How to wash horizontal blinds from various materials: methods, tools, tools. How to wash horizontal blinds: tips from an experienced hostess

The question of how to wash the blinds without contributing to their rapid failure is quite relevant today, as more and more housewives are replacing ordinary rag curtains with blinds. In addition, it is difficult to imagine modern offices and classrooms without such curtains, as they create comfort in the building, protecting people from excessive solar radiation.

But it is worth recognizing that after some time stains of grease and dirt may appear on curtains of this type. They will become less shiny. And in this case, the question already mentioned above arises, how to wash the blinds at home.

When wondering how to wash dirty blinds, you should remember that there are a lot of cleaning methods, and you need to choose the one that is right for your curtains.

Curtains should be cleaned very carefully, as excessive rubbing can damage the functionality of the curtains or ruin their appearance. Therefore, before proceeding with any action, you should remember how to properly wash the blinds by hand and how to wash the blinds in the machine. If you do not learn these rules, then you will definitely not be able to clean the blinds in a quality manner.

Some of the materials from which such curtains are made can be washed by hand or in a washing machine (after placing it in a special washing bag), but there are exceptions - those curtains that are washed only in a dry way:

  • blinds made from small varieties of wood;
  • curtains impregnated with a special varnish solution.

If the blinds are cleaned at home with the help of water alone, then their appearance can deteriorate significantly, cracks of various sizes will appear on them. That is why such curtains should be cleaned with dry methods.

As for how to wash blinds made of various metal materials, they should not be placed in water at all. Their cleaning is carried out in the form of wiping with a damp cloth, and then removing excess moisture using a dry cloth.

If there is no desire to look for ways to wash such curtains at home, then you can contact special workshops where professionals will take care of the blinds and save them from various kinds of pollution.

Methods on how to wash blinds or how to clean blinds directly depend on the material from which these types of curtains are made:

  1. Among the materials from which such curtains are made, the most popular and convenient for dry cleaning are plastic blinds. The top layer of plastic can be cleaned with a regular cloth or a special sponge cloth for cleaning windows. It is enough to wet the cloth in soapy water. Horizontal aluminum curtains can also be cleaned in this way. Cleaning plastic curtains of this type takes quite a bit of time.
  2. Aluminum shutters are also widely used.
  3. But there are also materials that are adapted to a variety of types of cleaning. One such material is fiberglass. It can be cleaned either with a simple rag and sponge (not very wet), or with a vacuum cleaner that absorbs all the dust from the fiberglass. Such material can even be loaded into an automatic machine.
  4. But when cleaning such curtains made of wood, you need to be careful, because such material does not like moisture very much and there is a high probability that it will swell and, as a result, lose its shape.
  5. Special care and cleaning is required for such curtains made from fabric. How easy is it to clean vertical fabric blinds from grease? In this case, you must initially dry clean, and then wash the fabric blinds with a soapy solution. Also, to the question of how to wash vertical fabric blinds, the best answer would be to use a polish with an antistatic agent. In this liquid, all curtains are wetted and the lamellas are wiped. Washing fabric curtains is quite simple, the main thing is to try not to use an automatic machine.
  6. How to wash curtains made of metal? Metal blinds should only be cleaned with a dry method, you can use slightly damp cloths. Washing in a washing machine is strictly prohibited.

If someone is interested in whether it is possible to wash and how to wash vertical blinds in a washing machine, then it is advisable to abandon this idea, because this type of curtain requires more thorough care, which the machine is not able to provide. If you still decide to use the machine, then in order to clean the vertical blinds, you will have to place them in a special laundry bag, preferably using a delicate type of powder.

It is noted that a number of women, in search of an answer to the question of how to wash and how to wash vertical blinds, do not use soap and powders at all, they use simple wet wipes, removing dirt from the rails until the wipes are completely dirty. At the same time, such blinds need to be washed only by hand.

In addition, during the washing process, the question arises as to in what form horizontal blinds should be washed, and in which vertical blinds, directly on the window or by removing them.

