The baby has a tummy ache what to do. How to help a child burned in direct sunlight. The baby has a tummy ache: typical causes

Doctors use the term "flatulence" if a newborn baby has bloating. This happens quite often and therefore all parents should definitely know how to solve a similar problem. There can be several reasons that cause abdominal pain. As a rule, this is nothing more than an accumulation of gas in the intestines. In order to digest food, you always need to have a small amount of gas. If, however, foods appear in the mother's diet that contribute to the formation of gases, then their amount in the child can be very large, which, accordingly, will cause discomfort. Also, during feeding, the child can swallow air along with milk, which is also the cause of bloating.

How to understand that a newborn has bloating

The presence of a large amount of gases in a child can also be caused by the anatomical features that the esophagus has during the first few months of a baby's life. When a child suffers from flatulence, then his tummy becomes round, it increases in size, and if you feel it, it is quite hard. In addition, the baby becomes very restless. In a dream, he may cry or shudder, his appetite disappears.

What to do if your child has a stomachache

In order to slightly remove the pain in the tummy of a newborn baby, you can use several methods.
  1. Change the position of the child several times. Put it on one barrel, then after a few minutes turn it over to another. Repeat these manipulations a couple of times. If you do this, then there is a chance that the gases will move further through the intestines and will not bother the baby.
  2. Make sure your hands are completely dry and warm. Start massaging the baby's tummy in a clockwise direction using circular motions. This will help the gasses move further down the intestines, and the heat will also relieve the pain.
  3. This method is considered the most effective. To perform it, you need to put the child on the back, take the feet of the legs and begin to bend the legs at the knees to the level of the tummy. Initially, you need to bend the legs in turn and do it slowly enough. Then you can begin to bend both legs and more quickly, but not too much. As a rule, during such exercises, the child begins to rest his legs on the hands of his mother and strain the abdominal muscles. This allows the gases to move through the intestines and out. After the gasses are completely out, the child will be calm, and his tummy will become much smaller and will be soft when palpated.
In children who suffer from flatulence very often, most doctors recommend taking a few teaspoons of dill water a day. With the help of dill water, you can improve the digestion of the child. It is very important that this remedy It has analgesic and carminative properties, which helps to get rid of colic in the baby. Dill water can be bought at any pharmacy or you can cook it yourself. In addition to dill water with colic and bloating, decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, mint also help to fight. Not less than good result shows weak black flannelette tea.

If, after you have given your child a massage, given dill water or a decoction of herbs, tea, and his tummy is still very hard, then you need to immediately go to the hospital or call ambulance. Also, if you notice regular bloating in a child, then it will not be superfluous to consult with your doctor, who will tell you a few more ways to solve this problem or prescribe an effective medicine.

Intestinal colic is paroxysmal pain in the abdomen, which in young children is manifested by anxiety, sudden loud crying, refusal to eat. Colic often appears in babies after the third week of life and, as a rule, resolves on its own by the end of the third or fourth month of life.

With colic, the child's stomach is swollen, tense, the legs are pulled up to the stomach, sometimes the baby randomly bends and unbends the legs, trying to alleviate his condition. Attacks of colic in newborns, as a rule, appear during feeding or a few minutes after eating, more often in the evening. In newborns and children in the first months of life, colic can last from several minutes to 2-3 hours, often repeating from day to day. As a rule, a noticeable relief of the condition occurs immediately after the passage of stool or gases. Outside of an attack of colic, children eat with appetite and are in a good mood.

Causes of colic in a newborn

Pain intestinal colic in children most often occurs for the following reasons:

  • excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines (flatulence);
  • swallowing air during feeding (aerophagia);
  • overfeeding;
  • incomplete breakdown of proteins, fats or carbohydrates in breast milk or artificial milk formula (for example, lactase deficiency);
  • constipation, etc.

At breastfeeding the cause of colic in children may be a violation of the technique of attachment to the breast, as well as the nutrition of a nursing mother. Not proper attachment breastfeeding and short feedings can cause the baby to suck out only foremilk, which is rich in carbohydrates, which can increase intestinal gas. In addition, improper nipple grip, greedy sucking leads to the swallowing of air by the baby during feeding and the development of so-called aerophagy.

