Conspiracy on onion weight loss reviews. Conspiracies for food. The magic of the word: is it possible to remove body fat with the help of a weight loss plot

Weight loss conspiracies work, with the help of white magic you can remove fat, for this you need to select a spell and read it according to all the rules. This is our article.

In the pursuit of harmony, many use all possible means. Women buy figure-hugging clothes, use cosmetics, go to beauty salons and do many other things. For all the girls remains actual problem With overweight. Beauty standards change, but the desire to always stay in good shape does not disappear. Despite a variety of diets, fitness programs, and even nutritional supplements, many women fail to achieve the weight they dream of.

Ladies resort to the most unthinkable ways to lose weight: from starvation to surgical intervention. All this costs colossal funds and titanic efforts on oneself. Not a single generation is puzzling over what to do to lose weight quickly. How to get the figure of your dreams without harm to your own health? To remove fat, white magic and its conspiracies come to the aid of the fairer sex. No, it's not at all Magic wand which will instantly make you slim and attractive. If you are for breakfast, lunch and dinner, prefer sweet and fatty foods, but do not move at all, then you should not hope for a miracle. It won't happen.

But no matter what rituals are performed, they will not help if a person does not make efforts on himself. First of all, changes should relate to his diet and lifestyle. No one loses weight at the snap of their fingers without doing anything about it. IN this case rituals are aimed at helping to fulfill the dream of an ideal figure. Conspiracies are designed to set a person to positive thinking and open the currents of energies that will allow him to move forward.

How do weight loss conspiracies from white magic work?

Doctors only laugh at this question. How can a set of letters work? Psychologists will say that the power of self-hypnosis plays a role. With the help of a conspiracy, a person gives himself certain positive attitudes that help to lose weight and more easily cope with all the difficulties of this process. Esotericists and magicians claim what is happening energy impact per person during the ceremony. Some forces (dark or light) are actively embodying the program that specialists are implementing with the help of a conspiracy. To believe in all this or not is the choice and opinion of each individual person.

What are the conspiracies for weight loss?

Rites for weight loss appeared as long ago as the girls began to take care of their own figures. Basically, rituals are performed on food or water. There are also rituals with trees, threads, weight loss conspiracies in the bath and even in the restroom. For more complex rituals, a doll is made from dough (the image of a person on whom a magical effect occurs). Consider the most popular:

  • Rite of candles. As you know, this is an ancient magical attribute; almost no ritual takes place without it. Candles can also help in losing weight, but conspiracies are suitable for more experienced magicians. For conspiracies, red wax ritual objects are usually chosen.
  • Comb ritual. Experts say that the rite with combs is no less effective in terms of weight loss. However, it is important that the comb itself was purchased on the fourth day (not earlier and not later).
  • Ritual for water. To do this, the conspiracy is read before bathing, washing, going to the bath or drinking. Water not only makes the figure attractive, but also cleanses from negative programs.
  • Ritual for food Effective for reducing appetite while dieting. Sweets, flour, apples and tea are talking. It is important after the ceremony to eat or drink ritual food in small pieces or sips.
  • Ritual with prayer. Ideal for those who do not like to take risks and are wary of any magical rites, even to whites. Prayers are not only effective, but also safe for the fortuneteller. Each of them has its own reading recommendations.

Each woman can pick up a plot that suits her best (or just liked it more). Weight loss rituals exist in both white and black magic. The use of dark forces for their own purposes is fraught with backfire even when correct execution. Black magic always requires a "payoff". Let's say you managed to lose weight with the help of a dark rite, but you lose your job or someone close to you turns away. Experts do not recommend turning to black magic. If you want to use a dark ritual for weight loss, then it is better to turn to an experienced psychic. He will perform the ritual without errors and protect his client from negative consequences.

Even if you are a beginner in magic, you can easily find a rite for yourself. White spells usually do not bring negative results, and therefore you don’t have to worry about such an energy intervention. The main thing is to carry out everything according to the rules, having studied the features of the work.

Features of reading conspiracies for weight loss in order to remove fat.

Any magical action implies the observance of certain rituals and rules. Without following the instructions, the rite is unlikely will work. What should be remembered by girls who decide to lose weight with the help of conspiracies?

