Are there massage parlors in Vietnam. Is it possible to find a massage in Vietnam the same as in Thailand? What is Vietnamese massage

What do you know about Vietnam? Pointed Vietnamese hats, summer slippers, the great Mekong River, sandy beaches and smiles of oriental beauties immediately come to mind. Do you know that the Vietnamese are great at doing massage?

In Vietnam, you can not only swim, relax, eat, and see a bunch of sights. Many come to Vietnam for massages, spa visits and treatments. You can become more beautiful and healthier in this country much cheaper than at home. And with the help of Vietnamese massage you will get rid of many health problems.

Features of Vietnamese massage

Thai massage is more famous all over the world, but for some reason the Vietnamese massage undeservedly remains in the shadows. But in Vietnam there are excellent massage therapists. The history of Vietnamese massage is very old, it is more than two thousand years old. Vietnamese massage has its own characteristics. Personally, I liked it more than Thai massage, although a lot of course depends on the specialist.

The specific features of the Vietnamese massage are the impact on the bioenergy points of the body. This effect is combined with a special technique of massaging the joints and muscles, which improves blood circulation, relieves muscle tension and fills the body with energy and health.

During massage in Vietnam, aromatic oils are almost always used. As a result, the procedure becomes a real pleasure!

By the way, oils are needed not only to make it pleasant and tasty on the sunbed. Natural Vietnamese aromatic oils help improve skin elasticity, restore mental clarity, reduce swelling, and improve the elimination of toxins from the body.

How is the massage procedure? It's just divine!

The movements seem very soft, smooth and gentle and at the same time there is quite a lot of pressure. It is in the pressing movements that the whole essence of the Vietnamese traditional massage is imperceptibly and easily relaxed all the muscles. The small and strong fingers of the Vietnamese masseuse do not disregard any part of your body.

This treatment, soothing and at the same time powerful, has an inexpressibly pleasant effect on both the body and the spirit. Blood circulation improves, muscle tension subsides, the skin becomes elastic. Aromatic natural oils improve appearance and nervous system. It's just divine!

Where is massage done in Vietnam

It is better to get a massage in Vietnam in good salons. They can be found in Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang, Mui Ne and on. Contact the administrator of the hotel where you are staying, and he will definitely advise you on several salons to choose from.

On the beaches of Vietnam, you can also see girls who invite tourists to massage on sunbeds located right there, not far from the coast. Of course, you can use their services, especially since the cost is not high - from 150 rubles for our money. But do not expect heavenly pleasure from this procedure. There are no real specialists on the beach, and the girls understand the real traditional Vietnamese massage no more than you do. But they will knead your neck and smear it with coconut oil from the heart.

Rejuvenating and healing Vietnamese massage is a unique technique for influencing the physical and moral condition of patients. The procedure is very different from other techniques. The impact on the bioactive points of the body allows you to achieve a tremendous effect of relaxation, tranquility.

Massage, which came to us from Vietnam, originated a little over 2000 years ago. It is based on the teachings of philosophy about the need of the human body for a harmonious balance of energy flows in the body. Indications for the application of the procedure:

  • neurosis;
  • sleep disorders;
  • muscle hypertonicity;
  • tension in the cervical region and upper shoulder girdle.

The Vietnamese massage technique is quite intense, has a large number of contraindications:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. menses;
  3. dermatosis, damage to the skin;
  4. asthma;
  5. mental disorders, VVD;
  6. oncology and benign tumors;
  7. exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  8. infections, fever, allergies.

If you have at least one of these manifestations, you should think about giving up the Vietnamese massage procedure.

Trust your health only to professionals - before carrying out, consult with your doctor.

The effect of massage

A feature of Vietnamese massage is an active effect on pain points. Such procedures improve the state of health in general, as well as increase the patency of blood vessels, speed up the metabolism. Muscles become relaxed and pliable, nervous tension disappears. Improves the condition of the intervertebral discs. Cartilage tissue is restored.