If a nursing mother herself eats foods that increase fermentation in the intestines, then this can lead to excessive gas formation in the intestines of the baby.

Overfeeding a baby, especially a formula-fed baby, puts more stress on their immature intestinal enzymatic system, leading to incomplete digestion of food and the development of constipation. All this causes the accumulation of gases in the intestines of the crumbs, the development of flatulence and, as a result, the appearance of colic in the newborn.

Immature production of the lactase enzyme (lactase deficiency) is most common in premature babies, babies with signs of delay prenatal development undergoing hypoxia ( oxygen starvation) and severe conditions in the neonatal period. With lactase deficiency in the intestines of the baby, the amount of lactase is reduced - an enzyme that processes milk sugar lactose, which in in large numbers found in breast milk or formula.

As a result of incomplete breakdown of milk sugar in the intestines of the crumbs, the processes of fermentation and rapid release of gases begin. The abdomen swells, rumbles, the stool becomes thin with a lot of gas, and as a result, the child develops colic. Often lactase deficiency is temporary and associated with immaturity. gastrointestinal tract. As the child grows, there is an increase in the production of the lactase enzyme in the intestines and the digestion and absorption of milk sugar improves, necessary for the baby For proper growth and development.

Violations of the formation of the intestinal microflora (dysbiosis) in young children lead to incomplete breakdown of nutrients, excessive gas formation and the occurrence of intestinal colic. Useful intestinal microflora (lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and E. coli) is able to form and secrete digestive enzymes, which improves the digestion of food and accelerates its absorption. In addition, beneficial microflora ensures timely emptying of the intestines, protects against allergic reactions and constipation.

In children who are breastfed, the intestinal microflora is represented mainly by bifidobacteria, which contribute to optimal digestion of food. Meanwhile, the children artificial feeding more lactobacilli and opportunistic microbes are detected (these microbes live in the intestine normally, but with certain conditions they can become pathogenic, begin to multiply and lead to the onset of the disease). With an excess of these microbes, putrefactive processes in the intestine increase, causing increased gas formation, colic and constipation. After all, it is with mother's milk that the baby receives bifidogenic factors that contribute to the growth of much-needed bifidobacteria.

It should be noted that, due to the immaturity of organs and systems in premature babies compared to full-term babies, their intestinal colic is more pronounced and protracted, sometimes lasting up to 5-6 months of life.

In the vast majority of cases, intestinal colic in a child is still a temporary phenomenon and is associated with the functional immaturity of organs and systems. However, despite all its harmlessness, intense, frequent and long-lasting intestinal colic in infants can lead to disruption of sleep and nutrition of the child, which, of course, requires taking measures to eliminate or reduce them.

How to relieve the suffering of a child with colic?

To relieve pain at the time of colic in a newborn, you should start with the simplest and most affordable actions:

  • Take the baby in your arms, try to create comfortable position facilitating the passage of gases from the intestines. This can be laying out on the stomach with half-bent legs, the position of the child with the stomach on the mother's stomach.
  • Put heat on the baby's stomach area (and warm hand, and mom's belly, and a diaper, pre-warmed with an iron).
  • Stroke your baby's belly in a circular motion around the navel clockwise, massage the abdomen.
  • Do a few exercises with the baby's legs like a "bike" or just press the bent legs of the crumbs to the tummy.

In case of ineffectiveness of previous measures, it is possible to apply gas tube or enemas to ease the passage of intestinal gas and stool.

∗ Gas tube. Use a clean, boiled gas outlet tube purchased from a pharmacy. Be sure to lubricate the tip of the tube with Vaseline or vegetable oil. Lay the baby on his back, bend his legs slightly and press them against his stomach. Gently, slightly turning the tube, insert it into the rectum and leave for a few minutes. To facilitate the discharge of gases, you can stroke the baby's tummy clockwise.