Naturally, it is much more convenient to clean the curtains that have been removed from the window, but here the main catch is whether you can then install them back.

How to wash dirty blinds without removing them from windows? First of all, you need to use a vacuum cleaner to rid the curtains of dust particles, and then gently wipe all areas of the curtains with a damp sponge. In that situation, if you use a concentrated soap solution, there is a possibility that foam will get on the windows and walls.

As a rule, this method is used when the outer layer of the curtains is covered with dust and small stains of grease. As a rule, this way you can wash the blinds in the kitchen.

In order to qualitatively wash horizontal blinds at home, you should remember that in the process of how you wash them, you will constantly have to open and close them, while washing all the slats separately. This action is repeated and while we are washing the dirt from the vertical curtains, placing each tape in turn in our hand, we will wash them with a window cleaning sponge.

When choosing cleaning products and how to wash properly, it matters what these curtains are made of, as well as what detergents are on hand.

It is noted that you can clean the blinds at home using the following tools:

  • shower gel;
  • laundry granules;
  • soap solution;
  • cheap shampoo.

For plastic types of curtains, you can use different sprayers to treat windows and glass.

So, how to clean the blinds and how to quickly wash the slats in them? As noted above, methods for cleaning curtains directly depend on their material and type.

If you are interested in how to wash horizontal blinds, then be careful with the fasteners, because they have a rather complex design, and the fasteners have non-standard sizes, so it will be quite difficult to replace them.

So, at the beginning of cleaning the horizontal type of curtains, it is necessary to remove the entire layer of dust from them - this will eliminate the need to clean such curtains with soapy water. Dust can be removed with a vacuum cleaner, it should cover the entire surface of the curtains from top to bottom. Then repeat the same steps on the other side of the curtains.

If you do not like dry cleaning, because it seems to you quite long, then you can wash off all the dust with a mini-hose with water, you should wash such curtains on both sides. The above steps will help you remove all the dust. Next, you should start cleaning the curtains using a solution of soap. It is better not to wash in a washing machine, since you can only spoil this type of curtains.

For those people who are interested in how to wash vertical blinds at home, there are also several effective methods, but the following is considered the main one:
  • the curtains are vacuumed;
  • the lamellas are shifted, and the curtains themselves are removed and rolled into a roll;
  • the roll is placed in a soapy solution and washed.

It is strictly forbidden to wash such curtains in assembled form, since water can stick the slats together, and it will be almost impossible to return them to their original form.

Can metal horizontal curtains be washed? The answer to this question is yes, but in this case, after applying the soap solution and using a damp cloth, it is imperative to wipe all the rails with a dry cloth so as not to provoke the formation of rust. It is only necessary to take care of this type of blinds, otherwise their lifespan will be significantly reduced.

In general, cleaning metal curtains is a rather complicated matter, therefore, in order to prevent the formation of corrosion, first of all, in such curtains, you should remove the plastic plugs fastened on the end sides of the plank and cornice. You can return the plugs to their places only after the curtains have completely dried.

At this stage of time, there are a number of popular methods aimed at cleaning different types of blinds from pollution:

  1. For the initial cleaning of metal blinds, choose a dry and soft brush (if it is not available, then it is quite possible to change it to a paint brush). Gently wipe off each strip. This type of dry cleaning is usually carried out in well-lit rooms and with open windows, as it is in this case that you can see how successful the cleaning is. Next, you should use tongs bought at a hardware store with a fiber cloth. Wet the fibrous layer of the cloth with water or sprinkle with detergent. This will save you from settled dust and will temporarily slow down the process of dust settling. The tongs are very handy for cleaning blind slats on both sides. Aluminum blinds can be cleaned in the same way.
  2. You can wash plastic blinds in a slightly different way. In this case, the blinds remain on the windows, and each strip must be wiped with a sponge. Next, you should dilute the powder in water, soak a napkin in it and use it to start cleaning the curtains. When you have treated all areas of the blinds, wash the entire unit again with clean water.
  3. If the outer layer of the aggregate is covered with greasy deposits, you can apply this method. Pour hot water into a basin and dissolve a special washing gel in it. Wet the sponge in the resulting soapy solution. Sponge cleans all strips of blinds. Further, everything is washed off with a clean cloth dipped in running water.

