Acupressure and other neck massage techniques for wrinkles: learning to do at home. Facial massage lines: scheme and correct technique

Visible age-related changes face, neck in the form of folds, swelling, wrinkles are associated with natural aging processes. When purchasing numerous masks, creams, serums, it is worth remembering not only the condition of the skin. Vessels, muscle fibers also lose their elasticity over the years. For rejuvenation, it is recommended to use face and neck massage. Manual exposure allows you to restore intracellular processes, restore elasticity to the integument.

age problems

A common mistake many women make is not taking care of the décolleté and neck area. If for a person are committed daily rituals beauty, gymnastics is often mastered, hardware procedures are used. The neck area, decollete is not given due attention, which leads to the appearance of characteristic wrinkles, age spots, flabbiness.

A feature of the skin of the face is the presence of sebium produced by the sebaceous glands. This natural moisturizing substance maintains hydrobalance and protects against aggressive environmental factors. The skin of the decollete and neck is often dry and dehydrated precisely due to a deficiency of sebium.

Age-related changes lead to a gradual thinning of the fat layer, its amount is minimal in the neck and décolleté. Sagging and sagging first appear in these areas, only after on the face. The protective function of the neck is significantly reduced, renewal processes occur at a slow pace.

Important point! Despite the extensive network of vessels, the blood flow is carried out at a lower speed than on the face, there are problems with lymph outflow. Creases, wrinkles, redness, age spots appear.

Indications for use

Massage of the face and décolleté is a great way to preserve youth and freshness of the skin. It has a pronounced therapeutic effect, relieves muscle tone, relaxes, improves blood flow and lymphatic drainage. Thanks to this, it is possible to improve mood, increase immune properties, get rid of migraines and insomnia.

Cosmetologists recommend starting massage courses at the age of 25-30. This is the optimal period for the prevention of age-related changes. After 40, to restore elasticity, elasticity will have to make more efforts. Manual exposure is also prescribed to solve various dermatological and aesthetic problems.

Indications for execution:

  • oily, porous skin;
  • mimic wrinkles;
  • displacement of the oval line;
  • double chin;
  • "necklace" of folds on the neck;
  • hyperpigmentation, inflammation;
  • puffiness, sagging;
  • grey, unhealthy complexion.

As a result, metabolic processes are normalized, blood flow is accelerated, cell saturation nutrients. Gradually, the integument thickens, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is activated. are rising protective properties skin from exposure to adverse environmental factors.

The effectiveness of the technique

The effect achieved after passing the course of massage:

  • the relief of the skin is smoothed;
  • formed beautiful line oval, neck;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • a healthy, even tone is restored;
  • going on deep cleansing, comedones are removed;
  • pores are narrowed;
  • work is normalizing sebaceous glands.

Attention! The results will depend not only on the chosen technique, but also on the condition of the skin. Massage of the face and neck should be included in the complex of caring procedures to maintain the achieved effect.

Execution rules

Manual exposure techniques require the implementation of certain recommendations. anatomical, individual characteristics faces, necks influence the choice of technique. Massage is not only cosmetic, but also a therapeutic procedure. Before taking the course, it is advisable to take medical examination to exclude contraindications.

General provisions:

  1. The session consists of 3 stages: skin preparation, hardware or manual exposure, applying a mask or regenerating cream.
  2. The patient takes a comfortable position lying or sitting, the master is at the head.
  3. Depending on the objectives of the procedure, oils or creams are selected for better gliding. With plastic techniques, talc is used, which ensures accuracy of movements and prevents stretching of tissues.
  4. The muscles of the face and neck should be as relaxed as possible. For this, a certain atmosphere is created. Before the session, the massage room is ventilated, relaxing music is turned on, aroma candles are lit.
  5. The hands of the master must be well-groomed. Neat manicure, short length nail plates, absence of abrasions, rings - basic requirements.
  6. Before using any cosmetic product, including massage oil to be tested for allergies.
  7. Cleansing and application of oil, cream is carried out along the massage lines in the decollete, neck, face.
  8. When performing self-massage, it is worth considering not only the direction, but also the strength of the movements. Be sure to alternate relaxing, rhythmic effects.
  9. Each massage line has a finishing point. It is fixed with deep pressure. Then you can move on to other areas.
  10. The main techniques for the neck and decollete are stroking, kneading. Tapping is done slowly, it should not cause discomfort, pain. Vibration, kneading, plucking technique are also used for the face.