Acceleration of metabolism allows you to remove toxins from the body, significantly improve the condition of the skin, get rid of the cellulite crust.

Blood pressure in the capillaries increases, due to which the skin acquires a healthy natural shade, fine wrinkles are smoothed out. Patients suffering from neurosis feel better, headaches go away, and sleep patterns are restored. The procedure is carried out using aromatic oils, which allows you to achieve complete relaxation of the nervous system, remove toxins from the body.

The mechanism of influence on the body

Thai and Vietnamese massage techniques are similar. The only difference is the lower intensity of mechanical impact on the whole body when performing the Vietnamese technique. Pressure on biological points allows you to have a deep impact on all internal organs and systems. Each point is associated with a specific organ.

It is carried out not only with hands, but also with feet, pebbles and herbal bags.

Vietnamese treatments are very different from standard massage techniques. First of all, this is a pain syndrome, which is not allowed in other studies.

In total, there are 365 active nodes on the human body.

They are distinguished by low electrical skin resistance, high electrical potential, and increased skin temperature. In addition, points have a high pain susceptibility, an accelerated metabolic cycle and an increased ability to absorb oxygen. Active irritation of these points increases the pressure in the vessels and the conductivity of nerve impulses entering the central nervous system. Massage improves lymph circulation and allows you to restore the regeneration of tissues of all organs, the upper layers of the dermis.

Techniques and tricks

To do the massage correctly, the specialist must know the necessary information and have experience in performing massage. The technique includes 4 stages.

  • Massaging the head.
  • Study of the cervical region and collar area.
  • Mobilization of the cervical spine.
  • Elimination of shoulder blocks with subsequent relaxation of muscle tissue.

You can't do a massage on your own. The technique includes 50 complex and 2 combined techniques. The master can do massage according to the express method (takes 15 minutes), selecting the necessary techniques depending on the state of health and indications, or full (takes 40 minutes).

Massaging the head

As a standard, the procedure begins to be performed from the head. The patient lies on his back, the massage therapist stands at the head. The pads of the fingers are placed on the temples. Perform circular motions forward. At the beginning of the procedure, there is a tingling sensation, quite intense pressure.

Next, they work out the central point of the frontal lobe, continuing to make circular movements, with the finger of one hand, smoothly moving up. Massage the top of the head, moving to the back of the head. In the occipital region, pressure is applied to the points located on both sides of the first cervical vertebra, applying intense pressure and maintaining the same pace.

The study of the cervical region

The cervical region is massaged with both hands, slightly shifting the skin to the sides. Hands are always on active points. They are located on both sides, along the entire length of the spine.

Mobilization of the cervical spine

Pull reception. The patient's head is pulled towards itself, without ceasing to massage the points. The exercise is quite intense, it causes discomfort if the cervical region is overstressed or there are salt deposits.

Slowly turn the head from side to side, working through the periphery of the lateral lymph nodes.

Removing shoulder blocks

Active influence is carried out with the help of hands, warm stones, legs. To begin with, the back is relaxed and stones are laid along the spine. After 7-10 minutes, they continue to work with the muscles, pressing on the areas most sensitive to pain with their hands. Then the masseur stands with his feet on the back of the patient and continues to carry out sliding, translational movements in different directions, holding on to a special crossbar.

The entire collar zone is being worked out. In conclusion, relaxing long movements are performed along the entire back.

Application frequency

The technique is performed with an interval of 3-4 days to allow the muscles to recover and activate the metabolic processes in the body.

The massage course is 5-7 days. It is recommended to repeat the course no earlier than 3 months later.

The Vietnamese type of massage is an excellent remedy for depression, it allows you to quickly relax your muscles, break up salt deposits. Improves lymph outflow, vascular patency. Many techniques of this technique are based on the pain syndrome. This allows you to reach the peak of relaxation at the end of the session.

Many tourists save money for a whole year to go to Thailand for an amazing massage. The massage course restores the body well after long working days, but is quite expensive. Is it necessary to go to Thailand in order to get such an effect, is it not possible to find the same massage, for example, in Vietnam?


