The best conspiracies from ill-wishers and enemies and the features of their implementation. An effective conspiracy against cancer on the growing moon. Getting rid of excess weight

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Getting rid of enemies

A conspiracy to the wind in an irreconcilable situation and enmity

First time, God's hour. Fly, wind, to Jerusalem,

Come home from the holy land.

Extinguish with your spirit, with your strength the anger of heretics,

Angry craftswomen, old and young.

Matushka "Seven-shooter", with shoot with your seven arrows

Every evil, every quarrel, put an end to the fierce dispute,

Apparel, capes, collars, nets, keels, w willow graves, fakes,

Heart disease, g tin pains, hepatic coli.

Dfriend of a friend so as not to harass: b sleepless, sleepless,

Cross, whip, grave nail. Reconcile the slaves (names)

From this day, from this hour, from your command.

Cool them with Jordanian holy water.

In the name of Christ God, come out, offense, and from the servants of God (names).

Calm down, pacify, Mother "Seven-shooter".

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - decoupling from an evil person

To do on the waning moon. Light 3 candles. Place candles lower around the edges, and high between them. Clasp your hands in front of you. Without blinking, look at the flame of a tall candle. Read the plot 3 times.

How the devil can't stand God's gaze, oh chase - water, body - arrows,

How the blind cannot see, the deaf cannot hear, myo the mouth does not breathe,

So that I, the servant of God (name), (name) did not see or hear,

Didn't come close to me ozni did not work against me.

I didn’t crush, I didn’t curse, I didn’t scold, I didn’t bother, ro did not speak to me, did not write,

The authorities did not remember. Like our blood dead and ancestors

They lie in the ground, they don’t hear church singing, they don't see the clear sun

They don’t cross themselves, they don’t pray, they don’t come home, to in the morning they are not going to the temple,

They don’t fast during fasting, they don’t eat eggs on Easter,

They don’t change their outfits, they don’t remember themselves,

So the servant of God (name) would not remember me, n she remembered, did not see and did not know.

May my conspiracy be strong at all times and to every future. Age forever. Amen.

Let the candles burn out completely. After that, the evil person will have problems, and he will not be up to you. Or he will simply disappear from your life.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy to get rid of the gypsy noose

Three loops are knitted on one rope, then they are burned while reading the plot.

Noose, noose, where is your neck? To be in a noose to the beast, the lame wolf,

I am a deaf grouse, not a slave (name). Amen. Amen. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy to get rid of gypsy corruption and the evil eye

Speak a conspiracy to the water and then wash it.

A gypsy rode on a horse, on a morocco saddle.

The horse stumbled, the evil eye turned over.

Don't spoil me with a gypsy horse. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy after meeting with a gypsy

For a woman - a round mirror.

For men - a rectangular mirror.

Look in the mirror. Twice with your index finger circle clockwise around the mirror with the words:

I will take away the trouble and remove the bad. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy from those who harm

Only read on Wednesdays. The conspiracy is very strong.

Lord help, Lord bless.

I will put two feet in linen boots, I will go not through the yard, but through the stove window, through the upper chimney. I will find the one who spoils me.

I will meet seven spirits on the path: they are evil, black, hungry.

You, all seven spirits, go to the one who drinks my blood, who sucks my heart, to the one who never lags behind me, to those who plant damage in me and send it to the next world.

Spirits, you are spirits, you are evil, unsociable, irreconcilable with yourself. Go and find and split off from my body all my enemies-enemies. Let them pump out of me, choke in their fierce anger. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy to unhook an annoying person

Search and find and erase my name and my deeds from the memory of the slave (name).

So that she does not remember me, she does not hold advice,

She didn’t go to visit, but she walked her own path.

Veter Vetrovich and you are the seven brothers of the Winds,

Help, help. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy if the enemy is unknown

Light a candle. Read this plot once, looking at the candle flame. Then read another protective plot. Leave the candle to burn out.

Lord, Almighty God, protect my shelter and threshold, my mortal body, my work and my work from enemies visible and invisible, everyone whom I know, whose names I list, and those whom I do not know by name, but from whom I I suffer innocently. Protect me, Lord. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy from Enemies

The Lord came from seven heavens, the Lord carried 77 castles from 77 languages. Lock, Lord, all people, enemies, judges, eyes, mouths, graze, so that the servant of God (name) does not misfortune, throw the key into the ocean-sea. Who can get it, he will be able to condemn me. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy from Enemies

King Azarat spoke, sentenced, ohI said to my enemies:

"Be you adversaries and enemies, tolike stoves behind, like pillars in a hut.

They had no mind, no mind,and thoughts, no memory, nand advice, no promises.

Bones, skull will disperse, mif they blur like jelly,

Eyes will turn to the side, andfall asleep in a deep sleep - do not wake up.

Sleepers will walk, withthose who sit will fall,

Talking, yawning, not understanding anything.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Rite from pursuing enemies

To do on the waning moon.

Do it at night for the first time. Look at the flame of the candle and read 3 times. Let the candle burn out. Ask Fire to help you.

Do this ritual ri days in a row (except for major church holidays).

Mother of God, Father of God, Son of God,

Take locks, golden keys,

Lock my villains eyes, ears, mouth, tongue, lips, arms, legs.

Throw the key to the bottom of the sea.

Whoever gets it will ruin my life.

No one will get my keys, no one will ruin my life.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Pleasure of God will not allow it. Amen. Amen. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy from the attack of evil spirits

Read the prayer "" 3 times. Then say: " Lord, save me and keep».

Then read the plot:

On the island of Buyan, in the ocean-sea there is a stone Alatyr. He is white and powerful. The stone is afraid of all evil, it will not approach the island. On that stone lies a damask sword. I will take the sword in my right hand and I will cut the cursed evil spirits right and left. I'll kill them all, I won't leave a single one. My word is strong, like a stone Alatyr. Word. Case. Lock. Amen.

Many people treat the Moon with respect, call her an assistant in life situations. Many different conspiracies and rituals are associated with a certain phase of the moon. Here we will talk about the waning moon, when dark part its disk begins to increase, and the light one decreases.

What are the features of the waning moon?

Waning is such a process when the moon goes from a full moon state to a dark phase. In time, this process takes a couple of weeks; sorcerers, magicians and esotericists are waiting for it in order to use it for certain conspiracies and rituals. These days, rituals are performed, the purpose of which is to get rid of something; something to let go of yourself forever, which burdened and weighed down, did not allow you to live in peace.

Perhaps a relationship with someone has exhausted itself and is worth ending? Maybe it's time to quit smoking or get rid of other bad habits? Do you want the extra weight to go away or the disease to stop tormenting? Trouble at work? You just have to wait until the moon begins to wane, perform some rituals and life will gradually get better.

If you choose the right rite, then in this lunar period you can even cleanse your life of enemies and envious people, gossips and ill-wishers, and simply from those who are too annoying and curiously climb into someone else's personal life.

Misfortune - out, trouble - out ...

There is a moment in life when they say that a black streak has come. Everything is not going well, everything is falling out of hand, from morning to evening there are continuous failures. But do not immediately get upset, fall into depression. A ritual that is performed on the waning moon will save you from failures and help you forget about problems and life's troubles forever. You need to take a whisk and start sweeping the floor in the apartment, moving from distant rooms to front door. While sweeping, you need to say these words:

"Garbage - out, misfortune - out, trouble - out ...".

And so list everything from which you need to cleanse your life, what you need to drive away from yourself. Garbage is swept out of the apartment, collected on a shovel and carried away from their homes.

