How to dry nails in cold water. How to dry nail polish quickly in cold water? Folk ways of drying nails

How to quickly dry nail polish? If you do a manicure in the salon, then there are no problems with this: the master will apply the most modern and effective means, and you just have to go out with perfectly painted nails. But it happens that a manicure has to be done at home, but this does not mean that it should be sloppy or with signs of defects. In this case, usually, the coating "suffers" from incorrect application technique and poor drying. There are many "home" and professional ways and means to quickly dry nail polish. They will all be ineffective if you do not initially apply the varnish correctly.

How to paint nails: step by step instructions

  1. The varnish will hold on for a long time and “wear” well if it is applied in stages, as is done in salons. Any girl who dreams of a perfect and wearable manicure can do it with her own hands. In addition, such a coating dries much faster and lasts longer, especially if a nail dryer is applied on top.
  2. First of all, the enamel must be fresh (not diluted) and liquid. If the consistency is thick, then your varnish is “doomed” to a long drying time and problems during application. next moment quality manicure do it yourself - processing the nail plate and uniformity of coverage. This is how it is done on its own. The nail is preliminarily cleaned of fat (degreased) using cotton pad And . Then the first thin coat of varnish is applied, when it dries, the second, equally thin, follows. It is important that the layers are uniform and precisely thin: then the varnish will dry quickly, grab well, and will be worn much longer.

Professional and home drying products

"Fast" is a different concept for everyone. However, no varnish can be dried in 1 second, no matter what means it is done. In any case, the process will take at least 3-5 minutes, but this is much less than natural drying. All known ways drying can be divided into 2 groups: improvised and professional. The first category includes various methods using available means, and secondly - special liquids and a lamp for drying nails.

Home remedies: dry with water - a proven way

How can you dry something with water? Luck, it turns out, is even very possible. Although this method belongs to the category of home remedies, it is advised and practiced by professional manicure masters. Having inflicted the right way coating (scheme at the beginning of the article), the nails should be lowered into a container with enough cold water almost icy. To do this, you can put ice cubes there. Hold hands under water for 3 minutes, then remove and allow to dry from water. The cover will be dry. Another option is to put your fingers under running cold water. Some, however, say that the container works more efficiently, and a jet of water can damage fragile varnish, so you need to keep your hand a little away from pressure.

Frost to the rescue

How to quickly dry your nails yet? The varnish will dry faster if it is placed in the freezer before use, for 20 minutes. Or another option: put your hands with already painted nails there for no more than a couple of minutes. The coating after such procedures dries almost instantly.

Cold air

Another home method- drying with a hair dryer or fan. The fingers are exposed to the air flow, under its influence the varnish dries up. But there is one “but”: in the case of a hair dryer, use cold, not hot air. Otherwise, the varnish will lose its luster, and in the near future it will completely peel off (the varnish does not “like” anything hot). If you're hitchhiking or need to get your nails done right in the car, stick your hands out the window and ask the driver to drive faster. The varnish will dry almost immediately, but you need to try so that roadside dust does not stick to it.

Vegetable oils

How to quickly dry your nails with oil? To do this, apply 1-2 drops of vegetable or olive oil to each nail. After holding for 2 minutes, rinse and allow the enamel to dry.

Exotic: dish sprays

Use sprays and aerosols to clean surfaces of equipment (computers, TVs) and prepare baking dishes before use. To do this, direct the can to the nails at a distance of 15-20 cm (so as not to deform the enamel).

professional tools

These include fixatives, liquid dryers and special lamps. Given the troublesome home methods, it is probably better to have a bottle of such a product in order to dry the varnish aesthetically and efficiently. Liquid nail dryer is sold in any specialty or regular store with cosmetics and household chemicals, and smart enamel can be purchased at a pharmacy. They are applied over the painted nail as a topcoat and fixer. Depending on the manufacturer, liquids can have both pluses and minuses. Some, for example, tighten the varnish a little, others do not lie down too evenly. To avoid this, you need to choose products from trusted companies. With the help of professional tools, you can not only complete the manicure faster, but also significantly extend the life of the coating for several days, after which the varnish lasts 2 times longer than without them.

