Drontal tablets for cats. Method of application and dosage. General feeding rules

Dogs, like people, are prone to diseases that weaken their immune system and health. Some of the diseases are even life-threatening. Many serious illnesses, such as canine distemper or enteritis, can be avoided if timely preventive measures. An anthelmintic must be taken before vaccination. In addition, every three months, preventive deworming of pets is mandatory procedure, so it is important to find effective drug for this purpose.

It is used in the treatment of such infections:

  • dipylidiosis;
  • hookworm;
  • toxocariasis;
  • toxascariasis;
  • mesocestodosis;
  • diphyllobothriasis;
  • trichuriasis;
  • echinococcosis;
  • taeniasis;
  • uncinariasis.

Since dog fleas are considered carriers of Dipylidium caninum in the larval stage, forcing out worms should be carried out in conjunction with treating the pet with insecticides against fleas.

Veterinarians recommend getting a veterinary passport for your pet, which is easy to purchase at any point of pet supplies or veterinary pharmacies. It is necessary to enter information with data on deworming into it: date, series and name of the medication.

General information

The country of origin of the drug is Germany. It comes in two forms: Drontal Junior suspension for small puppies and Drontal meat flavored tablets for dogs. The instructions for the medicinal product recommend storing the drug in the original original packaging in places where the following requirements are met: no direct sunlight, temperature from 0 ° to 25 ° C and a location inaccessible to children and animals. Shelf life at proper storage is 5 years from the date of manufacture.


There are pets with whom taking medication turns into a problem. The German company Bayer AG has provided for this option and has released the drug "Drontal plus" for dogs. The instruction informs that the tablets are yellowish in color. They have a meaty taste, so, as a rule, there are no problems with their intake. One tablet has a mass of 0.66 g and consists of the following components: 144 mg of pyrantel embonate, 50 mg of praziquantel, 150 mg of febantel and excipients. The drug is produced in aluminum blisters of 6 tablets, which are packed in a cardboard box. Each package contains instructions for use. One tablet is designed for 10 kg of pet's body weight.

The order of taking the pills

Due to the meat flavor of the drug, it is not required to force animals to take it. They usually eat the tablet on their own, but it is best to mix it with food so as not to frighten the dog.

give medicine better in the morning, mixing it with a small amount of your pet's favorite food (it can be a piece of meat, a lump of minced meat, a slice of sausage, meat porridge). It is not required to use laxative medications and prior fasting before taking the drug "Drontal plus" for dogs. Reviews of dog breeders in most cases claim that the product is mixed with a piece tasty food accepted by the pet without problems. But there are exceptions when the animal refuses food with an anthelmintic. In this case, the drug is given forcibly. It can be placed on the root of the tongue, but in this case, the pet may resist or try to spit out the drug. A more efficient solution is to cook water solution tablet based. To do this, it dissolves in a small amount of water. The finished solution is poured into the pet's mouth using a syringe without a needle.

Dosage of tablets

For preventive purposes, deworming is carried out every quarter, before the next vaccination or mating of the pet. To do this, once in accordance with the dosage, the drug is used in tablets "Drontal" for dogs. The instruction indicates that one tablet is designed for approximately 10 kg of pet's body weight. In case of infection with helminths, medication is resorted to as needed.

Prevention and treatment can be carried out for both adults and puppies. For small pets, tablets can only be used with a body weight of over 0.5 kg. Approximate dosage:

1. Small breed dogs and puppies:

  • body weight 0.5 -1.9 kg - 1/4 tablet;
  • body weight 2 - 5 kg - 1/2 tablet;
  • body weight 6 - 10 kg - 1 tablet.

2. Pets of medium-sized breeds:

  • body weight 11 - 20 kg - two tablets;
  • body weight 21 - 30 kg - three tablets.

3. Large dogs:

Does the drug harm the pet?

Despite the high toxic effect on helminths, Drontal syrup and tablets for dogs and other warm-blooded animals are of low toxicity. For them, the listed drugs do not have embryotoxic, sensitizing and teratogenic features.

Once in the body, tablets or syrup reach the intestines. There they are absorbed almost completely. There is a distribution of the active components of the product throughout the body and cleansing of helminths. Each active substance is excreted in its own way. Pyrantel embonate is partially absorbed and leaves the dog's body unchanged during defecation. Praziquantel is excreted in the urine.


