The main tasks of choreography in kindergarten. Dances and choreography in kindergarten

Most adults think that dance classes is a waste of time. Especially if their child will be in kindergarten dance, and not do extra math. Are they right? The answer is unequivocal - no.

Dancing is an interesting and enjoyable activity. Through in kindergarten solves a huge number of problems related to the development of small and gross motor skills, musical ear, flexibility and smoothness of movements, the ability to work in pairs, teamwork, discipline, creativity, intelligence and memory. And most importantly, dance allows the child to have a good time.

in kindergarten give the right load on the heart, perfectly train all muscle groups, joints, vestibular apparatus, form the correct posture.

But it is worth remembering that it is recommended to practice dancing with three years. It must be understood that at preschool age, the foundations of personal, mental and physical development. In this type of activity, children memorize dance compositions, learn to interact with each other, improvise and navigate correctly in space.

The teacher, conducting dancing in kindergarten introduces children to the cultural heritage of their country through folk dances. In addition, children love to perform rhythmic movements to modern music, one of the directions is. And it doesn’t matter if the child moves correctly or not, the most important thing is to express yourself through the performance of movements to the music.

When organizing classes, he should not keep the child within certain limits, he is obliged to give only a positive assessment of his actions.

At 4-5 years old, children learn simple movements and simple dance compositions. At 6-7 years old, they master more complex movements with the involvement of props. Children demonstrate their talents at holidays and recreational activities. Parents are delighted with the performances of little dancers. Showcase your skill and talent large audience allows you to get rid of stiffness, feelings of fear, which will undoubtedly come in handy in the future.

Elements of choreography are used in a theatrical production for a more open and vivid development of the plot.

Psychologists have long proven the fact that children who are engaged in this type of activity are ahead of their peers in development, are successful in their studies, mathematical and logical representations, speech, and the ability to quickly navigate in space develop better.

It helps to develop such personality traits as diligence, purposefulness, organization. Children who are closed in themselves become sociable and liberated. This type activities can help solve even some psychological problems, therefore, very often mentally retarded children are recorded in special dance circles.

The role of choreography in the development of the child is important and multifaceted. in health promotion, physical strength it harmoniously, evenly and with the same degree of activity develops all muscle groups, including the facial ones (facial expressions).

The child quickly learns various genres of music (waltz, polka, march), if this is supported by movements, combinations.

Choreography provides the following opportunities in the development and upbringing of the child:

  • develops a child's sense of orientation and placement in space;
  • forms social behavior in the spirit of humane values ​​and norms;
  • a sense of mutual assistance;
  • responsibility for correct performance.

The purpose of choreography classes in a preschool institution:

The first is to teach children free coordination of movements, the ability to control their bodies, to perform various movements to the music. Here it is important to use the method of improvisation. To teach a sense of space, orientation on the stage.

The second is the conscious performance of both a separate movement and a dance as a whole; getting satisfaction from classes, matinee.

The third is freedom of expression of emotions and facial expressions. Expressive skills. creative imagination through imaginative thinking.

Basic requirements for the work of a choreographer in kindergarten

1. Availability during execution and literacy in the selection of movements.

2. Variety and load regulation.

The choreographer needs to create several sets of movements, various exercises, guided by the principle “from simple to complex”.

The complex should include movements and exercises that develop various groups muscles, coordination, attention, breathing, joint mobility, rhythmic movements.

Each set of exercises must be age category children, their physical abilities.

It is necessary to change the selection of exercises every month: repetition of movements, the exercise should be performed no more than 8 times.

3. Imagery in explaining and showing.

4. Visualization in teaching.

Strive to show movement in a lively and interesting way. Find movements that are associated with animals, birds, things, objects. The choreographer himself must perform all the movements and exercises with full force along with the children.

5. Clear rhythmic and diverse musical accompaniment.

6. Use and application of items.

7. Mandatory presence of emotional coloring of classes.

Choreographers are encouraged to conduct classes in a playful environment. Do not set as a goal “just today to learn this movement”, but introduce it regularly, unobtrusively. Conduct classes at a good pace and rhythm; mood and emotional uplift are important.

