What is a strong family based on? Hivemindroom - training center for personal growth Strong family! A strong family will teach you to give love

We continue to post on our website children's works sent to the literary and poetic competition "MY FAMILY".

Recall that the competition is held in three categories: drawing, expressive reading and author's works. Today we bring to your attention a poem by Krasnov Mikhail, a student of grade 7 A of secondary school No. 56 (teacher Sinakova E.A.) "What is a strong family?" and an essay by Daria Popova, a student of secondary school No. 46 "My family". Illustrations for children's work will serve drawings of pupils of kindergarten No. 126 sent to our competition.

Krasnov Mikhail

MBOU "School No. 56"

What is a strong family?

Blizzard outside the window
Rain or thunder -
There is a place
Where it's always warm!

Where is mom's smile

Greet us with warmth
Where is dad's care
Warms up the house!

Where is my cold
Know how to treat
Prank uneasy
They can forgive me!

Where are my worries
are driven away,
Where in any matter
Can help me!

Where is funny
curious cat
And from work mom

Waiting with me.

Where is it so interesting
Dream about the future
And at the Christmas tree together
Meet New Year!

Get together in the evening
At one table
remember, laugh
Argue about the past.

Where is the kettle in the kitchen
whistling mischievously,
Grandma is busy
Cater in a hurry!

Fishing rods, fishing -
Tomorrow is a day off!
Grandpa fussing,
To be with me.

grandmother's hands
grandfather's advice
Nothing more expensive
Not in this world!

What kind of place is it?
I will answer you!
This is my father's house
Where is my family!

Where are the native people
They love us and wait
Where it's bright and clean
Joy and comfort.

To every boy
I want to wish:
Let him have in life
He is his family!

Every girl
The world should know
What is friendly
A strong family!

No wealth
will not replace us
Loyalty and care
Mothers who love us!

I am my family
I value it very much
All my love to her
I gladly donate!

Popova Daria

MBOU "School No. 46"

My family

What could be more precious than a family?

Warmly welcomes the father's house,

Here they are always waiting for you with love,

And they are escorted on the road with good.

Family is the main thing in the life of every person. After all, it is in the family that maternal, paternal, and brotherly love is most fully manifested. A person cannot live without a family.

My family is my mom, dad, older brother and me.

I have the most beautiful and kind mother. She teaches mathematics at the school. I go to her lessons with great pleasure, because I know that there will be a meeting with something new and exciting. My mother is a very good teacher. She chose her path as a child. Grandfather and grandmother, my mother's great-grandmother are teachers. And my mother, while still a schoolgirl, listening to their stories about the school, decided that she would also be a teacher. Mom prepares a lot for classes, checks notebooks, writes articles. And my mother cooks well, goes in for sports. I know that no matter what happens to me, she will understand me, support and help.

My dad is the most just and kind person. He always pays a lot of attention to my brother and me. You can talk about everything with him. He reads a lot and always has something interesting to say. Dad often talks about his grandfather, Pavel Dmitrievich Popov, a participant in the Great Patriotic War. The Pope says that we must always remember that a new war can begin when a generation grows up that has forgotten the previous war. We must remember our heroes.

I have an older brother, his name is Sasha. He is a student at the Polytechnic University. Sasha is fond of basketball. He is the best brother in the world. I can contact him with any question. Sasha listens carefully and advises what to do in this or that case.

I'm in fifth grade. I try to study well, I read a lot, I visit museums, theaters. Also, I love to hang out with my friends.

Our family also has its own traditions: family holidays - birthdays, March 8, New Year, Easter. We prepare for family holidays together - both adults and children. Often our relatives also join us. We look forward to family holidays, because they always bring us joy.

Our family is very friendly. All household responsibilities are shared among all family members.

The family rests on trust, understanding, caring for each other. For me, my family is a place where I look forward to returning. And when I am an adult, when I have children, I will teach them: you need to build a family, it will not build itself, you need to protect family traditions and customs, respect your parents.

My family is the most ordinary, there are millions of such families, but at the same time it is the best.

“Parental home is a place from Paradise……

Where time is frozen on the hands of the clock...

And mom forgives mistakes with all her heart,

Give you warmth and love.

As often happens, we “put on” happy smiles only for family photos. And in the whirlwind of life's fuss, we don't even realize how important our loved ones are to us.