* Enema. If the colic is very strong and difficult to tolerate by the baby, it is possible to facilitate the passage of gases and stools by giving an enema. Pre-boil enema-pear No. 1, fill with boiled water room temperature, lubricate the tip of the enema with vaseline or vegetable oil. Put the child on its side, bend the legs and bring it to the stomach and carefully insert the tip of the pear enema into the rectum to a depth of 3–5 cm, then squeeze the pear. Squeeze the baby's buttocks, gently pull out the tip of the enema and hold the baby in this position for some more time. For a cleansing enema, it is enough for a newborn to inject 25-30 ml of water, and to an infant- 60–150 ml. A gas tube or enema should not be used regularly, but only in cases where the previous methods have not helped, so as not to disrupt the baby's own bowel movement.

∗ Medications. To facilitate the passage of stool and gases, it is possible to introduce a candle with glycerin. However, this remedy can be used only occasionally, as an emergency, since prolonged use of suppositories can not only cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa, but also prevent the restoration of an independent stool.

If it is difficult to cope with colic in a child and all the described actions do not help, then the doctor may prescribe the child to take drugs designed to combat flatulence. They reduce the accumulation of gases in the intestines, facilitate their discharge and thereby reduce pain. However, before you start giving your baby any medicine, be sure to consult your doctor. Remember that the child may have an individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Since colic can persist for up to 3-4 months, medications can be taken both once - to relieve symptoms, and for a long time - for the purpose of prevention.

Rarely, but it happens that intestinal colic is very strong and brings significant suffering to the child. In these cases, pediatricians prescribe antispasmodics for babies. The choice of drug, dose and duration of administration can be determined by the doctor only after examining the crumbs and excluding other more serious reasons suffering. With the development of intestinal colic against the background of violations of the intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis), it is necessary to establish its causes, followed by the addition of pre- and probiotics to the treatment. To do this, you may need to take some tests (for example, feces for dysbacteriosis, etc.).

If, despite the measures taken, there is no positive dynamics or an increase in other intestinal disorders (constipation, unstable or liquid stool, regurgitation, vomiting, violations of weight gain), the baby needs to conduct an in-depth examination to identify the cause of the violations that have arisen, followed by the selection of treatment.

Prevention of intestinal colic in children

It is important from the first minutes of a baby's life to ensure breastfeeding, which is the most balanced, easily digestible and useful product food for the newborn baby. Breast milk contains not only easily digestible nutrients, but also enzymes that facilitate its digestion, growth factors and substances (oligosaccharides) necessary for the formation and development of beneficial intestinal microflora, proper intestinal motor function.

If the baby is breastfed, it is important to properly attach to the breast and correctly capture not only the nipple, but also the areola (the pigmented circle of the mammary gland around the nipple).

When artificial feeding, it is necessary to use bottles with a nipple equipped with a valve that prevents the baby from swallowing air during feeding.

It is important to choose the right milk formula that facilitates digestion and reduces gas formation in the intestines of the child. These can be mixtures with partially digested protein, with a reduced content of lactose milk sugar, enriched with oligosaccharides. In children suffering from constipation, it is advisable to use special medicinal mixtures with thickeners to facilitate bowel movements. However, only a doctor will help you choose the right milk formula, having carefully dealt with possible reasons colic in your baby.

Regardless of the type of feeding (from breast or bottle), after feeding, it is necessary to hold the baby in vertical position for several minutes to expel the air swallowed during feeding.

Remember: intestinal colic in infants is most often an adaptive reaction to new conditions of existence. Therefore, it is important to create as much comfortable conditions for more easy adaptation crumbs in the form of an organization proper nutrition, daily routine, calm atmosphere in the family.

Predisposing factors

To the occurrence of intestinal colic in infants predispose:

  • immaturity of the central and peripheral nervous regulation of the intestine, which leads to uneven contraction of the intestine, a sharp spasm of its individual sections and pain;
  • immaturity of enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract (substances involved in the digestion of food) leads to incomplete breakdown of fats and carbohydrates in mother's milk and excessive gas formation in the baby's intestines;
  • violation or delay in the formation of beneficial intestinal microflora involved in the processes of digestion of food, protection against pathogenic microbes.

