Conspiracy for the treatment of warts: how to get rid of this problem forever. The magical subtleties of the rituals for the reduction of warts

If growths appear on the hands or other parts of the body, it is difficult to get rid of them, but it is possible. Consult a dermatologist who will advise a modern method of removal. Or start removing the build-up on your own using medications. It is important to strengthen the body, rest, get enough sleep, eat right. Then they will disappear on their own. For reliability, you can also use the power of magic, speak a wart on a thread. How to get rid of a wart with a thread? What is whispered into a thread when warts are removed? Is it possible to tie a wart with a thread? We will answer these and other questions in the article.

To get rid of the growth on the skin, you can read the plot

Removal without conspiracy

If you trust traditional medicine, you can remove the beard with a thread, without using a conspiracy. What is an outgrowth? This is an overgrown epithelium, inside of which there is a network of small blood vessels that feed it. If the growth ceases to receive nutrition, then the cells will not be able to exist, and it will dry out, and then fall off.

If you tie a thread around the wart, then the blood circulation will be blocked, and it will die. But doctors do not advise choosing this method of removal, because if you bandage the growth, inflammatory processes may begin or infection will occur. If this does not scare you, how to get rid of warts with a thread? What kind of thread to tie a wart. You will need a silk thread that can be replaced with your own hair.

Take it, make a loop so that you can throw it over the growth. Pull it slightly and tighten the thread on it. It is difficult to do this on your own. If you can't, ask for help. We told how to remove a wart with a thread. How to understand if the method worked? Watch the growth. If it has darkened, become wrinkled, rough to the touch after some time, you did everything right, it is already drying up and will soon fall off, you do not need to remove it.

Silk thread is used for tying

Conspiracy Reading Rules

You can simply tie a wart with a thread, but this method has nothing to do with magic, or read a spell. How to get rid of the build-up using otherworldly powers? You can use a conspiracy from warts, read on a string. Before using the wart conspiracy on a string, read the rules for the ceremony, otherwise it will not work.

  1. Faith. You can’t read a conspiracy from warts with a thread if you don’t believe in it. In this case, take a course of treatment or choose a folk method. Belief in the power of the conspiracy is important; out of curiosity, the ritual is not performed.
  2. Moon. Pay attention to the lunar calendar. Similar rituals are performed on the waning moon. If you decide to bring out the growth on the growing moon, there will be more of them.
  3. Day of the week. Choose the right day of the week for the ritual. Women conjure on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday), men - on men's days (the remaining 3 days, except Sunday).
  4. Cleaning. Do not perform the ceremony in a dirty room, first do a general cleaning. You can also clean the energy of the apartment by pouring salt around the perimeter of the rooms a day before the ritual.
  5. Appearance. Cleanliness of the body is also important. Wash up, put on clean clothes. Remove all jewelry, loosen your hair.
  6. Calm. If you decide to read the conspiracy from warts on a string, keep calm. Before the ceremony, sit in silence, remove all extraneous thoughts, focus on the ceremony.

The success of the event depends on the phase of the moon


How to talk a wart with a thread? There are many types of rituals, choose the one that is closer to you.

With red

This is an old way of reducing growths, a simple rite. It helps to get rid of them wherever they appear. First, count how many warts you have on your body. Take a red thread and tie knots on it. Their number depends on the number of growths. Then you need to read the conspiracy against warts with a thread:

13 devils, 13 brothers, harness 13 marsh toads, drive along 13 roads, remove warts from the slave (name). Just as these 13 toads do not converge in one place, so the warts will not return to the slave (name). An old oak. Steel tooth. Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

Take the charmed item with you and go to the crossroads. Stand in the center and throw it. Leave the intersection without looking back.

Stepanova has a similar conspiracy, but it is more complex. You will need 13 frogs.

