Why does the nail plate peel off on the fingers. Bundle nails on the hands: causes and treatment. Contact with various substances

What does a sore nail look like?

Between the nail plate and nail bed free space appears, the nail changes its color, the nail plate loses its integrity. The nail seems to be moving away from the finger

The main causes of onychodystrophy:

  1. The most common cause of such a nail disease as onycholysis is a trauma to the nail. Injury also includes blows, clamps, pressing. In most cases of such an injury, the detachment of the nail will simply come off, being replaced by a new healthy nail.
  2. A common cause of onychodystrophy is the nail. In this case, you should contact a dermatologist-mycologist (a doctor who specializes in fungal diseases).
  3. Non-infectious causes of nail disease include impaired blood circulation in the body (in particular, limbs), impaired neuroregulation.
  4. Allergic reactions to contact with chemical agents (powders, concentrated solutions). In this case, avoid direct contact with allergens. For example, wear protective gloves and use protective creams for hands.
  5. Onycholysis can appear in some systemic diseases that affect the cardiovascular system, the digestive system, and the nervous system.
  6. Contributes to the onychodystrophy of eczema, psoriasis, dermatosis, dermatitis.


Onycholysis is treated for a long time. You have to be patient and have faith in positive result. In some cases, the nail bed may atrophy, and the nail no longer “grows” to it.

So, first you need to find out the cause of the disease. You can try to remember the trauma. The fungus is detected by mycologists. Systemic disorders, allergic diseases are examined in polyclinics.

Home help

  • Nutrition: vitamins and minerals (V A, B, zinc, calcium); gelatin (gelatin jelly, fruit jelly).
  • /legs with addition sea ​​salt, you can add oils (for example, tea tree). Prepare warm, comfortable water. Twice a week for 20 minutes. After the bath, you should clean the accumulated dirt under the nail, and also massage it well.
  • Daily use (e.g. olive oil) – rub in

A neat appearance is a mandatory component of people's lives. The condition of the exposed parts of the body says a lot about the cleanliness of a person. Hands, nails are body parts that are almost always in sight and the problems of their appearance affect people's attitudes. In this article, you can find out why the nails are pulling away from the skin and how to deal with it.

Causes of detachment of the nail plate

Many faced the problem of exfoliation of nails, without giving the meaning of the name of the disease. Onycholysis is a disease that affects the nail plate, contributing to its exfoliation. The disease may be accompanied by an inflammatory process, bleeding from the bed, divided into:

  • Kailonhinia. The patient's nail comes off in the middle.
  • Onychogisis. Detachment of the nail plate runs across its growth.
  • Onychomadesis. Severe disease with complete detachment nail that starts at the cuticle. The inflammatory process is characterized by the appearance of pus, pain.

In addition to the disease, the nails on the hands go away from excessive physical activity. Weightlifting - common cause exfoliation of the nail plates. Mechanical damage also causes detachment, characterized by the appearance of hematomas under the nail plate, accompanied by pain.

The most problematic cases are a fungus, or onychomycosis. Observing a clean lifestyle, the fungus can get a person, starting with the little finger. Gradually, the disease passes to other fingers. The fungus spreads more slowly on the hands, accompanied by itching, bad smell feeling of discomfort. Occasionally, the nail plate changes color with a fungus, pain is felt.

Symptoms accompanying onycholysis:

  • under the affected area of ​​​​the nail plate, a void appears. Depending on the place of manifestation, the type of disease is determined;
  • the section of the nail plate located above the void changes color. The shade depends on the cause of the disease, it can be gray-white, yellow, blue, brown;
  • the nail plate begins to peel off from the free edge, rarely from the bed;
  • itching, severe forms of onycholysis, onychomadesis provoke the onset of pain.

The photo shows an example of detachment of the nail from the skin on the hands.


The problem can be solved at home, after visiting a specialist. Having passed the necessary laboratory, instrumental examinations, the specialist will determine the cause of the disease, advising the means of treatment. If the color of the nail changes to yellow, brown, blue - treatment must be carried out urgently.

In the treatment of nails that have moved away from the skin due to mechanical damage, the nail requires careful care. The protruding edges should be trimmed with scissors in time. In case of serious mechanical injury, it is possible surgical intervention with the removal of the nail plate.

