How to make trading happen. Conspiracies or prayers for successful and easy trading from Vanga. Coin-amulet from financial collapse

Conspiracies, prayers, affirmations, mantras create special energy with the help of the vibration of the sound of the voice. These vibrations are able to penetrate into the energy-information field. subtle world and activate the corresponding mental layers.

If your field of activity is related to sales, then the article will come in handy. Here you will find more than one effective conspiracy on good trading.

How to attract cash flow into your life:

Basic Rules

  • unconditional faith in strength and effectiveness. If there is even the slightest doubt, the rite may not work, first make sure: you believe in what you are doing;
  • love for your work and for your customers. If you don't love what you do, hate trading and curse your customers, and do it only for profit, no magic will help you;
  • it is obligatory to conduct an appropriate ritual or ceremony;
  • any conspiracy good trade it is better to read in a calm whisper from memory, and not from paper or the screen of an electronic device (rewrite the text you like with your own hand and remember it);
  • after pronouncing the right words and performing the ritual, fill your inner state with the energy of gratitude
  • it is advisable to read conspiracies for successful trading on Wednesday or Saturday, preferably early in the morning on the growing moon.

Seven proven conspiracies


So the ritual strong conspiracy for trade. The necessary words are recommended to be read on the water. In order to sell goods as quickly as possible, buyers are needed who activate the energy of money. It will spin and spin and pull even more money energy. For this ritual, pour some water in a saucer, put your ring in the water: you can use an engagement ring or any other, preferably gold. Dip your finger into the ring and twist it around yourself and at the same time around the saucer clockwise, while saying:

After the magical ritual, the ring should be returned to the finger on which you usually wear it and try not to remove it for at least a week, but the longer, the more effective. Flush the water down the toilet.


A proven plot for good trading, which is supposed to be read for salt. Prepare a pinch of salt, preferably regular coarse non-iodized. Speak salt nine times on the growing moon:

After nine times repeat the right words, they take the charmed salt right hand and throw it in a big way over the left shoulder in the very place where you are selling the goods. Such a ceremony can be performed once a month, especially when you notice that there are fewer buyers than usual.


It is customary to read such a conspiracy for successful trading as honey dissolved in water. It will help you sell your product quickly and profitably. Take honey - one teaspoon is enough, dissolve it in a glass of water, whisper honey water in a whisper:

Half a glass of water, in which honey is dissolved, should be drunk before breakfast, on an empty stomach, and the rest should be sprinkled discreetly at the trading place.


Rite with honey, grass and banknotes.

Pick an ordinary blade of grass, not dry, it should be green. It must be lightly greased with honey and glued to a banknote of any denomination, and then whisper:

This money with a blade of grass should be bent in half so that the leaf of grass is hidden inside and put in a wallet or bag that you use all the time at the trading place.


  • buy poppy;
  • spread a new scarf on the table, and sprinkle a handful of poppy seeds in the center;
  • cross the poppy with your finger, saying:

After performing this ritual from Vanga, the charmed poppy in a handkerchief should be tied in a knot and kept away from prying eyes at home in a secret place. Money will begin to flow often and easily, business will go smoothly, cash receipts from buyers will literally flow like a river.


A strong conspiracy to trade from Vanga. Reading for flowers. Buy or Collect beautiful bouquet colors. Alternatively, you can use flowers in a pot. Only condition: you must certainly like them very much. Put them where you trade. Come early, while there is no one yet, and whisper the necessary words to the flowers:

When the bouquet wilts, put a new one, not forgetting to say the conspiracy from Vanga again.


This conspiracy to trade must be read for sugar. If business is going badly, and besides this, you still suddenly find grains of salt that you didn’t leave at the place where the goods were sold, there is a suspicion that competitors or enemies have made the so-called “filling”. In order to neutralize the negative effect of the “spill”, it is recommended to read the conspiracy for sugar and perform the corresponding ritual.

It is necessary to carefully sweep everything, and then wipe the floors with a dry rag. After that, throw away all rubbish and rags, including.

Take sugar in crystals, powder or cubes will not work.

Concentrate on the energy of abundance, mentally bless your product, customers and yourself, scatter sugar around, while saying:

In order for the number of buyers to arrive and not be transferred, early in the morning any coins (how many it is not a pity to use for the ritual) must be scattered at the place of trade. Exactly one day later (in the morning next day) sweep them into one pile towards the middle of the room from the entrance or from the place where buyers usually are. When you sweep in a whisper, say:

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I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, continue to talk about magical help in trade affairs. Today we will look at a few home rituals from practice that you may have already encountered yourself. And if not, it will be useful for you to know about it. Well, straight to the point: how to attract luck in trading on your own? Here is a simple, highly effective magic ritual for businessmen. If trading isn't going well, here's how you can fix it yourself.