It should be understood that before asking how to wash vertical or horizontal blinds in a typewriter, you need to decide that this cleaning method is rather difficult to implement. It's much easier to take a little time to create a soapy solution and wash blinds by hand than to put them in a washing machine and hope that their functionality and appearance will not change.

Now you know how to wash blinds made of various materials: fabric, aluminum, metal.

It is worth noting that blinds as a means of protection from the sun are a wonderful thing, and if considered as a material for washing, then one can only sympathize with the housewives here.

It should be understood that no matter how the hostess launders such curtains from pollution, they will still accumulate dust on themselves much faster than ordinary curtains.

Is it possible to argue with the fact that blinds are a useful and necessary invention? They are comfortable, compact, versatile, perfectly protect us from direct sunlight. Blinds have many advantages over traditional curtains and curtains, especially when used in the kitchen. But even blinds get dirty over time and need to be cleaned.

What are the best tools to use

Blinds are equally appropriate in a city apartment and in a country house. In the second case, they get dirty more often. In addition, in rooms such as the kitchen, soot and grease settle on the blinds, and dust settles much more intensively, and with it moths and any small debris.

You can change the blinds as they become dirty with new ones, but this event is quite expensive. Therefore, we will try to put them in order with our own hands in a timely manner, and so that cleaning and washing is as cheap as possible.

Specialty cleaners or products designed for cleaning hard, water-resistant outdoor surfaces and equipment are available from hardware stores. On each of them there is an instruction for use, which must be read. These products are united by the presence of a strong alkali in the composition, so you need to use such substances carefully, be sure to wear gloves. It is better to resort to their help if the pollution on the blinds is very strong.

Since such tools, among other things, are not cheap, we will try to get by with simple, familiar means:

  • soda;
  • detergent for dishes;
  • soap solution;
  • washing powder.

How to clean blinds without removing them

These methods are suitable if you are dealing with relatively small contaminants.

Please note: for the first method, you can use special brushes to clean the blinds. They can be purchased at a hardware store or supermarket.

Dealing with tough pollution

The methods discussed above are suitable for blinds in residential areas. But what to do with those that hang in the kitchen and quickly become covered with a coating of grease and sticky dust? In this case, you need to use heavy artillery: remove the blinds from the windows and wash much more thoroughly.

The best way to do this is in the bathroom. The most common methods are a large pressure of hot water and soaking for some time in a solution of soap, washing powder or detergent.

Do not rush to completely immerse the blinds in the soap solution. Close them and straighten them, and then rinse thoroughly under good pressure from the shower on both sides. It is advisable to keep the blinds on weight. This way you will wash away most of the dirt. After that, you can start the main work.

Do not try to wash the blinds in assembled form: you will not get rid of dirt, but the lamellas will stick together.

First of all, remove the plastic plugs that are located at the ends of the cornice and the bottom bar. If this is not done, corrosion will form from the trapped water. You can install the plugs in place after the blinds are completely dry. Better yet, try not to lower the cornice and the bottom bar into the water at all.

The remaining dirt must be removed by carefully wiping the slats with a damp sponge. When you are sure that all dirt has been removed, rinse the blinds thoroughly with running water, then wait for the water to drain and hang the product in place. Carefully unfold the blinds, straighten them and wipe the slats with a soft, lint-free cloth.

Please note: there is a much more convenient way than using a sponge. Put rubber gloves on your hands, and on top - household ones, made of cotton threads. These are commonly used in horticultural work. Washing blinds in such gloves is easier and faster.

The next day, when the blinds are completely dry, remove them and install the plugs. Lubricate the rotary mechanism of the slats with silicone grease so that it works better.