  • All rituals associated with weight loss are done on the waning moon. It is believed that the power of the luminary helps to achieve a dream figure. Cast the spell at night (after 12) or before sunrise. This is a special time for magic
  • Silence. Each magical ritual is performed alone. It is impossible that during its execution something distracts you. Take care of this in advance (take the animals out of the room, turn off the phone).
  • Keep the sacrament. Be sure to store magical practices secret from everyone (including loved ones). Otherwise, the rite will not work or will take retroactive effect (you will begin to gain weight). The consequences are often unpredictable.
  • Believe in yourself and magic. Without this, the ritual is doomed to failure. Don't even try to use rites if you're skeptical. You can be sure that in this case they will not work.
  • Follow the rules clearly magical actions. The rite will not work if you make even a small mistake. This applies to ritual things, and to a clear reading of the spell.
  • Read conspiracies only on an empty stomach. This important rule for weight loss rituals.
  • A good mood is a necessary companion of the rites of white magic. You must be benevolent, then the Universe will hear you. While reading, do not think about current worries and problems. If you are in bad mood, then it is better to postpone the reading of the conspiracy to another day.
  • Do not use several rites at once. No matter how much you want to lose weight, don't do it. Casting two or three spells at the same time will not bring any result.
  • Read only for yourself. If you perform a ceremony in relation to a close or relative, then it will not work. Seek help from an experienced magician.
  • Choose your rituals carefully. There is a huge difference between black and white rites. If you are a beginner, then resort to the help of exceptionally bright conspiracies. Choose the ones that suit your ability. For example, if for a conspiracy you need to go deep into the forest, and now it's winter and you live in a metropolis. It is more rational to make a choice in favor of the ceremony at home.

What are the most popular weight loss conspiracies?

Comb conspiracy.

Popular and effective ritual. To carry it out, you will need two candles and a new comb (comb or wooden with one row of teeth). Before a conspiracy, you need to concentrate. Stay alone, light candles. Place a new comb nearby and visualize your own dream. Imagine the shape you would like. And with focus on the target, say the spell:

“As a comb combs out lice, so the fat would go away! As nits evaporate, so would my weight evaporate! The pig will get fat and fat, and my body will grow thin and prettier! Amen!"

Repeat the spell three times. Done? Fine. After reading, you need to hide the comb under the mattress on which you rest in the arms of Morpheus. The ceremony should be carried out every month, do it as long as the fat is kept.

Water conspiracy.

Perfect for beginners in magic. It will require only water, on which the spell will be cast. Best to use glassware(in no case ceramics or metal) The ritual is performed before going to bed. Take a glass of water (200 ml) and say the following words over it three times:

Moon sister, dear girl,

Leave the water from the sky,

Take my extra weight with you.

Having said the magic phrases, drink the charmed water. Use all the liquid completely, do not leave anything in the glass. The meaning of the ritual is that with the charmed liquid you lose weight (if you perform the ceremony once, the figure will become 200 grams lighter). Therefore, it is advisable to carry out the ceremony every day, given the number of kilograms that you need to “say goodbye”. But you should pay attention to the phases of the moon (read only the waning one). At the next cycle, the rite must be repeated. Keep reading the plot until you materialize desired result. For more fast weight loss enter restrictions in your diet, as well as engage in any physical activity.

Ritual with a young aspen.

For the ritual, you will need your underwear (panties and a T-shirt are perfect). The clothes must be tied together using a blue or blue ribbon. Next, look for aspen in the nearby forest (it is important that the tree is thin and young). Fasten the clothes tightly to the trunk with tapes. Read the words of the spell three times:

“You, young aspen, grew slender, slender and grew up. You, aspen, take my fatness, give me your hudina. Let it be so".

Then you should stomp with your right foot (to enhance the conspiracy). After that, quickly and without turning around, you need to go home.

When to expect the results of rituals for weight loss?

Conspiracies of white and black magic are different in strength. The latter are recognized as more powerful and effective, but they are able to inflict irreparable negativity on a person who used dark forces. white magic acts differently. A conspiracy of light forces is an appeal to the Universe for help.

She will definitely hear you, but she needs time. Wait a few weeks after the ceremony. Usually the results are noticeable after thirty days. Otherwise, the ritual can be repeated or another one chosen.

Who will help the conspiracy to remove fat?

The Universe gives us what we ask for. Why does she fulfill the requests of some people for weight loss, but not others? Asking the Higher Powers perfect figure Most people don't care about their own health. This is often the reason for failure. First of all, hormones and a disease such as diabetes. In this case, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a doctor and begin treatment, and only then seek help from the Higher Forces. Remember that rituals for health and weight loss are not the same thing. The Universe protects people from the fulfillment of those desires that can harm them. If you believe enough in magic and your own strengths, and are also determined to say goodbye to excess fat, then the rituals will surely help you.

Overweight is a sore subject for many women and girls who are ready for anything, just to have a beautiful slim figure and the ability to wear tight trousers, shorts and short T-shirts. Everyone wants to lose weight, but not everyone can give up their favorite food. Among various methods weight loss, such as diets, fitness, herbal medicine, etc., conspiracies are becoming more and more popular, because for many it is no longer a secret what power our thoughts and words have. It would be great if we could use them to our advantage.

It often happens that no diets and other methods give the proper result, but oh how you want to lose weight! You begin to wonder what else to do to get rid of the ill-fated hated kilograms? And then you remember the existence of white magic, which you can resort to. But here it is necessary to understand: absolute confidence in what you are doing, and positive attitude are of great importance in achieving the intended goal. Faith in victory and your own strength will help you get the desired result. Without them, all efforts will be in vain.