Preparing for a session

Before the session, the face, neck, décolleté area is cleaned with soft, hypoallergenic products. For dry skin, cosmetic milk is used, for oily skin - lotion on medicinal herbs. When preparing, you should also remember about the direction of the massage lines.

After cleaning, the covers must be wiped and warmed. More often, a wet steaming compress is used, which contributes to the partial removal of keratinized epithelium.

Soaked in hot water terry towel for 2-3 minutes. Dry dermis is necessarily lubricated with a moisturizer, only after it is steamed. Areas such as the nose and mouth are not covered.

Mood matters too maximum relaxation of the muscles is important. During the cosmetic impact, peace comes. After the session, there is a feeling as after a long rest or deep sleep.

Types of massage

The scheme of movements is the same for all types. Manipulations are carried out strictly along the massage lines. going on complex impact directed to the circulatory, lymphatic, nervous, muscular system. Often, with the same type of techniques, the effect of addiction occurs, progress stops. Exist modern techniques, allowing to avoid this phenomenon, are selected individually.

Massage lines:

  • the back surface of the neck movements are directed from the bottom up;
  • from bottom to top along the sides of the neck;
  • in the center of the neck up to the chin;
  • from the center of the chin to the ear tragus;
  • from the middle lower lip to the ear tragus;
  • from the corners of the mouth to the ear tragus;
  • from the back of the nose to the top of the ears;
  • from inner corner eyes to outer;
  • from the center of the forehead to the temples parallel to the brow ridges.

Types of massage:

  1. Classical- the basic techniques of stroking, kneading, rubbing, tapping are used. Effective at any age, is prescribed to maintain tone, elasticity.
  2. Plastic- it is used only for the face, on the neck and décolleté area, strong intensive pressing is replaced by stroking. Recommended for after 35 years to restore the contour of the oval, getting rid of the second chin.
  3. plucked- as well as plastic, it is carried out only in the face area. The anatomical features of the neck and décolleté do not allow the use this technique. Combined with stroking and rubbing.

Number and cost of the session

Depending on the condition of the skin, it will take from 8 to 15 sessions.. Quantity and frequency necessary procedures the master determines individually. At home, as a standard, 10-15 procedures will be required at intervals every other day. The course is repeated no more than 2-3 times a year.

The price for cosmetology services is formed depending on the chosen technique and the applied care products. The cost varies from 800 rubles, can reach 5000 rubles.

You can do it yourself at home. But do not expect a significant rejuvenating effect. Only professional performance will provide visible results.

Advice. You can independently learn techniques for the prevention of age-related changes, improve general condition skin by signing up for a master class.

How to save the result

Ways to consolidate the results:

  • Full sleep for at least 8 hours. Correct position- on the back, be sure to use only an orthopedic pillow.
  • Regular care for the skin of the face, neck, décolleté. Application nourishing creams, masks.
  • Active lifestyle, physical exercise, facial gymnastics.
  • Balanced diet, avoiding sudden weight fluctuations.
  • Compliance with the water regime, drinking at least 1.5 liters of water daily. The main volume is in the first half of the day.
  • Increasing stress resistance and emotional stability. A positive attitude towards life will help to avoid the appearance of premature wrinkles.


Like any procedure, facial and neck massage has limitations for carrying out. Do not sign up for a session if you feel unwell, unwell. It should also be abandoned in the presence of chronic pathologies.


  • damage to the integrity of the skin - wounds, abrasions, burns;
  • rashes of an allergic and infectious nature;
  • viral diseases;
  • dermatitis in the acute stage;
  • the presence of large moles, papillomas;
  • high, low intracranial pressure;
  • pathology of the endocrine, circulatory system;
  • rosacea;
  • postoperative period;
  • plastic surgery;
  • lifting procedures;
  • oncology.

Facial care should start with adolescence. Do not forget about the neck and décolleté area. Cosmetic massage is prescribed after 25 years to prevent the aging process. Effective procedures in adulthood to restore turgor, improve color and structure.

Useful videos

Massage of the face, neck and decollete from wrinkles. Super method, facial massage technique.

Spanish facial massage.

