To be continued. Second day of the wedding. What to do if the hangover is already the second day

Hello, hello, friends... Sasha is on the air. For a long time I did not hold any contests on my blog and today I thought that I need to fix this and now I want to announce the start of two at once!

  1. The return of the "Best Commentator". Let's rename it to "The most active "writer""
  2. And the second - "Catch the riddle"

I don’t think it’s necessary to write especially, because this is a well-known contest that many readers, and the blog owners themselves, love. But you need to check it out!

  1. 222 rubles
  2. 111 rubles
  3. 77 rubles

But I’ll write about the second one in more detail ... This is children's competition for adults)

Competition: Catch the riddle

Somehow, before the new year, I held a mini-competition "", it was interesting, but for someone it was profitable! “Catch the riddle” is something similar, but different) In general, it will be interesting.

The essence of the competition, rules and prizes

You will need to stretch your brain a little. I myself really love all kinds of riddles and puzzles and therefore I would take part in solving, but it’s somehow boring for myself to guess riddles)

  1. In each article I will publish a riddle (question, rebus, task, etc.).
  2. Your goal is to be the first to give the correct answer in the comments. Everything is simple!)
  3. For each correct answer you get a prize - 30 rubles. on the poison, kiwi or mob. tel. (I don't use WebMoney for the time being!) + bonus
  4. The competition will last until the new year!


The one who guesses the most riddles will receive double the cash prizez! + another interesting gift!

By the way, the first riddle is already in front of you! I think you noticed it) Yes, that's right, it's in the title!

Waiting for answers...

You can follow the winners...

In touch, Sasha Bogdanova

If we consider sexual life during menstruation from an aesthetic point of view, then such actions of a sexual nature can hardly be called correct. But many couples do not hesitate to have sex in given period. Moreover, some young people look forward to menstruation. After all, they want to enjoy unprotected intercourse, believing that getting pregnant during menstruation is unrealistic. Is this so and is it possible to hope that pregnancy will not occur if partners make love without protection during menstruation or immediately after them, we will now figure it out.

Sex and menstruation: is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation

Before we start discussing whether it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation, let's think about how it is generally considered correct to have sex on the days when menstruation begins. So with medical point the view of having sex when menstruation is coming is unacceptable, even if you do not forget about contraception.

A girl should not have sex with a man during her period if she does not want to undergo surgical treatment. The fact is that the entry of the penis into the vagina can lead to reflux. What is this strange word? Reflux is nothing more than the flow of the contents of hollow organs in the opposite direction compared to its natural movement. Reflux usually involves two or even three organs. From one organ there is a throw, into the second - a certain refluxate enters. What kind of reflux occurs in women in reproductive organs when they have sex during their period? Here we are talking about the reflux of menstrual blood coming from the uterus through the tubes into abdominal cavity.

It is very dangerous that reflux leads to the development of external endometriosis, which is characterized by the growth of the inner layer of the walls of the uterus beyond its limits. At healthy woman during the menstrual cycle, the surface tissue of this layer (endometrium) is excreted with blood from the uterus when the egg is not fertilized. But if blood is thrown into the abdominal cavity, the rejected endometrial cells begin to graft, and after that they grow. Women begin to worry about pain, including during intercourse and emptying, which can be chronic, intensify menstrual bleeding.

If earlier you were in contact with a partner during your period in order to enjoy unprotected intercourse and not get pregnant, then in the future you may not be afraid at all to conceive a child through negligence. Why? Endometriosis caused by reflux often leads to infertility. Treating endometriosis, which arose only because you were once puzzled by the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation, and decided to experiment, is often necessary in an operative way.

sex life during menstruation can also lead to inflammatory diseases. Indeed, in the blood, microorganisms that are contained in the female secretions and sperm of her partner feel great and develop. These microorganisms can enter the uterus through its cervix, which opens slightly when menstruation occurs. In addition, the epithelium of the cervix at this time is very loose, which contributes to better penetration of the infection. And if during such a period those fluids, substances that were there before (but not when menstruation was going on) enter the woman’s body, in the absence of natural physiological protective barriers, everything that should not be in the uterus can easily get to it.