8. Create conditions for self-expression of each child.

Basic requirements for composing and staging dances and dance etudes in a preschool institution

1. Consider psychological and age features in the behavior and movement of the child.

2. Take into account the interest of children, their enthusiasm, motor skills.

When staging dances, choreographers have the concept of “empty dance”, or “dance for the sake of dancing” - that is, dances that do not carry meaning, image, idea, thought, etc.

I would like to warn choreographers working in kindergartens against composing such dances. All activities of a preschooler, regardless of age, are connected with the game. He has a huge range of fantasy in the game. It is enough to watch his game and, using his interests, passion, compose dances.

Types and forms of dance choreographic compositions

1. Dancing with objects - you can use cubes, balls, dolls, "sultans", chairs and other objects.

The main thing that you need to pay attention to when staging a dance is the variety of positions of objects in the hands, their use, and the variety of patterns.

(For example: "Lozhkari" - with chairs, with sultans, with cubes, with ropes.)

2. Dance game - based on the plot of a particular game. (For example: "Teasers", "Assholes", "Cat and Mouse".)

3. Choreographic pictures - at the heart of the dance is the content of any event or action.

In this form, the plot of the song is of great help in staging the dance and selecting movements. (For example: “Morning”, “Red, red, freckled”, “Fishing with the cat Leopold”, “First class”, “And in our yard”, “Boys-girls”, etc.)

4. Dance-image - the dance is based on images of insects, animals, objects, their type of activity or behavior. (For example: Ants, Honey mushrooms, Sunflowers, Sparrows, Grasshoppers, Bunnies, Snowmen, Chanterelles.)

5. Dances of the peoples of the world: Spanish dance, Jewish dance, "Flowers of India", "African rhythms", "Brazilian modern rhythms", etc.

6. Folk dances: "Carousel" (Russian dance), "Quadrille" (Russian dance), "Shaker" (Belarusian dance), "Eskimos" (dance of the peoples of the North).

7. ballroom dancing: waltz, tango.

8. Historical and everyday dances: “Minuet”, “Polonaise”, etc.

9. Modern choreography: "Happiness", "Duet", "Vernissage".

10. Choreographic compositions for fragments from ballets: The Nutcracker, Cipollino, Moidodyr, etc.

As musical accompaniment, you can use instrumental music, folk music, cartoon songs, classical music, children's songs.

It should be taken into account that there should be no more than three or four such rearrangements, depending on the age of the children, on the skills they have acquired, such as, for example:

  • side step forward, backward;
  • jumping from one foot to the other.

For children 6-7 years old, the previously learned should be added:

  • polka step;
  • waltz step;
  • complicated jumps in coordination with the arms, turn of the torso, head;
  • small steps.

Methodological techniques

Only in teaching practice the choreographer masters the technique in all its complexity, and then he develops his own style.

When conducting rhythm lessons, it is necessary to observe the course of classes, freely experiment: apply this or that technique and try to create new choreographic elements.

Excessive saturation of classes with the use of a variety of methodological techniques should be avoided. They can be resorted to gradually and only in specific cases.

Tasks of work by age groups

for children 4 years old

  • teach to move in accordance with the diverse nature of the music;
  • to distinguish and accurately convey in movements the beginning and end of musical phrases, parts and a piece of music as a whole;
  • to teach to convey the simplest rhythmic pattern in movements, to develop the accuracy of movements;
  • develop creativity, the ability to act expressively with an imaginary object;
  • teach children internal composure, smartness, maintain correct posture.

for children 5 years old

  • to teach to emotionally convey game images, to move expressively;
  • to teach independence in performing movements;
  • to introduce elements of folk stage dance, historical and everyday dance into the learning process;
  • to consolidate the ability to freely navigate in space;
  • achieve ease, ease in the performance of movements.

for children 6 years old:

  • learn to listen and independently change the rhythmic pattern;
  • develop a sense of ensemble, synchronicity;
  • introduce elements of classical dance, modern dance into the learning process;
  • diversify the choreography training program through the introduction different forms and types of dances and choreographic compositions.