Many women consider lush and attractive breasts to be their main advantage, which pleases the eye, adds the number of loyal fans and simply increases self-esteem. However, the skin of the characteristic zone becomes flabby, less elastic, lifeless, pale with age. The natural aging process is irreversible, but décolleté massage noticeably slows it down. That is why it is worth paying Special attention for this cosmetic procedure.

Beneficial features

Many women are already interested in décolleté massage, especially after childbirth and lactation, when external state mammary glands leaves much to be desired.

Decollete massage has a mass useful properties.

This procedure provides not only stable cosmetic, but also reliable therapeutic effect, namely:

  • an increase in the size of the mammary glands;
  • excellent prevention of mastopathy, mastitis;
  • decreased tone of the décolleté area;
  • normalization of water-salt metabolism;
  • correct distribution nutrients in the skin of the characteristic zone;
  • eradication of destructive fat cells;
  • prevention of skin diseases;
  • elimination , ;
  • restoration of skin tone;
  • improved supply of vital oxygen to the tissues;
  • enhanced cell regeneration, that is, the imperceptible disappearance of the stratum corneum;
  • elimination deep wrinkles, increasing the elasticity of the skin;
  • increase in blood microcirculation of the characteristic zone.

If you want to perform a décolleté massage at home, the video instruction of each session is presented on the World Wide Web, however, before starting such a cosmetic procedure, it is advisable to individually consult with your doctor, find out everything possible contraindications.

Vacuum applications: salient features

As practice shows, massage of the face and décolleté is a popular procedure in any beauty salon, since many women have experienced real changes in their health and appearance, they were personally convinced of the stability of the result. In order for the effect to exceed all expectations, it is important to decide which method is appropriate in a particular case.

Decollete massage not only heals the skin, but also has a positive effect on well-being and mood.

For example, you should definitely highlight the vacuum massage of the décolleté area, since the result is obvious the very next day after the procedure. The treated skin becomes smooth, supple, taut, acquires a natural appearance, healthy shade. The peculiarity of the procedure involves the effect of vacuum on the receptors and active points skin, providing a healing effect. Accordingly, already after the first session, which lasts 45 minutes, not only wrinkles disappear, but also stress, increased nervousness, chronic fatigue, CNS depression.

But again, it is worth remembering main function This procedure is the rejuvenation of the skin, which occurs due to the production of collagen. As you know, it is contained in the dermis, but external factors only suppress its activity, provide withering of the skin. In order to “loose up” the very collagen, it is required to perform a vacuum massage of the decollete at least 2-3 times a week.

Of course, this pleasure is not cheap, but the resulting cosmetic and therapeutic effect is really worth it, you can see for yourself.

Important! For such a delicate massage, the main thing is to entrust your body to a professional who will approach his direct obligations with all responsibility.

The use of lymphatic drainage: characteristic features

To rejuvenate the skin and keep it in good shape, professional cosmetologists strongly recommend lymphatic drainage massage of the décolleté area, the popularity of which is only growing today, as well as the general one.

Very often, massage of the décolleté area is done in combination with massage of the face and neck.

In addition to the cosmetic (rejuvenating) effect, this progressive procedure stimulates immune system, accelerates the movement of lymph, provides natural lifting, restores elasticity to tissues. Its essence lies in the activation of the lymphatic system, which helps to cleanse not only the skin, but the whole body. Skillful hands massage therapists eliminate lymph stagnation and restore its circulation, and the use of aroma oils turns each session into a real pleasure.

Such a massage of the decollete and neck can be done at home, but beauticians do not recommend saving on their beauty and impeccability, they advise you to contact competent masseurs. In aesthetic medicine, lymphatic drainage is the key to numerous methods for caring for delicate skin, which guarantees a stable corrective effect and increases the productivity of others. cosmetic procedures.

In the event of characteristic problems and the desire to revive former youth, it is recommended to regularly perform progressive and neckline. The procedure is affordable, highly effective, and the renewed skin will delight the very next morning with its irresistible appearance.

How to massage the face, neck and décolleté, you can learn from next video:

For unknown reasons, for some reason, many women take more care of their skin (do various masks for the face at home), hair care, even hand care is not forgotten, but at the same time they forget about caring for the neck and décolleté.

But in vain. After all, caring for the neck and décolleté area requires more attention than caring for the skin of the face.

