How to learn to be a happy woman in marriage. Confidence that next to you is “the same” person. Charge your soul mate with positive energy

A happy marriage is a rarity these days. It is fashionable to judge this based on divorce statistics alone, which says that from 60% to 80% of all marriages eventually break up. That is why it is worth thinking about how to make a marriage happy from the very beginning in order to keep the relationship positive.

Do happy marriages exist?

The answer to such a question is unequivocal - yes, and the foundations of a happy marriage are simple and understandable to everyone, it's just that over time people cease to consider it necessary to adhere to them.

At its core, the psychology of a happy marriage is similar to the psychology of a happy relationship: respect, mutual understanding, support and diversity are necessary, because it is precisely because everything becomes boring that mutual “digging for shortcomings” begins, instead of, as before, , appeal to the merits.

Secrets of a Happy Marriage

The path to a happy marriage runs through the realization of one's own mistakes. After all, if initially in the relationship it was “everything is bad”, you would not marry this person. So, if you go back to the roots, you can return to the relationship a lot of what has already been forgotten, but before it always made you happy.

  1. The first rule of a happy marriage is mutual respect! Never speak badly about what is important to your spouse. Don't swear in front of people. Avoid offensive language and sarcastic tone. RESPECT your partner in every sense of the word.
  2. The statistics of happy marriages show that people who have common hobbies or a common job are much more satisfied with their marriage than others. Your task is to find it. Dance courses? Sports activities? Supply system? Evening walks? Joint creativity? You should have a common cause that gives you a lot of joy.
  3. Laughter sounds only in happy families. Have fun: watch comedies, remember jokes and funny stories in conversation, communicate like friends. If all your conversations concern only everyday life, get rid of it, start conversations about values ​​and interests.
  4. Tactile contact. Strive to constantly touch each other. Kiss before you leave and when you return, hug while watching TV. It's the little things that really bring them together.
  5. Avoid lengthy fights. This does not mean that you need to indulge your soul mate in everything. Just find a constructive way out of the situation - do not sulk for a week, but sit down and calmly discuss how to get out of this situation, find a compromise.

Many believe that a happy second marriage is more likely than a happy first, but this only applies to those unions that were entered into due to youth, stupidity or pregnancy - that is, without a preliminary assessment of compatibility and other important qualities.

How to become happy in marriage?

If you see that marriage does not suit you, perhaps the matter is in your attitude towards it, and not in other problems. Start with an analysis by taking paper and a pen:

For example, you do not like that your husband sits in front of the TV or computer all day. In order to change this and involve him in spending time together, you need to offer him an interesting alternative: watch a movie, take a walk, go to the theater or cinema, go on a visit, etc. It will take almost no time to do this, and you can apply it almost any evening when there is such a desire. The problem appears to be resolved. Similarly, you can solve most of the problems in marriage, which generally lend themselves to solution.

Indeed, many books have been written about the fact that for happiness in the family you need to become an ideal for your husband. Be for him a personal chef in the kitchen, deal with

cleaning the house, to become a good mother for his children, to translate all his sexual fantasies into reality every day, and at the same time remain a gentle, faithful and complaisant wife.

"Isn't that too much?" - you ask. “Perhaps,” I answer. After all, I once asked myself this question. And believe me, to my great joy it turned out that it is not difficult at all. After all, we are talking about changing in the eyes of her husband, and not in reality. Do you understand what I mean?

So, let's start preparing a magic cocktail. Ingredients: 200 ml of affection, the same amount of tenderness, 0.5 liters of female cunning, 100 ml of intelligence, 0.7 grams of charm and 1 kg of wisdom (if some ingredients are missing, then wisdom will cover all the missing ones). Ready! We present a cocktail to our faithful, and happiness in marriage with a long-term guarantee for one century is guaranteed to you.