Choreography classes will help introduce your child to the art of dancing, develop the ability to improvise to music, acting skills, form posture, physical form, flexibility, coordination of movements, concentration of attention, will develop the ability to control their body.

The sense of rhythm and the ability to respond creatively to music are innate in children. IN preschool period it is important to pay enough attention to this aspect and actively develop dance talent. Rhythm and choreography in kindergarten Development XXI age” will help each pupil to master basic skills, beautiful movements and techniques, to reveal their potential with ease and pleasure.

Active movement: the basis of vitality and health

Choreography and musical development in kindergarten provide positive influence on physical state and children's well-being. Each branch of our network employs talented educators who use adapted methods and effective training programs that work in a complex way:

  • form a muscular corset, a healthy and beautiful posture;
  • teach the art of self-control and improvisation to music;
  • develop flexibility, coordination of movements, concentration;
  • develop confidence in their own strengths and abilities;
  • prevent the development of many diseases.

Our teachers use various exercises that improve blood circulation, strengthen the musculoskeletal system and immunity, normalize sleep and contribute to the harmonious development of the body. Choreography classes in kindergarten help avoid health problems, A pleasant emotions, which cause rhythmic movements to music, improve mood and overall well-being.

Choreography: emotional and psychological aspects of training

For any child aged 2 to 6 years, it is extremely important to find an adequate way to relieve emotional stress. Often, behavioral problems are related precisely to the fact that the baby simply does not know how to use his unbridled energy with benefit and pleasure. Choreography in the kindergarten "Development of the XXI century" is carried out with several goals:

  • introducing pupils to the culture of active and pleasant pastime;
  • development of an important ability to effectively express oneself and one's skills;
  • development of acting skills, the ability to transform in the process of dancing;
  • alternation intellectual exercises with physical activity.

Classes are structured in such a way that each participant has the opportunity not only to learn something new and interesting, but also to get rid of psychological stress, discomfort, enslavement and various complexes. The integral approach and attention of teachers allow gently correct problems with behavior and sociability solving them in the most constructive way and achieving successful results.

Acquaintance with musical culture

Mastering Magic world music through various dances, children learn to feel sounds and rhythm, correlate them with certain emotions and sensations. Regular choreography classes in kindergarten will introduce kids to the masterpieces of world classics and modern works, and will also allow:

  • develop your own dance preferences;
  • distinguish and evaluate musical trends;
  • develop the ability to perceive sounds emotionally.

Choreography lessons in the kindergarten of our network all children can attend without restrictions. The programs are compiled by experienced specialists, so boys and girls of different ages will definitely like it.

Optimal conditions for the development of dance talents

We offer parents of preschoolers professional help V harmonious education and development of children. Dance classes in kindergarten are held:

  • in a fun and exciting game form, which avoids overwork and stress;
  • in spacious, warm, bright and well-ventilated rooms equipped with mirrors;
  • under the guidance of the best specialists in Moscow in early development including choreography.

Even if your baby does not show a pronounced interest in dancing and music, it is worth introducing him to new opportunities for self-realization. We will do everything to ensure that attending choreographic classes brings maximum benefit and joy to each pupil.

“Why do we need choreography in kindergarten?”

Choreography is an art loved by children. And to work with them means to give the child your life and spiritual experience to introduce the little person to the world of beauty.

Choreographic art has a rare opportunity impact on the child's worldview. Viewing performances, videos dedicated to dance - all this is necessary and important.

The most effective is the children's own choreographic activity, where each child becomes an actor for a while, creatively comprehending what is happening.

The teacher must be able to instill in each child moral qualities, be able to understand inner world every child, to be able to penetrate this world, to become a person who reveals to the baby the beauty of dance, music - this is what a teacher working in a preschool institution should be like. In addition to exactingness to children, exactingness to oneself is necessary. And here everything matters: intonation, look, mood, appearance.