A strong family is not so simple!

There are times when we feel a strong need to communicate with loved ones.. And sometimes we prefer to minimize contact with loved ones. In certain situations, without much remorse, we turn off the mobile when mom's number is displayed on its screen. After all, we know perfectly well what questions she will ask: “How was your day?”, “What did you cook for dinner?” and the eternal "When will you come to me?".

And she calls just when we have absolutely no time or desire to talk. But there are also days (especially in difficult moments or when we are away from loved ones) when we are ready to give a lot, if only, as if by one wave of a magic wand, to return to childhood, to mother's arms.

Strong family today

There is an opinion that the modern family is no longer the family that was decades ago. Relationships between loved ones, attitudes and values ​​have changed. Increasingly, for example, husbands stay late at work and not always in order to earn more money, but often in order to. .. "escape" from the family!

On the other hand, according to psychologists, never before has our connection with loved ones been as strong as in modern times. We don't even realize how important family ties are to us.
It depends on the family whether we are happy or not. This was proved by American psychologists by conducting a study in two groups of people: one - people with strong family ties, the second - lonely.

The result speaks for itself - those who were brought up in a large strong family are now fully happy and do not want to change anything. The lonely also said that they were happy, but when asked what they would like to change in their lives, they all answered as one: “A lot!” Why is the family so important for a person's personal happiness?

How does family support us?

In everyday life, we do not even think about what family means to us, and what is this amazing connection that even the strongest friendship cannot replace. Very often (especially on the eve of family holidays) a strange but strong desire awakens in us to see those in whose veins the same blood flows as in ours.

If now your relationship with loved ones (parents, relatives) is not the best, you, without hesitation, object: “I don’t need a family!” You are financially independent, you solve your own problems, and you can always ask a friend for advice. This is true.

But have you ever wondered who you owe all this to? Most likely the family in which you grew up. How each of us brought certain family traditions, values ​​and principles from childhood. This is the capital that we use in adult independent life, spend and replenish it in order to pass it on to our children.

A strong family is where they help each other

Take a moment to think about why you can't live without your loved ones.- parents and relatives... You are not alone with them. It doesn't matter if your loved ones live in the same city as you or at the end of the world. You don't have to see each other three times a week. They just exist - and that's the main thing. And you know what they think of you too. But don't forget that communication is also very important. Call, write letters, visit each other whenever possible.

You can count on them. Everyone makes mistakes, and your loved ones are no exception. Everything happens in life, and sometimes even the most dear people can offend us greatly. But have you ever wondered what you would do without your brother, who is always ready to fix the faucet in your apartment? Or without your sister, who taught you how to apply makeup many years ago, and then organized your wedding from A to Z? How would you manage to combine motherhood with work, if not for your mother? Without the help of a strong family, much would not have been possible in life.

The family will always help with advice. You can count on the help of the family not only in everyday affairs and worries. There are moments when you have to make important life decisions and you cannot do without wise advice.

You can be sure of one thing - your loved ones will not deceive you, because your happiness is important to them. Their opinion may differ from yours, but they are sincere and selflessly love you.

A strong family will teach you to give love

Have you ever wondered why you like to give your tenderness to children so much? Why do you want to say "I love you" to your husband? Because this behavior was taught to you by your parents, relatives, your whole family. Before you can love as an adult, you must learn to love as a child. And this is what we learn in our father's house.

Later, love goes with us through life, we pass it on to our children, and they give it to us and pass it on to their offspring. And our grandchildren then doubly give it to us.

Relatives motivate to action. Sometimes it is scary to make an important decision, you hesitate, do not dare to act. If you tell your loved ones about this, they will definitely listen to you and try to give good advice. Yes, and the conversation itself will already bring relief.

After all, almost every day, since childhood, parents are constantly raising our “bar”. Sometimes we manage to jump over it, and sometimes we don't. But here it is not the results that are important, but the jump itself. It is the family that motivates us to action, growth, development.

Those close to us shape the idea of ​​our own family. From the house we take out a sample of the “cell of society”. If your parents and grandparents lived in a happy marriage, for you their union will serve as a model for creating your own family. You will do everything so that your marriage is successful, and the children can then remember pleasant moments in the family circle - just like you.

The topic of today's our conversation is the concept of "strong family", what does it include?