And now in more detail. If one day you got out of bed in the morning, ran to the kitchen to fry fried eggs for your precious one, and quite by chance you mixed the yolk with the protein, after which you received a severe reprimand from your husband, and spent the rest of such a “happy” morning in the bathroom, crying bitterly. tears; if you are really tired of all this, then at the same unfortunate moment, you should understand that everything needs to be urgently changed, from the same second, moreover, once and for all.

You need to change not only yourself, of course, but also your husband, children, if any, skills and even pets, and most importantly, your views need to change, your own views on life, family, work, children and life, such a vengeful and insidious.

The first thing to do on the path to perfection is to learn how to deal with your emotions. Believe me, even the most loving and most calm husband will not tolerate a woman constantly crying and screaming like a monster. Try to be less irritated, do not waste your nerves and your vital energy. Just learn to ignore the little things.

Of course, our life consists of little things, but believe me, the happiest person is the one who considers at least some things to be completely unimportant. But really, there are things more important than a failed scrambled eggs, such as your health, the health of your husband and children.

For example, I always loved cleanliness and order, but with the advent of the baby, irritation and constant fatigue simply attacked me. And then I realized that for a man it is important at all on a polished floor, but a kind, cheerful and gentle wife.

The second, golden rule treats with love and attention to yourself, beloved, unique and so special, which, among the daily routine, does not have enough time for itself. And it must be present - at least one hour a day exclusively for their own needs.

As you know, every person, from birth, has creative energy, and it is only necessary to direct it in the right direction. And it should be directed daily, otherwise your strength will run out behind the little things and the confusion of disorganization, and vital energy will disappear altogether.

Yes, and any skills in this life are not superfluous. Remember what you have always wanted to do: sewing, knitting, cooking, mastering the art of manicure, or maybe you have always dreamed of writing a book? Hold on, just don't give up. And do not waste time - start immediately, without delay.

The third, no less important rule concerns your appearance. How often do you pay due attention to your appearance? And, after all, we all know that skin, hair and teeth need daily care. In order to remain the one and only for your man, you need to work on yourself. And even if sometimes there is not enough money for salons, use folk remedies - they will preserve your beauty no worse. But still, in the routine of everyday problems, still find the opportunity to allocate for yourself, your favorite, at least a small monthly amount and find time to go to the hairdresser, get a manicure and pedicure ...

Believe me, this is a very profitable investment. We need well-groomedness for self-confidence and self-realization. Yes, and husbands do not leave those women who spend money on themselves, but those who neglect their appearance.

And, fourthly, I would like to say about the attitude, even about self-love. You must learn to love and respect yourself, no matter what. As long as we love ourselves, others love us too. But others also need to be loved and preferably as they are.

Improve yourself, reincarnate, be feminine and charming. Become an ideal for your husband: seduce him, praise him, tease him - anything, just do not be indifferent to his affairs, interests, his health and everything that worries him.

Learn to be happy, because we are all waiting for happiness, not realizing that it is near, and you just need to learn to appreciate and carefully store it.

I wish you warmth, good luck and patience!

    Be yourself from the beginning of any relationship. If you start the relationship by showing the perfect hybrid version of you and the Stepford wife, what happens if the marriage cracks? Be yourself from day one, and your spouse will prove to you that you are accepted and loved for who you are, and not what you want to appear.

    Develop your sense of humor. A good sense of humor cannot be separated from a great marriage. Try to see humor in difficult situations - this will help both of you get through difficult times more easily.

    Farewell, farewell, farewell. These are the three most important words for a good marriage.

    Trust each other completely. You've built a relationship on trust. Don't assume that your spouse is doing something solely to annoy you - maybe he or she just doesn't understand that it's bothering you. Tell your spouse what's bothering you without thinking the worst of him, and once you've figured it out, give your partner time to make changes and adjustments.

    Get rid of minor irritants. Ask yourself if it's worth fighting over something that annoys you. Something wrong or just is different on how would you do it? Do not comment on inaccuracies. If something really is bothering you, talk about it in a non-blaming tone and also determine if you can deal with it without arguing.