An effective ritual for good luck in trading - to improve things

Monetary rite for those who conjure through Christian Forces. To increase the number of customers in the store, here's what you need to do. On the way to your outlet, pour sugar little by little, and at the same time read “Our Father”. And directly there, in the place where you trade, open a bag of vanillin without sugar.

The aroma of vanilla creates a feeling of hunger, stimulating the desire to buy. more products to satisfy this hunger. In addition, subtle notes of vanilla make a person kinder, more accommodating, take you into the world of imagination, fantasies, make you think that life is not so difficult and monotonous, but full of bright ones. A surge of warmth and energy is what your customers will feel when smelling vanilla. This independent and uncomplicated magical ritual to attract customers and stimulate sales can serve you well.

Apply it on the growing moon. It is suitable, of course, not only for stores selling products, but for increasing sales as such. If your product is intangible, and you sell services, this magical ritual will provide you with an influx of customers.

What is better to read conspiracies for good luck in trading and to attract buyers

IN money ritual with sugar in white magic, it is recommended to read the prayer "Our Father". In this version, witchcraft works, and the results are. However, it should be understood that Orthodox prayer is not the key to all doors. My opinion, the magician Sergei Artgrom, is that a clearly directed strong conspiracy for good luck in trading will work more significantly.

I know white magicians would call the Christian prayer "Our Father" a universal magical weapon. With its help, they heal and protect, and, here's how in this case, money is attracted to their trade. However, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend using any narrowly focused conspiracy. And even if this simple but effective conspiracy for successful trading:

Verified spell for good luck in trading read you can by opening a bag of vanilla in the workplace and luring customers.

But what can be done with Thursday salt. For profitable trading on their own, do this magical ritual. Need in Maundy Thursday cook Thursday salt according to all the rules, and hide it until Intercession Saturday. On Saturday morning, take this salt to where you trade, and there

4 times read for salt a powerful conspiracy for successful trading:

“As the people of God gather to the church, so they would run to me, to God’s servant (name), and gather and simple people, and bars, on all four sides, from the east and from the west, this hour, this day, and all the year. My word is correct. Amen".

Scatter the spelled salt in the corners of your store. Let her lie there. Lots of salt simplehome conspiracies for success in trade, and the magical ritual itself comes down to scattering the spelled salt. Often, salt is left in closed corners, away from prying eyes, and it can remain there until you decide it's time to repeat. witchcraft conspiracy on profitable trade.

Thursday salt is prepared only once a year. They do this on the night from Wednesday to Thursday of Holy Week (Great Week). Either in the morning at Clean Thursday(Great Thursday). This witchcraft custom is ancient, used not only in magical practice, a and in Everyday life. Ritual use of salt in everyday life is known from ancient times. known different ways the use of Thursday salt in both white and black book conspiracies for trading on the full moon, and on other days of the lunar month.

There are different ways to prepare Thursday salt at home.

It is prepared on Pure Thursday of Holy Week. For this, they take only coarse coarse salt, but in no case fine salt (extra), in which the grinding is almost like that of soda. Such salt is unsuitable, not only because appearance. It's a matter of chemical processing. high temperatures. Thus, the salt loses its natural healing and magical powers.

So, in order to make the most powerful rite for money trading with Thursday salt, first you need to cook it. They take moistened salt and mix it with kvass thick. You can also use crumb rye bread soaked in water. This mixture is tied into a flap natural fabric, the bundle is placed in a container woven from birch bark, after which they put this stuff in the oven for heat, or bury it in ashes. If there is no oven, you can use the oven, but the oven, of course, is preferable. Close the sash and leave for 3-4 hours. After that, the Thursday salt is allowed to cool, and it is crushed in a mortar.

Another way to prepare Thursday salt for magical practice

Ignite salt in a frying pan, reading prayers and witchcraft strong conspiracies for well-being. Thursday's salt is allowed to cool, after which, also with prayers and conspiracies, they are pounded in a mortar. Dark color table salt acquires during baking. Fire has a powerful cleansing power. magical energy. That is why fire is indispensable here.

Here is another independent way to prepare Thursday salt.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

On Maundy Thursday morning, all family members take a harvest of salt and throw it into one container. Then the salt, as described above, is calcined in an oven or in a frying pan, with prayers and magic conspiracies, cooled, crushed and mixed with dry herbs: St. John's wort, thyme, mint, wormwood. It turns out strong remedy, which can be used in witchcraft rites different nature, including for effective magical rituals to attract buyers and to succeed in business.