For puppies, Bayer AG has developed a sweetish suspension called Drontal Junior. It is used for the preventive and therapeutic treatment of small pets against all helminths characteristic of their age.

The drug is poured into 50 ml plastic bottles, each of which is packed in a cardboard box. Instructions and a convenient dispenser are included with each package of Drontal complex syrup. Suspension for dogs has a uniform consistency and is colored pink. 1 ml of syrup contains following components: pyrantel embonate - 14.4 mg, febantel - 15 mg and additional excipients.

Dosage and application of the suspension

The syrup is prescribed for puppies older than two weeks of age for the prevention and treatment of such pathologies: toxascariasis, toxocariasis, hookworm, uncinariasis and trichuriasis. Be sure to use it before puppy vaccinations. In order to definitely exclude infection of the pet with helminths, some experts prescribe the suspension twice with an interval between doses of 11-13 days before vaccinating the dog. Two days after deworming, the pet is ready for vaccination.

Suspension "Drontal" for dogs of the "Junior" series is assigned to small pets at the rate of 1 ml of syrup per 1 kg of its body weight. The drug is given once. It is convenient to take. The syrup is given directly into the puppy's mouth using a dispenser. One press of it squeezes out 1 ml of suspension. Shake the bottle well before use. Deworming with the use of Drontal suspension for dogs does not require the preliminary use of laxatives and the pet's abstinence from food. The syrup is generally well tolerated by the puppy, but the dosage needs to be respected. At correct application he does not call side effects in the baby's body.

Operating principle

The drug is detrimental to all types of helminths that affect animals of the Northern Hemisphere:

  • flat worms (cestodes).
  • Helminths are flukes.
  • Roundworms.
  • Suitable for cats of all breeds.
  • The drug is harmless to weakened cats, kittens, as well as pregnant cats in the later stages.
  • The effect is noticeable after the first application.
  • Safety: the drug does not harm the beneficial intestinal microflora.
  • Versatility. The medicine acts on worms of various types.
  • Minimal side effects.
  • Availability. It is possible to purchase both the package of the drug and the tablets by the piece.
  • Long shelf life.

Instructions for use

When using the drug, you should adhere to a certain set of rules.

Indications for use

The drug is indicated for the treatment and prevention of such helminthic invasions in cats:

  • Nematodes (hookworm, ascariasis, toxascariasis).
  • Cestodosis (mesocestoidosis, teniidosis, echinococcosis).

The minimum age allowed for taking the drug is 3 weeks.

Dosage and Method of application

Use the drug once, in the morning, during feeding. Crushing of tablets for mixing into feed is allowed. Special preparation (preliminary diet, taking laxatives) is not needed.

If the tests showed the presence of worms, then the duration and regimen of taking the drug is determined by the veterinarian. The frequency of prophylactic administration is once every 3 months.

Drontal's reception has such features.

  • 1 tablet corresponds to 4 kg of animal body weight. If the pet weighs more, then the dosage will have to be adjusted proportionally. For kittens weighing 1 kg, a single dosage is ¼ tablet.
  • Cats expecting offspring are given medicine in the 2nd half of pregnancy (no later than a week and a half before lambing).
  • If a pregnant cat has not been given antihelminthic treatment, it is advisable to do this a week after birth.
  • 3 months after childbirth should be performed repeated prophylaxis for a newborn cat and kittens.

Ways to give medication.

  • Mix in food or treats . Make sure the entire portion is eaten. That's why, optimal time to take the medicine - in the morning, when the pet is especially hungry.
  • Mix crushed tablet in water . Next, you need to pour the resulting solution into the mouth of the animal using a syringe without a needle. This method is suitable for small kittens.
  • Try to get the animal to swallow the medicine . The method is not suitable for aggressive and shy animals. They take the cat in their arms, put a pill in his mouth and stroke the pet's throat to induce swallowing.

pharmachologic effect

The anthelmintic agent Drontal acts in the following areas:


The drug should not be used if there is hypersensitivity or an allergy to the components that make up Drontal.

In addition, contraindications include:

  • The body weight of the kitten is less than 1 kg.
  • Under 3 weeks of age.
  • Less than 1.5 weeks before or immediately after vaccination.
  • Pregnancy - the first 2/3 of the term.
  • Any disease or recovery period after illness.

Drontal is intended exclusively for cats and dogs. It cannot be used on other pets.

drug interaction

Drontal is incompatible with Piperazine. This drug reduces the effectiveness of Drontal, so the combination of these drugs is not recommended.