Today, the concept of a “strong family” implies a family in which the full development of a mature personality takes place, capable of taking responsibility for their actions, for future offspring, honoring their parents, able to love, protect, forgive. A strong family is a family capable of creating a moral and spiritual upbringing of the younger generation, introducing children to national traditions and culture, including the culture of family relations. And in order to give all this to your younger generation, you need to understand on what principles a strong, friendly family is built. After all, all that we can pass on to our children is our own experience.

Of course, it’s good when you learn from the mistakes of others, it’s not bad when you learn from your own mistakes, and it’s not at all bad if the time has come when you already know everything and there’s nothing to learn. I hope this hasn't happened to you yet, so let's start from the beginning.

So, you got married or got married. What's next?

Let's figure it out together with you - on what principles a strong, friendly family should be built.

So the first aspect.

Husband and wife should understand their functions in the family. A man must be a man and understand his area of ​​responsibility, a woman, respectively, a woman, and perform the functions of a wife. To begin with, consider what is included in the duties of a husband:
1. Financial support of the family. When a man goes beyond the threshold of his house, his area of ​​\u200b\u200bresponsibility begins, in other words, “hunting”.
2. Protecting your family from all dangers. Being physically stronger by nature, he takes on this role.
3. Hard work requiring good physical data.
4. The male component in the upbringing of children. Here it is necessary to understand the role of a man, taking into account the difference in the upbringing of a girl and a boy.
The wife, as the guardian of the family hearth, must understand:
1. Everything in the house is her area of ​​​​responsibility.
2. Building harmonious relations between spouses and children is in her charge.
3. Psychological support for a man in all his undertakings is the basis of harmonious relationships.
4. The female component in the upbringing of children and its role, taking into account the difference in the upbringing of a girl and a boy.

Second aspect.

Equal relations in the family. When your relationship is built on the recognition of a personality in your partner, without humiliation and insulting each other, but taking into account the understanding of your functions.

Third aspect.

Nobody can be corrected. This is especially true for family relationships. One of the greatest delusions of man is that someone can be corrected, made better, cleaner. Even Confucius once said: “If you want to change something in your family, start with yourself.” This does not mean that while taking care of yourself, you remain indifferent to the manifestation of your partner. But, here you need to clearly understand that the language of the teacher and "teacher" will not be very effective for building a strong family. If not to say the opposite.
In your own upbringing, do not forget the language of the dialogue. And if there's something you don't like about your partner, talk to him openly about it. The first problems begin in the family, when you try to close your eyes to something and accumulate in yourself the first “glimpses” of future problems.

From this follows the fourth aspect.

Do not accumulate complaints about your partner, but do not pour out everything that has accumulated in you on his head. A calm, frank conversation can have a much greater effect than mutual reproaches and insults.

Fifth aspect.

Take care of your relationships. Keep strangers out of your relationship, especially when you have a great, caring relationship with each other. Do not complain about your troubles in relationships, do not listen to the advice of "well-wishers", especially if they themselves do not quite have a family life. Better listen to what your heart tells you. It is the best adviser, you can only hear his advice when the mind and feelings are calm.
Therefore, the sixth aspect is as follows:
Don't get emotional in difficult situations. Often say to yourself - stop! And ask the question - what is more important to you - to maintain peace in the family or to prove your superiority? If superiority is more important, then you decided to start a family too early. And the preservation of peace requires a calm attitude, because only in this state can you make the right decision and not do another stupid thing.

Seventh aspect.

Learn to respect yourself, love. If you succeed, then you can always give love and respect to your partner, children. Understand what these concepts are, as you understand it. After all, a strong, friendly family should be built on mutual respect and trust in your partner. If you are interested in this topic, we can discuss it in our further materials.

Eighth aspect.

Nothing strengthens family relationships like shared interests. Find time for this. If interests do not coincide, feel free to compromise. It is worth it, but this does not mean that your personal interests should be forgotten in the process. Of course not. And from this we can formulate ninth aspect.
Each spouse can have their own free space. Your friends, interests, hobbies. And if there is trust in each other, then this will not be a problem.

tenth aspect.

Treat your partner's relatives with respect, even if they seem completely unpleasant to you. Try to find something good in them and focus your attention on it. By doing this, you will provide invaluable support to your partner, accepting his entire family as a whole.