As we can see, even if a woman does not get pregnant while having sex during her period, she can pay for the pleasure with a loss of health. It turns out that playing such dangerous games not worth it. Did it make sense in the first place? Answer this question not difficult. It is enough to find out whether it is really possible to get pregnant during menstruation.

Experts argue that statements like “getting pregnant during menstruation is impossible” is a myth. As well as the fact that ladies can be allowed to act without a condom two days before menstruation and the same amount after it. Firstly, ovulation can be shifted, while the maturation of the egg occurs earlier or later. due date. Secondly, spermatozoa placed in the body of a partner during intercourse on “safe days” are able to maintain their viability for seven days.

Despite all that has been said, many women believe that it is still possible to calculate the days on which coitus without protection is not able to cause pregnancy. True, such a peculiar method of contraception as having sex during menstruation is usually practiced by those ladies who have menstrual cycle regular.

Also, sex during menstruation can lead to pregnancy if a woman has two eggs in one cycle. Usually in this case, maturation occurs with a small interval. A significant risk of pregnancy also occurs when partners become close without protection during prolonged or too short periods, which indicate a menstrual cycle failure.

There is always a risk of conceiving during menstruation, but some fearless and optimistic women decide to do it anyway. love affairs on the first day of heavy menstruation. After all, these days should add up pretty unfavourable conditions for the survival of most spermatozoa.

Is it possible to get pregnant after two days of menstruation

It is possible to get pregnant after two days of menstruation, as well as after three to five. At the same time, such cases are not something surprising and in medical practice they happen quite often. So do not consider making love during your period if pregnancy is not desired.

If you, not knowing whether it is possible to get pregnant after two days of menstruation, decided to take a chance and try your luck, then in the absence of a result (fertilization), you should not expect that this will always be the case. After all, the slightest violation of the menstrual cycle can dramatically affect the outcome of the situation. You can get pregnant after two days of menstruation and more, as already mentioned, with the maturation of two eggs. And if there was a rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium and there were regulations, due to the non-fertilization of the first gamete, then when you have sexual intercourse without using contraception after the onset of menstruation, the second released egg can be fertilized.

It is very easy to get pregnant during menstruation for girls with early ovulation, which arose not in the middle of the cycle. It can be provoked by stress, illness, diet, etc. Therefore, if you had sex on the second day of menstruation, and the ripened new egg came out earlier than usual (for example, on the sixth day), then the spermatozoa that were waiting for their finest hour are able to fertilize it. Based on the foregoing, the method of calendar contraception is not reliable. And even "safe days" in healthy girls with late ovulation in the next cycle, they may turn out to be the most "stray", that is, fertile.

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation

A number of doctors claim that the probability of getting pregnant immediately after menstruation is about two percent. Is it true? Let's figure it out.

So, a woman can become pregnant if she ovulates in her cycle. In a woman with a normal (without deviations) and regular menstrual cycle of 28 days, the release of the egg should occur on the 14th day from the start of menstruation. The egg cell lives no more than two days, but most often - only one day. The sperm that entered the genital tract lives an average of 72 hours. But there are cases when his vital activity does not fade away for seven, and sometimes even 11 days.

Having made simple calculations, experts, based on the data presented, argue that the most dangerous days for women with a regular regular cycle will be its middle and plus / minus five, or even six days in this area. If unprotected intercourse happens on these days, the chances of getting pregnant are very high. The closer sexual intercourse occurred to the very end of menstruation or close to their beginning, the less likely it is to conceive a child.

It turns out that it is impossible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation? This is wrong. We discussed "safe days" for girls with a normal cycle, but a woman's body does not always function like a working clock. By different reasons the menstrual cycle may be interrupted. With such failures, the method of calendar contraception does not work. It turns out that those women who have had early ovulation can become pregnant immediately after menstruation. And this early ovulation is not so rare. It occurs in more than two percent of women. After asking someone if it is possible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation and having received standard information about “safe days” after menstruation, do not rush to relax, because, perhaps, early ovulation will come to you this month.

