Men's hair coloring is a stylish solution for the hairstyle of a modern man. Color has no gender: guys with pink hair are normal Guy with bright blue hair

How many times in childhood were we told that blue is for boys and pink is for girls and bought clothes mostly in these colors? It simply cannot be counted. But still, girls have always had the opportunity to wear blue, blue and any other color. But poor men and boys caught sidelong glances if they had any attribute of pink color with them. And pink clothes in the men's departments were practically not sold.

The wind of change

But then came the twenty-first century - the century of gender equality, and finally the boys began to calmly wear pink clothes. Pink is no longer just girly. Another achievement of this century - young people began to dye their hair, and this is no longer considered strange.

The age of not only gender equality has come, but also the age of freedom of expression. Tattoos and piercings no longer seem something repulsive and strange. And in the last few years, it has become very popular to dye your hair not in natural shades, but in the colors of the entire palette: from snow-white, gray, yellow to red, pink, purple and others. Sometimes even fitting all the shades of the rainbow on your head.

At first, in Russia, the owners of multi-colored hair were looked askance, then with curiosity, and now every second teenager and every fifth adult is not afraid to change his image so drastically. While the girls tried on all the colors offered by the salons, the boys still decided on highlighting, lightening or other non-cardinal changes. But just a year ago, in America, Europe and Asia, young people one after another decided on such a bold act: they were not afraid to choose such a provocative color as pink. Guys with pink hair are now more and more common.

Origins of inspiration

Initially, multi-colored hair on boys, including pink, was found in anime characters, world-famous Japanese cartoons, designed for a predominantly teenage and adult audience. It is not surprising that the first experimenters - guys with pink hair and other unusual colors - were residents of Asian countries. So, for example, among Korean boy bands gaining worldwide popularity, hair of unnatural colors has become part of their image.

Just like anime is now watched all over the world, so the “pink-haired fever” has captured the inhabitants of other countries. Guys with pink hair began to appear in America and Europe. And these are not only artists, singers and bloggers, but also ordinary residents.

Photo of guys with pink hair

So the fashion for daring bright-haired anime characters migrated into our lives. Today, the pink hair color of guys has already ceased to be something strange.

And the owners of a lush beard are starting to introduce dyed beards into the trend. On the streets of big cities, it is already quite common to meet adult brutal men with a pink beard.

Guys with pink hair no longer make their owners look strange even in Russia, however, only in large cities. If you've been wanting to add something vibrant to your look for a long time, don't be afraid to dye your hair any color you want.

Let's hope that soon such images will not attract attention with a negative message, but will only cause approval and admiration for the courage of the owners of a bright style.

Gray hair, dull and uneven color strains not only women. This can be seen in how popular men's coloring has become. The procedure has ceased to be outlandish, more and more people are turning to it, and this is normally perceived. The main thing is not to ruin your hair.

Features of male coloring

You can immediately do haircuts with coloring in the salon. The master will help the man choose the necessary shade, perform the procedure professionally, and bring it to the desired result. But there are two drawbacks: it is much more expensive and it will take time. Home painting can be done on a convenient day, in the morning or in the evening, the cost of the procedure will be several times lower, but there are nuances.

What are the features of hair coloring:

  • If male coloring is used to get rid of gray hair, burnt strands, to give a well-groomed look, then you need to get into color. The difference should not be 1-2 tones, otherwise regrown roots will appear in 2-3 weeks, correction will be required.
  • It is important to choose the right paint. Men's hair is thicker, coarser, rarely porous and damaged, gentle products for women's hair may not be taken.
  • Some manufacturers (Loreal, Schwarzkopf) produce special paints for men. The palettes contain natural colors without redness, redness and other inappropriate shades.

Men's hair during dyeing can also be ruined, burned, and provoke loss. No one is immune from allergies to the composition of the product, itching of the scalp, peeling, pain in the eyes, tearing. Therefore, the painting procedure must be approached consciously; changing color every day will not work.

