I can't." This helps the child to defend their rights without quarreling with their parents. It is the unconscious protest of the child, formed into a lifelong habit.

Another way to deprive yourself of energy is to remember the words of parents or teachers, “you still won’t succeed.” If the child believed them, but lost faith in himself, then he “secured” himself from defeat permanent absence forces. The fear of defeat is adjacent to the parental attitude.

A breakdown can also be a form of self-punishment (here you have to look for what exactly, each for something different): a person torments himself with anxious thoughts (read " How to get rid of negative thoughts"), experiences, fears, heartache that he is constantly powerless. Sometimes this is not a punishment, but an escape from some kind of global experience or unbearable feeling from the past or present. This state of constant “bleeding of energy” with the help of experiences also becomes a habit.

And sometimes a person needs to prove to himself and the world that his parents did not underestimate him, but were right about him when they said that he was weak or nothing would come of him. " great way"for this - self-sabotage: a person arouses in himself a desire to do something, and then breaks it off. Unconsciously, but stubbornly fail, this too effective method deprive yourself of energy.

State psychological fatigue It may also be due to the fact that a person simply does not allow himself to live, does not live for himself.

One more thing: a person has a lot of energy when he does what he wants. Plus, when you don't do what you want, you go against the grain and feel like you're in prison.

S.P. And why, in fact, a person can not do what he wants? Many, on the contrary, are sure that they are doing what they want, but still feel a lack of strength.

A.P. A person often - more often than one would like to think - suppresses his real desires. And what he considers his desires are not such: these are either the expectations of society or parents.

Often we humans just don't know what we want. For example, a person thinks that he wants to be a star, but in fact, he wants attention. A person is sure that he wants to be successful, but in fact he wants to prove to someone (parents, for example, or a more accomplished brother) that he is also good. If someone says they want to be beautiful or attractive, it often means they want love. It is quite obvious that the fulfillment of these superficial desires does not bring true satisfaction, and hence energy. For example, a woman makes several plastic surgery, painstakingly follows the figure, dresses very carefully. She fulfills her desire to be beautiful and attractive, but the desire for love behind it is not fulfilled. Or a person has achieved tremendous success, he is recognized, appreciated, praised, but he has not achieved the unconditional acceptance of his parents. Even if they told him in the end “Wow! Well done! We are proud of you! We are happy that we have such a son! ”, He understands that this is not an unconditional feeling parental love and pride in him. He needs them to love and be proud simply because he is their child, that they believe in him BEFORE, and not after he has done something.

Knowing yourself should help you understand what a person really wants. It would be easy if we did not have psychological defenses that sometimes do not give even the most shrewd people see your hidden needs or ways to solve your problems. This is where working with a professional can help.

One more thing: there are often prohibitions on true desires. And these are not some erotic or exotic desires. People have the strongest unconscious prohibitions on rest, on spending money on themselves, on praising themselves, on succeeding. And here, too, you need to look individually, to solve a specific problem.

Superficial desires are often desires of desires. A person thinks that he wants to learn how to play the guitar, but for some reason he does not have the strength. But in fact, he does not want to learn to play the guitar: that is, to select an instrument, do exercises, go to a teacher, practice daily - in a word, everything that is pleasant and interesting to someone who really wants to play the guitar. He wants to go out and play beautifully in public. “Know”, but not “learn”. He is not interested in the process. And the path to the desires of desires is always longer and more resource-intensive.

S.P. What are true desires and how to find them?

A.P. Conventionally, three levels can be distinguished: desires of desires, true desires and basic needs.

If a person lives at the level of desire of desires, then he constantly has no strength. If at the level of true desires, then he has energy. If at the level of basic needs, then it is highly energetic. Basic needs are the deepest and they are very simple. It is food, warmth, protection, closeness with others. They come down to one thing: a sense of security. It seems that everything is primitively simple. But if psychological problems a person is not allowed to satisfy them, then he receives only echoes of satisfaction, therefore he replaces. For example, a person deep down dreams of a safe haven, but he is not able to create it on his own, in his soul. Then he builds a mansion behind a high fence, buys real estate. But there was no sense of security, and no. For a while there is an illusion of security. It is easy to understand, but to realize, deeply feel, is very difficult.

The “sea of ​​forces” is an illusion from the vocabulary of a person who has always had few of them, and he dreams of having an inexhaustible lot of them. And so they should be just comfortable and enough.

S.P. How can you help yourself understand your true desires?

A.P. Move deeper: for example, write your desires. Then we look for secondary benefits from them (20 pieces for each, no less). Secondary benefits are already deeper desires, more true. They can be passed through the same "meat grinder" several more times. All this leads to the discovery of deep needs.