Weight loss conspiracies - consequences

As mentioned above - the power of the word has great power and, indeed, can work wonders! It seems that a weight loss conspiracy is an incoherent and meaningless set of phrases, but it is not. All phrases and sounds of conspiracies are valid exactly as they are composed. And if you strictly follow all the recommendations, then positive result will surely come! Such manipulations are one of the types of self-hypnosis and, from the point of view of psychology, reprogram the subconscious, increase self-esteem, remove blocks and help a person gain self-confidence. And also patience, patience and more patience! Losing weight is not a fast process!

Weight loss conspiracies are aimed at the benefit of the one who pronounces them, so they will not bring negative results. All that can happen bad is the absence of any result at all.

Examples of conspiracies for weight loss

There are many different conspiracies and rituals to help get rid of excess weight. You can use them in the complex fight against unnecessary body fat. The more different ways you use for weight loss, the faster you will see the long-awaited result. This article provides the most powerful and effective conspiracies of all.

Candle conspiracy - very effective conspiracy for weight loss. It is recommended to spend on the very first day of the full moon after sunset. The candle and the linen in which you sleep should be red. The cinder from the candle, on which the ritual was performed, is removed under the pillow until the morning. This ceremony is performed at all full moons throughout the year.

The words are whispered on a lit candle: “In the blue ocean - a sea of ​​hunger on constipation. Do not let hunger go free, the servant (e) of God (her) (name) does not know grief. Goloditsa - insomnia, calm down, scatter to all parts of the world. My eyes, sleep, do not wake your soul. How to be at night, so it’s dashing for me not to know. How to be at night, to melt, to rest for the eyes, not to wrinkle the body in hunger. The words are spoken, tied in a knot. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Comb conspiracy. Buy a simple hairbrush in the store, always on the 04th, the month does not matter. During such a ceremony, one must speak a conspiracy and comb one's hair at the same time, while maintaining complete peace of mind and peace.

The ritual is done as follows: after sunset, at home, without prying eyes, light candles, prepare a comb, and then, visualizing your body as slender and beautiful, say: “As a louse comb combs out, so the fat would go away! As nits evaporate, so my excess weight would evaporate! The pig will grow fat and fat, and my body will get prettier and slimmer! Amen!" It is necessary to read the spell three times, while combing the hair with a comb. Then hide the comb under the mattress. The ceremony is carried out once a month until the desired result is obtained.

A conspiracy to lose weight on an apple or other food. Here you need to cast a spell on food, and then eat it.

They perform this ritual on the waning moon, preferably early in the morning, saying the following to the apple: “The apple is red, the apple is round, help me, help me lose weight. Asmuren - nataren, I ask, I offer a strong sacrifice, I carry what I can, I will give you what you take. The apple is red, the apple is round, help me, help me lose weight. The apple is eaten completely with seeds, only the stem must be torn off before the plot is read.

The same can be said about any other food product.

Conspiracy to lose weight in the toilet. If this magical ritual is carried out correctly, then you won’t have to infringe on yourself in food - you yourself won’t want to eat a lot. organism natural way adjust to the rhythm he needs and the body will gradually reach a slender shape.

A conspiracy to lose weight must be read in the toilet: “You, heaven, are high. You heavens are immense. Take my fullness to your fullness. For one century, or for all centuries, or for a while, everything. Amen". But before the ritual, you should study these words carefully. You can first write them down on white paper.

Water conspiracy. Water - the most unique thing in the world. It cleanses, washes away negativity and the evil eye, heals diseases and does a lot more. Question: "How to lose weight with water?" many people are interested.

Wash yourself before going to bed with a sponge in a basin, and pour the water into a jar and leave it at the head of the bed for the night, saying these words: “What makes me fat, what wanders in my bodies, let it go to the water. As this water rolled from my body, so will my fullness flee from me! Let it be so!"

Another ritual with water. Prepare holy water for him. Light three candles. Pour some water into a glass and say: “Water is violent, you flow here and there. Do not run, but help me, take my fullness and leave with it. You water, water is not my problem! Take away trouble - I will not find grief! Read three times on the water and swallow it in one gulp to the bottom. Then say the following: “I don’t know trouble from holy water. My weight will run away, run to the enemy. Amen, amen, amen. »

The candles will go out and you can go to bed.

During bath procedures, when you wash yourself completely, repeat the following words: “Mother Voditsa - help me! I nourished you with milk, decorated you with a rose and consecrated it with a cross, do me a good deed - remove excess fat from my body, inappropriate fats and take them far away so that they do not return! Let me be slim and good!” Speak and imagine how water washes away from you overweight and carries away from you.

A conspiracy for weight loss that takes place on the moon. This conspiracy to the moon has tremendous power. It is pronounced on the water for nine days with the growing moon at evening sunset. Holding water in a glass in your hands and looking at the moon, say: “The moon is going to increase, and I am going to lose weight. Be you, the moon is round and full, and I become slim and good, thin and cheerful. All my fat and lard, let them run away from me and grow to the moon. Let the moon grow, and I'm getting slimmer and good. Let it be so!" Drink all the water in one gulp and go to sleep.