There are no data on cases of drug overdose. When the dose is exceeded, it does not have a toxic effect on the cat's body.

Release form

The drug is available in tablets oval shape having a dividing groove. The tablets are packed in a blister and a cardboard box. The kit includes instructions for using the drug. The number of tablets in a blister is 2 or 8.

Storage conditions

The maximum shelf life of the drug is 5 years. Drontal is stored in a closed package, in a dry, sun-protected place, out of the reach of children. Do not store medicine packaging near feed and/or food products.

The temperature range allowed for storage is from -8 to +25 degrees. After the expiration date, the product cannot be used.


Preparations of a similar action, like Drontal, can be purchased at a pet supply store or veterinary pharmacy.

  • Pratel - 10 tablets per pack.
  • Milbemax - 2 tablets per pack.
  • Kanikquantel - 6 tablets per pack.

Pharmacological group

Drontal belongs to the category of anthelmintic drugs combined type. According to the degree of impact on the animal's body, the drug is classified as low-hazard. If the dosage is observed, there are no sensitizing, embryotoxic and teratogenic effects. Well tolerated by cats of all breeds.

Instructions for use of Drontal tablets for deworming cats
(organization - developer company "Bayer Animal Health GmbH", Germany)
Approved August 14, 2013.

I. General information
Trade name medicinal product: Drontal.
International non-proprietary name: pyrantel embonate, praziquantel.

Dosage form: tablets for oral use.

Drontal as active ingredients in one tablet contains:

  • pyrantel embonate - 230 mg
  • praziquantel - 20 mg,

as well as auxiliary components:

  • corn starch - 44 mg,
  • microcrystalline cellulose - 25 mg,
  • polyvidone - 9 mg,
  • magnesium stearate - 1.5 mg,
  • colloidal anhydrous quartz - 0.5 mg,
  • hydroxypropyl methylcellulose - 5.4 mg,
  • polyethylene glycol - 1.8 mg,
  • titanium dioxide - 1.8 mg.

The drug according to appearance is an ellipsoidal tablet white color with a dividing groove in the center.
Drontal is produced packaged in 2 or 8 tablets in aluminum foil blisters, which are packed in carton boxes along with instructions for use.

Store Drontal in the manufacturer's closed packaging, in a dry, protected from direct sun rays place, separately from food and feed, at a temperature of 0°C to 25°C.

The shelf life of the drug, subject to storage conditions, is 5 years from the date of production.
It is forbidden to use the drug after the expiration date.

Drontal should be kept out of the reach of children.

The unused drug is disposed of in accordance with the requirements of the law.

According to the degree of impact on the body, Drontal belongs to low-hazard substances (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), in recommended doses it does not have embryotoxic, teratogenic and sensitizing effects. Well tolerated by cats different breeds and age.

III. Application procedure
Drontal is prescribed for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in cats with nematodes (toxocariasis, toxascariasis, hookworm) and cestodosis (taeniasis, dipilidiosis, echinococcosis, mesocestoidosis).

A contraindication to the use of Drontal tablets is the individual hypersensitivity of the cat to the components of the drug (including history).
Drontal should not be used in kittens younger than 3 weeks of age and weighing less than 1 kg.
Drontal should not be used during pregnancy.

Drontal is prescribed to cats at a dose of 1 tablet per 4 kg of animal weight (5 mg of praziquantel and 57.5 mg of pyrantel embonate per 1 kg of animal weight).

Deworming of cats using Drontal is carried out starting from 3 weeks of age.

The drug is administered to animals individually once, in the morning feeding with a small amount of feed. A preliminary starvation diet and the use of laxatives before deworming is not required.
WITH therapeutic purpose animals are dewormed according to indications, with a preventive purpose - quarterly in the above dose.

Symptoms arising from an overdose of the drug have not been established.

Features of the action of the drug at the first dose or when it was canceled were not revealed.

In case of non-compliance due date repeated treatments, the use of the drug should be resumed at the same dosage according to the same scheme.

Side effects and complications when using Drontal in accordance with this manual is usually not observed. With increased individual sensitivity of the animal to active components drug, increased salivation, diarrhea or vomiting are possible. Specified symptoms short-term, spontaneously disappear and do not require the use of drugs.

Drontal is not intended for use in productive animals.

IV. Measures of personal prevention
When working with Drontal, you should follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for when working with medicines. Wash your hands after finishing work warm water with soap.