The moon is waning - extra pounds go away

It is very good in such a lunar period to start a fight with extra pounds. When neither physical education nor diet food do not help, you have to turn to the moon. Since ancient times, it was believed that charmed water, which must be charged with lunar energy, will help to lose weight. Need to take glass bottle so that it is clean inside and out, without labels and stickers; pour water from a spring or well into it.

As soon as the full moon comes, the bottle should be placed on the window so that it is completely illuminated by the light of the moon. When the third night comes, a glass is taken, water from a bottle is poured into it and the following words are read over it:

“The moon is mother, you are beautiful, give me the strength to get rid of fat. Give me beauty, like a queen; slenderness, like a white swan. My word is strong."

Next, over a glass of water, you need to voice your wish, what exactly you want - so that your legs become slimmer, or your chest loses weight, or remove excess fat on your sides, or your stomach to decrease. Until morning, the glass remains standing on the windowsill. In the morning, just getting out of bed, before breakfast and water procedures, you need to drink all the water from the glass to the bottom.

To improve vision

Today, many people suffer from poor eyesight. This affects both work in offices from morning to evening, and nightly gatherings in front of a computer monitor or reading an interesting book. But good vision will return if such a ritual with a conspiracy is performed on the waning moon.

As soon as the sun begins to set, you need to go to the forest or planting, square or park. A woman needs to find a "male" tree (maple, walnut, chestnut), and a man "female" (acacia, pine, willow, aspen). Find a small knot on a tree, fold your thumb and forefinger into the letter “O”, grab this knot and say these words:

“Your roots are below, your head is above. I had a disease in the pupil, let it now remain on your bitch. I take it off myself, I drive it into you. Let it be so".

Then a small nail is taken and driven into this knot. When three days have passed, you must again come to this place, pull out a carnation from a knot and bury it below under a tree. From this point on, vision should improve.

Conspiracy to get rid of a rival

Oh, how often two women cannot share one man. And there is no need to share, let someone alone get it. For this, there is a good conspiracy to help get rid of a mistress who is trying to take a man away from the family.
As soon as the moon begins to wane, you need to retire and read the following plot many times:

“Go away, damned rival. Your love will be crucified. Mother Moon, give me back mine, send someone else's into being. I will not give my soul mate to anyone - neither to devils, nor to my worst enemies.

When the legs are very sore, the moon will help

Oh, how many people know the pain in the feet from the bulging lateral bones. Sore calluses, heaviness in the legs, swollen veins. All this brings little joy, as it becomes harder to walk every day. Painful sensations can be reduced by doing a certain ritual on the waning moon. You will need 39 church candles and holy water. At home, before going to bed, you need to light 13 candles, soak gauze abundantly in holy water, wipe your feet with it and read the following conspiracy:

“I relieve severe pain with water, I will give my bones a drink. Let the heaviness of the legs go away, pain and swelling will pass. Let me walk briskly, the skin on the heels will not be shabby. I will wipe my feet with some water, beat the rapids a hundred times. I will go around a hundred roads. May God help me in this."

Then wrap your feet with a damp towel all night. This ritual must be done for three days. If the recovery is incomplete, then we must wait for the next waning of the moon and repeat everything.

I am free (liberation ritual)

It is better to carry out such a ritual alone with yourself, when there are no other people at home. You need to light a candle, take a blank piece of paper and write on it everything that you would like to get rid of, what you want to delete from your life forever. Then set fire to this paper and, while it burns, carefully observe how all problems, troubles and hardships turn into ashes. It is better to take out the ashes and throw them away from the house.

Conspiracies for the waning moon have a special power. At this time, conspiracies are read for wealth, good luck and purification, as well as getting rid of bad habits. The last two days of the lunar cycle are considered the strongest, regarding the manifestation of dark forces.

However, you can also turn to the forces of light at this time. This moment is favorable for redirecting energy in a positive direction. But you need to be careful that in these strong magical days don't bring trouble

We will talk about whether conspiracies for the waning moon are really so strong, as well as how dangerous they are, we will talk in this article. We also gave many examples of conspiracies intended for pronunciation at this particular time of the lunar cycle.

Conspiracy on a towel

For this ritual you need to buy a towel white color. Open a window at midnight to see the moonlight. Stand in front of him and read the magic plot three times:

“As the servant of God (name) will wipe himself with this towel, so will his craving for alcohol stop. The disease from the servant of God (name) goes away, all the dirt in the towel passes. like seven days will pass, so the servant of God (name) will be completely clean and healthy. My will is strong, the word is true, as I said, the servant of God (name). And so it will happen. Amen".

You need to give the conspired towel to the person on whom the conspiracy was made. For seven days in a row, he must use this towel. After the required time, bury this towel in any deserted place. If you do not have such an opportunity, burn the charmed towel.

Holy water conspiracy

To save a person from addiction to alcohol, you need to take holy water in the church. She is spoken with special magic words. They are pronounced thirty-three times in a row:

“Holy water, you, healing water, help God's servant (name) to cope with his illness, with a heavy addiction, with a pernicious habit. Let his body not accept vodka, let any alcohol reject from this day and for the rest of his life. As seven days pass, so the craving for alcohol in the servant of God (name) will go away forever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Pour the charmed holy water into the alcohol that the alcoholic consumes. Gradually, he will have a persistent feeling of disgust from alcoholic beverages.

Rites for the waning moon

Here is another rite to get rid of alcohol addiction that uses water. It can be collected in any clean reservoir, stream or spring. Speak it with a special conspiracy:

“As this water gets inside the servant of God (name), so his drunkenness will go away, all addiction will disappear, disappear and will not return. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Put the charmed water on the windowsill. It is not necessary to cover the vessel, it should be open. Every day, add charmed water to drinks consumed by a person suffering from alcohol addiction. It is not recommended to add this water to alcohol.

Ritual on the wedding ring

If there is a person in the family who suffers from alcohol addiction, it is very difficult. Most often, such a person refuses to voluntarily get rid of addiction. There are often scandals and quarrels in the family. The next rite can only be performed by the spouse of a person suffering from addiction.

Take wedding ring a sick person and put him in a glass of holy water. Speak the ring with this magic spell:

“You are holy water, heal my husband, the servant of God (name), heal drunkenness, drive away the disease, so that it goes away and never returns. As long as my husband will wear this ring, until then it will protect him from alcohol and binges. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

After you have spoken the ring for alcoholism, return it discreetly to your spouse.

Weight loss ritual

Overweight for most modern girls this is a huge problem. That is why rituals aimed at losing weight are very popular.

Ritual for weight loss on the waning moon

Weight loss with tea You will need to brew and cool any tea. It can be assembled from medicinal herbs, you can use tea for weight loss or take the usual green tea. Cool the tea so that it is warm and speak it with a special magic spell:

“Water, you cleanse the roots, wash the earth, wash me of fat, remove excess weight from my bones, and give harmony and health.”

Read the spell seven times in a row (you can do more, but in no case less). Be sure to perform the ritual on the waning moon and you are guaranteed weight loss.

Rite of Good Luck

The waning moon is not able to attract money to you and material wealth. She is able to save you from various failures that accompany you through life. The effectiveness of these rituals is no different from the rituals that are performed on the growing moon.

To perform the ritual, you need to go outside at midnight under the moonlight. If you do not have such an opportunity, look out the open window. Raise your hands up towards the moonlight. Tell the moon about your problems and failures, and then say the following prayer:

“The moon is bright, the moon is pure silver, the moon is waning, the moon takes all my hardships and difficulties with it. As the moon dissolves in the dark night, so in me a new hope and new luck will be born. Amen".