Weight loss plot to remove excess fat for honey. Rituals using honey are very effective. These conspiracies inhibit re-gaining weight. To conduct this ceremony, you need to purchase a jar of natural honey and on Monday, at sunrise, say the following words to it: “To be me, the Servant of God (name), a beautiful girl, slender and stately! I order with a magic word: all unnecessary fats - away from me, all unnecessary fats - get off me! Do not go to me, the Servant of God (name), is more fat, do not live with excess weight. The fat will come off me, run away from me and never come back!” After casting such a spell every morning, take a teaspoon of honey from a charmed jar and, dissolving it in a glass cold water, drink the miraculous drink every morning until the honey runs out. This drink reduces appetite, and in addition to losing weight, there will be a complete recovery of the body, metabolism will be restored. The result of such magical actions will not be long in coming.

It is very important, when performing all these rituals, to monitor the amount of food consumed. If you read the plot and immediately ate to the dump of buns and sweets, then, of course, no result is expected. Magic is magic, and keeping yourself in check is a must if you are really going to end your fatness once and for all.

The spell is short text, serving as a magical means of achieving the desired for protective, healing, producing and other purposes. The effect of weight loss conspiracies is individual, it all depends on the energy of the practitioner. An important factor in the fulfillment of desire is unconditional faith. Only a deep conviction in the positive outcome of the event will give a result. The work of magic is based on internal energy the person performing the ritual.

A person who decides to get rid of extra pounds with the help of magical rites, must first understand the essence of the words and the actions accompanying them. Vocabulary undergoes changes from time to time, and in the genetic memory involved in magical manipulations, the meaning of each word is fully embodied. People believe that losing weight means losing weight. Only a few know that the word comes from the Old Russian “bad”, which means “bad”.

It turns out that pronouncing strong conspiracy for weight loss, a person, suspecting nothing, wishes himself to feel bad instead of slim figure. It is better to read the text of the spell and make out the meaning of each word, and then pronounce it. With knowledge and experience in the field magical rituals, you can independently compose a phrase with the desired setting, which will help you become slimmer. For the spell to work, follow the rules for the ritual:

  • choose conspiracies only with positive words, bearing positive attitude(the negative wording "disappear", "lose weight", as well as the mention evil spirits lead to disappointment)
  • pronounce the plot in a quiet, measured, calm voice;
  • rituals are performed on an empty stomach, and at the end of the event, they start eating after 2-3 hours;
  • believe in a positive outcome from casting a spell;
  • take actions seriously, it is forbidden to laugh during the ritual;
  • keep secret the implementation of rituals for weight loss;
  • represent the desired result in the form of an image;
  • conduct a ceremony to acquire a slender figure on Monday or Friday with a waning moon.

Conspiracy for water

The crystalline structure of water has a memory. Everything that is slandered over water is stored in its crystals. Water weight loss conspiracy - simple and effective method lose extra pounds. For those who aspire to ideal forms, nutritionists around the world advise to observe drinking regimen. The benefits are enhanced by reading over drinking. special words for programming each cell to get rid of excess body fat.

Penetrating into the human body or in close contact with it, water transmits the stored information to the body. Under the influence of words, the molecules are transformed, and the program begins to operate at the cellular level. The subconscious sets up activity internal organs and systems in the right way. Such a liquid turns into a magical drink, charged with the power of intention. It was not for nothing that the ancestors called spring water “living”, whispered special words over it and believed in its miraculous power to heal and revive people. An effective conspiracy to lose weight before going to bed is read during the waning moon:

  • “The queen of the sea, the maiden of the water. You sanctify all people, give water and wash. His natural force Remove hunger from me, so that it doesn’t torment me, take away the passion for food, so that I don’t think and don’t want to. Just as the most holy person does not eat or drink, but lives by one prayer, so you, strengthen me, give me the strength to abstain from food. What I have said will come true." They say 3 times over an uncut glass and drink.

The following text is also read during the waning moon, but Thursday is chosen from the days of the week. To lose total weight, they say “all over the body”, and if you need to remove fat deposits from a problem area, they call a specific place (stomach, thighs, buttocks, or other). They read the plot as many times as they drink liquids per day. Clean water is poured into a glass, the words are said over it 3 times:

  • “Water-water, you give me a drink, you give me a wash, so help me become slim. I slander water, I speak water, I drink it, fat decreases in the whole body (or they call a certain area). Just as a white swan is beautiful with its grace, so I become slim, graceful and beautiful. Let it be so". Or short version: “I talk about water, I talk about water, I drink miraculous liquid, I get harmony, beauty, grace. Let it be so".