Treatment regimen:

  1. Using sterile scissors, cut off the affected nail plate. This can be done by exfoliating the tip of the nail.
  2. The cut site should be treated with a mild antiseptic containing a small amount of alcohol (so as not to cause a burn).
  3. Dip your fingers in the mineral bath. To prepare the bath, you need 2 tablespoons of sea salt, 5 drops essential oil tea tree, glass of water. After adding minerals and ether to a glass of water, mix.
  4. After 20 minutes of stay of the affected fingers in the bath, we take them out and wipe them.
  5. We apply soothing creams, ointments with soothing and regenerating properties to open areas of the fingers near the nail.

This treatment regimen is appropriate when nail plate leaves the skin due to injury. With the development of a fungal infection, cutting off the nail is dangerous due to spores that can spread to other parts of the body. If you are suffering from a fungal infection, the best option- preparation of a bath based on a decoction of chamomile and sea salt. After the procedure, dry the affected areas, apply an ointment, a cream with atmicotic properties, prescribed by a specialist. After applying the product, it is not necessary to wrap the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nail plate so that the skin “breathes”.

Important! The use of an antifungal cream or ointment must be continued for the time indicated by the specialist. If the symptoms disappeared after 2 weeks, and the course of treatment is 3 months, you should continue to rub the funds.

With secondary causes of nail exfoliation, it is necessary:

  1. Review your diet. Eating fast food, synthetic additives should be minimized;
  2. Visit a dermatologist. Diseases like eczema, psoriasis, allergic, atopic dermatitispossible reason peeling nails;
  3. Avoid using strong antibiotics;
  4. Calm down. Nervous breakdowns, stress, depression load the body, making immune system weaker.

Lack of sleep can also cause cracking, peeling of the nail plate. Remember that while maintaining cleanliness, attention to the state of the body, timely visit doctor, will not allow the nails to exfoliate, while maintaining the tone of the body.

Human nails are a kind of indicator that reflects the state of health. By appearance nail plates an experienced dermatologist can detect the presence of a number of diseases that progress in the body. Unfortunately, people often do not notice dangerous symptoms, therefore do not apply for medical assistance. One of the common diseases is the emptiness under the nail. In fact, this phenomenon cannot be called a pathology: the problem does not cause pain, so most people simply ignore it, hoping that it will “go away on its own”. However, this is fundamentally the wrong approach, and we will explain why.

The problem when a nail came off on a hand or foot is indicated medical term"onycholysis". The first sign of pathology is a change in the color of the nail plate, which acquires a white, yellowish or bluish tint. Men usually do not pay attention to this defect, women try to mask the phenomenon. rich colors varnish.

However, onycholysis cannot be ignored - in some cases, the nail plate that has changed color indicates the development in the body chronic disease. In particular, disturbances in the work of the endocrine, of cardio-vascular system, gastrointestinal tract.


Given the above factors, the treatment of onycholysis of the nails begins with the establishment of the causes. The most common of them include the following:

  1. Mechanical damage. A strong blow or squeezing can disrupt the blood circulation in the fingertips, as a result, the nail plate begins to flake off.
  2. Aggressive environment. This effect can be provoked by the use of low-quality varnishes, detergents, which include active chemical components.
  3. By-effect. Sometimes onycholysis can occur due to long-term use of drugs.
  4. Fungus. If the cause of the disease is pathogenic microflora, color changes will be noticeable not only on the nail plate, but also on adjacent tissues.


If you find that a void forms under the nail, you need to make an appointment with a dermatologist. The only exception to this rule is mechanical grass. In this case, you need to wait until it grows back. healthy nail, periodically trimming the damaged plate. To eliminate the possibility of infection, the injured finger can be protected with a bactericidal adhesive plaster.

If the nail comes off without visible reasons, consultation with a dermatologist is a prerequisite for therapy. Self-medication can lead to complications, and complete loss of the nail plate. However, therapy will in any case take place at home, so you can consider medications to help speed up the healing process:

  1. Vishnevsky ointment. A versatile product that includes Birch tar, xeroform, Castor oil. The ointment has a pronounced antiseptic effect, stimulates the process of overgrowth of the nail.
  2. "Clotrimazole". This is an antifungal topical ointment that is used to treat exfoliated toenails. The agent is applied twice a day to the damaged plate, the duration of the course is at least 2 months.
  3. "Exoderil". Therapeutic solution used in cases where the void was formed due to fungal diseases. The agent is applied to problem areas, having previously processed the exfoliated part with a nail file. The duration of treatment is 3-7 months, depending on the complexity of the pathology.