Hardware Method: UV Nail Drying Lamp

Professional tools also include a lamp for drying nails. Many girls believe that in such a device you can quickly dry the varnish. However, professionals do not recommend doing this, as UV lamps are designed to work with special gels and varnish gels. After any drying, you should check whether the varnish has dried or not. To do this, the nails must be carefully attached to each other: if they stick, then the coating is still “alive”, if they easily fall behind, the coating has dried. When a gel manicure is done, the final stage will be a UV lamp for drying nails.

Video: how to quickly dry nail polish

Hands are business card any woman, so a manicure should always be perfect. But how to achieve desired result if you did not have time to do it in advance, and in a hurry to work or a date, you need to dry the varnish? There are several secrets with which you will reduce the drying time of the varnish to a minimum.

Proper application of varnish

Before applying nail polish, the nail plate must be degreased, and the varnish itself should be applied in a maximum of two layers. A break before applying layers should be at least a minute. The more accurate and thinner you make the layer, the faster it will dry. It is worth considering that when applying the base under the varnish, it will dry much longer. And if you use additional funds, then take only the finish coat.

Cool the varnish in the refrigerator

Before the manicure procedure, cool the varnish in the refrigerator. Chilled nail polish dries much faster when you apply it. It needs to be cooled for about 15 minutes, after which it can be applied to the nails. Some varnishes may thicken a little, so test them beforehand.

Special funds

Many manufacturers additionally produce products for quick drying of varnish or a base coat to speed up this process. It is worth considering: if you apply a top coat on nail polish, the number of layers should be minimal.

Cold water

The cold is great for speeding up the drying of the manicure. For this procedure, you need to substitute slightly dried nails under a stream of cold water from the tap. You can also use a bowl of water by putting your hands in it. Additionally, you can add ice cubes.


The same effect as from cold water can be obtained by sticking your hand into the freezer. Just do not touch its walls so that the skin does not freeze. At normal temperature in the freezer, the duration of the procedure should not exceed 10 minutes.

Hair dryer

Although the hair dryer is not for nails, but for hair, cold air does the job of drying the varnish just as quickly. The mode of air flow and the duration of the procedure depends on the number of layers. Before you start drying your nails with a hair dryer, you need to wait a bit for it to dry out to prevent it from rolling.

Cooking spray

The oil contained in such sprays not only quickly dries varnished nails, but also takes excellent care of the cuticles. After spraying it on the nails, you must wait a few minutes, then rinse off the residue with water.

How to quickly dry nail polish? In fact, how quickly the varnish dries depends on the technique of applying it to the nails. not to waste extra time waiting, do not forget about the basic rules:

Nails must be dry

Do not do a manicure immediately after taking a shower. To achieve the maximum result in terms of durability and drying speed, degrease your nails with a special clinser or dehydrator immediately before the manicure.

Lacquer should be applied in two thin layers

The thicker the coating, the longer it will dry and the worse it will hold. If the varnish does not give a dense color even after applying it in two layers, use the following life hack: first apply a thin layer of white varnish, and on top - one layer of color. This will avoid a multi-layered "cake" on the nails, which will take forever to dry. And do not forget that before applying another layer, you need to wait at least a minute or two until the previous one dries.

Wait 15 minutes for the coating to dry

Even if the varnish bottle is promisingly labeled "60 second", do not expect that you will be able to run errands immediately after this time. In one minute, the varnish will only “grab”, but the coating will not withstand such a test as fastening a button on a coat: the varnish will definitely smear. Give the manicure a minimum of 15 minutes - read a book, sort through the mail on the computer or look new series favorite series. Of course, everything you need for this should be prepared in advance.