Far from the subtleties of Asian massage, it is difficult to understand the differences between Thai and Vietnamese techniques. Although Vietnamese massage is not so popular and famous, there are tourists who do not mind trying it out. Here you need to try each type of massage on yourself, and then decide which one is better.

Vietnamese massage is not as intense as Thai massage, so it does not use much force. If in Thailand techniques that affect the spine more are popular, then in Vietnam they focus on skin care. No one will intensively stretch and knead the body intensely. The Vietnamese prefer energy points, various oils and aloe juice. The healing effect of aloe juice is known to many, and here it becomes possible to try the healing properties on your skin. After it, the skin will become smooth, elastic and hydrated.


Their benefits depend on the quality of the procedures. Of course, there are places in Thailand where they can cheat by providing poor quality massage services. But still, tourism and massage are developed there somewhat better than in Vietnam. At the same time, no one says that Vietnamese massage therapists are unprofessional or do not know their job well. There are simply fewer places with quality services at the moment.

If you do not agree to any offer of a massage right on the beach, but spend a little effort to find out about professional massage parlors, then the quality will be at a high level.


The cost of services is different, both in Thailand and in Vietnam. Of course, Thai massage on average will cost more than Vietnamese. Though looking with what to compare. At hotels and expensive salons, prices in Vietnam for massage can “argue” with prices in Thailand. For a quality massage, you will have to pay a decent amount of money in any of the countries.

If there is no principled attitude about what kind of massage should be: Thai or Vietnamese, but you just want to relax and get a boost of energy, then it is not necessary to go to Thailand. Vietnam is fine too. Here you can have a good rest and get a lot of pleasant impressions.

In the East, they are very reverent not only to the soul, but also to the body. In general, it is customary here to consider the human body, without dividing it into spirit and matter. It is this holistic approach to the body that provides such a high rate of life expectancy.

One of the means of improving physical and spiritual health in Vietnam is massage.

It should also be noted here that massage in Vietnam is not like any other "national" massage (Thai or Chinese). It occupies a separate niche in the collection of oriental massage techniques.

A visit to an expensive salon is a guarantee that all norms are observed in it and professionals work

Vietnamese massage is based on the impact on bioactive points, by pressing and rubbing. This technique allows you to speed up the process of removing toxins from the body, improves blood circulation, relieves muscle fatigue and tension. If you read reviews of massage in Vietnam, you can find numerous fans of Vietnamese massage who share their impressions right there.

It is better not to agree to a massage on the beach

They say that Thai and Vietnamese massage is heaven and earth. It is impossible to say unequivocally that some of them are better, and some are worse. The point is that they are fundamentally different.

Firstly, Thai is more "aggressive". The technique of such a massage involves pressing, twisting, active rubbing. In Vietnam, you will remember a session with a massage therapist with tenderness, but the accuracy of touches, pleasant strokes.

Secondly, in Thailand, massage is done in spacious linen special clothes. In Vietnam, masseurs like to work "directly" with the client's body - a kind of body massage (Vietnam).

In Vietnam, during the massage, freshly prepared fruit and coffee scrubs, aloe maxi, mud wraps, aromatic and essential oils, herbal bags, hot stones can be used. You can even get a foot massage! But most of all, you will be surprised that the blind are doing massage here.

Vietnam actively promotes massage for the blind both in its own country and on the Internet. There are several salons where only the blind work. Such a massage in Vietnam (Nha Trang) can be experienced at Huynh Thuc Khang 53, Huynh Thuc Khang street and Hoa Lu 34A, Hung Bang, 12. It is traditionally believed that the blind do massage better, as they have better developed tactile sensations and they have more sensitive fingers. It is possible that they are also endowed with natural intuition, which many sighted people are deprived of. The procedure itself will cost you $ 5, but it is also customary to tip, as they are the main source of income for the massage therapist.

If you are concerned about the question - how much does a massage cost in Vietnam: expensive or acceptable, we hasten to reassure you. Vietnam massage prices are as follows: from 5 to 20 dollars. And this is much lower than the prices for similar services in the same Moscow.