A red thread is taken, a knot is made over the growth, there should be 13 knots in total. Then they tear off a piece from the tie and tie it to the paw of the frog, uttering the conspiracy given above. This ritual is repeated until each of the 13 frogs has a piece of thread on its foot. Then these frogs are released into the forest. Blood relatives cannot be told about the ceremony, otherwise the spell will fall on them.

For the ceremony, you should take a red thread

simple rite

It used to be popular to tie warts with a thread. Take an ordinary thread and wrap the growth with it, tie a knot on it and say the conspiracy of warts on the thread: “Where did you, warts, come to me from, go away from me.” Then take it off and bury it in the ground. Try to forget the place where you took it. Soon the growths will disappear.

with potatoes

Take a silk thread and tie a knot on it. At this time, it should be over the wart. Cut a raw potato in half, thread it and bury it in the ground. When the potato rots, the growth will disappear.

Or tie the growth with silk thread, tie a knot, carefully remove it, try to make it slip off. Place it in the middle of a raw potato and bury it.

There is another version of this ritual. You will need yellow silk thread. On it, tie knots over the wart, repeating: “How can this thread not be untied, so you, damn it, with the servant of God, don’t grow together like that.” Then cut a small potato, hide the thread in the cut and bury it in the ground. When the potato rots, the growth will disappear.

A thread is placed in a potato cut in half, after which the vegetable is buried

For a young month

Wait for the new month, choose a day when it is visible in the sky, it is not covered with clouds. Take either a red silk thread or your hair. Look at the month and tie as many knots as you have growths. At the same time, you need to read a conspiracy from warts with a thread: “Young month, take the warts with you.” Then bury it in the ground. When it rots, the growths will disappear.

On gray

If a growth has appeared on the finger, you can remove the wart with a thread. Wrap this finger together with the growth with a gray thread and say: “Plow, plow, asa has dried up! I twist, I twist with a gray thread, a strong thread, there will be neither growth nor profit for you. Plow, plow, shrunken asa! Remove the floss from your finger and throw it down the toilet or toilet.

Modern people resort to the services of doctors to treat diseases, drink medicines and lie down under a scalpel. In ancient times, when medicine as such did not exist, people hurried for help to healers. One of the goals of visiting a local sorcerer was the desire to get rid of a wart - a skin growth that spoils the appearance of the body.

Some of the magical rites are available for independent performance by a person. But in order to be effective, you need to follow certain rules for their implementation. The main one is faith in achieving the desired effect and faith in magic itself. Healers argue that the unbelief of the afflicted will nullify the efforts of even the most experienced specialists.

An important condition that reinforces the effectiveness of the rituals is their conduct during the waning of the moon. To get rid of growths, any manipulations and reading of conspiracies must be carried out after the full moon, when the night luminary is in the waning phase.

But one should not abuse magical "tricks". If the problem has not been resolved in a month, it is better to repeat the ritual on the next waning moon. You can also resort to performing a different rite.

Carrying out magical treatment during the period of the waning of the cold star is identified with the desire of a person to get rid of a wart or other ailment. And vice versa, if the help of higher powers is required in obtaining something, the rituals are performed on the waxing moon or on the full moon itself.

How to speak a wilting wart

Conspiracies from warts to wither their bodies are endowed with high magical power. Before reading the text, you need to take a fruit, root crop or vegetable and cut it in half. Most often, an apple (regardless of variety, color and taste preferences) or a raw potato is taken for this purpose.

If it is an apple, rub the wart with half of it and say the following words:

“Apple-apple, take the wart away, take it away from me forever. As the apple wilts, so it will not be. Amen!"

After pronouncing the words three times, a half of the fruit is placed on a plate and placed in a dish under direct sunlight, achieving wilting and drying of the apple. As soon as this happens, it is carried away from the house and buried without witnesses. During this time, the papilloma should already come off. The second half of the apple after the ritual is allowed to be eaten or thrown away.