If the coating is still damaged during drying, moisten your finger with water or oil and rub the damaged area with circular "polishing" movements. If you manage to do it quickly - there will be practically no traces left!

Professional life hacks and special products, the range of which is expanding every year, will also help speed up the drying process:

  • Top coat with drying effect. It is usually quick dry clear nail polish, which will not only speed up the drying of all layers of varnish, but also fix the protruding design elements.
  • Spray drying. Evaporating from the nails, the tool contributes to the rapid drying of the varnish.
  • Oil drying. Special drops for oil based not only accelerate the drying of the varnish, but also take care of the skin around the nails.
  • Cold water. Under influence low temperatures The varnish hardens much faster. The easiest way is to place your hands under a stream of cold water.
  • Oil. If there is no special oil drying at hand, you can use caring nail oil and even ordinary vegetable oil. It will prevent accidental smearing and speed up drying.
  • Special dryer with fan. The cool airflow will allow the polish to dry faster, but it's important not to overdo it. Too high a speed can cause the coating to shrink at the edges and bubbles to form.
  • Hairdryer with cold air function. Important not to use high temperatures- under their influence, the varnish, on the contrary, will soften more and more.

Do you have any tips on how to dry your nail polish quickly? Share with us in the comments!

It is clear that any fashionista would like to always have beautiful colored nails. It’s only one thing to choose a color and apply varnish, and another thing is to wait until it dries, otherwise all beauty will disappear due to one smeared nail, and worse than that- you will have to paint it again and again wait until it dries, and this is another 15 minutes of wasted time. But it also happens that you can’t do without a manicure, and there’s no time at all to wait until the varnish dries.

But it turns out that this problem is solvable, but not all girls know about it - there are not one or two, but many ways to quickly dry nail polish and not waste your precious time on it.

Proper preparation

Many girls are not even aware that the nails will dry faster if they are properly prepared. For this you need:

  • get rid of old nail polish using a special liquid - there should not be a trace of it;
  • with a nail file, adjust the required length of the nail plate;
  • polish the nail using a soft buff for this (this is done because the smooth nail plate helps the varnish to dry as soon as possible);
  • at the end of these actions, hands should be washed in soapy water and dried thoroughly with a towel;
  • treat nails with alcohol (nail polish remover is also suitable) - it turns out a kind of degreasing.

What not to do:

  • do not apply cream on your hands before painting your nails with varnish;
  • do not oil cuticles;
  • do not apply new varnish to the old one;
  • do not paint your nails if your hands are wet.

If all the requirements are taken into account, then feel free to proceed with painting. Nail polish should not be more than two layers. They will dry much faster than usual, although it will still take some time.

Maybe you didn't know

How quickly painted nails dry depends on the intensity of the pigment in the applied coating, what color it is and what quality it is. It is believed that on average, it is possible to dry the nails completely in 15-30 minutes, and sometimes much longer. In order to have fewer problems with applying colored varnish, you need to understand its diversity.

Quick dry

There is a demand - there is a supply, because manufacturers understand how important it is for ladies to use just such varnishes that will not take them much time to dry. Such a product costs more, but this is not an obstacle for fashionistas - as long as it really matches the declared qualities and dries quickly.

Such a varnish requires some application skills - everything needs to be done as quickly and accurately as possible, because a quick-drying varnish can harden even on your brush if you decide to get distracted by something. Such a product is suitable for girls who have been doing manicures on their own for a long time and, as they say, their hands are full of quick and accurate application. If you are a beginner, first practice on a regular varnish.

Drying time depends entirely on the pigment content in the coating. Saturated colors dry slowly, transparent and translucent - much faster, therefore, such a product should always be in stock - in case of an emergency.

The thicker the coating, the longer it will dry. When buying a bottle of varnish, consider its contents, and if the composition is too thick, reaches for a brush, or even curled up, do not take it. The varnish can be brought to such a state if it is stored incorrectly - in a too warm place or in the open sun.