What does a breastfeeding mother eat?

From the menu of a nursing mother, products that lead to increased gas formation in the intestines (whole milk, cucumbers, tomatoes, legumes, corn, sauerkraut, grapes, apples, watermelon, fresh yeast bread, Rye bread, kvass, dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes, figs). It is advisable to limit fatty foods and extractive substances (broths, seasonings) in the diet, exclude highly allergenic foods (nuts, honey, sugar, chocolate, cocoa, red and orange vegetables and fruits, eggs, fish, chicken meat, sausages and sausages, canned food, etc. .), which can disrupt digestion and intestinal motility in both the mother and the child.

Good day, dear moms and dads! Exactly days, because now you can not sleep, because the baby has a tummy ache. What a dream. Very often, the cause of anxiety in a newborn can be pain in the tummy.

The baby does not sleep, and the whole family does not sleep with him. Of course, parents cannot remain calm at such moments, because the child needs their help.

But there is no point in panicking, it often happens that helping a baby can be quite simple. First of all, get together, do not be nervous and try to understand that the reason for the whims of the crumbs is temporary. In this difficult time for the baby, he needs your support, care and love.

Why do abdominal pains occur in newborns, can we prevent this problem, and if it has already arisen, how to help the baby? To make it easier for you to understand your baby, let's look at the reasons for the crumbs' anxiety.

Why does a newborn's tummy hurt?

The newborn cannot yet show where it hurts, and what exactly. Mom definitely needs to carefully look at the behavior of the crumbs and his condition in order to find out the reason. And the cause of abdominal pain can be:

With intestinal colic, the child twists his legs, often pulls them up to his stomach, and with bloating and constipation, the baby will have a tight tummy.

How to help if a newborn's stomach hurts?

First, contact your pediatrician, tell: how the baby behaves, what appetite and stool he has - all this will help the doctor to correctly determine the cause of abdominal pain in the newborn and prescribe treatment.

In the meantime, we'll try to learn some tips experienced mothers that can help you and your baby in solving this problem:

  • what does a mother do when her baby cries and is alarmed by something? That's right, he takes the baby in his arms and presses him to himself. And this is indeed the right decision. The baby immediately feels better from mother's warmth. He hears his usual heartbeat and understands that he is not alone, they love him and will definitely help;
  • you can warm the baby's tummy with your palm, you can also heat the diaper with an iron and attach crumbs to the stomach;
  • before grandmothers rolled a ball on the child's stomach woolen threads clockwise, now you can get by with just palmar, but still clockwise. Thus, you kind of push the accumulated gases to the exit;
  • do the “bicycle” exercise with the baby: put the baby on the back and alternately press his legs to the tummy;
  • tummies in newborns can be cured. Today you can buy it in a pharmacy or cook it yourself. Cooked water can be given to the baby in small portions throughout the day;
  • there are special soothing teas for children that are sold at the pharmacy, but first ask your doctor about them;
  • if the cause of abdominal pain in a newborn is bloating, then you can try to “let down” the gas in the baby using a gas outlet tube. Just do not often need to resort to such measures, let the baby learn to swell himself;
  • if your baby is constipated, try it. This, of course, if other methods for treating constipation in newborns do not help;
  • there are also special medications, which destroy the gas in the intestines of the child and contribute to their excretion. Before using them, again, talk to your local doctor.

How to prevent abdominal pain in a newborn?

Newborns are less likely to experience abdominal pain if they are breastfed. Therefore, if you are a mother who is breastfeeding, you must definitely follow a diet: you should not eat brown bread, cabbage, legumes, beets, tomatoes, drink carbonated drinks.

Try to stick to a nursing diet for at least the first three months, while the baby's ventricle learns to digest food on its own and efficiently.

Choose your formula carefully for your newborn. This does not mean at all that you need to try all milk formulas to choose which one. better fit baby.

You should not make such experiments, because the result can be all the same pain in the tummy. After consulting with your pediatrician, stick with one firm and stick to your desired feeding schedule.