Then return home and sleep. In a dream, imagine your future life– without problems, without complications, without diseases and failures. Along with getting rid of everything unnecessary, you will attract material wealth, success, luck, money, health and prosperity.

Healing and energizing rite

This ritual is necessary for those people who want the following:

  • Heal from a serious illness.
  • Cleanse your body of toxins, toxins and negativity.
  • Improve mood and cheer up.
  • Charge the body with cosmic energy.

To perform the ritual, you definitely need to retire. Find a quiet, secluded place where no one will disturb you. The ceremony is performed in good mood. In no case do not start the ritual in a depressed or depressed mood. Lay any blanket on the floor or ground. It depends on the location you choose. Silently say the incantation:

“As the earth is forever strong, young and healthy, so I, the servant of God (name), will be healthy and strong. As the earth gives strength to all living things, as all plants and animals are born from the earth, so I will gain strength, I will be cleansed of everything unnecessary. My words are strong, as is mother earth, as I said, so she will do. Amen".

When casting a spell, imagine how you are filled with energy, cleansed of everything unnecessary, younger and healed of diseases.

This rite works best on your body in spring or early summer. It is during this period that the main growth of all living things takes place, the earth is filled with solar energy and warmed by its warmth.

Rituals to attract money

Accept comfortable position, take in hand raw egg and roll it all over your body. This is the process of self-purification of the body. If you have a specific place where the pain is located, roll the egg in that place.

Take a felt-tip pen and write the following words on the egg:

“Healing comes, sickness goes away. I am healthy".

Next, you need to put the egg in a bag and throw it in the trash. Try to throw it so that it breaks.

Rite from the "losing streak" that attracts money

It's strong enough magical rite. Such a ritual is necessary for a person to give him confidence to achieve his goals. It is carried out once a year and in no case more often.

For the ritual, you will need clean water drawn from a spring or spring. Place a vessel of water in front of an open window all night. Wash your face in the morning with a little water. Dry your face natural way without using a towel, and then cast the spell:

Such a ritual will bring you good luck, success, prosperity, money, health and everything that you yourself wish.

Rituals in modern life very important. Someone wants to be cured of a disease, someone wants to become more successful, earn big money, someone needs to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and someone has a dream - losing weight. Our desires are varied. But they all have one thing in common - the waning phase of the moon.


When the shiny disk gradually decreases, the life-giving energy seems to leave the planet. This is the time of "exhalation" of the earth. You know, you can compare it with the process of breathing, but energy. That is, earlier the life-giving force came to the planet, bringing with it what is needed for development. Everything useful from this “wave” has already been used and reworked. It's time to "exit" the excess (like carbon dioxide from the lungs).

  1. It turns out such a planetary movement of energies. Can you imagine how powerful this stream is? Every month, the earth repels from itself the superfluous, harmful, no longer needed, worked out.
  2. A small person has only to “pick up” his problems to this huge current, they will be blown away by the wind.
  3. Therefore, conspiracies for the waning moon are intended to free a person from negativity, to throw into the planetary cleansing stream that which interferes with happiness.

If you do it right, life will be much easier. And if you make a mistake in something, you will still win, only the result will have to wait. The whole planet is cooperating with you in solving your problems, remember this.


Having started practicing magic, a person is obliged to study the phases of the lunar cycle. It is very important. Confuse - you will become the source of your troubles and problems. For those who are not yet particularly versed in the subject, it is recommended that you consult a reliable source. If conspiracies must be pronounced on the waning moon, then strictly observe this rule. After all, the words of the conspiracy awaken certain forces that can help only at this moment.

  • You see, if they are involved in your life at another time, they can not only not help, but also harm. Like a person who asks for directions to the library at three in the morning.
  • What will he do? If he gets it, then he can beat it. What are you up in the middle of the night? So are magical springs. If you call them at the wrong time, you can get it in the face.
  • Conspiracies for the waning moon, unless otherwise indicated, are read precisely on the celestial disk. That is, be sure to look at it, or fall into its dim light.

Sounds must be saturated with energy coming from the satellite. Then the effectiveness of the ritual increases significantly. Please note that the Moon can appear in the sky not only at night. Sometimes it is visible before sunset. So, the plot is read in the light of day. Be sure to check with lunar calendar, because without special training It is difficult to visually determine the phase of the moon.


For everyone: a cleansing ritual

Try to plan general cleaning with a waning moon. While you are raking out the garbage from the house, say these words:

“I drive out all the rubbish, dust and dirt from the house, I call for cleanliness! The moon is leaving, take away what harms me! Take it to the stars, take it away from the earth!

Say the words randomly, several times. And when the luminary appears in the sky, read this conspiracy to him seven times in a row. It's important to do it under open sky(no glass obstructions). You will see for yourself how much easier it will be to breathe. Those who practice this ritual say that life becomes much "cleaner", not only in the physical sense. Leaving a person negative emotions, false friends, especially enemies.

The waning moon spell for alcoholism

For the ceremony, you need a brand new towel. It is hung out under the moon all night. Be sure to ensure that the moonlight hits the flap of fabric. Hang up and read three times:

“The servant of God (name) wipes himself with a towel, the craving for vodka is collected from him, absorbed in a rag, but does not go away. Everything sits here, accumulates. For seven days it is wiped off, but every time it is freed from hardship. A week will pass, he will become healthy, like holy water. Amen!"

Give the alcoholic this towel early in the morning. Just let him wipe it off. And after seven days you need to burn it. The effectiveness of the conspiracy is very high. Try to perform the ceremony on the first day of waning so that the whole week falls on this phase.

Waning moon plot from a grumpy wife

This ritual is carried out so that the person living next to you stops swearing and grumbling all the time. It is clear that the ritual does not only affect women. It's just what it's called. Prepare a jar with spring water(you can also dial from the tap, but it will not work so much). Place it so that the moon is dipped into the liquid. Say:

“A drop by drop of water enters the body of the Slave (name), kills all his anger, fills him with joy. Whoever drinks this water will take the whole world with his kindness and kindness! A drop of water - a lot of kindness, quarrels and insults are no more visible! Amen!"

Leave the jar under the moon until morning. And then add a couple of drops to the tea (any drink) of a grumpy family member. It is necessary that all the water be drunk by him. Do not stop "taking the medicine" for a day until it is over.


There are rituals that, so to speak, "do not have retroactive effect." That is, if you pass it, it will be impossible to redo it.

  1. Most often, these are rituals of black magic aimed at destruction. For example, with a waning moon, you can break other people's relationships.
  2. Consider, if you undertake such, that this is a great sin. Ruin people's lives, and you will introduce serious dissonance into your own.
  3. Most often, such conspiracies are read by old women, those whom people call among themselves witches.

Falling moon squabble

You need to take a handful of salt, pour it into your (not new) handkerchief, put it in the moonlight and read these words once:

“I’ll quarrel with witch salt (names)! I will dissolve friendship (we choose what we need according to the meaning), I will sow enmity. I’ll throw salt between (name), so friendship will perish!

Tie the scarf immediately, but leave it under the moon. On the second day, you really need to sprinkle salt between these people. Not necessarily all, a few grains are enough for a “black cat” to form between them.

Money is the basis of the conspiracy

Do you know that life situations, physiological and psychological health, financial well-being, emotional state and even desires are controlled by the Moon. And it's not mysticism, many properties of the earth's satellite are explained by physics: the lunar gravitational and magnetoelectric influence on the planet and people.