A child is easily hurt by a shout, a rude, tactless remark. But it's just as easy to lose his trust, unnecessarily touched by his successes. When communicating with children, you need a friendly, respectful, calm intonation. Every child should feel that they believe in him, love him and understand him.

Choreography training is always a dialogue between a teacher and a child.

Musical accompaniment plays a primary role in the classroom. The musical works used to accompany the lesson are very diverse: by genre, style, form, size, tempo, etc. But with all this, musical works are accessible to the understanding of children, they are musical, expressive, awaken their imagination and imagination. All this allows children to form the most complete picture of the diversity musical works, enrich them with emotional and aesthetic experiences, helps in educating musical taste.

In order for the educational process of children 4-7 years old to be effective, in choreography classes, the leading type of activity of a preschool child is used to the maximum - the game. Using game exercises, imitative movements, plot-creative sketches enhance the emotional perception of music by children and help to solve the tasks more fully and comprehensively.

Separate gaming exercises can be used in the classroom as dynamic pauses - physical education minutes - if a sufficiently large part of the lesson is spent sitting on chairs; or vice versa - for relaxation - if the whole lesson is carried out at a sufficiently high pace and involves many movements.

Complexes of gaming exercises are included in various parts of the lesson: in the warm-up or in the whole lesson. Complexes are united by a plot, theme or object - an attribute with which movements are performed.

In the work on the expressiveness of movements, on plasticity, on the emotional saturation of the image, chemical movements are included in the classes, which are very valuable for preschool age. An aesthetic taste is formed, thereby helping to harmonize the inner world of the child. Movements to music are considered as essential tool development of the child's bodily experience and, consequently, the development of his personality as a whole.

Choreography classes are designed to:

Develop strength, endurance, agility, flexibility, coordination of movements, the ability to overcome difficulties, temper the will;

improve children's health;

Contribute to the formation of a sense of rhythm, tempo, performing skills in dance and artistic taste;

To form beautiful manners, gait, posture, expressiveness of body movements;

Get rid of shyness, tightness, complexes;

Learn to celebrate the success of others.

Need in motor activity in children up to school age so great that doctors call this period the "age of motor extravagance."

And it is choreography classes that help to creatively realize this need.

It should be noted that children involved in choreography are much less likely to get sick than their peers. And if the classes are conducted competently, thoughtfully, then they will definitely cause in children positive emotions, desire to engage.

It is childhood that is especially receptive to the beautiful - music, dance. And this allows us to look at choreographic education as an important and desired process development of children in preschool.

    Rhythm lessons in kindergarten.

I know that there are many choreographers working in kindergartens on the site, so today I decided to touch on the topic: “The specifics of the work of a choreographer in a preschool educational institution” and find out if the work of a choreographer, say in a recreation center, children's art school, school, and other institutions, differs from the work of a choreographer specifically in the preschool.

I didn’t have a lot of experience in kindergarten, though not long, but I learned something from this experience. So, I will try to analyze my work, what I liked, what I didn’t, what mistakes I made in this direction and give some advice on this. Well, and you Dear colleagues working in kindergartens, join the conversation.

Basically, as far as I know, choreographers in preschool educational institutions work on a commercial basis, because such a position is not provided for in kindergarten. Although there preschool institutions who manage to hire a choreographer and this causes, in me personally, respect for the head of the preschool educational institution.

At one time, as the bulk of choreographers, I worked in a kindergarten on a commercial basis. In my opinion, I gave 30% of the proceeds for rent, because worked in music hall kindergarten. There were no problems at all to agree with the head of the beginning of classes. She accepted my offer with enthusiasm. Agreed on working conditions, too, quickly.

The only thing I expected to come to the children's classes in the morning, but the headmaster said that in the morning the children have so many activities, walks, games and this time is not suitable for them. As a result, agreed on 16 hours.