In case of accidental contact of the medicinal product with the skin or mucous membranes of the eyes, they must be washed with plenty of water. People with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug should avoid direct contact with Drontal. In case of appearance allergic reactions or in case of accidental ingestion of the drug into the human body, you should immediately contact medical institution(with you to have instructions for use of the drug or a label).

Empty packages from under the medicinal product must not be used for domestic purposes, they must be disposed of with household waste.

Organization-manufacturer company "Bayer Animal Health GmbH"; KVP Pharma and Veterinary product GmbH, Projensdorfer str. 324, D-24106 Kiel.
The instruction was developed by Bayer Animal Health GmbH (Germany) together with Bayer CJSC (123022, Moscow, B. Trekhgorny per., 1, p. 1).

Drontal is an excellent anthelmintic drug that has a pronounced therapeutic effect in relation to round and tape types of worms affecting domestic cats. In veterinary pharmacies, the medicine is sold in round white tablets with a dosage of 350 milligrams of active substances each. They are packed in plates of 10 tablets in a cardboard box.

Drontal belongs to class 4 non-hazardous substances, and if taken in the doses prescribed by the doctor, it will not negative impact on an animal, pregnant or lactating cat. Well accepted by cats of any age and breed.

After taking the pill, the dead worms will be excreted from the body along with feces, so during the deworming of cats, you need to wash the tray every day and change its filler. This is necessary to prevent re-invasion.

Doses of Drontal for adult cats

It is recommended to treat cats in one go, and calculate the dosage according to the instructions for use: 1 tablet (350 milligrams) per 4 kilograms of animal weight. It is better to take the drug in the morning, before feeding the pet.

Side effects from the drug are recorded infrequently. In 5% of animals, personal intolerance to the active substances is detected, and after taking the cat, the following symptoms cannot be ruled out: diarrhea, vomiting, shortness of breath or general malaise. Symptoms disappear on their own during the first day of treatment with a tablet, and do not require any symptomatic therapy.

Drontal for small kittens

The drug is also indicated for deworming kittens, but not earlier than the period when their weight reaches 500 grams. As a rule, this happens by 2-3 months after birth. It is important to remember that if the kitten is still near its mother and is fed by her breast milk, then the drug is indicated for use in the cat (during lactation, there are no contraindications for taking).

The recommended dose for a kitten is ¼ of a tablet per 500 grams of body weight. Babies are more likely than older cats to experience a number of digestive problems while taking Drontal. Therefore, a few days before the start of deworming, you should not introduce new food into the kitten's diet. In addition, it must be remembered that kittens do not have personal hygiene skills, and after defecation (the removal of worms along with stool), you need to help the kitten maintain hygiene by using wet wipes.

How to get a cat to take a pill

Everything is clear with the choice of the drug, but now the problem arises - how to make the cat take the drug? For these purposes, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. The drug can simply be mixed into the feed or inserted into a piece of sausage (boiled varieties are best). But using this method, it is important to make sure that the animal eats not only the treats, but also the pill itself. Usually, this deception only works once, when the cat is hungry and ready to literally pounce on food. In addition, you need to make sure that the cat does not spit or burp the pill, because it will have to be given in a new way.
  2. This method can be used by cat owners whose pets are picky in feed or the first method is not suitable for them. You need to prepare a simple disposable syringe (2 or 5 milliliters), without a needle. Pull out the plunger, pour the crushed tablet into it and dilute it with water. After thorough shaking, the piston is inserted into place, and the resulting solution from the drug is poured into the cat's open mouth. The owner must be prepared for stubborn resistance from the mustachioed patient, because he will not allow such manipulations to be done with him. In order not to injure the animal and not become a victim of its sharp claws, it is necessary to fix it in advance (wrap it in a towel or blanket, leaving only the head). The solution is poured as deep as possible, otherwise it will be spit out.
  3. Another method that owners of massive cats can use. They take the cat in their arms, open its mouth wide and push the pill as deep as possible. After that, the mouth is closed, and the animal's chin is stroked, provoking a swallowing reflex.

The choice of method of feeding a tablet to a cat depends on his habits, age, weight, and, of course, the personal preferences of the owner himself.

Drontal for preventive purposes

Taking regular prophylactic medication against helminthic invasions pets, you must adhere to the generally accepted scheme:

  1. At three months of age or a little earlier (if the kitten was found on the street), as needed.
  2. During active puberty, approximately 8-10 months.
  3. Further, every 3-4 months, the entire subsequent life of the animal.