    Find ways to share responsibilities. If you both work 80 hours a week, why does the wife have to do the dishes and cook? Try picking the chores you do best, like washing dishes and mowing the lawn, and split the chores. Think of ways in which both of you can participate in the work, such as: I take out the trash and you bring the bucket home, You wash and I wipe, and so on. So you get rid of the whining housewife syndrome. Remember, you will always live together (until death do you part) - you can always finish things tomorrow. Your world won't collapse if you don't finish your laundry today.

    Find time to sit and spend time together. Even if it's just 10 minutes before bed, talk, hug, and enjoy each other's company.

    Don't expect perfection. Remember, your spouse is human, just like you. Consider the human factor: fatigue, workload, stress, illness in the family, personal illness and general weakness.

    Do something nice for your partner during difficult times. If you ignore or constantly argue about a problem, you are more likely to break up. A caring gesture will help you get closer to each other, thereby increasing the chances that you will work through your problems. This is especially helpful if you feel like your partner isn't complimenting you or has stopped doing nice things for you. Start complimenting and be nice - they WANT to do something nice for you!

    Try to find something good in your partner every day and tell them about it! Whether it's a compliment about his or her outfit or a thank you for taking out the trash, it's always nice to get support from a loved one. And you'll love supporting him too.

    Learn from your mistakes. When you ask for forgiveness, do it sincerely! It means you won't do it again. If you ask for forgiveness and do the same, it will show your partner that you did not feel guilty, and this will destroy your trust over time.

    You should not have secrets, and also avoid intrigues on the side. It is important to be honest with your partner because it shows that you trust each other in everything. If you are hiding something, it will still be known and your marriage will be in jeopardy. If you are honest and open, there will be neither suspicion nor jealousy. Don't do anything to piss off your spouse, and if someone in the office flirts with you and doesn't want to stop, tell your boss about it and ask for one of you to be transferred to another department. If you maintain your reputation and communicate openly and honestly with your partner, you will be trusted in situations where it is needed.

    Remember that there are ups and downs in marriage. While you're planning your wedding, you can entertain yourself with fairy tale thoughts of a "happily ever after." The reality is that this is a daily grinding - one of you or both of you will be tense, on the verge, bored, not happy with each other, not feeling warm and tender. It's not just about your feelings. Repeat: It's not just about your feelings. It's about your debt to each other. Maybe you don't "feel" that you're in love, "feel" that you're getting what you want or whatever, the reality is that you made a promise to each other. Often marriage is not romantic - it requires you to work as a team and fulfill your responsibilities every day.

    Plan your "black days". You'll experience a lot less stress if you work together to plan your budget, get at least a small savings account (a $500 emergency fund can work wonders), and prepare for the time things can go awry—life will be much easier.

    Act like everything is fine. If you're having a difficult period, you feel like you can't even remember what drew you to it, think about what made you go out to marry her...just smile and act kind and gentle. Act like everything is great. In fact, try to lead by being kind, caring, and considerate to your partner. It may sound strange, but if you just move forward slowly and act like nothing happened, one day everything will really will OK, good, even better.

    Don't be afraid to go to bed angry. Many well-wishers say that you shouldn't let the sun go down while you're arguing. But it's much better to get to the point in the argument where you can stop actively arguing and go to bed. Instead of continuing an argument that gets out of hand and leads to nothing, if you stop, rest and wake up with a fresh mind, you can see problems from a new angle and also come up with a better solution than if you continued to quarrel until you got tired and said something that cannot be returned back. Sleep will help you get rid of side negative feelings - you can not always say: "Okay, that's enough, the fight is over" and return to that warm, loving feeling - sometimes resentment remains. Let her go - let yourself rest. You will both feel better in the morning.

    Ask yourself what you can do today to improve your spouse's life. If you look every day for a way to make your spouse's life a little better, you will never forget that you really care about her or him. The good things you do for your partner will cause you to have positive thoughts about him or her. This is a good habit.