Attention: to minimize the possibility of getting pregnant immediately after your period, you need to find out if you are anticipating early ovulation. To determine the day of release of the egg, use special test for ovulation. It should be asked at the pharmacy.

Many girls after intercourse that occurred immediately after the end of menstruation do not conceive on this day new life. But this does not mean that the spermatozoa that enter the body of the ladies on “safe days” will not fertilize the egg, which will be released over time. That is, it turns out that you have sex on those very “safe days” (immediately after menstruation), but due to the special vitality of spermatozoa, you can become pregnant even after a week and a half.

Is it possible to get pregnant on the first day after menstruation

There are couples who do not want to use the most common methods of contraception. Condoms are usually not favored by men, who often lose their temper while putting them on. Women are afraid to go to the doctor to put a uterine cap on them. Also, ladies do not want to use special pastes, drink combined oral contraceptives. Not everyone knows about the existence of femidoms - female condoms that reliably protect both from unplanned pregnancy as well as STDs. Adult couples often resort to natural methods contraception. Usually women identify "dangerous days" and do not have sex during this time. Many also practice coitus interruptus.

If cases of pregnancy during coitus interruptus are rare, then calendar method determining the fertile period of a woman fails much more often. Although most girls believe in him unconditionally. And if someone asks them if it is possible to get pregnant on the first day after menstruation, the ladies will unanimously say that this is really impossible. Those who are sure of this most likely have a regular menstrual cycle and have not heard anything about early ovulation. It is she who becomes the reason why women who practice the calendar method of contraception become pregnant on the first day after menstruation. If you still like natural contraceptive methods, then at least use a few of them. This approach will allow not only to determine the "dangerous days", but also the day of ovulation.

Is it possible to get pregnant after menstruation on the second day

If you carefully read the article, then there is no particular need to answer the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant after menstruation on the second day. After all, the answer, as before, will be positive. You can get pregnant immediately after menstruation, on the first, second day of the end of menstruation, and, in fact, on any day - even when our regulations are in full swing.

So, you can get pregnant after menstruation on the second day if the menstrual cycle is disturbed, as a result of which the release of the egg happened too early, and you, believing that these days cannot be fertile and lead to conception, have unprotected sex. Since you dear girls, realized that everything is possible, and even a proven calendar method of contraception is not able to protect one hundred percent from unwanted pregnancy, then at least master the cervical or temperature method, and preferably both at once.

Is it possible to get pregnant after menstruation on the third day

Often people believe that if someone said that this and that cannot be done, then all other actions are no longer forbidden. In most cases, this theory is incorrect. Therefore, if we said that you cannot rely completely on one method of natural contraception, otherwise you can get pregnant at the very " safe time"- during menstruation and immediately a few days after them, then you must understand that the same may well happen on the third day after the end of menstruation. Who can't wait to get a direct answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant after menstruation on the third day, we will answer three times "yes".

Therefore, if you want to have sex without consequences and do not want to resort to hormonal contraception, barrier, chemical and surgical methods, the use of intrauterine devices, then at least calculate the days of ovulation. And, please, use for this not only the calendar method, as it turned out, often does not justify itself, but also the symptothermal one. It consists of thermal and cervical methods of contraception.

The temperature method is based on measuring basal temperature, as well as maintaining graphs. Because on the day of ovulation basal body temperature increases in women, then using the temperature method of contraception, you can check if your egg is going to leave the follicle on the third day after menstruation.

Using the cervical method, you will not have to monitor the temperature - here you will need to watch the cervical mucus. IN bad days for conception, the mucus is very thick, lumpy, while closer to ovulation it looks like a fluid, transparent mass. On the most "dangerous days" mucus becomes too viscous.

So, if you do not plan to get pregnant, having sex after your period, be sure to use not only the calendar, but also look at the discharge, and also measure the temperature. In general, even one symptothermal method without a calendar method is as reliable as hormonal contraception.

Remember that you can accidentally get pregnant on any day of the week if you do not know all the intricacies of determining ovulation.

Everyone knows that alcohol has a very strong effect on a person. At the same time, its use is already considered the norm. It is an integral part of every fun pastime.