How to choose paint

There are three criteria for choosing hair dye for a guy: shade, type of product / consistency and aggressiveness. Since most men have the goal of hiding gray hair or getting rid of dullness, they choose their native color. There are few such shades in the palettes of popular manufacturers, a maximum of 10-15 pieces. Among them are 1-3 tones of chestnut, light brown and black of different saturation.

What are the colors according to the consistency:

  • Classic creams, gels. Used for thick and coarse men's hair. Usually the paint is in a tube, it comes with a developing agent or an oxidizing agent. Such formulations require careful application, skin protection, and the help of an outsider. Minus - they burn and spoil the hair.
  • Mousses. They are light, airy, convenient for independent use, any man can handle painting. They are easy to apply, like shampoo, qualitatively envelop every hair. There are also two mixing components in the package. Mousses are more gentle, suitable for damaged, weakened, thin hair. Minus - they paint over gray hair poorly, they are quickly washed off.
  • Tinted shampoos, balms. An excellent and easy-to-use paint option that will get rid of a dull color, give a shine, a healthy look. With gray hair and other serious problems, painting with sparing compositions will not cope. Minus tint funds - they are washed off.
  • Since dyes with aggressive oxidizing agents have a negative effect on men's hair, many products without ammonia have appeared in stores. They work more carefully, but all gentle products are quickly washed off, do not cover gray hair, sometimes they are not taken on coarse and thick hair. Only ammonia compounds can cope with them, they can be used no more than once a month.

    By the way, men's coloring is a very economical way to change the image, one package of paint can be enough for 2-4 times, depending on the length of the hair. Therefore, you should not pay attention to cheap brands of dubious origin and quality, it is wiser to choose well-known brands, proven, with positive reviews.

    Lightening and highlighting

    Men's hair bleaching is more often a whim and a fashion trend than a necessity. It is used to create fashionable effects, before dyeing in light or bright shades. It should be noted right away that the procedure negatively affects the quality of the hair. If a man has a short haircut, then this is not a problem. Long hair can be ruined even in one painting.

    Highlighting is an alternative to complete clarification, only individual strands are bleached. This technique looks impressive on structural men's haircuts with a hair length of 10 cm or more. The difficulties of highlighting and lightening include missing the result. It is not always possible to achieve a blond, dark and coarse hair can become yellow, rusty, heterogeneous, you will have to repaint or apply tinting.

    By the way, white hair is suitable only for men of cold appearance. With a warm type, they will look unnatural, pretentious, it is better to focus on wheaten, light blond shades.

    Types and methods of hair dyeing

    Coloring natural hair for men is still something unusual, unusual, inherent only in Hollywood stars or boys from the catwalks. In fact, the result and effect largely depends on the chosen technique.

    The main methods of male coloring:

    • Full painting. The classic technique of applying the composition from roots to tips in order to change the color. Differs in simplicity of carrying out.
    • End coloring. Looks interesting, gives the face freshness. A big plus is that at any time the tips are easy to cut, renew, change the shade.
    • Highlighting, coloring, coloring of individual strands. Fashion techniques that often use multiple tones. Courageous men combine bright colors.
    • Zonal staining. Such techniques may have other names. The essence is the same - the color changes in separate areas. It can be a bang, a cap, temples or a leg under a massive mop of native hair.
    • The longer the hair of a man and the more interesting the haircut, the more color options you can try. A short hairstyle does not provide such opportunities, but you can always change the color, make it a little brighter, refresh the image.

      creative coloring

      The trend of recent years is men's coloring in bright shades of blue, orange, purple, pink, green palettes. This option is suitable for young, courageous people. A man will stand out from the crowd, will constantly attract attention, but unusual techniques have their own characteristics.