It is the neck that gives away a woman's age. Especially when a woman takes care of her face, hair (For example) and hands, but forgets about her neck and décolleté, or does not attach much importance to this.

Caring for the neck and décolleté area must be made an integral part of your life. Go brush your teeth and take a shower, and along with these procedures, take care of the skin of the neck. In addition, it will not give you much work, since you can take care of your neck and décolleté at home, without particularly straining. On the contrary, when caring for the neck and décolleté at home becomes a habit, you will begin to get a lot of pleasure from it.

Firstly, the process of leaving will be more pleasant for you. And who does not like the tremulous treatment of him? So it is for you, the more attention and love for yourself and your body, the more inner satisfaction you will feel.

Secondly, after some two or three months you will notice positive result his departure. And what could be better than a visible, tangible result from our actions. No wonder they say that artists and hairdressers are among the most happy people, while long-livers. And all because they almost immediately see the result of their efforts.

So, let's get down to specifics. What exactly needs to be done so that your neck is truly a swan's neck?

First. Straighten your shoulders, straighten your back and raise your lovely eyes from looking at the asphalt under your feet. Yes, yes, raise your head higher, smile and start admiring the clouds, the tops of the trees, and the stars in the evening. Certainly not when you are crossing the road.

"And why should we do this?" - you ask. Yes, then, by throwing your head back, you train the subcutaneous cervical muscle.

And in a different position, when you stoop, hurry somewhere and keep your head almost below your shoulders, carefully examining the asphalt, this muscle is inactive! And over time, under the “burden” of a pubescent head, the neck muscle weakens, and such folds and wrinkles, hated by every woman, form on the skin. Also, the skin under the chin begins to sag.

Again, keep in mind that the skin of the neck and décolleté is thin, quite sensitive to all external influences(dry air, wind, ultraviolet), since it has practically no subcutaneous adipose tissue, muscle tone is reduced, blood circulates more slowly. So it is on the neck and in the décolleté that signs of more middle age women first.

Therefore, it is necessary daily care behind the neck and décolleté at home!

In addition, some in the chin area are formed body fat, double chin. This can also lead to the habit of sleeping on a high pillow. Therefore, it is better to sleep on a roller or a small pillow.

Some middle-aged ladies try to hide age-related changes with high collars, scarves, etc. unfortunately, such actions do not reduce the changes that occur if you do not take care of the skin of the neck and décolleté at home. If you try to hide from reality and do nothing to change it, this very reality only gets worse.

So, the first thing that is needed is to straighten your shoulders, monitor your posture and not press your head to your chest. Lift your chin, smile at it beautiful world and passing by handsome man! And don't forget to admire the clouds and stars.

Second. In the morning, taking a shower be sure to massage your neck and the décolleté area with a jet of cool water from the bottom up. Then, in the same way, from the bottom up, apply a moisturizer (at least 30 minutes should pass before going outside). Can be applied and nutritious cream if it is quickly absorbed.

These same exercises are useful to do every night before bed or after you come home from work and take a shower or bath.

Before applying the cream on the neck, it is necessary to rub it between the palms and only then apply it to the décolleté and neck skin from the bottom up. Wherein right hand apply on left side neck, and with the left hand - not the right side.

After applying the cream, you need to do a small light massage. For this back side pat your neck from the sides with your palms. Likewise with the chin, pat on it with the back of closed fingers.

In conclusion, stroke the neck and chin from the bottom up.

If you decide to wipe your neck after a shower, it is better not to do this, but to let the skin absorb moisture and dry itself. But if there are urgent matters and there is no time to wait, then you need to dry your neck with a soft towel, gently getting wet. In this case, the back of the neck is best rubbed with a towel.

Take 100 gr. fat sour cream. The fatter the better. Maybe even rustic.

Rub sour cream with one yolk.

Add 1 tsp. vodka or cologne. (Better than vodka, I did it with cologne, I didn't like the smell).

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon from the resulting mixture and grate a small fresh cucumber. (I did both with cucumber and without. I liked it better without cucumber).

Let the resulting mixture brew in the refrigerator for a couple of days and start the rejuvenation course. Do not forget that the resulting cream should be stored in the refrigerator, in a closed jar. You need to get the cream with a separate, clean spoon so that it does not deteriorate.

This cream is also good because it whitens the skin. Those who use it throughout their lives are spared from brown age spots on the face and neck, which appear in people at a certain age. Since lemon juice and cucumber have bleaching properties.