Lay your newborn on your stomach before feeding. By the way, many babies like to sleep on their tummy from birth, maybe your baby will like it too? Try it!

Let your tummy bother your tummy less often, and your family will have good nights.

Intestinal colic in newborns Treatment

How to get rid of colic in the abdomen of a newborn and what causes constant intestinal colic in an infant ? Here you will find information on what parents can do to eliminate colic in newborns as soon as possible, what treatment should be taken if colic in the stomach caused serious illness GIT.
Colic in the intestines in the first months of life - normal phenomenon for a healthy child's body.
In most cases, it is not associated with pathologies. and occurs in the process of restructuring the gastrointestinal tract, addictive toddler to a new way of life outside the womb.

Colic causes acute pain in the abdomen of a newborn baby , he starts crying and jerking his legs, trying to pull them higher, to his tummy. To know the cause of the baby's discomfort not difficult: if he twists his head and moves his arms rapidly, then the problem is in the upper body (stomach hurts, etc.), and with intestinal colic a newborn baby is nervous and knocks his legs on the crib.

Doctors identify the following main causes intestinal colic in newborns: intestinal ailments of an infectious nature ; a combination of flatulence and intestinal spasms; bloating due to the digestion of food that is not yet suitable for the body; lack of enzymes that digest milk, overeating; allergic reaction to any food ; immature nervous system unable regulate gastrointestinal function which leads to spasms.

Tips for dealing with colic in newborns there are many babies. Helps in some cases swaddling or hand pressure on the abdomen (combination of palm heat and pressure) when the child lies on its back . Rhythmic sounds (hairdryer, food processor, wind swaying deciduous trees) can distract the child and calm him down. Also valid sweet song sung by mom . You can reflexively relieve spasm by applying newborn baby to breast or offering him a drink of plain water.

For kids who love to bathe, a warm bath can help calm them down. , positive emotions distract the baby and the pain in the abdomen will go away by itself. But if the baby is naughty during water procedures and the process of bathing usually annoys him, this method is not appropriate, it will only aggravate the situation and intestinal colic will bother the newborn more . Treatment this disease with the use of medications is used in rare cases and only after coordinating the method of treatment with the pediatrician.

Before feeding your baby , put it on your tummy for 10-15 minutes. This will give additional stimulation of intestinal motility.
breastfeeding time mom should not eat foods that provoke flatulence: legumes, grapes, cucumbers, melons, sauerkraut. It should be noted that fennel (fruits) and essential oils have a positive effect on digestion, contribute to the production of a large volume of gastric juice, and improve peristalsis. Then the splitting and absorption of food takes less time, gases pass more easily and do not accumulate in the intestines , colic newborn the child is not disturbed.

As we mentioned above, abdominal colic in newborns- a very frequent and quite natural phenomenon in the first weeks after the birth of the baby. We briefly told you which methods are most effective in reducing pain

Quite often, after the birth of a child, parents are faced with such a problem as pain in the tummy of a newborn. Moreover, the pain can occur at any time of the day or night. Naturally, a baby who does not yet know how to speak cannot tell his parents exactly where his stomach hurts.

Don't panic. First of all, you need to calm down and pull yourself together. In this situation main task any parent is helping their kid. Why does a baby's tummy hurt and how to fix this problem?


Causes of pain:

In order to determine the occurrence of pain, mom or dad needs to observe the behavior of the baby. Abdominal pain can occur due to:

  • Colic in the intestines;
  • Bloating
  • Constipation.

If the child is tormented by colic, then he will constantly move his legs and try to bring them closer to his stomach. When the baby has constipation or bloating, the stomach will feel tight to the touch.

What to do?

If a child has a tummy ache, of course, the first thing to do with this problem is to consult a doctor. At the same time, it is necessary to tell the specialist about the child's behavior, his diet and appetite, as well as about the stool. Thus, the doctor will be able to identify the cause of the pain and prescribe the correct treatment.