The lunar circle consists of several phases:

  • new moon;
  • growing;
  • full moon;
  • decreasing.

Each position of the celestial body affects our life, the state of the body and soul, actions and their consequences. However, it is also important which sign of the zodiac the moon passes through.

The strength and effectiveness of the use of magic depends on the above factors. Knowledgeable people coordinate their plans with the lunar calendar. And experienced magicians know how internal energy flows depend on the position of the Moon in the sky, and are able to correctly distribute them.

Moon phases: their positive and negative impact

In my practice, there have already been cases when a trainee magician, without having studied the subject reliably, began to read conspiracies for money, love and good luck at the wrong lunar phase. As a result, clients, personal happiness, finances and success not only did not come into life, but even what was there disappeared.

It is important that the magical effect, let's say, on the ether is provided not only correctly, but also on time. It is well known that:

The new moon is characterized by minimal energy influence. During this period, it is not customary to perform magical rituals or read conspiracies. This time is best used for making plans;

  1. The growing moon contributes to the multiplication, attraction, increase, growth. This time is the best suited for the manufacture of ritual and magical tools, amulets, amulets. On the young moon, you need to read conspiracies to attract customers, to good trading, influx of money, improved health, for love. If during this period it is not planned to carry out a magical effect, then it is recommended to accumulate energy for the future.
  2. The full moon is a good period for creating rituals. The energy flows from the satellite are the most powerful, and magical actions the most efficient. positive or negative impact(depending on the purpose of the magic being done) will be the most powerful and complete.
  3. On the waning moon, conspiracies are read for cutting off, destruction, getting rid of the unnecessary, negative, evil. At this time, it is the best way to get rid of diseases, enemies, unhappy love, poverty and failure. It is important to remember that on the waning moon you cannot lend or borrow money, get loans, invest in business projects or start new businesses.

The growing moon contributes to the multiplication, attraction, increase, growth

As you understand, the program embedded in the conspiracy to attract customers, if the ritual is performed on the waning moon, will not work. Or it will work, but vice versa - it will discourage a source of income and business development.

Conspiracy for money

To attract money into life, you need not only to work hard, but also to competently exercise a magical effect on the world. The universe does not know how to say no, for everyone and everyone she has an answer to desire. If done correctly magical ritual and adjust your own thinking, additional financial aid will come to you from where they did not expect: a raise, a bonus, winning the lottery, a solid inheritance, an idea for writing a bestseller, and so on.

  • As you already understood, rituals are being prepared for the waning moon not to attract everything positive, but to cut off the unnecessary. Thus, conspiracies will be to dare unreliable clients and partners, to get rid of poverty, debts and financial failures.
  • As a rule, a waning moon plot does not require the use of special ritual devices. IN last resort use water, a candle or coppers.
  • A conspiracy for money is done on a trifle from a wallet. Take out all the coins that are in your wallet, purse, or just in your pockets. Hold in your right hand. Look at the waning moon and say (memorize the conspiracy ahead of time):

“A trifle and a copper to the beggar, go, take my poverty with you. The beggar will drink and walk, fade in poverty. I give a trifle from the master's purse, I carry wealth back to my house. From now on, I do not know poverty, I live in wealth. My word is strong, but sticky to me. Key. Language. Lock. Amen".

In the morning, be sure to go to the church and distribute coppers to those who ask for alms. You only need to give coins right hand. You will see the result already on the growing moon.

A conspiracy from a losing streak - attracts money

The magical ritual is best done in warm time years and you will understand why. For a conspiracy, spring water is needed. In an open vessel, it must be left overnight with open window. During this time, it is saturated with lunar energy and acquires magical properties. You can’t drink water, but in the morning you need to wash yourself with it. Do not wipe moisture from the face and chest - let it dry naturally. Then read the plot:

“Mother, you, water, are pure and cold, like gold you are valuable, like silver you are expensive. As water washes mountains, spills over wide expanses, so it will wash away all bad luck, all failures and evil slander from me, a servant of God (name). Wash away impurities from a clean body, white body, from all a hundred joints, from the anger of the oncoming-cross, from the black sorcerer, from the dark witch, from the white old man, and from the old woman, from evil eyes, and from vain speeches. Big beluga, you are a pure friend to water, you sharpened your iron teeth on stones, you took care of your tin eyes, you swam in all the waters of the seas-oceans, help me too, drive away all evil, bring to life a servant of God (name) good. Let it be so. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In the morning you need to wash yourself with spring water

Important! The ritual will help you achieve your goals, take away failures from business and work, add confidence and strength for new achievements. But, but you can read the plot no more than once a year.

Ritual from lack of money

Poverty is not a vice, a vice is an unwillingness to change the situation. If you feel that the lack of money in your family is like bad luck, you can’t get rid of it, no matter how much you work, then try reading the conspiracy from lack of money.

  • Here you will need church candle and any old thing that you personally associate with poverty. It could be a tattered t-shirt with holes in it, patched pants, a tattered bag, or boots that have been repaired many times over.
  • Armed with the tool necessary for the ritual, wait for any sunday on the waning moon (symbolizes the end, completion) and start conjuring.
  • Perform the ritual all alone - no one and nothing should interfere, even domestic cat or a dog. Light a candle, put or place an old object that you have chosen next to it.
  • To begin with, read the discretion of the prayer that you like, and only then proceed to the ritual of getting rid of lack of money. Say the words:

“All my poverty and poverty, all my actions and thoughts leading to lack of money, go entirely into this subject. I cleanse myself of everything bad, get rid of what prevents me from becoming rich, and put an end to old life without abundance. My word is strong. Key. Lock. Language".

Reading the plot, baptize the rags. After a while, hold your gaze on the flame of a candle and imagine how new, expensive items, clothes, how banknotes, tickets to resort places and other items from prosperous life. Extinguish the candle with water or fingers, but do not blow it out.

Throw away the old rags immediately after the end of the ritual. Take it to the trash can and put it next to it. Leave without looking back.

Throw away the old rags immediately after the end of the ritual.

Getting rid of debt

Debts and loans leave the wallet always empty, exhausting morally, sucking out all the energy. To get rid of this misfortune, the main thing is to open the energy flows in yourself and allow money to swim towards you in a full-flowing river. After all, it is because of the fear of money that many remain poor. It's a paradox, but it's true.

To get rid of debt, there are several effective rituals. For the first, you need to arm yourself with leaves and a pen. On each piece of paper, write the name of the person or bank you owe money to. Indicate also the exact amount to the penny. You need to read the plot separately over each piece of paper:

“Dear ... (name to whom they should). I thank you for your help in difficult times and fully pay my debt. Now I am calm, for now I am in abundance, and my income is enough to live in wealth and fully repay your kindness. My word is strong. Key. Lock. Language".

After all notes with debts need to be burned. Thus, you will morally and psychologically set yourself up in a positive way and throw off the burden of obligation from your shoulders. Money will flow from sources you never imagined.

Another way is with coins. For the ritual, prepare 32 coins of small denomination. On the killing moon, go out at night to the crossroads of two roads. Nobody should see you. Standing in the center, throw a pair of coins in each of the four directions and say:

“I don’t throw away a trifle, but drive away my lack of money. Let it go into the forests, the abyss and the depths of the sea away from me, from my family and my home. Go away, lack of money, into the far distance, to where you will never return. Amen".

You need to do four circles of prayer for each. When the change is over, turn around and go home. Don't look back and don't talk to anyone. The result of the conspiracy will manifest itself already with the growing moon.