Vanga's conspiracies

The famous Bulgarian seer called people to goodness and a positive attitude towards life. She was convinced that such an attitude would help keep the soul and body healthy. To enhance the effect and to enlist Vanga's invisible support, they read about her earthly path before performing a weight loss ritual. At midnight, with a waning moon, the following spell is pronounced:

  • “In the ocean, the sea sleeps, hunger is constipated. Three whales do not let him outside. Will not find on (name) hunger maet. Calm down weight gain, dissolve in the morning mist. Go to the ocean, leave (name) slender. Eyes sleep, do not look at food. Nights to melt in the morning, and hunger from the body to lag behind. It is said in the night: Hunger be silent! They say a conspiracy every day for a period while the moon is waning.

A conspiracy with a prayer for the growing moon

The rite is performed over a two-week period until the appearance of a full month. They read a conspiracy to lose weight on a growing moon daily for 14 days. They perform the ceremony in the evening in the dim light from a sconce or floor lamp, it is even better to light a candle. They find an opportunity to retire to an empty room, and say aloud, clearly pronouncing the magic words:

  • “As wax melts with fire, so the moon will enter my flesh. Free from fat, melt the sides, relieve excess weight. There will be no joy from sweetness. Appetite will decrease, satiety will remain. In 14 days I will be slimmer.

Ritual for weight loss on the waning moon

The ritual is performed no earlier than a week after the full moon. Choose the day of the rite of passage for weight loss during the period of the decrease of the month. They pour a glass of water, put it on the windowsill so that it is illuminated by moonlight. Leave the filled glass on the window all night. In the morning they drink water on an empty stomach, and before that they say a miraculous spell:

  • “The moon is waning and my extra pounds are gone. As the queen of the night decreases every day, so I will grow slim. Let it be so".

Conspiracy for an apple

No diet is complete without juicy fruit, which is called an apple. When losing weight, sweet and sour green varieties are often used. You can choose any fruit, preferably local. You will have to wake up early so that after pronouncing the words, the first rays of the sun hit the apple. To perform the ceremony, they get up at dawn, take the fruit and recite a spell on it:

  • “The apple was filled with the sun, the apple reveled in life, I also want to deal with it under the sun, quickly get rid of excess fat. Help me apple sunlight, I will start to get slim with this dawn.

Rite with a bath

Carrying out a ritual for weight loss in the bathroom is a pleasure: you relax and simultaneously start the process of losing weight. The ceremony is simple and pleasant to perform. Fill the bathing tank with water, add your favorite ingredients (salt, foam, aromatic oils, etc.). In order for the spell to take effect, they are immersed in water and utter next prayer:

  • “Water envelops me, my excess weight dissolves. I become slim, beautiful, healthy and happy. Water flows under the stone, takes everything superfluous from me with it.

There is a pleasant and effective ritual for losing weight while bathing. Milk is poured into a container with water, rose petals (red, yellow, white) are added. The ritual requires preliminary preparation - milk and rose petals are purchased in advance. The pleasure of the procedure more than compensates for the hassle - thanks to milk, the skin becomes softer and more tender, and flower petals cheer up. Before descending into the water, they bend over it, pronouncing the words:

  • “Mother Voditsa, help me, red girl (name). I sated you with milk, decorated you with rose petals. So do me a good deed: remove excess fat from my body, take away all the fats that I hate from me far, far away. I want to be beautiful, I want to be slim! So that the weight is gone from me forever. Let it be so". Repeat casting the spell each time you bathe until the desired effect is obtained.

A plot on soap for weight loss is read during the waning moon. They take a piece, it is desirable that it be without artificial flavors, fragrances, dyes and other unhealthy additives. Perfect Choice will be natural baby soap. The spell is cast in the evening when the stars and the moon appear. Soaping the body, slander the following words over the bar:

  • “Soap, soap, wash harder, wash faster, I’ll rub my skin with you, I’ll start to get slimmer every time.”


In ancient times fat girls were more willing to marry, as this was considered a sign good health and fertility. But too well-fed and then bypassed. Our ancestors knew a lot about magic and experienced grandmothers successfully fought this problem with the help of conspiracies. After all, there were no diets back then. gyms. In this article, you will find out which weight loss conspiracy is right for you.

In this article:

When should you turn to magic?

You can arbitrarily talk about the reasons for the appearance of excess weight. Laziness, overeating at night, a sedentary lifestyle and a bunch of other factors lead to the formation of unnecessary kilograms on the body. If this is your case, then even the most strong ritual will not help you lose weight. Review your habits and then the problem will become much easier to solve on your own, and not with the help of a conspiracy.

If conventional remedies do not help

If you have tried many diets, and from sports loads barely standing on your feet, you should think about dark side your problem. Perhaps on you. This is also possible and needs to be removed as soon as possible. After a reprimand or ritual, weight loss will begin in a natural way.

Necessary factors for an effective rite

Remember that desire alone is not enough to lose weight. You must be determined and seriously prepared for the ritual. If you do not believe in conspiracies, then no white magic will help you.

Rules and conditions for a successful

For achievement desired result you must clearly understand that losing weight is not a rapid process. The fat that you have eaten in a few years will not disappear in a few days. You should not perform another ritual in a week if you did not see the long-awaited numbers on the scales. Be patient and remember that instant weight loss is possible only in case of surgery.