      Three nuances of male coloring:

  1. First, you need to carefully choose the shade. It should fit the style, clothes, lifestyle. If a young man occupies a serious position or attends an educational institution, then purple, turquoise or red hair will be superfluous.
  2. Secondly, it is wiser to contact the master. At home, it is difficult to make creative men's painting without any experience. In 90% of cases, the result does not live up to expectations.
  3. Thirdly, the result of men's dyeing largely depends on the original hair color. In order for a brunette to get bright blue or orange shades, which are shown on paint packages, photos on the Internet or in a catalog, you will first have to go through discoloration. This is an additional waste of time and money.

By the way, bright hairstyles rejuvenate a man. But you need to use this carefully, purple hair and pink tufts on a mature person are not always appropriate.

The duration of staining with various paints

Men's hair is often thick and coarse, unlike women's. Therefore, the exposure time of conventional paint will not be less than indicated on the package. Usually it is 30 minutes. Sometimes masters add another 5-10 minutes when painting. Exposure may be reduced if, before changing the color, the man did lightening, the hair has already got rid of the pigment, it is devastated. You can also keep tint products without ammonia less or more.

Coloring errors:

  • Keep for a very long time. If the package indicates 30 minutes, then you should not leave the composition for 40-60, extra time will not affect saturation, and it will ruin your hair, dry it, and burn your scalp. This will lead to brittleness, loss. Only the master can increase the painting time.
  • Choose the tone according to the front picture on the package. You need to look at the table with the ratio of shades in the instructions or on the back. This is the maximum result that can be achieved by holding the set time, it is unlikely to be brighter, no matter how long you hold it.
  • Leave the coloring composition to "infuse". It begins to work when the pigment is combined with an oxidizing agent. If you do not use it immediately, leave it for half an hour or more, then the result of painting will change.
  • Change color often. The best option for painting for men is once every 1-1.5 months. If correction is needed, then only the roots can be worked out or gentle tint products can be used.
  • The easiest way to determine the time is to do a control staining on a separate strand. But this option is only suitable for long-haired men. If a man has a short haircut, then it is difficult to find an inconspicuous area, a trial painting will be visible.

    Trends 2019 in men's coloring

    If a man has a short haircut, then most often they choose a monochromatic color close to their native color or a contrasting shade. More room for experimentation is provided by long textured and asymmetrical haircuts. Zonal techniques and trendy shades of this year look interesting on them.

  1. Men's coloring

    Painting can be done in one shade or use several colors. The peculiarity of this coloring is work with length. Roots are rarely involved in the process, so correction for the next 2-3 months may not be necessary, with regrowth a natural effect is created without clear lines and transitions.

  2. Men with gray hair at the temples or ashen staining

    Trend coloring, which helps to effectively hide early gray hair. Great for young people. For mature men, this option can add age. For painting, you can use ashy shades of different saturation. If there are already gray hairs, then you get the effect of fine highlighting.

  3. Men's bangs highlighting

    Men's highlighting came into fashion about 10 years ago, then gradually lost its relevance. Now it is returning, the painting is called "Trash", but more often it is used only on bangs or elongated strands at the back. Young men use different paint numbers instead of classic bleaching, sometimes they do temporary highlighting with tint balms. A great men's option for summer and holidays.

  4. Balayazh for men

    This painting technique is very similar to highlighting, brightening compositions are also used, but the master makes strokes in a chaotic manner with a brush, creating the effect of glare and strands burnt out in the sun. A very popular coloring technique for men from the catwalks, fashion models, goes well with dark, tanned skin.

Features of care

If men with natural hair often need only cleansing, after dyeing the number of jars in the bathroom will increase. It is important to choose the right care products. They should not contain aggressive components, dry hair, wash out the pigment.

What needs to be changed in men's care after painting:

The most useless are 2 or 3 in 1 products. Men's shampoo should cleanse dyed hair, lift the cuticle. If a smoothing conditioner (2 in 1) is present in the composition, then dissonance occurs. Either the scales do not rise, the hair remains dirty, or the balm will not work. In the second option, the hair will be cleaned, but will become dry, rough, without shine. Men's 3 in 1 products are also suitable for the body, but the skin is poorly cleansed due to the conditioner in the composition.