How to return luck to trading with magic - some aspects of rituals

It happens that after magical purges, black-book or runic rituals, profits also drop significantly. This does not always happen, but quite often, and depends on the cleaning rituals used. Eg, wax castings they perfectly remove destructive witchcraft, however, they can demolish both developments made on the positive and strong suitable defenses. In the same way, powerful runic cleansing can work out.

So, know that after cleaning the financial channel in business, a lull may come. Fortunately, this is fixable. Wait for the growing moon, and perform rituals to attract good luck in trading, and also read strong conspiracies for good trade to increase sales and profits. Use runes too. This is a powerful force. There are many runic staves on the subject of money and everything connected with this colossal Power. Runic magic is well combined with black book rites to independently attract good luck in trading. But with white magic, made on the church Force, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, would not combine. These two magical traditions - Christianity and ancient magic northern gods.

Read a strong white conspiracy for successful trading - to improve things

To correct a stagnant trade, do this. On Holy Week, go to church for matins, buy a candle there, light it, and serve. This candle will come in handy for a witchcraft ritual to attract good luck in your trading. As the need arises, and fumigate your store with it, while reading an effective plot for successful trading:

“How many people gather in the church for matins, so many rich merchants would visit my shop. All my words are molding and strong! To those my words amen. The teeth are the lock, the tongue is the key, amen, amen, amen.”

Text simple conspiracy You can read on the full moon, or on the new moon, in the growing and waning phase. When the need arises. There are home plots for good trade that do not depend on the moon. This simple and effective ritual Slavic witchcraft- just one of those.

Which is better to read a conspiracy to trade - a rite so that the goods are quickly sold out

With this rite, you can quickly fix things, and the goods that are stale can be sold at a profit. This witchcraft ritual is from the arsenal of white magic. But, not natural, but the one that is done through the Forces of the Christian egregore. Here is what is needed to conduct this rite in order to return good luck to trading with the power of money magic:

  • icon "God Almighty"
  • Icon "Cathedral of Archangel Michael"
  • Icon "Martyr John the New of Ioannina"
  • 3 candles in a candlestick in front of each icon
  • green trading candle
  • black prayer canvas
  • handful of small coins
  • small padlock
  • 3 Keys
  • White tablecloth

Cover the table with a tablecloth, put icons in a semicircle. Before each icon there should be a candle in a candlestick. In the center of the design is a trading candle. Light the candles. Let them burn during everything magical action. Immediately, next to the candle for trading, put a change, a lock and keys. These items play a special role in the rite. Lock with keys to magic to return luck to trading, and the ransom coins will go to the Forces that are called to help.

It is necessary to spread a prayer cloth on the floor, stand on its edge, and in prayers ask for the help of the Lord Almighty, the Archangel Michael and the martyr John the New from Ioannina. Then you need to take the lock and keys in your hands. Open the lock and read over it 1 time a strong witch conspiracy so that the goods quickly sell out.

Here is the text of a powerful conspiracy for successful trading:

"Floats on the heavenly river full moon, from the black moon of the new moon to the white moon of the full moon, fast rivers flow through the old man and the newcomer, free waters run, flowing through the market gates. Merchants and sellers are coming, buyers and various miners are hurrying. As the market square is empty by evening, so quickly will my box of goods be empty. The goods in the boxes are not stale, the goods quickly disperse, whoever walks past my counter will leave me with a purchase. The river of money flows fast, the goods soon disperse. Deed and word of my amen. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  1. As you read the words "amen," lock the lock with the key.
  2. Then open the lock and read the text money conspiracy 2 times. On the word "amen" close the lock.
  3. Then open and read the plot 3 times. Close the lock at the word "amen".
  4. Leave the lock and keys on the table.
  5. Don't touch anything else until the candles burn out. When the candles melt, say a prayer of thanksgiving.
  6. At the end of the ceremony, bring this castle and its keys to the market gates.
  7. Throw the lock at one gate, go around the market against the sun, and throw the keys near the other gate.
  8. Scatter the fines there.

This is an independent white rite, a very effective plot for successful trading, to attract wealthy buyers, increase sales, and receive a stable profit.

A conspiracy for good trade is able to improve the state of affairs: to sell stale goods from hand, to establish relations with those who perform audits and checks, to competently organize the structure of the seller - goods - buyer. Market relations involve real art - the right interaction with people, a psychological approach to the buyer, miscalculation of risks and forecasts. But no matter how professional you are in this area, no matter how promising and thoughtful the strategy is, it will collapse if you are not lucky.