And some do not part with it even on a weekday, when there are no holidays, and consider it an excellent relaxing tool. Yes, if you drink alcohol in small quantities, then unpleasant symptoms after it you can avoid, and you won’t notice them at all.

But on big holidays you will most likely drink more than usual. Then trouble is inevitable.

Each person goes through the stages of intoxication and the subsequent hangover in different ways. And after a stormy feast with a lot of alcohol, the majority of the next day there is a deterioration and a depressed mood. This is what a hangover is. It can be very strong and long, and sometimes it may not be at all.

Young people often have a hangover that lasts only a few hours, a maximum of one to two days. But we all grow old, time passes, and the body has to spend more strength to restore the work of organs after the next holiday.

We have a very loyal, understanding attitude towards the consequences of an alcoholic feast. Everyone is trying to help the poor fellow who has suffered such a nuisance.

And even the most experienced people in terms of drinking occasionally happen that the hangover lasts two to three days. In this case, many begin to panic, but this should not be done, it is better to calmly understand the causes and eliminate this given ailment so that it does not pass to the second day.

hangover symptoms

A person the day after drinking alcohol has the following symptoms: headache and dizziness, dehydration, nausea and vomiting, a general loss of body strength or a broken state.

In alcoholics who constantly drink alcohol, two more points are added to these points - muscle cramps and a state of increased anxiety.

Sometimes it can drag on for several days, then you should look closely for the causes of this condition.

What causes a long hangover?

A hangover that lasts two or more days is called a long hangover. This may be a signal that the liver needs to be examined. And this despite the fact that the liver is the most resistant organ in the human body and it is very difficult to get it out of working condition.

It so happens that the cause of a hangover is precisely in it and it is worth immediately consulting a doctor. This is only if you have already noticed this several times.

If the problem is really in the liver, then you should stop drinking alcohol, even in small quantities.

The liver is vital important organ and do not joke with him, as well as endanger your own life.

Also among the causes of a hangover on the second or third day is low-quality alcohol, or excessive use of it.

Firstly, you should pay attention in the future to the amount of alcohol you drink, and how it affects your condition.

Secondly, you should not take cheap alcohol from unverified sources. Most often, the alcohol that is used in it is obtained by chemical distillation. It is very dangerous, as it contains many impurities, including.

Next reason also lies directly in the alcohol itself. The composition may include various hazardous oils, additives, flavors and dyes.

All the toxins from these substances accumulate in the liver during the period of drinking, and then they make it fight twice as hard, not only with alcohol itself, but also with additives to it. Do not drink alcohol along with sugar.

It is believed that this combination is very useful and speeds up the recovery process of the body. But it's not. Sugar, together with alcohol, is absorbed in the liver, while accumulating substances in the body that further provoke pancreatitis.

Another reason for prolonged malaise is that your body does not tolerate alcohol well. This occurs in slightly more than 15% of people. Since this item refers to genetic factors in the reaction to alcohol-containing products, you should consider that it should be taken only in very small doses.

Smoking is also one of the causes of a long hangover. Nicotine increases intoxication and makes it more difficult to get out of it later.

Since nicotine is a stimulant nervous system, and alcohol is its suppressor, there is a cross-effect, so intoxication increases. It is also very serious as such reactions in the body can cause a stroke and subsequent death.

So, now you know what causes a hangover on the second and subsequent days. Now you need to know how to prevent this unpleasant situation.

Remember that alcohol has a devastating effect on the body and recovery after it requires several days of detoxification and very high costs from the organs and the whole organism as a whole.

What not to do when hungover?

To begin with, it should be said that it is better not to do it. Many people are accustomed to the adage "knock out a wedge with a wedge," and therefore begin to get drunk in the morning after the previous alcohol party.

It is believed that if it is bad from alcohol, then you need to drink a little more and then it will become easier. Yes, there is such an effect, but it is temporary, and after the release of alcohol, you have a severe headache about it.

Also, you can not go to the bath, sauna or take a hot bath. Sports activities are also better to cancel. All these actions provoke a load on the heart and dehydrate the body, since all the remains of precious moisture come out with sweat.