A prerequisite is the ritual at home. Choose a day when you have a clear head and good mood. Do not think that in order to consolidate the magical effect, you need to use as much as possible magical ways. Choose the one that's right for you. There is a plot to remove the stomach or reduce the volume of the hips. You have a great choice!

How to choose subjects for a conspiracy?

All the necessary things for a weight loss ritual should be chosen from natural ones. Try to get quality products, because it is nature that will become yours the best assistant and guide in the world of magic.

waning moon conspiracy

It does not take much intelligence to draw parallels between weight loss and the waning moon. This ceremony was carried out 500 years ago, and it has miraculously survived to this day.

You will need:

  • Scissors or knife;
  • church candle;
  • White towel or cloth.

Take off all your clothes and stand on white cloth. Only a lit candle should burn in the room. Take the knife in your right hand and when reading the spell, make movements as if cutting off extra pounds from yourself. At the same time, you should look at the waning moon and pronounce the following words:

I cut off the excess from my body,
From all sides I remove the unnecessary,
As the moon shrinks in size
This is how fat gets away from my body.

Conspiracy for water

One of the most powerful natural elements can work wonders with the proper approach and skill. Losing weight with water is one of the most strong ways. For best result It is worth using water consecrated in the church. If you have a supply from Epiphany, then it will be ideal option. It is also worth noting that it is better to perform the ritual before going to bed.

You will need:

  • Small container for water
  • Sponge or small piece of cloth

Before pouring water into a container, you should cross yourself and ask the saints for help. Remove all clothing and soak a cloth in water to wipe the entire body. Read the words at least three times.

Help me clean water
Free yourself from a heavy burden
Take away everything that hinders
Get rid of everything that oppresses

Water must be poured out on the street so that it goes into the ground. After a spell on water, you should not eat anything and have long conversations. Better go straight to bed.

Slimming spell before bed

Heavenly powers, spirits of light incorporeal,
I call you to my faithful helpers,
Help get rid of excess
Find the beauty of the external image,
I conjure you and pray for assistance,
Do not leave my request without action,
My soul is open to you
May my prayer not be forgotten by you.
Cross yourself three times and fall asleep with a calm heart.

How to remove fat in the place you need?

It often happens that fat is deposited in only one place - on the hips, chest, face or pope. With such a problem, a special conspiracy will help you cope with the help of a homemade natural scrub. Here is an easy way to prepare it. Melt honey in a water bath. It is better to buy natural from the apiary, and not the one that is sold in the store. Pour some into the cup liquid soap or shower gel. For an exfoliating effect, add ground coffee beans. Mix all ingredients.

When taking a shower or bath, carefully rub the problem area with your belongings and say the following words that will help you remove fat in this area:

I rub with my hands (name of body part)
Remove excess fat
The body will be lean and flexible
I will fix the words with sticky honey
Soap lathers grease
Taking excess weight with water

Use this scrub at least 10 times, at least twice a week or how often you take water procedures. Use only if you are not allergic to honey.

Conspiracy on the go

For those who like to take a walk before going to bed, this option of losing weight with the help of magic is ideal. During the day, you can also use it, but the effect will be weaker. Keep in mind that the words will be valid if you exercise for exactly seven days without gaps. The plot should be read 7 times and you need to go at a fast pace, but not so much as to suffocate and sweat.

I walk around the world nursing
Excess weight from the body I see off
Get rid of fats, all unnecessary, superfluous
My body will be more mobile
My words are stronger than granite
White magic on me strong protection
I walk and lose all weight
Forever excess fat expel

For fidelity, before the first walk, tie on left hand dipped in holy water. Do not shoot for 7 days.

Help in losing weight from Vanga and Natalia Stepanova

You can use a simple and effective conspiracy for your own needs. You will need an apple and some patience. Vanga knew a lot about folk spells and knew how to use them to help suffering women.

We read the magic words looking at the apple:
Every day the apple gets smaller
My weight is also decreasing.
How will the seventh day go?
I'll be as thin as a shadow

With these words, we bite off an apple and put it in a dark place. The next day, we repeat everything exactly and bite off, on the other hand. When reading, we look at the apple without looking up. We eat an apple for seven days until there is a stub left, which will symbolize a slender figure.

from Natalia Stepanova

A peculiar method, but nevertheless, there is a lot about it. good reviews. For him, you only need a natural desire to go to the toilet for the most part. When the right moment comes, start reading the following plot in the toilet:

How everything alien leaves the body
So all unnecessary fats come out
Such an easy way to reduce weight takes time and can be used for as long as you like.
Ritual for fast weight loss

Before using this method, weigh the pros and cons. You can lose weight in short time, but this is fraught with such consequences as saggy skin, thin and brittle hair, stress and fatigue. If you are ready for this side effects, then you can start the ritual.

You will need:

  • Orthodox cross (usual, which is given at baptism in the church).
  • Sugar from three houses (one spoon each).
  • Candle.
  • Comb.
  • Lard.
  • Iron cup.