Would you dye your hair?


Men's coloring techniques require some preparation, careful selection of shade, paint, and sometimes preliminary bleaching. To do something really interesting, you can’t do without the help of a master. The usual tinting or painting in the native color in order to eliminate gray hair, restore shine and saturation is much easier, you can handle it yourself. The main nuances are to choose the right shade, follow the instructions exactly.

Bright highlighting, toning or coloring of strands is increasingly becoming relevant not only for the fair sex. Hair color in men can also be part of a fashionable image. For example, during the trend for marine tones, “mermaids” with hair and beards of blue-green shades increasingly appeared on the catwalks and streets of the largest capitals of the world. However, it is not necessary to go to extremes. When deciding what color to dye men's hair, you can limit yourself to the natural range of colors.

Bright personalities can also indulge in the pleasure of emphasizing their individuality. Greens and chestnuts, browns and purples, blues and blacks, radical platinum blonds and soft wheaten - all these colors are quite appropriate in men's coloring and, with the right selection, can become a real decoration of an everyday look. To understand all the intricacies of changing hair color, it is worth studying in more detail the available palette of shades and the features of the procedure.

natural shades

By nature, men are rewarded with a much less rich palette of hair colors. Let's designate the main types.

  • Blond. Light shades of hair may be genetically related and may be a sign of albinism. But much more often they are inherited by northern peoples: Scandinavians, residents of the northern part of Russia, Germans. Natural blond is rarely cold, usually it contains a yellow pigment that gives the hair shades of wheat, honey, rye, flax.

Coloring in light colors is always associated with discoloration of the strands, otherwise it will not work to get the desired color palette.

  • gray-haired. White hair can be the result of a complete loss of pigment. Natural gray hair has a clean and cold color or a slight yellowness. Dark-haired men, turning gray, can acquire ashen hair. Most often they are tinted with purple and blue dyes to give the image nobility.
  • Brunette. An actual option for men with a bright southern type of appearance. Black and dark brown hair are found among residents of the East, Latin America, Mexico, Arab countries, and the Caucasus. Eyebrows and eyelashes in this case are also always dark.

The names of the hair color in this case often emphasize the undertone, for example, blue-black, with a purple tint.

  • Brown hair. This includes all chestnut tones: from light to dark, brown, close to cocoa or cinnamon. The gradation of shades can be cold, medium, warm, saturation also varies from dark blond to almost brunette. Brown-haired hair is rarely uniformly colored - they have overflows and versatility. This color is found in most residents of Europe, the USA, who have a European type of appearance.

  • Ginger. The palette of red tones is the most rare in nature. Red-haired men can have carrot-colored, mahogany-colored, buckwheat-honey hair. If there are plans to change the color, it must be taken into account that the red pigment is the most difficult to repaint.

All these shades of hair belong to the natural range, when dyeing they are chosen to hide the signs of gray hair, correct or refresh the tone of the strands. In this case, the tone of the paint should be as close to natural as possible. Then the color change will look harmonious.

Unusual tones

Color dyeing is increasingly chosen by courageous young men who are not burdened by the office dress code in choosing their own style. Multicolor options in double or triple version look interesting. Moreover, modern men are often ready to tint their beard, and the more contrasting the colors, the better. The palettes of such dyes are also called very brightly: from “siren” to “fire”. The most popular tones in an unusual range include 9 options.

  • Metal. These are platinum and silver, copper and mercury shades that modern hairdressers love so much. The more brutal the image and haircut are, the more impressive the change in colors looks. Very light shades are difficult to get on dark hair.

  • Green. In fashion - shades of lime peel and green lawn, as well as "mermaid" trends close to marsh, emerald, khaki. The brighter the palette, the better. Young men can afford shades of light green, but it is worth considering that in combination with fair skin they can give a sickly, tired look.

  • Purple and lilac. Option for brutal men. Interestingly, these colors are well received even in a conservative society. The ink shade can be called universal for gray hair with a graphic short hairstyle, on long hair it evokes associations with a cartoon fairy godmother.