There is bad news for smokers too. On the day of a hangover, it is better to do without cigarettes, as they also greatly accelerate the heart muscle. But if you can't go a day without nicotine, buy a nicotine patch or spray.

Do not drink hot tea and coffee, as they provoke fermentation in the stomach, which can cause prolonged poisoning or vomiting.

What needs to be done to really improve the condition of the body?

To really improve your own condition, it is best to drink water. However, not in large quantities at once. It is better to drink gradually and in small sips. You can also drink mineral water without gas, compotes and juices, naturally natural, and brine. They have a very positive effect on the body and restore water balance.

To intoxicate the body, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids during the day so that the blood also becomes liquid.

Sleep soundly - exactly this The best decision per day after the alcohol party. You need to get enough sleep so that there is no drowsiness. Then the body will remove most of the toxins on its own.

You can also take a slightly cool shower. It will remove from the surface of your skin all the toxins that were released with sweat during sleep. A clean skin absorbs more oxygen, and therefore the ailment will pass faster. In addition, a cold shower will help expand congested blood vessels, which will ensure proper blood flow to organs throughout the body.

You can also use some of the medicines that are in your first aid kit. You can take some pills activated carbon. It quickly enters the stomach and begins to work, neutralizing the effect of alcohol.

Aspirin will help with a headache, but this is provided that you have a healthy and strong stomach. A magnesium tablet will calm the heart muscle and yourself.

A walk in the fresh air or just a ventilated room will help you get enough oxygen and feel much lighter.

What folk remedies help with a hangover?

You can eat two cardamom or cumin seeds three times a day. Milk thistle, rosemary, dandelion, and peppermint herbal teas also work well.

What to do if the hangover does not go away on the second day?

If you feel bad for two - three days after drinking alcohol, this indicates that not everything is in order with your liver and you need to contact a specialist. It is likely that she is having a very hard time coping with so much alcohol and you may need a medicated drip.

Firstly, you should either completely stop drinking alcohol, or reduce it to reasonable amounts at which you can be conscious and control yourself.

Alcohol gives a dubious effect of relaxation and emancipation, but it only says that most likely you do not know how to have fun, the future is healthy and of a sober mind.

Of course, this advice will not be taken seriously by many, and only when you feel a hangover on the second or third day, you can think about it.

Secondly, a hangover is not always pleasant, if not completely unpleasant, when you have an important event or just work that day. You will feel overwhelmed and depressed, which will prevent you from concentrating on current affairs.

You can quickly reanimate the body after an alcoholic feast using the recommendations above. But still, one of the main tips - try not to abuse alcohol much before important days. Then the holiday will be a joy to you, and a hangover will not come at all!

According to ancient Russian traditions, the wedding celebration lasted at least three days, and often more. The holding of all events throughout the long celebration was clearly predetermined, those present knew the procedure. Modern newlyweds have moved away from the traditional long celebration with the performance of all rites, but the second day of the wedding is usually celebrated if there is no scheduled departure for Honeymoon immediately after marriage. A few ideas on how interesting it is to spend the next day after a large-scale banquet will be described below.

The second day of the wedding - where and how to celebrate?

The idea of ​​celebrating the second day after the wedding depends on the preferences and wishes of the young couple. It can be modest gatherings with relatives and closest friends or a continuation of a rich wedding feast. Much depends on where the wedding was held, whether the guests had the opportunity to stay or the majority went home. Often, newly-married couples celebrate the birth of a family on the territory of an estate, hotel or camp site, so everyone present manages to sit comfortably, and the next day the wedding continues.

keep celebrating next day weddings are a matter of personal choice for young people, but continuing to get married has its benefits. Tired of the official part, the newlyweds can properly relax, change outfits to simpler and more comfortable ones and have plenty of fun, dance, because the bride and groom, as a rule, behave with restraint, accepting endless congratulations and parting words. There is always a chance that someone close to you will not be able to escape from work or get tickets for the right date - in this case, holding the second day will be a salvation.

Where is it better to organize: in a cafe, at home or in nature?