Often one has to deal with the injustice of fortune when one seller has an overpriced and low-quality goods active and profitable trade. And the neighboring counter with more interesting products in terms of price-quality ratio is empty. A slow-witted entrepreneur wonders what is the matter, makes discounts, further reducing the cost of goods, raises the already high selection criteria, but the situation does not change. And the point is the usual, but not always attainable luck. To attract and increase it, it is enough to use proven conspiracies for sale.

Remember, work with a conspiracy is carried out on a sober head and with all seriousness. Ridicule and skepticism about the process will not bring results.

For trade

For honest and conscientious sellers, there is a unique trading conspiracy that works for sure and quickly. Take a handful of millet and slowly pour the grits from palm to palm with the words:

Gold-gold, be friends with me, like ice with water, Like a nightingale with spring, like dew with grass! I am not a merchant - a morgash, but a merchant - well done, I sell by honor, I hang in excess, measure with powder, cut with an increase, pour with the remainder. Be in my barn a treasure and harmony, but in everything ergot, without protores, without ruin, Without intoxication and without burnout in all the days and years of my bazaar.


If for some reason you are afraid of magic, use a prayer. Many saints encouraged and patronized trade. St. John the New, Sochavsky is one of them. Get an icon with his image, put it in a secluded place or carry it with you.

It is also recommended to read the daily prayer with the words:

Good nourishing life on earth, sufferer, alms, and frequent prayers, and tears, but having courageously rushed to suffering, you denounced the wickedness of the Persians. The same Church was the affirmation and praise of Christians, John of ever-memorable. I’ll buy the sea floating abyss, from the east you strove to the north, but I called you to God, like Matthew the treasury, you’ll leave it, and you followed Tom with the blood of torment, temporarily atoning for the impenetrable, and You have received the crown, invincible. Amen.

Another prayer to Seraphim of Sarov:

Oh, wonderful Father Seraphim, the great Sarov Wonderworker! Helping everyone who asks you! In the days of Your earthly life, no one left You skinny and inconsolable, It was good to see Your face and hear Your voice. May your gift of healing, insight, weak souls of healing appear. When the Lord called you to heavenly rest from earthly labors, Always honoring and loving You, we believe in Your miracles, multiplying like stars in the sky. At all ends of the earth you appear to people and give them healing. We ask you the same, O God-pleaser. Ask the Lord God for us with Your prayer, which gives strength and blessings necessary in life, useful in spiritual salvation. Protect us from sins and teach us to truly repent, believing in the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, where You now shine in glory, singing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity forever and ever. Amen.

For stale goods

To profitably say goodbye to slow-moving and stale goods, do not reduce the price. Perform a simple ritual: find an anthill in the forest, collect a bunch of it in a jar or rag and sprinkle the stale goods, saying three times

As many ants in that house, as many buyers went to me, God. Amen

A conspiracy will help to sell the “problem” thing quickly and at a loss:

I am a merchant, always well done. We will sell our goods to you. Money - to money. Your money to us, our goods to you. Amen.

Words must also be spoken over the product.

And the last conspiracy to water

Deeds, Lord, thou hast spoken with Your pure lips, as if without me you cannot do anything, my Lord, Lord, by faith the volume of our soul, help me, a sinner, Your servant (name), this our life by trade, in buying, selling, change and everything. You, Master Lord, do it yourself in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Holy angel Michael, in your holy name trade, save, save and bless with your holy prayers the servant of God (name) to start and make a happy and prosperous trade. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then spray the product with charmed water.

For handmade goods

It happens that you need to sell a product made by yourself. And the forces are a pity, and the time spent. A simple but strong plot to sell will effectively help

We will entangle the evil angels of darkness with hemp nets and shackle them! Evil spirit! Whether you come out of wood, or out of water, Or air, whether you are carried by the wind, Are you from the sun or moon, Get away, so you are still an evil spirit! My cross protects me With me God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. In the name of the Holy Trinity, we will confuse the evil spirits

And we will seal with the words of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

You, O God, save and protect with Your merciful cross the roof of my house.

Charm from the evil eye

Often people, without knowing it themselves, can envy and bring the evil eye or damage to trade or a trading place. Someone does it inadvertently, others out of envy of a successful merchant or to get rid of competitors. To protect yourself from this trouble, make a charm from a comb, handkerchief, pin, or other small thing that will not be used for its intended purpose. Talk about the subject

Lord, my God, I am in front of You, I ask you to save me, protect me with a talisman. I ask you to save and protect all the holy army: Ivan the Theologian, Ivan the Long-suffering, Ivan the Headless, Ivan the Baptist, Ivan the Faster, Michael the Archangel, Archangel Gabriel,

Nicholas the Wonderworker, Praskovya the Great Martyr. Faith, Hope, Love and their Mother Sophia. I stand under your shield, which will protect me. In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Another talisman is made from carnelian. Drop it on it drop by drop essential oils cinnamon and orange and say a spell

Carnelian stone, you are dear to everyone’s heart, your face is pleasant to everyone. So make sure that I was (was) sweet (sweet) for money and for prosperity, for generous people, rich and noble. Let them come to me and take the goods from me. Yes there is!