And remember, you can not treat money as the highest value. It's just a tool to get things done. Let them go easily (but deliberately), and the bills will flow to you even easier.

The fight against alcoholism on the waning moon

There are many conspiracies that allow you to fight the green serpent. For many centuries, healers have performed a special ritual with a white towel.

To do this, you will need a new towel. At night, open the window and say three times:

A person suffering from alcoholism should use a charmed towel all week. The rest of the family should not touch the towel. A week later, the towel is buried in a remote place (where people do not go) or burned. You can also try other conspiracies for alcoholism, which will help enhance the effect. magical influence.

From bad luck

To attract good luck, it is supposed to read conspiracies on the growing moon. As you know, the new month is a symbol of everything new in human life. But the rites in the phase of the waning moon are held not to attract success, but to eliminate the existing problem.

  1. Need to get rid of chronic bad luck? In this case, with the advent
  2. Moon get out of your house or sit at an open window.
  3. Stretch out your hands to the night luminary, and tell him about the hardships that worry you.
  4. Then read the waning moon plot:

When you have finished reading, return home and get ready for bed, thinking that your problems are already over, and from now on you will have great success!

If there is a black line

There are magic spells that have a very powerful effect. Such conspiracies can be read only once during the year.

Take a bowl, fill it with water (preferably spring or melted water), and put on the bottom silver thing. The container should stand on the window during the night. Then read the following plot into the water:

"Great mother moon! Send me good luck for this day and for this night, for this month and for the coming year! In order not to know my troubles, sorrows and worries! I conjure you with the power of the wind and the wisdom of the earth!

But better try to read the spell in the original. You need to wash yourself with charmed water, and pour the rest of the liquid onto the ground. Never drink this water! She takes all energy negative. Thus, you can remove the induced damage.

Ritual for weight loss

This ritual is also performed during the waning moon phase. Prepare one potato and a few anise seeds. Take a new knife and peel the vegetable. Then a number should be cut on its surface, which will indicate the number of kilograms that you want to get rid of. In the future, a human figure is cut out of the vegetable, to the head of which a curl is glued own hair. The last action is aimed at establishing a magical connection between the figure and you.

  • With the help of a knife, places of desired weight loss are marked on the figure. Then a mouth is cut out on the workpiece, in which several anise seeds are placed.
  • The choice of plant is not accidental, because anise, as you know, perfectly suppresses appetite. The figurine hides in a hidden place. Just remember that you can not bury it in the ground!
  • There is another good conspiracy to lose weight on the waning moon.

It is not necessary to do it at night, the main thing is during the period when the moon is waning. You will need a piece of paper and a pen, three banknotes (not necessarily large denominations, you can even 10 rubles each), a new envelope. Write the following sentence on a piece of paper:

Then put the note in an envelope, seal it, and take it to church on Sunday. Drop your message in the donation box. About a month later, on the next waning moon, your weight will begin to gradually melt. This has been verified by many famous people, show business stars and politicians. Magic sometimes works inexplicable miracles!

Water is a magical remedy for weight loss

Being overweight is a problem for many people. We offer an effective conspiracy for the waning moon for weight loss (it should be read all alone). You will need water. The ritual is performed using not ordinary tap or store water, but taken from a natural reservoir. If you do not have a river or lake in your city, then wait for the rain and collect a glass of rainwater. It is best if you have spring water at your disposal.

So, we present a conspiracy to the waning moon for weight loss, you need to read it three times, in the bathroom or in your bedroom:

The spell is read in a good mood. During the ceremony, imagine your body the way you want it to be. Wipe the body with water in problem areas (in those that need to lose weight). The main thing is to believe in the power of natural water, the stronger the desire to get rid of excess weight, the more likely the conspiracy will work.

Rite of rejuvenation

This ceremony is performed in a quiet deserted place, for example, outside the city. Having reached the desired place, lay the cloth taken with you directly on the ground, and lie down. Lie still, looking at the sky, and then turn slightly.

When you roll over on your stomach, you will need to freeze motionless for a few minutes. Then you need to return to the starting position and read the plot:

When performing the ceremony, you should imagine that the planet gives you its strength, and you yourself get rid of everything superfluous, and at the same time you are getting younger. As a rule, the ceremony is held in the period from late spring to mid-summer. At this time, the earth is warm enough and easily gives a person its accumulated strength during the winter.

Conspiracy for successful trading

Few people know that the waning moon helps to get rid of financial problems and financial difficulties, and also contributes to the successful sale of goods. The ritual is performed on Wednesday or Saturday. On this day, you should come early to the place of trade (shop, office, trading tent) and read the conspiracy for money on the waning moon:

Ritual for healing

Prepare a blue marker, a paper or plastic bag and a fresh chicken egg.

Within an hour, the egg should lie in a darkened room. Then you should enter the room, undress and lie down on the bed. In the next step, an egg is taken and rolled all over the body. Special attention should be given to sore spots. In this way, you can get rid of papillomas, warts and age spots. When performing the ritual, you need to think that the disease is leaving you.

Then you need to take a marker, and put the following inscription on the egg:

"Purgo Sordes, Non Renuntiat Omnibus Malis"

This line can be translated into Russian as "I cleanse the filth, I renounce all evil." According to legend, such an inscription adorned the staff of the first pope.

At the end of the ritual, the egg must be placed in a bag and taken away from your home. The package should be thrown on the ground in such a way that the egg is sure to break.

Love otsushka from the induced love spell

Many people are interested in which moon to plot for drying - waxing or waning? It has been verified that the lapel rituals for the waning moon are carried out especially successfully. This period is ideal for breaking ties, so lapels and other rituals for quarrels are incredibly strong.

  • If necessary, to get rid of the spell of love, the following rite is performed. Prepare matches, a church candle and new needles.
  • Dig a hole in a deserted place and stick 9 needles into it. As you stick each needle, imagine that the person you are interested in is getting rid of love spells.
  • Then the hole must be dug up, straighten up to its full height and say:

Leave without looking back, do not talk to anyone along the way. The person who was targeted love spell, will be freed from magical influence within a month. Usually this conspiracy helps to get rid of a rival in love.

Rituals for the waning moon for love

You can also do a love spell on the waning moon. If you need to bewitch a man who does not pay attention to you, then do so. When the moon begins to turn into a month, prepare a decoction of herbs.

  1. Take some dry flowers of field chamomile, thyme, rose petals, a little orange peel. In total, you should get one handful of the mixture.
  2. Before sunset, brew it in an earthenware cup with boiling water, let it brew until it cools completely.
  3. You can add one teaspoon of honey to tea. It is important that the cup of broth is on the windowsill until the moon appears.

Then, when evening comes, drink three sips of the resulting tea. With each sip, repeat the name of your beloved to yourself. The energy of the waning night star will give you self-confidence and help attract the attention of a loved one.

When doing this simple but effective ritual(checked repeatedly!), It is not at all necessary to read prayers and conspiracies for love. The main thing is to trust the magical power natural phenomena. Remember that the moon is not only heavenly body, but also a faithful assistant in love affairs!

The influence of cosmic bodies and planets on a person is as high as possible. No wonder, since ancient times, there are various legends that say that it is worth making a wish on a shooting star, and it will certainly come true. In order to attract the attention of good luck, get what you want, get rid of damage, it is enough to use special conspiracies for the waning moon.