A.P. Take this list and come up with ten ways to make it happen. And then only practice: you need to try, implement.

Of course, it is best to do this with a specialist, because the psychologist must regulate where a person should stop, how to avoid self-destruction or harm to others, what experiences are best "re-experienced" in the office, and not outside, spoiling relations with someone or causing harm. yourself.

The quality of life is always higher if we move towards our true desires. Although at the first moment a person may become worse, since leaving the comfort zone. It's like in a massage: during the course therapeutic massage people with chronic diseases often waiting for deterioration at the beginning, and improvement occurs only at the end of the process. In working on mental states, the tendency is the same: at first, discomfort intensifies, because a person lived in a certain way and considered this to be universal laws. It just needs to be endured and rethought. Someone goes through the gap, someone makes compromises. And someone retreats and is left alone with their superficial desires and lack of energy.

Another serious fact: we - people - are social beings, and since childhood we have a tendency to suppress ourselves, our impulses and feelings for the sake of social norms and requirements. And when a person is freed from prohibitions, even superficial ones, the “bad” also comes out of him: socially disapproved. For example, accumulated anger. This is often intimidating, but it is important to remember that this is not true essence of a person, this is the ballast that has accumulated over the years of prohibitions to express it. Only when it comes out, a person will begin to understand what he really wants. And in order to cope with the negative: anger, for example, a specialist is also useful.

S.P. When there is no energy, there are no desires. So right?

A.P. Usually there are two options. If a person begins to fulfill desires (and did not fulfill them before, for example, because of attitudes), then one day the attitudes will begin to pull back, resisting this “change of course” of him. He will be pulled away from his desires ( obsessive thoughts“why did I do this?”, for example) hence the clinch and rollback: he began to fulfill his desires, spent all his energy and remained defenseless against installations. Then you have to work with the settings, it can be overcome. But often a person breaks down in this place and stops.

It also happens that a person made a mistake with the choice of desires, then this does not return energy, but takes it away: for example, a person starts doing business, but in fact he just wants to be rich and do nothing. And the business makes him work, and this is contrary to his desire.

S.P. Is it necessary to overcome yourself when there is no strength? Is powerlessness overcome in this way?

A.P. Powerlessness is a fairly universal concept. If frustration is a stereotype of behavior, then impotence is the background. Of course, the true quality of life is not built on overcoming oneself. But overcoming can be useful in one-off situations. For example, force yourself to take a successful action. Forced to do sports. If overcoming oneself is conscious, fed by some kind of resource (it can be the help of a group, the help of a psychologist or mentor, a successful book or self-help technique, or something else that will personally allow this person to reach the end in his overcoming himself and win) and well planned, it can bring huge dividends.

S.P. And what, besides the realization and fulfillment of true desires, helps to increase vital energy?

A.P. Blocks in the form of attitudes, prohibitions and fears on the path of energy must either be removed or made transparent. Accumulated fear, resentment, aggression, pain, guilt and shame devour energy in frightening quantities.

Any deep release of emotions releases energy. When a person first shows repressed emotions in psychotherapy, it is a fountain, and sometimes Niagara Falls: that is, the repressed feeling is very strong, and in order to suppress it, push it back, constantly keep it under control, one must use the same or greater power. Imagine what a huge waste of energy that is. But often a suppressed feeling or a “forgotten” (forgotten only on a conscious level) experience in a person is not the only one! Five such "repressions", and there is no reserve of energy for the fullness of life.

“Our world is immersed in a huge ocean of energy, we are flying in endless space at an incomprehensible speed. Everything around rotates, moves - everything is energy. Before us is a daunting task - to find ways to extract this energy. Then, extracting it from this inexhaustible source, humanity will move forward with giant steps.

Nikola Tesla

S.P. It is often said that it is necessary to express aggression ...

A.P. By expressing aggression, a person exercises to open and close the gates of energy. But you have to do it right. There are internal and external criteria for the completeness of the expression of feelings, here you need to work with a specialist. In particular, it is important to find the right object for expressing aggression. If you just walk and swear, then you will not increase your energy.

I will return to things that help increase vitality. Sports help. It sounds trite, but it is an absolute fact. Here you need to look at specific case: someone needs sports just to “get” the right level of endorphins, which are released during physical exertion.

S.P. Are they really stand out? There are people who say that sport does not give them strength.

