Haircuts according to the lunar calendar September. Haircut lunar calendar. Hair cutting lunar calendar

Haircut lunar calendar for 2019

Scientists have not yet been able to unambiguously explain the influence of the moon on people, animals and plants. However, the existence of this influence is undeniable. The mysterious connection of the lunar cycle with certain periods in a woman's life has been known to previous generations from time immemorial. By repeatedly observing mysterious coincidences, people have come to reasonable conclusions that they are not accidental.
So, our ancestors noticed that the day of hair cutting has a significant impact on their growth and health. Any action with hair, whether it is a haircut, coloring or creating another hairstyle, can radically change a woman's life. The result of all these observations was a calendar of hair cutting, compiled by astrologers many centuries ago.
The energy of vitality accumulates in the hair, and any procedures with them must be carried out only on those days that favor this. Our site contains a lunar haircut calendar for 2018, thanks to which you can find out when you can change your hairstyle, and when it is not recommended to do so.

Haircut by day of the week

Each day of the week is affected by a specific planetary arrangement. Therefore, in order to make the long-awaited changes in your life, you need to know what day to cut your hair. Just remember a few simple rules:

  • Sunday is considered not a very favorable day for a haircut. These days, your hair is especially vulnerable, not only can its condition worsen, but harmony with cosmic rhythms can also be disrupted, which is fraught with undesirable events in your life.
  • It is easy to get a perfect haircut on Friday, this day is traditionally ruled by the planet Venus, which is responsible for beauty and harmony.
  • Having a haircut on Monday and Saturday, you can get rid of troubling problems and the negativity that others have brought into your life.
  • Hair cutting on Tuesday brings stability and regularity, and on Wednesday - gaining peace of mind and resolving disagreements with loved ones.
  • Any procedures carried out with hair on Thursday portend gaining self-confidence and success in any endeavors.
  • When wondering when to cut your hair, always remember that the 9th, 19th and 29th of each lunar month (not to be confused with the solar calendar) carry a powerful charge of negative energy, and these days it is absolutely impossible to cut your hair.

Haircut according to the phases of the moon

The lunar hair cutting calendar 2017 is compiled taking into account the lunar phases, which have a decisive influence on whether the day is favorable for changing your hairstyle or not.
So, cutting hair while the moon is in the first or second quarter will contribute to their rapid growth. At the same time, it is better to refrain from cutting hair on the new moon, since it is believed that this reduces the duration of life.
A haircut on the days when the moon is waning is suitable for those who want to strengthen their hair, make it healthier. However, at the same time, they will grow back much longer than hair cut during the growing moon.
The 2017 haircut calendar combines both astronomical studies of the phases of the moon and centuries of observation of their effect on the beauty and health of hair.

Magic ritual for beauty and shine of hair

In addition to knowing the days when you can cut your hair, a special ritual helps to give it a healthy strength and improve its condition. It is best to spend it on Saturday, while the conspiracy must be read on the growing moon.
Prepare a decoction of birch and nettle leaves, while saying the following words: “I treat my hair with a miraculous decoction so that they become thicker and stronger, so that they fall off their shoulders and shine, so that everyone cannot look at them enough.”
After that, you need to wash your head and rinse it with a charmed infusion. Hair is filled with a lively shine, becomes soft, manageable and acquires an incredibly beautiful natural shade.

Since ancient times, people have believed that extraordinary power is contained in human hair. Hair acts as a kind of conductor between the ordinary world and the cosmos, the world of energies. A haircut changes not only the appearance of a person, but also most directly affects his energy field, structuring or vice versa, damaging it. If you correctly calculate the optimal day for cutting hair, you can even notice some obvious changes in your life. Therefore, in most countries and cultures, the process of hair care (and especially cutting) is taken extremely seriously. Many people plan it in advance, based on the choice of the day on the lunar calendar. And this is not surprising. After all, even ancient people knew that the Moon affects the processes taking place on Earth, in particular, on a person and on his well-being.

The lunar calendar for hair cutting is compiled for each lunar day based on the phases of the moon, according to which everyone can determine the optimal time for going to the hairdresser. This calendar is a collection of universal tips that are structured in the right way.

A haircut on each day of the month has a completely different effect on your hair, and, accordingly, on life and well-being. Each of us noticed that even visiting always the same hairdresser, sometimes we get a completely different result. And it just depends on which of the lunar days you performed manipulations with your hair. Therefore, it is impossible to overestimate the importance of the lunar haircut calendar!

Hair cutting lunar calendar

Since each lunar day carries a certain energy, the result of your haircut (and often the events that take place in life) will very much depend on exactly what period you decided to change your hairstyle.

Below is a detailed description of each of the lunar days. We strongly recommend that you look into the hair cutting lunar calendar every time you are going to pay a visit to the hairdresser.

13 lunar day: favorable for a haircut, it is likely to heal your body.