Eleventh aspect.

One of the important qualities of character that both spouses should work on is patience. After all, building a strong, friendly family is not possible without effort. Patience is one of those efforts that helps to calmly endure all the hardships of family life.
Many will say - what about love? From the standpoint of my personal 15-year experience of marriage, I can say that love is the manifestation of these eleven aspects, this is another of the efforts that must be carried out regularly in life in order to create a friendly, strong family. Good luck on this path, whose name is - great family.

Elena Platonov.

By following the simple and true advice of psychologists, you can make your marriage happy and strong. And if everything is fine with you, even without these tips, then this article caught your eye for a reason. With its help, you will learn simple truths that can be useful on the path of life.

What makes a family strong?

1. Show respect for your spouse

This is a very important rule. After all, living in a marriage, partners often begin to lose respect for each other. Why is this happening? Because everything has already been “captured”, the stamp stands and there is nothing to admire. That's how people are.

Your duty is to respect your partner and his choice. If something does not suit you, you need to speak up and put forward reasonable criticism. Then, you will be heard, and the partner will take into account your remark without offense.

2. Ask for advice

The rash actions of one of the spouses often lead to scandals in the family. This may be the purchase of the “wrong” household appliances or the purchase of vacation packages without the consent of the spouse (s). Actions can be anything, but the fact that you did not consult, deciding everything for two, leads to scandals.

A simple conversation with your spouse, suggestions and advice can save your marriage from scandal and strengthen trust.

3. Show "weakness"

Weakness can and should be shown in some cases. For example, you argue with your husband (wife) for a long time about the correct name of an actor. The spouse (s) insists that it is so, and you, not knowing the name for sure, still disagree and stand your ground. As a result, the scandal “out of the blue” is guaranteed to you.

From the fact that you do not give in to the dispute, show "weakness", happiness will not increase. Nobody says that life is built on concessions, but sometimes it is necessary. Especially in family life.

4. Feel free to wish

There is a misconception among some people who are afraid or embarrassed to reveal their desires to a partner. That's why then, you tied the knot? To hide your desires and look to the "left"?

Don't be afraid and take this matter seriously. After all, your partner is also probably full of surprises that you previously did not suspect. By revealing your "secrets", you let a new "stream" into the usual course of married life.

5. Start the morning with a smile and "warm" words

Partners who have been married for 3 years or more are prone to the “spoiled” mood syndrome in the morning. Having risen from the bed, they walk with a displeased face and grumble. Starting the morning in this way, the day also turns into “something”.

Change everything for the better, or better yet, prevent this syndrome. Wake up with a smile, hug and kiss your partner. Let him grumble, it won't be long. Sow joy and love into your life in the morning.

6. Help each other

An old stereotype that a woman's place is at the stove, and a man is on the couch. In our time, not much has changed, but the fact that it is necessary to help each other is not always the case.

To live in understanding, you need to care for each other. A man will not fall apart and will not fall into the “dirt” on his face if he helps his wife around the house or in the kitchen. A woman will not cease to be a woman if she helps her husband, repair a car or putty a ceiling. Mutual aid brings together and strengthens marriage.

7. Talk about love

The couple, who have been married for a long time, is slowly moving from love “twitter” to everyday “croaking”. It seems that it is even considered normal when partners are constantly dissatisfied with each other and say barbs. Gradually, such communication becomes the norm, between two people who once loved each other very much. Don't let that happen! Talk about love, show affection, continue the "path" of love.

You have been presented with 7 steps that will strengthen a marriage. The main thing in the relationship between a man and a woman is trust. It allows you to be honest, to love your partner for who he is, without trying to remake. Love, trust and make your marriage stronger!

Indeed, a happy and strong family always takes into account many conditions and factors. Building a good family is a whole art, it is not easier than building a good reliable business, sometimes even more difficult. Now we will consider only the most important conditions for creating a good strong marriage. Many are also interested in the question - But how to predict, calculate in advance whether the family will be strong and whether the marriage will fall apart in the first year or month? And what needs to be done so that love, which is almost always present at the very beginning of a relationship, does not fade away after a while? Universal Laws of relationships - that's the answer! These laws and rules need to be known and observed, following them, in many ways, is the guarantor of the future of the family.

So, what do you need to know and do to build a strong family?