These talismans will not only protect against damage and the evil eye, but will additionally bring good luck and success in business. Carry amulets with you or hide in the place where you carry out transactions or trade.

For a good deal

It often happens that a large product - a car, an apartment or other real estate - does not attract a buyer, despite the favorable price, excellent quality and condition. The fact is that the buyer on a subconscious level is not interested in the item itself, as a material value, but in the energy that it carries from its previous owner. Therefore, before making an important transaction for you or selling any large and expensive thing, read over any paper document that will be needed during negotiations, a strong conspiracy to sell

Gold-gold, pour down to me, Like peas in the bins, Like barley on the threshing floor, Like rye on the current! Gold-gold, Stick to my hands, Like flies to honey, butterflies to the light, Grass to the sun! Gold-gold, Rip into my pockets Without calculation and account. Without end, without measure! Gold-gold, Be by my side, Like ice with water, Like a nightingale with spring. I am not a merchant, but a stately merchant. I sell in parts, I receive in excess, I measure, adding, cutting, adding Lew, Let there be treasure and harmony in my barn, So that everything can be argued, Not out of the way, without ruin, Without intoxication, burnout, on any day of my market. Amen".

These words will imbue the object of sale strong energy potential and help you with maximum benefit make a deal.

To eliminate competitors

In trade, as in no other business, the issue of rivalry is very acute. Not all people are ready to act according to their conscience. Slander is the softest thing you can get off with. Competitors do not disdain even stronger methods - intrigues, slander, up to inducing the strongest damage. Be far-sighted and enterprising so that you do not have to regret and repent of stupidity in the face of a suddenly collapsed wealth.

An excellent conspiracy from the machinations of ill-wishers is the following:

I go out into a wide courtyard, I look along all the roads and crossroads, I see clear stars from earth to sky. You tangled paths will delay my competitors. You bright stars dim your sky-bright light. So that without your light, my competitors would not have a move or a pass. To be deaf and dumb.

It can be spoken weekly. Loudly, thoughtfully and with faith.

If you suspect an evil eye, prepare the charmed water and spray it with a trading place every month. This must be done on a full moon. If there are flowers in the room, water them with this water as well. Conspiracy text:

Lessons, prizes, mowing, cinnamon, Evil person speeches, cleaner eyes, Marmot, marmot, marmot, From the evil eye of the female, from the male. Mother Friday, a peasant family, Take this evil eye: From walls, from windows, from doors, degrees, From me, from my deeds, from my speeches, From my clear eyes, From blood, from relatives, from my head, from my back, From things, from a purse, from gold, from silver, From windy, sham, from the evil eye. As my mother gave birth to me, Boroditsa blessed me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.


An equally important role in successful trading is played by emotional condition the merchant himself. If you are dishonest and greedy with customers, overweight or cheat, then harmonious and productive trading will not work. The forces of conspiracies for a good sale are effective and effective only in the case of a harmonious and benevolent attitude of the merchant towards his buyer. Be polite and try to help, even if you don't see yourself treated the same way. Bad attitude can be the machinations of ill-wishers and is aimed at destroying the protection of your biofield, and, accordingly, your business.

The attitude and focus on success and successful trading is very important. When asked about the state of affairs, the progress of trade, never complain or come down, even if things are really bad. There is no need to reveal all the ins and outs either. Do not stain a person's aura with your negativity and problems, but do not brag either. In order not to dodge, learn playfully positive phrases like “Enough for bread and butter” or “Slowly, slowly.” Remember that the glass is half full.

If there are more and more problems, and losses are covered with your head, do not despair. To professionally solve the problem - to produce energy cleansing, establish a strong and unbreakable defense on your case and attract powerful force success, contact a specialist.

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In the layman's view, the use of magic is associated mainly with love, hatred and other passions. However, in reality, magic is often used not only to bewitch someone or take revenge on someone, but also to solve quite practical material issues.

A conspiracy to trade is one of such rites of white magic. It helps to improve the turnover in the store or in the market in general, or to successfully complete some specific, especially important transaction that promises to bring you big profits.

Features of the rites

Like any other rites, trade conspiracies have their own characteristics. For the successful implementation of the rites, they must be taken into account. Rituals for trading are best performed in the morning or daytime, and it should be remembered that it is imperative to do this before sunset. At the same time, trade conspiracies are effective only during the growing moon.