The lunar calendar is one of the most ancient calendars on our planet. This page is the starting point for lunar calendar world. Here are all lunar calendars: general, gardener and gardener, hair cutting, beauty and health, as well as a to-do calendar. We are largely dependent on the moon, but it is in our power to turn its power to our advantage.

Lunar calendars

Lunar calendars based on the movement of the moon. Physically, the Moon is a large material object, which is located in close proximity to the Earth. The movement of the Moon around the Earth has a complex orbit, more precisely, even to say both bodies - the Earth and the Moon move around a certain common point of the center of mass. This movement generates lunar rhythms, the main of which is the lunar month. The Lunar calendar is based on this movement.

Lunar calendar and the influence of the moon

The movement of the Moon around the Earth leads to a constant ebb and flow of liquids, both in the seas and oceans, and in man, who, as you know, consists of liquids. Therefore, the Moon influences a person quite strongly.

Also, this influence of the lunar cycles has a great physical effect on plants, causing a constant change in the direction of movement of plant juices. The great influence of the phases of the moon on the human psyche is also known, which is associated with more subtle processes.

Our lunar calendar shows the phases and states of the moon, the sign of the zodiac in which the moon is located and gives you recommendations for each day based on these and other events. Each lunar day, lunar phase, as well as the position of the Moon in one or another sign of the zodiac gives the current moment its own specific color, its own character, its own energy, its own rhythm.

The Moon, just like any other planet in the solar system, casts its light on Us not completely, but only with its part. This means that it is visible in the sky not only because it is illuminated by the Sun. During one revolution of the Moon around the Earth, the mutual position of the Sun, Moon and Earth changes, and the Moon is sometimes illuminated differently. This phenomenon causes a phase change in the lunar calendar.

New moon in the lunar calendar, this is when the moon is located between the sun and the earth, the side facing the earth is completely unlit, therefore the moon is not visible in the sky. Gradually, the Moon recedes to the side and we observe it from the side. It seems to us at first a narrow sickle, which is gaining strength and growing every day. The "young" moon is called growing.

Full moon in the lunar calendar - the moon will make half a revolution on its way, the earth will be located between the sun and the moon. Turned to the Earth, the Moon will be fully illuminated and round, like a coin. Then the full moon will begin to wane again. At this point, it is referred to as "old". By the way, if We find ourselves on the Moon and look at the Earth, then it will also go through the entire sequence of phase changes. The moon and earth are constantly in opposite phases.

History of the Lunar Calendar

The moon shines on our firmament and its brightness is second only to the sun. Therefore, it is quite understandable that since ancient times, man began to pay attention to the movement of the moon. Scientists believe that the very first lunar calendar arose in Mesopotamia in the third millennium BC in the state of the ancient Sumerians.

The change of the lunar phases in the sky is visible very clearly, and it is very easy to observe it. That is why all the ancient peoples in various parts of the world used moon calendar For rhythm definitions own life. But during the transition from a nomadic lifestyle to a settled lunar calendar, it ceased to meet the new requirements.

The agricultural work that people began to carry out was tied to the movement of the Sun and the change of seasons and seasons, so people began to use solar calendars. In many ancient countries, for example, in ancient Rus', the lunisolar calendar also became widespread.

The only exception was the calendar used in Muslim countries, since it is completely built only on the change of the lunar phases. However, the lunar calendar has never lost its relevance, because there is no doubt that the Moon has its effect on the entire nature of the Earth and on man.

Each lunar day has its own special energy. A person can feel differently on the same day, but if he manages to tune in to the peculiarities of the lunar rhythm and behave in tune with it, then the Moon becomes an ally and supports all the intentions of a person.

Lunar cycle

The length of the lunar cycle is about 29.5 Earth days, it lasts from one new moon to another. During this time, the moon goes through four phases, which are called quarters. The lunar day begins its report from the rising of the moon and continues until its next rising.

Such a day turns out to be longer than the solar one, since the moonrise on the next day always occurs later than on the previous day. The moonrise itself can be not only at night, but also on a clear sunny day. Many of the people paid attention to the fact that both the Sun and the Moon are in the sky at the same time.

The first lunar day at the beginning of the lunar month begins at the time of the new moon. And then they do not coincide with the calendar day at all, and even differ in duration. This happens because the axes of rotation of the Earth and the Moon do not coincide.

The same duration of the lunar day is only at the equator. In other geographic coordinates, they already have different durations. The duration of the first and thirtieth days of the lunar month is especially unstable. Their length is from almost a day to several minutes.

The shorter the duration of the first lunar day, the more energy it contains, since all the processes that take place on this day are most intensive. The last thirtieth lunar day does not occur in every lunar month. Such a month is considered perfect.

If a lunar month has 29 days, it is considered defective. All days of this month will be difficult, and the incompleteness of such a month has a not very favorable effect on the course of the next cycle of the moon.