How to remove blinds before cleaning - video

Different materials and features of the sink

Due to their convenience, blinds have become very popular. They are made from various materials, and it will not be difficult for you to choose the option to your liking. But each material has its own characteristics. For example, the above methods are excellent for metal, in particular aluminum blinds.

Wooden products are not so easy to tolerate exposure to water, so they should be washed in case of emergency. Moreover, it is undesirable to dip them into a bath with water; it is better to wipe them thoroughly with a wet sponge or cloth. Otherwise, the wooden lamellas will swell and lose their shape.

For plastic blinds, the same methods are suitable as for metal ones. True, it is harder to do this: the plastic surface holds dirt tightly, so use detergents that remove grease.

Fabric blinds are the most capricious. If the pollution is insignificant, it will be enough to use a vacuum cleaner and a wet sponge. For heavy soiling, it is better to use the services of dry cleaning. But if this option is too expensive for you, then soak your fabric blinds in a solution of laundry detergent, then rinse in running water. To do this, you need to disassemble the mechanism and remove the fabric surface.

Photo gallery: blinds from different materials

Leather in blind design

You can wash these blinds in the washing machine by putting them in a special bag and setting the gentle mode. But with this method, there is a risk that the lamellas will lose their shape, and the impregnation will be washed off over time.

If you have bamboo roller blinds, please note that they cannot be washed in running water. In this case, vacuuming and wiping with a damp sponge will help. For bamboo, this is usually sufficient, as it does not adhere as strongly to dirt as plastic or cloth.

Blinds are an essential attribute of modern interiors. They reliably protect the room from street light and prevent fading of paint, wallpaper and furniture upholstery from UV rays. In the manufacture of products, they undergo special processing, the protective coating repels dust and dirt, but in order to maintain their attractive appearance for a long time, vertical and horizontal blinds need to be cleaned from time to time.

Simple ways to clean blinds without removing from the window

You can clean your blinds at home without even removing them from the window. The easiest and fastest way is to brush off the dust from the slats with a special brush with feathers. But this option is not entirely successful, since it will not take even a couple of hours, and all the dust will again settle on the curtain, and also on furniture, wallpaper and floors. To avoid such incidents, it is better, when doing regular cleaning, to vacuum the curtain using a soft small nozzle.

Today, a huge assortment of special brushes for cleaning blinds is on sale, they are two-, three-, four-row rake tongs with terry or fur tips. This design allows you to capture several lamellas from both sides with this device at once and wipe them. Tweezers can not only wipe the dust, but also wash the blinds without removing them from the window.

Below we offer a video review of one of the types of brushes, explaining why this design is preferable and which nozzles are better to use.

Wet cleaning

How to wash fabric slats

It is better not to rub textiles with a damp cloth, but to remove them from the window for washing. But if this is not possible, then first you just need to thoroughly vacuum the canvas, and then treat each lamella with a steam generator, which can be rented if necessary. Steam vertical stripes from top to bottom. To prevent dirt from dripping onto the floor and not spoiling it, place a rag, towel or substitute a container.

If during the processing severe contamination was found, to wash them, rub for 10-15 minutes with a stain remover for cleaning furniture, rub a little with a brush or sponge. Wash not only the stain itself, but also the area around it. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and then treat the lamella again with a steam generator.

How to clean wood blinds

Separately, we will analyze the question of how to clean horizontal blinds? This type of product requires special, careful care. Wooden slats cannot be wiped with a damp cloth or brushes; for these purposes, it is better to use polishes. You can wash it with a flannel rag, tongs, or put a soft sock on your hand.

The canvas of horizontal blinds is lowered over the entire window, the slats are set to the "light scattering" mode - the flat part of the slats looks at the window sill. The vertical curtain is stretched over the entire opening, the planks are turned with their faces to the window, the flat surface is perpendicular to the glazing.

The polish is applied to the fabric, then each lamella is individually clamped and carefully rubbed. Do not forget to wipe the edges well, when cleaning, a lot of dirt accumulates on them.