Can be done periodically good mask for neck skin at home from whipped protein, 1 tbsp. spoons of any vegetable oil and the juice of one lemon. After massaging the skin of the neck and décolleté with cool water, apply a mask for the neck and décolleté and keep it for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse off with cool water and apply moisturizer.

Fourth. Of course, masks are masks, but you can’t do without caring for the neck and décolleté area. special exercises. Here are exercises that will help make the skin of the neck and décolleté at home smooth and elastic (for example, )

Fifth. Of course, a great and powerful remedy for neck care at home is massage.

If you forget to massage your neck every day, massage your neck at least 1-2 days later.

Express massage for the neck and decollete

Apply moisturizer, gel or oil to your hands...
...and distribute it well so that the hands are abundantly lubricated.

1. Massage of the clavicle area

With light stroking movements, move the palms from the center of the sternum to the shoulders, capturing the collarbone area.

Imagine that you are releasing tension from this area with your palms, as muscles and skin straighten out under your hands.

This is very helpful and effective exercise for the neckline. Repeat 3-5 times.
On the animation, the girl performs movements in clothes, but, given that her hands are smeared with cream, it is better, if possible, to do this on bare skin.

2. Massage the sides of the neck

Tilt your head slightly to one side. Do not lift your shoulder, on the contrary, slightly pull it down. Feel like being pulled cervical muscles slightly stretched cervical vertebrae. No effort is needed, a slight feeling of tension and length.

Stroke the side of the neck, moving your hand from bottom to top. When you reach your ear, wrap your hand and lightly stroke the area under the chin (your oval from below) towards the center. The lower movement is very light, relaxing, imagine that during the entire exercise you release tension with your palm, as muscles and skin are smoothed and straightened under your hand. This is how it will happen.

Then, with stroking, rubbing movements, lightly pressing, massage the shoulders along the sides of the neck. Make 5-10 movements.

5. Relaxation.

Fold the towel several times, wrap it around your neck like a collar, press it tightly, slightly stretch your neck back and relax.

Applying these little secrets to care for the neck and décolleté at home every day, you will be surprised at the changes. And not only will the condition of your skin improve, but also the very attitude and attitude towards yourself beloved.

The main motto - do not be lazy and do not miss a day!

Maintaining a youthful face is the goal of many modern women who wish to prolong their beauty after the first signs of aging appear. One of the most effective and popular methods is cosmetic facial massage. It can be carried out by an expert in a beauty salon or independently at home. With it, you can not only slow down the aging process of the skin and smooth out existing wrinkles on the face, but also get rid of clogged pores and skin acne, which the skin of the face of many women is prone to.


Cosmetic facial massage is a complex of procedures that has been proven for centuries, which promotes blood flow to the skin of the face, thereby replenishing the necessary substances in it, which, in turn, help to achieve smoothness of the skin and get rid of many cosmetic defects aging processes.

The advantage of this procedure is that it has practically no contraindications for age and skin type. With proper regular massage, the skin of the face will noticeably tighten and become smoother and more elastic. Many women even compare the effect of this procedure with the result of a facelift.

In the process of massage using a special technique, the sebaceous glands, as well as blood vessels and subcutaneous fat, are stimulated. This results in an influx useful substances to the skin and cells problematic skin enriched with oxygen, become more elastic. In addition, massage affects the bioactive points of the face, including the nerves and lymphatic system, not only of the area where the massage is performed, but of the whole organism. Thus, massage, among other things, has a restorative effect.

Experts recommend that girls and women carry it out a little earlier than the moment the first signs of the aging process appear in order to prevent and delay it. Therefore, 23-25 ​​years is considered optimal age for this procedure.

Positive results cosmetic massage are as follows:

  1. contributes to the acceleration of metabolism;
  2. enriches the blood with oxygen;
  3. stimulates blood circulation;
  4. accelerates the process of removing toxins;
  5. helps the muscles of the face to be in good shape.

As a result, the general well-being of a woman improves. The tone of the face becomes more even, and the shade acquires healthy look, the skin is smoothed, sebaceous glands normalize their work. The secretion of sebum becomes more consistent, saggy loose skin tightens, removes the second chin and evens out the oval of the face. Thus, cosmetic massage allows a woman not only to maintain her youth, but also to improve her well-being in general.