Laws of a happy marriage:

1. The Law of Correspondence which sounds like this - Love prefers equals, and even more so long-term relationships. Those who say that all people are equal are lying or greatly mistaken. People are not equal - they are different in their level of strength, intelligence, potential, goals, values, etc. Two people who create a family should correspond to each other in many respects, they should be interested in each other. First of all, these are goals and values, there must be common vital interests, something that will unite two people. This is a guarantee that lovers will not only love each other, but also understand, and this is no less important than feelings, in such a responsible matter as building a family.

Example. Most marriages, according to statistics, break up in the fall, after a vacation. Two people went to rest together, there is a lot of free time, only now there is nothing to talk about, there is nothing that unites. And they understand that it makes no sense to stay together, because there is nothing in common, there are no topics for conversation, and the former love is no longer there either. When there are no common interests at all, the end of the marriage.

2. Law of Love! This is the law of high feelings, which have nothing to do with banal sexual attraction and with primitive bodily or psychological possession.

"Marriages are made in heaven"- true marriages are blessed by the Gods, this is when two Souls love and choose each other, and not when instinct beats in the head, and a person cannot control himself.

Love is a high spiritual feeling, it is not an emotion. True Love is the ability for the sake of love and a loved one, his happiness to step over any of his ambitions, selfishness, pride, it is a willingness to sacrifice his personal interests and even life. Love is not to take, but to give, and this is the real happiness.

Love is the unity of the other four noble feelings -, and. Only these four feelings together will make your love strong, invulnerable and permanent. The art of love must be learned through the implementation of the other three Laws, which are described in this article.

3. The Law of Communication! Any relationship is first and foremost communication. No communication, no relationship. This is perhaps the most important thing that should be constantly between two loving people. Communication should be varied, pleasant and useful in all respects.

Nice talking- on all topics of interest - these are compliments, declarations of love, stories about your dreams and your life, discussion of plans for the future, philosophical debates on eternal topics, etc. Communication during evening walks, dinners, etc. Communication should not be empty or negative (gossip, washing bones, etc.), it should give joy, trust and knowledge of the inner world (Soul) of each other.

Useful communication. There will always be moments of disagreement, dissatisfaction with each other, etc. This cannot be avoided. Therefore, in the family, in order for the negative to not accumulate, time must be allocated for “useful communication”. In the form of "Useful communication" - these are round tables in order to adequately prevent and resolve conflicts, express claims in the correct form, in order to learn to listen and hear each other, and find a compromise. I know many families that have survived precisely because of this unique form and have reached a new level of feelings, a depth of trust in each other, strengthened relationships, and are happy to this day. And also, I know families that broke up, because the husband and wife did not allocate time for communication and did not know how to negotiate with each other.

4. Law of Development! A family is created not only to give birth and raise children, and to continue their race. And above all, so that two souls develop through each other, so that many life lessons can be learned together. Happiness in the family is always ensured precisely by joint growth, when two people develop together and individually. And when one grows up, for example, makes a career, attends trainings, is active in life, and the second one sits at home and does not strive for anything, does not grow - this sooner or later leads to the breakup of the family. The first simply simply becomes not interested in the second, he outgrows the second.

This happens when, for example, a woman, after the birth of a child, decides to stay at home, not work, gives up her career and becomes a housewife, but in fact a household staff. She gradually ceases to be bright, attractive and attractive to her husband, and this often leads to the fact that a man begins to pull to the left. Cheating is always very bad, it's a crime. Why? We will talk about changes in the following articles. But in the situation described, a man naturally begins to be attracted to brighter, more expressive, active, ambitious ladies. Those who do not forget about themselves as a woman and want to please men. And not every man can resist the temptation. In the same way, when a woman is active, growing, and a man remains passive and not ambitious, aimless and does not change at all.

The ideal option is when both spouses are active in terms of personal growth, that is, they work on their shortcomings and reveal new facets of their own personality, new abilities and talents. Constant personal growth makes the soul, the inner world of a person rich, it will always be interesting with such a person. This is not a vegetable in the garden, which does not need anything, as long as it is not touched.

For information on what human development is and about personal growth trainings, see.

Following these laws will allow you not only to save your family, but also to make relationships, love, trust, respect and family happiness always grow!

Good luck and victories on the family front :) Sincerely, the author