If it is clear for professional sorcerers that conspiracies or any love spells performed at such a time will surely come true, then beginners will only have to get used to this idea. The first rite always raises a lot of questions. Conspiracies and rituals for the waning moon can save a person from negative energy, extra people in life, failures and other everyday problems. Magic will definitely be on your side. Below are the most famous and strong conspiracies to fulfill your desires. Which one will suit you?

Yes or no: which conspiracies take precedence?

If your dream for a long time is to get rid of extra pounds, then the conspiracies and prayers uttered on the "dark" moon are suitable for you like never before. By the way, any procedures that are aimed at improving appearance, will also be executed. Get rid of acne, age spots, scars, papillomas and others cosmetic problems the waning moon will help.

  1. Is it possible to read conspiracies on the waning moon for rivals? It is most realistic to get rid of a rival or lover at this time. Conspiracies for longing are also effective.
  2. It is necessary and possible to carry out conspiracies on the waning moon, which are associated with love and any of its manifestations.
  3. Better than others, conspiracies and rituals from lack of money will be able to correct a difficult financial situation. You can not only improve the financial situation, but also get a win. Work troubles are also solvable.
  4. Conspiracies for the waning moon from diseases and various bad habits: from alcoholism to drug addiction, are incredibly effective and very much in demand.

This is not the whole list of existing rituals. Direct all efforts to the implementation of the plan. Having learned about what conspiracies can be read on the waning moon, it's time to start taking practical steps.

How to get rid of alcoholism?

Strong conspiracies on the waning moon can save a person from alcoholism even in the most hopeless situation. When there is no faith in improvement, you need to believe with all your might in the action of the moon, trust in its influence. How to get rid of drunkenness? The list below includes strong and time-tested spells.

  1. Rite with a towel on Thursday in the walls of his native apartment. The ritual should be carried out after purchasing one white towel. After waiting for the night, open the window, light a candle near you, look at the light and start reading: “As soon as my dear (name) starts to wipe himself with a towel, the desire for alcohol will disappear. Together we will get rid of drunkenness, we will direct all the dirt in the towel, we will calm down the disease. Let's wait seven days, and the slave (name) will finally become clean and healthy. The moon helps my word, let it be as I wish. Amen". After that, give the charmed towel to the dependent person. As soon as a week will pass, you need to go to any deserted place and burn a towel.
  2. Holy water will help to remove the addiction. You can cure an alcoholic at home using holy water taken in the church the day before. If this is not possible, spring water can also be used. Get ready for the fact that the next plot will need to be read 33 times during the week. Sit near the window, let the moonlight into the room and start reading: “Holy water, healing water, the Lord heals the servant of God (name), eliminates his illness, removes addiction. Let his body no longer accept alcohol, forever reject it. A week goes by and the addiction is gone forever. Amen (three times)." Then start adding a drop of water to any alcoholic drink.
  3. Getting rid of her husband from alcoholism on Wednesday. Only by conspiracies and rituals for the waning moon is it really possible to rid your beloved spouse of an addiction. To do this, you need to quietly take his ring from a man and put it in a faceted glass of holy water. The best day to perform is Saturday. Read the following conspiracy three times: “I treat my husband with holy water, I save the servant of God from alcoholism, I drive away the disease from him forever. As long as the ring is on the husband's finger, there will never be drunkenness. Let it be so. I performed the ceremony, brought my husband. Amen". Take out the jewelry and discreetly return it to your spouse.
  4. Ritual on the water: what to do? The advantage of the procedure is that you can take any water and spend it during the day. Pour it into any glass and start reading: “As soon as water gets into (name)’s mouth, drunkenness from him will disappear forever and will never be found again. Amen (three times)." After that, you need to leave the glass on the windowsill for the whole night. After that, add charmed water to any non-alcoholic drink that an alcoholic drinks. Make sure that the ritual is not interrupted until all the water has been drunk.

Conspiracies on the waning moon are able to direct all energy against alcoholism. The consequences will amaze you, because they will be truly shocking.

What to do with bad luck and failures?

If your life has abruptly turned into a solid black streak, then perhaps it's time to turn to magic for help. Time-tested conspiracies further.

  1. Waning moon conspiracy: attracting good luck. It should be carried out only after the appearance of the moon in the sky. Open the window and, raising your hands, begin to tell the luminary about what is bothering you and what you want to get rid of. Don't be afraid to tell all the problems, details. The result depends on it. Then start reading the following words: “Moon, you are so bright and innocent that only you can help me. Descending, take with you all the failures, I shout to you, almost crying. Give me hope for life, give me new opportunities. Amen". Go home, take a shower. Water will relieve stress. Imagine that all the troubles are solved, and the problems have evaporated. A month will pass, and you will not remember more than one difficult situation.
  2. Conspiracy to return luck. Next procedure strong enough, therefore suitable for single use per year. To perform the ritual, you will need water from a spring and a clean small bowl. After pouring water into a container, leave it on the window for the night. Then drink a sip of water, and use the rest to wash your face, shoulders and neck. After washing, start reading: “Voditsa is holy and pure, valuable and expensive. You wash all earthly expanses, mountains. So wash away all the evil slander from me. My body is clean and my soul is open, the atmosphere of the house is wonderful. Let luck return to my house. It's been said. Made. Amen (three times)."
  3. Conspiracy for good luck on the waning moon. So you need to get out open air and turn to the month. Then say: “In the night, all failures will dissolve, and new hopes will be born. The moon is waning, taking everything with it. I really want a new life, but I ask this of you.

How to improve health?

Rituals with reading conspiracies for the waning moon can significantly improve human health. The most powerful and versatile rituals that improve health and energy are collected in one list below.

  1. How to eliminate negative energy from the body? Rejuvenation of the body and human body is possible only when it is cleansed of negativity. The waning moon will help to do this and give a person strength for new achievements. Before performing the ritual, you need to go out of town or find any deserted place. It is recommended to lie on the ground there, but you can also lay a rug. At first, you should just lie down, enjoying nature, try to appreciate the beauty environment. After that, press your body to the ground and freeze for a few minutes. Start speaking in a whisper: “I want to be strong, young and healthy, like Mother Earth. She enriches everything with strength, rewards me with beauty. The land of animals gives birth - it transforms me anew. Words are strong, like soil, they will be fulfilled in an instant. I believe in you mother earth. Amen (three times)." When you finish reading, don't leave right away. Enjoy nature, think about the strength of your body, health, and a good future. It is better to do the ceremony in May or June.
  2. How to heal the body with a ritual? So, conspiracies for rejuvenation are best read on the waning moon. The same applies to the complete healing of the body and body. For the next ritual, we need: an egg, a paper bag and a blue marker. Follow these steps: leave the egg in an unoccupied apartment for a few hours. Enter the room, undress and lie down on the bed. Get into a comfortable position and start rolling the egg all over your body from head to toe. If the purpose of the rite is healing from a certain disease, then roll the egg only at the source of pain. Write the following words with a marker: “Health comes to me, and adversity goes away. I am full of strength. It was as if there were no diseases. Amen". Place the egg in the bag and discard. Throw with maximum force to break the egg.
  3. How to get rid of fullness? The waning moon weight loss plot is suitable for every person and is simple. A liter bottle of oil and earth is enough. Write the word FAT on the bottle and start saying: “Fatty oil, vegetable oil, take away my fat, fix my harmony.” After that, pour oil on the earth for two weeks and say: “I drive out fat, I water the clean land with oil. The soil of my suffering eliminates, forever delivers from overeating. Before the new moon, pour out the thought and throw away the remnants of the earth and the bottle.
  4. Conspiracy on clean skin to the waning moon. If you or your loved one is tired of skin problems, then it is recommended to resort to the following conspiracy, which is suitable for eliminating warts, acne and blemishes. You don't even need to leave your house to do it. It must be done at midnight. Take a mirror and sit near an open window. Looking at the moon, you need to say: “The skin is white, the skin is velvety, reward me with your presence. How pure is my soul, so pure is my appearance. I'm tired of ridicule, I have so little beauty. I look in the mirror, I am no longer ashamed of myself. It was like there were no problems. Amen". Repeat these words for two weeks.