Apart from medications, the treatment of a departed nail with folk remedies is widely used.

Traditional medicine recipes

As an alternative traditional methods treatment, you can try to solve the problem with folk remedies. Recipes usually include natural ingredients that are a priori unable to provoke complications and allergic reactions. Consider the most effective compositions.


Warm cosmetic baths with the addition of various components help to quickly solve the problem of peeling the nail plate. In particular, the following recipes have proven themselves well:

  • Iodine. To prepare the bath, you need ½ cup vegetable oil heated up to room temperature and 3 drops of iodine. Procedures are done daily for 15 minutes. The course ends after the expected result is achieved. Apple cider vinegar can be used as an alternative to iodine.
  • Sea salt. To cure a nail, you need pure sea salt without additives and flavorings. The bath is prepared according to the following recipe: a tablespoon of salt in two glasses of warm water. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes, the sessions are repeated every week until complete recovery.
  • Beeswax. Due to the unique effect on the human body, bee products are often included in folk recipes. To prepare a bath for treating nails, you will need a shallow container where melted water is poured. beeswax. Session duration - 15-20 minutes, frequency: 2 times a week. If you do not interrupt the treatment, a positive result will be noticeable after 30 days.
  • Oil and honey. This bath is made from honey and olive oil. The initial components are taken in equal proportions (2 tablespoons), mixed, heated in a water bath. Then the composition is poured into a small container and the fingers are immersed in the liquid for 10-15 minutes. After completing the procedure, the hands must be thoroughly washed, treated with a healing cream.

Decoctions and tinctures

These funds are made from medicinal herbs and plants that have a pronounced healing effect. You can try the following recipes:

It should be noted that recipes traditional medicine are not a viable alternative. traditional treatment. This is an effective supplement that helps speed up the healing process. Considering that detachment of the nail can be formed along different reasons, correct scheme treatment can only be selected by a specialist.

The nail moves away from the finger: how to treat.

Onycholysis - this is the name of a disease that is characterized by exfoliation of the nail plate. You can, of course, disguise such a noticeable external defect colored nail polish. But such a cosmetic measure is effective only at the beginning of the disease.

Very soon it will be impossible to hide the damaged area with varnish. Therefore, it is better to start treatment as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences will be irreversible: you can lose the nail plate completely.

The disease can affect even people who are very attentive to their health and appearance. The first signs of the disease just suddenly appear, and treatment has to be started quickly.

What is the cause of damage to the nail plate, and what measures should be taken to get rid of the symptoms of this disease?

Why does my big toe nail come off?

  • The progression of the onycholysis disease leads to the destruction of the nail plate and its separation from nail bed. Under the nail appears a void filled with air.
  • The damaged part of the nail is gradually separated from the soft tissues of the finger. In this case, the color of the entire nail changes: it becomes bluish or yellowish.
  • Begins inflammatory process with a barely noticeable delamination, which at first is easy to mask with dark varnish. But to begin the fight against exfoliation of the nail should be immediately.
  • Onycholysis can affect both the entire nail and part of it. The use of various antifungal agents without the appointment of a dermatologist is fraught with a more serious spread of infection.

It is impossible to start the process of onycholysis! It is also impossible to self-medicate: without the advice of an experienced specialist, it is impossible to identify the cause of the disease and only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment.

Causes of onycholysis

The non-infectious nature of the disease is a change in the nail plate under the influence of various external and internal factors:

  • The disease can begin to develop after taking antibiotics (cessation of antibiotic therapy leads to the restoration of the nail plate).
  • Among external factors allocate mechanical damage.
  • The nail may begin to separate from the toe tight shoes(in women, the nail is especially often affected on thumb feet due to wearing stilettos that squeeze the toes).
  • The reason may be a decrease in blood flow to the extremities or a violation of neuro-humoral regulation.
  • The nail is affected by skin contact with various allergens (this may be washing powder, and solvent, and chemical reagent). In this case, the action of a provoking factor should be excluded.
  • Detachment of the nail is possible after infection.
  • Fungal diseases of the skin also cause damage to the nail (spreading, the disease begins to appear on the toes and hands).