Delicate lilac is often combined with undercut haircuts, men's buns, bright lilac - with elongated asymmetrical bangs.

  • Yellow. A bright shade of egg yolk or pale lemon, mustard or gold - all these colors are chosen by the owners of short haircuts. Shades of yellow go well with curly or afro hair, swarthy skin.

  • Pink. Option for the most brutal men. Most often, coloring is done in a shade of fuchsia or combined with other tones in a multicolor hairstyle. It looks interesting toning the ends of the strands in combination with the same border along the edge of the beard.

  • Graphite. Brutal and at the same time non-standard color. Depending on the initial shade, it can turn into a “pepper and salt” or “wet asphalt”, but always has a characteristic silver-gray undertone.

  • Blue and cyan. The most trendy colors that are used both for highlighting individual strands and for full coloring. They look bright and unusual, radically transform the image, fit well on gray hair. Blue dyes are not very persistent, the brightness of the color is quickly lost, but it can be very difficult to achieve complete washing out of the pigment from the hair.

  • Sea wave. Blue-green shades of hair are universal, they can be applied to both fair-haired men and typical brunettes. It is better to perform staining in the salon, otherwise, instead of a fashionable tone, you can get the effect of brilliant green, evoking thoughts of a pharmacy. Shades of the sea wave look especially good on asymmetrical haircuts with elongated bangs.

  • Orange. This color is rarely found in men's coloring today in its original tone of juicy orange. Much more often you can find a version in the spirit of “pink flamingo” with orange-crimson transitions or “sunset in the jungle” with a predominance of fiery red colors of a flaming dawn.

Don't be afraid of bright colors. Modern staining techniques make it easy to transform even conservatives. Unstable dyes will help to try on a new image for a while and will allow you to get used to the idea of ​​future changes.

How to choose a color?

Men's hair has its own characteristics. As a rule, they are much tougher and fatter due to the high level of hormonal levels. Hair coloring in this case is always more difficult and requires the use of special formulations. When choosing a color for men, it is better to rely on the length of the hair and natural external data.

For a short haircut with a hair length of up to 20 mm, you should choose a solid color. Any shade of the natural palette will do. With an average hair length - from 3 to 7 cm - you can afford bold experiments and bright coloring.

Often the roots remain natural, and the ends of the strands are discolored and tinted. If we are talking about an office dress code, you can simply add highlights to your hair, refresh the color, make light highlighting.

Long men's hairstyles require a special approach when coloring. Coarse hair is difficult to evenly paint over the entire length. In addition, any drastic color change in this case will look unnatural and attract attention. If you want to change your image for a short time, for example, during the holidays, you can get by with dyeing your hair with unstable dyes with a bright range of tones. On long strands, complex coloring looks good with a multifaceted color transition or gradual lightening from roots to ends.

Painting techniques

Among the techniques popular in men's coloring, a number of options can be noted.

  • Highlighting. A universal option that allows you to dye not all hair, but only individual strands. Highlighting at the tips helps to visually rejuvenate the image, making it more fashionable. For highlighting, there is no restriction on the color of natural strands, it masks gray hair well, and does not require frequent correction. You can perform such male coloring with wide, even strands using foil or a “cap”.

Colored hair in anime is not uncommon, and guys with bright hairstyles involuntarily attract attention, whether it's pink curls or fiery red strands. Let's get acquainted with the most famous heroes.

Anime guys with red hair

1. Mikoto Suoh

Looking through the pictures of anime guys with red hair, you can see Mikoto Suoh from the series "Project Kay". His hairstyle is not without reason reminiscent of flames, because he is able to control fire.

2. Otoya Ittoki

Otoya Ittoki from the anime "Singing Prince: Really 1000% Love" always full of energy and optimism. He seriously intends to become a pop star, enjoys playing the guitar and learning to sing.