To read the conspiracy warts on a string you can already take a potato to help. The ritual is best done early in the morning. So, cutting the root crop into 2 parts, each of them rubs the neoplasm, saying the words (three times):

“As I wiped my hands with potatoes, so let the warts go away! Amen!"

As soon as this action is completed, the halves are tightly tied with a thread and the potato is buried in a place where people do not go. When instilling a root crop, the action is reinforced with the following words:

“As the potato rots, so the wart will pass!”

If the wart is not on the hand, but on another part of the body, it is called in prayer.

The considered conspiracies against warts create an energetic connection between her and the fetus. The shrinkage of the fetus is transferred to the neoplasm.

How to reduce a wart with trees

When reading from warts, it is not superfluous to enlist the support of nature. For example, with a request for healing from growths, you can turn to mountain ash.

The ritual is carried out by going up to the tree and christening each papilloma three times with a needle. At the same time, repeat three times:

“Rowan-rowan, I am spoiled, take off all the warts from me!”

Ritual with birch and water - carried out to remove papillomas from the hands. Its implementation begins with an 11-day infusion of water in a glass jar. On the 12th day, coinciding with the period of the waning of the moon, they approach the birch and squat near its trunk on the cards. Then they wash the wart with the brought water and read the following text:

“I wash my hands, wash my water, wash off the warts! They leave me, leave my body! In the land with water, where is their place! Amen!"

The plot is read 9 times while the hands are washed, while the water should be absorbed into the ground. The ceremony should show its effectiveness within 2 months.

Dripping on warts, they raise their palms to the night sky and whisper three times: “A month, a young month, take me with you. Take away the warts, and return me as soon as possible.

How to get rid of warts with a conspiracy with a large number of growths at a time? First you need to pick a thin twig from the tree and stock up on woolen threads. Next, neoplasms are counted and, according to their number, turns are made with a thread around a branch with leaves. The procedure is completed by burying the “crafts” in damp earth with reading the magic text:

“As a rope and a twig rots, so all my warts will rot!”

Rituals with onions, lard and peas, oak broom

A purple onion and a knife will help get rid of arrays of papillomas.

After cutting the vegetable in half, rub the neoplasm with each part and say:

"Into the bulb of the wart, into the bulb!"

The text is read three times over each growth. At the end of the ritual, the halves of the vegetable are taken to a deserted crossroads and left on the road. They leave without turning around and without talking to people they meet along the way.

How to talk a wart with peas and lard? A piece of lard is added to the boiled fruits and they say:

“Peas, warts, lard, so that the second in a row will perish. The first is peas, the second is a wart, the third is lard. Amen".

At the end of the manipulation, the fat is given to the dog or hidden in a gutter designed to drain water.

An oak broom will help to reduce the wart in a magical way. On the waning moon, it is steamed in a bathhouse and poured over with a glass of hot water. The flowing drops are collected in the same glass and the words are whispered 3 times:

The problem of the occurrence of the disease, as well as conspiracies from warts, is familiar to many. The disease appears both in adolescence and in old age. In a mature person, warts can occur as a result of infection with the HPV virus (human papillomavirus).

Many sources describe methods removal of cones by medical and folk methods. They are quite effective, but do not give the main thing - guarantees against relapse.

How to get rid of the disease, conspiracies will tell. Special actions for these formations, as a rule, provide a complete cure without the appearance of growths in the future. These methods are recognized in our medicine time, because they are based on the strongest tool - self-hypnosis.

The sounds that we make during a conspiracy are energy. If it is properly directed, it will help the healing. With the firm faith of the sick person in healing, the neoplasms disappear.

Conspiracy healing is a safe and clean method. It does not require surgery, anesthesia, the use of chemically unsafe drugs. Conspiracies can cure neoplasms on any part of the body, adult and child. But you should know how to speak a wart correctly and with great effect.

Usually, the reading method is used when there are multiple wart nodes that would otherwise have to be removed surgically. A conspiracy against warts is a manifestation of magic. If there are any beliefs, then you can pick up from the pharmacy. It's just a chemical reaction.

Attention: you can not perform the ritual on any day of the week. Women are allowed to read the plot only on Wednesday and at the end of the week - on Fridays and Saturdays, men - only at the beginning of the week - on Mondays and Tuesdays, and on Thursday.

You can believe in it or not, but if the patient decides to resort to magical powers, you must follow some rules:

How to get rid of a wart. Conspiracies and reading

Important: it is necessary to perform the actions of the ritual strictly according to the instructions. The slightest deviation from the order of actions, and the rite will not help.

For such a ceremony, find or buy red wool yarn. Tear off a piece yarn from 20 to 30 cm long. Wait for the phase of the rising moon, when the month is still very narrow. Take the yarn, go out into the yard, hold the thread over the growth and say to it: "The moon is growing, calling with you, take all my warts to you forever."

Then a piece of yarn is buried in the yard to a depth of 20 cm. When the thread undergoes the process of decay, the focus of the disease will begin to disappear. It will completely disappear after the piece of yarn rots. For myself man learns how to talk a wart with a thread.

Main: believe, but scroll through your head and imagine that the stain has disappeared. Read a conspiracy from warts aloud with an understanding of every word.

There are several options for phrases that need to be spoken. For example: "The young month is shining in the sky, warts are taken away from me forever." If there are a lot of growths, it is necessary to tie knots on the yarn according to the number of neoplasms.

Conspiracy from warts. Read on apple

Most often, a green apple is used for this purpose, but other colors can also be used. The fruit is cut into 2 halves, rub education in the middle. During the rubbing process, you must say: “Bulk apple, help me, take away the wart. The red fruit will wither, the skin will become clean. Amen!"

Then the used fruit is placed in a cup or plate, and left there until it wilts. When the fruit completely withers, it must be buried in the ground.

Conspiracy of warts with potatoes

The rite is performed with an average root crop. For this procedure need potatoes and thin sticks. You can use matches or sharp sticks. They should be according to the number of spots. With this arsenal, you need to go to the road to the crossroads. Then touch the growths with matches: touch the first wart with the first stick, the next with the next formation, and so on.

Dangerous: if appeared, then experiments are not needed. You should immediately consult a doctor.

Speak: "The first toothpick is the first wart" and so on. All used matches (toothpicks) must be stuck into the potato, so it is easier to perform the ceremony with sharp toothpicks. studded with toothpicks you need to throw a potato under the wheels of cars and say: “The road is long, the beauty is clear. Get all the dirt away from me."

There is another conspiracy with potatoes. You need to take a potato and a thread. Cut the vegetable in half, and grate the formations with a slice. At the same time, say: “I wash my hands with potatoes, the warts fade a little. Amen!".

Then both halves of the vegetable crop are tied together with the stored thread and bury in the ground with the words: "When the potato rots, then my wart will pass." The moon must be waning.

Conspiracy to remove warts with celandine

The ritual with celandine is well known and often used. They stock up on the juice of a medicinal plant in advance, insist it. During the growing moon, a ritual ceremony is performed. They leave the house. All and other species smear the juice of the plant, saying: “A young clear month, I will go for a walk with you. You send all the warts away so that there is me home going easy."

Important: as mentioned earlier, most of the rites are performed on the waning moon. If no time is specified in the description of ritual actions, then this is a waning moon by default. A conspiracy to remove warts with celandine is also done according to this rule.


Most simple rite during the period of the waning moon - a conspiracy on the grass. They do it in the warm season, when the grass grows. The patient picks a bunch of any grass from the ground and finds the longest grass in it. With it, he in turn touches each formation on the skin with the words: “Dry grass will not become young, a bull will become a calf not become, autumn does not go into summer. And the wart will leave me, melt, disappear.

Ritual with a branch

This rite combines a conspiracy on a thread and on a branch. It is necessary to get some thread and a branch of some tree. Then the patient counts all the formations on his body. Knots are made on a piece of yarn according to the number of cones.

A thread with knots is wrapped around a branch, after which the branch is buried in the ground. When digging in, you need to say: “The branch cannot be forever green. And decay will take the rope, and my wart will disappear. As gradual decay branches will disappear growths.

According to another version, you need to wrap the yarn around the branch so that there are as many turns as you have formations on the skin, and you can not make knots. Burying this structure in the ground, you should say: “ The twig is rotting, the rope is smoldering, and with them my warts.

tree and water

This conspiracy is used by a healer from Siberia, who has successfully used it more than once. It needs water infused for 11 days. During the waning month, they take water with them outside and look for a birch nearby.

Near the tree, you need to sit down and wash the infected areas of the skin with prepared water with the verdict: “The water washes dirty hands, it brings cleanliness, the warts go away. Will drain away from me forever. Amen!».

You need to say this 9 times until the brought water runs out. After a month, the formations will begin to disappear. If you need to understand quickly, then you should turn to antiviral drugs for internal and external consumption.

Castor oil

You need to take a vial of castor oil, lubricate the foci of the disease with it, baptize each formation with the handle of a knife and say: “Spin, blacken, spin, fly away like a whirlwind. Me in leave alone And don't be fooled by other people. Run through the wide fields, drown yourself in a deep pool.

Ritual on Pure Thursday

Effectively remove neoplasms from the skin on Holy Week, namely, on Clean Thursday. On this day, Orthodox believers paint eggs for Easter and consecrate them in the Temple. With such a painted testicle, all the formations on the skin should be crossed, saying: “Go away, warts, from my body, through the valleys, through the swamps, through the forests and through the fields.

Lord God, heavenly father, intercede for me, save from sadness and pain, from evil people and caustic speeches, from cruel plans and from deep warts. Now and right now. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Readable text removes neoplasms fairly quickly. You can make a conspiracy without auxiliary items.

Conspiracy against warts on the waning moon

During the period of the waning moon, when the full moon has not yet ended, it is necessary to go out into the courtyard after sunset and turn around so that the moon illuminates the growths and multiple formations on the skin. Then they should be moistened with saliva and spit over the left shoulder.

At the same time, you need to say 7 times: “Wart, you sit a little, and then moonlit path leave". The charmed outgrowth disappears within a month.

Conspiracies on food

  • Meat. For the ritual, the night of the lunar eclipse is suitable. It must be quite dark. You need to go out into the yard, rub the neoplasms with meat and say: "The meat will rot, the wart will go away." Then the product is buried as deep as possible into the ground.
  • Bones. Chicken bones or someone else's will do.

Important: the bone must be found on the street, and not brought from home. Need in the yard touch all the growths with a bone and say: “Where you, my dear, came from, that night you turned back. Get lost, you warts!" After that, the bone must be taken to the same place where you found it.

  1. Millet seeds. Growths on the skin can be spoken with the help of ordinary millet. To do this, rub the infected areas of the skin with grain, and then say: “ delicious grains grew up under the sun. Satisfy your hunger, birds, take away the warts. Used grain should be fed to chickens or wild birds.
  2. Ritual with potatoes and reading on an apple have already been described.
  3. Onion. The onion head is cut in half. They rub the growths with pieces and say 3 times: “Run away, warts, into the bulb forever!”. Then the vegetable is taken outside and thrown on carriageway.

Warts are the result of spoilage

Healers believe that multiple wart nodes are a consequence of inflicting damage on a person. If you remove the damage, then the neoplasms will come down.

Removing damage is a more complicated process, but its efficiency is higher. You need to catch 13 live frogs. Start by placing it in a wide-mouthed jar. Then take a piece of yarn, and tie a knot over each neoplasm. There should be 13 such knots in total. Tear the thread into pieces with a knot on each.