Fungal infection of the nails is the most common cause of separation of the nail from the nail bed. 2-5% of people who have weak immunity susceptible to fungal nail infections.

You can pick up such an ailment in public baths, saunas, swimming pools, sports clubs, even in the hospital's shower room. Tactile contact with the patient also leads to the development of the disease.

Therefore, you can not wear the shoes of a person affected by fungal diseases. It is difficult to find out that the nails are affected by a fungus simply by visually examining the nail plates. Laboratory tests will be required.

  • At the first signs of the disease, you should consult a dermatologist. In the laboratory, a sample of the material is examined, which will determine the causative agent of the disease. Only then will the doctor be able to prescribe the appropriate treatment.
  • In addition to the defeat of the nail plates on the hands and feet, onychomycosis (fungus) affects the skin and hair. Therefore, it is important to start treatment as soon as possible.
  • Self-treatment of the fungus leads only to relief external manifestations. But the fungus is not completely cured, which eventually becomes the cause re-development onychomycosis.

Internal factors in the development of onycholysis:

  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system
  • chronic diseases
  • psycho-neurological disorders
  • dysfunction of the endocrine glands

Lead to the development of onycholysis skin diseases:

  • eczema
  • psoriasis
  • various dermatitis
  • dermatoses

On the feet, the nail may begin to separate from the nail bed after injury as a result of a mechanical, physical, or chemical factor.

What is the primary symptoms of the disease, allowing as soon as possible determine the presence of the disease?

  • separation of the nail from the tissue of the finger
  • the presence of an air-filled void under the nail
  • inflammation
  • the affected area is disturbed by aching pain
  • the nail bed may bleed
  • the appearance of yellowish or grayish spots on the nail plate
  • nail platinum begins to thicken
  • the nail exfoliates, its structure becomes loose and breaks up into crumbs

The nail can start come off the finger

  • in the middle of the nail plate
  • across the growth of the nail plate
  • at the very base with severe inflammation

Nails on the hands move away from the nail bed: causes

  • Separation of the nail from the nail bed on the hand may be accompanied by pain and unpleasant sensations. The causes of detachment of the nail plate on the hands are the same as those that lead to damage to the toenail.
  • For the fair sex, the separation of the nail plate becomes a real nightmare. After all, you want your hands to be well-groomed. This is only possible if the skin and nails on the hands are healthy.
  • Often the reason for the discharge of the nail in women is their excessive passion for bringing beauty to the hands and feet. For example, throughout long period acids are used.
  • These can be gel polishes, the use of an acid-free primer (bonder) without the need, designed to adhere the base coat to the nail.
  • The procedure for nail extension with gel or acrylic can also lead to the development of onycholysis: during the procedure, it is possible to introduce a fungal infection under the nail bed.

What to do if the nails move away from the skin on the hands and feet, how to treat?

  • Treatment damaged nail need to start at early stages the development of the disease. The sooner the cause of the damage is identified, the more likely it is to maintain the integrity of the nail plate.
  • If the nail began to peel off due to mechanical damage, then in addition to treatment, it is important to keep it clean. When the nail begins to gradually grow, the damaged area must be carefully partially cut off.
  • Applying an antibacterial patch to the nail can help prevent infection. Over time, the nail will fully recover and you can forget about the void under the nail.
  • If an infection penetrates into the damaged area under the exfoliated part of the nail, the consequences can be very serious. Even amputation of a finger is not ruled out.

How to treat nail fungus, you can learn from the article:

And this article contains information about antifungals:

Treatment should be accompanied by the intake of vitamins.

Onycholysis often begins after a fungal infection. Compliance elementary rules safe behavior in these places will protect against fungus:

  • You can not walk in such a room barefoot.
  • It is better to put on your own pair of shoes, and not use the one that is offered in this establishment.

The nail, which is just beginning to peel off, does not bother with unpleasant sensations, there are no pain. The surface of the nail does not bleed.