3 Gaara

Anime guys with red hair are sometimes bloodthirsty. Gaara from "Naruto" a prime example of this. From a young age, he was possessed by a demon and only thanks to new friends overcame the darkness in his soul.

4. Rhine

Rhine from "Neo Angelica" a young genius who studies artifacts to create new mechanisms and devices. In battle, he uses firearms with special "cleansing" cartridges.

5. Luc von Fabre

Luc von Fabre from "Tales of the Abyss" initially appears to be a cranky and greedy teenager from a wealthy family. During the journey, he realizes the value of life and changes his views on the world around him.

6. Daisuke Niva

Daisuke Niva from "Angel Code" kind anime boy with red hair. He has a second personality that awakens from time to time, changing the appearance of the guy with his appearance.

7. Lavie

"D. Gray-man"- anime where a guy with red hair acts as a true friend of the protagonist. Bookman Lavi spends his life wandering, writing down the secret history of mankind.

8. Shanks

Shanks of "One piece" cheerful and friendly pirate captain. Slightly unshaven on his face emphasizes a carefree disposition, and for his unusual hair color he was nicknamed Red-haired Shanks.

9. Karma Akabane

"Murder in the Classroom" anime about a boy with red hair, Karma Akabane. This slender, pale-skinned youth is undisciplined, but cunning and skilled when it comes to fighting.

10. Taiga Kagami

"Kuroko Basketball" a wonderful anime about a guy with red hair. Taiga Kagami is a tall, muscular youth. Incredibly purposeful and does not back down in the face of difficulties.

Anime boys with red hair

11. Hisoka

Hisoka from "Hunter x Hunter" looks like a clown, but behind the image of a jester is a sophisticated killer. Being deceitful and cruel, he still sometimes helps people, pursuing his own goals.

12. Kenshin Himura

Kenshin Himura from the anime "Rogue Kenshin"- anime boy with red hair tied in a ponytail. Closed, does not seek to make friends, because deep down he is afraid of losing them.

13. Klein

Klein from the series "Sword Art Online" sociable and simple-minded anime guy with red hair. Having become a prisoner of a computer game, he did not lose heart and rallied a lot of people around him.

14. Gildarts Clive

Gildarts Clive of "Fairy tale"- a calm, slightly absent-minded mage of the Fairy Tail guild. In battle, he does not like to hold back, so his attacks are distinguished by great destructive power.

15. Rider

Ryder from the work "Destiny: The Beginning" stands out with fiery hair and huge muscles. Class B Servant. The Rider has arrived in our world to take part in the new battle for the Grail.

Anime boys with pink hair

16. Renji Abarai

Renji Abarai from the anime Bleach known for his strong and optimistic personality. Sometimes he behaves boldly, even defiantly. Likes to argue. His pink hair is pulled back into a short ponytail.

17. Natsu Dragneel

Natsu Dragneel from "Fairy tale"- an anime boy with pink hair, whose courage borders on recklessness. He is a Dragon Slayer, so the flames cannot harm him.

18. Seijuro Akashi

Seijuro Akashi from "Kuroko Basketball" another anime guy with pink hair. His personality is mysterious and even slightly creepy. The captain of the basketball team who does not accept defeat.

19. Ayato Sakamaki

Ayato Sakamaki from the anime "Devil's Beloved" very selfish and requires constant attention to his own person. He strives to be the best in whatever he takes on.

20. Tigervrumd Vorn

Tigervrumd Vorn of "Lord of Magic Missiles and Vanadis" a tall young man skillfully wielding a bow. Despite the noble origin, he prefers a quiet, measured life without fuss and hassle.

In anime, guys with blond hair attract attention no less than brunettes. Someone likes light brown, someone white, and someone likes golden hair color. Just about these guys will be discussed in the article.

Anime guys with brown hair

1. Edward Elric

Edward Elric of "Fullmetal Alchemist"- anime guy with blond hair braided in a pigtail. He has complexes because of his small stature and reacts violently to any statements about his appearance.