Surely the newlyweds, together with their parents, invested a considerable amount to organize luxury wedding, so the next day can be spent more modestly without investing large Money. Choosing where to mark the beginning life together the next day, depends weather conditions, the number of guests and the wishes of the young spouses. Venue options for the second wedding day:

  • Outdoors. Fresh air, good weather, fragrant food is a great option for lovers of real relaxation. After sumptuous feast the guests must be tired, so quiet pastime in an open place can cheer them up and give strength. The option of continuing the wedding in nature is preferable for hot weather, but even in summer it is better for newlyweds to book a tent or awning just in case: what if it starts to rain? Newlyweds can rent a ship and organize a small feast on the open deck.
  • In a cafe or restaurant. This option is ideal for the cold winter season, if you don’t want to organize a table on your own, decorate the venue. When celebrating a wedding, spouses can invite their closest people to a cafe with their favorite cuisine to dine together, discuss last news, spend a few interesting games, competitions, tell your impressions about the past event. Such an evening will pass easily, naturally, the main thing is not to forget the camera, with the help of which memorable pictures will remain.

  • At home. The organization of the next day of the wedding takes place in home environment if the young are tired of the noisy feast, loud music and a large number of guests. In this case, the table will be decorated with self-cooked dishes, the room will be decorated simply but tastefully, and only the closest people will be present. The advantages of spending the second day at home: it is comfort, the opportunity to completely relax, light homemade food and sincere conversations.

Holiday menu description

After the wedding, there are usually kilograms of half-eaten delicious meals, however, do not regale guests with yesterday's food. The menu of the second day should be light, hearty and tasty, because most of those present are probably experiencing the consequences of a stormy drinking party. alcoholic beverages. Too fatty, spicy foods should be avoided, giving preference to vegetable snacks, chicken, fish dishes, green salads, seasoned olive oil. Meat, fish are best baked in the oven or cooked in a double boiler, supplementing the recipe with an original sauce.

If desired, newlyweds on the second day beautiful wedding can arrange a themed celebration. For example, the menu may be related to the cuisine of the country or continent where the newly-made spouses want to go on their honeymoon. If this is Paris, then the next day of the wedding there should be light meals french cuisine if Rome or Venice, guests of the second day will enjoy traditional pastas, as well as pizzas cooked on their own or ordered through a delivery service. During the selection of the wedding menu, the heroes of the occasion can experiment with the meal.

What should the bride and guests wear?

The issue of attire for the second day should be taken simply - the newlyweds do not have to dress up in chic expensive outfits, especially if the celebration takes place at home or in nature. On this wedding day, the protagonists of the event can relax and opt for comfortable, light clothing - up to jeans with T-shirts (they can be made special - for example, order the appropriate print). bride wears simple White dress, and the groom remains in the same suit, changing only his shirt and taking off his tie.

As for the outfits of the guests, they should correspond to the theme of the second day of the holiday - if it is outdoor recreation, then comfortable things are well suited - jeans, T-shirts, sneakers, sneakers, if the continuation of the wedding will be at home or in a restaurant, those present can pick up classic look- dresses, suits, shoes. However, you should not dress up too much, for next day you need to choose a more restrained version of the image. The continuation of the wedding can be active, filled competitive program, so the convenience main feature the necessary attire.

Scenario of the second day of celebration without toastmaster

Newlyweds, celebrating the second day of the wedding, do not know whether to call for help toastmaster, who will definitely amuse the guests, or take the event into their own hands? If the continuation of the wedding is large-scale and there is a large number of guests, as on the first day, then the toastmaster - good decision. Most young people spend time after marriage with their closest people, so parents or active friends can take on the role of leader. A few ideas for competitions, entertainment and tasks for the second day of a large-scale event are presented below.