To ease the pain, each parent can do the following:

  • Of course, when a child cries, any mother tries to calm him down. At the same time, they take the baby in their arms and try to caress. Thus, the baby does not feel lonely, the warmth of the mother and her heartbeat are very important for him. The child needs to understand that they really love him, and no one will leave him;
  • It is best to warm the baby's tummy. For these purposes, a diaper heated with an iron or a mother’s hand is suitable;
  • Experienced grandmothers will say that in order to reduce pain in the tummy, you need to take a ball of thread and roll it clockwise around the child's stomach. Now you can get by with a regular massage. Movements should still be carried out clockwise. Thus, gaziki gradually leave the baby's tummy;
  • Also, such an exercise as a “bicycle” will not hurt. For this child, it is necessary to put on the back and, in turn, press one or the other leg to the tummy;
  • In addition to all of the above, dill water helps in the fight against abdominal pain. It is currently for sale in ready-made in pharmacies. Also, this infusion can be prepared at home. dill water give children throughout the day in small portions;
  • Not bad for pain in the abdomen cope with special teas with a calming effect. But before giving a drink to a child, consult a doctor about this;
  • If the baby is tormented by bloating, then his suffering can be alleviated through a tube for removing gases. Only here it is worth saying that this method cannot be used too often. The child must learn to fart on his own;
  • If the child suffers from constipation, then you can give him an enema. But these are, of course, extreme measures in the event that nothing else helps;
  • IN this moment in pharmacies you can find a huge number of drugs that contribute to the destruction of gases in the intestines of a child. But here again, you must first consult with a specialist.

To no longer hurt.

How to prevent the occurrence of abdominal pain in a child?

  1. If the baby is breastfed, the mother needs to follow a special diet. After all, those products that she eats are transmitted to the child through milk. Do not include in the diet foods such as beets, tomatoes, black bread, etc.;
  2. If the child is bottle-fed, then abdominal pain may occur due to an improperly selected mixture. Therefore, if parents notice that after eating the baby has a stomach ache, it is necessary to reconsider the option of the mixture offered to him;
  3. Before starting to feed the baby, it must be laid out on the tummy. By the way, many children from the first days of life are very fond of these procedures.


What other means are there in the fight against abdominal pain in a newborn?

  • Relaxing bath. In the process of bathing, you need to add a couple of drops to the bath essential oil lavender or chamomile. It is this bath that will help relax the muscles and get rid of accumulated gases. As well as an option, you can fill the bag with these herbs and put it in the bath;
  • Massage is an excellent remedy for relieving abdominal pain in a child. For these purposes, you will need to make a mixture of almond oil and chamomile oil. Both need one teaspoon each. With an oil mixture, you need to massage the child's stomach in a clockwise direction;
  • In the fight against pain and bloating, ginger will certainly help parents. First you need to make a decoction of ginger. After that, it must be cooled to a warm state. Next, you need to dip the cotton fabric into the decoction made and attach it to the baby's tummy. In order for the compress to retain heat, you need to put a bottle of warm water on top of the fabric;
  • In the case when the child suffers from constipation, he needs to be given, or more drink is possible, as well as prunes. In addition, parents should think about the situation prevailing in the family. Indeed, quite often the cause of constipation in children is their emotional state;
  • If the child, on the contrary, suffers from diarrhea, then he without fail give as much water as possible. This is necessary so that the baby does not get dehydrated. The same excellent remedy in the fight against diarrhea is banana puree. If a child suffers from diarrhea on an ongoing basis, then most likely he has an allergy to some foods or mother's milk. In order to defeat diarrhea, you can brew raspberry leaves. You can give this decoction in a whole pipette until the diarrhea stops completely. If diarrhea is accompanied by spasms, then a decoction of rosemary will help the baby. This option will help you get rid of pain very quickly. To do this, you need one teaspoon of this herb. Pour boiling water over it and heat for about 15 minutes over low heat. After that, pass the broth through a fine sieve and cool it. If the case is serious enough, then about every 15 minutes the baby should be given a decoction in a full pipette. As soon as parents see an improvement, the dose is reduced to 60 ml every three hours. It is necessary to give a decoction to the child until the diarrhea is completely over.

Now it has become clear why the baby has a tummy ache and how this unpleasant phenomenon for the baby can be prevented.