But an infection quickly penetrates into the affected space, which leads to damage to the soft tissues of the skin on the fingers.

  • Sores begin to form under the nail plate, pus appears, the affected area becomes inflamed. If you delay with the start of treatment, then the nail can completely separate from the finger and fall off. And a finger without a nail plate is not a sight for the faint of heart.
  • Treatment of onycholysis is long. Only a dermatologist will be able to determine the exact cause of the nail leaving the nail bed, and depending on it, he will prescribe the necessary medicines or ointments.
  • If the nail began to separate from the nail bed due to a progressive disease, then you need to go to the doctor and identify the cause.
  • When the nail is damaged chemicals, you need to protect your hands from interacting with them. If necessary, wear gloves.
  • The hospital may prescribe treatment with antimycotics (ketoconazole, griseofulvin, or others). But they are taken only under the supervision of a doctor, since adverse reactions are possible. The duration of continuous treatment with them ranges from 3 months to a year.
  • In parallel with the treatment, it is necessary to devote at least 20 minutes daily to baths with sea salt, potassium permanganate, and baking soda. After the procedure, lubricate the affected area with an antifungal cream for 15 days. As soon as the nail plate begins to grow, it needs to be filed off a little.
  • But after full recovery nail plate treatment does not stop: you need to continue to rub the ointment into nail hole. In this way, the development of such dangerous diseases like eczema and dermatitis.

Folk remedies for getting rid of onycholysis

if there are contraindications to the use of oral antibiotics (if the kidneys or liver are sick), treatment with herbal infusions can be started, olive oil.

Alternative methods of treatment of onycholysis are quite effective. Only the fight against the disease should be carried out consistently and continuously, until the symptoms of the disease are eliminated. If folk ways treatments are applied irregularly, then there will be no effect from them.

Recipe based on olive oil for the treatment of nails with onycholysis


  • 1 part olive oil
  • 1 part lemon juice


The components are mixed and applied to the nails. Cotton gloves are put on the hands. The mixture is left overnight. Repeat the olive oil treatment at least 2 times a week. Full course is 3-4 months.

Recipe for a compress for the treatment of nails based on glycerin and alum


  • water - 70 g
  • glycerin - 20 g
  • alum - 5 g


All ingredients are mixed and the resulting mixture is applied to the nails and left overnight. You can use the composition for baths: dip your fingers in a warm mixture for 10-15 minutes.

sea ​​salt recipe


  • 500 g warm water
  • 1 tablespoon sea salt


Salt is added to water. The resulting mixture is used for baths. Hands are lowered into warm water for 10-15 minutes. Baths should be repeated 3-4 times a week.

Sea salt perfectly copes with the treatment of lesions on the nails, and also strengthens the nail plates and is a good prevention of various diseases on the nails.

Sea salt baths strengthen nails

Such remedies will not cure the fungus, but its spread can be avoided. Procedures facilitate quick and intensive growth nail plate. Nails acquire healthy look and elasticity.

In addition to medical treatment or folk methods you should increase the diet with alkaline foods, fresh vegetables and fruits. Eat more vitamins.

Constant care of the nails on the hands and feet will help to notice changes on the nail plate in time and respond to them.

Video: fungal diseases of the skin and nails Treatment methods

The reasons for the detachment of the nail from its rightful place on the fingers can be different. Often this is fungal infections. This condition is also called onycholysis. This pathology is not very terrible and does not pose a serious threat to health, but it is rather unsightly. cosmetic defect, with which the struggle will be long and difficult.

Detachment: what is it?

The process of peeling nails is the separation of the nail plate from the bed. Nails are a derivative of the skin that perform a protective function. They cover the back of the fingers of the limbs. Detachment is a pathology, but it is reversible. After a similar process, a new stratum corneum is formed. There are partial and total onychilysis. In the first case, only part of the nail is exfoliated, in the second it is completely.

Among the provoking factors are infections. More often this problem occurs in older people. Sometimes the cause of detachment is an injury, the treatment of this process is somewhat simpler - you just need to wait until the affected area grows back.

If detachment occurs in several family members, it is most likely a fungus. In this case, the general use of towels, washcloths, nail files, and other hygiene items should be excluded.