Pour three tablespoons of sugar and finely chopped lard into a cup. We light a candle and hold the cup over the fire. When the fat begins to crackle and melt, start reading the words and combing your hair:

Fat melts, melts
Will soon mix with sugar
The two enemies of my body will merge together
Will be removed from under my skin
The comb quickly walks in my curls
My fat is disappearing just as fast
Extinguish the candle and ventilate the room. Drain the resulting liquid outside.

Divination for weight loss

An easy way to find out if you can lose weight in the near future. Take a sheet of A4 paper and divide it into four parts. In each square you receive, write the answers:

  1. It turns out
  2. Will not work
  3. It will work, but not soon
  4. Get it soon

Insert a match into a simple potato and place it in the center of the sheet. WITH eyes closed twist the vegetable and ask the question: “Will I be able to lose weight?” The match will indicate the correct option.

The consequences of magical rituals for weight loss

For those who have made their body beautiful with magic, the only consequence may be a decrease in body weight. Do not be afraid of any negative manifestations on health and personal life. White magic will not harm you or your loved ones. Any conspiracy to remove excess fat will only become a faithful assistant in your quest to gain a good figure.

Everything that surrounds us: the trees around, the water in the rivers, the earth under our feet - everything is interconnected by some threads of energy, having learned to manage which, you can change life in better side. The control of these threads is called magic.

Magic is used by people for different purposes:

  • to cure diseases;
  • to conquer love energy;
  • for money and good luck.

But, no doubt, every person has a desire to be beautiful. Many women and men daily struggle with excess weight, not even realizing that some magical knowledge could greatly facilitate their task in this difficult competition with themselves and with their bodies.

Of course, having agreed to use magic for weight loss, a person needs to know exactly how higher power help him transform and change his life forever. In fact, any conspiracy or ritual for losing weight not only helps to lose weight, but also modulates the human subconscious to new image life, which will help him keep the result. That same energy will be directed to removing the desire to have a bite, as well as calming down. nervous system and harmonization of the work of the whole body losing weight.

Human, dieter, must understand that the change familiar image life and the previously established diet will irreversibly cause stress for the body. Most failures in weight loss occur for this reason. As you know, long-term attempts to lose weight, which are periodically replaced by breakdowns and overeating, turn on the “fat reserve” mode in the body, which leads to even more weight gain, not to mention harm to health.

The most powerful conspiracies

The topic of weight loss is very relevant today., after all, from TV screens and web pages on the Internet, they advertise to us by no means Ruben's women magnificent forms but slender and long-legged beauties.

Due to demand, it’s easy enough to find a lot of weight loss conspiracies, weight loss rituals and other magical methods on the network that can be quite effective in the fight against hated kilograms.

The most effective of them is considered to be magical prayers for personal belongings and water. It is quite simple to explain this, because a person’s personal thing, especially the one that he often uses, absorbs his energy, respectively, when magical effect it will be easier to redirect it to weight loss. As for the water, then knowledgeable magicians know that it is this substance that has a special ability to remember and transmit the necessary information.

Before bedtime

Before you start getting ready for bed, you should conduct a special home ritual, for which you will need a sponge and a bowl of water. Over the same basin, you need to wash your body with a sponge soaked in water, trying to return as much liquid as possible to the basin. Further, water should be drawn from it into a glass, which is placed at the head of the bed. Above the glass you will need to read the following prayer:

“What makes me fat, what wanders in my body - let it go into water. Just as this water has rolled down from my body, so will my fullness roll down. Let it be so!"

At the onset of the morning, as soon as the losing weight wakes up, he should comb his hair, and then take the previously mentioned glass in his left hand in order to say the following prayer over it three times:

“Damn brothers, children, children, I call you all, I invite you all. Go around me, take my zhor, take it away for 33 miles to the red eel, take it to the demonic courtyard, block the way back to me. So that he didn’t call me to the table, didn’t embarrass my mind, didn’t torture me with the smell of food, didn’t tear my guts, didn’t growl in my stomach. The strength of demons - lay off the hungry strength from me, that which beckons to food, that which draws to food. As this water, spilling, dries up, so let my hunger dry up from me, burn out, melt, no longer shake my soul. Let it be so."

Repeating the conspiracy last time, after the words "so be it", the water from the glass is splashed onto the ground or wall, where it can dry faster. At the conclusion of the ritual, the losing weight should turn around and throw a coin at the place where he spilled water over his left shoulder, saying “paid”. The ritual should be carried out for 13 days. On the 14th, a glass from which water poured out, they fill it with vodka and take it to the crossroads, while saying the following words:

"To hell - damn, but to me - mine."

For a glass of melted water

To carry out this ritual for weight loss, you should wait for the waning moon. It is during this period that weight loss conspiracies are considered the most effective. pronounced over a glass of water, which losing weight will have to drink. This ritual is carried out for 9 days in a row.

“The waning moon is for me to lose weight. The moon has beautiful horns - I have a slender body. By my word. Deed, Luna, yours.