Features of care for metal and plastic blinds

Blinds made of metal and plastic can be safely washed. The cheapest and fastest way:

  • open the curtain to the entire window, turn the slats into the “closed” mode;
  • prepare a container with soapy water, you can use powder, and experienced housewives recommend diluting dishwashing liquid;
  • dip a rag or sponge, wring it out a little so that the water does not drain much, moisten the entire canvas well, leave for a few minutes so that the dirt lags behind the surface;
  • rinse the rag, start wiping the stains from top to bottom;
  • places of strong pollution can be slightly rubbed with pastes, but do not press the sponge hard so as not to scratch the protective layer of the lamellas;
  • when one side is washed, repeat the procedure on the other side;
  • leave the curtain to dry, then spray glass cleaner on the canvas, rub the lamellas thoroughly with a dry cloth, they will shine like new;
  • raise the blinds and wash the window;
  • lower the canvas again and spray it on both sides with antistatic, so for some time the dust will not settle on the strips.

I must say that this option is good only for horizontal products, since the canvas can be pressed against the window, thus creating a support. There is nothing to support vertical curtains, you will have to wash each strip separately.

Instead of a soapy solution, you can immediately spray glass cleaning liquid on the canvas and rub the lamellas thoroughly with dry rags. But this option is advisable if the lamellas are not very dirty.

Plastic and aluminum blinds can also be washed with a steam generator. With hot steam cleaning, all the fumes and grease leave well, especially when it comes to the curtain in the kitchen.

The method is easy, but not economical

In the following way, you can clean all types of horizontal and vertical slats, except for fabric ones. Before starting work, you need to stock up on wet wipes, it is better to clean those that are designed for wiping office equipment.

We open the canvas, put the slats in a position convenient for washing. We clamp the bar with a napkin, run our hand along and carefully remove the dust. In fact, this is the same as washing with a rag or tongs, but it does not require basins of soapy water and rinsing of working equipment.

In conclusion, we offer a video story in which one of the owners of horizontal blinds shares her experience on how to wash the blinds without removing them from the window.

Windows are the “eyes” of an apartment, house, the cleanliness and design of which determine the mood of the residents and the opinions of others. For connoisseurs of perfect order, information is useful on how to wash blinds quickly and efficiently. Blinds are popular due to their compact size. At the same time, they emphasize the individuality of the interior and allow you to save free space as much as possible. Horizontal blinds are a universal option for window decoration in homes and offices, which can be combined with various interior styles, look spectacular with a composition of curtains and adjust the level of illumination.

Features of the procedure

It is important to find the answer to the question of how to wash horizontal blinds before the first general cleaning. Excessive zeal, neglect of advice that has been tested in practice can cause deformation of structural elements, which are subsequently problematic to eliminate, since traces may remain on the surface.

The owners of the blinds have to periodically deal with dust and traces of insects. The choice of the optimal method in the question of how to qualitatively wash blinds horizontal blinds is determined by taking into account the degree of pollution and the purpose of the room.

The removal of contaminants is practiced in the following ways:

  • detergents;
  • folk remedies.

Blinds - decoration and protection

Housewives decide how to wash the blinds at home, taking into account the degree of contamination and the possibility of dismantling the structure:

  • on windows;
  • in the bathroom;
  • on the street.

The washing of the blinds begins with the removal of the plugs on the side parts of the structure, since the accumulation of water in the plastic cavities will inevitably lead to the development of corrosion on metal parts. It is convenient to get rid of dirt by removing the structure from the window.

Using an ordinary soap solution, a positive effect is achieved with minor contamination. In the course of its implementation, it is important to thoroughly rinse off the remnants of the solution with clean water, otherwise you will have to deal with white stains and repeatedly repeat the cleaning procedure.

Soap alternative

Representatives of cleaning companies accurately determine how to properly wash blinds, taking into account the specifics of pollution, and recommend using special detergents, since the soap solution dries quickly and does not give the desired result. After using special products, it is also necessary to rinse aluminum with running water. To exclude damage to the structure of materials, color changes, blinds should be washed with agents without aggressive substances.