    Kiss your spouse for at least 5 seconds before you leave their house in the morning and before you go to bed at night.

    Give thanks for the little things (washing the dishes, clearing the table, installing a new roll of toilet paper—do these things without expecting anything).

    Compliment each other every day. It doesn't take long for your spouse to feel good. Be sincere and when someone compliments you, even if you don't agree, say "thank you".

    Hug and hold hands often, every day.

    Shut up and listen! You will learn so much more if you close your mouth and open your mind. You have one mouth and two ears, so you can listen twice as much as you can talk.

    Argue softly. How you say matters more than what you say. Remain calm and speak in a normal voice.

    Be careful and think about what words to use. Before speaking, ask yourself this question: if you or your spouse dies at this moment, would you like these words of yours to be your last?

    Have a special date with another married couple at least once a month so you can laugh and learn from each other. Go on a romantic date at least once a month and bring romance into your home.

    Sign up for a class together. There are restaurants that will teach you how to cook a complete meal, or you can both learn how to play an instrument. This is a great way to spend time together and see how your partner is learning.

All love movies end with a perfect picture of how "they lived happily ever after." Real life shows that happiness in marriage is not at all a self-evident consequence of marriage. The question of how to become happy in marriage is relevant for many women who do not feel satisfied with family life next to their partner.

What is the reason for the difference in attitude "before" and "after" marriage? According to statistics, more than 70% of women admit to having unjustified expectations after marriage. Where do disappointments, resentment, dissatisfaction and the feeling that you have been deceived come from?

Bride at any cost

First you need to figure out why women want to get married. Of course, everyone wants great and bright love, but for many, the very fact of marriage is simply important.

  1. Stereotypes. If you didn’t get married before a certain age, it means that you are an “old maid”, parents press, relatives bother with questions.
  2. Herd instinct. All my friends are married - I need it too.
  3. The child must have a father. A full-fledged family at any cost, even if there is an internal understanding that what is happening is a mistake, just a coincidence.
  4. Both are easier. Pulling life's strap together is twice as easy, duties and expenses are divided in half, only being close to a person of convenience every day will be more and more difficult.

Now you should honestly answer yourself the question, for what reason did you marry this particular person. If according to one of the above, then perhaps this is simply not your person, because it turns out that anyone could have been in his place.

Another question is, if the choice was still conscious, you wanted to connect your life with this particular man, but at some point something went wrong. In this case, you can rephrase the question a little and understand how to continue to be happy in your marriage every day.

  1. The rose colored glasses don't fit. It is better to remove them even before the moment of pronouncing the wedding vows. There are no ideal people, and if you agree to the proposal of this particular man, then you are ready to accept him with all the advantages and disadvantages, and there will probably be quite a few of them later. If you hope to re-educate and change a person for yourself, then this is a completely vain work that will bring nothing but disappointment and resentment.
  2. Compromise. It will have to go constantly to maintain a healthy climate in the family. Endlessly adapting and giving in is just as impossible as constantly insisting on one's own, expecting understanding from a partner. Constant dialogue, understanding and the desire to avoid disputes over trifles, as well as making joint decisions on key issues, make spouses partners who are important and necessary to each other.
  3. If you want to live happily, live in secret. And this is one of the most valuable tips. Do not make public the problems that arise in the family, do not allow strangers (even if they are close relatives) to interfere in your family life, do not ask for advice from your friends, describing the controversial situation in all colors. Everything that happens between two people should remain between them.
  4. Skeletons in the closet. Everyone has a past life, each of the spouses. So this past life should remain there, you don’t need to arrange an inquiry and extort the details of his past adventures from your spouse, and you shouldn’t even talk about this topic yourself. This frankness does not carry anything but unfounded suspicions and creeping doubts.
  5. Disagreements happen to everyone, it is important to be able to make them a short film, and not turn it into a multi-episode series with the prospect of developing over several seasons. At the time of the dispute, you should not start to sort things out by turning to personalities, remembering past grievances, or remembering old disagreements. If a dispute has already arisen, argue on a specific topic, which will be settled on this.
  6. The best medicine is laughter. Including relationships. If you stop laughing together, things are really wrong. A sense of humor, the ability to look at the situation from a different angle, and the reduction in the importance of what is happening are a guarantee that the number of controversial situations will be much less, and those that arise will be resolved faster and more painlessly.
  7. Interest. Save the desire to surprise and delight your spouse. Remember how it was in the candy-bouquet period, when surprises were quite common, when you wanted to do things for the second half just like that for no reason. Feeling your diligence and interest, the partner will definitely answer you in the same coin, in this case, do not forget to show gratitude, compliments and how to be surprised and admired for the first time.
  8. Remember the most destructive things that are out of the question in a happy marriage:
    • Contempt - all the undertakings of the partner are met with disdain, with some superiority and even disgust, from such an attitude any person, even if he is very interested in you, will lose the desire to do something;
    • Defense - to force the spouse to constantly make excuses, inventing non-existent claims;
    • Criticism - thinking that the partner's actions are doomed to failure, motivated by the fact that "you know better", will lead the person to give up and stop even trying to perform actions;
    • The opposition is to assume in advance that the spouse is wrong, without even trying to understand the situation.