To the growing moon

This ritual is performed on those days when the moon begins to grow in the sky. Before going to bed, losing weight takes a glass of water with him, over which he reads the following words:

"Moon, and I'm losing weight." Let it be full and round, and I will become slim and good, cheerful and thin. And let the moon take all my fat, and lose it from me. My word is strong, so be it. Amen."

At the end of the prayer, the water is drunk. Thinness will show itself soon enough.

On a full moon

The effective ritual from extra pounds is carried out as often as the person who is losing weight wishes, however, the frequency of its conduct is more effective for losing the hated excess weight.

To read a prayer, you should close yourself in the bathroom. A large mirror is hung on the door of the room. Before reading, 7 candles are lit, after which the losing weight must completely undress. Look closely at your body fat, imagining that they are not there. When reading magic words, you need to stroke the problem areas of the body.

The spell itself looks like this:

“As a candle smolders on a full moon, so my body becomes prettier. I am losing weight from faith in luck, and I no longer cry from gravity. The sides and stomach will lose weight, without effort and any hassle. As the moon grows fat in the sky, so my body will lose weight. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

To improve the effect, you can additionally say the following whisper:

“Full moon, burning candles, my weight loss is not far off. The fat will melt, go to hell. My old beauty can handle it. Appetite and health will recover, my body will get rid of ailments. As the moon gets fat again, I will begin to lose problematic weight. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

At the end of the reading, losing weight should get dressed and throw away the stubs of candles..

Soap for weight loss

For a conspiracy of soap to get rid of extra pounds any will do a bar of soap bought in a store. The conspiracy of the magical remedy should begin at midnight, in a locked bathroom, while the prayer is read, undressed naked. Holding the soap in your hand, you should say the following words, stroking the problem areas:

“Like soap on a calf, I will spend all my fat sagging to hell. I’ll lose weight, I’ll lose weight, but I’ll glorify this conspiracy in my thoughts. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

I will erase my obesity with soap, I will become two hundred grams lighter by morning. Legs, sides, chin, stomach, I will lose weight without any hassle. Let it be so. Amen!

“For weight loss, I read the lines, I wash off the sebaceous fat with water. As fragrant soap becomes less, so let my appetite calm down. Let it be so. Amen!"

Methods of magical weight loss on water

In fact, the most effective prayers for weight loss, the conspiracies of the fortuneteller from the series, as well as the famous soothsayer Vanga, are considered. These rituals for weight loss are able to get rid of extra pounds quickly and effectively.

Vanga's conspiracy method

They read the prayer recited by the great Vanga before going to bed for nine days. Before you start reading, you should prepare a glass of clean water which is placed by the window. Before you begin to pronounce the magic text, you should take a glass in your hands and peer closely into the outline of the moon.

The very prayer for weight loss looks like this:

“Just like the moon to stay - I follow the weight loss. The moon is round and full, and I will be thin and slender. My fat goes away and sticks to the moon. Let the moon grow, and I'm good. So it will be. Amen!"

At the end of the reading of the prayer, they slowly drink the water and go to sleep. Already on the ninth day action effect this conspiracy can be seen in the mirror.

Conspiracy for weight loss on water

In one of the famous series called "The Fortune Teller" you can also find a strong and effective conspiracy for weight loss. It will be possible to verify its effectiveness in a week. The main conditions for its fulfillment are faith and the waning moon outside the window.

To carry out the ritual for weight loss, dial clean water in a three liter jar. Before you start reading the magic text, you should write some kind of motivating text on the jar itself, for example: "I'm losing weight" or "Water from extra pounds." A candle is lit near the jar and the following prayer begins to be read:

“Water-voditsa, wash me, sister, cleanse me and help me, return my former body to me.”

You need to read these words nine times. After that, the jar is closed and left on the windowsill. For nine days, you should drink a glass of water half an hour before meals. As soon as the jar is empty, they break it, while whispering:

“I get rid of fat, I renew my whole body.”

For this method to work, two main rules should be remembered:

  1. No one should interfere with you during prayer.
  2. In the help of magic words you need to believe.

On the red thread

In addition to water for weight loss, in order to remove fat, magicians often use a charmed red thread that makes the reader actively lose weight.

For the ceremony, two equal lengths of threads of red and of blue color. First you need to tie a red thread with three knots, it should be placed on the middle finger right hand. The thread is worn without removing for a month. At the end of this period, the same is done with a blue thread, but on the left hand. Also, for a month you can not remove the thread. When the second term comes out, both threads are removed and buried in the ground. Since the threads will rot, the extra pounds will go away.

Consequences of conspiracies for weight loss

It is known that any magic entails consequences, and sometimes quite deplorable. Although in conspiracies aimed at one's own energy for positive purposes, magic will not require any terrible payment. negative consequences practically none, a negative may appear in the absence of a result if:

  • losing weight hopes to lose kilograms by continuing to eat sweet and fatty foods;
  • losing weight does not believe in the power of the conspiracies he uttered.