2. Usui Takumi

Usui Takumi from the series "The head maid" distinguished by exemplary behavior and academic performance. Keeps aloof, tries not to show emotions, but in the end follows the call of the heart.

3. Dino Cavallone

Dino Cavallone from the anime "Reborn!"- a tall young man with golden flowing strands of hair, on his face. Despite his status as the boss of a mafia family, he is very gentle and courteous to his subordinates.

4. Wolfram von Bielfeld

Wolfram von Bielfeld from "From now on, Maou, the Demon King!" short-tempered anime boy with blond hair. He hates people, but makes an exception for Yuri, who became his chosen one.

5. Shinji Hirako

Shinji Hirako from Bleach wears a chin-length bob haircut. The former captain of the Soul Society loves to joke, but in battle he becomes a serious adversary that inspires respect.

6. Masaomi Kida

The merry fellow, the talker and the soul of Masaomi Kid's company from "Durarara!!" not as simple as it might seem at first. Despite the carelessness, he is able to find a way out of any situation.

7. Alois Trancy

Alois Trancy from "Dark Butler" always looks perfect. The young count has a stubborn, unpredictable disposition and is prone to sadistic antics. Bound by a contract with a demon.

8. Kise Ryota

Kise Ryota from the anime "Kuroko Basketball"- a tall anime guy whose blond hair contrasts with long dark eyelashes. A talented player who can copy the moves of others.

9. Tamaki Suoh

Tamaki Suo from "Oran School Host Club" is a tall, charming blond who uses charm to seduce girls. Carefree and frivolous, he quickly changes mood.

10. Giulio Cesare

Like many anime guys with blond hair, Giulio Cesare from the series "Helper of Louise the Zero" popular with girls. Excellent swordsman. Heterochromia gives it originality.

Anime guys with white hair

11. Toshiro Hitsugaya

As many anime pictures show, guys with white hair are often associated with ice. Toshiro Hitsugaya from Bleach also uses cold in battle, because the spirit of his sword is an ice dragon.

12. Archer

archer from "Fate: Stay Night"- A dark-skinned archer with short white hair, summoned during the battle for the Grail. He never lies, but he is also in no hurry to lay out all the secrets.

13. Hatsuharu Soma

Hatsuharu Soma from the anime "Fruit Basket" as usual, he behaves calmly, but in moments of anger, the appearance of a teenager changes dramatically, and the color of his hair becomes black.

14. Faith Averunkus

Another anime little boy with white hair - Faith Averunkus from the TV series "Magic Teacher Negima". Remains calm under any circumstances. The strongest mage of the earth.

15. Phantom

Looking for an anime about a guy with white hair can be recommended "Heaven MAR". Although the Phantom is not the main character, he attracts with charisma. A brave knight of the Chess Pieces organization.

16. Zero Kiryu

Zero Kiryu of "Vampire Knight" became a bloodsucker against his will. From the moment of transformation, he hates vampires, fights with them. White hair is slightly tousled, giving a casual look.

17. Soul

Soul from "Devourer of Souls" is another anime boy with white hair. He is determined, courageous and determined to earn the title of Death Scythe. Loyal friend, always helps friends.

18. Sasagawa Ryohei

Sasagawa Ryohei from "Reborn" boasts a strong physical fitness. A short haircut, a purposeful look, a band-aid on his nose emphasize his fighting character.

19. Zarxis Break

Zarxis Break from the series "The hearts of Pandora", a suitable hero if you want to watch an anime about a boy with white hair. He likes to joke, which infuriates those around him.

20. Kanata Nanami

Kanata Nanami from the anime "Starry Sky" initially appears to be a rude and truant, but later reveals his true nature. He was often sick, which is why he shunned other people.

21. Inuyasha

Inuyasha from the series of the same name "Inuyasha" is a half demon. His distinguishing feature is dog ears and long, waist-length, snow-white hair. It is quick-tempered, but easily reconciled.