Periodically wipe the slats with a dry soft cloth to remove dust without removing from the windows, the method is relevant for office space, before wet cleaning, as dust settles on adjacent surfaces. Without water, it will not be possible to qualitatively wash structural elements.

It is easier to wash the blinds on the street or in a spacious bathroom, fix the structure in a suspended position, apply detergent to plastic, horizontal aluminum blinds, leave for 10 minutes, rinse with cold water. This is ideal for private home owners to easily remove stains in natural light with enough water.

Metal blinds cannot be soaked in water for a long time when folded, the lamellas can stick together, which will lead to a waste of time on the separation of the elements. It is possible to wash the blinds with high quality without removing them from the window, or in the bathroom only in the unfolded form.

My window blinds

Fearing for the strength of the fastening elements, housewives are looking for ways to wash the blinds without removing them from the window. To implement this procedure, you must perform the following steps. To remove dust, it is enough to dilute 4 tablespoons of vinegar in 2 liters of water, gently rinse each part, leave to dry completely. The next day, the window is washed (with the blinds in the folded state), after the procedure, the plastic slats shine, no marks remain on the smooth surface. For information on how to easily and simply wash blinds at home, see this video:

Recommendations on how to quickly wash the blinds in the kitchen will be useful to owners of small rooms in which windows get dirty quickly. Plaque on surfaces is a common problem in quarry and public areas. In this regard, carefully studying the question of how to wash off the fat, it is necessary to protect the processed decorative surface from damage in advance. It is enough to treat the surface with dish detergent, if desired, perform the procedure without removing the structure, wash off the residue with a cloth that easily absorbs moisture, wash the window to dry the slats.

Cleaning fabric blinds

Delicate material needs special care. On the fabric surface after treatment with a damp sponge, stains can remain, what is it in this case? The easiest and safest way is a special sponge in the form of a brush, the cleaning material of which easily removes dust, while the structure of the lamellas remains unchanged. For details on cleaning fabric blinds, see this video:

If it is necessary to remove specific stains, you will have to wash the entire structure for uniform drying without streaks afterwards.

Improved models of vacuum cleaners make cleaning much easier, it is enough to choose the right mode and nozzle, the surface will be easier to clean if you first apply a small amount of stain remover, let it dry, and vacuum it.

The removed, carefully straightened blinds are laid out on the surface, a thick soda solution is applied to the stains and washed off with a washing vacuum cleaner.

Horizontal blinds today are becoming an excellent alternative to conventional curtains.

They are quite compact and perfectly protect from sunlight, easy to use. They have only one drawback - they quickly collect dust on themselves. Those who have been using blinds for more than a year know firsthand that washing them is very problematic.

The Internet is full of tips for cleaning blinds, but not all of them are useful in practice. So are there any effective ways to help you quickly and easily get rid of dirt on horizontal blinds?

  • Horizontal blinds are made of aluminum, plastic, bamboo, fabric, wood. The most popular are aluminum blinds, which are durable and lightweight. The slats of such blinds are made of ultra-thin aluminum tape, dusted with metal-plastic. This reliably protects them from temperature extremes and high humidity.
  • They can be installed between frames with double glazing. They can also be placed outside.
  • They allow you to adjust the lighting in the room by turning the canvas around its own axis. Horizontal blinds can be folded up by lifting them up with a thread and a special cane.
  • Regardless of what the blinds are made of, they all have the same fastening mechanism that does not protrude above the window.
  • Horizontal blinds have a modern look. Stylish design allows them to fit into almost any interior.
  • They are famous for their long service life and withstand over 10 thousand openings and closings.
  • Differ in high wear resistance and durability.
  • Fit into any interior.
  • The slats of horizontal blinds are one of the highest quality. They are difficult to damage or spoil.
  • All horizontal blinds are environmentally friendly and do not emit odor or harmful fumes during the first month of operation.
  • The materials from which this type of blinds are made do not absorb odors and soot.
  • Even a preschooler can master their use.