Professional appliances

There are specialized stores for the sale of such dryers, and there is everything for those who work in a beauty salon - from tools to the necessary consumables. In addition, drying is also purchased in the cosmetic department, which sells any nail polish. One way or another, if desired, nowadays drying can be quite simply purchased for your own use.

About fan

great way in order for the applied coating to dry as soon as possible - buy a special device, it is called a manicure fan. This compact device can be powered from a wall outlet, or it can also run on batteries (simple penlight).

Moreover, you can buy a device that is designed to dry two hands at once, or you can dry them in turn. The principle of operation of such devices is simple - a hand with freshly applied varnish must be placed inside the device, and there drying occurs due to the operation of several small fans. The cost of these devices is low and you can buy them in the same place where manicure and pedicure supplies are sold.

Lacquer drying

Girls consider this tool to be the simplest and most reliable for fixing their own manicure. At first glance, the varnish is no different from the usual colorless. It is applied a couple of minutes after applying the main color layer. Only one layer is enough for your nails to be completely dry in a maximum of 5 minutes.

In addition, this is not only drying - the nails become even more glossy and retain their shine for several days. Lacquer drying is sold along with all manicure accessories or in the cosmetic departments of stores.


This is another way that helps in the quick drying of painted marigolds. It looks like an ordinary spray can, inside of which there is an oily liquid. The product is applied immediately after applying varnish to the nails, only it is necessary to capture all the nails completely.

After applying the spray, you will have to wait 7 minutes, no more.

The spray is good because it not only helps to dry the applied coating, but also nourishes the skin on the hands.

The disadvantages of using a spray-dryer include the fact that it does not make the coating more resistant. Sold together with other varnishes and manicure accessories.

Oil based

A small bottle and a dropper cap included - this is also a popular drying. Apply this remedy followed by droplets on each nail. One has only to apply, as the oil immediately spreads over the nail, so that the varnish begins to dry quickly. Such a tool is food for nails and periungual ridges, in addition, its regular use will save you from burrs.

About gel polishes

Many ladies know how practical gel polishes are. They long time can be saved on nail plate, do not change the saturation of its color, do not lose gloss. The nail plate becomes denser, and the UV lamp dries them instantly.

In order to make a gel coating, you should go to the salon, although today all the preparations are already available, with which a girl can apply gel polish herself. To do this, she will have to stock up:

  • base gel coat;
  • color gel coating;
  • top reinforcing coating;
  • UV lamp;
  • degreaser (for example, alcohol);
  • polishing buff.

There is nothing complicated in the application procedure itself, and if you have experience in applying conventional varnishes, it will also be easy to cope with the task of applying gel polish.

There are also some folk methods for quick drying of painted nails.

After all, it happens that there is no special means or devices for this this moment no, and no time to wait either. This is where simple and proven methods come in handy:

  1. Just find somewhere a stream of cold air (the wind outside the window, a working air conditioner or a fan - this way the coating on the nails will dry out faster.
  2. Make an ice bath. To do this, before applying the varnish, prepare a container that is suitable in depth and size (so that both hands can fit in it). This capacity should not be afraid of low temperature and freezing. It can be a metal container, but it will be very unpleasant to touch it with your hands when it is cold. It is better to use plastic dishes - it is resistant to cold, and it will be more comfortable to work with it.

In general, you should have such dishes for manicure separately, so that it does not happen that you will dip the varnish into it and cook food.

Pour cold (but not ice) water into the container, send whole, not crushed, pieces of ice there (about one glass). Now put the container with prepared water in the refrigerator (but not in the freezer) and you can start applying varnish to your nails.

In the same case, if you intend to devote at least an hour to nail design, it is better to remove the water in the freezer. Just do not freeze it completely - then nothing will work with quick drying.

When the procedure for applying varnish is over, carefully, so as not to lubricate a single nail, remove the prepared container from the refrigerator or freezer. If possible, ask someone at home to do this.