Optimal days for ceremonies on successful trading are Wednesday and Saturday. There are also many conspiracies that you need to read immediately before the transaction. This will provide her with the most favorable conditions in terms of receiving money. Whatever love spell for trade is carried out, the main factor in its success is faith in magic.

simple rituals

Simple rituals for trading are very much in demand. They allow you to quickly improve your financial affairs with ease of execution. Surely you will find acquaintances whose business did not bring profit and, in the end, went bankrupt, although they put all their strength and soul into it. At the same time, there will be those whose trade is flourishing, although they made no more effort than the first. Usually they themselves attribute their success to their business talent, the right choice direction, good timing, etc. In fact, the success of many of them is due to the use of magic.

Using the first proceeds

The simplest conspiracy to trade is carried out with the help of money received from the first thing sold in a day. After the buyer leaves, you need to fan all the goods with the money received from him.

At the same time, touching them to every thing and saying:

“What I touch with the proceeds, I promise to sell today.
One merchant bought, enriched me,
The second one is already underway, it will bring a lot of money.

water incantation

And here, for example, is another conspiracy to trade. It can be done if, on a new moon, put a glass of water near the window, through which the crescent of the young moon is visible.

Over this water, say:

"The moon will charge the water, bestow its power."

In the morning, take and bring the charmed water to your store or outlet and sprinkle the goods with it.

While repeating the words:

“The moon will go up - my trade will grow,
It will rise many times and never fall.
An honest person will go for my goods, he will willingly carry the money.

If performed correctly and you have at least minimal magical abilities, this rite will help you increase turnover and increase profits. The above plot to trade is aimed at improving trade in general.

For a big deal

If a certain big deal is very important to you and you want to use magic to increase the chances of its successful completion, then you will need another conspiracy. It can be used if the negotiations take place in your premises or where you have access.

Grasp the back of one of the chairs or armchairs and say:

“Whoever finds himself on this chair will agree with me in everything.
Will not be stubborn, the word "no" will be forgotten.
Our contract will wave, it will bring good profits.

Later, during negotiations, offer your partner this particular chair. When discussing the terms of the deal, you will notice that he has become much more accommodating. It is important not to mix up the chairs. If you yourself mistakenly sit on a charmed chair, you can imperceptibly and unexpectedly agree to many conditions that are convenient for him, and not for you.

If you are engaged in trading at a professional level, then you simply cannot do without magic. It is necessary to periodically conduct special rituals in order to maintain the attractiveness of the product in the eyes of buyers.

For a successful trading business

Using a special ceremony, you can establish a successful workflow, attract customers and increase profits from the sale of goods. For the ritual you will need a new rag. She needs to brush off the dust from the working counters and utter the magic words.

They sound like this:

“Dashingly poor and unsaleable, bypass me, the Servant of God ( given name) and not only don’t touch me, but don’t approach my goods either. Go away through the dense forest, through deep water, then into the marshy swamp. Wherever you are, do not call me to you, be friends with good cancer and always lie under a snag. And I will not know poverty, and my goods will not be stale. I send poverty and poverty to distant lands, with a magic rag I sweep away all failures, bad luck, and misfortunes forever. My word is strong and strong. As she said, it will happen. Amen".

The rag should be hidden and periodically, when you feel that things in the trading business have worsened, you should wipe the counters with it. There is no need to say anything during this process.

With salt

As you know, salt is used in many magical rites and trade conspiracies are no exception. This natural attribute will help to successfully establish the trading process if the ceremony is performed in the first months after the start of trading activities. The charmed salt will help create the necessary energy around the goods being sold.

The rite with salt is recommended to be performed seven days in a row on the way to work. Every time you leave the house, you need to take a harvest of salt with you. Before reaching a few tens of meters to the workplace, salt must be thrown over the left shoulder.

“For a successful trade, I pronounce magic words, the Servant of God (proper name), I speak salt with them! Where magic salt falls, profitable clients will come to me that way! All of them will like my product and none of them will leave without a purchase, everyone will be satisfied. Amen!"

The field of how the salt will be thrown out and the words spoken, you need to go further to work without looking back. The results of such a ceremony become noticeable almost immediately, and the sale of goods in the store will increase significantly.

As you know, in the trading business, competition is always very high. Moreover, honest methods are not always used to fight. The envy of competitors is also dangerous, since such an impact can upset the energy balance and scare off buyers at a subconscious level.

In this regard, if you suspect that failures in the trading business are associated with the envy of competitors, special rites should be performed in order to put reliable protection from external negativity. The conspiracies used in such rituals are very effective, so trade is established in a very short time.