22. Tsukumo Murasame

At times, anime guys with white hair show unusual character traits. Tsukumo Murasame from the anime "Betrayal Knows My Name" understands the language of animals and birds. Likes sweets.

23. Gilbert Beilschmidt

Gilbert Beilschmidt of "Hetalia and the Axis Powers" represents Prussia. His self-esteem is slightly inflated, so he considers himself better than others. As a rule, he is dressed in a strict military uniform.

24. Nura Rikuo

Sometimes anime guys with long white hair are able to change their appearance. Nura Rikuo from the series "Grandson of Nurarihyon" during the day, an ordinary person, and at night turns into a white-maned demon.

25. Scar

anime scar "Fullmetal Alchemist"- A combat monk originally from Ishwar. Two scars crisscross his stern face. Strong and dexterous. Takes revenge on the alchemists of Amestris for the oppression of his people.

Anime boys blondes

26. Kurapika

Pictures of anime guys of blondes are also popular on the net. Kurapika from "Hunter x Hunter" a handsome, slender young man with golden hair. He is a natural leader and an excellent strategist.

27. Oz Vessalius

Like many anime boys are blondes, Oz Vessalius from the series "The hearts of Pandora" gained fame as a handsome man. His hair is not easy to comb, and a single strand constantly sticks out to the side.

28. Frau

Frau from "The Seventh Spirit" dedicated his life to serving the church. His height is much higher than average, which sometimes causes ridicule, but the blond himself does not pay any attention to them.

29. Cubanashi

Another anime where the blond guy is "Grandson of Nurarihyon". Youkai Kubinashi is literally devoid of a neck, his head hovering over his shoulders. Fights with long thin threads, cutting enemies.

30. Momiji Soma

Momiji Soma from the anime "Fruit Basket" positive and carefree guy. Sometimes he plays tricks to get attention. Like other members of his family, turn into an animal.

31. Barry

Anime guys blondes come across in the series "Pokemon". Barry, a boy in an orange jacket, is hyperactive, ready to challenge anyone. Dreams of becoming the best Pokémon trainer.

32. Kazuharu Fukuyama

Kazuharu Fukuyama from "Bravo, girls!" by the standards of a high school student, he is very rich and lives in a separate mansion. He is allergic to men, so the environment is made up of only girls.

33. Meliodas

"Seven Deadly Sins" beautiful anime with a boy with yellow hair. Meliodas looks like a kind and friendly golden-haired child, in fact he is over three thousand years old.

34. Lexus Dreyar

Lexus Dreyar from "Fairy tale" a tall and muscular young man with slicked-back, blond hair. Domineering, arrogant, he likes to make fun of everyone who is weaker than him.

35. Super Saiyan Goku

Super Saiyan Goku another blond guy with long anime hair "Dragonball Z". In his final form, his hair turns yellow and stands on end, and Goku's strength is multiplied.

36. Hyoga

Hyoga from "Knights of the Zodiac" endowed with the power of the constellation Cygnus, able to control snow and ice. Outwardly calm and balanced, he turns out to be a sensitive and benevolent person.

37. Namikaze Minato

Namikaze Minato of "Naruto: Way of the Ninja"- an anime guy with yellow hair, one of the strongest ninja of the Hidden Leaf. Sacrificed himself to save the village from the Nine-Tailed Beast.

38. Luke Valentine

Luke Valentine from the anime "Hellsing"- artificial vampire. Shed a lot of blood with his brother. His hair is pulled back in a spectacular ponytail, and elegant glasses glisten on the bridge of his nose.

39. Gash Bell

Gash Bell from the series "Golden Gash Bell" was given as a servant for Kiyomaro's fourteenth birthday. It is later revealed that Gash is a demon child who fights against other demon children.

40. Gilgamesh

Those who like beautiful blonde anime guys will definitely like Gilgamesh from "Fate: Stay Night". He is arrogant, arrogant, but at the same time has unique abilities, thanks to which he has no equal on the battlefield.