The surface on which you will place the water tank must be flat. If it is a wooden table, lay between it and the container soft tissue or a towel (this is done so that water rings do not form on the surface).

Hands in the water should be placed slowly, making sure that the nails do not touch each other and that the varnish is not smeared on the surface of the container. If the size of the dish allows, immerse both hands at once, if not, one at a time.

Now you must soak your hands in cold water for three minutes.- the procedure, of course, is not pleasant, but the thought that the varnish will dry quickly in this way should warm you. Taking out the frozen ones, but beautiful hands from ice water, put them on a towel and lightly touch the varnish to make sure that everything is in order - the varnish has frozen, and everything was not in vain. If, when touched, the coating on the nail plate turned out to be hard - that's the way it is.

In principle, when you take your hands out of the water, you can already visually determine that the varnish has dried (even if such a statement sounds strange, but you will see for yourself).

Now you can safely wipe your hands dry and please your cold palms with your favorite cream or lotion.

Other methods:

  1. You can use, for example, a pneumatic cleaner. Until now, you only remembered about it when you were going to tidy up the keyboard, but it turns out that a cleaner or a can of compressed air can dry the varnish on your nails very quickly. You just need to be careful when working with compressed air and keep the can thirty centimeters from the nail surface.
  2. You can think of a hair dryer, because there is a cold mode(the coating bubbles under a hot stream), and a cold stream of air can be used to make the varnish dry faster. Just do not set the speed too high, otherwise you will get waves on the nail plate instead of a smooth manicure.
  3. If you have a spray olive oil , which you use for culinary purposes - it will also help dry your nails. A little of this oil should be sprayed onto the varnish. This method of drying may not seem entirely clear, but it has been proven to be effective, and this is evidenced by many reviews of girls who have used just this method of drying. Here you should also spray oil from a distance of up to thirty centimeters, otherwise the strength of the aerosol can also spoil the overall picture.

It often happens that a manicure has to be done in a hurry, and there is not enough time for the natural drying of the coating. In such cases, knowing how to quickly dry nail polish will come in handy. There are not many of them, but they help to significantly speed up the process. Some techniques achieve desired result Literally in 3-5 minutes.

How can I quickly dry my nail polish at home?

If you have not purchased special manicure products to speed up the drying of the coating, you can use available means available in every home.

Here's how to dry regular nail polish quickly:

  1. Ice water. For hardening coloring composition you need to prepare a medium-depth bowl filled with very cold water, if desired, a few ice cubes are added to it. After applying the varnish, place the nails in the liquid for 2-3 minutes and allow them to dry naturally.
  2. Vegetable oil. This product accelerates the drying of the coating by 2 times. It is necessary to make up the nails, wait 1-3 minutes, then apply on them thin layer, with a brush, vegetable oil. After 2 minutes, you can rinse your hands with cool water and dry with a napkin. Edible oil, which is sold in the form of an aerosol for baking or frying, has a similar effect.
  3. Cold varnish. This kind of life hack helps as short as possible. Before staining, place the varnish in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes. Cooled coating dries almost immediately after application.

How to dry a thick layer of nail polish?

Some varnishes are too transparent, and in order to achieve a rich and bright color multiple applications are required. The dense layer of the coating dries for a very long time, and at this time it is undesirable to do anything, because the slightest touch on the manicure can ruin it.

In this regard, many women are interested in whether it is possible to dry their nails with a hairdryer, because this device Works great on wet hair.

The fact is that hot air only contributes to the evaporation of moisture, while the varnish needs to harden. Therefore, a hair dryer can only be used in cases where it has a cold jet supply mode. Warm and hot blowing will have the opposite effect - it will soften the varnish and slow down its drying.

A similar effect can be obtained if you put your hands under the air conditioner, fan, blow on them or hold them near an open window.

Also, a thick coat of polish will dry faster when using the home methods above. But more efficient professional tools for drying.

Quick and effective ways to dry nail polish

Special liquids that accelerate the drying of a manicure coating come in several varieties: