The most beautiful natural figure. The ideal figure for a girl through the eyes of a man

In the 15th century, the famous Leonardo da Vinci proved that the human body is proportional. Ideal volumes are not 90-60-90, which the fair sex strives for. Men, speaking about the ideal outlines of the body, do not mean something specific. An attractive figure may have a slightly overweight girl or a miniature mademoiselle of short stature. Ideal figure - optimal proportions.

Body types in girls

There are 3 types of female figure:

  1. asthenic;
  2. normosthenic;
  3. hypersthenic.

For each type, there are standards for the ideal figure.

Asthenic type- ectomorph, characterized by a thin bone. The woman has thin and long limbs. The fat layer on the body is practically absent. Despite weak muscles, the girl is energetic by nature. This type of figure is represented by a height of 165–175 cm and a mass of 45–50 kg. A woman gains weight for a very long time, because calories are consumed faster than fat is deposited. The body's metabolism is fast.

Normosthenic type- mesomorph, is considered a proportional figure. The body's metabolism is normal. It is easy to gain excess weight, but with physical activity, fats go away.

Hypersthenic type- endomorph. The figure is called "with a wide bone." These women look massive: large hips, lush breasts, waist and shoulders stand out noticeably against the background of general outlines. Metabolism is slow, fats are very difficult to throw off with a long absence of physical activity.

To determine the type of figure, the wrist is measured. If 160 mm - then the woman belongs to the ectomorph, from 160 to 185 mm - the mesomorph, and over 185 mm - the endomorph.

Height and leg length

Long-legged is a girl of small stature and, conversely, tall - short legs. General classification:

  • 150 cm - the girl is short;
  • 151-156 - below average height;
  • 157–167 - a girl of average height;
  • 168–175 - a tall girl;
  • 176 and above - a very tall girl.

If the length of the lower limbs is less than ½ of the height, then such a woman is called short-legged. If more, then the proportions must be respected:

  • for asthenic type by 6–9 cm;
  • for hypersthenic by 2–4 cm;
  • for normosthenic by 4–6 cm;.

The parameter is determined from the protrusion of the thigh in an even position.

Correct weight

There is no woman who would be satisfied with her weight. You can always hear about extra or missing 1-2 kg. Many scientists have derived a formula for ideal weight. The correct mass is considered to be the mass of a person that does not cause harm to health.

Methods for calculating weight:

  1. A common calculation method: Mass \u003d Height - 110 cm. But this formula does not take into account the woman's age and is ineffective for calculating the ideal weight. She gives an objective result to ladies from 40 to 50 years old. For girls from 20 to 30 years old, it is recommended to subtract 10% from this indicator, and over 50 - 7%.
  2. This formula was developed by American scientists. It is necessary to subtract 150 from growth and multiply by 0.75, add 50 to the total.
  3. Calculations according to the Lorentz method have the following formula: Height - 0.25 * (Height - 150).
  4. The Quetelet index is considered a reliable method. Weight/Height2. If the indicator is within the range of 18–25, then the weight is normal. If the result of the index is more than 25, the woman is predisposed to obesity.
  5. This method takes into account the girth of the chest. Need (Height*Bust)/240.

All examples assume a difference of 1–2 kg. When developing formulas, scientists did not take into account the type of figure and the proportions of body parts.

Ratio chest/waist/hips

As a result of research, scientists came to the conclusion that fat, located in the waist area, brings discomfort to the girl and exposes the body to serious diseases. A wide layer on the abdomen leads to diabetes, heart failure and cancer.

If we take the waist / hip ratio, then the indicator should not go beyond the index of 0.8. If less than this number, the woman has an attractive form.

The chest is the most attractive part of the body for men. Proportionality with the waist and hips is calculated by formulas, taking into account the type of structure of the figure.

  1. Asthenic type. The ideal proportions are considered to be a waist from 60 to 63 cm, and the hips are 26–30 cm higher than it.
  2. normosthenic structure. Waist - 69-75 cm, hips are 26-30 cm larger. The ideal proportion is the chest girth more than ½ height by 2-5 cm.
  3. Hypersthenic appearance of the figure. The chest girth is more than ½ height by 8–10 cm. The ideal waist of such women is 71–76 cm, and the hips exceed it by 25–30 cm.

For the first time, the calculations of proportions were brought out by the scientist Singh. Before claiming that your body is disproportionate, take a centimeter and a calculator. If the indicators are normal, then obesity is not threatened by health in the near future.

Men's opinions

According to sociological research, men like an hourglass figure. This type of physique is symmetrical and indicates the possibility of a woman to have offspring. If the body produces the required amount of estrogen (a hormone that is involved in labor and lactation), fat is distributed from the waist to the hips. Men choose such girls instinctively.

If the figure is not hourglass shaped, men prefer women who have long legs.

According to the survey, the ideal female size is 46. This exceeds the notorious volumes of 90/60/90.

Regardless of height, weight and physique, a figure that has proportions is considered beautiful and ideal. With proper nutrition and training, you can make mouth-watering forms out of your figure. They are the ones that attract all men.

Every man has a certain picture in his subconscious, and it is a portrait of an ideal lady, of course, in full growth and with a minimum of clothes. Everything in life is based on the mutual attraction of the two sexes, because otherwise human life would cease. Simply put, the ideal figure for a girl is her powerful weapon in the fight for the best male. Only for some, some parameters are ideal, for others - others, and, of course, they do not argue about tastes. But, whatever you say, there are standard canons of female beauty in the world, defined by the male half of humanity.

The magical 0.7 waist-to-hip ratio isn't just a number. Sociologists have proven that the vast majority of men stop their eyes on ladies with just such body proportions. Let's try to more specifically answer the question of what the ideal figure for a girl will unconditionally attract male attention.


If a stereotype is thriving in your head that men are crazy about big breasts, that a lady should resemble Burenka or Dawn from a local farm, try to get rid of this cliché and not think about bust enlargement. Men admire only the elasticity of the most exciting part of the female body, and its size should be natural. The picture shows, in general, the ideal figure for a girl - the photo, however, shows a not very large bust. Do not be sad if the chest is small - buy special-shaped bras, since now there are a huge number of options with silicone fillers and inserts.

Ah, those legs...

A man can forgive a woman a lot (but not betrayal, lies and dislike), if the lady is the happy owner of long legs. Therefore, even if the hourglass figure is not your trump card, but the legs are long and slender, it does not matter, because the ideal figure of a girl for men should be characterized by legs of a decent length. There is an opinion among the stronger sex that stocky and short legs are a direct sign that the lady has not yet formed, and is essentially a teenager, respectively, she cannot be of interest to a man. In general, how long a lady's legs should be is a purely individual concept. Men who love women's legs growing "from the ears" are common, but if the guy is not tall, this option is excluded.

Girls, remember: even if a man swears by all the saints that there is on earth, claiming that your height compared to him is not a hindrance, do not believe him - this is a deception. He lies to himself, convincing him that it's okay that you look over his head.

You may have an ideal figure, but height is important for a girl: a guy will never accept and forgive a lady who is taller than him, so that he can leave a man’s pride alone. The strict rule about legs is only about two things: they should never have cellulite and hair. It's unshakable.


You can’t do without a fat layer at all, so the ideal figure for a girl, according to men, can have a small, neat tummy. Guys absolutely do not like protruding ribs, Russian fairy tales intelligibly told that Koschei the Deathless is a negative character, and men, most likely, are simply afraid of skeletons with rattling bones. The time of anorexics has passed, girls, do not starve, do not exhaust yourself with cruel diets and take care of your health!


The ideal figure for a girl through the eyes of men is that win-win option when a lady walks straight and knows how to keep herself. A straight back attracts the attention of people of any age. Think Scarlett O'Hara or characters from historical TV shows. It is a pleasure to look at the royal posture of both ladies and gentlemen.


Here the rule works: bulge is better than thinness. But fat on the buttocks is not very attractive for the stronger sex. One way or another, the ideal figure for a girl should contain a taut muscular fifth point, while a sagging butt will not please anyone, and the girl herself too. Forget that if you get married, then you can give up on yourself. This is a misconception that leads to discord in the family, and in some cases comes to divorce. You need to train your buttocks both at home and in a sports club: different types of exercises, strength exercises, yoga, Pilates, stretching will help you tighten what seems hopeless to you.


This is the ideal female figure, according to many opinion polls. This type is the most harmonious and symmetrical, causes pleasant associations in men. In general, guys need only 10 minutes to appreciate the female figure. A lady with an hourglass figure can be both thin and puffy. The main thing is to respect the proportions of the body. In the pictures in the article, you see that this is a way to emphasize what an ideal figure for a girl is. A photo not only in a bathing suit can emphasize her beauty.

Today we love to share our intimate pictures with the whole world, forgetting that photography is a document and a weapon that can be used against ourselves. Nevertheless, the hourglass figure is pleasing to the male gaze at the subconscious level: such a lady will easily continue the race, this type of figure seems to carry a message of femininity and a promise to endure and give birth to a baby (wide hips contribute to this). Therefore, the guy on a subconscious level reads information from the female body, and not just receives visual satisfaction. Why do some representatives of the stronger sex like thin ones? Slenderness is a sign of a young organism, this stereotype is embedded in the male subconscious. As a rule, young hardy and strong. This is how the choice of a life partner is often made.

Fruits - are they sweet and desirable?

The "pear" figure - massive hips and fragile shoulders - is not liked by all males. Some prefer rectangular, teenage figures, inherent in many ladies, and with skillfully selected clothes, such a body can sparkle with new colors. The “apple” figure, in which there is no waist, is an unfortunate circumstance, and in men such a lady is unlikely to cause desire and delight. But even this can be overcome if you use the right physical activity.

Whatever your figure is, there is only one permanent rule: men love tight figures. Therefore, go in for sports, give yourself any physical activity and eat right.

Researchers from Britain have found that the beloved body of a woman in the male mind is Beyoncé. The ideal figure for a girl is important in conjunction with other qualities of her owner. The dream companion should be a blue-eyed blonde, with an apartment and a job, although it doesn’t matter what kind of mistress she is. The main thing is that she be kind, loving, not indifferent to nature and animals, possessing mystery and magnetism. The companion cannot smoke in any case, alcohol is sometimes acceptable. But she must have a good appetite and love meat. And most importantly, to earn less than her man.

Lose weight or get smart?

If you are overweight, you consulted a doctor and decided to go on a diet in the name of beauty and self-confidence, remember not so much about the desired protruding knees and elbows, but about the proportions of your slimming body. Skinny arms and lack of breasts look comical with well-fed hips and buttocks. Remember that a diet without physical activity is ineffective and does not bring quick results, which you still need to try to fix. Consult with a competent fitness trainer, he will help you adjust your figure to your liking.

Ideal parameters of the female figure

Each person has his own physique, but nature has arranged everything so that when looking at a woman, a man immediately determines her constitution, and clearly sees how much she corresponds to the parameters of her complexion. And here are the standards by which the ideal figure for a girl can be calculated: the parameters of the main body types are given below.

If the bone is wide

For girls of average height, the following circles will be ideal parameters. Waist - from 70 to 75 cm, hips - from 95 to 105 cm. If we talk about the circumference of the chest, then it should be half the height plus 10 cm, which is actually approximately 90 cm, and the chest should be about 100 cm. the length of the legs, then here the calculation is also carried out from height, and, considering various types of figures, the legs should be more than half the height by about 4 cm and be about 87 cm.

Medium bone madam

If we take a lady with an average bone width, then ideal, from a male point of view, will be one that meets the following parameters: waist and hips - 65 and 95 cm, respectively, chest circumference should exceed half the height by 5 cm and be about 92 cm. The girth of the chest is 8 cm larger than the chest and is about 100 cm. The legs should be about 90 cm long - more than half the height by 5 centimeters.

Asthenic girls, or thin-boned ladies

For these fairies, the following figure parameters will be ideal: waist - 60-64 cm, hips - 85-92 cm, chest in girth more than half the growth by 2 cm - 86 cm, chest volume is approximately 5 centimeters larger than the volume of the chest (it is easy to calculate ). Legs in length should be more than half the height of the girl by 10 cm and can reach about 92 cm.

In our time, it is difficult to meet a girl who would be absolutely satisfied with her figure - as a rule, every representative of the weaker sex has some kind of complex, striving for ideals, and in vain! According to studies, not every man is delighted with tall, thin girls from the catwalks. Let's talk about which female figure can rightly be called the most beautiful.

The most beautiful figures of girls

According to polls, men like women with a beautiful figure with bulges much more than thin ones. Psychologists explain this by the fact that the outstanding forms of a beautiful female figure are a sign of good health and the ability to give birth to offspring. Therefore, the first place in the list of the most beautiful figures of women is adequately occupied by the hourglass.

The second place is occupied by girls of short stature with a thin physique - according to men, these sophisticated creatures look very touching, you want to protect and protect such girls.

And only the third place is occupied by the well-known proportions of the female body 90-60-90. Undoubtedly, a body with such parameters looks very harmonious - a slender figure with medium-sized breasts and moderately prominent hips.

Beautiful female figure - changeable beauty

Plunging into the history of only the 20th century, we will see that the ideals of beauty are probably the most changeable things in our world. So, we all remember with what delight men and women remember the beautiful Marilyn Monroe, many girls aspired to her ideal. What are the proportions of her body? With a height of less than 160 cm, her parameters were 92-60-86.

In the 60s, the ideals of beauty changed somewhat, and the most beautiful figure was considered to be Twiggy (Leslie Hornby) with body parameters 80-53-80 with a height of 170 cm. This standard is very close to the current slender ideals.

In the 80s, the idol of youth became known to everyone under the pseudonym Madonna Veronica Louise Ciconne. It was she who set the trend for the ideals of the most beautiful figures of women, having an average height and parameters of 90-60-86.

Today, mores have changed dramatically, and more and more girls are striving for the ideal of Angelina Jolie's beauty with high growth and a “carrot”-type figure - broad shoulders and narrow hips. Such parameters of the female figure are considered today to be the most beautiful in the fashion world.

How to emphasize the beauty of the figure?

Due to the complexes inspired by television screens, we often underestimate the advantages of our figure, and instead of making the right accents, we hide under concealing clothes. But with the help of clothes you can both emphasize the dignity of your figure, and hide its flaws.

To emphasize the shape of your chest, to attract attention, you should give preference to dresses with a lifting corset.

Also, tops and shirts with a deep V-neck will brilliantly cope with this task.

The best way to accentuate a thin waist is to accentuate it with sashes and straps, which look best on sophisticated dresses.

You can also focus on the waist with high trousers and skirts that can not only put a powerful accent, but also visually adjust.

How to emphasize the hips? To do this, it is better to give preference to models of skirts with a low waist, an abundance of stylish decor.

Disputes about female beauty have always been going on in the world - and will go on as long as people are interested in life itself. The ideal standards of their time are largely determined by the society itself. The pre-war time dictates the same conditions: more magnificent girls who are able to cope with the difficulties come into fashion. The period of calm is characterized by the exaltation of harmony and flexibility, which the fashion industry raises to an unattainable absolute. Only a very few can remain outside the rules of this game. Such girls, as a rule, become real legends of their time. Marilyn Monroe, for example, reigned supreme in the minds and hearts of the men of the whole continent, Dita Von Teese shone on the stage, and Sophia Loren received the attention of even the highest church ranks. For this material, we have selected the most beautiful and brightest owners of ideal figures - and, most likely, you will completely agree with our decision.
Brigitte Bardot And another icon that won the hearts of millions of people around the world. For ten whole years, in the post-war 50s and roaring 60s, Brigitte remained the main sex symbol of Europe - apparently in order to create some kind of counterbalance to the murderous beauty of Marilyn Monroe, who at the same time reigned supreme in North America.

Sophia Loren Sophia Loren became the only owner of all the major awards of major world film festivals. Her collection of aphorisms was reprinted in several languages: Sophie, like the other participants in our chart, was distinguished by an extremely sharp mind. The description of the appearance of this beauty can be cited by the statement of the Archbishop of Genoa (sic!) - he joked that although the Vatican in principle does not approve of human cloning, he could make an exception for Sophia Loren.

Marilyn Monroe About the death of the first beauty of the world (and the title is well deserved) gossip almost more than about her life. Bright appearance, multiplied by a sharp mind and a lively character, made Marilyn a real queen of any male society. The girlish figure, as if woven by the standards of that time, still remains an unattainable ideal for many beauties.

Dita Von Teese Almost no one knows the name of Heather Rene Sweet - but Dita Von Teese is known to everyone. The girl chose a voiced pseudonym almost at random, having drawn a surname from the phone book so that the Playboy editors had something to sign her candid photos. Dita brought up her sophisticated beauty with severe discipline and training, as a result, she rightfully won a place among the most beautiful women of the last century.

Salma Hayek Salma Hayek became the first Mexican actress to win an Oscar for Best Actress. The exotic appearance of the girl attracted the audience, critics praised her talent with might and main, and the directors used the beauty of Salma with caution - she easily pulled all the attention from the filming and the plot to herself. Woody Harrelson stated that when the gods decided to bring down a copy of their divine splendor, they named her Salma Hayek - and hell, we absolutely agree with that.

Beyoncé Beyonce's first steps on the stage were in the company of charming friends: Destiny's Child was considered one of the best R&B bands of the time. The girl's solo career went even better - a few years ago, Forbes placed her name on the second line of the top 100 most influential celebrities in the world. To the delight of millions of fans, Beyoncé prefers to perform in rather revealing outfits - and, believe me, there really is something to see.

Jennifer Lopez One of the first significant singers of the beginning of the 2000s, one of the first beauties of the generation, the owner of a strong character and a huge fortune: Jennifer Lopez's flattering epithets can be wasted for hours, without being afraid to sin with a word against the harsh reality. External data and undoubted talent allowed the girl to climb to the very top of the starry Olympus - it seems to us that only her figure would be enough for this.

Nikki Minaj The very first album of the talented performer blew up the American charts: Pink Friday headed the famous Billboard for nine whole weeks, which many more experienced musicians could not achieve. Only after people appreciated her work, Nikki decided to show herself to the society - and the society was amazed. The figure of the girl is ideally suited to the requirements of the modern world: even the wax statue of the singer, stored in Madame Tussauds, had to be protected from fans.

Beauty is a relative concept. Someone prefers spiritual beauty to physical beauty. But it is impossible to deny that girls with beautiful and slender figures arouse increased interest in men. Studies have shown that not all representatives of the stronger sex prefer thin women from the catwalks. What is she, the most beautiful figure in the world?

Men's opinion

According to the results of the survey, the girl with the most beautiful figure in the world should have convex and rounded body lines, and not be overly thin. Psychologists explained this fact by the fact that on a subconscious level, men consider outstanding forms a sign of good health, a kind of predisposition to procreation. For this reason, the most beautiful figure in the world is the Hourglass. The most famous owner of such a physique is Marilyn Monroe.

In second place are thin, short girls, reminiscent of French women, who create a very touching impression. Men want to protect and protect such young ladies. "Bronze" in the figure 90-60-90, because the body with a chest of moderate size and slightly prominent hips is very harmonious.

Excursion into history

In any era, the desire to look like the current standard of beauty pursued women around the world. But beauty is not only relative, but also changeable, its canons change from decade to decade. It is easy to change the hairstyle and wardrobe, but to adjust the body to the given parameters is not an easy task, especially since they change on average every ten years.

So, in the 50s, Marilyn Monroe was considered the standard of beauty. In the 60s, ideals changed dramatically, the figure of the Twiggy model began to be considered beautiful, which, with a height of 170 cm, had parameters 80-53-80 - this is a figure, rather, of a teenager than an adult woman.

With the advent of the 70s, the most beautiful figure of a woman in the world again found feminine forms. The owners of long legs, toned bellies and hips became the standards. In the 80s, during the birth of fitness, the most beautiful figure in the world changed again. Now everyone wanted to have an athletic body with muscles. Women looked up to the first supermodels and the singer Madonna.

In the 90s, the trend continued, the championship remained with sports models with roundness. Supermodels of that time were Cindy Crawford, Claudia Schiffer and But this controversial decade, androgynous body type and with excessive thinness, like the British supermodel Kate Moss, were also popular.

In the 2000s, the most beautiful figure in the world became feminine and sexy. This is the time for abs, toned bodies, and self-tanning. Girls all over the world strive to be like the models who participated in Victoria's Secret lingerie shows: Gisele Bundchen, Adriana Lima or Alessandra Ambrosio.

The current decade is different in that the canon of beauty has changed dramatically. A thin waist and very lush hips - this is how a modern beauty should be.

The most famous women in the world with the most beautiful figures are Jennifer Lopez, Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian. Moreover, you can both pump up the fifth point in the gym, and get it with the help of plastic surgery.

Top most beautiful figures in the world

Beautiful and admirable for men and envy for women - this is daily work on yourself, healthy eating and sports, and not just natural data. Of course, someone got a gorgeous body from their parents, it only needs to be slightly kept in shape. But most women, unfortunately, cannot do without sports and diets. Today's rating will tell not only about the most beautiful girls, but also about ways to maintain the beauty of the body.

Nicole Scherzinger

The former lead singer of the Pussycat Dolls, and now an independent singer, Nicole Scherzinger eats only healthy food. Her diet includes vegetables and fruits, fish and lean meat. She rarely spoils herself with sweets, when she really wants to. Such endurance can only be envied! Nicole goes in for sports with a personal mentor three times a week. She prefers jogging, dancing and yoga, as well as cardio workouts for an hour. The result of such a program can be seen in the singer's videos. Nicole Scherzinger promotes a healthy lifestyle and often shares her secrets in TV shows and interviews.

Scarlett Johansson

Young mother Scarlett Johansson is naturally overweight and has a small stature (164 cm). At the beginning of her career, the actress was a plump girl. Now a balanced diet and easy exercise help to keep yourself in shape Scarlett Johansson. She does not drink alcohol and does not smoke. Scarlett eats a lot of vegetables and fruits and does not abuse fast food. The actress begins physical exercises with a cardio warm-up, which lasts half an hour, followed by push-ups, squats and a run.

Monica Bellucci

It's hard to believe that this woman has already passed her half-century milestone! The Italian film actress is one of those lucky women who have a gorgeous body by nature. Monica has a rather high height (176 cm) and far from canonical parameters 92-65-97. According to her, a busy work schedule and a crazy rhythm of life do not give her time to train. Monica also does not adhere to a stable diet. When she needs to lose weight quickly before filming, she limits her diet to vegetables, fish, and lean meats.


The Barbadian beauty claims that the secret of her slim and lies in the diet, which consists of a kind of diet. For breakfast, the singer prefers egg whites, pineapple and hot water with lemon, for lunch - fish and potatoes, for dinner - vegetables with fish. Rihanna has fairly wide hips, her parameters are 90-63-102. The star goes in for sports three times a week. Under the supervision of a personal trainer, she runs on the track and does step aerobics. At the same time, Rihanna is active, she loves parties and nightclubs. The girl is not shy about showing her body in videos, on red carpets and at provocative photo shoots.

Jessica Alba

There is an opinion that Jessica Alba has the most beautiful figure in the world. Photos of beauty can be seen in almost all glossy magazines.

Mom of two children, who has a fantastic figure, she always eats half the portion offered, not the whole. The actress completely eliminated bread from her diet, limited carbohydrates, but occasionally she can indulge herself with a delicious dessert. Jessica does fitness four times a week. Her workout begins with intense exercise on a treadmill or exercise bike, followed by a yoga session. The actress believes that although her excellent physical shape helped her at the beginning of her career, now the stereotype does not allow her to get more serious dramatic roles.