Strong option

For strong rite you need to prepare in advance:

  • Handkerchief;
  • English pin;
  • Crest.

These attributes should be new and you should not use them for their intended purpose in the future. Secluded in separate room, cooked things should be put in front of you.

“I appeal to you, Lord Almighty, I, the Servant of God (proper name). I bow before you and trust in you. I ask you to put protection around me from the envy of enemies, to protect me from an evil eye. I ask, all your heavenly army, to protect me from all evil spirits. I will rise, the Servant of God (proper name) under protection heavenly powers, angels and archangels and kneel before the Lord God. Protect me and protect me, and I will glorify you. Amen".

Conspired things should always be carried with you and not given to anyone and not used for their intended purpose. Moreover, the pin does not need to be pinned to clothes, it is better to just carry it in your purse.

It often happens that when a business is successful, competitors can jinx the profits. This will result in the item not being sold at favorable prices leading to lower income.

During the waning moon, you need to turn your face to the east side and say these words:

“I, the Servant of God (proper name), will go out into the clean wide field I will bow my knees and pray to the Lord God. There are three roads on the way, the holy Apostle goes along them. No evil approaches him, nor does human envy touch his body or face. He is free in his deeds and words, he goes on a straight path and knows no obstacles on his way. So let the unkind glance of the human touch neither my business nor my money. So that my enemies do not yell and gasp at my product, and do not praise it with an unkind feeling in their souls. So that they, my competitors, do not judge or discuss me. As a holy Apostle, endowed with holy power, Lord Most High, grant me three powers to protect me from all sides. One force to always walk next to me, another to pave the way for me, and a third to cover me from behind. Amen".

For the sale of stale goods

You should know that with the help of magic, you can sell the most non-trading goods that are stale in a warehouse or on a counter. To improve trading, use effective ritual for sale stale goods which is carried out in the forest. There you should find a large anthill. From it you need to scoop up a little needles from which it is built, but at the same time you need to try not to damage the dwelling of insects much. Such natural material you need to put it in a bag and bring it to the place where the stale goods are stored.

Needles from an anthill should be sprinkled with goods, saying the following magic words:

“How many ants I brought here from the forest, so send me, the Servant of God (proper name), Lord God, so many buyers. Let them need my product, and they will be satisfied with it. Amen".

Goods sprinkled with needles from the forest should lie down all night. The next morning it needs to be shaken up and put up for sale. Most likely, much will be realized on the same day.

Morning ritual for income

If trading is your main activity and provides you with income that allows you to decent life, then you need to say a conspiracy every day, leaving for work.

The magic words sound like this:

“Send me Saint Nicholas the Pleasant trade profitable and successful. Amen".

It is very important to remember that luck will turn to you when you conduct an honest business and treat your competitors kindly. Otherwise, there may be unpleasant consequences.

It happens that the seller's prices are low, the goods are good, but the counter is empty. And next to a neighbor with the same product, there is no end to buyers. An unlucky businessman wonders why, with all the discounts, he is not trading. The fact is that it is important not only the quality and price of the goods, but also luck. A conspiracy to trade and prayer can restore your self-confidence and success in business.

For those who work honestly, conscientiously, there are special conspiracies, the help of which is very strong. . The ceremony is performed in clothes yellow color. Pick up millet in your hands and, pouring from handful to handful, read the plot:

Gold-gold, be friends with me, like ice with water,
Like a nightingale with spring, like dew with grass!
I'm not a merchant - a morgash, but a merchant - well done, I sell by honor,
I hang in excess, measure with powder, cut with an increase, pour with the remainder.
Be in my barn a treasure and a harmony, but ergot in everything, without archers, without ruin,
Without intoxication and without burnout in all the days and years of my bazaar.
Take care of the merchant's conscientiousness, and fate will be favorable to your business.

Many saints and even Nikolai Ugodnik favor those who are engaged in sales. Daily prayer to St. John the New, Sochavsky, will support the soul and strengthen faith in good trade.

Good nourishing life on earth, sufferer, alms, and frequent prayers, and tears, but having courageously rushed to suffering, you denounced the wickedness of the Persians. The same Church was the affirmation and praise of Christians, John of ever-memorable. I’ll buy the sea floating abyss, from the east you strove to the north, but I called you to God, like Matthew the treasury, you’ll leave it, and you followed Tom with the blood of torment, temporarily atoning for the impenetrable, and You have received the crown, invincible.