Of course, there is no single recipe for solving emerging family problems. Constant work on yourself and relationships together with a partner is the only answer to the question of how you can become happy in marriage. Family happiness depends on how willing the spouses are to be together.

Being together means accepting and understanding each other in different life situations. At the same time, it is important not to dissolve in a partner without a trace, to remain yourself, not to lose your own “I”. Only in this case, you will always remain a mystery for your husband, which you will want to solve all your life together.

The number of marriages and divorce proceedings is almost equal. Why do people first get married, and after a year or 2 they run to get divorced? This problem should be considered, since all readers have the hope that happiness in marriage is possible.

Statistics say that out of 100 marriages, 10 are based on love. All other marriages are concluded for profit (by calculation), by flight (the girl became pregnant), because of loneliness or because of the desire to change something in her life. It is not surprising that such approaches do not allow you to create happy. Why? Because a person does not initially create a family, but solves his problems through a stamp in his passport.

Marriage will not be happy on its own. It all depends on what feelings a man and a woman have for each other, what actions they perform, whether they achieve the goals they have set for themselves, whether they support and help each other, whether they develop their relationship and do everything together or someone alone tries. To build a happy marriage, you need to constantly work for both partners (and not just one). Otherwise, the following typical situations are obtained when:

  1. A woman stays with a man in marriage so as not to be alone, because she believes that after a divorce she will not be able to improve her personal life.
  2. A woman saves a family for the sake of children. Like, when they grow up, then it will be possible to think about parting with her husband.
  3. The woman does not want to get divorced because the man provides for her. She agrees to live with him for the money.

And how many unfortunate stories are there about how husbands cheated on their wives? Here, women can also not break off relations, but live miserably, because whoever likes that they are cheating on him.

Men beat, rape, insult, cheat on their wives, and they forgive them, which makes the marriage as a whole unhappy. And so it continues until the woman gets tired of such a life or her partner himself decides to part with her. Many women suffer until old age. Only then do they begin to ask a simple question: “And for what, in fact, do they keep something that does not bring them happiness?”

  1. Why live with a man who hits or cheats?
  2. Why save a marriage if it doesn't bring happiness?
  3. Why continue a relationship in which a woman does not achieve what she started for?

This is how most of the women live, who hope that everything will change soon. However, years pass when it was possible to change something, but nothing changes in marriage. The man, as he mocked the woman, continues to mock. The woman, as she felt unhappy, continues to experience the same emotions.

The most interesting thing is that men can also suffer in marriage with women who are unhappy. Often, women saw their husbands, they themselves change or do not do what men created families with them for. Often both are unhappy in marriage, only each of the spouses experiences this in their own way.