Usually, facial massage is carried out in combination with a neck and décolleté massage.


Varieties of the procedure

Professionals, depending on the technology, tactics, as well as the need for a set of exercises, distinguish the most popular types of massage among women.

Classic (cosmetic)

This massage most popular among women. This type is aimed at eliminating sagging skin and giving muscle tone. Usually carried out in conjunction with the use of expensive drugs that also have positive influence on the appearance of the skin, activating it from the inside, penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis. It affects primarily lymphatic drainage and microcirculation of the blood flow.

Before carrying out, it is necessary to make sure that the skin is as clean as possible, as well as steamed to open the pores and make the effect of massage on the sebaceous glands more effective. Before performing the exercises, you need to carefully apply a cosmetic massage agent to the skin of the face.

The technique of cosmetic massage is rubbing and stroking the skin of the face. Having mastered the basic knowledge, such a procedure can be carried out at home on your own. Manipulations must be carried out from below, starting from the neck, smoothly moving upwards.

The complex may include several exercises.

  1. stroking neck light movements, the entire plane of the palm, it is necessary to slightly tighten the skin to the chin, thus passing the entire plane of the neck zone.
  2. Going to the jaw area, put thumbs perpendicular to the lips in the middle of the chin, and with a slight pressure spread them apart, leading the fingers to the earlobes.
  3. Do a similar action with the cheeks, leading the fingers from the wings of the nose to the ears.
  4. Pressing pads thumbs between the eyebrows, spread them to the side with an arcuate movement. Draw them over the eyebrows to the temples.
  5. From the eyebrows with the edge of the palm, draw to the hairline, followed by pressure.
  6. Very lightly tapping with fingertips, walk around the area around the eyes, starting from the outer corner.
  7. In conclusion, you should walk along the entire plane of the face, again leading your hands from the neck to the forehead, very lightly tapping on the skin with the entire plane of the palm.

Hygienic (plucked)

It is carried out in cases where the patient's skin is dirty and has acne. Massage is especially relevant for oily facial skin. With it, it is possible to normalize the selection sebum, as well as clean clogged pores and enrich the skin with oxygen, rid it of toxins. It also has a powerful anti-aging effect.

Before the procedure, the skin must also be cleaned and lubricated with a cosmetic product. In most cases, talc is used.

The technology is quite complicated, so it is best to entrust its implementation to a specialist. It is carried out by pinching, but it should be borne in mind that pinching should not be painful, as well as pull and stretch the skin. They must be quick and gentle to stimulate blood flow to the skin.

After the main part, the master can carry out spot cleansing of the skin, because after the massage the pores will open and will respond well to this procedure.

It is worth noting that after such a set of exercises, a red tint may remain on the skin, so massage should not be carried out before important events and meetings.

Plastic (myostimulating)

This massage is recommended for women over 35 years of age. It stimulates the deep layers of the epidermis and is characterized by a more complex implementation procedure that can only be carried out by an experienced specialist. It is aimed at smoothing wrinkles and bringing fading facial muscles into tone.

The complexity of the implementation is also due to the fact that if it is carried out incorrectly, there is a risk of worsening the appearance of the skin of the face. Such a massage is done strictly along the massage lines with the help of pressing, vibrating and fixing movements.

The procedure is carried out in several stages: relaxation of the skin muscles; superficial kneading of the decollete, neck and face; deep kneading. All this ends with a light tapping to tone the muscles of the face after a set of exercises.


This type has a purely personal focus. It is prescribed by a doctor based on the available skin disease. It works in conjunction with medical preparations and is aimed at improving the skin of the face, as well as eliminating the existing disease. It is conducted by a specialist with a higher medical education, having previously compiled a complex and schedule of courses.

All types of massage are carried out according to the schedule courses. For each of the complexes, depending on the age of the woman, the neglect of her facial skin, as well as the goals of the massage, there is a time period. Courses should be suspended and repeated only as needed. Preventive massage should be carried out in a lighter form.


In the process of massage are additionally used cosmetical tools for a more pronounced result.

The most popular use of the following tools:

  • cosmetic natural oils;
  • anti-aging serums and gels;
  • talc (for oily skin)
  • oily, moisturizing, anti-aging or brightening creams;
  • masks.