As for the script itself, it all depends on the preferences of the young, their imagination. It can be a simple event without a theme or a real costume show, where guests will be given details of the image upon entering, and friends of the young will play different characters. Looks interesting country style wedding celebrations. See funny video where the second day of the holiday takes place in the village:

Meeting with guests

Meeting wedding guests wears different character- for example, a popular scenario with gypsies charging an entrance fee, cheerful music, dancing, riddles for everyone who comes, which you need to guess in order to go inside. The meeting of new arrivals in the style of a medical examination is interesting: a doctor and nurses stand at the entrance, they check the pulse, reflexes of the guests on the second day of the wedding, measure the temperature. If the thermometer shows below forty, who came to the wedding, they drink vodka. Watch the video that illustrates this theme of the meeting of the invitees:

Sale of spoons and forks

Selling spoons and forks is another way to meet the guests of the second day. Often, cutlery is not placed on the tables during the wedding, and those who come, entering the celebration, must redeem them - this is a replacement for the classic entrance fee. During the holiday, guests can only have forks, and when they bring a liquid dish “from the young”, which promises happiness to the wedding guests, there will be no spoons at hand. You have to pay money to try soup or other liquid food.

Sitting down at the table - pronunciation of toasts

After the guests have bought the right to go inside, they are offered to buy the best place for sitting - for example, next to the young. The rest are charged a symbolic fee - 10, 50 rubles, whoever gives how much. When the wedding guests are seated, the host makes a toast, congratulating the newlyweds on their daily wedding anniversary - it can be comic, solemn or parting. Then the toasts are alternately pronounced by those present. Newlyweds at the wedding should definitely say congratulations to their parents.

Wedding contests and games

Competitions are an indispensable part wedding celebration. In order for the guests of the holiday to be satisfied, to keep pleasant memories of the wedding, you need to cheer them well. For this, interesting original contests And fun tasks. Several game options that will delight wedding guests will leave vivid impressions:

  • Sultan. Joke contest weddings for unmarried men and women. Cavaliers are given stationery rubber bands, with which the contestants must connect ring fingers women than more girls ringed, the better. The winner of the competition is the one with the most brides.
  • A long way. The guests are divided into teams, each team must form a clutch - with hands, items of clothing, sticks, cutlery, to get more long line than the other team. Winners, heroes of the occasion are awarded prizes.
  • Family Captain. This wedding contest will show which of the heroes of the occasion will become the captain family boat. The host draws two circles on the floor, the groom becomes one on the territory, the bride - the other. Wedding guests are asked to choose a "side". Where there are more people - that newlywed wins.

Rite of interbreeding families

Often at a wedding, a ceremony of intermarriage of families takes place, in which close relatives of the bride and groom, along with the main characters of the wedding, participate. The rite of the second day goes like this: his relatives follow the newly-made spouse, her wife follows her. The two columns stand parallel to each other. Then the music starts to play, the relatives of the newlyweds with the newlyweds play in the stream, the host of the wedding invites them to perform various funny tasks mirroring each other - pat on the shoulder, pat on the stomach. At the end of the rite of celebration, everyone kisses and hugs.

Competition for mother-in-law and mother-in-law

For funny competition, in which mother-in-law and mother-in-law participate, you will need two jars soap bubbles. The guests of the wedding go to the center of the hall, open the bubbles, and those present ask questions: how many times a month will you come to the newlyweds? How many tips will you give per week? How much vodka will the father-in-law and father-in-law drink? The answers come by counting the number of blown bubbles.

Divination for the young

The second day is not complete without divination for the firstborn. Classic way perform a ceremony at a wedding: make two baskets (pink and blue color), put at the entrance. Each guest who came to congratulate the heroes of the occasion must put money in one of them. In the midst of the wedding, when everyone has arrived, the amount is calculated. If the guests of the celebration more money put to a pink basket - there will be a girl, and vice versa.

Entertainment for guests

The host should entertain the wedding guests with the help of various contests, tasks, toasts, lotteries - give gifts / souvenirs for participation. If the wedding is themed, the one who will lead the celebration can be dressed up - this will help create a special holiday atmosphere. Don't forget about musical accompaniment- for sure, sooner or later guests will want to start a merry dance, folk music, songs of ditties will help with this at the wedding.