How to revive sales

The decline in trade sometimes drags on for long term. In order for things to go smoothly again, a strong conspiracy to trade is needed. Pour into a cup of water. Splash water in a cup with a gilded spoon and read the plot:

The oak is strong, the spirit is strong, the faith is strong. Amulet-water, wash away the bad, give dear. Now, forever and forever and ever. Amen

Pour a spoonful of water on both hands and do not wipe them, let them dry themselves.

Full moon spells are effective. Go out at midnight to the yard. Hold a handful of the smallest coins in your hand. Turning to the moon, say a conspiracy:

Moon, moon, how full you are, so full I will be.
Come, money, to my hands every day, every hour, every minute.
I give what is bad, I take what is dear. Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Scatter coins like a fan around you and go home. Put a bowl of water by the window looking at the moon and wash your face. Then read the plot:

“I washed away the failure, received God's help. Evil in my life disappears, good comes. Amen"

Rituals before buying

Going to purchases, every merchant hopes to find a product that would immediately sell. There is a conspiracy for trade and purchases, which will help you choose the best of the best and not lose the price. Having brought a new product to the store, fold it separately from the old one, read the conspiracy for good luck in trading:

“I baptize goods, I baptize for sale! So that you can see your product as a reflection in a mirror, So prettier and the client likes it! So that the first one who comes - buys, the second - buys, the last one also buys! And no one left me without a purchase!”

During the ritual, hold a mirror in your right hand, pointing at the goods. After that, put the mirror next to the cash register. Conspiracy for profit quickly gives results.

Attracting buyers

So that people do not run past the store and leave without a purchase, you need to push the sales process a little with conspiracies. A conspiracy for good trading is common among sellers, read in the morning, before a working day:

"I'm going to trade! Good young man to meet!
A good fellow will come and take my goods!
No loss, profit, on the threshold!
God will help me in this!”

Few people remember the spells and conspiracies that have been going on since ancient times, but they exist and are very effective. Here is one of them, very strong:

“Dashingly poor, famously unsaleable, don’t touch me, don’t touch my goods! Get away from me, get away from here along the water, through the forest, through the swamp, Don't call me with you, take the dead cancer and lie under the snag. So that I don’t know poverty, my goods don’t stale, I send poverty and poverty away, I sweep away all misfortunes and failures with a rag! Power, water, language. Amen!"

While reading the plot, brush off the dust from the windows with an old rag. After three rituals, throw the rag into a dirty pond, you can into a deep puddle.

lucky days

In trading day to day is not necessary. But it happens that on some day good earnings necessary. And it is very important that customers buy more willingly and do not find fault with the price. A conspiracy for good trading, carried out in the morning, will help with this:

  • For salt. Take a pinch of salt in your right hand and turn your back to the sales counter. You must be alone in the room in order to loudly pronounce a conspiracy for profit: “Pedestrians, come here; Here you have a place, food and water. For me - money, for you - goods " Then throw salt on the goods with your right hand over your left shoulder.
  • For change, it's better if it's a nickel. Put the change in the money box and say: “Give me a treasure from a penny. As my mother gave birth to me, swaddled me in the first diaper, So you also bring a big treasure to me! Amen!"
  • If trading on this day is successful, do not spend a trifle, but leave " for divorce».
  • On a scarf. Wipe your face with a handkerchief, standing facing the product, reading the plot: “I give tribute to trade roads. How can you send me my sweat! So that trade goes uphill, customers go in crowds, Yes, they buy everything, they do not spare money, they do not leave without purchases. Amen!". Carry a handkerchief with you all day.

To keep competitors out of the way

Nowhere is the rivalry more intense than in trading. In the world of money, many can't hold back worst side of his character. They secretly intrigue, slander a competitor, slander, spoil. How to protect yourself from negative impact detractors? We need a conspiracy for successful trading and getting rid of the intrigues of competitors:

“I go out into a wide courtyard, I look along all the roads and crossroads, I see clear stars from earth to sky. You tangled paths will delay my competitors. You bright stars dim your sky-bright light. So that without your light, my competitors would not have a move or a pass. To be deaf and dumb"

Protect from inspections and fines

Audits and trade checks do not cause pleasant emotions. Firstly, the arrival of the commission means the closure of the outlet and downtime. Secondly, even a law-abiding entrepreneur can always find a defect punishable by a fine. On the day when the inspector may come, read the plot for a successful trade:

“In the name of God Jesus Christ. The stars in the sky dress up, they are reflected in the Jordan River. As no one has ever counted the stars, never removed from the sky of God, so that my luck would not be taken away, and not taken away, and not cursed with any word. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Good luck will come to the worthy

In order for all prayers and conspiracies for trade to have an effect, one must live according to conscience. Do not devour yourself with envy, anger and hatred for people. God will give joy to work and life to those who do not profit from people, but help them.