IN general view, the reasons for the development of detached nails are:

  1. Injuries.
  2. Wearing tight shoes, as a result of crushing the fingers.
  3. Influence of acids and alkalis.
  4. The use of fluoroquinols, which occurs uncontrolled.
  5. Violation of blood circulation.
  6. Exposure to allergens: cleaning and detergents, aggressive household chemicals.
  7. Psoriasis.
  8. Fungal infections.
  9. Eczema.
  10. Dermatitis.

In addition, there are a number of factors that increase the chances of developing this pathology of the nail plate, among them: stress, bad habits, beriberi in acute form, dysfunction of the endocrine system.

Most often, detachment occurs with a fungal infection and injury.

The causative agents of fungal infections can be of the following groups:

  • Moldy.
  • Yeast and yeast-like.
  • Dermatophytes.

As for the sources, it can be both infected people and animals. Reinfection occurs through personal hygiene items, including manicure tools that have not been properly processed. Oddly enough, even wearing shoes after a person who suffers from athlete's foot can be the cause of infection. Risk factors:

  1. Senior age.
  2. Violation of hygiene rules.
  3. Fungal lesions of the epidermis.
  4. Scratches and cracks on fingers, hands.
  5. Reducing the body's immune forces.
  6. Severe organ diseases.
  7. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease.

How to find detachment?

Detachment can begin from any part of the nail. This problem is more common on the toenails. The process can start from the side or from the free boundary. As a result, between the nail and soft tissues there is a void underneath.
But external changes also depend on the cause of the disease.

Nail injury

If there was an injury, then the symptoms are as follows:

  • Swelling of the finger.
  • Bruising under the nail plate.
  • With the development of a purulent process, there will be an unpleasant odor.
  • The shape of the nail is changing.
  • The skin thickens.
  • The line that limits the white and pink part of the nail changes.

Only in this case pain is possible, in other manifestations there will be no pain.

Symptoms in other cases

If the cause is not trauma, but fungal infection or other cases, the process is completely painless. The signs will be:

  1. Stratification of the nail plate.
  2. The appearance of white spots under the plate.
  3. Rough surface.
  4. A lot of burrs appear.
  5. Dullness.
  6. Peel off skin around fingers.
  7. Crumbs can be seen on the nail.

- this suggests that the defeat has already gone into the deeper layers.

Nail Treatment Measures

In order to start treatment, it is necessary to establish the cause of the development of this problem. For this, an anamnesis is taken and, if necessary, diagnostics are taken. Treatment can be presented in the following form:

  • The use of vitamin and mineral complexes containing retinol, ascorbic acid, selenium, calcium and iron.
  • Baths with warm water and antiseptic solutions, in particular potassium permanganate.
  • In order to adjust the blood circulation, angioprotectors are prescribed.
  • The therapy scheme can be supplemented with physiotherapy procedures, massage.

As for the use of local drugs, they are effective only if the lesion has affected no more than half of the nail. Medicinal measures, including topical application, should be continued until a healthy nail has grown and 14 days thereafter. If you do not comply with such terms, treatment will not make sense.

Medicines used

For the treatment of detachment, the following local remedies are most often used:

  1. Lamisil.
  2. Nizoral.
  3. Butterfen.
  4. Travogen.
  5. Exoderil.
  6. Salicylic ointment.

Among the systemic drugs:

  • Terbinafine.
  • Ketonazole.
  • Fluconazole.
  • Griseofulvin.
  • Clotrimazole.

Laser therapy can help. But the important thing is not getting rid of the symptoms, but the treatment of the disease itself, which caused the development of detachment. Strengthening the immune forces of the body is also not in the last plan. If the cause is psoriasis, then glucocorticosteroids, monocolonal antibodies are prescribed. In this case, the treatment process will be long-term and protracted.


In order to avoid delamination, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  1. Wear comfortable and quality shoes from natural materials.
  2. Do not wear someone else's shoes, including slippers. Do not use scissors or towels.
  3. You need to eat and drink properly healthy lifestyle life.
  4. Change socks regularly.
  5. Thoroughly dry feet and hands after showering with a towel.
  6. Avoid injury.

Conclusion. Detachment of the nail can have a variety of reasons. Trauma is the most harmless of them. If the cause is a disease, then it is necessary to treat not the symptoms, but the causes of development.