Before conducting a massage at home, it is worthwhile to pre-purchase a product that is not only suitable for the woman’s skin type, as well as her age, but also increases the desired effect of the massage being performed.

Hello! It is pleasant for every woman to have a young neck and decollete, but these places betray age more than others! How to stop skin aging in this area? A décolleté massage will help this.

How to stop relentless time

Have you noticed that many women have a beautiful well-groomed face and such a wrinkled, flabby neck? There is almost no subcutaneous fat on the neck and décolleté, and the skin in these places is very thin. Lacking elasticity, it quickly ages, giving out age.

After reading these lines, many ladies hurried to the mirror to look at their open eyes zone. Do not worry, just ten minutes of proper massage and soon you will be surprised at the result.


Before starting the massaging procedure, get acquainted with the contraindications:

  • diseases of the mammary glands;
  • oncology;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, brain, thyroid gland;
  • diseases of the respiratory system in the acute stage;
  • excessive blood clotting;
  • thrombosis;
  • infectious lesions.

If there are no contraindications, we will first deal with the neck. In just 5 movements, you will help restore her elasticity and youthful appearance. All movements must be performed 20 times. Straighten your back and start.

  1. Stroking. Without moving the skin, with both hands alternately stroke from the lower jaw to the collarbone.
  2. Stroking the sides. Tilt your head slightly to the side. With this movement, the neck muscles should stretch. Iron the sides by running your hand from the bottom up to the ear. Then iron the area from the ear to the center of the chin. After completing on one side of the neck, go to the other.
  3. Trituration. From the earlobe down, gently rub only the hard lateral surfaces, heading towards the sternum.
  4. Kneading. On the same lines, carry out forceps-like movements. With your fingers, carefully grab the muscle coming from the ear and knead it easily, slightly tilting your head in the opposite direction, and push your chin forward.
  5. "Butterfly". Weave your fingers, then put your chin on them. Spread your elbows out to the sides. With effort, press your chin on your hands, linger in this position for 6-7 seconds. Hands should resist. Then lift your elbows up through the sides, linger for a few seconds.
  6. As you exhale, tilt your head back a little, lower your elbows, palms continue to press on your chin, resistance continues.

Attention! The front of the neck should not be massaged, so as not to harm the thyroid gland.

Transition to the neckline

  1. Stroking. Perform circular strokes from the center of the sternum towards the axillary lymph nodes. This movement improves blood circulation, which means oxygenation of the skin.
  2. Kneading. Along the same lines, knead with fingertips until slight redness.
  3. Squeezing. This exercise should be performed with the base of the palm, massaging the neckline from the center of the periphery to the armpits. Massage tones up skin.

Perform massage better evening after a shower, after lubricating the areas with moisturizing oil.

Carefully! Strongly do not press on the lymph nodes and papillomas.

Massage techniques

Take a small ball and roll it clockwise around your chin in circles. Then move on to the open area. Start the movement from the center of the sternum to the collarbone and armpits until slight redness. A great technique for - massaging the ball under the chin.

Lymphatic drainage of the decollete zone. This type of massage helps to speed up the flow of lymph and blood with fresh oxygen and nutrients, trace elements, vitamins. Complete nutrition tissues and activation metabolic processes will help:

  • defeat skin laxity;
  • increase its elasticity;
  • remove wrinkles;
  • remove unnecessary ballast under the skin;
  • reduce double chin.

In order for the lymph nodes to receive more lymph, they need to be slightly stretched. It is important to know the location of the lymph nodes.

  • Near the jaw are the upper superficial nodes.
  • In the grooves above the clavicle there are deep and lower nodes into which lymph flows from the tonsils in the pharynx and pharyngeal tissues.
  • To remove the load from them, you need to lightly touch the neck with your fingertips, fixing the position on the neck under the ear and at the base of the neck.
  • Further, pressure is applied in a circle along the back of the neck between the back of the head and the trapezius muscle.
  • Then light pressing is carried out with fingers at the cavity of the base of the neck in front - the place where the chest canal enters the vein above the collarbone.

You can complete the entire procedure with good master V massage parlor. Tubes are used to perform lymphatic drainage in a massage parlor. vacuum device that move on a special massage gel.

Massage creams and oils

To get the most out of your massage, use different means. To perform, take (30 ml), add 10 drops of essential oils, rosemary or calamus.