A.P. First, it is necessary to choose reasonable and payloads. This requires a good coach or a body-oriented psychotherapist. Secondly, do not expect that the pleasure of sports will come after the first time. It will definitely come when the muscles adapt to regular loads, when the level of lactic acid after each workout stops going off scale. And (this is very important morally) the first successes will come. This usually happens after a month of regular work with the body.

So one is enough training in the bench press hall or in fitness. Others need something more specialized: for example, clamp work, relaxation, yoga.

For high energy, you need to accept yourself as you are. real case: elderly woman very generous, with a rather careless character. She was haunted by her sample for a long time dead mother, who ideally (according to her elderly daughter) ran the household. And this woman tried, for example, to start a book of income and expenses. She had a mass of common notebooks lying around in her house, where, say, half a page was filled with texts like “30 rubles spent on so-and-so.” Do you have any idea how much energy she spent to constantly try to become a different person? And how much later did it take to experience despair due to the fact that again nothing happened?

And simple mental hygiene is also important: tired - rest. Don't do anything until you have a clear desire to do something specific. A person does not realize what he wants, because he is always tired. Any activity (even the most pleasant) is costly when you do not want to do it, but do it.

There are also small things that are resource-generating, work to increase a person’s vital energy:

  • visit fresh air. Spend at least an hour a day open sky. There is nothing mystical here, although if you like, you can comprehend it mystically. Just a sufficient level of oxygen works to increase energy. In addition, one of the most common psychoses of our time in big cities is delusions of influence. And this is not surprising, because a person in apartment buildings and offices is constantly surrounded by other people, there is always a ceiling above his head, and people usually walk above him, behind the walls and under the floor. Therefore, in clinical cases, there are so many crazy ideas about the rays that aliens, special services or evil neighbors let in. But even mentally completely healthy people apartments (albeit spacious and with good sound insulation - and they are far from being the case for everyone) "crush". Set yourself free for at least an hour a day. In a month, the results will please you.
  • Grooming and the process of self-care increases energy. Since in our country there is a very common internal ban on attention to oneself, on any “pampering”, people often replace this with worries about their health and sitting in queues to the doctor. But if you go to spas, hairdressers, massages, buy beautiful things for yourself, the effect will be no less.
  • Meditation. There is no need for any feats: five minutes a day, follow your breath, concentrating only on it. For a year, such an easy exercise will calm state of mind, improve metabolism and increase will and energy.
  • Music . Listen and sing for yourself. This is the point to which people often intuitively come to themselves: therefore, in megacities there are many people in headphones: they not only fence themselves off from others, but also try to feed themselves with the energy of their favorite music. I just want to say that here, as in everything else, regularity is needed: listen to music before going to bed, sing several times a week. If possible, sing in a company, even in a choir, even in a car with friends. This is a plus.

S.P. In books on personal growth often advised to be here and now. But it is the lack of perspective that usually greatly suppresses a person, lowers energy. This is what (besides the obvious ones present in currently difficulties) often destroys the elderly and the homeless: the thought “what will happen to me next?”. Does the need for perspective have a right to exist? Or that false sensation and we have to fight it?

A.P. Living here and now does not preclude thinking about the future. This concept (“here and now”) has been greatly simplified and ... flattened or what? And it has lost its meaning. Meanwhile, it only helps the future. It has more to do with awareness than with a lack of plans for the future. Plans and goals are needed. Even Viktor Frankl said that without a goal a person does not exist.

Although, of course, the question is in the settings. Even at 30, you can say, "We're all going to die one day, so I don't do anything." From here, by the way, arises the "universal" frustration, leading to total absence energy. In this case, you need to change the perspective. Remember the story of Chartres Cathedral? When three construction workers are asked what they are doing here. One replies, "I carry heavy stones," another says, "I earn money to feed my family," the third replies, "I help build the beautiful Chartres Cathedral." In a sense, we can do the same with our lives, our goals: set a big task and break it down into daily goals and tasks. It is useful for a person to have a chain of daily guidelines from which he cannot deviate.

S.P. And if a person, say, always feels a surge of energy in one geographical point and a decline in another? Suppose he clearly feels energy when he is in Thailand, and when he returns to Moscow, he feels a breakdown? Or does it just seem?

A.P. It does not seem. In Thailand, this person does not have stable associative ties, reminiscent of the experienced negative moments, but in his homeland (regardless of which country his homeland) is, and constantly call to life negative memories. At the same time, ninety percent of them are not realized. Like any unconscious experience, they pull energy towards themselves. In addition, only positive associations are often associated with another country. There is no domestic problems(more precisely, if we are talking about tourism, they just haven't been tested yet). And finally, there are countries whose mentality suits us more or less. Sometimes it’s good to change a country to one whose mentality suits you better.

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