She hung up recruitment announcements, agreed with the educators that they write down everyone who wants to study in a separate list. Set a day and time parent meeting.

There were a lot of people who wanted to do it. In any case, the teachers gave me an impressive list, and this despite the fact that I only made a set of children 5-6 years old.

After analyzing why parents so actively enrolled children in classes, I concluded that choreography in kindergarten is very convenient for parents. Children while in the garden will work out and after the kindergarten they no longer need to be taken anywhere and wait at the door of the choreographic hall for an hour, but you can immediately go home. Thus, for parents, these classes are generally painless, in terms of time.

Well, I didn't digress much...

Time X has come, i.e. parent meeting day. There was no limit to my surprise, as many as 4 people from all the enrolled brethren came to the meeting. Well, held a meeting for those who were. She told everything. Scheduled class time.

The work day has begun. Oddly enough, virtually all those who signed up came to the classes, from time to time someone was sick. But the bulk of them went well. Coming to kindergarten and preparing for the lesson, I myself went and took the children from the groups to the hall.

We did ground gymnastics, I conducted musical-rhythmic exercises and games, in general, the whole so-called complex of works that is required at this age.

But the behavior of the children was disgusting. This was surprising, because in the classroom at the main place of work I did not have such a problem. One can only guess about the reasons. Maybe the reason was that there were too many children. In general, I decided to divide them into 2 groups. Divided. It has become much easier and easier to do, but desired result I still didn’t reach it, i.e. behavior still suffered, just not on the same scale as before. But it still didn't sit well with me.

I noted the children every lesson and at the end of the month I submitted to the group teachers a list of those who attended my classes during the month. I must say that the collection of money lasted for a whole month, someone carried the money for two months, and someone did not pay.

OK. It was November outside and I began to put on a dance of snowflakes for the girls. It turned out not bad. But ... I, who always worked with school-age children, did not take into account the fact that kids often get sick.

closer to New Year's holiday began! Of the 8 dancers, only 3 or 4 healthy ones remained. We continued to rehearse no matter what. But the most interesting thing is that everyone came to the holiday! And EVERYONE got up to dance and began to “perform”! They taught him, they danced this dance, and the fact that they were at a couple of rehearsals is nonsense. I was in mild shock. They danced on the principle of someone remembering something ...

All in all, New Year holidays I could hardly wait and vowed never to work in a kindergarten again. And I stayed there for exactly 3 months.

What mistakes have I made?

1. Before taking a child to classes, it is imperative to talk with parents. If they could not come to the meeting, then meet in person. To be sure that they are satisfied with your working conditions and payment terms.

2. Time 16.00 is not the best best time for gardening. Children after sleep, who are relaxed, someone, on the contrary, is too excited, someone is just tired by the end of the day and does not want anything.

3. It is better to take payment for a month in advance. Who paid? those children you take to classes. Otherwise, you won't get paid.

4. The inconvenience of working in the garden for me was also in the fact that communication with parents took place mainly through the teacher, and not directly. This weakens the responsibility of parents for both paying and attending classes. Everything on your territory passes through you.

5. When children come to the choreographic hall, they come to you. This is not their territory and they are more restrained than in kindergarten, where you are their guest.

6. If for some reason the child did not come to the kindergarten, then he will not be 100% present at the classes either. If classes are held in another place, then there is a chance that the child will be brought. And your number will be danced, as expected.

7. The choreographic hall, the form and the mother outside the door discipline themselves. Children are more collected.

For many years I recruited preschoolers, but I worked with them in my choreographic hall. Having worked in a kindergarten, I concluded that it is better when children come to me than when I come to them.

At first glance, there is no difference. If you follow the laws of mathematics, it seems like the sum does not change from the rearrangement of the terms, but in this case it turned out that there is a difference. At least for me.

My experience, of course, is not an indicator! Kindergarten is just not for me! Otherwise, it would be possible to try to correct them after analyzing my mistakes and work further, but I did not want to.

DOW choreographers, join the conversation!

Sincerely, Natalia Dovbysh