To slow down skin aging mix 1 tsp. oils: olive, jojoba, avocado, rosehip. The mixture has antioxidant properties, is saturated with vitamins that promote cell rejuvenation.

You can make a cream:

  • take 1 tbsp. fatty sour cream and olive oil;
  • add 1 raw yolk.

Lubricate the skin and start massaging.

oily skin it is best to lubricate with moisturizing jelly:

  • soak 6 g of gelatin in 0.5 cups of water until swollen;
  • add 80 g of glycerin, 1 g of salicylic acid.

Put the mixture in hot water to dissolve all the components. Add 50 g of honey, whip the cream, apply to the desired area of ​​the body.

Decollete honey massage

  1. Apply honey to the treated area, spread it over the surface.
  2. From the center of the sternum (in the area of ​​the thymus), begin to gently press the fingertips and tear them off sharply.
  3. Move your fingers to the axillary lymph nodes and up from the center line of the sternum to the lymph nodes at the collarbone.

Some of the honey will nourish the skin, blood and internal organs. During the massage, sebaceous plugs with dead cells will begin to be removed from the pores. You will get a whitish sticky mass in which all harmful substances And dead cells.

If you feel severe pain, then the procedure must be terminated. After the procedure, wipe the skin first with a warm, damp cloth, then dry. Cover with a towel.

Fire massage

Chinese healers used fiery sessions in ancient times. It is better not to perform them without an assistant. And it is best to entrust the implementation of this procedure experienced master in a massage parlor. The fact is that this type involves arson of tissue near chest.

herbal pouches

Sew linen bags, fill them with herbs: lavender, lemon balm, mint, sage. There may be 20 or more different herbs. To enhance the effect, drop any essential oils 1-2 drops.

How to carry out the procedure:

  • lubricate the surface to be treated with avocado oil, olive oil or any other.
  • Heat 2 bags over steam.
  • apply to the open area along the massage lines. Heat will relax the muscles of the neck and décolleté,
  • activates work blood vessels and lymph nodes, the skin will be saturated with oxygen, nutrients from herbs.
  • then take 2 other bags cooled with water and start applying them to the same lines. Contrasting temperature will improve the condition of the skin, remove wrinkles and sagging.

Important! For dry skin, put linden and yarrow in a bag. Such a collection will make it velvety, sufficiently moisturized. For oily and combination skin, put nettle, chamomile, plantain, cornflower. The collection will remove inflammation, oily sheen, improve the appearance of the skin.

vacuum massage

Take jars for, create a small vacuum in them so that it does not hurt so much. Move along the body along the above lines. The course is 8-10 procedures, which are best done every 2 days.

  • Set the jar in the center of the sternum at the thymus;
  • Start moving from the center of the sternum to the axillary and clavicular lymph nodes.

Vacuum will help remove excess fats, toxins, cholesterol and toxins. It will contribute to the activation of metabolic processes, cell renewal. Your skin will look younger right before your eyes!

Stone therapy or stone massage

In - balsate, tourmaline, jade and malachite there is a powerful healing energy that will come to the aid of female beauty. To remove muscle tension, eliminate negative charges, activate local immunity stones are placed warm on the treated area.

To give tone to the cells, after warm stones, cold stones should be placed on the sternum. Contrast temperature helps to restore metabolism, restore skin tone.

After such a manipulation, it is necessary to start a session with hot minerals, moving along the lines described above, using circular or spiral movements. Finish the procedure with chilled minerals.

Snail massage

Exotic manipulation will help restore youthfulness, elasticity to the cover, and relieve it of age spots. Snails secrete beneficial mucus, which nourishes the skin, heals wounds, heals burns and warts. In order for the snails to take up rejuvenation, the decollete area is smeared with milk.

It turns out that snails are big lovers of milk. When they swallow milk, they leave mucus. The session should be at least 30 minutes. Then the snails must be removed, the surface washed.

"Fish" procedure

No less exotic is the procedure with fish. The patient is immersed in water where small fish swim. They eat all dead skin particles, covering the body with a bactericidal substance. As a result, skin diseases are also treated.

hot spoon massage

From personal experience. The most affordable can be called massage with hot spoons:

  • Lubricate the décolleté with a moisturizer or cosmetic oil. Many cosmetologists advise lubricating the skin with honey;
  • Heat tablespoons in hot water or herbal tea;