Tie one piece of string to each frog's leg. After that, release the animals in the forest into the wild and say: “Go away, toads, to hell. Let every devil choose his own path and not walk close to God. He will take a wart from the servant of God (name). Everyone runs away in different directions, the growths fly away with them forever. Language. Lock and key. Will truly so!».

Important: if this is not to your liking, you can take and use traditional medicine.

Prayer for warts

No magical reading items are required. Prayer for warts is simple. It is only necessary to get up early and in the morning, at dawn, go out into the field. There, read prayers three times: “Father and Son, yes the Holy Spirit, deliver me, a servant of God (name), from such dirty tricks. Help her fight it."

Here you need to point your finger at a wart or papilloma. The prayer is repeated 3 times. After reading the prayer go home. After a month, the growths begin to disappear. If reading does not help, repeat the procedure again in a month.

This Siberian witch practices a conspiracy from warts to meat, which was described above. The second method proposed to her is a ritual with peas and lard. It is necessary to boil the peas, then lower the fat there. At the same time, say: “I cook lard in peas so that there are no warts. Amen".

Warts on the body are not dangerous to humans and are just a cosmetic defect, but if they are damaged, they can cause the development of a cancerous tumor. Therefore, it is necessary to pay due attention to the removal of benign neoplasms and prevent their transition to an advanced stage.

There are many ways to get rid of this trouble - from drug treatment and expensive cosmetic procedures to a simple pull with a thread.

Growths on the body are symptoms of papillomavirus ingestion. Viral infection is transmitted:

  • during physical interaction with a sick person;
  • in the process of intrauterine development of the baby;
  • when breastfeeding a child;
  • through other people's personal hygiene items.

Common methods of getting rid of growths

There are several ways to reduce a wart:

  • removal of a neoplasm in a cosmetology room;
  • excision of the growth surgically;
  • treatment with tablets and topical preparations;
  • use of traditional medicine.

The most popular option for removing growths on the body was tying with a thread. The effectiveness and safety of this method is a controversial issue, but meanwhile it was widely used by our ancestors and successfully got rid of neoplasms of any size.

How does thread remove warts?

By tying the growth with a thread at the very base, a person deprives the wart of blood supply, which violates its protein structure, and also causes the necrosis of infected skin cells. No papilloma can exist without the supply of oxygen to its root system through the blood vessels.

Despite the great effectiveness of this method, there is a list of complications that may appear in case of unsuccessful removal of the build-up:

  • skin inflammation;
  • suppuration;
  • the development of an acute viral infection in the depths of the epidermal layers of the skin;
  • degeneration of papilloma into a cancerous tumor.

Also, this folk method is not suitable for removing genital warts and growths localized on the eyelids or mucous membranes of the mouth.

It is possible to reduce a wart with a thread only after revealing the level of oncogenicity of the neoplasm! Based on the results of laboratory diagnostics, the specialist will give permission for self-removal of the wart.

If the doctor allowed you to tie out a wart at home, then you need to follow some recommendations:

Ways to bandage a wart

Despite the fact that there is nothing complicated in the procedure for removing a wart, alternative medicine offers several popular ways to carry out this procedure.

The first simplest method is to tightly tie the growth at its base with a silk thread. After pulling, the neoplasm should take about seven days, after which it will begin to dry out and fall off on its own. If this does not happen, then more serious treatment will be required.

The second method was the preliminary wetting of the thread in acetic acid. This will help speed up the process of destruction of infected cells, as well as additionally disinfect the site of papilloma tying.

The last option for getting rid of warts was tying with a thread and subsequent treatment of the wart with 72% laundry or tar soap. To do this, tightly tie a silk or cotton thread at the very base of the wart and lubricate the growth and the area around it with soapy water for one week.

How to speak a thread?

The use of various conspiracies refers to self-hypnosis treatment, and in most cases this technique really works. This is especially suitable for those people who have developed warts for a psychosomatic reason.