Mandatory traditions on the second day of the wedding

Despite the fact that modern people departed from the traditional wedding, the second day of the celebration can be full of customs, rituals that came from antiquity. Since ancient times, on the second day of the event, the bride is forced to sweep, cook, demonstrating her household skills, and the man to chop wood and hammer nails. Other interesting customs for Wedding:

  • Distribution of glasses. The newly-made wife presents her beloved parents with gratitude for the good well-behaved son, then takes a tray with glasses, carries the wedding guests. Taking a glass, the guest must leave money on the tray.
  • Bite off a larger piece of loaf at the wedding. So on the second day of the wedding, it will be determined who will be the head of the family.
  • Pancake feeding. The bride serves pancakes to wedding guests, asking for money.

The second day of a magnificent celebration should be light, cheerful, cozy. The main characters of the wedding should feel at ease, surrounded by their loved ones. In order for the continuation of the celebration to succeed, the next wedding day must be clearly planned and controlled by the newly-married spouses or their friends - then everyone will have fun, pleasant memories.

In addition to proper care important role plays regular use necessary funds. There is an opinion that frequent washing head only stimulates the production of sebum. This is absolutely not true. On the contrary, oily hair should be washed frequently, if necessary - daily. Every time you shampoo, almost everything sebum washed out of the glands. And if you massage the shampoo well into the skin during washing, you can remove even more sebum (fat). The result is obvious: proper care quickly eliminate oily hair.

Can :

Use clear shampoos and avoid creamy ones.

Remove excess fat (sebum) as often as possible with healing clay. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. It absorbs and binds excess oil and is great for treating oily hair.

Wash your hair in the morning. Sebaceous glands are especially active at night.

It is forbidden

Greasy hair provoke irritation on the scalp and make it more sensitive. Therefore, you should avoid additional sources irritation, trying not to wash your hair hot water and blow-dry your hair less often. Other factors excess stress: tight braids, hair ornaments that pull hair together, hats.

Wash your hair just a little warm water, as hot stimulates the production of sebum.

Do not use hair brushes. They only distribute sebum from roots to ends. IN this case enough combs.

Do not use conditioners. Oily hair needs less conditioner than dry hair. The more you wash it, the quicker it will get greasy. It's interconnected. When it is not necessary for people, do not wash for 3-4 days, and then change the shampoo to a neutral one. Better type eco shampoo or saponins, without additives. Vinegar is also good, cosmetic raspberry is better, otherwise it will smell like lemon juice. Rinse well with chamomile (a teaspoon per glass, pour boiling water, infuse, strain, rinse after washing ..
Hair needs to be washed cold water and rinse with a decoction of oak bark (also cold) ... ..
Treat them with liquid warm gelatin.
Another variant - colorless henna- dries the scalp. You can add a spoonful of vodka to shampoo - vodka dries hair.
Do a dry wash.
Try dry mustard instead of soap or shampoo. This is a very good remedy for oily hair.

If your hair looks greasy and you don't feel like washing it, lightly sprinkle massage brush talcum powder or baby powder, and then comb through the hair where it has become greasy. Or, sprinkle talcum powder on your fingertips and run them through your hair. The talcum powder will help loosen tangled hair and eliminate oily sheen. If traces of talc remain on the hair, shake it off.

Take acetylsalicylic acid, dissolve 5 tablets in three liters of water and rinse your hair after washing. Hair will be beautiful healthy shiny and no fat.

After winter, there are few vitamins in the body, the hair receives little oxygen, the steam environment under the cap also does its job ... Take Fitoval shampoo, (this medicated shampoo, it is often sold in pharmacies) add 5 to 7 tablets of MUMIE (very useful thing for hair) and drops of 10 - 15 alcohol tinctures (mint or calendula, propolis is very good, or one fourth teaspoon of ground ginger is suitable) shake everything well with shampoo so that the MUMIE tablets dissolve. Wash your hair with this solution. If the hair is oily on the second day, then do not try to wash it immediately. Dry rinsing is useful for hair (take a little ordinary flour, apply it, rubbing it with light movements on dry hair and comb it, that is, remove the remaining flour with a comb). And so you will have one day off from washing your hair. This is how, little by little, you will make your hair alive, beautiful, hair growth will increase and balance will be established.