Questions for the game, for example, give 16 rubles. The game "Fanta", or "Do not take black and white, do not say yes and no" - rules and video

Introduction. Questions in this game should be answered quickly, so that the words "bounce" off the teeth, but this is very not an easy task for children with neuroses and their parents. This is hindered by the lack of spontaneity, inhibition, fear, self-doubt, and sometimes just a phlegmatic temperament. Each person has an individual pace of thinking and speech, and this must be reckoned with. In turn, slowness is unbearable for impatient, domineering, demanding, with type A behavior and nervous disorders.
the attitudes of adults. If the child, as a rule, does not have time to respond to the speech stimuli of adults, there is an accumulation of unspoken by him, incomplete, unsurpassed, and all this turns into general tension, headaches and talking in a dream. In one St. Petersburg gymnasium with the study of certain subjects at Spanish, armed with stopwatches, teachers constantly checked the speed of reading and answers. As expected, after the lecture on the prevention of neurosis, a huge line of parents lined up to us, concerned about the state of the neuropsychic health of their children. Of course, slow children and adults cannot participate in the game “What? Where? When?". Between the speed of responses of parents and children there is an undoubted genetic connection, especially distinct with external similarity, in addition, voluntary or involuntary imitation takes place. That is why the participation of parents in the game is more than desirable, and it is not uncommon to find that at the beginning of classes they have even more difficulties than children.
The purpose of the game is to remove inhibition when answering sudden questions. In most cases, inhibition is due to fear, and overcoming it is the main point of the game. However, the cause may also be the slowness of the course of nervous processes, the speed of which can also be increased during the game. In addition, it trains attention, intelligence and resourcefulness well, which also improves the quality of communication with peers.
The therapeutic effect of the game is to eliminate the conditioned reflex reactions of fear in case of unsuccessful responses in the past. Children with neuroses are emotionally sensitive and impressionable, they have a developed long-term memory, so they long time hold back the memories of how they failed
answer, and even disgraced before "everyone". A stable dominant of fear develops: children are afraid to say something wrong, to get into a mess, to fail. At school, they are characterized by the word "mumble". As a result, their speech activity when interacting with strangers, although at home children can chat incessantly. Therefore, in a new, unusual game situation, it is necessary to set the goal for children to find an answer in any way, breaking through the wall of fear and the barrier that stands in the way of verbal communication.
After the completion of the speech warm-up, the rules of the game are set out.
1. Everyone lines up. Ahead symmetrically at a distance baby step skittles are placed. Usually there are no more than 5-6 of them.
2. At the far end of the site, a specialist sits on a chair with a pointer, skittles or a sword in his hand, explaining that you need to answer quickly, on the count of “one, two, three”, that is, within three seconds.
3. If someone did not have time to answer in the allotted time, the question automatically goes to the next participant in the game, if he does not find the answer, then to the next participant, etc.
4. You can not prompt, everyone is responsible for himself.
5. Repetition of answers and questions is prohibited.
6. The answers themselves can be both serious and joking. Their loyalty is evaluated by the driver, and his decision is not subject to discussion.
7. If the answer is successful, a step forward is taken towards the next pin placed in front.
8. The one who overcomes the distance fastest receives congratulations and also asks questions.
Set up for the game. First, the question is asked: “How many words can be spoken in one minute, and any, but
without repetition? The time is fixed and the competition begins. At the end, the one who named more words is congratulated and he is awarded the title of "chatterer incessantly." Then everyone is divided into pairs consisting of an adult and a child, while the adult should not be his parent. One of them asks without pause questions like: “What is twice two?”, “What is on reverse side Moon?”, “How many people are there on Earth?” etc. The other answers everything that comes to mind, showing resourcefulness and ingenuity in order to give a more or less appropriate answer. For example, for the last two questions, the appropriate answers would be: “I don’t know, since it’s not visible” and “A lot”.
Conducting the game. Participants are solemnly explained that they are facing a very serious test, and those who do not pass it will be sent to a nursery (for preschoolers) or to a school for the mentally retarded (for schoolchildren). When enough large numbers Participants can be placed behind the controller, making sounds of impatience and excitement, and able to lightly tap on the head of the pins if someone is silent or unsuccessfully answers. At the same time, it is checked whether “there is sawdust in the head” or whether it is empty at all, which is why it rings like that.
Almost all questions begin with the word "why", occasionally - with the word "how much". Here are some examples of questions and answers. Of course, when asking questions, you should take into account the age of the child and his general development. "Why do frogs jump?" ("Because they have long legs.") "Why do birds fly?" ("They are having fun.") "Why is the hedgehog prickly?" (“He was born like this” or “In order to defend himself.”) “Why is the fox cunning?” ("To deceive.") "Why is it cold in winter?" ("Because it's winter" or "It's this time of year.") "Why is the thunder booming?" ("Because the clouds collided.") "Why does the lightning flash?" ("Because the thunder rumbles.") "Why does everything end in y?" ("Because.") "Why is the sky blue?" ("Painted")
"Why is the sun hot?" (“Heated.”) “Why are people crying?” (“Offended.”) “Why are frogs green?” (“They live in a swamp.”) “Why is the bear clumsy?” (“This one was born.”) “Why is Baba Yaga evil” (“Out of anger”, “No one loves her”, “The stove fell apart”, “It doesn’t smell like a Russian spirit” - the answer of adults.) Etc.
Then there are several questions with the word “how much”: “How many kilometers from the Earth to the Moon?” ("Many," you can say any number, "As many as from the moon to the Earth.") "How many times can you say the same thing?" ("As many times" or "Once.") "How many times can you hurt your mother?" (“Not at all.”) “How much courage does it take to not let yourself be hurt?” (“How much is needed.”) Etc.
The final series of questions mainly applies to adults: “Answer how much it will be if 1050 is multiplied by 105 and 5 tenths” (any number that comes to mind is called, since it is impossible to quickly calculate it); “Okay, now formulate Ohm’s third law” (it doesn’t exist), etc.
During the game, everyone learns quickly, in relation to the situation and inventively respond to any tricky questions, thanks to this, resourcefulness, flexibility of thinking, imagination develop and at the same time inhibition decreases to the same extent - fear in case of sudden questions.
Each correct answer takes a step forward. Of course, no one can predict the result, since the first ones can “hopelessly get stuck” somewhere in the middle of the way, and the lagging behind, including the child, not only catch up with them, but also overtake them. Those who have passed the distance and received congratulations themselves begin to ask questions, helping the specialist. Adults, for example, ask: “Why does Baba Yaga build her hut on chicken legs?” (“The hut is easier to move to another place.”) “Why is the bottom visible in the lake?” (“Because it is pure, transparent.”) Etc.
In the second half of the game, questions are asked by those sitting on the chair as winners, and then by the parents. The specialist is already among those answering and demonstrates an inability to immediately answer questions: he scratches his head, hums, shifts from one foot to the other, the controller knocks him on the head of the skittles, then “insight” follows, then braking again. Thus, the child, as in a mirror, sees his previous behavior and, since he has already won, discards the previous unsuccessful stereotypes of behavior. Here the mechanism of anti-imitation or refusal to perceive oneself in the previous role is triggered.
The duration of the game is 30 minutes, but due to its dynamism, this period is subjectively perceived to be twice as long. In any case, adults think so if they do not look at their watches and do not turn on their mobile phones, which is strictly prohibited.
Game observation. The game shows how the child and parents are able to show ingenuity, flexibility in responses, or answer only with stamped phrases, or repeat answers. Painfully proud and touchy children may, if they fail, say: “I'm not interested in this” - and refuse to participate in the game. Then they are invited to just sit on a bench, watching the game. Then one of the questions is unexpectedly addressed to them, and with a successful answer, they are again included in the game. The art of the specialist is to prevent the child from seriously lagging behind, although at first he must feel his difficulties.

I have a piece of paper with a name on my forehead, I ask questions about my fictional identity:

- Am I a real person?

- No

- Am I a character?

- Am I a character in children's literature?

- I was written in Russia?

- No

- In England?

- No

- In Sweden?

- No

- In Finland?

- Tove Jansson wrote me?

- Am I Snufkin?


Why am I? There is such a game in TRIZ pedagogy "Not really", it has many varieties. The essence of the game is to unravel some mystery. One person guesses - the other or others guess. You can guess any object, phenomenon, situation, etc. The answer must be found with the help of questions, the answers to which can be the words “yes” and “no”.

At first glance, everything is extremely simple and why write about it at all. However, playing this game (It's good for adults too, yes-yes))), it turns out that even we cannot always figure out which question will significantly narrow the list of options to be chosen.

So, there is such an important skill - independent structuring of information, discarding unnecessary parameters, or narrowing the search field. This is what the yes-no game teaches.

You can already play it with 3 years. It is from this age that it is good to begin to form systemic thinking in a child.

There are 2 varieties of this game according to the type of questions asked:

ask by way of on the position of a hidden object in space, or to classify an object according to its characteristics.

"Yes-Netka" based on orientation in space the simplest one, and you should start training with it. The objects among which you need to find the intended one can be located

  • in one-dimensional space: horizontally, vertically, at a distance;
  • in two-dimensional space: on a plane;
  • in three-dimensional space: for example, in a room, a box, a closet.

I'll spell it out again general rules and I'll give you an example.

The rules of the spatial "Yes-No"

Objects (numbers, numbers, pictures, toys) must be lined up linearly, placed on a plane or distributed in a three-dimensional space.

The host gives the task: to find the hidden object.

The guessing player must ask questions about his search, not listing the names of objects, and narrowing the search field, cutting off part of the space.

Translated into simple language, the rule of the game is: "Find the middle, remove the half"

Questions can be answered with the words: “Yes”, “No”, “Yes and no” (that is, the object is guessed), "It's not essential" (if in this direction search is useless).

How fewer questions will be asked before guessing - the more players, well done))

For example

We need to guess the hidden picture (the snake is guessed) for the least number of questions. Remembering the rule "find the middle, remove the half", we begin to ask the host (questions to which he answers "yes"):

- Is it to the left of the turkey?

- Is it to the right of the pepper?

- Is it a snake?

The object was guessed in 3 questions (you are great))))

Remark: when playing with young children, you need to hide, remove that part of the objects that do not fall into the narrowed search field.

So, we taught the child the simplest way to narrow the search field. And there's another bonus! Thanks to this game without stress and nerves, you can:

  • learn the ordinal count, letters, days of the week, months,
  • learn to find countries on the map
  • learn to navigate in space,
  • expand vocabulary,
  • teach to ask questions (at 3 years old they don’t know how, checked)

"Yes-Netka" on the classification of an object according to features.

I will briefly say why this is necessary. In our fast world The child needs not only to remember that, say, an airplane is a transport, and a kettle is dishes, but also to understand how to classify objects in order to structure the surrounding reality. Traditional pedagogy never teaches this understanding. A teaches to think, just TRIZ with the help of "Yes-Netka".

Before directly asking questions and guessing any object, you need to preparatory work with baby. You can start preparing from 3.5 years old. Its purpose is to clarify current knowledge about subjects: which relate to wildlife (breathe, move, eat, reproduce), which to inanimate nature (part of nature, but do not have all the properties of living things), which to man-made world (invented by humans).

When the information fund is accumulated, you can safely start the game.

Its basic rules are the same as those of the spatial variety. Find the answer by narrowing the search field by asking the fewest questions. Asking questions helps signs, which the object has:

  • color,
  • form,
  • size,
  • its parts and location,
  • sound,
  • smell,
  • taste,
  • temperature,
  • humidity,
  • material,
  • the ability to move or the action performed,
  • how it can change over time.

It is important in the process of finding out information about an object, help the child summarize what he has already learned. Thinking about the question, the child moves through different levels of abstract concepts, learns to see the whole and parts. It is important that the child does not act according to finished scheme, and he constructs his algorithm for finding the answer.

Types of classification "Yes-Netki"

  • Games "Yes-No" with a set of pictures,
  • Games "Yes - No" with objects of the immediate environment visible to the child,
  • Yes - No games with objects that are not in the immediate environment (but this must be a concrete, not an abstract object).

A man runs, followed by a crowd. "Don't see you gold!" he screams and shoots.

Answer: Biathlon competitions.

Several on the ceiling of the bedroom fresh spots human blood.

Answer: The master of the bedroom killed several mosquitoes on the ceiling.

The lady did not have a driver's license with her. She did not stop at the railroad crossing even though the barrier was lowered, then, ignoring the "brick", she moved along the one-way street against the traffic and stopped only after passing three blocks. All this happened in front of the policeman, who for some reason did not consider it necessary to intervene.

Answer: The lady was walking.

How, with only two pairs of gloves, a doctor can examine three patients various infectious diseases and not get infected while doing it yourself?

Answer: For the third time, one pair of gloves is turned inside out and put on over the other.

The doctor was riding the subway and met a one-armed man. He pulled out a gun and shot the doctor.

Answer: The beginning of this story was quite a long time ago. Three friends, having fallen on a desert island after a shipwreck, in order to survive and wait for rescuers, agreed on the following: one of them (a surgeon) will cut off their hands in turn, which they will then eat together. Fortunately, they were found and saved after the second cut off hand, but the friends agreed that the doctor would also cut off his hand, out of solidarity with friends. Some time later, one of the one-armed friends met the doctor in the subway and saw that he was holding on to the railing with both hands...

A woman throws something out of a window and dies.

Answer: "Something" - a boomerang that comes back and hits the woman in the temple.

Mr. Smith was very pleased that his car ran out of gas.

Answer: Mr. and Mrs. Smith had a big fight, after which she went to the garage, turned off the ventilation, turned on the car engine and fell asleep, hoping for an easy death from suffocation. A few hours later, Mr. Smith decided to ask his wife for forgiveness and went in search of her. If there was more gasoline left in the car, it would be too late.

The man sat between two airtight containers and died as a result.

Answer: The cyclist had an accident (tanks - bicycle chambers).

A riverboat sank because of a snake.

Answer: The snake crawled onto the passenger promenade deck, and all the passengers rushed to the other side. The ship tilted, scooped up water on board and eventually sank.

small extra work brought him 24 thousand dollars.

Answer: The notary (Customer) ordered the forms of wills from the printing house. The typist (Printer) added a note in small print to one of the copies, according to which the inheritance goes to him. Then this form was used to draw up a will, and neither the notary nor the testator paid attention to the note. Well, when the testator died...

One woman had two sons who were born at the same time, on the same day of the same year. But they were not twins. How can this be?

Answer: These boys were two sons from triplets.

Ivan Ivanovich leaves the house. When he tries to return, the masked man prevents him from getting through. What is Ivan Ivanovich doing? What is the masked man doing? Where is the "safe place" for Ivan Ivanovich?

Answer: Ivan Ivanovich is trying to save things from a fire, I am a "man in a mask" putting out a fire. Safe place for Ivan Ivanovich outside the home.

Today, you will not surprise anyone with octopus dishes. And only Honolulu chefs know unique way how to make meat more tender, chops. How do they achieve this?

Answer: put in washing machine and launch it.

The superrobot Gianni (all-penetrating, all-destroying, and the like) swore to the hero: "None other than me, I will kill you!". Gianni promises the hero to fulfill one dying request. How can a hero be saved?

Answer: P. Anthony "Nobody else but me". The hero asks to kill him in 50 years. All these years, Jann will be his faithful bodyguard, saving him from any other death.

A comfortable yacht stands in the middle of the ocean, and six corpses float next to it.

Answer: The owners of this yacht jumped into the water from the side, forgetting to lower the rope ladder. As a result, they were unable to climb back on board and died of hypothermia in the water.

Another option: the ladder was lowered, but reached the surface of the water only when there were people on the yacht. After everyone was overboard, the draft of the yacht decreased and the stairs were out of reach of people.

The music stopped and she died.

Answer: She is a circus performer, tightrope walker. Her signature number is walking on a tightrope with a blindfold. The end of the music was supposed to signal to her that the path was over and that she could take a step aside. Unfortunately, the conductor of the circus orchestra (option: soloist, violinist) suddenly fell ill, and they forgot to warn his replacement, so he finished the melody before the artist reached the end of the rope. As a result, she fell from a height and crashed.

Man dies in own house from thirst.

Answer: A yacht served as a home for a man, in which he traveled around the world. While sailing on the ocean, fresh water ended much faster than the owner expected.

The bird catcher saw the bird, and a little later he died.

Answer: The birder was flying on a jet passenger plane, and the bird he saw was sucked into one of the engines. As a result, the plane crashed.

Once upon a time there was a guy named Bill. He had Mary, whom he loved very much. One day, when Bill was in a cafe, a severe thunderstorm broke out. When Bill returned home, he saw an open window and dead Mary lying among the broken glass in a pool of water. What happened?

Answer: Mary's fish tank fell and broke.

Characters in Shakespeare's Dream in midsummer night"- elves and fairies. Actors usually played in magnificent medieval costumes to show that the action takes place in the old days. But one director decided that this was wrong. Fairies and elves are characters folk tales they don't have to be luxuriously dressed. Controversy: Costumes must be opulent to appear vintage, and must be vernacular. How to be?

Answer: a) part of the dress is lush, part is common; b) coarse patches on elegant dresses.

There is a vacuum cleaner, its pipe is plugged with a mitten. Why?

Answer: They caught mosquitoes.

A man received a package containing a dead mouse. He reported this to the police, and the sender of the package was sued for fraud.

Answer: The sender should have sent the jewelry. He hoped that the mouse would gnaw a hole and run away, and that the mail could be blamed for the loss.

On the windowsill of the ninth floor, two kiss. Who is this?

Answer: Pigeons.

A cowboy walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a glass of water. Without saying a word, the bartender pulls out a pistol from his belt and shoots upwards. The cowboy says "thank you" and leaves.

Answer: The cowboy hiccupped, but stopped from fright.

Professor Quibble became famous for demonstrating an amazing experience: he put a bottle in the center of the room, and then crawled into it.

Answer: He crawled into the room.

questions game danetka question game questions questions games

Purpose: development of imagination, emotional-volitional processes. Develop the ability to select synonyms and ask questions.

Material: ball

Tips for the game: Questions should be asked to the child at a fairly fast pace. If the child is silent for a long time, you should recall the question and ask for an answer. If this question causes difficulties for the child, you can go to next question. Sometimes children try to respond with gestures, facial expressions, movements, nod their heads. In this case, you need to ask to speak in words. An adult may say that he does not understand the answer.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 47"


Play activities with children

school preparatory group of general developmental orientation No. 7 "Thumbelina"

The game "Yes and no, don't say black, don't take white!"

Compiled and hosted by:

Educator Verbina E.Yu.



Purpose: development of imagination, emotional-volitional processes. Develop the ability to select synonyms and ask questions.

Material: ball

Tips for the game: Questions should be asked to the child at a fairly fast pace. If the child is silent for a long time, you should recall the question and ask for an answer. If this question causes difficulties for the child, you can move on to the next question. Sometimes children try to respond with gestures, facial expressions, movements, nod their heads. In this case, you need to ask to speak in words. An adult may say that he does not understand the answer.

"Yes and no, don't say black, don't take white"

Game progress

Children's answers

Do you like to play?

What games do you like to play?

Let's play with you interesting game! Want to?

I will take turns asking you questions and throwing the ball to the one who will answer, and you will answer them.

But at the same time, you can’t say the words: “Yes”, “No”, “not”, “black”, “white”.

For example, you can’t say “it doesn’t happen”, “I don’t want”, “I don’t know”. Remember the rules of the game?

So what words can not be used in the game?

So, let's begin.

  1. Do you go to school?
  2. Do you like candy?
  3. Have you seen yellow candies?
  4. Candy bitter?
  5. Does the moon shine at night?
  6. Are trees green in winter?
  7. Does the cat speak with a human voice?
  8. You can fly?
  9. Do you like to watch cartoons on TV?
  10. Is Baba Yaga good?
  11. You are a boy? (girl)
  12. Is your name Ilyusha?
  13. Can you walk on the ceiling?
  14. Who do you live with?
  15. What color is the snow?
  16. What fairy tales do you like?
  17. Is the dog afraid of the cat?
  18. The seller treats children?
  19. Are you sleeping now?
  20. You are kind?
  21. Do the leaves turn yellow in autumn?

At the end of the game, the adult asks: “Did you guys like the game?

What words could not be spoken? Name them.

And who made mistakes? What words did you say?

Did you say those words? Why did you say them?"

Well done, you were almost all attentive. Danya and Vika we are with you free time let's play and you will learn how to play this game too


in a ball, checkers, Cat and Mice ...



yes, no, no, black, white

kids answers!


yes, no, no, black, white

Yes. Because I was wrong...

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