Ways to clean horizontal blinds

Dry cleaning

Some types of horizontal blinds can only be dry cleaned. This applies to wooden blinds that are not impregnated with a special composition. The same can be said about fabric blinds. Luckily, this is often not necessary. Dry cleaning means removing dust from the blinds.

For dry cleaning, you can use a microfiber cloth or a special brush. A dry cloth will do too. Blinds cleaning brushes can be found in large supermarkets. First you need to turn the blinds away from you until they are completely closed. Then each plank is wiped lengthwise with a rag. Make sure the cloth covers your fingers completely.

Do not press hard on the planks of wood, so as not to break them. There is one movement per bar. You can also gently clean each plank with a brush. The best way to clean blinds is with a tongs brush. But when it is used, dust enters the air, which will soon settle on pieces of furniture in the room.

This cleaning option is not suitable if you are allergic. A wet wipe can be an alternative. She, like a rag, can wipe each plank. For these purposes, choose napkins designed for office equipment.


For cleaning horizontal blinds, the vacuum cleaning method is also suitable. It should be turned on in low suction mode. A vacuum cleaner will be a great helper if you need to remove light dirt.

To clean the blinds in this way, you first need to close them tightly. Then vacuum each plank with a nozzle designed for cleaning furniture. After going over each plank, take a slightly damp microfiber cloth and wipe down all the plates on both sides. This method can be used anytime. How do you do general cleaning?

the washing up

Manufacturers do not advise washing blinds made of wood and fabric. Do not wet models with special impregnation. Drops of water, mixing with dirt, will leave ugly stains on them, which will then be difficult to get rid of. It is most convenient to wash blinds made of fiberglass and plastic. Blinds made of metal can only be washed in case of severe contamination.

You can wash the blinds in a bathtub filled with not too hot water and soapy water. This will help get rid of even old dirt. To remove the blinds from the attachment point, you need to gently pull the cord, lifting them up to the limit. First, pour warm water into the bath, and then add soap there. Lay out towels on the floor.

After you put the blinds in the tub, pull on the cord until they are fully open. Next, you need to immerse the blinds in water and immediately pull them out. Repeat this until all impurities are gone. After washing, spread the blinds on a towel and wait until they dry.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to clean horizontal blinds is by showering. First you need to remove all the plastic plugs. This will help prevent future corrosion. For washing with a shower, the blinds should also be removed from the window in expanded form. So the lamellas do not stick together. For high-quality removal of dirt, you can soak them in a solution of soapy water for a couple of hours. When the slats are dry, lubricate the mechanism that turns them with silicone grease.

How to wash blinds without removing them from windows?

This method is suitable for Who does not know how to remove horizontal blinds from a window. To do this, dilute liquid soap in a bowl of warm water. Next, each bar should be wiped with a cloth dipped in the resulting soapy solution. When all the lamellas are processed, wipe them with a damp and then dry cloth.

How to wash horizontal blinds?

Suitable for these purposes:

  • soap solution (using all-purpose cleaner, liquid soap, laundry soap),
  • pure water,
  • water with added furniture polish (excellent antistatic effect and less dust),
  • water with dishwashing liquid added to it (an option for washing blinds in the kitchen).

You can not do without a rag, rags, a special brush or a small sponge. Drying may require a towel.

  • To keep your horizontal blinds looking like new for longer, dust them frequently.
  • When washing metal blinds, be careful not to injure your fingers on their edges.
  • To remove fat from a simple soapy solution is not suitable. You will need window cleaner. It must be applied to the strips, which then need to be wiped with a damp and dry cloth.
  • If you do not regret spending time cleaning horizontal blinds, you can contact a cleaning company. Today, almost all of them offer this service to their clients.
  • In order not to suffer, removing heavy dirt, remove dirt from the blinds as it appears.
  • If you are going to not only clean the blinds, but also wash the windows. First you need to dry clean the blinds, and then move on to washing the windows.