Why are people unhappy in marriage?

The propaganda that a person should create and give birth to children almost from a young age has led to the destruction of many marriages. Young people get married and get married, give birth to children as soon as possible. Literally during the first 5 years of marriage, they understand that they made a mistake. Marriage life has become hell. For some reason, husbands are forced to listen to reproaches every day, because spouses consider it their legal right. Wives hear criticism every day about how ugly they are. They have to cook food for their husbands, wash, clean. At the same time, they take care of children, work, because husbands cannot earn enough money.

The institution of the family is being destroyed, because a man and a woman feel not just unhappy people, but slaves in their own home. “Why do I need a family if this is hard labor?” - people disperse, no longer wanting to build a love relationship. At the same time, children suffer, who were also born because it was necessary.

Marriage becomes a prison. Both suffer. A woman expects only obligations from a man, and a man demands that his wife plow for him. This is what marriage is: it is the union of two slaves, where each one thinks he is the master, but, in fact, is the same miserable and unhappy creature as his partner.

Why not start a family now? If people continue to promote marriage, forcing young people to play weddings without understanding why they need it, then the institution of marriage will fall apart. Disappointed in family life, people will tell their children that family is bad. “You see, your father abandoned us. There is nothing good in the family”, “Your mother cannot even cook and constantly yells at you. Don't get married, son," parents will pass on their own frustrations to their children. As a result, people will soon stop entering into official marriages. Everything is moving towards this.

If people are unhappy, why should they build family ties? It is not marriage itself that makes a person unhappy, but the inability of him and his partner to make a life together happy. A family is built by two people. If they do not try to make the union happy, then the relationship itself will not become happy.

Marriage is neither good nor bad. The negative impact is the following: people create families without even understanding why they need it. Women often marry those who are simply rich. Men often marry those who know how to make the house cozy. But time passes, and they realize that they do not like. They begin to look for lovers and mistresses who will fill the gap that they themselves have created.

People do not get to know each other, but just walk, have fun, sometimes quarrel. If their union lasted for several months or a year, they play a wedding. There is no mention of any love. It is impossible to say that the partners know each other well. After the wedding, men are surprised that women stop sleeping with them, and women see how men comfortably fit on sofas and do not want to do anything. Have they become different? No, it's just that no one wanted to know them well enough to see who they were.

Partners do not face the problems that arise in family life. Before marriage, they have fun, and after the wedding, they begin to resolve serious issues. If we talk about concessions and compromises, when it turns out that the partner does not like what you like, and you want to live differently from the way your loved one lives, everything leads to daily scandals and quarrels.

People don't learn to live together. It seems to them that in family life everything will develop by itself. All problems will pass by just because they are together. But being together does not mean that you have a loved one. Together is when you and your loved one go in the same direction, help each other when necessary, protect and make stronger.

People become unhappy not because marriage and family are wrong concepts. All misfortunes come from having to be husbands and wives where no one has taught them how to live with each other. Each begins to think only of himself, wondering why the partner does not obey his will. Everyone forgets about what he can lose, starting to become impudent.

Unhappy marriage - endure or divorce?

If the spouses are unhappy in marriage, then the question of getting a divorce may soon arise. It can be the initiative of both men and women. It all depends on how valuable marriage is to each partner and how much patience someone has. Usually, the one who is already very tired of the partner, as well as the one who can no longer endure, begins to talk about divorce. If the marriage is unhappy for a long time, then divorce is inevitable.

What makes a marriage unhappy?

  • The inability of spouses to solve the problems they constantly face.
  • Attempts to improve the relationship of only one partner, when the second does not care what happens to their marriage.
  • Cheating, indifferent attitude, bullying, insulting at least one of the partners.
  • Lack of love and respect for at least one of the partners.
  • Lack of desire to do anything for the sake of the relationship of at least one of the partners.