Problems in love are solvable: rituals to attract

Love conspiracies for the waning moon are the most popular among others. To read them, sometimes it is enough just to be alone with yourself and your feelings. What are the love conspiracies for the waning moon?

  1. Separation from a partner. How to make it come back? If another woman took your husband or boyfriend away, then the next conspiracy will correct the situation and make sure that the beloved returns. Sit near an open window and read these whispers 7 times: “The moon is beautiful, the moon is mighty. As you decrease, so you take the love of God's servants (names) with you. Let the heart of the slave (name) begin to yearn, he will constantly miss me. To be together forever, we are with you, like rivers. I conjure to love myself, I send you all thoughts about myself, I renounce myself from loneliness. Amen". The return of a man is possible only if it is not performed out of evil motives.
  2. A conspiracy from a photo on a waning Friday. In the case when you only want the desired person to love you, a photographic love plot will come in handy. It is incredibly strong, but it requires good dedication and a photograph of a loved one from you. Wait until midnight, put a picture near you, light a candle. After that, stretch your hands to the Luminary and read: “Servant of God (name), you do not love me yet, but soon, I know, you will. Beauty moon, charm moon, help get his attention. Without him, I have no life, I do not want any victories. All men are not nice to me, except for him. Let your love for me grow, and let my heart finally find peace in me. It will be the way I want. Amen". Repeat the love spell daily until the man falls in love with you.
  3. Conspiracy for longing. For its effectiveness, you need to dip your hair into the water in front of the moonlight and say: “Just as a little sister water doesn’t miss anyone, doesn’t suffer, doesn’t cry, so I don’t miss anyone, don’t grieve, don’t dream. Amen". The plot can be used as a prayer daily before bedtime. Interesting feature conspiracy: it can also be used to move out the neighbors. Just change last words to “so I don’t need neighbors either.”
  4. A conspiracy to the waning moon for longing for a girl. If you want to revive longing in your loved one, perform reconciliation, then use the following ritual. Take a photograph of a loved one, a personal item and a candle. Lay out his things on the windowsill, light a candle, close your eyes and start saying: “My dear, beloved, bright, gentle, playful. I want you to miss me, pay attention to me. I’ll drop a candle on your face, you will fall in love with me again in a moment. Love me, yearn for me, servant of God (name). The beautiful moon helps me, returns you to the heart. Let it be so. Amen". Drop wax on a picture and a personal item, kiss the photo three times and go to bed, mentally imagining how your loved one comes back to you or writes letters. A conspiracy can also be used to return a partner from a mistress.
  5. A conspiracy to marry a waning moon. Such rituals do not approve white magic. Take your photo and a photo of a man, a thread and a match. Tie the photos with a strong knot and set them on fire. At the same time, you need to say the following words until the fire burns: “Together we will be forever, but you will not live with your wife. You look at her like an enemy. Your divorce is approaching, and our happiness is already echoing. You will always be with me, only you will love me. Burn, burn, fire, clear. All this is not in vain.” From now on, the chosen one will no longer be interested in his wife and will begin to come to you more and more often.

Rituals with reading conspiracies for the waning moon can create with human life incredible changes. Magic revives and suppresses melancholy, instills love, destroys fragile ties.

Rituals for money and work

A money plot for the waning moon is a strong and powerful tool for fulfilling your desires and correcting financial position. After the following conspiracies, the profit will literally "flow" into your wallets. Below are the most strong rites to get rid of poverty.

  1. A conspiracy from lack of money on a waning moon on the last day of the week. Take any of your old thing and a church candle. After you need to light a candle and put it next to the selected item. Focus and say a prayer of your choice. When finished, start speaking: “The chosen subject completely cleanses me of poverty and poverty, and any actions will no longer lead me to anything but wealth and a huge pile of money. Let it be so. Amen". Throw away the thing in any deserted place and go away.
  2. A strong sentence from debt. Getting rid of debt should take place exclusively in the waning moon. Write on separate sheets the names of the people with whom you are connected by the debt and the amount itself, as well as the date by which it is worth repaying the money. Start taking the sheets in your hands and say: “Servant of God (name), thank you for becoming my helper in a difficult moment, thank you for saving me from poverty. I return your debt, I immerse you in peace. Money is no longer a problem. Amen." Burn the sheets. The situation will be resolved within a few days.
  3. A strong conspiracy for wealth: in order to enjoy success in the trading field, monetary rites for trade and transactions were developed. Trade conspiracy. - take out any box and repeat the following three times, standing over it and looking at the waning moon: “Chest, cellar, threads, brocade, millet, tower. The forged chest is full of valuable things. Not empty, not thick, not sewn, not covered. The lock is in the key, and the key is in the wind. Money in the pocket." To perform the ceremony, you can use a wallet.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the magic of the waning moon. With its help you can:

  • perform all kinds of rituals, miraculous rituals;
  • fulfill wishes and even win the lottery;
  • attract the attention of good luck;
  • punish the guilty people;
  • instill longing;
  • improve health;
  • get rid of debt and lingering poverty;
  • heal the soul after separation;
  • make a good sale (read a conspiracy to trade).

Conspiracies for the waning moon, get rid of poverty and debt.

Conspiracies for the waning moon, getting rid of the unnecessary.

Ritual for the waning moon from poverty and lack of money.

Pure thoughts and sincere desire can completely change your life. And which of the conspiracies and rituals suits you?

The waning moon conspiracies have always been very popular. And it is no coincidence. At this time they have a special powerful force. People take advantage of this and perform various rituals during certain phases of the moon.

Conspiracies read on the waning moon will help get rid of ailments, overweight, eliminate problems, poverty and bad luck, clear your head of bad thoughts.

Features of the waning moon

Even in ancient times, it was noticed that the moon changes according to a certain cycle. There are different phases: growth, full moon and waning. Today, both magicians and scientists confirm their influence on the health and fate of a person.

Unlike the full moon, which causes excitement, the waning moon is a time of purification and release. During this period, it is advised to cleanse the body of harmful substances, get rid of melancholy and negative thoughts, and even clean the house. It lasts two weeks.

During the waning of the moon, invisible channels open that help a person cope with many problems. The main thing is not to miss the time while the channels are open.

Conspiracy Rules

To achieve desired result, the following conditions must be met:

  • All items for the ritual must be obtained by the performer himself.
  • They should not be given to other people.
  • It is better to read the text of the conspiracy to the waning moon by heart, but it is also allowed to do this from a piece of paper.
  • You need to speak clearly, quietly and without hesitation.
  • The moon should be clearly visible. The weather at night should be clear.
  • The ritual is performed in complete solitude.

The main rule of any ceremony - strong faith into your actions. A person must imagine how his life will change in better side, to believe that the waning moon plot will work.