Fans of alternative medicine usually use one of three common conspiracies:

  • To charm warts, you will need to take a red thread and one small potato. The root crop must be cut in half and rub the wart with one half with the words:

"As potatoes wither, so may my wart wither forever."

  • To get rid of group small warts, you need to break off a branch of mountain ash along with the leaves. Further, according to the number of papillomas, the branch is wrapped with woolen thread and buried in wet ground (preferably after heavy rain). When burying a branch, you need to say:

“As the mountain ash rots, so let my warts rot!”

  • You can remove a large wart by talking a thread that is buried in the ground. To do this, you need to bandage the growth with a dense linen thread for the night, after which it is carefully removed and buried in the garden. You need to do this with the words:

“As the thread rots, so the wart will pass.”

Doctors are skeptical about all sorts of magical rites and warn that delaying professional treatment exacerbates the situation. However, psychologists have a different opinion on this matter. They believe that the use of conspiracies and prayers can save a person with strong self-hypnosis not only from papillomas, but also from other, more serious ailments.

Reasons for stopping self-medication

If self-treatment with the help of traditional medicine does not bring the desired results, then stubbornness is inappropriate here. A visit to the doctor will help you find out the reason why the warts do not want to disappear, and choose the right method for dealing with growths.

Each person has his own characteristics of the body and not every treatment suits him. When removing a wart with a thread, complications may appear in the form of:

  • inflammation in the area of ​​the removed growth;
  • pain when touching the skin;
  • the appearance of a purulent process under the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • changes in the size and color of the wart (transition to a cancerous tumor).

If these symptoms appear, you should immediately stop self-medication and go to the doctor.

It is impossible to predict the beginning of the development of oncology, and if a modification of the growth is detected, it is necessary to visit a medical institution as soon as possible. Speed ​​in this case can save lives.

The importance of drug treatment

Even if the removal of the wart with a thread solved the problem with the neoplasm, the patient needs to undergo a course of drug treatment. This is because the removal of the external symptoms of papillomavirus does not solve the problem with the infection inside the body. Only antiviral drugs in combination with vitamin complexes can get rid of the disease and prevent the appearance of papillomas in other parts of the body.

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Modern medicine offers several effective ways to help get rid of warts. Before you decide on this, you can use the conspiracies against warts that our ancestors used, and many people really confirm their effectiveness. It is worth using only if there is faith in a positive result.

A conspiracy from a wart on a string

You can perform the ceremony yourself or another person. For him, you need to take a woolen thread. Its length directly depends on the number of warts on the body. Tie a knot at the base of the wart, but as you tighten it, point the thread up so that the knot is fixed over the wart. At this moment, you need to imagine how he takes over the energy of education. As you tighten the knot, say these words:

“The knot is tightened, along with it the wart from the body of the servant of God (name) / servant of God (name) is pulled out. Amen".

Repeat manipulations with each wart using the same thread. Then the thread with knots should be buried away from people. In doing so, say these words:

“As the threads rot in the ground, so the warts from the body of the servant of God (name) / servant of God (name) will go away. From now on and forever. Amen".

After that, go home, do not turn around and do not talk to anyone. When the thread rots in the ground, the wart will disappear.

Conspiracy from plantar warts

It is best to ask for magical help during the waning moon. You need to pick a bunch of dry grass somewhere and be sure to do it with your left hand. From it, select the longest straw and, touching it to the wart, say these words:

“From the dry will not be young,

From the fish there will be no bull,

You can't get milk from a rooster.

So you can't sit on my body

And on a flawed month to die.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

After that, it is best to burn the grass.

Conspiracy from warts with celandine

This ritual is suitable for those who have formations on their hands. It is worth spending on the growing moon. From the celandine you need to extract the juice and leave it to infuse for a day. Go outside at night, grease with juice and raise your hands with your palms up. Then say these words three times:

“A month, you are early, you are a young month, take me quickly with you, take the warts away from me, and bring me home as soon as possible.”

Then go home and wash your hands well. You can repeat the ritual a few more times.