Marriage is the union of two people. If someone does not try, be indifferent, does not maintain and does not protect the relationship, then the family falls apart. Alone, the second partner will not be able to do anything.

What advice do psychologists give spouses to save their marriage? You can often hear that a man and a woman parted for a while and stayed apart. Over time, they will be able to understand for themselves how much they need their family relationships. If both need a family, then the spouses will begin to try to restore what was destroyed. If someone no longer needs marriage, then it is better to get a divorce and not torment anyone.

What is a happy marriage?

People are already so used to the fact that usually marriages become unhappy that they forget about what a happy marriage is. Many cannot even give examples of happy families. However, absolutely everyone can list unhappy marriages.

Dreaming of a family and a loved one, people often talk about a happy future. If you build relationships, then only happy ones. If you register a marriage, then only happy. If you give birth to children, then only in a happy family. All people wish to live in a happy future. But in order to get there, you need to create your happiness in the present tense. If you do not live happily now, then it is unlikely that you will be able to live in the future without changing anything.

How do you know if you are in a happy marriage or not?

  1. Decide for yourself what happiness is for you.

For some, happiness will be the presence of a large capital in the husband, and for another - the appearance of children. What is happiness for you personally? Otherwise, this question can be asked as follows: why did you create a family? What did you want to get when you registered a relationship? Someone wants to get the status of a husband / wife. Someone wants to get approval from society: “What a fine fellow you are!”. Some people want to have their own family. Each person has his own reasons why he created a family.

And the second question: what for the sake of which you registered the marriage, do you now receive? If you're not getting what you expected from your marriage, then chances are you're unhappy. But if you have achieved your goal, because of which you registered the union, then you are happy.

2. Are you growing in your marriage?

One of the components of happiness is the ability to develop, become better, more successful, more beautiful, healthier, happier. In other words, the relationships you are in help you improve. Do you feel positive changes in yourself? Does your partner support you, help you? Does it push you to develop useful character traits and skills? Let's just say that from the moment you register your marriage, you feel that you have more space for self-realization.

A person feels happy only when he can realize himself. Use your potential, finally try your hand, create something new - that's what makes a person happy. All this can be achieved alone. But since we are talking about a marriage in which your partner is also in, the question is different: does your partner support you in your aspirations and self-realization?

A happy marriage is one in which people feel confident, strong, calm. They can realize themselves, because their partners support or even help them in this. They understand that since the moment of marriage, their life has improved qualitatively. They move forward, leaving behind their "loser" existence. If this is about you, then you are living in a happy marriage. But if you feel that you are increasingly withering, degrading, becoming insecure, then your marriage cannot be called happy.

Family life becomes happy:

  • When people consciously chose each other.
  • When they told themselves that they would try for the sake of their beloved partners.
  • When they respect desires and opinions that do not coincide with their own.
  • When they are looking for common goals, they are interesting to both, they communicate openly, and do not hold a grudge against each other.
  • When they understand that they succeed in building relationships, they can easily create a family in which children will appear.
  • When they are ready to face problems, at the same time they agree to help each other if something does not work out for someone.
  • When everyone understands that the “atmosphere” in a relationship depends on what he himself does for the happiness of himself and his beloved.

It is not marriage that makes people happy, but the kind of marriage they create depends entirely on the partners.

The results of unhappy marriages

Watching other people's misfortunes or facing grief in marriage, people are increasingly beginning to live in a civil or guest marriage. These relationships do not require a stamp in the passport and obligations. This relationship may suggest that the so-called spouses do not live together. This is a relationship where partners do not owe anything to each other and can easily leave at any time. These are the results that come when it is not possible to build a happy marriage.

The saddest thing is that the children of unfortunate spouses are watching all this. It is beginning to be considered normal to live in a civil or guest marriage, to create unhappy unions where they will be humiliated, endure bullying and suffer. Every parent should think about what kind of example he sets for his child, who looks at him and believes that the way his parents live, you need to build your love relationship. Do you want your child to live the life you live?