Doses for prophylaxis are exactly the same as indicated in the instructions for use.

Every pet owner should know everything about how to prevent the occurrence of an illness, as well as how to cure a cat if the disease nevertheless overtook him.

In this article, we will consider the description of the drug "Drontal" for cats and cats, and also describe the instructions for its use.

Description and release form

This antihelminthic for , which has two active element: pyrantel-embonate (230 mg) and praziquantel (20 mg). It can be prescribed by a veterinarian in order to prevent the occurrence of helminthic invasions, manifested due to round and tapeworms, as well as to treat this disease.

It is produced in the form of white tablets, which have a yellow color on the break. There is a special groove for comfortable division of the tablet. The weight of one tablet is 350 mg. In one package, 20 tablets are sold, 10 pieces per aluminum blister. The constituent substances are quickly absorbed by the intestinal walls, and therefore they can reach all internal organs in a minimum time.

Mechanism of action

Did you know? The Egyptians were the first to domesticate cats. It happened about 5 thousand years ago. Then this animal was sacred to them.

Method of application and dosage

In order for the drug to act as efficiently as possible and not harm the pet, you should figure out how to properly give Drontal to a cat.


The standard dosage of the agent involves the use of one tablet per 4 kg of animal weight. The instructions indicate that the drug can be given to kittens from the 21st day of their life.

"Drontal" can be given to a cat directly with food. This will make it easier for your pet to swallow. It is preliminary recommended to crush the tablet to a powder state and mix it with a small amount of canned food, minced meat or other food.

According to reviews, there are times when a cat completely refuses to take the medication with food. This is especially true for small kittens. This problem can be solved by dissolving the tablet in a small amount. clean water and giving the suspension orally to the pet using a syringe (no needle). The animal must be carefully held by the body, while fixing its head.


Quite often, the drug "Drontal" is used in relation to cats not as a remedy, but for the purpose of prophylactic worming. The opinion that cats that live in an apartment and do not go outside at all cannot be infected with worms is extremely erroneous.

The tool is quite easily tolerated by domestic cats. A contraindication can only be an individual intolerance to any component that is part of the drug.

However, it is forbidden to give the cat "Drontal" during the first half of it. A kitten can be given a remedy only 3 weeks after its birth.

Tablets from worms for cats "Drontal" very rarely cause side effects. In the presence of individual intolerance to the active elements, vomiting, diarrhea and profuse salivation. This condition is usually short-lived and does not require additional treatment.

The absence of significant negative effects is an important competitive feature of this drug among analogues.

Storage conditions

"Drontal", like all the others, requires special conditions for storage. It is important, first of all, to exclude access to it by animals and small children.

Do not throw away the packaging so that you can always re-read the instructions for use, composition and recommended dosage. The place of storage of tablets should be dark and protected from moisture.

Do not store near food products. Optimal temperature regime- from -2 °С to +20 °С. Duration of storage "Drontal" should not exceed 5 years from the date of manufacture.

Important! After the expiration warranty period it is forbidden to use the drug even as a disease prevention.

Measures of personal prevention

Personal security measures are quite standard. It is recommended that you wash your hands thoroughly with fragrance-free soap beforehand. The product should be ground in a clean, dry bowl. If you need to give the kitten a solution from the drug, the syringe should be sterilized. At the end of the procedure, hands should again be washed well.

If there is an accidental contact medicinal product from the mucous membrane of the eyes, they should be rinsed immediately with water. People with hypersensitivity are advised to use gloves to avoid direct skin contact with the tablet. If you experience allergic reactions, you should consult a doctor.

Important! Use empty drug packaging» for domestic use is prohibited. They must be disposed of with household waste.

Analogues of "Drontal"

You can buy a dewormer at almost any pet store or veterinary pharmacy. If this is not possible, you can use any of the recommended analogues instead. The most popular today are:

  • "Kaniquantel" - it costs about 430 rubles, there are 6 tablets in a package;
  • "Pratel" - in a package of 10 tablets, the price is about 330 rubles;
  • Milbemax. Packing: 2 tablets per pack. The average cost in Russia is 390 rubles.
Care about pet- one of the components of the responsible keeping of the animal in the house. By following these recommendations, you can quickly and without negative consequences cope with an unpleasant illness.