Why is the price of a massage so different in Vietnam?

Because of the location of the massage parlor, its facilities and the professionalism of the massage therapist. The cheapest option is to agree to a massage right on the street for $5. You yourself must understand that you risk your health in this case. It is better not to be stingy and pay more, but not regret the money spent. Massage in Vietnam (Nha Trang) the highest prices are $20. But such a price is a guarantee that all sanitary and hygienic standards are observed in the salon, that the best massage therapists in the city work here, that the best and freshest means that you will be smeared with.

Foot massage is a popular type of Vietnamese massage.

Massage in Vietnam (Phan Thiet) is represented by all kinds of salons and street eateries. They offer to do a massage right on the beaches of Phan Thiet, but it is better to refrain from this offer. Usually it is done by girls who are very far from even the basics of massage techniques.

Erotic massage in Vietnam is difficult to find. They don’t talk about this openly and don’t even ask (the locals mean it). But here's a little hint for you: if you see brightly made-up and seductively dressed girls sitting right on the windows of the massage salon windows, then in this institution you can safely put an equal sign between "massage (Vietnam) - sex."

Vietnamese massage is now famous all over the world. A large number of salons are located in all resort areas of this country. Perhaps there is not a single tourist who would not go to a session of traditional Vietnamese massage upon arriving in Vietnam. Vietnamese massage is distinguished by its techniques, which we want to tell you about in this article.

Features of Vietnamese massage

First of all, we want to clarify that Vietnamese and Thai massage are very different, despite the fact that the countries are adjacent to each other. Do not confuse the various techniques of Asian massage. Thai massage can be called lazy yoga, because the master during the session stretches the client and wrinkles a lot. Vietnamese massage is performed according to a completely different algorithm. This is a combination of pressure on energy channels and impact on biological points, spine and joints.

The Vietnamese massage begins with the legs, the master gradually moves up, kneads the muscles, improving blood circulation. The procedure allows you to remove toxins from the body and improve the general condition of a person. Massage is recommended after active sports and swimming.

Types of Vietnamese massage

An interesting procedure for everyone who came to Vietnam will be a facial massage. Such a power massage differs from the usual Russian one and is aimed at smoothing wrinkles and rejuvenating the skin.

There is also a mixture of Vietnamese and Thai massage, which is performed using special devices - a hammer and a peg. During the procedure, the massage therapist taps the human body, following the energy meridians.

After sunbathing, a massage with aloe is recommended. This plant has amazing properties, softens the skin, fights redness. Even if you are badly burned, aloe in this situation can be a real salvation. There is another interesting type of massage, which is performed using hot stones. This is a very pleasant procedure, beneficial to health. True, if you are burned, then it is better to postpone it for a couple of days, when the skin returns to normal, or choose a massage with aloe.

Various oils and balms are used for massage, so you also get an aromatherapy session and completely relax during the procedure.

Vietnamese massage is low cost, the price per session can be as low as five dollars. Naturally, if you want to receive a high level of service, a Russian-speaking administrator who will select the necessary procedures for you, a beautiful interior and other bonuses, then it is better to choose a more expensive salon. In Vietnam, massage is available in beautifully designed cabins right on the seashore. Such procedures to the sound of sea waves are especially pleasant.

The duration of the massage can be different - from forty minutes to one and a half hours. Of course, this affects the cost of procedures. Longer sessions cost more.

Other beauty and health procedures in Vietnamese salons

In addition to massage, Vietnamese masters can offer you interesting face and body treatments. These are various face masks, body wraps and scrubs. Many of them are performed using natural products. For their manufacture, exotic plants and fruits, clay, mineral water are used.

Almost all salons offer manicures and pedicures. At the same time, the procedures are performed at very low prices, in comparison with Russian ones. The main thing is to pay attention to whether there is special equipment for sterilizing instruments in the salon. Feel free to ask about it and ask for the tools to be carefully crafted. Of course, in expensive salons such requirements are always observed.