What rituals are performed

Certain conspiracies during the waning moon are endowed with magical powers. These include conspiracies:

  • For rejuvenation. Allows you to look younger and more attractive in the eyes of others.
  • From alcoholism. Is different powerful action and effective results.
  • For weight loss. A great way to lose weight and get rid of fat.
  • For love. The conspiracy will help find happiness in personal life to bring back a loved one.
  • For sadness. It is read to attract a loved one who does not reciprocate. He will feel intense sadness.
  • Out of love. It is used when it is necessary to break a love relationship.
  • For money. Read the text for good luck and success in financial matters, attracting money.
  • To remove the evil eye and damage. The sacrament will help remove the negative magical effect.
  • Good luck. Eliminate bad luck.
  • For healing. Get rid of wounds and diseases.

Conspiracy for money

During the waning moon, you need to get all the coins from your wallet, squeeze them in a fist. Looking at the month, you need to say:

“A trifle, a copper and a nickel, you go to the beggar, take my poverty with you! The beggar will drink and walk, fade in his poverty. I give a trifle from the master's purse - I bring wealth back to my house. From now on, I do not know poverty, but I live in wealth. My word is strong, it is clingy to me. Key, tongue, lock. Amen!".

The next day, distribute this trifle to the poor, and this should be done with the right hand. With the beginning of the next cycle of the moon, wealth will begin to arrive in the house of the performer.

In this lunar cycle, the following rules regarding money should be observed:

  • you can not lend and make serious purchases;
  • money should not be handed over, it is better to put it on the table;
  • counting and holding other people's money is not recommended.

Conspiracy for love

The waning moon will help bring back the beloved and make him sad. To do this, you need to read the lines every evening:

In order for a loved one to return, they also make them sad. It is necessary to read the plot in an open window:

“Seven violent winds, fly with strong wings, comfort the widows and the little orphans. Take away from them all the sorrow of the earth. Instill it in the obstinate body, with the heart of a zealous slave (name). Chop his heart with a steel ax, whip his soul with whips, exhaust and exhaust his body, catch up with sadness and longing for love (name). So that he does not know peace, neither day nor night, neither at home, nor on the road, not at any hour, not now, not a single moment! Let the whole body burn, let the heart hurt, let it be tormented by love for me, slave (name), ignite with passion. Amen".

A young man, being at any distance, will immediately feel longing.

Love conspiracies for the waning moon are usually aimed at a rival for separation and cooling her love feelings, as well as reconciliation and the return of a loved one to herself.

Another conspiracy to longing will help to make sure that the beloved will constantly dream of meeting. When reading, you need to stand under the moonlight and say:

“I will get up, (proper name), cross myself and leave the hut at the gate. I will head east to an open field, but I will find a place where the hut stands, in the middle of which lies a board, under which longing. Longing bitterly cries and sobs, waits for the white light, but it can’t wait for the clear sun to rejoice and have fun! So it is for me, (proper name) he (the name of the beloved) is waiting for me, he constantly thinks, rejoices in thoughts of me. He (the name of the beloved) cannot eat, drink, or live without me, neither in the early morning, nor at the evening dawn, nor at lunchtime or noon, nor with the night stars, nor with violent winds, nor with the sun, nor with the moon . He (the name of the beloved) cannot be without me, like a fish without water, like a baby without mother's milk.

An important condition of this ritual for melancholy is that the performer himself should not seek a meeting with his beloved. Usually, a longing conspiracy is removed immediately after the meeting, so no negative consequences he won't bring.

Attracting good luck

The rituals for the waning moon are aimed at eliminating troubles and failures, which helps to attract good luck. This conspiracy is carried out at an open window, it will help to attract success in business and discard anxiety. It is necessary to stand facing the month and tell him about your thoughts that disturb the person. Then say:

“The moon of pure silver is waning, taking all my troubles with it, when it dissolves into the night, a new hope will be born in me.”

After that go to sleep. The result will not keep you waiting.

weight loss conspiracy

This plot is very popular among girls. It's lightweight and effective ritual. Take liter bottle With sunflower oil and earth in a container. On the fifteenth lunar day, write the phrase "my fat" on the bottle. On this day, you can not use any fatty foods. Then they say over the oil:

"Oil, take away my fat, you fix it in yourself."

For the next 14 days, you need to pour a little bit of oil into a container with earth and sentence:

“I expel fat from the body, I spill it with oil, accept the land of my suffering, deliver me forever from overeating.”

Before the new moon, pour the oil to the end and throw out the earth and the bottle.

In most weight loss conspiracies, the waning moon is chosen as a model and symbol of weight loss.

Helps you lose weight and instant plot to holy water. You can read it at night or before dawn, while the waning moon is visible. You need to put a glass of water in front of you and read:

“Sister moon, dear girl, go away from the sky by controlling water, take my extra weight with you. Amen".

Then they drink a glass. There will be an instant weight loss by as many grams as it was drunk. After the ritual, it will no longer be possible to stop weight loss. The plot is read once, every day, until the phase of the moon changes. It will take as many grams as water will be drunk daily. For greater weight loss, you should limit yourself to food, go in for sports.

Conspiracy from alcoholism

This ceremony is performed immediately after the full moon. Take holy water and the drunkard's wedding ring. The decoration is lowered into the water and they say:

“You, holy water, heal my husband, the servant of God (name), heal drunkenness, drive away the disease, so that it goes away and never returns. As long as my husband will wear this ring, until then it will protect him from alcohol and binges. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

Speak three times. In the future, the owner of the ring must wear it.

How to get the power back

The waning moon helps to get rid of negative energy, gives strength, heals the body. To regain the energy of youth, it is necessary to carry out a special conspiracy away from the city. Come to any deserted place and lay a cloth on the ground. Then lie down on it, not moving, peering into the night sky, and roll over on your stomach. After that, cling to the ground and do not move for several minutes. Turning over again on your back, you should whisper:

“As the earth is forever strong, young and healthy, so I, the servant of God (name), will be healthy and strong. As the earth gives strength to all living things, as all plants and animals are born from the earth, so I will gain strength, I will be cleansed of everything unnecessary. My words are strong, as is mother earth, as I said, so she will do. Amen".

You need to mentally imagine your purification, how the body is filled with energy and forces that come from the earth, how the body is rejuvenated, and thoughts are cleansed of everything bad. It is better to carry out the ceremony in late spring or early summer.


The waning moon cycle is perfect for lapel rituals. This lunar phase contributes to the end of relationships, their break. Therefore, the lapels made during this period have great power.

Need a church candle and new needles. In a secluded place, you should dig a small hole in the ground and stick nine needles into it. It is necessary to imagine how the liberation from relationships and love affairs occurs. Then they fill the hole, stand up and say:

“Just as the needles cannot be together, as they cannot grow together into one whole, so you, the servant of God (name), together with the servant of God (name), cannot be. As the needles grow together, then these lovers will only converge. Let it be so".

At this point, light a candle and leave without turning around.

Conspiracy from illness

One of the relatives of the sick person should read the plot. Stand by the window, open it and pick up a white towel that has never been used. The moon should be clearly visible. Its light should fall on the performer. Say three times:

“As (the name of the patient) will be wiped with this towel, so (the name of the disease) will stop with him. From (the name of the patient) the disease goes away, all the dirt goes into the towel. As 7 days pass, so (the name of the patient) will be completely clean and healthy. Strong is my will, true is my word. As I, (my name), said, so be it.

The patient needs to dry himself with a towel for a week. Others should not use it. After 7 days, the performer takes the towel and buries it in a deserted place or burns it.

In order not to expose yourself and your loved ones to danger, it is better not to mess with black magic. And the performance of the rituals of white magic can be entrusted to practicing magicians. After all, the result of the ceremony can be unpredictable, whether it is a conspiracy for melancholy or good luck.